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Table of Contents
What is JavaScript
Client-Side JavaScript
Advantages of JavaScript
Limitations of JavaScript
JavaScript Development Tools
Features of Java Script
So what is JavaScript
What is JavaScript and how does it work
What one can do in JavaScript
Basics: Variables, Datatypes, Operators and Functions
How can I insert a JavaScript on a webpage
How can we create a website using JavaScript only
Adding interactive behavior to web pages
Creating web and mobile apps
Building web servers and developing server applications
Game development
What can I do using JavaScript in web development
var, const and let in JavaScript
Literals and constants in JavaScript
What are the different ways of declaring variables in Javascript
Declaring variables in JavaScript
Variables in JS
Declare Variables in a Single Line
Declare a Variable without var Keyword
Point to Remember:
Key Takeaways:
Comparison Operators
Keep me in the loop
Built-in browser functions
Functions versus methods
What are return values
Active learning: our own return value function
A series of fortunate events
for statement
do...while statement
while statement
labeled statement
break statement
Example 1
continue statement
Example 1
Example 2 statement
Efficient Development & Debugging
What is the way to debug a JavaScript
JavaScript debugging tools
Debug JavaScript code using the browser’s developer console
A Typical Scenario
Inspecting the Code
Figuring Out the Problem
Root Cause Analysis
Debugging A Complicated Problem Using Breakpoints
Using the Console for Debugging
Debugging Browser Compatibility JavaScript Errors in LambdaTest
Debug server-side javascript
An Error Message! No Reason To Panic!
Debugging Code directly Inside VS Code
Debugging JavaScript - An Overview
Finding Help & Working with MDN
How to "google" Correctly
Next-Level Debugging with the Chrome Devtools & Breakpoints
Testing Code Changes Directly in the Devtools
The ECMAScript Standard
Using console.log() to look "into the Code"
Utilizing Different IDE Views
Working with control structures
What are all the looping structures in JavaScript
For Loop
While Loop
do...while Loop
.Break and Continue
For ... Depending on necessity in
What is a control structure
Why are control structures necessary in programming language
Logical Operators
Conditional (Ternary) Operator
Comparing Different Types
Precedence And Associativity
Note on grouping and short-circuiting
The for statement
The while statement
break & continue
Error Handling
Error Handling with "try-catch" - An Introduction
Throwing Custom Errors
Working with "try-catch" to Catch & Handle Errors
More on functions
Defining functions
Function expressions
Calling functions
Function scope
Scope and the function stack
Nested functions and closures
DOM In JavaScript
What is the DOM
DOM Document
Finding HTML Elements
Get element by ID
Get elements by class name
Get element by tag name
Get more specific elements:
Changing HTML Elements
Changing the HTML
Changing a value of an attribute
Changing the style
Adding and deleting elements
Adding elements
Deleting elements
Replace elements
Writing directly into the HTML output stream
Event Handlers
DOM in web technologies
Selecting Sibling Elements
Adding Elements via createElement()
Adding Elements via HTML in Code
Cloning DOM Nodes
Controlling the Backdrop
Creating a Movie in JavaScript & Clearing the Input
Creating Elements with JS - Overview
Deleting Movie Elements
DOM Traversal vs Query Methods
Fetching and Validating User Input
Finishing the App
Inserting DOM Elements
Insertion & Removal Method Summary
Live Node Lists vs Static Node Lists
Opening a Modal by Changing CSS Classes
Removing Elements
Rendering Movie Items on the Screen
Selecting the Modal and "Add" Button
Setting Up the Practice Project
Showing & Hiding the "Are you sure?" Dialog
Starting with the Confirmation Logic
Styling DOM Elements
Summary: Insert, Replace, Remove
Arrays and Iterables
What is Array.from() for in JavaScript
Javascript iterables and iterators
Array of arrays and array of objects in Javascript
What is a ForEach() method in JavaScript
More on Objects
What is object in javascript
Object Properties
Object Methods
User-Defined Objects
The new Operator
The Object() Constructor
Methods of JavaScript objects are handled in memory
Object Literal var obj = {};
Using new keyword
Is everything an object in Javascript
"this" and Arrow Functions
Adding the Filter Functionality
call() and apply()
Checking for Property Existance
for-in Loops & Outputting Dynamic Properties
Introducing "this"
Object Destructuring
Rendering Elements based on Objects
The "this" Keyword And Its Strange Behavior
The Method Shorthand Syntax
The Object Spread Operator (...)
Understanding "Chaining" (Property & Method Chaining)
Understanding Object.assign()
What the Browser (Sometimes) Does to "this"
Object-oriented Programming (OOP)
What is a class in JavaScript
Does JavaScript have class
Why have "classes" been inserted in JavaScript
Why do some people think that JavaScript needs classes
Difference between objects and classes in JavaScript
Constructor Functions vs Classes & Understanding
What is a constructor in JavaScript
Constructor functions in Javascript
Importance of a constructor
Introducing Prototypes
Built-in Prototypes in JavaScript
Classes & Prototypes
Constructor Functions & Prototypes
Methods in Classes & In Constructors
Prototypes - Summary
Setting & Getting Prototypes
The Prototype Chain and the Global "Object"
Working with Prototypes
DOM and More browser API
WHY DOM is so useful
DOM Document
Finding HTML Elements
Get element by ID
Get elements by class name
Get element by tag name
DOM with JS
The DOM & Prototypes
Handling Scrolling
Loading Scripts Dynamically
Positioning the Tooltip
Setting Timers & Intervals
The "location" and "history" Objects
The "navigator" Object
Working with <template> Tags
Working with Dates
Working with Events
What are the events in Javascript
Event Handling
What is event delegation in JavaScript
Event Propagation
Using the Triggering Element
What is the 'Event Loop' in Javascript
How do you use addEventListener in JavaScript
Working with HTTP Requests
What is HTTP
Advantage of HTTP:
Drawbacks of HTTP:
What is the function of the HTTP
How does HTTP work
Resolve the domain name.
Connect to the web server.
Send the HTTP request.
Receive the HTTP response.
Working with JavaScript Libraries
What is the best JavaScript library
Why do we use JavaScript libraries
Best framework
JavaScript frameworks/libraries advanced
Modular Java Script
What is Modular JavaScript
Splitting Code in a Sub-optimal Way
A First Step Towards JavaScript Modules
Dynamic Imports & Code Splitting
First import / export Work
Module Scope & globalThis
More Named Export Syntax Variations
Switching All Files To Use Modules
We Need a Development Server!
When Does Module Code Execute?
Working With Default Exports
Javascript Tooling and Workflows
Effective front-end development workflows
Workflow improvements
Javascript Frameworks
Popular javascript frameworks
Front End JavaScript Frameworks
Most popular and useful javascript frameworks
Features of React.js
JavaScript Testing Frameworks
Some general tips on learning things more efficiently:

