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C6 hlnh th(rc "V + ing" dU'qc dung voi ch(rc nang nhU' m¢t danh tl.r.

Danh d¢ng tll' c6 the nam 6 cac vi trf:


Admit: thll'a nh~n Face: doi di~n, duong dau Practise: luy~n t~p, thl,l'c

Appreciate: cam kfch Fancy: tU'ong tU'qng; thfch Put off: hoan l~i

Avoid: tranh Finish: hofm th~mh Quit tlf' b6

Can't help: khong the khong Give up: tlf' b6 Recall: nho l~i
{lam gl)

Can't stand/bear: khong the Imagine: tll'ong tU'qng Recollect: nho l~i
chju dU'qc

Consider: xem xet Involve: dfnh lfu Resent: bl,l'c tU'c

Delay: trl hoan Keep (on): cU'tiep tt,Jc Risk: danh lieu

Deny: phu nh~n Mention: de c~p Spend (time, money): dung

(thai gian, tien b~c)

Detest: ghet Miss: bola Suggest: de nghi

Dislike: khong thfch (Not) mind: (khong) ng~i Tolerate: chju dl,l'ng

Enjoy: thfch, thuong thU'c Postpone: hoan l~i Waste (time, money): phf
(thai gian, tien b~c)

E.g: He admitted breaking the glass.

I can't recall meeting that man before.
Apologize for Congratulate sb on
xin loi khen ngQ'i
sth doing sth

Be/Get used to
quen v6'i Feel like doing sth cam thay thfch
doing sth

Accuse sb of doing
cao bu()c Insist on doing sth cU' khang khang

Approve of doing Look forward to

tan th~mh trong cho
sth doing sth

Disapprove of doing Prevent (sb) from

khong tan thanh ngan can
sth doing sth

Be accustomed to Succeed in doing

quen thu()c v6'i thanh cong
doing sth sth

I really apologize for keeping you waiting.

Finally, they succeeded in reaching the top of the mountain.

It's no use/good doing sth khong fch gl

It's (not) worth doing sth (khong) dang lam

There's no point in doing sth khong can thiet phai lam gl

What/How about doing sth? con ... thl sao?

Have difficulty/trouble doing sth kh6 khan/tr6 ng~i khi lam viec gl

It's no use learning a foreign language if you don't ~-'' a~.;i:l""c it.
Tan ngfr They decided to buy a car.

Bo ngfr I don't want my mom to know this.

Afford: c6 du tien Determine: quyet tam Pretend: gia vC:J

Agree: dong y Expect mong dqi Promise: hua

Appear: t6 ra; xuat hi~n Fail: that b~i Refuse: tl.r choi

Arrange: sap xep Grow: tr6 nen Resolve: quyet dinh

Ask: hoi; yeu cau Happen: tlnh cd, xay ra Seem: dU'dng nhU'

Attempt co gang Hesitate: do dt!, h.rong II! Struggle: phan dau

Choose:ch9n Hope: hi vQng Threaten: de d9a

Claim: khang dinh Learn: h9c Want muon

Decide: quyet dinh Manage: xoay x6 Wish: mong muon, U'<lC

Demand: doi hoi Offer: tl! nguy~n Would like: muon

Deserve: xung dang Plan: dt! djnh

E.g: She finally decided to quit the job.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.

Ask: yeu cau Mean: c6 y dinh

Cause: gay ra Need: can

Encourage: khuyen khfch Order: ra l~nh

Expect mong dqi Remind: nhac nh6

Forbid: cam Require: yeu cau

Force: ep bUQC Teach:d~y

Get nhC:J va Tell:bao

Help: giup do Want/Would like: muon

Invite: mdi Warn: canh bao

Leave: cho phep Persuade/Convince: thuyet phvc

E.g: The robbers forced the cashier to hand over the money.
They invited Carol and me to have dinner with them.
I won't persuade you to take up this game.
advised us to wear
The travel
He allow his children to come home late at night.
He allow coming home late at night.
She recommended me to read the book movie.

Nhfrng d9ng tCr sau day c6 the theo sau bang Gerund ho~c To-infinitive nhling cho y nghTa khac nhau.
Verb + tn.infinit·iuo!:l

Stop doing sth: NgCrng vi~c dang lam Stop to do sth: NgCrng l9i de lam m9t vi~c
E.g: I stopped smoking two years ago. khac
E.g: George had been working for hours, so
he stopped to smoke a cigarette.

Remember/Forget doing sth: Nho/Quen Remember/Forget to do sth: Nho/Quen m9t

vi~c da xay ra trong qua kh(r vi~c can phai lam
E.g: I remember meeting that man, but not E.g: Don't forget to lock the door before
exactly where. leaving home.

Try doing sth: Lam thti vi~c gl Try to do sth: Co gang lam vi~c gl
E.g: If she's not at home, why don't you try E.g: Sally is trying to find a job, now that
ringing her at the office? she's finished college.

Mean to do sth: Coy lam vi~c gl

E.g: If we catch the early train, it will mean E.g: I'm sorry, but I didn't mean to disturb
getting up at 6.00.

Need doing sth: Can dl!Q'c lam gl (bi d¢ng) Need to do sth: Can phai lam vi~c gl
E.g: Your room is too dirty. It needs E.g: You look very tired. You need to take a
cleaning. (= It needs to be cleaned.)

Regret to do sth: Ufy lam tiec

I regret to inform you that your
application has been unsuccessful.

Go on to do sth: Tiep tvc lam m9t vi~c khac

E.g: She spoke about her son, then she went
on to talk about her daughter.
angry, happy, anxious, awtuye:u, glad,.

Cac tfnh tll' mieu ta tfnh chat cua hanh It's hard to remember all the items on the
d¢ng: easy, hard, important, interesting, list.
boring, ...

Trong cau true too + adj ho~c adj + enough You are too young to live alone.

DanhtU' Vld~:J

Theo sau cac danh tlr rna c6 d9ng my parents about my decision to buy
tll' ho~c tfnh tll' tlJ'ong Lrng ket hqp
voi d¢ng tlr nguyen the.

Dung sau cac tll' chi thu tl! the first, was the first student in our village
second, ... a chance to get into university.

Have + time/ a chance/ an opportunity + an opportunity to explain what


It's + a good idea/ a mistake +to V

It's time (for sb) + to V

Sau d9ng tll' khuyet thieu be careful with your words .

Sau dQng tll' make va let ....,.,...,........ ,,. .. makes me do the laundry.
... .,. .... "' . . . '"' .. will let us leave class early.

Sau had better (nen lam gl) va would You'd better wear a raincoat.
rather (tha lam gl)

Sau hear/see/watch+ 0

Trong cau m~nh l~nh window, please.

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