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Instruction: answer all questions in this part. Choose the correct option from (a) – (d)

1. The following are examples of vector quantities EXCEPT (a) thrust (b) area (c) moment (d) impulse.
2. I. MassII. Relative density III. WeightIV. Density.
Which of the quantities of a body will NOT vary when the location of the body changes? (a) I, II, III and IV (b) I, II,
III only (c) I, II, IV only (d) II, III, IV


3. The figure above shows the main scale of a micrometer screw gauge,
what is the reading on the instrument? (a) 9.21mm (b) 10.21mm (c) 11.71mm (d) 10.71mm.
4. The viscous force acting on a spherical ball of radius r falling through a viscos liquid is given as: F = 6π r ρ V
where V is the terminal velocity and ρ is the coefficient of viscosity. What is the dimension of ρ (a) ML-1T-1(b) ML-
2 -2 -3
T T (c) ML2T-3 (d) MLT-1
5. A motorist moving at 20m/s decelerated uniformly by 2.5m/s2 as it approaches a traffic light glaring red. if the
motorist then accelerates uniformly 15s later, for how long was the motorist at rest before commencing its
acceleration? (a) 7.0s (b) 8.0s (c) 10.0s (d) 15.0s.
6. A body was released at a height 100m above the ground. At what height above the ground will the kinetic energy
be ¼ of its total energy (assuming no air resistance)? (a) 20.0m (b) 25.0m (c) 38.7m (d) 75.0m.
7. During an experiment, a spring balance was used to pull a trolley on a horizontal track. The force F was
measured at various instances as well as the velocity v of the trolley and a graph of F on the vertical axis was
plotted against v-1. The area under the graph gives (a) work done (b) power (c) acceleration (d) energy.
8. A wheel and axle system of radius 200mm and 50mm respectively was used to lift a load of 50kg by applying an
effort of 200N. What is the efficiency of the machine? (a) 25.0% (b) 40.0% (c) 57.5% (d) 62.5%.
9. Which of the following is NOTtrue about a body moving with uniform velocity?(a) its average velocity over a
period of time is equal to its instantaneous velocity at any time (b) the body must be moving along a straight line
(c) though the body is moving, the net force acting on it is zero (d) its acceleration is non-uniform.
10. The stopping distance of a truck moving at the same speed as a train is shorter because the train (a)has a higher
linear momentum (b) has a different brake system (c) is longer than the truck (d) usually retards slowly.
11. The earth moves round the sun in an elliptical orbit with the sun at one of the foci. The earth is closest to the sun
at December and farthest in June. This means that (a) the earth moves fastest in its orbit in June (b) the earth
moves slowest in its orbit in December (c) the earth moves fastest in its orbit in December (d) the speed of the
earth in its orbit is uniform.
12. A cylindrical body floats vertically in water with one-third of its volume submerged. If the body is then pushed
such that half its volume is submerged, then the upthrust experienced is (a) greater than the weight of fluid
displaced (b) equal to the weight of the body (c) less than the weight of the body (d) equal to the weight of fluid
13. Which of these principles is applied in the propulsion of rocket into space? (a)principle of conservation of linear
momentum (b) Newton’s third law of motion (c) Keplar’s planetary law (d) Newton’s universal law of gravity.
14. Calculate the period of a simple pendulum of length 80cm.[ take g = 10m/s 2] (a) 1.78s (b) 5.66s (c) 7.27s (d)
15. A man used a rope to haul two boxes of weight 600N up an inclined plane of effective length 3.0m and onto a
platform 1.0m high by exerting a force of 400N. if the inclination of the plane is lowered, the efficiency will--- (a)
Increase (b) decrease (c) remain unchanged (d) increase for a while then decrease.
16. Which of the thermometers is appropriate for measuring rapidly changing temperature? (a) gas thermometer (b)
thermoelectric thermometer (c) resistance thermometer (d) liquid in glass thermometer.
17. A unit mass of turpentine will absorb 1760J of heat to raise its temperature by 10C.if a vessel contains 1.5kg of
the sample at 200C. calculate the quantity of heat that will be required to raise the temperature to 30 0C. (a)
26.4KJ (b) 17.6KJ (c) 2640J (d) 1960J.
18. Which of these graphs represent the variation of saturated vapour pressure of a liquid with temperature?

