Updated Affidavit Lien and Letter To The USA INC and US of AMERICAN Ref Settlment and Right To Sue Letters

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Margaret Sue Bozgoz 3653 Burr CT Unit A Fort George G, Meade, MD 20755-1239 April 30, 2024 International Criminal Court Po Box 19519 2500 CM, The Hague ‘The Netherlands The Honorable Lloyd J Austin Mr. Christopher Miller Secretary Of Defense 1000 Defense Pentagon Washington DC 20301-1000 The Honorable Carlos Del Toro Office of the Secretary of the Navy 1000 Navy Pentagon, Room 4D652 Washington, DC 20350 The Honorable John P. Coffey General Counsel of the Navy 1000 Navy Pentagon Room 40852. Washington, DC 20350 Captain David Snowden, CDR U.S.S. Harry S. Truman (CVN-75) colo Naval Air Force Atlantic 1562 Mitscher Ave STE 300 Norfolk, VA 23551-2427 General Paul M, Nakasone, USA Commander, U.S. Cyber Command 9800 Savage RD, Fort Meade, MD 20755-5999 General B. Chance Saltzman Chief of Space Operations 2020 U.S. Space Force Pentagon, STE 4858 Washington, DC 20330-2000 Justice Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary ‘The United States of America PO BOX 520994. Big Lake AK 99652-0994 SUBJECT: Update on Lien, 15 USC 1 violation, USS Harry Truman Clients discharge, and 714 Scam. The event that triggered this letter follows: (1) My ADA Client, Sailor, and Whistleblower Karla Tamayo's cry for help ref: The Navy violated Due Process, Safety, and my ADA Reasonable Accommodation request to keep the sailors safe and not let them go on mission aka out to sea! (2) Angie Smith's ADA reasonable accommodation request to the Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Captain Snowden, Admiral Bailey, Lieutenant Gibson, and Staff reference: What is their criminal intent with her son, Noah Smith if he should have been released from the Navy in November 2023 as per his board-certified doctors’ orders and ADA request in OCT 2023! The Navy had 30 days to process Noah out of the Navy. What went wrong? Why are they using him and other sailors with disabilities as slaves/Human trafficking victims? (8) Update the attached lien (Exhibit A). As per Noah, his wife, Ellie was removed. | also added the lien debtors from the initial DC District Court Claim, Claim #12/13 (Exhibit 1). | also added the RIGHT TO SUE (1) the United States Inc. and (2) the United States of America Inc, letters (Exhibit 2) (4) Update on 15 USC 1 violation as the United States Inc. and the United States of America are FOREIGN CORPORATIONS (28 USC 3002) masking around as the AMOORICAN GOVERNMENT THAT DOES NOT CARE FOR AMOORICANS! More specially, the corporations must follow contract law. They got caught violating their oath, the rule of law, the Charter of the FOREST, and their charter. Therefore, 15 USC 1 applies which is 100 million dollars (6) | want an explanation as to why Noah received a general discharge with only 6 months of medical when the Navy violated his rights in October 2023 by not releasing him from the Navy as per the 1990 ADA act by November. Instead, the United States Inc. violated his due process, and safety while exacerbating his medical condition and illegally retaliated against him. This is a felony! He needs more than 6 months of medical treatment! (6) | also want an explanation why Thornas Distin received an other-than-honorable discharge without me being in there to support him as his due process was violated again (18 USC 1512 violation). | asked for ADA RA on or about 16 Feb 2014. The question | want to know is why was he on a mission “out to sea” when my ADA RAwas to help him out process and keep him away from the TRIGGER aka the boat and Captain Snowden, Lt Gibson and etc. (7) 714 Scam. On or about 20 April 2024, Kevin Caldwell contacted me. He informed me that the Department of Veterans Affairs in DC made him a settiement offer, SEE EXHIBIT 4: Compliance with Arbitration Award — Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act, AFEG, National Veterans Affairs Council #53, and Department of Veterans Affairs, FMCS. The Issue with this letter (Department of Veterans Affairs, Compliance with Arbitration Award, EXHIBIT 4) is it is similar to our case against the United States Inc. and the United States of America Foreign PEDO CORPORATION. There are no coincidences! The USA INC Corporation (Veterans Affairs in DC) ALSO attempted to fire Robert under 38 USC 714 while he was recovering from the stroke that the Veterans Affairs employee (e.g. Attorneys in Building 810, Voncelle James, VA leaders, etc.) caused WILLFULLY because ROBERT challenged VA's illegal business practices. We discovered fraud, waste, and abuse at every turn in the ORM/EEOC system. Then when my son, Austin and | took the EEOC/ORM case to DC District Court under the ZONE OF INTEREST and as INDIGENOUS/NATIVE HAWAIIANS vs UNITED STATES INC CITIZENS we were retaliated against by Judge Amy B. Jackson as she had access to the truth (e.g. over 200 claims locked in the Army's and DOD's safe server) Judge Amy 8. Jackson, DOD, VA, DOJ had only one option. Settle vs play administrative trickery with taxpayers’ money and against the Westfall Act. Judge Amy 8. Jackson, DOJ, with the support of DOD chose to retaliate against my entire family, children, and associates by going into our records under the Name of Cindy Boyd. Details are on the record for the ENTIRE WORLD TO SEE: https /www.bitchute.com/channe/WTXWnbI8YhXG/ and https:/Awww.scribd.com/uploads Again: The case should have been settled peacefully in mediation in 2018 as per contract as it is against the law to play KANGAROO COURT which is rigged by DOD, DON, the Military Industrial Complex, Red Stone Army Arsenal, United States Inc. and the United States of America hence the reason we filed a QUO Warranto and as per proconfessio, the USA INC and the United States of America is DISSOLVED (Exhibit 4). BACKGROUND: The District Court is owned and operated by the DOD, the district court Judges (Randolph Moss and Amy B. Jackson) DOJ (Fred Haynes, Paul Cirino, Alan Burch, etc.), and the DOD (General Joe Dunford, Admiral Christopher French, and the attached defendants), tried to cover their National Security violation and crimes against, humanity by illegally retaliating against us using (1) Fake Police Reports, (2) Fake Peace Orders (3) Fake Criminals Charges, (4) denying my family, azeociates benefits and (5) violating our privacy by going into our records under the name of CINDY BOYD, (6) Trying to kill us then bragging about it (TARA JONES), (7) Getting the FBI, Third Party Contractors and CID to come over my house in violation of 18 USC 1512, (7) Altering court records, (8) Scamming 18 USC 1341 violations, etc. (9) refusing to give 3 me their oath of office as a matter of law, etc. Everything is on the record and documented. Everyone knows by now that it is against the law to NOT SETTLE peacefully in mediation. Why? The Court system is privately owned as per the Clearfield doctrine. We want our settlement based on the attached and as a matter of law vs 714, BACKGROUND REF SAILORS/Human Trafficking/ADA violations Karla Tamayo is one of the 15 sailors on the USS Harry Truman. She and Thomas Distin attend Lieutenant Gibson's Therapy Sessions and are ignored. More specifically, Lt Gibson and the command continue to violate her human rights and ignore the following: (1) IG Complaint (Exhibit 1) (2) How Lieutenant Gibson Shreds and alters medical paperwork (Exhibit 2) (8) How the Command and Dr. Gibson ignore her suicidal Ideations (Exhibit 3) (4) Ignores medical board-certified doctor's orders (Exhibit 4) (6) Tricked her into taking an unmanned MOS vs IT. Fraud Violates everything including her contract, therefore she [and the other vulnerable sailors] is/are being trafficked with the INTENT TO HARM (e.g. current 5 days mission, flying Thomas Distin to mission after his medical plan) (6) Ignores her safety plan. (7) Ignores/Hides her ADA reasonable Accommodation as per Executive Order 13164 and the SEC of the Navy's ADA Manual see: httpsv/www.secnav.navy.mil/mra/eeo/Documents/Department%200%20the%20 Navy%20Program%20Manual%20for%20Reasonable%20Accommodation. pdf (8) Ordered her and others to throw Hazmat material into the ocean. (9) Ignored the rapes on the ship (heard this from her and other sailors) (10) Ignored my 17 Feb 2024 Emergency OSHA ADA Reasonable Accommodation request (Exhibit 6), etc. Reference Noah: (1) Ignored Noah's Mother's ADA Reasonable Accommodation request (Exhibit 7) (2) Selective Prosecution (Noah Mills vs ETN2 Noah Smith) (3) Explanation why the United States Inc., IG