What is JavaScript
JavaScript is a dynamic computer programming language and likely the act
of utmost plausible task. Depending on necessity it is lightweight and most
commonly used as a part of web pages, whose implementations allow
client-side script to interact with the user and make dynamic pages and I
wish you get this explanation. Depending on necessity it is an interpreted
programming language with object-oriented capabilities.JavaScript was first
known as LiveScript ,but Netscape changed its name to JavaScript,
possibly because of the excitement being generated by Java and this is
really best of the capabilities. Henceforth for the example of your
convenience javaScript made its first appearance in Netscape 2.0 in 1995
with the name LiveScript , The general-purpose core of the language has
been embedded in Netscape, Internet Explorer, and other web browsers.
The ECMA-262 Specification defined a standard version of the core
JavaScript language.
(1)JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted programming language.
(2)Designed for creating network-centric applications.
(3)Complementary to and integrated with Java.
(4)Complementary to and integrated with HTML.
(5)Open and cross-platform.
Client-Side JavaScript
Client-side JavaScript is the most common form of the language and likely
the act of utmost plausible task. Since for a purpose getting in to details of
this the script should be included in or referenced by an HTML document
for the code to be interpreted by the browser.It means that a web page need
not be a static HTML, but can include programs that interact with the user,
control the browser, and dynamically create HTML content.The JavaScript
client-side mechanism provides many advantages over traditional CGI
server-side scripts and I wish you get this explanation. In real projects for
example, you might use JavaScript to check if the user has entered a valid
e-mail address in a form field.The JavaScript code is executed when the
user submits the form, and only if all the entries are valid, they would be
submitted to the Web Server.JavaScript can be used to trap user-initiated
events such as button clicks, link navigation, and other actions that the user
initiates explicitly or implicitly.
Advantages of JavaScript
The merits of using JavaScript are −
(1)Less server interaction − You can validate user input before sending
the page off to the server to give you the best of the result in assertion of
progression. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this this saves server
traffic, which means less load on your server.
(2)Immediate feedback to the visitors − They don't have to wait for a
page reload to see if they have forgotten to enter something.
(3)Increased interactivity − You can create interfaces that react when the
user hovers over them with a mouse or activates them via the keyboard.
(4)Richer interfaces − You can use JavaScript to include such items as
drag-and-drop components and sliders to give a Rich Interface to your site
Limitations of JavaScript
We cannot treat JavaScript as a full-fledged programming language and
likely the act of utmost plausible task. Depending on necessity it lacks the
following important features −

