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SUBMISSION 0f ‘ICE M0de I: Project f0r Basic Psychology’

(March 2024)
Submitted by:

PRN: 21010224030

Pr0gram: BBA.LLB.
Divisi0n: A

Year: 3rd
Batch: 2021-26

Semester: VI

Symbi0sis Law Sch00l, NOIDA

Symbi0sis Internati0nal (Deemed University), Pune

Submitted t0:

Ms. Jiya Khatri

(Asst. Professor)


The Project on “Status Anxiety” was presented to the Symbiosis Law School,
NOIDA for Company Law II as part of Internal Continuous. This assessment is
based on my research under Ms. Jiya Khatri’s supervision.

The contents of the submission are original and not plagiarized. The material
borrowed from other sources and incorporated in the submission has been duly

I have also taken due care that the contents of my submission are not similar or
the same as another learner’s submission for the aforesaid course.

I understand that I could be held responsible and accountable for plagiarism, if

any, even if detected later.


Date: 13/03/2024


First, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Ms. Jiya Khatri for
helping me and being my guiding light for this project. They provided me
with valuable insight, which aided me in understanding all the basics of
this project and also helped me with any doubts I had regarding the

I would also like to thank the library department and academic support of
Symbiosis Law School, Noida, for providing me with different research
sources and materials to help make my project with the best of originality.

I would also like to thank Symbiosis Law School, Noida, for providing me
with this project so that I could understand the basic information
regarding Company Law satisfactorily and in full detail.


Our research 0n "Status Anxiety" via the prism 0f psych0analytic the0ry, namely
Freudian psych0dynamic the0ry and the Ne0-Freudian appr0ach. This study pr0ject
dives int0 the c0mplexities 0f human psych0l0gy as represented in the d0cumentary by
Alain de B0tt0n, th0r0ughly examining status anxiety, defensive mechanisms, and
ethical implicati0ns.

As we begin this expediti0n, the d0cumentary will serve as 0ur primary s0urce 0f
0bservati0n and analysis. We will dec0nstruct the numer0us facets 0f status anxiety
0ffered, evaluating individual behavi0rs, s0cial pressures, and psych0l0gical resp0nses
using Freudian and Ne0-Freudian framew0rks.

0ur j0urney begins with an intr0ducti0n 0f psych0analysis, tracing its 0rigins back t0
Sigmund Freud and the essential assumpti0n 0f digging int0 the unc0nsci0us mind t0
c0mprehend human behavi0r. F0ll0wing that, we will l00k at defensive mechanisms
and h0w they might help y0u c0pe with and manage y0ur status anxiety. Using
examples fr0m the d0cumentary, we will dem0nstrate h0w defensive mechanisms
emerge in real-life circumstances and examine their ramificati0ns fr0m a ne0-Freudian

Furtherm0re, this initiative critically examines h0w psych0analytic the0ry is applied t0

understanding and treating status anxiety. By studying the d0cumentary's p0rtrayal 0f
the the0ry's strengths and sh0rtc0mings, we h0pe t0 better understand its significance
in current s0ciety.

We will als0 examine the d0cumentary's practical less0ns, particularly th0se related t0
ethics, human wants, and s0cietal c0nventi0ns. In this research, we h0pe t0 pr0vide
insights int0 neg0tiating the difficulties 0f status anxiety and supp0rting pers0nal
gr0wth in an increasingly status-c0nsci0us w0rld.

In sh0rt, this study initiative aims t0 impr0ve 0ur understanding 0f status anxiety and
its psych0l0gical r00ts. By c0mbining the0retical framew0rks with real-w0rld
0bservati0ns, we want t0 reveal unique insights ab0ut the human c0nditi0n and create
meaningful 0pp0rtunities f0r intr0specti0n and pr0gress.


Austrian neur0l0gist Sigmund Freud pi0neered psych0analysis in the late nineteenth

and early twentieth century. His w0rk established the f0undati0ns 0f c0ntemp0rary
psych0l0gy and psychiatry and 0ffered ideas that c0ntinue t0 affect 0ur kn0wledge 0f
the human mind, behavi0r, and mental health.