submitted a fake IG Case Number (4) Explanation why the United States Inc., NCIS (Agent Mason) contacted her and did not update her on Noab’s Life and Death status she wanted to ensure NOAH was not on the SHIP, his trigger. (5) Why she could track Noah on her phone when everyone knows going to the board exacerbates his reoccurring attacks and is against: a. his board-certified doctor b. his safety plans. c. NICS ADA Reasonable Accommodations made on or about 5 March after he was released from the hospital (6) See: https://www.bitchute.com/video/N7cysKaSmnff Timeline of the harassment: 15 March ~ ADA Client and WHISTLEBLOWER Sailor Karla Tamayo contracted me on 15 March 2024 and informed me that she was on a mission against ADA RA, Safety plan, etc with Lieutenant GIBSON (See Exhibits 1-6) Noah's command called him on or about 23 March 2024 at 1030 pm and ordered him to report to the U.S.S. Harry S. Truman at 1400 the next day in violation of the 1990 ADA. RA. He was refused admittance and remained stalled at the pier for hours. From 16 March to date, | have asked for 1990 ADA Reasonable Accommodation for Noah to stay away from the boat as it is his trigger https:/Iwww.scribd.com/presentation/718428441/Fake-Facts-updated-30-March- How-the-navy-set-sailors-up-to-do-jail-time-and-or-commit-suicide-same-game- different-victim In Oct 2023, Noah's board-certified doctors ordered ADA reasonable accommodation for Noah to out-process from the Navy. The Navy had 30 days to process Noah out of the service but failed. The Doctor and Noah tracked his paperwork on the Admiral's desk. On or about 14 Feb 2024, Noah informed me that the Navy was going to violate his board doctors’ orders and send him and 15 other sailors with mental challenges out to ‘sea versus processing them out of the Navy and or getting them proper medical care. There is one doctor for approximately 150 sailors. “That mission” was canceled. To protect Noah and the other sailors, | requested an Emergency OSHA investigation as ‘see: https://www.bitchute.com/channelWTXWnbI8 YHXG/ On 16 Feb 2024, | fled a lawsuit and lien against the Navy for human rights violations. | also requested an OSHA investigation because Noah and the other sailors were suicidal. Suicide is a recurring issue in this program. See attached (Exhibit 2) (On 24 Feb 2024, the Navy retaliated against Noah and fifteen other sailors by calling them to the formation on a Saturday and arresting Thomas Distin for saying, “| AM HUMAN’. On 28 Fab 2024, | drave fram Maryland to Virginia to talk to the lagal raprecentative ae | wanted to understand why the Navy was ignoring my ADA reasonable accommodation request for Noah and the other sailors | brought the legal documents to Lieutenant Commander Peters and gave him (1) a copy of the lien, (2) a lawsuit, and (3) an ADA reasonable accommodation request (e.g., stay away from the boat/trigger). Lieutenant Commander Peters lied about ADA's reasonable accommodation to cover his ‘commander's crimes against humanity, human rights, and corporate charter violations. | have yet to have the interactive meeting. See: https://www.bitchute.com/channeVWTXWnbI8Y hXG/ And the navy: secnavpa.fet@navy.mil On or about 1 March 2024 Noah suffered an attack and was admitted to the hospital (again). (On 5 March 2024, Noah was told by criminal investigators (NCIS) that he was not allowed to go near the ship because he allegedly made threats to harm himself and others. He was also told that his outing from the Navy would be expedited, From § March to 25 March 2024, he was allowed to work from home. (On 26 March 2024, Noah voluntarily went to the boat to check on his out-processing packet against his ADA RA as his command kept him in the dark. When he left the boat, his command ordered him back to the boat and read him his rights. They said they were (1) ignoring the 1990 ADA RA request and (2) his place of duty was at the ship where he was a threat to himself and others. In addition, they briefed Noah that he would have a Captain’s Mast for being late to a formation in January 2024. Before this, the only thing he had been instructed to do was to be briefed by a Lieutenant Commander regarding returning to civilian life. Because ETN2 refuses to repudiate his ADA Advocate Margaret Sue Bozgoz, a Native Hawaiian from representing him the Command has perjured itself by invoking a Captain's Mast for an infraction, which at best, would warrant an adverse counseling or a letter of admonition. On 27 March 2024, | received a fake IG Case number from Mattew Sargeant, 202401340. | told him that Noah was suicidal and could not be near the trigger aka on the boat. Matthew said he could ensure that he was safe. | told him that | needed to talk to Noah otherwise, | would come down there to help him ‘out process as we knew his command was illegally retaliating against him. See: https:/www.scribd.com/presentation/7 1842844 1/Fake-Facts-updated-30-March-How- the-navy-set-sailors-up-to-do-jail-time-and-or-commit-suicide-same-qame-different- victim Keep in mind that NOAH MILLS was out-processing with NOAH SMITH. Both had ADA RA. Noah Mille got his DD214 but Noah Smith did not see: htips:/www.scribd.com/presentation/71 842844 1/Fake-Facts-updated-30-March- the-navy-set-sailors-up-to-do-jail-time-and-or-commit-suicide-same-qame-different- victim Furthermore, the Command knew Noah's disability and knew his doctor gave ADA RA in Oct to leave the military by Nov. Noah's MOS was taken away from him because of his panic attacks on the boat. By Executive Order 13164 and the Navy's ADA RA Manual Noah, a Native Hawaiian vs United States INC Citizen should have been out-processed in Nov 2024. To keep him passed that date is a orime and in violation of the United States Inc.'s charter! ‘On 28 March 2024, my husband and | drove to Norfolk and arrived at the |G Command | contacted the number Matthew Sargeant gave me see: httos://www. scribd. com/presentation/718426441/Fake-Facts-updated-30-March-How- the-navy-set-sailors-up-to-do-jail-time-and-or-commit-suicide-same-game-different victim The Number was the US FOR FLEET COMMAND. The IG POC was aware of our case and NOAH SMITH as | gave them my Release statement from NOAH as his ADA Advocate. Whoever answered the phone ignored the fact that this was an emergency and Noah's command was violating his human rights by kidnapping him and playing fake kangaroo Court. He informed me that he was not going to tell me any information about NOAH, and | was harassing him. He ignored the fact that | traveled over 200 miles to check on Noah, my Emergency, request, and hung up on me see" https vAwww.bitchute.com/video/aeNs18D3zdUR/ | also reached out to several other commands and IG POC: httos:/www. bitchute.com/video/geNs18D3zdUR/ ‘And httos://www.scribd.com/presentation/7 1842644 1/Fake-Facts-updated-30-Mar How-the-navy-set-sailors-up-to-do-jail-time-and-or-commit-suicide-same-game-diffe victim | also spoke with Agent Mason about the IG's fraud. He refused to get involved in the IG's administrative fraud. Later, | realized from talking to NOAH that a female NCIS recommended that he not go near the boat. This should be reflected in his safety plan Noah's mother also informed me that Agent Mason contacted her but did not pick up the phone when she returned his emergency phone call. At 5:00 pm, | went to Pier 14 to find Noah. He was not there. | contacted Noah's Mother and asked her to check the tracker on her phone. She said it showed that Noah was at his house (Exhibit 3), therefore we went back to his house and discovered that he had been abused by his command: On 25 March 2024, LT Gibson, psychologist called Noah Smith to return to the boat knowing she could have given him a referral and he was NOT ALLOWED ON THE TRIGGER. After his appointment with LT Gibson, Noah was escorted to an office and read his rights Legal Informed him that he did not have rights to ADA Counselor, and he was not authorized an ADA representative. Legal informed him that his out-processing would stop until his XO hearing and his Article 15 hearing Legal gave Noah several BS charges. He denied all the fake charges, however, he agreed on being late in Jan 2024 to formation even though the statutes of limitation ran out. Legal informed/threatened (18 USC 1512 violation) Noah that if he did not attend the fake United States Inc Kangaroo Court, they were coordinating for him, he would be arrested by the United States Inc Military Police. Legal “pat Noah down’ as if he were a criminal Note: Keep in ming, that Noah has a lawsuit and lien (Exhibit 1) against