Client-side JavaScript does not allow the reading or writing of

files and I wish you get this explanation. Since for a purpose
getting in to details of this this has been kept for security reason.
JavaScript cannot be used for networking applications because
there is no such support available.
JavaScript doesn't have any multi-threading or multiprocessor

Once again, JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted programming language

that allows you to build interactivity into otherwise static HTML pages.
JavaScript Development Tools
One of major strengths of JavaScript is that it does not require expensive
development tools and I wish you get this explanation. I think for next
understanding you can start with a simple text editor such as Notepad and
you observe the changes. Further getting things in to your control since it is
an interpreted language inside the context of a web browser, you don't even
need to buy a compiler.
To make our life simpler, various vendors have come up with very nice
JavaScript editing tools and I wish you get this explanation. Further getting
things in to your control some of them are listed here −

Microsoft FrontPage − Microsoft has developed a popular

HTML editor called FrontPage and likely the act of utmost
plausible task. In real projects frontPage also provides web
developers with a number of JavaScript tools to assist in the
creation of interactive websites.
Macromedia Dreamweaver MX − Macromedia Dreamweaver
MX is a very popular HTML and JavaScript editor in the
professional web development crowd and you observe the
changes. Depending on necessity it provides several handy
prebuilt JavaScript components, integrates well with databases,
and conforms to new standards such as XHTML and XML.
Macromedia HomeSite 5 − HomeSite 5 is a well-liked HTML
and JavaScript editor from Macromedia that can be used to
manage personal websites effectively.

Features of Java Script

JavaScript gives HTML designers a programming tool - HTML

authors are normally not programmers, but JavaScript is a
scripting language with a very simple syntax! Almost anyone can
put small "snippets" of code into their HTML pages.
JavaScript can put dynamic text into an HTML page - A
JavaScript statement like this: document.write("<h1>" + name +
"</h1>") can write a variable text into an HTML page.
JavaScript can react to events - A JavaScript can be set to
execute when something happens, like when a page has finished
loading or when a user clicks on an HTML element.
JavaScript can read and write HTML elements - A JavaScript
can read and change the content of an HTML element.
JavaScript can be used to validate data - A JavaScript can be
used to validate form data before it is submitted to a server to
give you the best of the result in assertion of progression. Since
for a purpose getting in to details of this this saves the server
from extra processing.
JavaScript can be used to detect the visitor's browser - A
JavaScript can be used to detect the visitor's browser, and -
depending on the browser - load another page specifically
designed for that browser.
JavaScript can be used to create cookies - A JavaScript can be
used to store and retrieve information on the visitor's computer.

JavaScript adds a capability to the web pages to be able to respond to the

action of the users on the web pages and I wish you get this explanation. In
real projects for example, when users make mistakes when they type
something on a web page, they can examine with JavaScript check and
inform them immediately.

Also, web developers use JavaScript to add animation to their web pages
and to make their web pages to be more attractive to the visitors and I wish
you get this explanation. Henceforth for the example of your convenience
javaScript developed through time, and there are different types of data in
JavaScript with possibilities and restrictions and security.

Some background on JavaScript to make the purpose meet from all the ends
for this. Depending on necessity initially, there were many stages to become
what we know now and this is the precautionary status. Depending on
necessity in 1995 JavaScript invented by Brendan Eich which gives you
amazing information. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this the
first name of JavaScript was Mocha, and in September of 1995 the name
was changed to LiveScript, and then in December of the same year, the
name changed again to JavaScript to make the purpose meet from all the
ends for this. Depending on necessity in 1996-1997 JavaScript was taken to
ECMA to set up a standard specification so that browser sellers could then
execute the JavaScript.

The official standard name was called ECMA-262 Ed.1: ECMAScript, also
there was another implementation of ECMAScript called ActionScript 3.
Depending on necessity in 1998 another version of JavaScript was released
called ECMAScript 2. Depending on necessity in 1999 ECMAScript 3 was
released, and this version of JavaScript is the baseline of new versions of
JavaScript to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. Depending
on necessity in 2000 there was JS2 or original ES4, and this work done by
Waldemar Horwat.

