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WEEK 7 - 7.

I. Punctuation
1. Semicolon (Dấu chấm phẩy “;”)
Dấu chấm phẩy dùng để ngăn cách hai vế độc lập/hai câu đơn với nhau, được dùng thay
thế cho dấu chấm.
● I love the game of basketball; however, I don't play it myself.
● The tribe was left without food for weeks; the members had no choice but to resort to
● Bats are nocturnal creatures; they come out only during the night.
Example 1
Câu sai The platter was filled with berries, crackers; and cheese.

Câu đúng The platter was filled with berries, crackers, and cheese.

Example 2
Câu sai Ready for the journey of a lifetime; the boy hopped on the spaceship.

Câu đúng Ready for the journey of a lifetime, the boy hopped on the spaceship.

2. Dash (Dấu gạch ngang “-”)

Dấu gạch ngang dùng để:
a. Kí hiệu những mệnh đề bổ sung (không xác định) nằm giữa câu
● All our kitchen equipment - from the steel pans used for sauces to the premium-grade
oven had - to be sold to cover our losses.
● The Loch Ness Monster - a sea creature that is rumored to exist but has never been
found - supposedly comes out only during the winter.

b. Báo hiệu sự liệt kê danh sách, trình bày lại hoặc bổ sung thêm chi tiết
● The city is full of people you would never meet in my hometown - bums, actors,
models, the crazy, the oddly dressed.
● Consider the amount of paper that's wasted by unnecessary printing - a hundred
thousand pages, three times as much as what our competitors use.

3. Colon (Dấu hai chấm “:”)

Dấu hai chấm được dùng sau mệnh đề độc lập để báo hiệu sự liệt kê danh sách, cụm danh từ
hoặc một mệnh đề phụ thuộc khác tóm tắt hoặc làm rõ mệnh đề độc lập đứng trước nó.
● A classic eggs benedict breakfast should include the following ingredients: poached
eggs, english muffins, bacon, and hollandaise sauce.
● Tokyo is one of the cleanest cities in Asia: the street cleaners sometimes have no work
to do
Lưu ý: Dấu hai chấm chỉ đứng sau một mệnh đề độc lập
Example 1
Câu sai The local bakery sells many delicious desserts such as: cheesecake, lemon tarts,
and brownies.

Câu đúng The local bakery sells many delicious desserts such as cheesecake, lemon tarts,
and brownies.

Example 2
Câu sai The dangerous animals you have to watch out for are: lions, tigers, and pythons.

Câu đúng The dangerous animals you have to watch out for are lions, tigers, and pythons.

4. Comma (Dấu phẩy “,”)

a. Dùng dấu phẩy sau các mệnh đề, cụm từ giới thiệu hoặc bổ nghĩa
Example 1
Câu sai Although he is lactose intolerant he likes to eat pizza for lunch.

Câu đúng Although he is lactose intolerant, he likes to eat pizza for lunch.

Example 2
Câu sai Trapped in a mine the victims found it hard to see and breathe.

Câu đúng Trapped in a mine, the victims found it hard to see and breathes

Example 3
Câu sai At the end of the rainbow we saw a bowl of Lucky Charms cereal.

Câu đúng At the end of the rainbow, we saw a bowl of Lucky Charms cereal

b. Dùng dấu phẩy để ngăn cách các đối tượng được liệt kê
Example 4
Câu sai His hobbies included jumping off planes, crashing helicopters and eating

Câu đúng His hobbies included jumping off planes, crashing helicopters, and eating
Lưu ý: Dấu phẩy ở trước đối tượng cuối cùng được gọi là Oxford comma, tùy giọng văn mà không
bắt buộc sử dụng.

c. Dùng dấu phẩy để ngăn cách các mệnh đề bổ ngữ/quan hệ không xác định (không quan
Example 5
Câu sai Great white sharks the most fearsome creatures of the sea are actually less
dangerous than they appear.

Câu đúng Great white sharks, the most fearsome creatures of the sea, are actually less
dangerous than they appear.
Example 6
Câu sai The guy, cleaning the room, is the janitor.

Câu đúng The guy cleaning the room is the janitor.