the United States Navy INC which must abide by their charter, or 15 USC 1 applies Also, itis a felony to go to a fake Kangaroo Court and waste American tax dollars. Furthermore, the United States Inc. cannot get any legal representative to represent any government personnel as per the WESTFALL ACT! On 26 Mach 2024, Noah attended a fake kangaroo Court out of fear and the United States Inc.'s employee, XO found him guilty of not knowing that the 1990 ADA RA did not apply to him while he was out processing. He was also found guilty of coming late to Jan 2024 formation. Noah was ordered to violate his board-certified doctor's orders and NISC’s ADA RA request and report back to the trigger. Noah was also ordered: (1) to stop out-processing. (2) Report on the boat formation (Exhibit 2) (3) Work/clean from 0700 to 8:15 then sleep. Noah's mission until his Article 15 hearing was: (1) Stay out of his command's way and (2) Not start any trouble. Noah was informed by his command the worst that could happen to him was: - Get demoted two ranks. - Deduction in pay - Lose medical benefits. - Detention for 45 (work on the trigger/boat from 0600 to 10 pm) - Other than honorable discharge When | saw Noah on 28 November 1700, he was depressed. He was not himself. He looked at me with disappointment and said, “WHAT IS UP" as if he did not know me. We went out to eat and he briefed Robert and me about the fraud, waste, and abuse. We specifically went over the Navy's ADA RA Standard Operation Procedures (Exhibit 4) Noah also told us that his car was stolen from his driveway the night before his fake Kangaroo Court. Noah's head was held down and he did not make eye contact. Noah looked beat. He said all he wanted was to sleep because he hated to be up and being treated like trash. He said he did not know if he and his wife were still married because of what his command had done to him. | continued to show Noah how the United States Inc. and its employees were violating his rights and told him to keep the faith as everything in the United States is about business and is an illegal rich man’s game. Noah is not the only sailor being abused by the United States Inc. Navy see: htips:/vww bitchute.comivideo/qeNs18D3zdUR/ Noah and the other sailors are not safe. The United States Inc. Navy and its employers, Agents (attorneys) See 28 USC 3002 section 15a are ignoring their silent scars and setting them up to harm themselves and to be trafficked see: https://www_scribd.com/presentation/7 1842844 1/Fake-Facts-updated-30-March-How- the-navy-set-sailors-up-to-do-jail-lime-and-or-commit-suicide-same-game-different- victim It's 2024 and the crimes continue to happen because you have the fox guarding the hen house, If you have questions or need additional information, you may contact me by email at AdaAdvocateSueBozqoz@amail,com or by telephone at 410-858-0107. |, Margaret Sue Bozgoz, Native American/Hawaiian make this statement under penalty of perjury to the best of my knowledge and recollection. Native Hawdiian/ADA Adypcate 10 Exhibit Summary Updated Lien Defendants on original Claim, Claim #12/13 Right to sue the United States and the United States of Americal : Department of Veterans Affairs Compliance with Arbitration Award Exhibit 4: Proof of Writ of Mandamus and Quo Warranto " Exhibit A: Updated Lien AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States Inc/Navy DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien Date: 30 April 2024 4. All men and women know that the foundation of law and commerce exists in the telling of the truth and nothing but the truth 2. Truth, as a valid statement of reality, is sovereign in commerce 3. An unrebutted affidavit/declaration is acted upon as the judgment in commerce 4. An unrebutted affidavit is acted upon as the judgment in commerce 5. Guaranteed — all men shall have a remedy by the due course of law. Ifa remedy does not exist or has been subverted, then one may create a remedy for themselves and endow it with credibility by expressing it in their affidavit. 6. Ignorance of the law might be an excuse. Still, it is not a valid reason for the commission of a crime when the law is easily and readily available to anyone making a reasonable effort to study the law. 7. All corporate government is based upon Commercial Affidavits/Declarations, Contracts, Commercial Liens, and Commercial Distresses. Hence, governments can NOT exercise power to expunge, [strike, blot out, erase, or obliterate] commercial processes. 8. The Legitimate Political Power of a corporate entity is dependent upon its possession of commercial Bonds against Public Hazard NOTE: Reference Legal Abuse Syndrome caused by corrupt corporate United States Inc. Main complaint as an ADA ADVOCATE. My clients constantly and repeatedly tell me that the initial betrayal or traumatic assault was only a first step toward their psychic injury. The initial trauma may have been a tough experience, but it was manageable as there was hope for justice in their minds’ eyes. They could not imagine that when they turned to the court [because the court is always fair] that the pressure and stress would be exacerbated to the point of a disability. If the United States Inc, its corporate THIRD-PARTY CONTRACTORS, and the legal system do not address the problem and continue to cast my ADA Clients/ Litigants into further pain and complication, we are facing a serious but entirely preventable PUBLIC HEALTH CATASTROPHE. | REPEAT we are facing a serious but entirely preventable PUBLIC AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States Inc/Navy DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien HEALTH CATASTROPHE caused by foreign TRAITORS who cannot abide by their oath/Charter. Hence the reason I did a QUO WARRANTO. They are not giving us Americans what we are paying for. Instead, they violate interstate commerce while they violate GOD’s Natural Universal law, which states DON'T HARM. PTSD is commonly characterized as a psychiatric injury that occurs when a person feels simultaneously jeopardized and helpless. For ‘example, when the stakes are high, such as (a) in child custody cases, (b) in child sex trafficking (Eileen Eddleman’ Case), (c) when the judge doesn't establish SMJ (Evalani Yockman wrongful death case), (d) when in prison after a sex offender Transgender assaults you (Shaunel's case), (e) when you ask for ADA RA in court and at the WA State Correction facility and the Judges/Shemnff's Department denies it to cover up their own misdeeds (Brads and Spencer's case, ADA clients in WA State Prison), LAS can be triggered from UNITED STATE INC CORPORATE court appointees who lack sensitivity, experience, proper motivation, and responsibility or prosecutors who work for the BAR. Adding to the traumatic encounters are enforcement agencies (Hillsborough Sheriff's Department), regulators (DOJ, VA Attorneys in building 810), and other official resources failing or refusing to provide Americans the services their agencies were established to provide. What bothers me the most is when the United States Inc. attomeys (DOJ) know they cannot touch a case when acceptable claims are locked in the Amy Safe Server, Hillsborough Court House, Court of Appeals, and Supreme Court and they continue to play us as fools. Traditionally, my ADA clients and litigants have had no definition of this condition and no healing or therapy protocols available, however, as their ADA Advocate, | have a solution - Exposure all the while accommodations are being sought and denied, my ADA Clients’ adversaries such as the United States Veterans Affair Attorneys in Building 810 and Fl, the Judges, and the Department of Corrections characterizes my ADA Clients/disabled persons are ‘CRAZY’ and at moments, my ADA Clients wonder if they are CRAZY and or helpless. But, they are not and it is most satisfying for me as an ADA Advocate when | can assure my ADA Clients. Once again, they are victims of the UNITED STATE INC CORPORATION corruption. My ADA Clients are not crazy it is the system and the system's well-thought-out strategic plan to cheat Americans out of life, liberty, and happiness using fraud, waste, abuse, hearsay, assumption, presumption, and subornation of perjury, not establish Subject Matter Jurisdiction, false police reports, false peace AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States Inc/Navy DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien orders the false peace orders become fake criminal charges aka administrative trickery. According to United States Inc insiders: (1) everyone