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Kosmowski Kazimierz T.

, 0000-0001-7341-6750
Gdańsk University of Technology, Gdańsk, Poland, kazkosmo{at}pg.edu.pl

Business continuity management framework for Industry 4.0 companies

regarding dependability and security of ICT and ICS/SCADA system

business continuity management, Industry 4.0, information technology, operational technology,
industrial control system, dependability, functional safety, cyber security, organisational culture

This chapter addresses a business continuity management (BCM) framework for the Industry 4.0 com-
panies including the organizational and technical solutions, regarding the dependability and security of
the information and telecommunication technology (ICT), and the industrial control system (ICS) / su-
pervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. These technologies and systems play nowadays
important roles in modern advanced manufacturing systems and process plants due to their openness to
external systems and networks using various communication channels. It gives on the one hand, some
advantages in effective realization of technological and business processes, logistics and distribution of
goods, but, on the other hand, makes the company assets and resources potentially vulnerable to some
threats with relevant risks. The chapter outlines some ideas related to designing a business continuity
management system (BCMS) based on defined processes and procedures. Such system includes planning
of changes in organization / industrial company, nonconformity issues, and planning corrective actions.
In a final part of this chapter the leadership importance, and staff awareness and responsibility are
emphasized to create a robust and healthy corporate culture based on accepted values, properly spread
among the employees. It is beneficial for shaping good organizational culture, and then safety and se-
curity culture. The BCM approach outlined in this chapter distinguishes both preventive and recovery
activities regarding suggestions in selected international standards and domain publications.

1. Introduction In this chapter a framework is proposed for the

BCM that enables to deal systematically with po-
An important issue in the Industry 4.0 companies
tential influences on the industrial plant’s depend-
(IS, 2019; Kosmowski, 2021) is the business con-
ability, safety, and security due to various reasons.
tinuity management (BCM) (ISO/DIS 22301,
A special attention is paid to the ICT and
2019) that requires careful consideration of vari-
ICT/SCADA systems that operate in industrial
ous aspects within an integrated RAMS&S (relia-
computer systems and networks using the wire
bility, availability, maintainability, safety, and se-
and lately also wireless communication channels.
curity) framework. In such analyses the risk eval-
These systems and networks have been consid-
uation and management in life cycle is of special
ered in some publications and reports from a con-
interest for both the industry and insurance com-
ceptual perspective of the systems engineering
panies (Gołębiewski & Kosmowski, 2017; Kos-
(SE, 2001; Kosmowski, 2020) or cyber-physical
mowski & Gołębiewski, 2019).
systems (CISA, 2020; Leitão et al., 2016). Some
These issues are also important in the domain of
research projects were undertaken concerning in-
performability engineering that has been stimu-
tegrated analyses and modelling of the ICS safety
lated by Misra for many years (Misra, 2021).
Safety and Reliability of Systems and Processes, Summer Safety and Reliability Seminar 2021.
© Gdynia Maritime University. All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.26408/srsp-2021-13.
Kosmowski Kazimierz T.

and security (MERgE, 2016; SESAMO, 2014). the continuation of business activities in the situ-
Interesting scientific works were also published ation of business disruption, and integrated man-
concerning the business continuity management, agement of the overall program through training,
for instance (Boehmer, 2009) and monograph exercises, and reviews, to ensure the business con-
(Zawiła-Niedźwiecki, 2013). tinuity plan(s) stays current and up to date.
The functional safety and cyber security issues of The organization should elaborate a process for
the industrial automation and control systems identifying and delivering the BCM awareness re-
(IACS) are often emphasized as especially im- quirements in the organization and evaluating its
portant in the design and operation of hazardous effectiveness. The BCM staff should make them-
plants (HSE, 2015; Kosmowski, 2020). selves aware of any external BCM related infor-
In this chapter current scientific issues are consid- mation. This may be done in conjunction with
ered from a general perspective of BCM regarding seeking guidance from emergency services, local
the dependability and security of ICT and authorities, and regulators (BS 25999–1, 2006).
ICS/SCADA systems with distinguishing re- Raising and maintaining awareness of BCM with
quired functionality and architectures of the infor- all the organization’s staff is important to ensure
mation technology (IT) and operational technol- that they are convinced about BCM importance to
ogy (OT) systems and networks (Kosmowski et the organization in changing conditions. They
al., 2019). These systems require effective con- should be also aware that this is a lasting initiative
vergence to obtain manufacturing functionality and has an ongoing support of the top manage-
and better effectiveness in realization of advanced ment.
business-related processes in Industry 4.0 compa-
nies. 2. Proactive strategy for business continuity
Some security-related issues of the industrial au- management
tomation and control system (IACS) are also con-
2.1. Business continuity management concept
sidered in the context of protection solutions pro-
and requirements
posed for improving its resilience and security ac-
cording to the standard IEC 62443 (IEC 62443, Business continuity management (BCM) is usu-
2018). The dependability and safety integrity of ally understood as the capability and specified ac-
the ICS safety-related part are usually analysed re- tivity of an organization to continue delivery of
garding a generic functional safety standard IEC products and/or services of required quality
61508 (IEC 61508, 2016). within acceptable time frames at predefined ca-
An approach is outlined for integrated functional pacity relating to the scale of potential disruptions
safety and cybersecurity management in life cycle (Gołębiewski & Kosmowski, 2017).
based on determining and verifying the safety in- A disruption is defined as an incident, whether an-
tegrity level (SIL) of the safety-related ICS sys- ticipated or unanticipated, that causes an un-
tem regarding the security assurance level (SAL) planned, negative deviation from the expected de-
assigned to relevant security domain. livery of products and services according to an or-
The main objective of this chapter is to outline ganization’s objective. The objective includes a
a conceptual framework for the business continu- result to be achieved and can be strategic, tactical,
ity management (BCM) regarding mentioned sys- or operational in relevant time horizon.
tems. It outlines a holistic management process The objective can be expressed in terms of an in-
that identifies potential hazards and threats to an tended outcome, a purpose, an operational crite-
organization and their potential impact on busi- rion, or using other words with similar meaning
ness operations that those threats, if realized, (e.g., aim, goal, or target). Objectives can be re-
might cause including disruptions with relevant lated to different disciplines such as financial,
losses. Its purpose is to provide a framework for health and safety, also environmental objectives
building organizational resilience and preparing to be applied at various activities, e.g., strategic,
an effective response of safeguards being im- organization-wide, project, product, and process
portant for the key stakeholders, authorities, (ISO/DIS 22303, 2019).
brand, reputation, and value-creating activities. For a business continuity management system
The BCM includes the recovery managing and/or (BCMS) to be designed and implemented in in-

Business continuity management framework for Industry 4.0 companies
regarding dependability and security of ICT and ICS/SCADA system

dustrial practice, some business continuity objec- Business impact analysis (BIA) is a process of an-
tives should be set by the organization, consistent alyzing the impact of a disruption on the organi-
with the business continuity policy, to achieve zation. The outcome is a statement and justifica-
specific objectives. Thus, the BCMS refers to a tion of business continuity requirements. Resili-
management system for supporting required busi- ence is understood as an ability to absorb and
ness continuity activities. It is known that an ef- adapt in a changing environment to avoid abnor-
fective management system includes the organi- mal and/or danger situations that can lead to haz-
zational structure, policies, planning activities, re- ardous events and major losses.
sponsibilities, processes and/or procedures, and An event can be occurrence or change of a partic-
required resources. The BCMS, like any other ular set of circumstances that could have several
modern management system, includes following causes and several consequences. An abnormal
components (ISO/DIS 22301, 2019): event due to a hazard or threat is considered as a
• policy, goals, knowledgeable staff, and compe- source of risk. An emergency is a result of sudden,
tent personnel with carefully defined roles and urgent, usually unexpected occurrence, or event
responsibilities, requiring immediate action. Emergency is under-
• management processes, related to planning, stood as a disruption or condition that can be an-
implementation and operation, performance ticipated or prepared for, but seldom exactly fore-
assessment, audits, management reviews, and seen (ISO/IEC 24762, 2008).
continual improvement, The organization shall implement and maintain a
• documented information supporting opera- systematic risk assessment process. Such process
tional control and enabling performance evalu- could be made, for instance, regarding general
ation. suggestions of the ISO 31000 standard. Interested
The BCMS should also include two important el- organization, as it is illustrated in Figure 1,
ements: should:
• business continuity plan, • identify risks of disruption to the organization's
• business impact analysis. prioritized activities and to their supporting re-
Business continuity plan (BCP) consists of docu- sources,
mented information that guides an organization to • systematically analyze and assess risks of po-
respond to a disruption and resume, recover tential disruptions,
and/or restore the delivery of products and ser- evaluate risks of disruptions that require spe-
vices consistent with its business continuity ob- cial treatment.