Freud's psych0analytic the0ry is based 0n the idea that unc0nsci0us desires and
c0nflicts r00ted in early experiences significantly impact human c0nduct. He pr0p0sed
that m0st 0f what m0tivates us exists 0utside 0ur awareness, manifesting in dreams,
slips 0f the t0ngue, and seemingly inexplicable activities. By diving int0 the
unc0nsci0us, Freud h0ped t0 reveal the unseen f0rces affecting 0ur ideas, feelings, and

Freud's the0ry is based 0n the human psyche's tripartite structure, which includes the
id, eg0, and supereg0. The id, which represents primitive impulses and wants, f0ll0ws
the pleasure principle and seeks instant fulfillment. In c0ntrast, the eg0, which emerges
in infancy, mediates between the id's desires and the needs 0f reality, as guided by the
reality principle. Finally, the supereg0 represents internalized cultural n0rms and m0ral
standards, aiming f0r perfecti0nism and m0ral purity.

Acc0rding t0 Freud, c0nflicts and tensi0ns between these psychic energies cause anxiety
and psych0l0gical suffering. F0r example, the eg0's battle t0 balance the id's urges with
the supereg0's m0ral mandates can result in inner c0nflict and neur0tic sympt0ms.

Freud's psych0analytic the0ry pr0vides significant insights int0 the c0mplicated
w0rkings 0f the human mind, shedding light 0n the c0mplexity 0f human behavi0r and
the r00t causes 0f psych0l0gical phen0mena. By investigating the interacti0n 0f
unc0nsci0us urges and c0nsci0us c0gniti0n, Freud cleared the path f0r a better
understanding 0f the human psyche and its significant effect 0n 0ur lives.


01. F0under 0f Psych0analysis &Premise 0f Psych0analysis.

A fundamental assumpti0n 0f psych0analysis is that m0st human behavi0r is m0tivated

by unc0nsci0us wants and c0nflicts. Acc0rding t0 Freud, pe0ple are frequently
0blivi0us t0 the deep-seated f0rces affecting their th0ughts and acti0ns, which leads t0
psych0l0gical dis0rders such as anxiety, sadness, and neur0sis. At the center 0f Freud's
the0ry is the unc0nsci0us mind, which c0ntains repressed mem0ries, desires, and
impulses that str0ngly impact c0nsci0us behavi0r.

0ne fundamental aspect 0f Freud's framew0rk is the divisi0n 0f the mind int0 three
distinct realms: the c0nsci0us, prec0nsci0us, and unc0nsci0us. Freud argued that the
unc0nsci0us serves as a reserv0ir f0r suppressed ideas, em0ti0ns, and experiences,
pr0f0undly shaping c0nsci0us th0ught and behavi0r. This c0ncept undersc0res the
intricate interplay between mindful awareness and hidden psych0l0gical f0rces.

An0ther critical c0mp0nent 0f Freudian the0ry is the c0ncept 0f defense mechanisms

empl0yed by individuals t0 safeguard themselves against threatening 0r anxiety-
inducing th0ughts and em0ti0ns. Examples 0f such mechanisms include suppressi0n
and denial, which shield the c0nsci0us mind fr0m distressing material 0riginating in
the unc0nsci0us.

Freud's the0ry als0 delves int0 the stages 0f psych0l0gical devel0pment, p0siting that
pers0nality f0rmati0n 0ccurs thr0ugh a series 0f phases characterized by distinct
er0gen0us z0nes and acc0mpanying c0nflicts. Res0lving these c0nflicts during each

stage influences the devel0pment 0f enduring pers0nality traits and behavi0ral

Central t0 Freud's expl0rati0n 0f psych0sexual devel0pment is the 0edipus c0mplex, a

f0undati0nal c0ncept that suggests y0ung children harb0r unc0nsci0us sexual desires
f0r the parent 0f the 0pp0site sex while viewing the same-sex parent as a rival. This
c0mplex, named after the myth0l0gical figure 0edipus, plays a piv0tal r0le in shaping
early psych0sexual devel0pment.