is involved and (2) the United States Inc's motto is, “THEY CAN PLAY BUT THEY CANNOT GET CAUGHT cause winner take all (three times due to fraudulent inducemen/RICO). Further, medical research has established that the demands of the ADAAA to shore up the ADA clients/itigants suffering from disabilities are not only appropriate but also long overdue. The burden is on the court [and prisons] to reasonably accommodate they receive billions of 504 dollars for ADA reasonable accommodations. All my ADA clients have a right to dignity, respect, and a fair day in court. | discussed my concerns with Dr. Karen Huffer before she died. She coined the phrase Legal Abuse Syndrome. Dr. Huffer and | agree that no one can successfully or legally argue that those with disabilities especially a sex trafficked child, wounded warrior, raped victim, an elderly person, should be denied due process and equal protection of the law. No one can defend medically unqualified clerks, void orders, no orders, lawyers, prosecutors, judges, and sheriffs determining the accommodations needed or not needed by my ADA clients with disabilities. No one can successfully argue that the right to manage a house, and assets, live independently, determine what vaccine you get, and other fundamental rights should be denied an American with a psychic injury especially when the United States Inc CORPORATION and its Third-Party Contractors/Agencies are causing the disability WILLFULLY. When an adversary like the UNITED STATES INC Veterans Affair’s Employee, GS14 Voncelle James shouts our ‘CRAZY” while she brings my family’s confidential medical records into court with her or when the Department of Correction’s Doctors send my cousin, Shaunel to her mental doctor when she complains about being magnetic vs the clinic. That is not only a crime but DISCRIMINATION. There is no evidence that a person who is diagnosed with a severe mental illness cannot successfully live effectively with proper humane support. Although the Veterans Affairs Attorneys, Judges, Attormeys, and Prison Doctors need to consider when | ask for Reasonable Accommodation for my ADA Clients is - that symptoms of psychic injuries caused by trauma (PTSD, MST, sex trafficked, TBI, wrongfully arrested/bend over) are not addressable through the usual run solutions offered during litigation. My ADA clients with PTSD and anxiety do not fall into the line when ordered to, they cannot. My ADA Clients have silent scars that don't allow them to think off the cuff or on their feet. My ADA AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States Inc/Navy DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien Clients [when in court] must know how to think and speak quickly and effectively after analyzing the message. Trauma/Silent Scars attacks the invisible internal connections in our neurophysiologic and psychological systems that make such responses impossible. It is important that my clients understand what Neurophysiology and psychology mean to understand their challenge in court as our adversary knows (hear Judge Williams and VA's pawn, GS14 Voncelle at an ex parte court hearing on 6 Jun 2019. In this meeting/hearing, Judge Wiliams explains to VA employee, Voncelle James how the victim feels when they receive a fake peace order/summons) also see: (Exhibit___ ref. Definition of Neurophysiological and Psychological) Once traumatized, my ADA Client is afflicted with untimely hesitation. Their physiology is reacting to sensory information involving nerve centers in the brain located right below the cerebral cortex initiating irrelevant responses in the present moment. In fact, their concentration is distracted away from the present moment. My ADA clients either may not speak at all or speaks out uncontrollably. Their inability to “Speak LITIGATION” can be devastating to their courtroom presentation. In such circumstances, |, as an ADA CONTRACTED ADVOCATE, must be able to do my job and speak for my ADA Clients. They resist and dissociate from the very data and processes that could help them the most. When the United States Inc Employees, Judge, the Department of Correction and etc., deny: (1) ADA reasonable Accommodation and (2) these rights, they not only violate my God-given right to protect my ADA clients but violate 18 USC 246 which states, whoever directly or indirectly deprives, attempts to deprive, or threatens to deprive any person of any employment, position, work, compensation, or other benefit provided for or ‘made possible in whole or in part by any Act of Congress appropriating funds for work relief or relief purposes, on account of political affiliation, race, color, sex, religion, or national origin, shaill be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), and the newest iteration of the law, the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA). The Act's long description is ‘An Act to establish a clear and comprehensive prohibition of discrimination on the basis of disability.” Designed in part to protect litigants with special needs, this Congressional mandate was intended to ensure that all persons, regardless of any disability they may suffer, apparent or non-apparent, are granted equal AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States Inc/Navy DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien access fo all areas of public and private activities. That means physical access, testimonial access, and participatory access to the court of law (Dr. Huffer, 2011) A key feature of the law passed by Congress provision for individuals to help and protect people with disabilities (physical and silent scars) who attempt to assert their rights under the ADA. The “advocates: envisioned by Congress and written into the law can work in any reasonable capacity in support of a person with disabilities. This is especially important in litigation where advocates are often the very key to equal access and protection under the law through effectively seeking and affecting courtroom accommodations of various sorts (Dr. Huffer, 2011) The UNITED STATES INC CORPORATION in Tennessee vs Lance, et al., 541 US. 209 (2004) pointed out that Congress Constitutionally abrogated the State's Eleventh Amendment immunity, making suits for damages available to individuals who proceed under Title of the ADA which claims violations of Due Process of the Law. This means that if judges do not adhere to the ADAAA they lose their immunity from being sued. The Lane Court found that ‘the United States Inc Corporation aka CONGRESS" enacted Title I! of the ADA Act against a backdrop of pervasive unequal treatment of persons with disabilities in the administration of state services and programs, including systematic deprivation of fundamental GOD GIVEN NATURAL HUMAN RIGHTS. Specifically, Title II seeks to enforce a variety of basic UNITED STATE INC Corporation guarantees for all Americans, including the right of access to the court, “infringements of which are subject to heightened judicial scrutiny.” The court found that all courts have a duty to accommodate that is perfectly consistent with the well-established DUE PROCESS PRINCIPLE that a state must afford to all individuals with disabilities. The UNITED STATE INC CORPORATION's Supreme court concluded in Lane, "TITLE Il, as it applies to the class of cases implicating the fundamental right of access to the courts, constitutes a valid exercise of Congress's authority to enforce the guarantees of the Fourteenth Amendment fo the UNITED STATES INC CORPORATION'S Constitution According to Dr. Karen Huffer (2011). the role of the ADA Advocate is essential if the United States Inc mandate ref: ADAAA is to be honored. My ADA advocates are entitled to reasonable accommodations the same as if they had obvious physical impairment (e.g. needed a wheelchair). AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States Inc/Navy DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien If people with disabilities are not accepted and accommodated in litigation, they can become locked into a negative cycle of victimization that they often then unconsciously extend to everybody around them, including friends, family employer, coworker, neighbors, and advocates who try to engage with them for the sole purpose of conflict resolution Having lost their ability to sense which individuals are trustworthy in their lives, it is as if their “trust-sense” memory is so greatly impaired as to no longer function. In our case, according to Tara Jones, VA Attorney who worked in building 810, the United States Inc CORPORATION