19. A heater marked 60W, evaporates 6 X 10-3kg of boiling liquid in 60s. what is the specific latent heat of
vaporization of the liquid? (a) 6.0 X 10 5Jkg-1 (b) 6.0 X 106Jkg-1 (c) 3.0 X 10-5Jkg-1 (d) 3.0 X 105Jkg-1.
20. Fixed mass of a gas occupies 20cm3 at 500C and 760mmHg. What is the volume of the gas at 30 0C and
800mmHg? (a) 17.8 cm3 (b) 20.7cm3 (c) 25.0cm3 (d) 41.4cm3

21. The set up shown above contains a thermometer, a capillary tube sealed at the lower end and containing
mercury pellet that traps dry air at its lower end. A ruler to measure the length of the trapped air. This set up can
be used to verify (a) pressure law (b) Boyle’s law (c) Charles’ law (d) Gay-lussac’s law.
22. In which of the following is bimetallic strip not applied. (a) thermostat (b) fire alarm system (c) balance wheel of
clock (d) railway tracks.
23. The increase in the volume of 10cm3 of mercury when the temperature raises by 100oC is 0.182cm3. what is the
cubic expansivity of mercury? (a) 1.82 X 10-4k-1 (b) 1.82 X 10-5k-1 (c) 1.78 X 10-4k-1 (d) 1.87 X 10-4k-1.
24. Waves sent out by the vibration of a tuning fork is an example of (a) electromagnetic wave (b) transverse wave
(c) stationary wave (d) longitudinal wave.
25. A plane water wave Reflecting surface (a) (b) (c) (d)
approaches a reflecting
surface as shown in the
figure, which of the
following represents the
waveform of the reflected
26. The figure below shows the profile of a wave. It takes the wave 0.7s to move from A to B. if the speed of the
wave is 5.2m/s. what is the wave length of
the wave? (a) 1.04m (b) 1.40m (c) 3.64m
(d) 5.00m. A B
27. The wave form below shows the sound wave generated from a sonometer wire.
If the wire is drawn out so that the length doubles but the cross-sectional area
t (s)
decreases. Assuming the tension in the wire is constant. Which of the following
shows the new waveform?


(c) (d)

28. The distance between two bridge making contacts with a sonometer wire is 50cm. If the linear density of the wire
1.0 x 10-3kgm-1 and the tension in the wire 40N. Calculate the wavelength of the sound for the first harmonics.
(speed of sound in air = 300 m/s) (a) 0.2m (b) 0.5m (c) 1.5m (d) 4.0m.
29. Calculate the height of a pole 300m from a pinhole camera which produces an image 2.5cm high, if the distance
between the pinhole and the screen is 5.0cm. (a) 15m (b) 150m (c) 250m (d) 300m.
30. Two plane mirrors are inclined at an angle 45o. How many images will be formed if an object is placed between
the mirrors? A. 5 B.6 C. 7 D. 8
31. Which of the following will be most appropriate for a dentist trying to examine the back teeth of a patient? (a)
plane mirror (b) concave mirror (c) convex mirror (d) parabolic mirror.
32. An object is placed 50cm in front of a concave mirror and a real image is produced 20cm from the mirror. What is
the radius of coverture of the mirror? (a) 14.3cm (b) 15.6cm (c) 28.57cm (d) 66.7cm.
33. In which of the following device is concave lens applied? (a) compound microscope, (b) Astronomical telescope
(c).binoculars (d) Galilean telescope
34. An eye defect resulting from the distortion of the curvature of the cornea is called? (a) myopic (b) astigmatism (c)
presbyopia (d) hypermetropia.
35. When a yellow light passes through a green filter, then a blue filter. What is the color of the emergent light? (a)
blue (b) green (c) red (d) no light.
36. The heating element of an electric heater has a thickness of 5mm; width 1mm and length 5m. calculate the
resistance of the element. [Resistivity of the element is 1.10 x 10 -6Ωm]. (a) 110.0Ω (b) 55.0Ω (c) 10.1 Ω (d) 0.28