Establishing Scope and Context of the risk

management processes
and Risk evaluation Monitoring,
consultation recording,
Hazards & threats identification reporting
in context of Preliminary ranking of risks and reviewing

legal system, for proactive safety

good practices, management
expectations of Risk analysis
stakeholders, with consideration
and of defined KPIs and
criteria for risk relevant
evaluation including Risk assessment organizational
BCM requirements factors

Risk treatment

Figure 1. Risk management process, based on (ISO/IEC 27005, 2018).

Kosmowski Kazimierz T.

In this standard risk is defined generally as an ef- threats, if realized, might cause disruptions with
fect of uncertainty on objectives. The effect is a related losses. Its purpose is to provide a frame-
deviation from the expected and can be positive, work for building organizational resilience and
negative or both, and it can address, create, or re- preparing an effective response of safeguards be-
sult in opportunities and threats. Objectives can ing important for key stakeholders, authorities,
have different aspects and some categories to be brand, reputation, and value-creating activities.
applied at relevant level of the hierarchy. Thus, The BCM includes the recovery managing and/or
the risk can be expressed in terms of the risk the continuation of business activities in the situ-
source and potential event with its consequence, ation of the business disruption, and an integrated
and likelihood or probability. management of the overall program through train-
The risk evaluation is to be considered as an over- ing, exercises, and reviews, to ensure the business
all process of hazards/threats identification, risk continuity plan(s) stays current and up to date.
analysis and risk assessment (ISO/IEC 27005, An objective of the recovery target time can be set
2018). Risk management is a process of coordi- for:
nated activities to direct and control an organiza- • resumption of product or service delivery after
tion regarding risk. an incident, or resumption of given perfor-
General purpose is to reduce an industrial system mance activity after an incident,
vulnerability as required or increase its resilience • recovery of the ICT (information and commu-
as justified considering current legal and/or regu- nication technology) system or computer appli-
latory requirements. Relevant protection cation after an incident including a hacker at-
measures should be proposed that safeguard re- tack, or an OT (operational technology) system
sources and enable an organization to prevent or failure or functional abnormality, including ab-
reduce the impact and consequences of potential normal performance of the industrial automa-
disruptions. tion and control system (IACS).
After the disruption, the recovery process must be The recovery time objective should be lower than
undertaken to effectively restore the system and the maximum tolerable period of disruption.
improve, where appropriate, activities, opera- The incident consequences may significantly vary
tions, facilities, and conditions of affected organ- and can be far-reaching to major accident with in-
ization, including efforts to reduce in the future ternal and external losses. These consequences
operation process more effectively important risk might involve loss of life, environmental losses,
related factors identified and increase the business and loss of assets or income due to the inability to
effectiveness. deliver products and services on which the organ-
ization’s strategy, reputation or even economic
2.2. Scope of BCM in industrial companies survival might depend.
There are various approaches proposed to apply in In the context of Industry 4.0 companies, it is pro-
industrial practice the BCM concept outlined posed to take into consideration following catego-
above. The standard BS 25999–1 (BS 25999–1, ries of potential disruption reasons:
2006) provides a proposal based on so called • failures in logistics chains, delays in delivery
a good practice. It is intended for using by anyone of raw materials or semi-finished products by
with responsibility for business operations or the the business partners, and/or delays in provid-
provision of services, from top management ing services, spare parts etc.,
through all levels of the organization. It can be ac- • physical or cyber attack,
tive on a single site, or with a global presence, • failures and outages of the ICT and CT (cloud
ranging from a sole trader, through a small-to-me- technology) systems and networks designed
dium enterprise (SME) to a big company employ- using the wire and/or wireless technology,
ing thousands of people. It is therefore applicable • failures and outages of the OT systems and net-
to anybody who holds responsibility for any oper- works including production lines and storage,
ation, and thus the continuity of that operation. and/or malfunctions of the industrial automa-
It outlines a holistic management process that tion and control system (IACS),
identifies potential threats to an organization and • extremal environmental phenomena, storm
the impacts to business operations that those with lightings, heavy rain, local flooding,

Business continuity management framework for Industry 4.0 companies
regarding dependability and security of ICT and ICS/SCADA system

flood, hurricane, or tornado, extremely high or and/or disinfection), or infectious virus leading
low temperature, great snowfall, icing etc., to an epidemic or pandemic situation,
• disturbances in the critical infrastructure ob- • earthquake, and/or tsunami at some sites close
jects and systems to deliver water, electricity, to the ocean shore,
gas etc., • sabotage, terrorism, or cyberterrorism on the
• fire and/or explosion due to various reasons, critical infrastructure objects/systems inspired
• extremal emission of pollutants and/or danger by an external principal or agent.
substances, In this chapter only some selected categories of
• destruction due to potential critical events in potential disruption will be discussed.
surroundings and infrastructure installations,
• failure to comply the product quality or safety 2.3. Framework proposed for business
requirements, continuity planning in Industry 4.0
• failure to meet health or sanitary requirements, companies
bad quality or pollution of products, A BCM framework including business continuity
• cases of potential bacteria diseases (e.g., due to plan (BCP) in an Industry 4.0 company is pre-
errors in the ventilation system maintenance sented in Figure 2.

(1) Conducting:
Business Impact Analysis Policy, Goals
Assessment of risks for potential Requirements
A. Physical
hazards / threats resilience / security

(2) Establishing: Criteria

Business Recovery Priorities B. ICT
Risk evaluation resilience / security
Requirements & Timescale and reduction

(3) Business Continuity Strategy C. ICS/SCADA

Formulation resilience / security

(4) Business Continuity Plan Continuity
D. Safety-related ICS integrity,
Development Management
safety functions
Safety / Security
(5) Business Continuity Plan E. Installation integrity
Testing process safety

(6) Business Continuity Plan F. Infrastructure integrity

Awareness Audits energy and materials
Results of

(7) Ongoing Business Continuity G. Equipment availability

Plan Updating maintenance strategy

Figure 2. Proposed BCM framework for business continuity planning in Industry 4.0 company.

Left site of Figure 2 of this framework consists of for cases of major disruptions and potential disas-
specified discrete stages aimed at developing ters.
a comprehensive business continuity planning Seven mentioned stages, adapted from the stand-
that will meet the company business requirements ard (ISO/IEC 24762, 2008), are as follows.
including the service providers. It will be useful in (1) Conducting the business impact analysis
developing the recovery procedures (RP) for ab- (BIA) and preliminary risk assessment re-
normal situations, failure events, or so-called dis- garding identified hazards / threats.
aster recovery plan (DRP) (ISO/IEC 24762, 2008) (2) Establishing business recovery priorities,

Kosmowski Kazimierz T.