hires hit men, trolls, and throw-aways (subomation of perjury) to run victims and their children off the road until they are dead (Exhibit Neuro-imaging studies of PTSD also help to clarify the underlying neurobiological changes that cause these kinds of complications for those with litigation-related stress disorders during litigation. “You aren't crazy: You are coping” explains trauma expert va der Kolk (2006). And, while you struggle to cope, your opponent proceeds to: (a) use the courts, (b) steal ADA funds, (c) steal American tax dollars, (d) take your assets, (e) waste your resources, (f) and or (g) obtain custody of the kids, (h) fill heir for- profit prisons, and obtain free labor/bodies for illegal experiment with the goal of transhumanism, (i) dominate and () continue to abuse the family and legal system right under the American people nose as the judge works for the BAR aka the UNITED STATES INC FOREIGN CORPORATION. Without ADA Advocates in America and intervention, such traumatic development can cause damage to litigants/my ADA Clients to engage in greater conflict again. They are resigned to live from an almost pugilistic strand point, fists clenched, suffering from increased stress symptoms in a circular pattem of ever-widening dysfunction. What hurts them, hurts everyone in the family. Hence the reason everyone in the family has the standing to sue the perpetrators in their individual and official capacity under the ZONE OF INTEREST. Victims must also sue the Principal contractor as everyone has a DUNS and Bradstreet number. The harasser/abuser grabs the moment and is able to claim to all around him/her, "I told you she/he was crazy” and the distorted perception from the victim's *punch-drunk" status would make it appear so. But, the appearance of craziness was preventable, and preventing it is the focus of the ADA Advocate's job. AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States Inc/Navy DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien Americans can contact someone to assist them of their choice or they can file @ complaint by using the Department of Justice Title I! Complaint form, OMB No 1190-0009 with the United States Inc Corporation Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, and Disability Rights Section HOWEVER, the DOJ works for the perpetrators and the BAR! The remedies, procedures, and rights set forth in 29 USC 794(a) shall be the remedies procedures, and rights the ADA provides to any person alleging discrimination on the basis of disability, 42 USC 12133. Title 29 USC 794(a) provided that: The remedies, procedures, and rights set forth in section 717 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC 2000e-16), including the application of sections 701(f) through 706 (k) (42 USC 2000e-5) (f) through (k), shall be available, with respect to any complaint under section 791 of this title, to any employee or applicant aggrieved by the final disposition of the such complaint, or by the failure to take final action on such complaint. * The remedies, procedures, and rights set forth in TITLE VI of the CIVIL RIGHTS ACT of 1964 [42 USC 2000d et seq] are also available to any person aggrieved by any act or failure to act by any recipient of federal assistance of federal provider of such assistance under section 794 of the title. Attorneys/ADA Advocates or however you selected to help you can also be included. Note: You do not need a certified BAR Associate Attorney to help you as the Attorneys and Judges work for the BAR. The ADA Advocate has its own built-in protection against retaliation. Section 42 USC 12203 states specifically that: 1. Retaliation- No person shall discriminate against any individual because such individual has opposed any act or practice made unlawful by this chapter or because such individual made a charge, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under this chapter. 2. Interference, coercion, intimidation — It shall be unlawful to coerce, intimidate, threaten, or interfere with any individual in the exercise or enjoyment of, or on account of his or her having exercised or enjoyed, or on account of having aided or encouraged any other individual in the exercise or enjoyment of, any right granted or protected by this chapter. AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States InciNavy DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien 3. Remedies and procedures - The remedies and procedures available under sections 12117, 12133, and 12188 of this section, with respect to subchapters |, II and Ill ADA violations/remedies: See Exhibit ADA violations. 9. No BOND means no responsibility, means no power of Official signature, ‘means no real corporate political power, and means no privilege to operate statutes as the corporate vehicle. 10. Corporate Legal Power is secondary to Commercial Guarantors. Case law is not a responsible substitute for a Bond. 11. Municipal corporations, which include cities, counties, states, and national governments, have no commercial reality without bonding of the entity, its vehicle (statutes), and its effects (the execution of its rulings). 12. In commerce, it is a felony for the Officer/PUBLIC OFFICE to not receive and report a CLAIM to its BONDING COMPANY ~ and it is a felony for the agent of a BONDING Company, and it is FELONY for the agent of a BONDING COMPANY TO NOT PAY THE CLAIM. 13. Ifa bonding company does not get a malfeasant public official prosecuted for criminal malpractice within (60) days, then it must pay the full face value of a defaulted Lien process at (90) days. 14, Except for a JURY, it is also a fatal offense for any person, even a Judge (e.g. Judge Amy B. Jackson, Judge Randolph Moss, Judge Margaret Taylor, Chief Justice of the United States, John Robert, OHIO COURTS etc.), to impair or to expunge, strike, blot out, erase, or obliterate WITHOUT a Counter- AffidavivDECLARATION, any Affidavit/Declaration or any commercial process based upon an Affidavit. In our case, the Affidavits and Declarations are found on the record (e.g. DC., FL, DC Court of Appeals, DOD, Scribe, and VA/DOD Transmittal Record) See https:/www scribd.com/document/613169101/Updated-12-Amended-Complaint-as- of: 11-5: 2022? fbclid=IwAR 1wAiz5jMIHbMoJ5Ga5IHV2SGK4RDezY BISOdVMBiZnhVh2i21 BpVcfl Ve 15. Judicial non-jury commercial judgments and orders originate from a limited liability entity called a municipal corporation hence must be reinforced by a Commercial Affidavit/Declaration and a Commercial Liability Bond. Note: It could also be filed under a Declaration if filed under TITLE I! & III of the ADA Act. AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States InciNavy DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien 16. A foreclosure by a summary judgment (non-jury) without a commercial bond is a violation of commercial law. 17. Governments, Judges, Attorneys and etc., cannot make unbounded rulings or statutes that control commerce, free-enterprise citizens, or sole proprietorships without suspending commerce by a general declaration of martial law. 18. Itis tax fraud to use Courts to settle a dispute/controversy that could be settled peacefully, outside or without the Court. Note: Our initial case started in Washington DC at the United States InciCORPORATION Veteran's Affairs building, 1800 G Street NW. The main corporate contractors/Principals are the Pope, the Queen, and the Lord Mayor of London. It is my understanding that nobody has approved and does not have contracts with any of the new Municipal Corporations and/or Territorial Corporations that are seeking to create contracts by Assumption of Contract in Succession (See Exhibit 1, Justice Anna Riezinger, Fiduciary, The United States of America, INC Corporation), Also, note #24 of Justice Anna's Affidavit which states the UNTIED STATES INC Corporation, Legislation which has imposed upon the Natural and Unalienable Rights of individuals and those rights and prerogatives guaranteed by the UNITED STATES ING Constitutions will similarly be rooted out, set aside, and nullified which means to render or declare legally void or inoperative resulting in the release of many prisoners who have been victims of the state-of state, Territorial, and Municipal Prisons-for-Profit schemes. This is significant to note because of my ADA clients in the WA States Women's facility and Eileen Eddleman. For example, my cousin, Shaunel Burt is a victim of sex trafficking from WA State to Guam. At her trial, the corporate Judge own by the BAR Association/JROTHSCHILDS (See Exhibit 2, Clearfield