37. Four electric cells of internal resistance r and emfЄ each, are connected in parallel, the (a) total emf increases (b)
total emf decreases (c) effective internal resistance increases (d) effective internal resistance decreases.
38. The effective resistance of the coil of a wire can be increased by (a) lowering the temperature of the wire (b)
shortening the length of the wire (c) drawing out the wire to increase its effective 3Ω
length (d) connecting it in parallel with a similar coil 2Ω
39. The current flowing in the circuit below is (a) 1.0A (b) 12A (c) 1.5A (d) 1.8A.
40. Calculate the cost of running four 60W lamps and two ceiling fan 200W each for 15
hours daily for 1 week, if the electric company charges ₦ 1.20 for every kWh. (a) ₦
80.64 (b) ₦ 60.16 (c) ₦ 48.24 (d) ₦ 32.06
41. The angle that the earth’s magnetic field makes with the horizontal at any point on the
earth surface is called (a) magnetic inclination (b) magnetic declination (c) angle of
inclination (d) angle of dip.
42. An electron travelling at 2.0 x 107enters a 0.01T magnetic field. At what angle to the direction of the field must the
electron enters the field for it not to be deviated from its original path. (a) 0o (b) 30o (c) 45o (d) 90o.
43. Which of the following is not an application of force on a current carrying conductor? (a) hot-iron galvanometer
(b) loudspeaker (c) electric motor (d) voltmeter.
44. An AC circuit consist of a
resistor, a capacitor and an I (a) I (b) I (c) I (d)
inductor connected in series.
Which of these graphs show the
variation of the rms root mean
square current with the f f f f
frequency of the source for a
very high resistor?
45. Which of the following is not a demerit of the Bohr’s molecular atomic model?(a) it could not explain the “fine
structure” of hydrogen spectra line (b) it could not explain the spectra line of multi electron atom (c) it could not
explain the distribution of electrons in atom (d) it could not explain the effect of magnetic field on the hydrogen
spectra line.
46. Factors that determine the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor are the following except
(a) the dielectric strength of the insulator between the plate(b) area of separation of the plate (c) potential
difference across the plates (d) distance between the plates.
47. An Uranium-238 decay to a new nuclei by emitting two beta particles and four alpha particles. The atomic mass
number of the daughter nuclei is (a) 234 (b) 230 (c) 228 (d) 222.
48. A laboratory has 1.49g of pure whose half-life is 10hrs. calculate the mass that would have decayed after 10hrs.
(a) 0.021g (b) 0.233g (c) 0.745 g (d) 1.49g.
49. Which of the following travels in vacuum with a speed less than the speed of light (a) gamma ray (b) cathode ray
(c) x-ray (d) radio wave.
50. The number of x-ray produced in an x-ray machine can be increased by (a) increasing the potential difference
between the anode and cathode of the tube (b) increasing the current (c) by rotating the anode faster (d)
introducing some air into the space between


[60 MARKS)

Answer eight questions in all

Five questions from part I and three questions from Part II

Part I

[15 marks]

Answer five questions from this part

All questions carry equal marks

1. A tennis ball travelling with a speed of 10 m/s rolls off a horizontal table 1.0 m high. Ignoring air
resistance, determine the:
(a) Horizontal speed of the ball just as its strikes the floor
(b) Time of flight of the ball in air [g =10m/s2]
2. (a) Draw and label a fibre optic cable shown its components.
(b) state TWO uses of fibre optic.
3. Name three magnetic element
4. A ball is projected vertically upwards with a velocity of 20 m/s
(a) Calculate the height attained 4 s after projection
(b) What inference can you make from your answer in 4(a) [ g =10m/s2]
5. State three factors that determine the location of solar power station.
6. What is a p-type semiconductor?

7. The diagram above illustrates an electrolytic cell. Identify the physical component labelled P, Q
and R

Answer three questions in this part
All questions carry equal mark
8. (a) (i) State in words, Newton’s law of universal gravitation. (2marks)
(ii) Explain acceleration of free fall due to gravity. (2marks)

(b) The magnitudes of the force of attraction between two particles of masses M and m separated by a
distance d is F1. When the distance of separation is , the magnitude of the force is F. Given that the
universal gravitational constant is G, obtain the expression for . (4 marks)
(c) What is escape velocity?
(d) What is the escape velocity of a satellite launched from the earth’s surface? {Take the g as 10 ms -2
and the radius of the earth as 6.4 x 106 m} (4 marks)
(e) Estimate the possible gravitational force between the earth and the moon at 4 ×108 m apart if their
masses are 6 ×10 24 kg∧7 × 1022 kg respectively.