timescales for recovery, and related require- quired physical, integrity and functional pro-
ments. tection measures.
(3) Business continuity strategy formulation (op- F. Infrastructure integrity for delivery of raw ma-
tions for meeting priorities including tech- terials and energy (electricity, gas, oil) needed
nical and organizational aspects). for production processes.
(4) Business continuity plan development (or- G. Equipment reliability/availability to be ade-
ganization, responsibilities, logistics, and de- quately maintained according to strategy de-
tailed action task lists). veloped to achieve for instance a high level of
(5) Business continuity plan testing (verification overall equipment effectiveness (OEE).
of the strategy and plan elaborated). Due to scope of the problems outlined above only
(6) Ensuring business continuity awareness (for selected issues will be discussed in this chapter. In
all staff). following sections some fundamental aspects re-
(7) Ongoing business continuity plan updating lated to the Industry 4.0 concept are presented,
including maintenance activity. namely the ICT systems and networks (B), the
In the middle part of Figure 2 some elements of ICS/SCADA resilience and security (C), as well
an approach proposed are specified for integrated as the safety-related ICS (D) designed for imple-
BCM that includes the dependability, safety, and menting defined safety functions (IEC 61508,
security aspects. The management activities are 2016) of required safety integrity level (SIL) to re-
based on domain knowledge, current information, duce relevant risks to be verified in the context its
evidence, and results of modelling in areas: architecture and communications.
• formulating policy and goals for the domain in- These systems and networks require special atten-
cluding legal and regulatory requirements, rel- tion during the design and operation of the Indus-
evant standards and appreciated publications try 4.0 solutions due to their complexity, ad-
on good industrial practice, vanced functionality as well as required internal
• criteria for the risk evaluation and reduction re- and external communications. Their architectural
garding the dependability, safety and security complexity and openness make them susceptible
aspects including domain key performance in- to malfunctions and failures, as well as venerable
dicators (KPIs), to external attacks. According to published data
• updated evidence, results of audits in the de- the probability of such attacks is relatively high in
sign and then plant operation, and results of various industrial systems and networks of most
modelling for supporting relevant decisions. European countries.
On the right site of Figure 2 seven areas are spec- The importance of shaping the organizational cul-
ified to be included in the process of business con- ture, and related safety and security culture is also
tinuity planning for the Industry 4.0 plant that re- discussed, because it is a fundamental prerequisite
quire considering relevant technical and organiza- of successful activities and avoiding failures in
tional solutions in following areas. any organization and particularly modern indus-
A. Physical resilience and security of company re- trial company to be actively present in a competi-
sources and assets. tive market.
B. Information and communication technology Expected outcomes of an effective BCM program
(ICT) resilience and the security management implemented in the industrial company are as fol-
in life cycle. lows:
C. Industrial Automation and Control System • key products and services are identified and
(IACS) and Supervisory Control and Data Ac- protected to ensure required quality and effec-
quisition (SCADA) system to be adequately re- tiveness,
silient and secure in specific industrial network • an incident management capability is enabled
of required security assurance level (SAL). to provide an effective response,
D. Safety-related control systems to be designed • the company understands its relationships with
and operated according to functional safety cooperating companies/organizations, relevant
concept with required safety integrity level regulators and authorities, and the emergency
(SIL). services,
E. Industrial installations and processes with re-

Business continuity management framework for Industry 4.0 companies
regarding dependability and security of ICT and ICS/SCADA system

• staff are trained to respond effectively to an in- Control System Integration). It represents a man-
cident or disruption through appropriate train- ufacturing system to be represented using five
ing and exercising, functional and logical levels as shown in Figure 3.
• stakeholders’ requirements are understood and These levels are often assigned to two technology
able to be delivered, classes: the Operational Technology (OT) and In-
• staff receive adequate support and communica- formation Technology (IT) with relevant security
tions in a disruption event, zones.
• the company’s supply chain is better secured, Level 3 (site manufacturing and control) includes
• the organization’s reputation is protected and the ICS/SCADA system with relevant Human-
remains compliant with its legal and regulatory System Interface (HSI), and Manufacturing Exe-
obligations. cution System (MES). Level 4 (site business plan-
ning and logistics) comprises an Enterprise Re-
source Planning (ERP) system for managing and
3. Selected issues of BCM concerning ICT effectively coordinating the business and enter-
and safety-related ICS prise resources required for manufacturing pro-
3.1. OT and IT systems cesses. Level 5 (enterprise network) is designated
for the business and logistics activities. It can be
A traditional reference model is based on the supported using some applications based on the
ISA99 series of standards derived from the ge- Cloud Technology (CT) (Felser et al., 2019; Kos-
neric model of ANSI/ISA–95.00.01 (Enterprise- mowski et al., 2019).

DMZ Time-frame:
Enterprise Security
Zone months
Level 5: Enterprise Network
IT weeks
Level 4: Site Business Planning & Logistics
Level 3: Site Manufacturing and Control
Manufacturing hours
Security Zone Cell Security Zone

Level 2: Area Control minutes

OT seconds
Level 1: Sensing and Basic Control
Level 0: Manufacturing Processes, I /O Devices

Figure 3. Traditional reference model of industrial system based on the ANSI/ISA95 standard.

In an open manufacturing system assigning the untrusted, usually larger network, such as a cor-
safety and security-related requirements require porate wide area network (WAN), an Internet net-
special attention of the designers and operators (Li work, and a cloud technology (CT).
et al., 2017; NIST SP 800–82r2, 2015). From the Thus, the purpose of using DMZ is to add an ad-
information security point of view an important ditional layer of security to an organization's local
requirement is to make segmentation of the com- area network (LAN). An external network node
plex industrial computer system and network dis- can access only what is exposed in the DMZ,
tinguishing some cell security zones and to design while the rest of the organization's network is fire-
the DeMilitarized Zone (DMZ) as it is illustrated, walled (IS, 2019; NIST SP 800–82r2, 2015).
for instance, in Figure 3. The DMZ, sometimes re- A comprehensive list of internal and external in-
ferred to as a perimeter network or screened sub- fluences, hazards and threats should be considered
net, is a physical or logical subnetwork for con- that are relevant during the operation of the OT
trolling and securing internal data and services and IT systems and networks. Basic features of
from an organization's external services using an these systems are presented in Figure 4.

Kosmowski Kazimierz T.

External business and environmental influences

Organisational and human factors

OT network IT network
Lifetime 10-20 years Lifetime 3-5 years

AIC triad (prioritizing): CIA triad (prioritizing):

1. Availability / Reliability 1. Confidentiality
2. Integrity / Safety 2. Integrity
3. Confidentiality 3. Availability

Functional / technical specifications; Inspection and testing plans

Preventive maintenance strategy; Incident management procedures
Business Continuity Management

Figure 4. Basic features for characterizing the OT and IT systems and networks.

Expected lifetime of the OT system is often eval- dependability, and safety of the OT system includ-
uated in the range of 10–20 years, but only 3–5 ing its IACS (Belal, 2021).
years in case of the IT (Kosmowski, 2021). For
characterizing of the OT system an AIC triad 3.2. Functional safety and cyber security of
(Availability, Integrity, and Confidentiality) is industrial control systems
used to prioritize some basic requirements, and a
CIA triad (Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availa- For high dependability and safety of the OT sys-
bility) for the IT network. tem an operational strategy within BCM should be
The dependability, safety and security of the OT elaborated that includes inspections and periodi-
and IT systems are dependent on various external cal testing of the safety-related ICS, for instance
and internal influences, including the organiza- as described in cases of the electrical / electronic /
tional and human factors (Kosmowski & Śli- programmable electronic (E/E/PE) system (IEC
wiński, 2016). Traditionally, a general MTE 61508, 2016) or the safety instrumented system
(Man-Technology-Environment) approach have (SIS), (IEC 61511, 2016) with their sensors, logi-
been used for systemic analyses and management cal component (e.g., PLC) and the equipment un-
of industrial installations in life cycle. An interest- der control (EUC).
ing framework for dealing with complex technical The operational equipment of manufacturing lines
systems offers the systems engineering (SE), (SE, (machinery, drives, operational control systems
2001). etc.) require implementing an advanced preven-
The IT network and the OT system together with tive maintenance strategy (see the bottom right
the industrial automation and control system block in Figure 2) for achieving high as possible
(IACS) (IACS Security, 2020; IEC 62443, 2018) the OT availability and reducing risks of outages
and safety-related ICS can be also considered as with related production losses. The incident man-
elements of a complex cyber physical system agement procedures must be developed for reduc-
(Leitão et al., 2016). ing risks of potential hazardous events with major
Below a framework is proposed for dealing with losses.
integrated cyber security and functional safety A set of safety functions are to be implemented in
analysis regarding mentioned above systems and the safety related ICS of required safety integrity
networks in the BCM process. It is worth to men- level (SILr), determined in the risk assessment
tion that dealing with safety and security of the process in relation to the criteria specified (Kos-
OT system in life cycle is quite challenging due to mowski, 2020), to be assigned, for instance, to the
complex architectures of hardware and software E/E/PE system or SIS (see the OT block in Fig-
used in practice from various equipment produc- ure 5).
ers. It makes substantial difficulties in manage-
ment of patching and maintaining high security,

