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Holy Spirit Upon- His Infilling Power

The Holy Spirit and His Gifts. Kenneth E. Hagin

Lesson 5
Instructor : Joyce
David Simbiri
28th April 2024

This is a review of the major and key points raised in chapter five of the book Holy Spirit and His
Gifts by Kenneth E. Hagin
In reviewing this chapter I will just list some of the key outstanding points that struck me as I

went though the study. I will then pose some questions to think about and respond to. Please
take time to reflect on these questions.
1. At salvation we receive the indwelling Spirit, every born again believer has the
indwelling Spirit. The disciples received the indwelling Spirit after Jesis resurrected and
breathed on them saying receive ye the Holy Holy Ghost – John 20:21-22, this is known
as the ‘Holy Spirit within’.
2. The Infilling of the Holy Ghost also known as the’ Holy Spirit upon’ is an experience
subsequent to salvation and the. Jesus told the disciples even after receiving the Holy
Spirit within in John 20:21-22 to wait for the Holy Spirit upon. The reason was so that
they could receive power or dunamis (miracle working power, force, strength, mighty
and wonderful works) so that they could be witnesses of Jesus in Judaea, Samaria and to
the ends of the world. Acts 1:8
3. We can therefore conclude these two are different experiences
4. Holy Spirit whether ‘within’ or ‘upon’ can only be received by believers. Non believers
can only receive salvation. After salvation all can receive the Holy Ghost.
5. Holy Spirit is the Promise of the Father.
6. Holy Spirit whether within or upon has already been given it is up to the believer to
receive. God has done his part, have we done ours in receiving.
7. After the new birth we can still receive more of the Holy Ghost, the first step is via
Baptism of the Holy Ghost for the infilling power and yet even after this we can still
receive more of God depending on our hunger for Him. ( Ephesians 3:19-20)
8. Holy Spirit our help in prayer (Romans 8:26, 27)
9. Holy Spirit for power. Once we receive the Holy Spirit upon we have received Power. We
must however learn to cooperate with the Holy Spirit so that his power can be manifest
through us as He wills.
10. Basing our faith on the Word not feelings is the key.

1. Jesus predicates our ability to be witnesses for Him on our having received Power from
the Holy Ghost to do so. The word used for power here is DUMANIS, which indicates
ability to do things i.e. this kind of power manifests itself in tangible form.
a. Is part of the lack of influence and conversions to Christianity based on a lack of this
b. Christ did not call us to just preach about him but to display the power he had all
three references of the Great Commission predicate some display of his power ;
Matthew 28:16-20, Mark 16: 14-18, Luke 24:44-49 therefore does true witnessing of
Christ predicate that his followers would display these same traits of power as Jesus
2. Which gift of the Holy Spirit do you possess or desire, Paul tells us to desire the gifts (1
Corinthians 12:7).

Reminder note for reference for question 2 above

Revelation Gifts
a. Word of Knowledge – A supernatural manifestation or expression of certain facts in the
mind of God concerning past or present situations
b. Word of Wisdom- A supernatural revelation from the mind of God revealing His divine
will and purpose. This usually refers to the future
c. Discerning of Spirits - A supernatural revelation that gives insight into the spirit realm
Power Gifts
a. Special Faith- A supernatural manifestation of faith beyond one’s own faith. It is used for
specific tasks and always produces the desired result
b. Working of miracles – A supernatural intervention into the ordinary cause of nature
c. Gift of healings – A supernatural manifestation of divine healing without natural aid.
Vocal gifts
a. Divers kind of tongues- A supernatural utterance by the Holy Spirit in languages never
learned nor understood by the speaker or hearers – Not there is a difference between
devotional private use of speaking in tongues and the public ministry.
b. Interpretation of tongues – The supernatural interpretation of an utterance in other
c. Prophecy – Supernatural utterance in a known tongue.

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