− 11 2 −2
(G=6.67 ×10 N m kg ). (3 marks)

(a) State two practical applications of poor conductor of heat (2marks)
(b) Classify the following energy sources as either renewable or non-renewable: water, corn stalk,
coal and natural gas (2 marks)
(c) Explain the term closed system in relation to the definition of the law of conservation of energy
(2 marks)
(d) Determine the quantity of heat energy required to melt completely100 g of ice initially at -300 C
[specific heat capacity of ice = 2.20 x 103 Jkg-1K-1,specific latent heat of fusion of ice =2.26 x
106 Jkg-1] ( 3marks)
(e) (i) An amount of 2.0 J of energy is expended in a single heart beats of a person. If the heart
makes 72 beats per minutes, calculate the total energy expended in 1 hour ( 2marks)
(ii) if 250 g of water at 200C absorbs all the energy in 9 (e) (i), calculate the rise in the
temperature. [Specific heat capacity of water = 4.2 J g-1 K-1] (2marks)
(f) Explain why tomatoes keep longer when kept in a moist jute bag in a clay pot. (2 marks)
(a) State two types of waves produced in a ripple water and name the types of dipper responsible
for generating each wave (3 marks)
(b) Are white and black actual colour of light? Explain your answer. ( 3marks)
(c) A yellow object is illuminated with green light and viewed through a cyan filter. State the colour
of the object as seen through the filter. Explain your answer. (3 marks)

The diagram above illustrates the human ear. If the auditory canal of length l in conjunction
with the ear drum resonates in the first harmonic frequency 4000 Hz. Determine the value of l.
[speed of sound in air = 330 m/s]

(e) A progressive transverse wave profile in a stretched rope is given by:

y=2.5sin (0.2πx-40πt).The units of x and y are in centimetres and t is time measured in
seconds. Calculate the: (i) amplitude of the wave; (ii) wavelength of the wave.

(a) State two method of magnetizing a steel rod [ 2marks)
(b) Define electric lines of force (2 marks)

p R

(c) The diagram above illustrates the wheatstone bridge in operation. Write an equation for the
bridge at balance point. (2 marks)
(d) Explain the term resistivity ( 2marks)
(e) An inductor of inductance 10 mH is connected to an a.c source of frequency 50 Hz. Calculate
the inductive reactance ( π = 3.14 ) ( 3marks)

500 Ω 200Ω

(f) An electrical circuit is as shown above. The voltmeter

reads 12 V. calculate the voltmeter reading when it is connected across the 200 Ω resistor.
( 4 marks)

(a) define half life (2 marks)
(b) What is chain reaction? (2 marks)
(c) How is the speed of a nuclear chain reaction controlled? (2 marks)
(d) State two safety precautions in the handling of a radioactive substance. (2 marks)
n=∞ -0.0 eV

n= 5 -4.7 eV

n=4 -4.9 eV

n=3 -5.5 eV

n=2 -6.7 eV

n=1 -10.4 eV

(e) The energy level diagram above

illustrate above is for mercury. Use it to determine the:
i. Energy of the photon radiated electron drops from energy level n= 5 to n=3.
ii. Wavelength of the energy released if an atom in the n = 3 level jumps to the ground
[ h =6.6 x 10-34Js, c = 3 x 108 m/s , e = 1.6 x 10-19] ( 4marks)


1. B 11. C 21. C` 31. B 41. D

2. C 12. A 22. D 32. C 42. D
3. D 13.B 23.A 33. D 43. D
4. A 14. A 24. D 34. B 44. B
5. A 15. B 25. C 35. D 45. D
6. B 16. B 26. A 36. D 46. C
7. B 17. A 27. B 37. D 47. D
8. D 18. B 28. C 38. C 48. C
9. D 19.A 29. B 39. C 49. B
10. A 20. A 30. C 40. A 50. A

a. Horizontal motion of a projectile is a constant motion.
Initial horizontal speed = final horizontal speed
Horizontal speed before reaching the ground = 10 m/s
1 2
ℎ= g t
1 2
1.0= × 10 ×t

t=0.45 seconds
a. Sheath
Diagram 1mk
Core ( ½mk)
Cladding ( ½mk)