Dream analysis is significant in Freudian the0ry, with dreams c0nsidered wind0ws int0
the unc0nsci0us mind. Acc0rding t0 Freud, dreams pr0vide insights int0 individuals'
underlying desires, fears, and c0nflicts, as manifested thr0ugh symb0lic imagery and
latent c0ntent. By interpreting dreams, individuals may better understand their
innerm0st psych0l0gical w0rkings and unres0lved issues.


Freud’s the0ries can help understand status anxiety, a dread 0f s0cial judgment, and
0bsessi0n with 0ne’s perceived s0cial p0siti0n. Acc0rding t0 psych0analytic the0ry,
status anxiety arises fr0m unc0nsci0us sentiments 0f inadequacy, insecurity, and

Individuals with status anxiety may use a variety 0f defense meth0ds t0 deal with their
underlying em0ti0ns 0f vulnerability. F0r example, s0me0ne may pr0ject c0nfidence
and success t0 c0nceal feelings 0f inadequacy, while an0ther may seek validati0n and
praise fr0m 0thers t0 b00st their self-esteem.

F0r the 0ther part 0f the assignment, Defense mechanisms are psych0l0gical meth0ds
that pe0ple use instinctively t0 shield themselves against negative feelings, ideas, 0r
urges. These unc0nsci0us mechanisms help t0 reduce anxiety and preserve
psych0l0gical stability. In the d0cumentary 0n status anxiety, numer0us defense
mechanisms may be n0ticed via the lens 0f the n0n-Freudian appr0ach:

1. Pr0jecti0n is a defense technique that includes attributing unwanted ideas,
feelings, 0r urges t0 0thers. F0r example, a pers0n suffering fr0m status anxiety
may pr0ject feelings 0f inadequacy 0n their peers by criticizing 0r insulting them
f0r perceived flaws.
2. Sublimati0n channels wanted em0ti0ns 0r urges int0 s0cially acceptable
0ccupati0ns 0r interests. In status anxiety, s0me0ne may channel their feelings
0f inadequacy int0 a desire f0r success 0r achievement in their pr0fessi0nal 0r
pers0nal endeav0rs.
3. Rati0nalism is the pr0cess 0f pr0viding rati0nal explanati0ns 0r reas0ns f0r
0therwise undesired behavi0rs 0r attitudes. F0r example, pe0ple may justify
their lack 0f s0cial standing by fav0ring 0ther qualities, such as authenticity 0r
4. Displacement redirects em0ti0nal impulses fr0m their s0urce t0 a less
danger0us target. In the d0cumentary, a pers0n suffering fr0m status anxiety
may pr0ject their anger 0r dissatisfacti0n 0nt0 irrelevant targets, such as family
members 0r c0w0rkers.

Acc0rding t0 the Ne0-Freudian perspective 0f status anxiety, these defense mechanisms

are adaptive techniques created t0 manage the intricacies 0f s0cial life while pr0tecting
0ne’s self-esteem. Understanding h0w individuals use these meth0ds t0 c0pe with
feelings 0f inferi0rity 0r insecurity all0ws Ne0-Freudian the0rists t0 gain insight int0
the underlying psych0l0gical dynamics driving status anxiety and its influence 0n
pe0ple’s behavi0r and well-being.

03. Critique 0f the psych0analysis the0ry:

The d0cumentary "Status Anxiety" is a captivating l00k at s0cietal pressures and

individual w0rries, emphasizing the imp0rtance 0f psych0analytic the0ry in
understanding human behavi0r and mental health. While psych0analysis pr0vides
valuable insights int0 underlying systems and defensive techniques, its use in treating
status anxiety may be scrutinized.

0ne criticism 0f psych0analysis in the c0ntext 0f status anxiety is its dependence 0n
subjective interpretati0ns and a lack 0f factual data t0 supp0rt its usefulness. C0ncepts
such as defensive mechanisms and unc0nsci0us c0nflicts are difficult t0 quantify
0bjectively, making it difficult t0 dem0nstrate their value in res0lving m0dern
difficulties like status anxiety.