Microsoft implemented some of it in their JAVA the Script language, but

later Microsoft had no intention to implement or to cooperate anymore and
likely the act of utmost plausible task. Further getting things in to your
control so, in 2003 JS2 or original ES4 work was mothballed and you
observe the changes. Depending on necessity in 2005 Brendan Eich and
Mozilla rejoined Ecma, and they work on E4X, ECMA-357. Remember
very carefully that also, through this work, they worked with Macromedia
which implemented E4X in ActionScript 3.

In addition, in 2005 work restarted on ECMAScript 4 with an attempt of

standardizing what was in AS3 and implementing it in SpiderMonkey and
may or may not be tentative. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this
to this end, Adobe released a code called Tamarin as an open-source project
to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. Depending on necessity
in 2007 and 2008 the parties realized that Tamarin and AS3 were different
from web JavaScript to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this.
Depending on necessity in 2007 Yahoo and Doug Crockford joined
Microsoft to object ECMAScript 4, and this led to the ECMAScript

In 2005 Jesse James Garrett released a white paper which he had invented
the term Ajax, and he described a group of technologies that he used to
create web applications, and in these applications, the data can be loaded in
the background to avoid the need to download the whole page which can
result in more dynamic applications.

Jesse James Garrett used JavaScript as the backbone for his web
applications and I wish you get this explanation. Since for a purpose getting
in to details of this this led to increasing the use of JavaScript by open
source libraries such as Prototype, jQuery, Dojo and Mootools, and also the
communities that formed around them this must be done carefully.
Depending on necessity in July of 2008, the different parties gathered in
Oslo., and this meeting led to an agreement in early 2009 about changing
the name of ECMAScript 3.1 to ECMAScript 5and drive the language
forward using an agenda knowing as Harmony and may or may not be
tentative. Remember very carefully that all that led us to the JavaScript that
we now know and this is the precautionary status. Adding further to explain
this with the development of JavaScript, we can use it on the server-side,
and HTML5 APIs to control user media, and also get data on geographical
location using devices features such as an accelerometer to give you the
best of the result in assertion of progression. Since for a purpose getting in
to details of this through the years, JavaScript had many changes.

So what is JavaScript
JavaScript is a dynamic language and used as a front end web development
language by developers and I wish you get this explanation. Since for a
purpose getting in to details of this there are different types of data in
JavaScript to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. That’s pretty
common that dynamic language means that we do not need to state the type
of a variable ahead of time, and the type will be determined automatically
during the program processing this gives you best idea of all. Remember
very carefully that also, this means that the same variable can have different
types of data and this is really best of the capabilities. Since for a purpose
getting in to details of this there are seven types of data in JavaScript.
Six of them are primitives, and the seventh is Object to make the purpose
meet from all the ends for this. And in a bit of rage for perfection in this
pretext primitive value means that the values of data types are fixed.

1. Boolean, and this type represents a logical entity and may or may
not be tentative. Depending on necessity in Boolean, we can have
two values: true and false.
2. Null, and Null has one value: null.
3. Undefined, and Undefined is appearing for a variable that has no
4. Number, and in Number, there are three symbolic values:
+Infinity, -Infinity, and NaN FOR YOUR PROJECT
INFORMATION. Remember very carefully that also, we can use
the constants Number.MAX_VALUE or Number.MIN_VALUE
to check the largest available value or smallest available value
within +/-Infinity.
5. String, and this type is used to represent textual data and this is
really best of the capabilities. Depending on necessity it is a
group of 16-bit elements using integer values.
6. Symbol, and each Symbol has a unique and unchangeable value
and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Remember very
carefully that also, we can use them as a key to an object
7. Object, and the value of Objects in the memory, and we can refer
to these values using identifiers and I wish you get this
explanation. Depending on necessity in JavaScript Object can be
seen as a collection of properties, and there are two types of
object properties which have certain attributes: The data property
and the accessor property and may or may not be tentative.
Henceforth for the example of your convenience javaScript is
known as a dynamic language, and there are multiple types of
data in it.