b. - Fibre optic cable can be used for transmission of internet data

- Fibre optic cables can be used as wire to connect video player and monitor screen
- it can be used in medicine as endoscopes
( ½mk each for any correct one x 2 = 1 mk)
3. Three magnetic elements include:
 Cobalt
 Nickel
 Iron ( or steel)
( answer any other valid answer ; 1 mark each x 3 =3 marks)
1 2
S=ut+ g t
1 2
h=20 ×4 + ×(−10)× 4
h=80 −5 ×16
( 2marks)
this means that, after 4 second of the throw, the body would have gone up and return to its initial
point of projection. Hence the distance moved = 0 ( 1mk)
5. Three factor that determine the location of the solar power station include:
i. Nearness to consumers to reduce cost of power transmission and power wastage in
transmission lines
ii. Availability of sunshine
iii. Big expanse of land to build the solar farm ( 1 mk each x 3 = 3 mks)
6. P-type semiconductors are semiconductors whose majority charge carriers are hole. It is a
extrinsic semiconductor whose crystal has been doped with a trivalent elements. ( 3mks)
i. R - represent electron flow from the anode of the battery
ii. P – anode of the electrolytic cell
iii. Q – cation in the electrolyte of the cell. i.e positively charged particles that were attracted
to the cathode of the cell.
( 1 marks each x 3 = 3marks)
8. a (i) Newton’s universal gravitational law states that the force of attraction between any objects in
the universe is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square
of the distance between them (2 marks or 0)

(ii) Acceleration of free fall due to gravity is the gravitational force acting on a unit mass in a particular
location. ( 1 mark). It is constant at a particular location on the earth’s surface but varies from place to
place due to the fact that the earth is not a perfect sphere. ( 1 mark) (total = 2 marks)

(b) F 1=G 2 (1 mark)

F 2=G

F 2=G 2 (1 mark)

F1 d
= ( mark )
F2 4Mm 2

F1 1 1
= ( mark )
F2 4 2

(c) Escape velocity is the minimum velocity given to a body to enable it escape from the gravitational
attraction of the earth. (2marks or 0)
(d) V = √ 2 gR(1 mark )

g= 10 ms-1, R = 6.4 x 106 m

V = √ 2 X 10 X 6.4 X 106 (1 mark )

¿ √ 128 X 106 = 1.131 X 104 ms-1(1 mark)

(e) F❑=G 2
(1 mark )
−11 24 22
6.67× 10 X 6 × 10 x 7 ×10
F❑ = 2
(1 mark)
( 4 × 108 )
F❑ =¿1.75 x 1020 N (1 mark) (total = 3marks)


(a) Application of poor heat conductor.

 They are used to lagging the walls of the cooling chambers of refrigerators
 They are used to lagging in a thermo flask
 They are used as handles for kitchen cooking utensils
 They used as materials ceiling of houses
(accept any other valid answer; 1 mk each for each correct one x 2 = 2 mks)

Renewable: corn stalk, water

Non-renewable: natural gas, coal
( ½ each for each correct classification = 2 mks)
(c) A closed system is a system that is neither giving out energy nor taking energy from an
external source. In a closed system, the total energy in the system remains constant at all
time. Law of conservation of energy only holds in a closed system.
(2 mks)
Q=mc ∆ θ+m l f (1 mark )
Q=0.1× 2200× ( 0 − ( − 30 ) ) +0.1 ×2260000(1mark )
Q=2.326 x 10 J (1 mark)
(3 marks)
i. In one heartbeat, energy expended = 2 J
In one minute, there are 72 heartbeats. Energy expended in one minutes = 2 x
72J = 144 J
In one hour, there are 60 minutes, energy expended in one hour = 144 x 60 J=
8640 J

Q=mc ∆ θ
8640=250 ×4.2 × ∆ θ
∆ θ=
250× 4.2
∆ θ=8. 2 C
1 1
(f) The porosity of the jute bag ( mark ) extract latent heat from the tomatoes ( mark ).
2 2
When the latent heat has escaped,( mark ) it will cause the cooling effect of the
tomatoes. mark .
2 )

Spherical waves ( 1 mk ) : produced by a spherical ball-shaped dipper ( ½ mk)