Business continuity management framework for Industry 4.0 companies
regarding dependability and security of ICT and ICS/SCADA system

Remote Cloud Remote
access access
Edge cloud
WAN Internet

Internet/CT Web/Mail Business Business and
DMZ Firewall operation
Servers Servers

HSI Firewall

Operation Application SCADA Domain Enterprise

DMZ Servers Server Controller LAN

Firewall Firewall OT
and control
PLC / RTU PLC / RTU processes
Safety PLC Safety PLC
Plant I/O, EUC Control /
Plant I/O, EUC
Safety LAN

Figure 5. Typical ICT architecture including the IT and OT systems, and the SCADA/ICS.

Two different requirements should be specified to Table 1. Categories of SIL and probabilistic criteria
ensure appropriate level of functional safety (Hol- to be assigned to the safety-related ICS that operates
stein & Singer, 2010; Kosmowski, 2018): in LDM or HCM
• the requirements imposed on the performance
of a safety function designed for the hazard SIL PFDavg PFH [h-1]
identified, 4 [ 10-5, 10-4 ) [ 10-9, 10-8 )
• the safety integrity requirements, i.e., the prob- 3 [ 10-4, 10-3 ) [ 10-8, 10-7 )
ability that the safety function will be per- 2 [ 10-3, 10-2 ) [ 10-7, 10-6 )
formed in a satisfactory way when potential 1 [ 10-2, 10-1 ) [ 10-6, 10-5 )
hazardous situation occurs.
The safety integrity is defined as the probability The SIL requirements assigned for the safety-re-
that a safety-related system, such as the E/E/PE lated ICS to be designed for implementing speci-
system or SIS, will satisfactorily perform defined fied safety function stem from the results of the
safety function under all stated conditions within risk analysis and assessment to reduce sufficiently
given time. For the safety-related ICS, in which the risk of losses regarding specified risk criteria,
defined safety function is implemented, two prob- namely for the individual risk and/or the group or
abilistic criteria are defined as presented in Table societal risk (IEC 61508, 2016).
1 for four categories of the SIL (IEC 61508, If the societal risk is of interest, the analyses can
2016), namely: be generally oriented on three distinguished cate-
• the average probability of failure on demand gories of losses, namely (IEC 61508, 2016), (IEC
(PFDavg) of the safety-related ICS in which the 61511, 2016): health (H), environment (E) or ma-
safety function considered is implemented, op- terial (M) damage, and then the SIL required
erating in a low demand mode (LDM), or (SILr) for particular safety function, is determined
• the probability of a dangerous failure per hour as follows
(PFH) of the safety-related ICS operating in
a high or continuous mode (HCM). SIL r = max (SILHr , SILEr , SILMr ) (1)

Kosmowski Kazimierz T.

As it was mentioned above, the SIL verification Typical hardware architecture of the E/E/PE sys-
can be carried out for two operation modes, tem, shown in Figure 6, usually consists of three
namely: LDM or HCM. The former is character- subsystems (Kosmowski, 2018): (A) sensors and
istic for the process industry (IEC 61511, 2016), input devices (transducers, converters etc.),
and the latter is typical for the machinery (IEC (B) logic device (safety PLC or safety relay mod-
62061, 2005) or the railway transportation sys- ules), and (C) actuators, i.e., the EUC or other out-
tems, and for monitoring and controlling in real put devices, for instance signalling or alarming
time of an industrial hazardous installation or a device.
critical infrastructure object using the
ICS/SCADA system.


A. Sensors B. Logic C. Actuators


Electric power

Figure 6. Typical architecture of the E/E/PE system or SIS for implementing safety functions.

Such safety-related system constitutes a specific to include the SAL level to be achieved in given
architecture of hardware and software modules, domain for verifying the safety integrity level SIL
and communication conduits. The logic device of the safety-related ICS in which given safety
comprises typically a safety PLC with its input function is implemented (Holstein & Singer,
and output modules. The subsystems shown in 2010; Kosmowski et al., 2019).
Figure 6 can be generally of K out of N (KooN)
configuration, for instance 1oo1, 1oo2 or 2oo3. Table 2. Proposed correlation between SIDo / SAL for
Their hardware fault tolerance (HFT) is under- evaluated domain and final SIL to be attributed to the
stood as ability of the subsystem to perform a re- safety-related ICS of a critical installation
quired function in the presence of faults or errors.
The HFT (0, 1, 2) is an important parameter to be Security
SIL verified according to IEC 61508*
considered in the final SIL verification of given indicator
subsystem, together with known value of a safe SIDo / SAL 1 2 3 4
failure fracture (SFF) (Kosmowski, 2020) pre- SI ∈[1.0, 1.5)
sented in Table 2. / SAL 1
From the industrial cybersecurity perspective, the SIDo2∈[1.5, 2.5)
systems, and networks within the business envi- / SAL 2
SIDo3∈[2.5, 3.5)
ronment (see level 4 of ISA95 model shown in SIL 1 SIL 2 SIL 3 SIL 3
/ SAL 3
Figure 3) should be considered as potentially in- SIDo4∈[3.5, 4.0]
secure because the IT contains the computer sys- SIL 1 SIL 2 SIL 3 SIL 4
/ SAL 4
tems with relevant applications (see simplified ar- * verification includes the architectural constrains re-
chitecture in Figure 5). For required functionality garding SFF and HFT of subsystems
it uses the remote access paths and external com-
munications. The security-related risks shall be mitigated
Therefore, the IT and OT systems connected to through the combined efforts of component sup-
the Internet and and/or a wide area network pliers, the machinery manufacturer, the system in-
(WAN), or when the cloud technology (CT) is ap- tegrator, and the machinery end user (IEC 62443,
plied, should be secured at required security as- 2018; IACS Security, 2020). Generally, the re-
surance level (SAL) to be assigned to respective sponses to security risks should consider follow-
zones (IEC 62443, 2018). It has been postulated ing steps (IEC 63074, 2017):

Business continuity management framework for Industry 4.0 companies
regarding dependability and security of ICT and ICS/SCADA system

• eliminate the security risk by design (avoiding It has been suggested in the dependability and se-
vulnerabilities), curity-related evaluations to apply a defined vec-
• mitigate the security risk by risk reduction tor consisting of relevant FRs from those specified
measures (limiting vulnerabilities), above. Such vector can be generally defined for a
• provide information about the residual security zone, conduit, component, or system. This vector
risk and the measures to be adapted by the user. contains the integer numbers characterizing SL
The standard IEC 62443 (IEC 62443, 2018) pro- from 1 to 4 (or 0) to be assigned to relevant FRs.
poses an approach to deal systematically with the A general format of the security assurance level
security-related issues of the IACS. Four security (SAL) to be evaluated for given domain is defined
levels (SLs) are defined that are understood as a as follows (IEC 62443, 2018):
confidence measure that the IACS is free from
vulnerabilities, and it will be functioning in an in- SL-? ([FR,] domain)
tended manner. These SLs are also suggested in
the standard IEC 63074 (IEC 63074, 2017) to deal = [IAC UC SI DC RDF TRE RA]. (2)
with security of the safety-related ICS to be de-
signed for machinery in a manufacturing plant. It makes significant problems in assigning SAL to
These levels (SL number from 1 to 4 as in Table the domain or zone as a single integer number
3) represent a qualitative information addressing from 1 to 4 (Holstein & Singer, 2010). To over-
relevant protection scope of the domain or zone come this difficulty the security indicator SIDo for
considered against potential violations during the the domain (Do) was defined (Kosmowski et al.,
safety-related ICS operation, designed for given 2019) for determined security levels SLi in a set of
OT zone. relevant (Re) fundamental requirements (FRi)
with relevant weights wi evaluated based on the
Table 3. Security levels and protection description of opinions of ICT and ICS experts. This indicator is
the IACS domain (IEC 62443, 2018; IEC 63074, a real number from the interval [1.0, 4.0] to be cal-
2017) culated from the formula

