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Sir M.AbuBakar
Amna iqbal
BSCS 2nd semester
Assignment no.1
Elimination of human resources in the presence of AI.


The relentless march of artificial intelligence (AI) has ignited a global

conversation about its transformative impact on the future of work.
One key concern centers on the potential elimination of human
resources (HR) jobs due to automation. While AI has undoubtedly made
significant strides in recent years, a closer examination reveals a more
nuanced picture. This paper will critically evaluate the possibility of AI
replacing HR professionals, exploring both the potential benefits and
limitations of AI in various HR functions. Ultimately, we will argue that
the future of HR lies not in elimination, but in a synergistic collaboration
between humans and AI.

The Rise of AI in HR: Automating Repetitive Tasks

The rise of AI has profoundly impacted many industries, and the HR

landscape is no exception. AI, in its various forms, can automate a
range of routine and data-driven HR tasks, leading to significant
efficiency gains and cost reductions. These include:

 Recruitment and Screening: AI can be deployed to analyze

resumes and job applications, filtering out unqualified candidates
based on pre-defined skills and keywords. This can significantly
reduce the time and resources traditionally spent on initial
screenings, allowing recruiters to focus on high-potential
 Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS): Powered by AI algorithms, ATS
platforms can go beyond keyword matching. They can analyze
resumes for sentiment, tone, and writing style, providing
recruiters with a more holistic understanding of potential
 Chatbots: AI-powered chatbots can serve as virtual assistants,
guiding new hires through the onboarding process. Chatbots can
answer frequently asked questions, provide access to company
resources, and streamline the onboarding experience for new
 Performance Management: AI can analyze employee data from
various sources, including performance reviews, project reports,
and productivity metrics. This data analysis can identify trends,
potential areas for improvement, and high performers, facilitating
more objective and data-driven performance management.

The Human Touch: Where AI Falls Short

Despite the undeniable benefits of AI in HR, it is crucial to recognize its

limitations. AI struggles with tasks requiring nuanced human skills such

 Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: HR professionals play a vital

role in fostering positive employee relations. This involves
navigating sensitive situations, resolving conflicts, and managing
difficult conversations. AI currently lacks the empathy and
emotional intelligence necessary to handle these delicate
situations effectively.
 Strategic Decision-Making: HR professionals contribute
significantly to strategic workforce planning and talent
management. They possess a deep understanding of
organizational culture, market trends, and industry needs. While
AI can provide valuable data insights, strategic decision-making
still requires human expertise and a long-term view that considers
complex human factors.
 Diversity and Inclusion: AI algorithms are susceptible to
perpetuating existing biases in the workforce if not carefully
designed and monitored. Ensuring diversity and inclusion in
recruitment, hiring, and promotion practices requires human
judgment and a commitment to creating a fair and equitable

The Future of HR: A Collaborative Approach

The future of HR is not about the elimination of HR professionals, but

rather about their transformation and evolution alongside AI. This
collaborative approach will leverage the strengths of both humans and
machines to create a more efficient and effective HR function. Here's

 Empowering HR Professionals: By automating routine tasks, AI

can free up HR professionals to focus on higher-level functions
such as strategic talent management, employee engagement
initiatives, and developing innovative HR practices. This allows HR
professionals to add more value to the organization.
 Data-Driven HR: AI can provide HR with valuable insights from
vast amounts of data. This data can be used to make evidence-
based decisions in areas like compensation and benefits,
performance management, and workforce planning.
 Improved HR Processes: AI automation can significantly
streamline administrative HR processes, leading to faster
turnaround times for requests and improved employee
experience. This includes streamlining tasks such as leave
management, payroll processing, and benefits enrollment.

Beyond Efficiency: The Human Element Remains Key

While efficiency is an important goal, the future of HR must extend

beyond just automating tasks. Here are some additional considerations:
 Employee Engagement: AI can assist with automating aspects of
employee engagement, such as sending personalized surveys or
providing access to learning resources. However, building a strong
culture of employee engagement ultimately requires human
interaction, recognition, and fostering a sense of belonging.
 Leadership Development: AI cannot replace the need for strong
and inspiring leadership in an organization. HR professionals play
a crucial role in identifying and developing future leaders who can
motivate and guide employees towards achieving organizational
 Change Management: As organizations embrace new
technologies like AI, HR professionals will be essential in managing
the change process. This includes communicating effectively with
employees, addressing concerns, and ensuring a smooth and
successful transition to an AI-powered HR environment.

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