Letter To King George III

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Letter to King George III

By this letter I took the liberty to justify the main events of the revolt :

- The Boston Tea Party

With the increase of taxes on tea, paper and especially the taxation without
representation we colonists decided to throw a little “ party “ with your tea, no
hard feelings right ?

- Stamp Act Congress

We organized the Stamp Act Congress with our fellow delegates to discuss about
the right of the colonists regarding your taxation such as the Stamp Act that
increased the taxes on paper, documents and even our playing cards.
We as colonists do not agree with the Stamp Act and the Townshend Act as we find
them incredibly unjust, you British scum are just trying to suck more money from
us through these unnerving taxationss on the products we live by. Remember that
our motto is “ No taxation without representation “ and we won´t stay quiet while
you tax us ! Of course we could solve this conflict if you removed all these absurd
taxes and gave us our land on the Apachian Mountains, but you British people are
too inferior for this

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