Description SI Do = ∑ w SL
i i . (3)
Protection against casual or coincidental
SL 1
Four intervals of the domain security index SIDo
Protection against intentional violation
SL 2 using simple means with low resources, (from SIDo1 to SIDo4) are proposed in first column
generic skills, and low motivation of Table 2 for assigning the SAL category using
Protection against intentional violation the integer number from 1 to 4. Such approach
SL 3
using sophisticated means with moder- corresponds with attributing SAL for the domain
ate resources, IACS specific skills and in some earlier publications, based on dominant
moderate motivation SLi for relevant fundamental requirements FRi.
Protection against intentional violation Three types of vectors describing SLi for consec-
using sophisticated means with extended
SL 4
resources, IACS specific skills and high
utive FRi of the domain are distinguished (IEC
motivation 62443, 2018):
• SL-T (target SAL) – a desired level of security,
Relevant SL number can be assigned to seven • SL-C (capability SAL) – the security level that
foundational requirements (FRs): device can provide when properly configured,
FR 1 − identification and authentication control • SL-A (achieved SAL) – the actual level of se-
(IAC), curity of a particular device / domain.
FR 2 − use control (UC), Proposed correlations between security index to
be assigned to the domain SIDo / SAL and final
FR 3 − system integrity (SI),
SIL attributing to the safety-related ICS in hazard-
FR 4 − data confidentiality (DC),
ous installation are presented in Table 2. It was
FR 5 − restricted data flow (RDF), assumed that SIL has been verified according to
FR 6 − timely response to events (TRE), and IEC 61508 requirements based on the results of
FR 7 − resource availability (RA).

Kosmowski Kazimierz T.

probabilistic modelling (Kosmowski, 2020), re- • identify and establish roles of human operators
garding common cause failures (CCFs) and hu- of the ICS/SCADA system,
man factors, and the architectural constrains for • define network communication technologies
evaluated the safe failure fraction (SFF) and the and architecture with interoperability in mind,
hardware fault tolerance (HFT) of consecutive • establish brainstorming and communication
subsystems (Kosmowski, 2018). channels for different participants on lifecycle
Thus, the verification of the SIL requires proba- of the devices to determine needs and solu-
bilistic modelling of the safety-related ICS of pro- tions,
posed architecture regarding SFF and HFT of sub- • include the periodic/SCADA device updating
systems. In a case study (Kosmowski et al., 2019), and patching processes as part of the main op-
the safety integrity level SIL 3 was obtained. erations of the systems,
Considering the domain of the safety-related ICS • establish periodic ICS/SCADA security train-
in which the safety function was implemented in- ing and awareness campaign within the organ-
cluding the communication conduits, the SL-A ization,
vector was evaluated as follows: [3 2 3 2 2 3 2]. • promote increased collaboration amongst pol-
Assuming that weights of all SLi are equal icy decision makers, manufacturers, and oper-
(wi = 1/7) and using the equation (3), the result ators at the EU Level,
obtained using the formula (3) is SIDo = 2.43 and
• define guidelines for the establishment of reli-
assigned security assurance level is SAL 2. Look-
able and appropriate cybersecurity insurance
ing at the column 3 of Table 2 the final safety in-
tegrity level, validated regarding the security as-
Insurance related issues are important due to the
pects in given domain is SIL 2, lower than re-
system complexity and significant uncertainties
quired SIL 3. Therefore, improved security
involved as discussed in the publication by Kos-
measures for the domain of interest should be pro-
mowski & Gołębiewski (2019).
posed (Kosmowski et al., 2019).
The aim of information security management
(ISM) is to fulfill specified requirements concern-
3.3. Recommendations concerning ing the triad CIA (confidentiality, integrity, and
ICS/SCADA and recovery of services availability) of the ICT systems regarding the in-
Below the information security management will formation storage and transfer, and related ser-
be discussed in the context of BCM activities that vices. When an organization implements an ISMS
require consideration of two aspects: (information security management system) the
(A) Preventive activities to reduce the probability risks of interruptions to business activities for any
of failures leading to relatively short outages reason should be identified and evaluated
and minor losses, also due to potential not so- (Boehmer, 2009; Felser et al., 2019).
phisticated cyber attacks of lower conse- The BCM can be considered as an integral part of
quences. a holistic risk management that safeguards the in-
(B) Recovery activities due to long lasting mal- terests of the organization’s key stakeholders, rep-
function due to a major failure (including ICT utation, brand, and value creating activities
infrastructure and relevant communication through (Gołębiewski & Kosmowski, 2017):
networks), or sophisticated cyber attacks with • identifying potential threats that might cause
potential major consequences and losses. adverse impacts on an organization’s business
As it was mentioned above three categories of operations, and associated risks,
losses, namely: health (H), environment (E) or • providing a framework for building resilience
material (M) damage are distinguished in the con- for business operations,
text of functional safety management. • providing capabilities, facilities, processes,
Regarding aspect (A) some high-level recommen- and elaborated action task lists, etc., for effec-
dations have been proposed by ENISA (ENISA, tive responses to disasters and failures.
2016) to improve the resilience and security of the Thus, in planning for business continuity, the
ICS/SCADA system as follows: fallback arrangements for information processing
• include security as a main consideration during and communication facilities become beneficial
the design phase of ICS SCADA systems.

Business continuity management framework for Industry 4.0 companies
regarding dependability and security of ICT and ICS/SCADA system

during periods of minor outages and is also essen- business impact analysis, provides the basis for
tial for ensuring information and service availabil- identifying and analyzing viable strategies for in-
ity during a major failure or disaster that require clusion in the business continuity plan of the BCM
complete and effective recovery of activities over in relation do discussed above standards
a period. Such fallback arrangements may include (BS 25999–1, 2006; ISO/DIS 22301, 2019)).
third-party support in the form of reciprocal Another important indicator is the Real-Time Re-
agreements, or commercial subscription services covery (RTR) understood as the ability to recover
(ISO/IEC 24762, 2008). a piece of IT infrastructure, such as a server, from
Regarding aspect (B) – the recovery activities, an infrastructure failure or human-induced error in
these are described in the standard ISO/IEC 24762 a time frame that has minimal impact on business
(2008) as the information and telecommunica- operations. The RTR is used in a new market seg-
tions technology disaster recovery (ICT DR) ser- ment in the backup, recovery and disaster recov-
vices. They should be based on formulated poli- ery market that addresses the companies that have
cies to enable the service providers to set the di- historically faced with regards to protecting, and
rection on related areas and services including more importantly, recovering their data (ISO/IEC
clear communication to the relevant parties. A 24762, 2008; ISO 22400, 2014).
performance measurement should be determined An important issue concerns personnel restriction
that enables the service providers to review and and segregation. Service providers should estab-
improve their services and demonstrate that their lish a means to identify and segregate different
services meet organization requirements. personnel at their recovery facilities from access
A formal set of procedures should be established to the ICT systems and information, based on the
to deal with information security incidents and need, to ensure that:
identified weaknesses, also physical. This should • there are restrictions on physical access to fa-
encompass (ISO/IEC 24762, 2008): cilities housing ICT systems; for instance, ICT
• detection of all information security incidents systems with different protection requirements
(and weaknesses), and related escalation pro- should be in separate buildings or areas/rooms
cedures and channels, to enable physical access control to be properly
• reporting and logging of all information secu- implemented,
rity incidents (and weaknesses), • work areas used by service provider, organiza-
• logging the responses, and preventive and cor- tion and vendor personnel are planned and de-
rective action taken, signed with information privacy and confiden-
• periodic evaluation of all information security tiality as a prime consideration, e.g., with
incidents (and weaknesses), buildings and/or assigned separate areas/rooms
• learning from reviews of information security for use by different personnel.
incidents (and weaknesses) and making im- Service providers and organizations should also
provements to security and to the information ensure that the types of training to be provided to
security incident (and weakness) management staff are commensurate with their assigned tasks
scheme. and responsibilities. The types of training include:
Service providers should ensure that all ICT sys- • introduction training, to provide basic under-
tems essential for disaster recovery are tested reg- standing and awareness,
ularly to ensure their continuing capability to sup- • advanced level training, to equip staff with spe-
port DR plans. Tests should also be conducted cific knowledge and skills to undertake assign-
when there are any significant changes in organi- ments,
zation requirements and/or changes in service pro- • continuous training, to keep staff up-to-date
vider capacity and capability that affect services and ensure that they remain competent in per-
to organizations. Examples of such changes in- forming their assigned tasks,
clude relocation of DR sites, major upgrades of • training to assess and maintain the competency
ICT systems or new ICT systems commissioned. and readiness of staff.
Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Recovery The choice of types and numbers of performance
Time Objective (RTO) are two of the most im- measurements depends on the requirements of or-
portant parameters of a disaster recovery or data ganizations.
protection plan. The RPO & RTO, along with a