Plane waves (1 mk): produced by a dipper with a straight line edge like that of a
ruler.( ½ mk)
(b) White colour is a colour of light. It is a composite colour. It is a mixture of all the seven
colours of light.
Black is a absence all the colour of light. Black occurs when no colour of light in present.
Black is not a colour of light.
(c) The object will appear green. (1 mk)
This is because, yellow object reflects colour green and red but absorb all others. When a
green light illuminated the yellow object, it reflects the green light. Cyan filters allow blue
and green light to pass through it. The cyan filter will allow the green light reflected by the
yellow object to pass through it. The yellow object therefore appears green. ( 2marks)
(d) The auditory canal is like a closed tube. For a closed tube, the frequency of the first
harmonic is given as:
f= (1 mark)
4000= (1mark )
4 ×4000
f =0.02 m(1 mark)

(e) y= A sin ( 2 πxλ − 2 πvtλ ) or any other valid wave equation ------------i (1 mark)

y= A sin ( 0.2 πx − 40 πt ) -----------------------------------ii

Compare i∧ii
(i) Amplitude A= 2.5 cm ( mark ).
2 πx
(ii) =0.2 πx (1 mark ).
2 1
λ= =10 cm( mark).
0.2 2


(a) Methods of magnetizing a steel rod include:

 Electrical method: by placing the rod in a solenoid through which a direct current
is flowing through
 Single stroke method: by stroking the rod with another magnet in a peculiar
 Double stroke method: by stroking the rod with two magnets in a peculiar fashion
( any 2 at 1 mark each = 2 marks)
(b) Electric lines of force is the path which an isolated positive charge would follow if placed
in electric field. Or it can be defined as imaginary line emanating from a positively charge
particle and terminating on a negatively charged particle and the normal to these line at
any point in the electric field defines the direction of the field at that point. ( 2 marks)
= (2 marks)
(d) Resistivity of a material is the resistance of the material when it has a unit length and a
unit cross-sectional area. It is a scalar quantity and its S.I unit is mΩ. ( 2marks)
X L =2 πfL (1 marks)
X L =2× 3.14 ×50 ×10 × 10 (1 marks)
X L =3.14 Ω(1 marks)
R= R1 + R2
= 500 + 200
= 700Ω ( 1 mark)

V =IR (1 mark )
12=I ×700
I =0.01714 A (1 mark)
For the 200 ohm resistor
V =0.01714 ×200
V =3.428 v (1 mark)
Voltmeter reading when connected across the 200 ohm resistor is 3.428 V.
(a) Half- life can be define as the time taken for a radioactive material to disintegrate (or
decay) to half its initial size (or mass). ( 2 marks)
(b) Chain reaction is a self-sustaining reaction which once it is initiated, it is capable of
maintaining itself until all the reactant are used up. ( 2 marks)
(c) The speed of a nuclear reaction can be controlled by:
 Using a boron rod to reduce the speed of the neutron so that their collision with
the radioactive material becomes ineffective (1 mark)
 By using a graphite rod to absorb all the neutron so that there is no neutron to
initiate the nuclear reaction. (1 mark)
(d) Safety precautions in handling a radioactive substance:
 Radioactive substances must be stored or transported in a thick lead box.
 Personnel working with radioactive material must be properly kitted with
appropriate apparel that will prevent their body from coming in direct contact with
the radioactive material.
 There should be proper assess control to the storage room of radioactive
 Personnel bear a radiation monitoring badge always
( any 2 and 1 mark each x 2= 2mks)
Energy of the photon radiated electron drops from energy level n= 5 to n=3.
∆ E=E5 − E 3 (1mark )
∆ E=− 4.7 − ( − 5.5 ) ( mark ).
∆ E=0.8 eV ( mark) .
∆ E=0.8 ×1.6 × 10
− 19
∆ E=1.28 ×10 J (1 mark)
∆ E=E0 − E 3 (1 mark).
∆ E=−10.4 − ( −5.5 )
∆ E=− 4.9 eV ( mark ).
− 19
∆ E=4.9 × 1.6 ×10
−19 1
∆ E=7.84 × 10 J ( mark).
∆ E= (1 mark ).
− 34 8
6.6 ×10 ×3 × 10 1
λ= −19
( mark).
7.84 × 10 2
−7 1
λ=2.53 ×10 m( mark).

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