Doctrine), the Judge, and the Prosecutor joined together and DID NOT ESTABLISH SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION/SUFFICIENCY of pleading as they WILLFULLY played Shaunel and her mother, Eileen Yockman — Eddieman [just like how the Judges and prosecutors in Hillsborough/Tampa Florida are playing Bradley Bolden and Spencer on 12 Jan 2023 in fake Kangaroo Court see: httys:/avww bitchute, con/video/iaF BaA1BkCPV 19. An official (officer of the court, policeman, etc.) must demonstrate that he/she is individually bonded in order to use a summary process. Had the Courts not violated the ADA Act against me on 12 Jan 2023, | would have demanded that they provided their credentials on 12 Jan 2023. However. | am demanding every defendant show their credentials and bonds now under the United States Inc's Executive Order 13164, Titles II and III of the 1990 ADA Act which means these for pro profit and third- party contractors/corporations cannot continue to steal ADA funds from Americans and deny ADA rights See Tennessee vs Lane which states (1) NOBODY involved in this AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States Inc/Navy DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien fraud nonsense gets immunity and (2) Any man-made law that conflicts GOD’s give natural law can be changed on the spot so it allows all Americans, Native Hawaiians Indigenous living breathing humans beings to receive (1) justice, equal protection of the law, (2) due process and (3) to improve the world 20. An official (Judge, Prosecutor, Officer) who impairs, debauches [to corrupt morally], voids, or abridges an obligation of contract or the effect of a commercial lien without proper cause, becomes a lien debtor. A Lien debtor means a person (corrupt Judge, Corrupt Attorneys, etc.) who is obligated or owes payment or other performance. If the lien debtor and the owner of the collateral are not the same people, ‘tien debtor" means the owner of the collateral. For the purposes of the handler's lien provided by RCW 60.11. Again, an official (Judge, Prosecutor, Officer) who impairs, debauches [to corrupt morally], voids, or abridges an obligation of contract or the effect of a commercial lien without proper cause, becomes a lien debtor and his/her property becomes forfeited as the pledge to secure the lien. Pound breach (breach of impoundment) and rescue is a felony(ies). 21. itis against the law for a Judge to summarily [remove without the customary formalities] dismiss, dissolve, or dismissed a Commercial Lien. Only the Lien Claimant (Lien claimant means a person claiming an interest in the real property who offers a document for recording or filing with any county recorder in the state asserting a lien, or notice of interest, or another claim of interest in certain real property) or a Jury can dissolve a commercial lean. 22. Notice to agent is a notice to the principal (UNITED STATES INC); Notice to principal is a notice to agent. This means Judge Amy B. Jackson cannot contact my ADA client, Nicky Senn, through the mail with a void document in violation of 18 USC. 1341 on or about 19 May 2023 (See Attached). 23. PUBLIC HAZARD BONDING OR CORPORATE AGENT. All officials are required by Federal, State, and Municipal Law to provide the name, address, and telephone number of the bonding company, the policy number of the bond, and, if required, a copy of the policy describing the bonding coverage of their specific job performance. Failure to provide this information constitutes corporate and limited liability insurance fraud (15 USC). It is prim-a-facie evidence and grounds to impose a lien upon the official, personally, to secure their public oath and service of office. AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States Inc/Navy DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien 24. This international Commercial Obligation Lien is, in part, supported and prefaced on UCC-9/102 (Agricultural Lien); UCC 9/607-610 (Secure Party’s Rights to take possession after default), of which ALL RIGHTS Reserved. 25. | request full relief based on the United States Inc. Corporation and its fraudulent inducement. A copy of our affidavits that stand as truth is located at DOD, DC/MD District Court, Court of Appeals, Supreme Court social media, Scribd etc. Also see Bitchute channel: https:/)www.bitchute.com/video/giZPMSKDStDP. Also see updated supplement dated 10 March 2024 relief for Noah Smith, Noah Mills, and Thomas Distin dated 15-17 March 2024, and the main District Court/DOD claims (16 each) please include all Plaintiffs and defendants. The main claims are: Claim 4 ‘A. The discriminatory conduct of which we complain in this action includes: 1, Not following the UCC Code as this case should have been settled in mediation in 2018 verses: (1) Setting my family, and ADA clients up to fail while stealing ADA funds and denying ADA Human rights. (2) Locking over 200 EEOC/ORM Claims and 16 District Court Claims in the Army’s/DOD’s Safe Server aka ESCROW. 2. Violation of the Title VII Civil Rights Act of 1964. 3. Failure to accommodate disability. 4. Retaliation 5. Harassment 6. Violation of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 7. Age discrimination under the ADEA. AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States Inc/Navy DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien 8. Violation of Title Il of the Americans with Disabilities Act and due process of law. 9. 42 U.S. Code § 1981a. Damages in cases of intentional discrimination in employment 10. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. 11. Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Claim 2 42 U.S.C § 1983 Bivens Under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, you may sue state or local officials for the “deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and [federal laws). Under Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, 403 U.S. 388 (1971), you may sue federal officials for the violations of certain constitutional rights. A. Are you bringing suit against? _X_ Federal officials (a Bivens claim) _X_ State or local officials (a § 1983 claim) B. Section 1983 allows claims alleging the “deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and [federal laws.” 42 U.S.C. § 1983. If Fa a AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States Inc/Navy | DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION | INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien you are suing under section 1983, what federal constitutional or statutory right(s) do you claim is/are being violated by state or local officials: | 1. First Amendment, | 2. Third Amendment, | 3. Fourth Amendment 4. Fifth Amendment, 5. Sixth Amendment, 6. Eight Amendment 7. Ninth Amendment, 8. Tenth Amendment 9. Thirteenth Amendment, 10.Fourteenth Amendment, 14 Titles Il, Ill, V and VI of the Americans with Disabilities Act 12.the right to serve summonses without interference or assault 18 U.S.C. § 1501. C. Plaintiffs suing under Bivens may only recover for the violations of certain constitutional rights. If you are suing under Bivens, what constitutional rights do you claim are being violated by federal officials: 1. First Amendment, 2. Third Amendment, 3. Fourth Amendment, 4, Fifth Amendment substantive and procedural due process, AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States Inc/Navy DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien 5. Ninth Amendment, 6. Thirteenth Amendment D. Section 1983 allows defendants to be found liable only when they have acted “under color of any statute, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia.” 42 U.S.C. § 1983. If you are suing under section 1983, explain how each defendant acted under color of state law. If you are suing under Bivens, explain how each defendant acted under color of federal law (See Bitchute Channel and main claim) Claim 3 Common Law Causes of Action A. The conduct of which we complain in this action includes: 4. Common law conspiracy Common law assault Perjury and/or in the alternative false statements ‘Subornation of perjury False imprisonment and/or in the alternative unlawful detention Slander Claim 4 Privacy Act Violations ‘A. The discriminatory conduct of which we complain in this action includes: AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States Inc/Navy DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien Violation of the Privacy Act of 1974, as codified 5 U.S.C. § 552a et seq 1. See Quo Warranto and main DISTRICT Court Claims ref: The Attorneys, Law Group Inc. located in building 810 ordering Voncelle James to go into our records under the name of Cindy Boyd while AT&T and third-party contractors, enter Roberts’ Claims files over 58 times! 