Kosmowski Kazimierz T.

In the process of identifying performance metrics, maintenance strategy developed for using in in-
ICT DR service providers can consider the fol- dustrial practice within the BCM system (see
lowing types of indicators (ISO/IEC 24762, block G in Figure 3).
2008): An important objective is also to ensure the re-
• resource and operation readiness indicators: quired safety integrity using appropriate func-
e.g., percentage of staff who have received ICT tional safety solutions within the safety-related
DR training and qualifications, percentage of ICS (see block D in Figure 3). The safety-related
equipment and facilities under regular mainte- industrial control systems, like the E/E/PE sys-
nance, tems or SISs, are designed using redundant archi-
• ICT DR plan maturity indicators: e.g., fre- tecture when required to reduce sufficiently the
quency of exercises, extent of exercises, per- risk. They include the sensors and the equipment
centage of ICT, under control (EUC) that are periodically tested
• systems tested perodically, and undergo of preventive maintenance in life cy-
• exercise effectiveness indicators: e.g., exercise cle.
effectiveness to achieve pre-set business objec- Thus, an important objective is to formulate re-
tives, quirements, as well as to develop and implement
• exercise effectiveness to meet SLAs, in practice appropriate technical and organiza-
• simultaneous disaster invocation risk indica- tional solutions necessary for safe and effective
tors: e.g., subscription ratios for shared ser- overall operation regarding preventive mainte-
vices, nance and restore fully the safety functions imple-
mented in given E/E/PE system or SIS. Relevant
• industry best practice compliance indicators:
requirements and procedures should be provided
e.g., number of internal or external audit find-
to those responsible for the operation and mainte-
ings, percentage of compliance to the standard.
nance of these systems (IEC 61508, 2016; IEC
In addition to undertaking the risk mitigation
61511, 2016).
measures the property should be insured. ICT DR
Following items should be specified for imple-
service providers, particularly outsourced service
menting in industrial practice:
providers, should purchase insurance against loss
or damage of equipment and storage media, which • the plan for operating and maintaining the
could be caused by theft, fire, water pipe burst, E/E/PE safety-related systems or SIS,
failure of environmental control equipment, and • the operation, maintenance, and repair proce-
computer abuse by staff. dures for these systems in life cycle.
Some insurance related aspects and proposed key Implementation of these items shall include initi-
performance indicators (KPIs) to be evaluated in ation of the following actions:
the management process of hazardous industrial • the implementation of procedures,
plants are discussed in publications (Gołębiewski • the following of maintenance schedules,
& Kosmowski, 2017; Kosmowski & Gołębiew- • maintaining relevant documentation,
ski, 2019). • carrying out, periodically, the functional safety
3.4. Safety-related ICS testing, maintenance • documenting any modifications of hardware
and recovery and software in the E/E/PE systems.
Thus, all modifications that have an impact on the
Management of the OT system and IACS in
functional safety of any E/E/PE safety-related sys-
lifecycle is especially challenging in industrial
tem shall initiate a return to an appropriate phase
practice to achieve specified requirements con-
of the overall, E/E/PE system or software safety
cerning the AIC triad (availability, integrity, con-
lifecycles. All subsequent phases shall then be
fidentiality) due to various reasons, because these
carried out in accordance with the procedures
systems contribute significantly to the realization
specified for the specific phases regarding the re-
of required quality and quantity of products in
quirements in mentioned above standards.
time and influence the overall equipment effec-
For each phase of the overall functional safety
tiveness (OEE). High equipment availability is to
lifecycles, a plan for the verification and valida-
be achieved thanks to a proactive preventive
tion should be established concurrently with the

Business continuity management framework for Industry 4.0 companies
regarding dependability and security of ICT and ICS/SCADA system

development for consecutive phases. The verifi- • ICS or operating system (OS) patches can not
cation plan shall document or refer to the criteria, be implemented due to non-compatible hard-
techniques, tools to be used in the verification ac- ware,
tivities. • ICS vendor did not approve the OS patches,
The verification shall be carried out according to • the patches are not approved by asset owner,
a plan prepared. Selection of techniques and i.e., the patch crashed the OT assets while test-
measures for verification, and the degree of inde- ing.
pendence for the verification activities, will de- In such scenarios, either the patches cannot be in-
pend upon some factors specified in related sector stalled, or they need to wait until the next installa-
standards or general requirements and rules based tion shutdown. Therefore, the vulnerabilities will
on good engineering practice in given industrial be present until the next shutdown or the modern-
sector. The factors could include, for example, ization of the OT assets. These issues can deterio-
size of project, degree of complexity, degree of rate operation process in relation to the AIC re-
novelty of design, and degree of novelty of tech- quirements.
nology. If for some reason, the patch can not be deployed,
Chronological documentation of operation, re- then other controls need to be applied to reduce
pair, and maintenance of the safety-related sys- the risk to a tolerable level. Such controls include,
tems should be maintained and must include the but are not limited to (Belal, 2021):
following information: • disconnect the OT assets from business LAN
• the results of functional safety audits and tests, or DMZ,
• documentation of the time and cause of de- • restrict user’s permission to the OT assets,
mands on the E/E/PE safety-related systems (in • apply whitelisting or application baselining to
actual operation), together with the perfor- run the required services only and block other
mance of the E/E/PE safety-related systems services.
when subject to those demands, and the faults It can be a substantial problem in companies using
found during routine testing and maintenance, multiple versions of the control system software.
• documentation of modifications that have been Multiple ICS software versions complicate patch-
made to the safety-related ICS including the ing tasks because it is more difficult to understand
equipment under control (EUC). if the vulnerable asset or software in present in the
The requirements concerning a chronological company. Due to such situation some organiza-
documentation should be sufficiently detailed for tions using the common vulnerability scoring sys-
specific context of the safety system operation. tem (CVSS) – in version 2 (NIST 7435, 2007) or
version 3 – faced difficulties to realize if this vul-
3.5. OT and IACS management in life cycle nerability exists in any of their installations.
There are significant problems concerning the OT It is because of missing in depth OT inventory
system and network security related to, inter alia, such as safety system software versions, OS de-
limitations in performing on-line software patch- tails, safety system application versions, and ICS
ing. The OT system and network has usually a lot communication model details. Keeping one latest
of diversity in terms of the ICS systems that asset version of the IACS software across all plants will
owner need to operate, such as sensors, make the patching process smoother. In the publi-
DCS/BPCS, safety PLC, SIS, EUC, etc., often cation (Belal, 2021) it is suggested to decide what
from various vendors. That is why an effective to patch depending on the CVSS score. It seems
patch management is important to identify vulner- to be justified to support relevant decisions with
abilities and reduce the risk to an acceptable level regard also the SIL of safety-related ICS and SAL
before potential attackers find them (Belal, 2021). of relevant domain as it was discussed above.
However, unlike in case of the IT system and net- Below a holistic approach is outlined based on rel-
work all missing patches (necessary due to secu- evant parts of the IEC 62443 standard. This stand-
rity reasons) cannot be installed on specific OT ard proposes an approach to the IACS security
assets. There are several reasons of this limitation management activities that are distributed regard-
including (Belal, 2021): ing sites and time in the processes of design, ver-
ification, and validation of the hardware (HW)

Kosmowski Kazimierz T.

and software (SW). Figure 7 shows the actors in- Key roles and responsibility of the service pro
volved and basic activities of the product supplier vider and asset owner should be stressed. All of
that is responsible to carry out successful CFAT, them should follow guidelines specified in rele-
and the system integrator for successful CSAT, vant parts of IEC 62443 as shown in Figure 7.