Practice: Pick the correct answer A, B, C or D

1. The Rolex Daytona, the most luxurious watch ever released, sells for a staggering half a million
B) released
C) released:
D) released
2. My brother is a decent tennis player, he serves well: but his forehand could be hit with a bit more
B) player he serves well-
C) player, he serves well-
D) player, he serves well;
3. I practice scales on the piano everyday-not because I want to, but because I have to.
B) everyday; not because I want to
C) everyday not because I want to;
D) everyday, not because I want to;
4. Google's search engine is not only effective but also easy to use, the home page is nothing more than
a search field.
B) easy to use:
C) easy to use,
D) used easily:
5. These strange rainbow lights, a phenomenon only recently discovered in photographs of the town
remain one of science's unsolved mysteries.
B) lights a phenomenon only recently discovered in photographs of the town,
C) lights, a phenomenon only recently discovered, in photographs of the town
D) lights, a phenomenon only recently discovered in photographs of the town,
6. The handbook lays out the most common mistakes when it comes to writing; lack of structure,
having nothing to say, and repetitiveness.
B) writing,
C) writing
D) writing:

II. Apostrophes (dấu nháy đơn)

VD: Nhận xét về cách dùng dấu nháy đơn trong các ví dụ dưới đây
1. The cat’s hat is on the floor
2. It’s your duty to finish the task in time
=> Câu 1 ____________________
Câu 2 ____________________
=> Apostrophes có hai nhiệm vụ, ____________________
* Ví dụ
Example 1:
Câu sai Louis' scarf is 3 feet long.

Câu sửa Louis's scarf is 3 feet long.

Example 2:
Câu sai Both players's jerseys were soaked with sweat.

Câu sửa Both players' jerseys were soaked with sweat.

Example 3:
Câu sai Because he was hungry, the babysitter ate all the childrens ice cream.

Câu sửa Because he was hungry, the babysitter ate all the children's ice cream.

=> Lưu ý: Đối với tên riêng kết thúc bằng “s”, __________ , ví dụ “Louis’s”
Đối với số nhiều không kết thúc bằng “s”, __________ , ví dụ “children’s”
Đối với số nhiều kết thúc bằng “s”, __________ , ví dụ “ players’ ”

Example 4:
Câu sai The book has a cool picture on it's cover.

Câu sửa The book has a cool picture on its cover.

Example 5:
Câu sai He is the actor whose most known for his role in Batman.

Câu sửa He is the actor who's most known for his role in Batman.

=> Lưu ý: Phân biệt giữa các dạng viết tắt dễ nhầm lẫn
● it's vs. its
it's (contraction for it is) - He told me that it's an alien from outer space.
its (possessive) - The poster fell from its spot on the wall.
● they're vs. their vs. there
they're (contraction for they are) They're going to meet us at the restaurant.
their (possessive) - The students passed in their homework late.
there (location) - Jacob put the water bottle over there.
● who's vs. whose
who's (contraction for who is) - Who's that person sitting by himself?
whose (possessive) - T have a friend whose mother is an accountant,
Practice: Identify and correct the mistakes in the following sentences
1. Praised by critics for it's having innovative plot and cinematography, the director's first movie was a
huge hit at the box office.
B) its
C) it's
D) their
2. After the funeral was held for the brave soldiers, the general scattered their bodies ashes into the sea.
B) body's
C) bodys
D) bodies'
3. Writing code for applications and websites requires a lot of complexity to be stored in the
programmers mind at any one time.
B) programmer's mind
C) programmers' mind
D) programmers mind
4. Because their families are wealthy, each of my friends' houses has a swimming pool.
B) friend's houses
C) friends houses
D) friends’s houses
5. I go to a school who's parking lot can accommodate only 10 cars.
B) whose
C) that the
D) where
6. The teacher told us that the semester's grades will be released a week from now.
B) semesters grades
C) semesters' grades
D) grade's for the semester
● Cycling is more environmentally friendly than other forms of transport. Why is it not
popular in many places? And how to increase its popularity?
● Overpopulation in many major urban centers around the world is a major problem.
What are the causes of this? How can this problem be solved?
=> Yêu cầu: Với câu hỏi này, người viết cần phân tích được 2-3 nguyên nhân nổi bật và đưa ra giải pháp để
khắc phục tình trạng trên.