2. CDC, Doctor Sanchez videotaped Shaunel, Laura, and Ashley after they became magnetic after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Claim 5 Violation of the Occupational Safety and Health Act The conduct of which we complain in this action includes: Violation of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, as codified, 29 U.S.C. § 651, et seq. 1. Itis my best recollection the alleged discriminatory acts occurred on dates: a, 11 January 2018 and diverse other dates including 10 Jul 2018, 31 Jul 2018, 14 Aug 2018, 15 Aug 2018, and 15 Sep 2018, 14 Feb 2024 to date. b. Regarding Noah Smith and the other sailors with disabilities. 2. I believe the defendants are still committing acts against me and my ADA Clients see: https://www.scribd.com/document/7 13989019/16-March-Update-ref-DOD-s- Fraud-using-DLIS-as-everything-is-a-scam and https:/vww. bitchute.com/video/VQCMowTOghWS/ 3. Defendants discriminated against me and my ADA Clients by: AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States Inc/Navy DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien » Failing to provide effective reasonable accommodations. b. Failing to perform safety assessments https:/www.bitchute.com/video/VQCMowTOghWS/ ¢. Outright lying aka Plausible Deniability (Lieutenant Commander Peters) 4. Ignoring the ADA RA requests . Not releasing Noah in November after a board-certified doctor requested ADA RA in Oct. f. Setting Noah up to fail by: i. Have a team of doctors ask him to ask me to change my ADA RA request while he was in the hospital without me! ji, Have Noah report/drive to formation vs calling in from home. iii, Not completing his out-process paperwork in Nov 2023 and now on 16 March 2024! Claim 6 Statutory Discrimination ‘A. The conduct of which we complain of in this action includes: 1. 18 U.S. Code § 1501. Assault on the process server. 2. 42 U.S. Code § 1981. Equal rights under the law 3. 42 U.S Code § 1983. Deprivation of Civil [HUMAN] Rights 4, 42. U.S Code § 1985. Conspiracy to interfere with civil [human] rights 5. 42. US Code § 1986. Action for neglect to prevent 6. 18 U.S. Code § 241. Conspiracy against rights AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States Inc/Navy DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien 7. 18 U.S. Code § 242. Deprivation of rights under color of law 8. 18 U.S, Code § 245. Protected Group 9. 18 U.S. Code § 246. Depriving Benefits 10.18 U.S. Code § 249. Hate Crimes 11.18 USC 1512. Tampering with Witnesses and Whistleblowers 12.18 USC 1341 Fraud/Scam 13. Violation of Americans with Disability Act (ADA) interference. 14.Title Il of the ADA. Due Process and 15. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC 2000e) 16 It is the best of our recollection that the alleged discrimination occurred on B. We believe that defendants are still committing these acts against us. Defendants discriminated against me and my ADA Clients based on 1 2. dates: 6 Dec 2016, 27 Nov 2017, 11 Jan 2018, and diverse dates between 11 Jan 2018 and ongoing. Race Color Genderisex Age Disability AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States Inc/Navy DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien Claim 7 Constructive Discharge Robert Bozgoz complains that he was constructively discharged from his employment with the VA because the actions of the Department of Veterans Affairs from 11 Jan 2018 to 2 Apr 2019 were so intolerable that he had no other choice than to resign on 2 Apr 2019 for reasons including but not limited to, continued fear for his health given that both he and his brother suffered strokes in the past year, his brother's being fatal. The VA ignored his board-certified until he suffered a stroke. They knew what they were doing. To make matters worse, Social Security offered him $150,000 (he only received 40 of the 150,000 as of date). $400,000 is not enough for what they put our family through (e.g. illegal death threats, cutting our son's steering wheel pump, paying off our process servers, fake police reports, fake peace orders, fake criminal charges, etc. while DOD, top military leaders watched The defendants have deliberately caused or allowed the employee's working conditions to become so intolerable that any reasonable person in the Plaintiffs place would have felt compelled to resign. The trust between employee and employer no longer exists and reinstatement is not a realistic option. Ref Noah Smith and the Sallors: ADA Advocate Sue Bozgoz requested that ine Military award Noah Smith and the other 15 sailors Constructive Discharge, because the actions of the Navy were so intolerable (e.g. denial of proper AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States Inc/Navy DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien medical care - 1 doctor for 150 personnel), giving meds that made him sleep then ordering him to drive to formation/trigger, ordering him to formation after he filed a lawsuit against them, ignoring board certified doctor's orders for effective ADA RA, etc, see: https:/www.bitchute.com/video/VQCMowT OghWS)) also, see Exhibit 4 (150 Million) per every day after 16 March, double that as Noah should have been released from the Navy in Oct/Nov vs being used and abused as a slave. Claim 8 Racketeering Influenced Corruptive Organizations & Fraudulent Inducement ‘A. The plaintifs/ien claimants complain that the defendants/lien debtors violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act as codified at 18 U.S.C. §§ 1961-1968. B. The historical acts of Racketeering Activity and Fraudulent inducement are outlined in the affidavits that have been submitted to the courts, The Department of Defense, and located + on _—social_~_—media’ https://www. bitchute.com/video/VQCMowTOghWS/ and httos:/www. scribd ,com/document/713989019/16-March-Update-ref-DOD-s- Fraud-using-DLIS-as-everything-is-a-scam AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States Inc/Navy DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien Claim 9 Fair Labor Standards Act The plaintiffs/lien complaints complain the VA and the Navy violated the Fair Labor Standards Act by: A. Not allowing Robert, sufficient administrative leave/official time to prepare all affidavits and other documents needed to prosecute the claims at the administrative level B. Failing to process Noah's out of the Navy in November as per his board- certified doctor's orders, instead, 1. The Navy set Noah up to fail and exacerbated his disability until he wanted to hurt himself, 2. Had the nerve to order Noah and the other sailors with a disability to go on a 6-month mission in Feb 2024! 3. Losing Noah's out-processing paperwork on their Admirals desk from Oct to date! 4. Have an O4 Lieutenant Commander, Peters lie about ADA RA on 26 Feb 2024. The Commander ordered Thomas Distin to come visit him knowing | represented Both Noah and Thomas! 5. Have a team tell me to change Noah's effective ADA RA while he was in the hospital recovering from the injury they caused. 6. See: https:/www.bitchute.com/video/VfiizC GCBIFG/ AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States Inc/Navy DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien The defendants committed the acts and/or omissions alleged in Claims 1 through 8 above. Furthermore, the facts of our case are as alleged in Claims 1 through 8 above. Claim 10 Whistleblowing Activity The plaintiffs complain the defendants violated the Civil Service Reform Act see: https:/www.bitchute.com/video/VQCMowTOghWS/ Claim 14 Negligence The plaintiffs complain the defendants are negligent under the common law, 28 USC § 1332, and under Title Il of the ADA. See Claims 1 and 2 for the specific facts showing acts and omissions that each defendant did that caused the plaintiff harm or violated the plaintiff's rights including the specific dates. The VA's Office of General Counsel received the Plaintiff's Administrative Tort Claims on November 9 and November 24, 2019. On March 12, 2020, Robert P. Kirchhoefer sent the Plaintiffs a letter denying their administrative claims. The Plaintiffs have added the United States as a Defendant as required by law, 28 U.S.C. sections 1346(b) and 2671-2680. We have met the 6-month filing requirement because the letter denying our administrative claims was dated March 12, 2020, and this amended complaint ensued. Thus, the requirements of