Requirements in development stages of secure

Industrial Automation and Control System (IACS)

Secure product and system development

Product Supplier Vendor scope
Offsite Develops Control CFAT (Cybersecurity Factory Acceptance Test)
Systems Reference: IEC 62443 3-3, 4-1, 4-2

Automation solution deployment

BPCS assessment and design, SIS review and design,
System Integrator Complementary HW/SW implementation
Design and CSAT (Cybersecurity Site Acceptance Test)
deploys Reference: IEC 62443 2-4, 3-2, 3-3

Maintenance policies and procedures, patch and
Service Provider vendor management
Operates and
maintains Operational policies and procedures review and
Asset Owner creation, risk management
Reference: IEC 62443 2-1, 2-3, 2-4

Figure 7. Holistic approach to the IACS security management in life cycle, based on (IEC 62443; IEC
62443, 2018).

It should be emphasized that the security of the 4. Towards integrated dependability, safety
safety-related ICS shall depend strongly on scope and security management in industrial
and quality of the information security manage- companies
ment system (ISMS) to continuously control,
4.1. General framework for the business
monitor, maintain and, wherever justified to in-
continuity management system
crease the IT and OT security based on evalua-
tions of relevant risks. As it is known the IEC Four following steps have been distinguished in
62443 standard concerns mainly the OT system a holistic management system including BCM as-
and relevant IACS. In the process of security man- pects based on evaluation of relevant risks (Kos-
agement of the IT systems other relevant stand- mowski & Gołębiewski, 2019):
ards are also to be used (ISO/IEC 15408, 2009), • identify hazards/threats to evaluate and rank
(ISO/IEC 27001, 2013) and (ISO/IEC 27005, risks,
2018). • identify techniques and strategies to manage
In integrated dependability, safety, and security risks (reduction, retention, or transfer to insur-
management system of complex industrial plants ance company) including business continuity
the technical and organizational factors should be aspects,
carefully evaluated. It is worth to mention that • develop and implement risk management strat-
shaping organizational culture requires good lead- egy and define relevant processes within
ership and awareness. Organizational culture in BCMS,
the company significantly affects the safety and • monitor technical and organizational solutions,
security culture (Kosmowski & Śliwiński, 2016). and effectiveness of processes within the
Conscious shaping these cultures is necessary for BCMS.
successful implementing in industrial practice the Some risks may stem from the changes within the
proactive management systems that deals with the organization / industrial company in time. The im-
dependability, safety, and security aspects in an
integrated way.

Business continuity management framework for Industry 4.0 companies
regarding dependability and security of ICT and ICS/SCADA system

plementation of a proactive approach and innova- kets, and those related to the legal and regulatory
tive solution within the BCMS requires creative requirements. It requires a good leadership, ad-
thinking in the context of leadership, policy, and vanced organizational structure, coordinated ac-
goals, considering required assets, resources, per- tivities of competent specialists to establish and
sonnel competences, and current organizational implement an integrated and effective BCMS.
culture etc. General framework for a process-based manage-
Significant uncertainties or new challenging situ- ment system (Kosmowski & Gołębiewski, 2019)
ations can be encountered due to changes in envi- is illustrated in Figure 8.
ronment, including disturbances on relevant mar
- Government - Shareholders
- Authorities - Insurance
- Society - Customers
- Employees - Suppliers

Board of

Organisational Policy, goals

Key performance
indicators, business
continuity, safety/security

Business Continuity
Management System

Objectives Requirements

- Quality - Safety
- Economics - Security
- Compliance - Environment
- Health

Safety& security

Figure 8. General framework for business continuity management system, based on (Kosmowski & Gołębiew-
ski, 2019).

The BCMS concept is based on current trends in deal systematically with discrepancies detected.
developing integrated management systems that An audit documentation was prepared and used in
include the quality and environmental aspects, as industrial practice for a third-party audit in a re-
well as the dependability, safety, and security is- finery. It was directed towards the design and op-
sues based on the risks evaluations in life cycle. eration of safety-related ICS in relation to a set of
All these aspects are important in the BCM in In- criteria defined (Rogala & Kosmowski, 2012).
dustry 4.0 organizations / companies. A hierarchy The audit results with conclusions drawn were
of decisions, information flow, documents and ac- then discussed with the staff responsible for the
tivities within the process-based management sys- functional safety to mitigate risks and improve
tem are presented in Figure 9. The strategic plans specified technical and organizational solutions.
and decisions are undertaken at level 1 regarding An important objective to implement the BCMS
opinions of interested stakeholders (Figure 8) and in hazardous plant is to satisfy expectations of
are to be transferred to lower levels of hierarchy: stakeholders, specified in Figure 8, and an insur-
level 2 – coordinated processes, and level 3 – co- ance company (Gołębiewski & Kosmowski,
ordinated activities and documentation. 2017) to assure a satisfactory level of business
As it was mentioned audits are of a key im- continuity, safety, and security. It can be achieved
portance in any management system, especially thanks to implementation in industrial practice an
implemented in a hazardous industrial plant, to advanced and effective BCM system.

Kosmowski Kazimierz T.

Level 1
Decisions Information
Policy, objectives,
goals, requirements
Level 2
Coordinated processes
Processes, responsibilities,
audits, controls, interfaces,
key performance indicators,
records for processes
Level 3
Coordinated activities and documentation
Procedures, job descriptions, work instructions,
technical drawings, detailed description of tasks,
permissions, limitations, responsibilities,
communications, check sheets, templates for

Figure 9. A hierarchy of decisions, information flow, documents, and activities in a management system.

Three categories of processes are to be distin- • SP3 Providing IT services and updating soft-
guished in such BCMS for detailed elaborating in ware and protection equipment,
given hazardous plant (Kosmowski & Gołębiew- • SP4 Providing procurement and contracting,
ski, 2019): • SP5 Providing environmental and emergency
• executive processes, services, etc.
• core processes, and As it can be seen some of these processes corre-
• support processes. spond to distinguished areas from A to G pro-
Some examples of these processes are as follows. posed in the BCM framework for business conti-
Executive Processes (EP) nuity planning in the Industry 4.0 company (Fig-
• EP1 Managing the organization and business ure 2). For these processes, some specific proce-
continuity, dures and instructions are to be elaborated accord-
• EP2 Managing the processes and procedures, ing to specific technical and organizational solu-
• EP3 Evaluating in time defined KPIs to sup- tions in given industrial company.
port decision making, Several sets of the performance influencing char-
• EP4 Coordinating external relations including acteristics that and key performance indicators
stakeholders, etc. (KPIs) are listed in publication (Kosmowski &
Core Processes (CP) Gołębiewski, 2019) for using in evaluations and
• CP1 Monitoring operation of installations, audits within the BCMS of industrial plant to sup-
equipment, and infrastructure, port relevant decisions, for instance.
• CP2 Scheduling services, tests and establish- Information and Communication Technology
ing maintenance programs, (ICT)
• CP3 Monitoring environmental conditions, • ICT computers, digital systems, and networks,
emissions, and effluents, communication channels and DMZ solutions,
encryption issues, performance indicators, rec-
• CP4 Managing operation and assessing safety
ords of disturbances, failures, repairs, recover-
and vulnerability of installations, and site phys-
ies and preventive maintenance, availability in-
ical security,
dicators for specified periods, patching, etc.
• CP5 Managing IT security in the information
Information Technology (IT)
and telecommunication technology (ICT) com-
puter systems and networks, • protections for information storage and trans-
fer, protocols in communication channels and
• CP6 Managing OT security and functional
DMZ solutions, vulnerability evaluation
safety of ICS, and cyber security of IACS, etc,
(CVSS), VPN, firewalls, encryption issues, ac-
Support Processes (SP)
cess limitation to interfaces, performance char-
• SP1 Providing human resources and training, acteristics, security incidents, hardware and
• SP2 Providing personnel occupational health software problems and recovery, records of
and safety services,