1. Cấu trúc dạng bài Cause-Solution

2. Practice
Cycling is more environmentally friendly than other forms of transport. Why is it not
popular in many places? And how to increase its popularity?
● Topic: cycling, environmental friendly, transport -> transport, environment
● Dạng đề: Cause and solutions
1. Introduction
● Paraphrase đề bài
● Trả lời câu hỏi đề bài: Khẳng định có nhiều nguyên nhân và giải pháp cho vấn đề này

2. Body 1+2

3. Conclusion:
● Khẳng định lại định hướng nội dung: 2 problems + 2 solutions
● Tóm tắt lại nội dung (optional)

1. Useful languages
● one cause of B is that S+V
● one clear reason of B is that S+V
Causes ● one factor that leads to B is that S +V
● A could be ascribed to B: A có thể được quy là do B gây ra
● A can be attributed to B: A có thể được quy là do B gây ra

● the result/consequence of A is that SV

● the effects of A on B = the impacts of A on B
Effects ● to exert/produce an effect on sth = to exert/create an impact on sth
● detrimental/disastrous/negative/adverse/undesirable effect/impact
● positive/favorable/desirable effect/impact

● solve = tackle = address: giải quyết

● mitigate = alleviate: make sth less severe (giảm nhẹ)
● ameliorate: make sth better (~improve)
● minimize = reduce = cut down = curtail: giảm thiểu (về mức độ hoặc số lượng)
● solution = measure = action = resolution = remedy: biện pháp, hành động
● adopt/implement a solution/measure

2. Template
Paraphrase đề bài
Trả lời câu hỏi
● This problem results from a number of causes to which several solutions will be
proposed in this essay.
● Some explanations for this problem will be put forward, before a few possible
solutions are drawn.
● This essay will outline a number of reasons for this trend and a number of possible
solutions to help tackle the issue.
● This may result in a number of undesirable consequences which could be addressed
by several approaches explained below

There are two significant reasons as to why (sự việc đề bài)

Body 1 ● One of the main reasons is that… / One of the main causes of this problem is that …
● Another reason is that …

There are some solutions that can be implemented to address the problem.
Body 2 ● Firstly,...
● Secondly,...

To conclude/ In conclusion, (sự việc đề bài) is caused by a number of factors, (such as A and
B). Strong measures, (including C and D), must be implemented to tackle this situation.



Body 1 …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Body 2 …………………………………………………………………………………………………


Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Bring into question (phr): Dấy

The unpopularity of using bicycles in numerous places lên câu hỏi, đặt ra câu hỏi
Intro has been brought into question although there is little feasible = possible
doubt about its friendly effects on the environment
compared to cars or airplanes. The reasons for this are
varied and several feasible solutions would be proposed
in the essay below.

underlying: (nguyên nhân)

There are two main underlying explanations for the đằng sau, cơ bản
uncommon use of bicycles. Firstly, it would consume a dwellers = resident
considerable amount of time to travel by this means of To eclipse the values: che lấp
transport, which, according to many, justifies the price of giá trị
Body 1 potential environmental damage caused by other types of inflict: gây ra
vehicles. This is because it fails to benefit dwellers of impractical: phi thực tế
major cities in particular when their pace of working life
would eclipse the value of using bicycles to the
environment. Secondly, modern people are becoming less
concerned about the negative impact that their daily use
of cars and public transportation would inflict on their
surroundings. Therefore, it is rather impractical to expect
cycling in cities, or even the countryside.

plays a vital role: đóng vai trò

The government plays a vital role in encouraging the use quan trọng
Body 2 of this environmentally friendly vehicle. They could conduct: tổ chức
conduct monthly green days that by law require citizens green days: ngày môi trường
to cycle to work to get people involved in protecting their initiative: sáng kiến
environment. In the long term, such an initiative would form a habit: hình thành thói
help to gradually form a habit of cycling among quen
occupied individuals. More importantly, propagation via propagation: truyền bá
various means of media along with optional courses imperative: cấp thiết
about the advantages of cycling to the environment at heighten social awareness:
schools seem imperative to heighten social awareness nâng cao nhận thức xã hội
of this matter.

a rare picture: điều hiếm thấy

Conclusion In conclusion, cycling, regardless of its positive
influences on the environment, has become a rare
picture in the modern world for a number of reasons; and
the government should take immediate actions to improve
this situation.

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