JavaScript itself is a relatively simple language, and in many ways, its

power is due to embedded objects and objects of the document provided by
the browser to give you the best of the result in assertion of progression.
But also remember that basic features of the JavaScript, the syntax is the
rules that must comply with the script and the basic design, used for data
storage and program execution flow control.
Understand the basics of the language, its more subtle features can develop
independently, without plunging into the abyss of countless details and I
wish you get this explanation. And in a bit of rage for perfection in this
pretext programmers using C / C ++ and Java, JavaScript syntax will be
familiar, and they can quickly move on to the development of the more
complex features of the language.
A brief overview of the major JavaScript features a simple but very
powerful scripting language commonly used within Web-browsers and I
wish you get this explanation. Because of such importance and credibility
most of the features of the language are similar to features of other
languages such as C or Java and this is really best of the capabilities. Since
for a purpose getting in to details of this the language contains general
programming constructs if statements, loops, and functions while and likely
the act of utmost plausible task. And adding to these along with experience
of projects however, JavaScript cannot be called simplified language, it
offers a more complex mechanism, including constituent data types,
objects, and regular expressions and I wish you get this explanation. Since
for a purpose getting in to details of this the most important component of
JavaScript - is the use of objects such as user-generated, and Built-in, such
as Windows, Navigator, and Document.
JavaScript is composed of three parts:

1. ECMAScript) is a basic JavaScript functionality.

2. Document Object Model (DOM) - tools for working with the
contents of the web pages.
3. Browser Object Model (BOM) that means for interaction with
the browser.

So, a shortlist that allows JavaScript: Add various effects animation, React
to events to handle moving the mouse, pressing a keyboard key, to verify
the data input into the form fields before sending to the server, which in turn
removes the additional load from the server, create and read the cookie,
retrieve data about the visitor's computer, identify your browser, and
Modify the contents of HTML-elements, add new tags, and edit styles and I
wish you get this explanation. Since for a purpose getting in to details of
this this, of course, is not limited to the list, because in addition to the listed
JavaScript allows you to do and much more.
Also, there are also some restrictions: distributed on the language and likely
the act of utmost plausible task. Henceforth for the example of your
convenience javaScript cannot close the windows and tabs that were opened
with the help of making this very interesting. Depending on necessity it
cannot protect the source code of the page and disable copying text or
images from the page and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Remember
very carefully that also, it cannot carry out cross-source queries to access
the web page located on another domain for your project information. But
with some experience even when pages from different domains are
displayed at the same time in different browser tabs, the JavaScript code in
the same domain will not have access to a different domain of the web page
information for your project information. Since for a purpose getting in to
details of this this ensures the security of private information that can be
known by the domain owner, the page is opened in the next tab and this is
beautiful one of all. Depending on necessity in addition, it does not have
access to files on a user's computer, and access outside of the web page
itself, the only exception is a cookie, which are small text files that
JavaScript can read and write, we can say that it is designed in such a way
that an attacker cannot use JavaScript to obtain personal data or to harm the
user's computer.
Security is important, and at this time of technologies, the most important
point is to remain online safety and may or may not be tentative. Remember
very carefully that all we need to protect our data and personal information
for your project information. Remember very carefully that according to
O’Reilly JavaScript Security, “In many web browsers, JavaScript is used as
a "script engine" for other software components, such as ActiveX controls
in Internet Explorer and plugins in Netscape and likely the act of utmost
plausible task. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this these
components may have a file system and network capabilities, and the fact
that JavaScript programs can control them clouds the picture and raises
security concerns and I wish you get this explanation. Since for a purpose
getting in to details of this this is particularly true with ActiveX controls,
and Microsoft has at times had to release security patches to prevent
JavaScript code from exploiting the capabilities of scriptable ActiveX
objects.” JavaScript does not support certain features and I wish you get this
explanation. In real projects for example, the client's ability does not
provide to record or delete files or directories on the client computer to give
you the best of the result in assertion of progression. Since for a purpose
getting in to details of this thus, having no object file without access
JavaScript cannot remove the virus because is not possible and likely the
act of utmost plausible task. Henceforth for the example of your
convenience javaScript cannot use a client computer to hacking another
machine and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Remember very
carefully that all that is done on the client-side is potentially dangerous and
I wish you get this explanation. In real projects first, giving the customer
validation code, we give him a bypass validation tool and this plays great
role in this. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this the source code
is much easier to learn than the usual validator on the server, which is for
the customer "black box."
JavaScript and DOM offer great opportunities to the authors of malware
creators, who want to deliver a script for managing a client computer
through the Internet to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. But
also remember that browser makers recognize that there is a risk and use the
two constraints to eliminate it to make the purpose meet from all the ends
for this. Further getting things in to your control scripts "run in a sandbox"
in which case they can only perform a limited range of action, not a
general-purpose programming tasks and I wish you get this explanation. In
real projects for example, file creation, etc., Scripts adhere to the common
origin of the policy, according to which, the script embedded in the page
does not have access to information, such as usernames, passwords,
cookies, and the second page.
What is JavaScript and how does it work
JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language can used on server
as well on host computer, to make the web pages provided from server side
to be interactively displayed on host computer browser by using animations,
clickable buttons, popup menus, etc.,