Business continuity management framework for Industry 4.0 companies
regarding dependability and security of ICT and ICS/SCADA system

malfunctions/failures or cyber attacks, quality being expressed as follows:

of procedures for abnormalities and failures, • the ways the organization conducts its busi-
procedures for the system recovery, patching, ness, treats its employees, customers, and the
etc. wider community,
Operational Technology (OT) and ICS/SCADA • the extent to which freedom is allowed in deci-
• OT architecture and DCS/SCADA, communi- sion making, developing new ideas, and per-
cation channels and protocols used, hardware sonal expression,
and software diversity, vulnerability evalua- • how power and information flow up and down
tion (CVSS), network segmentation, and DMZ through its hierarchy, and
solutions, quality of HSI interface and proce- • how employees are involved and committed
dures, alarm system (AS) design, quality of towards collective objectives.
procedures, operator training/retraining, proce- Undoubtedly, this culture affects the organiza-
dures for the system recovery, patching strat- tion's productivity and performance, and provides
egy, etc. guidelines on customer care and service, product
• OT and safety-related ICS performance (BPCS quality and safety, attendance and punctuality,
in relation to the SIS safety functions), hard- and concern for the environment.
ware and software architectures, vulnerability According to some publications, listed in (Kos-
evaluation (CVSS), access to HMI interfaces, mowski & Śliwiński, 2016), organizational cul-
communication channels, electro-magnetic ture represents the collective values, beliefs, and
compatibility (EMC) of electrical/electronic principles of the staff and is a product of such fac-
devices, functional safety, and security solu- tors as history, product, market, technology, strat-
tions for defined criteria (PL/SIL, SAL), test- egy, type of employees, management style, na-
ing and calibrating intervals of components, tional culture, and tradition. Culture includes the
records of failures, repairs, and preventive organization's vision, values, norms, systems,
maintenance, quality of procedures, analyses symbols, language, assumptions, beliefs, and hab-
of technical and organisational solutions to its.
avoid common cause failures (CCF) and sys- There are opinions that organizational culture can
tematic hardware and/or software failures. be depicted using four dimensions as in the Den-
Thus, the proposed BCMS offers methodology for ison’s model (1990):
systemic and proactive approach. It specifies var- • mission – strategic direction and intent, goals
ious interrelated process-based activities and pro- and objectives and vision,
cedures for identification of hazards and threats to • adaptability – creating change, customer focus
evaluate relevant risks for the safety and security- and organizational learning,
related decision making in life cycle in changing • involvement – empowerment, team orientation
conditions. and capability development,
Proposed approach includes an idea of good engi- • consistency – core values, agreement, coordi-
neering practice, relevant international standards nation, and integration.
and available reports published by appreciated in- Each of these general dimensions is to be further
stitutions. Due to complexity involved, especially described by sub-dimensions. Denison's model al-
in larger companies, it requires creating and main- lows to describe cultures broadly as externally or
taining organizational culture in interested indus- internally focused as well as flexible versus stable.
trial company. The model has been typically used to diagnose
cultural problems in organizations.
4.2. Awareness and shaping organizational This model was considered as useful for the anal-
culture ysis of safety and security-related awareness and
There are opinions encountered (Kosmowski & culture in hazardous industrial companies and was
Śliwiński, 2016) that organizational culture is adopted in developing the audit document for the
based on shared attitudes, beliefs, customs, and safety-related control systems regarding the tech-
written and unwritten rules that have been devel- nical and organizational influencing factors (Ro-
oped over time and may be considered as valid. In gala & Kosmowski, 2012).
some cases, it is also called as corporate culture

Kosmowski Kazimierz T.

Creating and embedding the BCMS within an or- 5. Conclusion

ganization can be a difficult and lengthy process
In this chapter a framework for the business con-
which might encounter some resistance that was
tinuity management (BCM) is outlined that ena-
not anticipated (BS 25999–1, 2006). An under-
bles to deal systematically with potential influ-
standing of existing culture in the organization
ences on the industrial plant’s dependability,
will assist in the development of an appropriate
safety, and security due to various reasons. A spe-
BCM program (Gołębiewski & Kosmowski,
cial attention is paid to the ICT and ICT/SCADA
2017). All staff should understand that BCM is a
systems that operate in the industrial computer
serious issue for the organization and that they
systems and networks using wire and lately also
have an important role to play in maintaining the
wireless communication channels.
delivery of products and services to their clients
These issues are considered from a general per-
and customers on time at required quality.
spective of BCM regarding the dependability and
Building, promoting, and embedding the BCM
security of ICT and ICS/SCADA systems with
approach in industrial company ensures that it be-
relevant functions and architectures of the infor-
comes a part of the organization’s core values and
mation technology (IT) and operational technol-
support effective management in other areas. An
ogy (OT) systems and networks (Kosmowski et
organization with positively oriented BCM cul-
al., 2019). These systems require effective con-
ture will be able (BS 25999–1, 2006):
vergence to obtain manufacturing functionality
• develop an advanced BCM program more effi- and better effectiveness in realization of advanced
ciently, business-related processes in Industry 4.0 compa-
• instill confidence in its stakeholders (especially nies.
the staff and customers) in its ability to handle Potential problems are identified related to the OT
efficiently business disruptions, security if this technology consists of devices
• increase its resilience over time by ensuring (hardware and software) from several producers /
BCM implications are considered in decisions suppliers. It can make substantial difficulties in
at all levels and pathing software in relevant computer systems.
• minimize the likelihood and impact of disrup- This issue requires special attention in designing,
tions. implementing, and maintaining the business con-
Development of a BCM culture is supported by tinuity management system in the Industry 4.0
(BS 25999–1, 2006): companies.
• leadership from the top management and sen- The dependability and security of safety-related
ior personnel in the organization, industrial control systems (ICS) in which defined
• assignment of responsibilities, safety functions are implemented can be influ-
• awareness raising, enced both by technical and organizational fac-
• training programs, and tors. These aspects are related to the hardware
• exercising plans elaborated. (HW) and software (SW) quality and reliability,
The organization should create a program for and relevant organizational factors. They require
identifying and delivering the BCM awareness re- further research, especially in the context of the
quirements and evaluate its effectiveness. The design and operation of high complexity hazard-
BCM staff should make themselves aware of ex- ous industrial installations regarding the func-
ternal BCM information. This may be done in tional safety and cybersecurity aspects including
conjunction with seeking guidance from emer- the defense in depths (D-in-D) solutions.
gency services, local authorities, and regulators Traditionally, the manufacturing installations in-
(BS 25999–1, 2006). clude the information technology (IT) and the op-
Raising and maintaining awareness of BCM with erational technology (OT). Lately, using the cloud
all the organization’s staff is important also for technology (CT) is frequently of interest as an ex-
better understanding the safety and security issues ternal network important for the business manage-
in changing conditions. They should be convinced ment and external communications in cooperating
that this is a lasting initiative that has an ongoing Industry 4.0 companies.
support of the top management. Advanced automation and control systems are
also in dynamic development based, for instance,

Business continuity management framework for Industry 4.0 companies
regarding dependability and security of ICT and ICS/SCADA system

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