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[template based off of “At last!

China Reveals Her 1300 Year Old Stay Young Health Secret”]

Headline Playing Up on a Secret

That's Been Finally Revealed That
Gives the Reader Some Huge Benefit(s)
Start the copy with a problem that relates to people not being able to get the benefit(s)
mentioned in your headline. Then, go deeper into that problem, and some of its
implications, as far it how it harms and hurts the reader and causes all sorts of pain.

If you have statistics, facts, and other proof to back up these claims, use it now.

Then explain that it is a shame that most people suffer from these problems that prevent
them from getting the ultimate benefits they desire. But what can be done about it? Up
until now, it seemed very little... however, now there is now a solution that is available
for being able to get instant/painless/easy/whatever relief from the problems mentioned in
the copy above, so that they can enjoy the ultimate benefits they desire.

Introduce this secret with an intriguing story that explains why it was kept a secret and
how and why it works. The story should have major credibility and interest built into it so
the reader will so, “Ahhh, that makes sense. I can now see why this is the ultimate
solution to immediate relief of the pain I suffer from and/or will allow me to get the
major benefit I desire so much”.

Once your story has accomplished that, it's time to show them exactly how they can get
what they want in the easiest way possible by buying your product/service and taking you
up on your special offer you have for them.

Go on to explain all of the benefits they can enjoy if they take you up on this offer today.

If you think it'd help your selling efforts, also explain more about the product, such as
how it was created, what it consists of, its contents and so forth.

Then, take the risk off of the buyer's shoulders with a money back guarantee.

After that, simply tell them exactly what they need to do to get your offer.

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