Furtherm0re, psych0analysis frequently emphasizes internal psych0l0gical pr0cesses

while ign0ring m0re significant s0cial, cultural, and ec0n0mic issues that c0ntribute t0
status anxiety. The d0cumentary emphasizes the c0mplex interplay between cultural
expectati0ns, ec0n0mic inequities, and pers0nal desires, implying that psych0analytic
the0ry may require these m0re pr0minent fact0rs f0r a c0mplete understanding.

Despite these limits, psych0analysis may pr0vide valuable insights int0 the underlying
psych0l0gical pr0cesses that feed status anxiety, devel0ping self-awareness and
understanding 0f 0ne's anxieties. H0wever, its efficacy may be increased when
c0mbined with 0ther treatment meth0ds, such as c0gnitive-behavi0ral therapy. A
mixed appr0ach, which addresses b0th internal psych0l0gical causes and external
stresses, pr0vides a m0re c0mprehensive f0undati0n f0r res0lving status anxiety in
t0day's culture.



The d0cumentary "Status Anxiety" pr0vides valuable insights int0 ethical issues, needs,
and wants related t0 status anxiety, challenging viewers t0 rec0nsider s0ciety's
standards and pers0nal beliefs. First and f0rem0st, it emphasizes the ethical 0bligati0n
that c0mes with media p0rtrayal and narrative. D0cumentaries c0nsiderably affect
public 0pini0n and c0nversati0n; thus, it is critical t0 give balanced viewp0ints that
respect the aut0n0my and dignity 0f pe0ple dealing with status anxiety.

Sec0nd, the d0cumentary expl0res the difference between wants and desires,
emphasizing the negative impacts 0f s0ciety's pressures t0 adhere t0 materialistic

n0rms. By highlighting individuals wh0 questi0n c0nventi0nal c0ncepts 0f success and
pleasure, the d0cumentary invites viewers t0 c0nsider their g0als and beliefs,
enc0uraging a better understanding 0f actual wants against extrinsic expectati0ns.

M0re0ver, the d0cumentary stimulates disc0urse 0n ethical c0nsumerism and the

pursuit 0f status symb0ls. Addressing the psych0l0gical t0ll 0f perpetual c0mpetiti0n
and c0mparis0n pr0mpts viewers t0 reassess their c0nsumpti0n habits and pri0ritize
intrinsic values 0ver external validati0n.

The d0cumentary catalyzes ethical c0ntemplati0n and s0cietal dial0gue, urging viewers
t0 scrutinize s0cietal n0rms and cultivate empathy f0r th0se grappling with status
anxiety. Pr0m0ting ethical awareness and critical thinking emp0wers individuals t0
make m0re c0nscienti0us ch0ices and pursue fulfillment 0n their terms.


In my c0nclusi0n, the d0cumentary "Status Anxiety" 0ffers valuable insights int0 the
ethical quandaries, expectati0ns, and ambiti0ns c0nnected with the pervasive issue 0f
status anxiety in m0dern s0ciety. The d0cumentary enc0urages viewers t0 c0nsider
their principles and pri0rities by delving int0 media p0rtrayal, cultural pressures, and
c0nsumer behavi0r. Exp0sing a variety 0f viewp0ints and st0ries f0sters understanding
and c0mpassi0n f0r th0se dealing with status anxiety, resulting in a m0re
c0mpassi0nate and inclusive c0mmunity.

Furtherm0re, "Status Anxiety" enc0urages viewers t0 rec0nsider traditi0nal

c0nventi0ns and reimagine their definiti0ns 0f success and pleasure. It pr0m0tes
th0ughtful c0nsumpti0n and reevaluati0n 0f essential values, pri0ritizing pers0nal
fulfillment and well-being 0ver external validati0n. The d0cumentary enc0urages
reflecti0n and critical thinking, emp0wering pe0ple t0 make m0re th0ughtful decisi0ns
and achieve true pleasure 0n their terms.


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