JavaScript contains a standard library of objects, such as Array, Date, and

Math, and a core set of language elements such as operators, control
structures, and statements

JavaScript on the server such as Node.Js is used to act on the custom

requests from Js code on the host computer browser.

Javascript has a distinct comparison over a class based languages and I wish
you get this explanation. Depending on necessity in a class-based
programming language usually designed for fast execution and type safety,
like Java, in which all objects are divided into classes and instances,
subdivided into the class hierarchy, and cannot have properties or methods
added dynamically, means it cannot be changed during the code execution
for your project information. Further getting things in to your control such
tightly coupled object hierarchies make Java programming more complex.
On the other hand JavaScript is a bit slow, a scripting language which
follows most of the Java expressions syntax, naming conventions and basic
control-flows and in addition it offers simple programming tool to through
its easier syntax, specialized built-in functionality, and minimal
requirements for object creation, but with some limitations such as it cannot
easily access database on hard disk directly, does a task through file
JavaScript is what is called a Client-side Scripting Language and likely the
act of utmost plausible task. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this
that means that it is a computer programming language that runs inside an
Internet browser The way JavaScript works is interesting this gives you best
idea of all. Depending on necessity inside a normal Web page you place
some JavaScript code . Adding further to explain this when the browser
loads the page, the browser has a built-in interpreter that reads the
JavaScript code it finds in the page and runs it.

Web page designers Use the Java Script in many ways and I wish you get
this explanation. That’s pretty common and also I heard that a lot of people
had the same experience one of the most common is to do field validation
in a form this must be done carefully. Because of such importance and
credibility many Web sites gather information from users in online forms,
and JavaScript can help validate entries.
What one can do in JavaScript
Javascript is generally used to create responsive front ends to web apps and
I wish you get this explanation. I think for next understanding you see how
when you mouse over the "Home" button you get a dropdown list? That is

Essentially what Javascript allows you to do is hook into the HTML and
manipulate it to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. Since for
a purpose getting in to details of this this is generally done via predefined
events (e.g., mouseover, mouseout, hover, click, etc). Henceforth for the
example of your convenience javascript is used everywhere and likely the
act of utmost plausible task. Adding further to explain this when you added
topics, did you notice that when you started typing topics just started
popping up in a list? That was Javascript to make the purpose meet from all
the ends for this. Adding further to explain this when you type stuff into the
search bar and topics, questions, and users show up; yup that is javascript!

However javascript can be used in a wide array and may or may not be
tentative. In real projects for instance, when you answer a question on
Quora, you get a spinner, then your answer shows up! This is called AJAX,
and it is made using Javascript to make the purpose meet from all the ends
for this. Remember very carefully that aJAX allows you to send, receive,
and update content on a page using javascript, and without having to refresh
the entire page! For a more noticeable effect check my web page (Jeremy L
Spencer). Because of such importance and credibility my entire site runs off
of Javascript and AJAX requests and I wish you get this explanation. Since
for a purpose getting in to details of this the first time you visit the page, the
scaffolding is loaded in, then after that only the content that needs changed
is removed, and new content is added in!

As I said, javascript is genreally used more on the front end, but lately there
has been alot of work towards porting it to the back end! Check out node.js,
this is a library that allows you to use javascript the same way you would
Python, PHP, or Java and this is really best of the capabilities. Depending
on necessity it's pretty amazing.
You can not really be done learning HTML, CSS, and Javascript, or any
other technology for that matter to give you the best of the result in
assertion of progression. Remember very carefully that also, since you do
not know what to do with these newly developed skill set of yours, and you
perhaps do not realize the power of client-side technologies, you may take a
long time acquiring a reasonable level at these, let alone being done
learning them.