the Federal Torts Claims Act have been met. AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States Inc/Navy DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien Furthermore, the United States Courts of Appeals for DC allows their Clerks Manuel J Castro and Mark J Langer (1) to sign and send “VOID” orders which is not only a fraud upon so that that the judicial machinery cannot perform in the usual manner its impartial task of adjudging cases that are presented for adjudication. Kenner v, CIR 387 F. 3d 689 (1968). As it pertains to Jimmy and James, they have submitted their Form 95 on about 17 Sep 2020. As it pertains to Lee Smith, Luanne Simmons, and Bradley Bolden see attached Exhil its 1-3 As it pertains to Shaunel and Noah, etc see: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ VQCMowTOghWS/ and https:/Mwww.scribd.com/document/713989019/16-March-Update-ref-DOD-s- Fraud-using-DLIS-as-everything-is-a-scam Claim 12 Emotional Distress ‘The Defendants on the face of the District Court claims and listed below on the lien conducted the act for several reasons: 1. Cause emotional distress, 2. Exacerbate the Plaintif’s and their family's PTSD and cause Legal Abuse ‘Syndrome WILLFULLY, 3. Cause financial ruin, AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States Inc/Navy DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien 4. Deny constitutional rights, and 5. Waste time, 6. Waste money, 7. Put them in jail (all by designed by alleged professionals), 8. Cause harm to our family members hence the reason we are suing under the ZONE OF INTEREST. Claim 13 ADA Retaliation/ ADA Interference The Defendants on the face of this claims violated 42 U.S.C. § 12203, the ADA protection against retaliation. 1. VA had on file the names of the ADA Advocate for Robert Bozgoz in 2016 and 2018 2. Judge Amy Jackson had on file a Reasonable Accommodation request, Relief request, and medical receipts, since 5 March 2019. 3. The United States Attorney's Office opposed Bozgoz’s Reasonable Accommodation after VA attempted to imprison Margaret Bozgoz on 2 April 2019. 4, The Defendants on the Face of this claim denied Robert the right and/or turned a blind eye to act as Lance's ADA Advocate and ADA Driver on 6 June. AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States Inc/Navy DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien 5. From Aug 2019 to date the Attorney General's Office (DC and TX) and Civil Rights Division ignored the ADA Law and retaliate and harassed Lance and work and in the Judicial System in TX by trying to require him to stop work and come to court hearing designed to set him up (Aug 2019 to 18 April 2020) 6. From 12 Jan 2019 to date, the Defendants on the Face of the claims and listed below refused to allow Margaret S. Bozgoz to act as my ADA clients ADA Advocate. 7. On 19 Sep 2019, Judge Debra Dwyer used protected RA emails [that Voncelle James had stolen from the VA] against Margaret Bozgoz in court to humiliate Margaret Bozgoz, Austin, and Robert in open court in front of witnesses. 8. From June 2019 to date, Montgomery County, ignored ADAAA Rights and discriminated against Margaret, Austin, Robert Bozgoz, and Lance Fulgium as noted above regardless of rights. 9. On 25 Nov 2019, Judge Rand J. Gelber, violated the ADA Interference Act as he denied Robert Bozgoz his ADA Advocates (Sue Bozgoz and Chris King) and issued him a void order while the Montgomery States Attorneys hid evidence with VA Leaders and Voncelle James, 10. From Jan 2019 to date, John Ness and associates ignored the ADAAA Rights and discriminated against Robert and Margaret Bozgoz. AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States Inc/Navy DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN | (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien | 11.On or about 3 March 2020 Noelle Clemmons and Joan Weber ignored the ADA/ADAAA Act and violated rights as per discussed in the main District Court case. 12.On Jan 13, 2020, Augusta GA Court, Judge Padgett, Hank Crane, and Prosecutor Timothy Obrien failed to allow M. Sue Bozgoz to protect ADA Client Jeff and Kim during Jeff's fake Kangaroo court. 13. From May 2020 to date, Attorney Hank Crane and Augusta Court and August Chronicle (e.g., Judge Padgett, ADA Clerk, ADA Director, T Edwards, Prosecutor Timothy Obrien, and Natalie Paine) interfered with the | ADA Act by not allowing full protection of ADA Client Jeff and Kim) 14. On 30 Jun 2020, DC Department of Justice, Manuel Castro, Mark J Langer, with the assistance of the DC United States Court of Appeals for the DC committed mail fraud by signing a void order designed to obstruct justice and dismiss a Writ of Mandamus and Writ of QUO Warranto designed. 15.On or about 4 Sep 2020, Judge Amy B. Jackson dismissed Margaret Bozgoz the main defendant from the case and ordered her NOT to be Robert's ADA Advocate, 16.What | have found is all the Defendants on the face of the claim and listed below, collect ADA Funds and deny ADA Rights. 17. The ADA/Givil Rights violated follows: a. Retaliation — No person shall discriminate against any individual because such individual has opposed any act or practice made unlawful or AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States Inc/Navy DECLARATIONIAFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien because such individual made a charge, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding or hearing under this chapter. b. Interference, coercion, or intimidation — It shall be unlawful to coerce, intimidate, threaten, or interfere with any individual in the exercise or enjoyment of, or on account of his or her having exercised or enjoyed, or on account of having aided or encouraged any other individual in the exercise or enjoyment of, any right granted or protected by this chapter. c. Remedies and procedures - The remedies and procedures available under sections 12117, 12133, and 12188 of this title shall be available to aggrieved persons for violations. Claim 14 Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 1. The Defendants/Lien Debtor on the face of the main District Court case and listed below violated Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 [42 USC 2000 et seq] as it pertains to: (a) Margaret Bozgoz’s participation, in Vocational Rehabilitation (b) Robert acting as an ADA Driver for Lance on 6 June 2019 (c) Margaret Bozgoz and Chris King acting as Whistleblowers and Civil Rights activists for the public from 2018 to date. AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION & INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION/Hawaiian Land/Amoorican Land/Department of Defense/United States Inc/Navy DECLARATION/AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN (This is a verified plain statement of fact) Supplement to 30 March 2024 Lien (d) Margaret Bozgoz and Chris King acting as an advocate (e) Margaret and Robert Bozgoz participating in Montgomery County court hearings. Specifically, persons with disabilities cannot ever be required to participate in separate services, punished for their disabilities, or made fun of, belittled, and/or humiliated in open court or in ex parte meetings (See: 6 June, 13 June, 9 July, 19 Sep, and 25 Oct (canceled) and 25 November). Under the law, our adversary is not to have knowledge or any private medical information (or our children’s private information) and certainly cannot ever challenge the existence of an impairment or litigate the existence of that impairment in open court (See: 6 June, 13 June, 9 July, 19 Sep, 25 Oct, and 25 November Court hearings). Further, exploitation cannot be used to gain an advantage in this case. No court personnel are to ask about the disability and no VA government like Voncelle James should ever have access to make our disabilities a topic of discussion (See: 6 June, 13 June, 9 July, 19 Sep, 25 Oct, and 25 Nov) hearing. The only thing we should have been discussing with the court is needed accommodations in light of the need for them. Also, Montgomery Court cannot charge for accommodation or force us to pay for accommodations (e.g., equal access to the court, PACER, equal treatment, ADA representation, expedited cases when known medical conditions are safety concems). Specifically, we were simply denied effective reasonable accommodations from 2018 to date. ‘The remedies, procedures, and rights outlined in Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. are also available to any person aggrieved by any act or failure to

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