Anxiety Disorders

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Can start as early as Pharmacotherapy
preschool and may occur at Psychotherapy:
Attachment Figure (someone Persistent 4 weeks in children any time during childhood - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to
1. Separation Anxiety
important) will be in danger; with help understand and manage fears
somatic complains to stop separation Typically, 6 months in adults Rarely in Adolescence; - Exposure Therapy by carefully
often develops after life exposing patients to separation
stress - Relaxation Techniques
Usually, <5 years Psychotherapy:
Persistent failure to speak in social
- Behavior Therapy involves
situations not attributable to lack of
1 month (not limited to 1st month of Disturbance may not come gradually exposing a child to
knowledge of, or comfort with, the
school) to clinical attention until increasingly difficult speaking
spoken language; can participate in
2. Selective Mutism entry into school tasks in the context of a supportive
physical activities
Not better explained by a relationship
communication disorder May disappear, but
Speaks normally in the presence of
symptoms of Social Anxiety
immediate family members
Disorder may remain
6 months or more - Behavior Therapy involves
exposing serially to a
Average individual: three predetermined list of anxiety-
objects/situations provoking stimuli graded in
Develops following a
hierarchy from least to the most
traumatic event (observed,
Multiple specific phobia that must be frightening (systematic
unexpected or informational
intense or severe that causes clinically desensitization); intensive
Phobia is an excessive fear of a specific transmission)
significant distress exposure (flooding)
object, circumstance, or situation;
- Insight- Oriented Therapy
whilst Specific Phobia is a strong Usually <10 years, mostly
Clinicians should take note of the enables patient to understand the
3. Specific Phobia (immediate, active avoidance), develop in childhood and
following in diagnosing Specific origin of the phobia, the
persisting fear of an identified object or adolescence, but can
Phobia in children: (1) expressing phenomenon of secondary gain,
situation (usually with expected panic develop at any age
fear or anxiety by crying, tantrums, and the role of resistance and
freezing or clinging; (2) not able to enables them to seek healthy ways
Many individuals with
understand the concept of avoidance; of dealing with anxiety- provoking
Specific Phobia are unable
(3) assess the degree of impairment stimuli
to recall the onset
and the duration of the fear, anxiety, - Virtual Therapy exposes patients
or avoidance, and whether it is typical on the computer screen to interact
for the child’s particular with phobic object or situation
developmental stage - Other therapeutic modalities such
as hypnosis, to enhance the
therapist’s suggestion that the
phobic object is not dangerous;
self- hypnosis as a method of
relaxation in phobic situations;
family therapy, to help the patient
confront the phobic object by
6 months or more Pharmacotherapy
Marked fear or anxiety of social
situations due to the individual’s fear of
Not attributed to physiological effects - Behavioral and Cognitive methods
being negatively evaluation that will
of a substance or another medical Median onset is 13 years such as cognitive retraining,
4. Social Anxiety lead to rejection
condition old. (Usually 8 to 15 years desensitization, rehearsal during
old) sessions and a range of homework
Specify if the fear is restricted to
In children, the anxiety must occur in assignments
speaking or performing in public
peer settings, and must take note of
the expression of anxiety/fear
A panic attack is an abrupt surge of Pharmacotherapy
A. Unidentified and unexpected intense fear or intense discomfort that Psychotherapy:
following any of the Panic Attack reaches a peak within minutes, and - Cognitive Therapy includes
Median onset is 20-24 years
Specifier: during which time four (or more) of instruction about patient’s false
old; few cases begin in
the Panic Attack Specifier occur beliefs and information about
5. Panic Disorder childhood; onset age of 45
B. Persistent concern/worry about panic attacks
years old is unusual, but can
additional panic attacks or their Atleast one of the Panic Attack
consequences; significant maladaptive Specifier has been followed by 1
change in behavior related to the attacks month (or more) of one of the B

A. Marked fear or anxiety of specific Psychotherapy:
Majority of the individuals
situations due to “fear of not able to - Supportive Psychotherapy
with panic disorder showed
escape” involves the use of psychodynamic
signs of agoraphobia and
6 months or more, with 2 or more concepts and a therapeutic alliance
anxiety before the onset of
These situations are actively avoided symptoms to promote adaptive coping
panic disorder
or may require the presence of a - Insight- Oriented Psychotherapy
6. Agoraphobia
companion Reasonable fears and age are different - Behavior therapy includes positive
Initial onset is 35 years;
: and negative reinforcement,
mean age is 17 years
1. Using public transportations Exclude short- lived and transient systematic desensitization,
2. Being in open spaces individuals flooding, exposure, relaxation,
Age onset w/o panic
3. Being in enclosed places self- monitoring
attacks/disorder is 25-29
4. Standing in line or being in crowd - Cognitive Therapy
5. Being outside of the home alone - Virtual Therapy
Excessive anxiety and worry of Pharmacotherapy
almost everything; finds it difficult to The median age is 30 years Psychotherapy:
control the worry - Behavior therapies
Excessive worry and - Cognitive therapies
Associated with these symptoms: anxiety may occur later in - Psychodynamic therapy
Have been present for more days
1. Restlessness/ feeling keyed up or on life, but manifested an
7. Generalized Anxiety than not for atleast 6 months, with 3
edge anxious temperament
Disorder or more associated symptoms in
2. Being easily fatigued
adults and 1 associated symptom in
3. Difficulty concentrating or mind Children and adolescents
going blank with GAD worry most that
4. Irritability concerns of their
5.Muscle tension performance
6. Sleep Disturbance
Substance/Medication, Due to Another
8. Other Anxiety
Medical Condition, Other Specified,

Panic Attack Specifier Frequency and Severity

1. Palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated heart - Moderately frequent (1/week)
rate - Short bursts (daily/weeks/months)
2. Sweating - Less frequent (2 per month)
3. Trembling or shaking - Full symptoms (4 or more) *
4. Sensations of shortness of breath or smothering - Limited symptom (<4)
5. Feelings of choking
6. Chest pain or discomfort * Full symptoms is required for the diagnosis of
7. Nausea or abdominal distress panic disorder
8. Feeling dizzy, unsteady, light-headed, or faint
9. Chills or heat sensations
10. Paresthesias (numbness or tingling sensations)
11.Derealization (feelings of unreality) or
depersonalization (being detached from one- self)
12. Fear of losing control or “going crazy”
13. Fear of dying

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