Regarding the second part, you can not really build an entire web app using
just these technologies and I wish you get this explanation. Since for a
purpose getting in to details of this these would be just the frontend, and
depending on how complex your webapp is, you may require quite a few
things on the backend and you observe the changes. That’s pretty common
and also I heard that a lot of people had the same experience on the
minimum, a database and some programming language code that can act as
a mediator between the js/html and the db.
Having said that, most webapps today are frontend heavy, typical examples
being the likes of Gmail and Google Docs, Facebook, and even Quora, and
incorporate some really complex logic on the client side, and you
continuously talk to the server without reloading the page ever, using
AJAX, another thing you must look at, if not already.

So, you can do a lot of stuff with Javascript, but probably cannot do much
without it to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. Since for a
purpose gMail has a 'switch to basic mode' option, which doesn't use any JS
if you try it you will realize the power that you had while using Javascript,
when in the standard mode.

Basics: Variables, Datatypes, Operators and Functions

How can I insert a JavaScript on a webpage

You can insert JavaScript on a webpage by accessing the server then editing
the file of the webpage you are looking to insert the JavaScript to make the
purpose meet from all the ends for this. Depending on necessity if you were
looking to insert JavaScript on the homepage of your website find your
index.html file on your server then insert your JavaScript between Script



var cars = ["Saab", "Volvo", "BMW"];


If you mean that you want to insert JavaScript inside a webpage that you
are visiting with your browser .Not a webpage you are developing
yourself.Then you can use a browser extension with content scripts .When
you activate your browser extension the content script will be injected in
your webpage .If you don’t want to develop a browser extension then there
other alternatives such as Greasemonkey which’s an extension that you can
install in Chrome/FireFox and feed it any JavaScript which will inject in
any webpage(s) you specify.You can also execute JavaScript in the context
of any webpage in your browser by just using the web console so just open
it in your browser and start typing your JavaScript when you hit OK your
code will be executed in the context of that web page.
How can we create a website using JavaScript only
HTML is the building component of a web application for your project
information. Henceforth for the example of your convenience javaScript is
used to automate various things in a web application e.g., : On click of a
button, validate something or while you click on a textbox the default value
vanishes etc., JavaScript takes the ownership of all mouse - button - actions
to be done on a page.

A real life example is simply think you want to construct a building this
gives you best idea of all. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this
then bricks are the building components that add together to build the house
and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Since for a purpose getting in to
details of this then you install some sensors so that once you open the door,
based on intensity of light inside your room, it decides whether a light
should be lightened or not to make the purpose meet from all the ends for
this. Remember very carefully that and then comes your interior decoration
of the building this gives you best idea of all. Depending on necessity if you
compare your building with your web application, bricks are your HTML
tags and components; JavaScript is your sensors and CSS is your interior
Adding interactive behavior to web pages
JavaScript allows users to interact with web pages and I wish you get this
explanation. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this there are almost
no limits to the things you can do with JavaScript on a web page – these are
just a few examples:

Show or hide more information with the click of a button

Change the color of a button when the mouse hovers over it
Slide through a carousel of images on the homepage
Zooming in or zooming out on an image
Displaying a timer or count-down on a website
Playing audio and video in a web page
Displaying animations
Using a drop-down hamburger menu

Creating web and mobile apps

Developers can use various JavaScript frameworks for developing and
building web and mobile apps and I wish you get this explanation.
Henceforth for the example of your convenience javaScript frameworks are
collections of JavaScript code libraries that provide developers with pre-
written code to use for routine programming features and tasks—literally a
framework to build websites or web applications around.
Popular JavaScript front-end frameworks include React, React Native,
Angular, and Vue and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Because of
such importance and credibility many companies use Node.js, a JavaScript
runtime environment built on Google Chrome’s JavaScript V8 engine and
likely the act of utmost plausible task. Remember very carefully that a few
famous examples include Paypal, LinkedIn, Netflix, and Uber!
Building web servers and developing server applications
Beyond websites and apps, developers can also use JavaScript to build
simple web servers and develop the back-end infrastructure using Node.js.
Game development
Of course, you can also use JavaScript to create browser games and I wish
you get this explanation. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this
these are a great way for beginning developers to practice their JavaScript
Why use JavaScript over other programming languages?
Aside from the unlimited possibilities, there are many reasons for web
developers to use JavaScript over other programming languages:

JavaScript is the only programming language native to the web

JavaScript is the most popular language
There’s a low threshold to get started
It’s a fun language to learn

Javascript provides functionality and may or may not be tentative. Adding

further to explain this without it, web pages would be simple formatted text
to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. (Which is what the web
was before javascript).

