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We had a very good first out in the IKOM Crusade, and we discovered a few gaps which we can fill easily that could
significantly affect our results in our next outing no matter where.

S/N Area / Category Improvement

1. Prayer - One thing we could have done better with the prayer chain is that we could have collected the
registration for different time-slots in a way that we could have SENT out SMS reminders to people
when the time for their time-slot was approaching and also daily, just to keep them reminded. We
noticed that as the prayer went on, a lot of people stopped showing up during their time slots.

2. Planning - We should have a central planning committee that will conduct meetings, create the budgets, keep
clear documentation of everything and report to You. There we items we could have gotten from
Calabar to Ikom for free and NOT had to rent or buy in IKOM if we had meetings mostly among
Media & Technical. Also a lot of ideas that would have saved the day in so many areas came along
from different departmental heads, but it was already too late. Having planning meetings will allow us
get our best ideas together from all Leaders for better results on the ground.

- We should have a general meeting with all the head of working units for the CRUSADE to agree on
what each UNIT needs and how we will work with each other to achieve the goal.

- This would also help the planning committee know what all vendors have been paid for and avoid
the scenario of paying twice for same item.

3. Advertising - We realized that Bikers could have played a big role in advertising in addition to Billboards and so
suggest that next time we should have event Flags on like 2,000 – 5,000 bikes. And I went to the
their office and discovered that we could have notified their UNION and they would have Mobilized
their bikers to promote the event. On one side of the flag we will have the advertorial for the event
and on the other side, we will say Transportation is FREE on This Bike.

- We could also have used branded Caps for Bikers and stickers for vehicles and shops.

- We discovered that using Buses wasn’t that effective mostly because whether people came to the
muster point or NOT we have to pay for the buses. But if we use Bikes, we can tell people to just
pick a bike and come to the venue and we will pay the Bike.

- To do this effectively we can Bike Muster Points where they can pick bikes so that the price to the
stadium is fixed and not varying.

6. Hiring Equipment - Subsequently we will do this earlier so we can buy items that we don’t necessarily need to RENT.
8. Crusade Program - Chimela suggested a day for medical checkup outreach. Like eye tests and provision of medication
of Event and some free glasses for some people. I feel this would have been a big move also. This usually
attracts a lot of people and I believe it would have been a big deal.

- Free medical checkup from 9:00am -4:00pm would bring a lot of people out and then we kick off the
event in the evening.

- Also having a special ministration by a known music artist would have increaed participation and
involvement. We have relationship with some notable artists like Eben, Samsong, Frank Edwards
and Nathaniel Bassey. Having one popular artists would have brought out more people.

- Also more prayer sessions to soak participants in Prayer should be considered, if we want to take a
cue from Ministers that host Cruades.
9. Crusade Timing - As we discovered on the street, most of the people were complaining about the time which we
started the event. Subsequently word should be about 7:30 upward.

10. Care for Mission - Request for volunteers should start at least 1 month to the event date, so that they can indicate
Volunteers interest earlier which will also allow them to free up their time for the crusade week.

- We should have a meeting with volunteers before the date of take off to prepare their minds and set
proper expectations of what they should expect as we embark on the missionary journey.

- This will reduce murmuring when things like food come late as people would have known that the
trip isn’t a comfort trip but a missionary trip and because of all the activities certain things like food
can come late. That way it’s NOT a surprise to them and improve the overall team morale during the

- We also had instances where someone thought NO one else should bbe added to his room because
to him the room was small, which could be have been avoided if such people got a proper
orientation and were prepared on what to expect.

13. Ministers - Subsequently sound equipments could be brought alone from Calabar with the truck bringing
Conference equpments and one or two media team members.

- According to Precious he could have added anything we needed for Ministers conference onboard
same TRUCK and we won’t have had to rent.

- We should promote cutting edge event to the Pastors from the Ministers conference. And use the
registration details provided to follow-up on them, and provide reminders for the cutting edge event.

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