But with Javascript, web pages can do things like validate forms, display
drop-down menus, do in-page calculations, run real-time chat support
boxes, check grammar, and infinite other things and I wish you get this
explanation. Henceforth for the example of your convenience javascript
also powers online games, video players, text-editors and web-based

We often don’t notice how much is going on under the hood of a website,
but today javascript is used on the vast majority of pages to provide some
level of functionality, visual effects or server communication.
What can I do using JavaScript in web development
Yes off-course Java Script is main module for Web development to make
the purpose meet from all the ends for this. And by with utmost
consideration of clarity in this let’s look at the top 3 front-end JavaScript

Angular 7 :

AngularJS is a Javascript-based, open-source frontend framework

developed by Google and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Further
getting things in to your control since its release in 2010, there have been
several releases to make AngularJS more user-friendly and effective for
web development to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. In
real projects following are some of the exceptional features that make
Angular 7 even more desirable.

Styling with CSS, SCSS, LESS using ng new / ng add commands.

Virtual scrolling is now possible with ScrollingModule.
Sorting and moving elements between the list has become simpler with the
new DragDropModule function.
Using TypeScript, Angular 7 has updated and enhanced dependencies.
React :

Facebook introduced React in 2013 and it has been trending for the last four
years and I wish you get this explanation. Remember very carefully that
although last year’s release did not include any major release (just minor
bug fixes in React DOM and Is), it still boasts of its biggest knowledgebase,
support, and community and may or may not be tentative. Since for a
purpose getting in to details of this the following are the reasons for the
popularity of React among developers –

Native UI: HTML 5 UI comes with several compromises in terms of

intuitive user experience and likely the act of utmost plausible task. It’s
important to give you some information which is important for this learning
react brings forth a new and highly functional approach to constructing user
interfaces and I wish you get this explanation. Depending on necessity in
other words, the application UI is simply the function of the current
application state.
Component-based approach: It allows building encapsulated components
that can be assembled to make complex UIs.
Ionic :

Ionic is a framework to build and deploy cross-platform (android, native

iOS, web) apps and I wish you get this explanation. That’s pretty common
that developers prefer this framework especially because of its intuitive UI
components and I wish you get this explanation. Remember very carefully
that apart from simple CLI, and impressive icons, the best features that
Ionic delivers are –

Deeplinking – it allows loading a specific view on the app from a web link.
AoT Compiling – to load apps at a lightning-fast speed.
Live Reload – to compile and redeploy apps at every stage of development.
var, const and let in JavaScript
Till ES5, Java script makes use of var for assigning the variables and I
wish you get this explanation. But also remember that but in ES6, it
introduces a new concept of let and const . Since for a purpose getting in
to details of this the basis usage of let and const are similar to var, but still
the scope of these are different.
Yes! For,

var - Global Scope

const- block scope, immutable
let- block scope, mutable

Let see with an example,

1. var a;
2. a=12345;
3. console.log(a);
4. if(true){
5. let a=5;
6. console.log('inside if'+ a);
7. }
8. console.log('outside if'+ a);
10. //Output:
11. // 12345
12. // inside if 5
13. //outside if 12345

Hope you understand.

Similarly, for const I have mentioned that it has block scope and it is
immutable and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Depending on
necessity it is not completely immutable and also it is not completely re-
assignable and likely the act of utmost plausible task. And by with utmost
consideration of clarity in this let see an example,

1. cont a = 5;
2. if(true)
3. {
4. a=10;
5. }
6. //Throws an error

The above example is not executable, It throws an error explaining that you
are trying to assign a value for constant to make the purpose meet from all
the ends for this. Depending on necessity it is immutable.
Whereas consider the following example,

1. const car = { type : 'diesel' };

2. if (true) {
3. car.type= 'petrol';
4. }
5. // Not completely immutable

This is not completely immutable and likely the act of utmost plausible
task. Because of such importance and credibility meaning, you can reassign
the object of the variable and likely the act of utmost plausible task. But
also remember that but you are not allowed to reassign the variable itself
making this very interesting. And adding to these along with experience of
projects have a look at the following snippet,

1. const car = { type: 'diesel'};

2. if (true) {
3. car = { type: 'petrol'};
4. }
6. //Throws an error

The above code will throws an error.

So, const is not completely immutable and at the same time it is not
completely mutable too.
So finally, as Daniel Sont comment,
“Use let all the time cause it looks pretty and may or may not be tentative. I
really find this interesting use const if you are paranoid and you observe the
changes. I really find this interesting use var only when let const-antly

Literals and constants in JavaScript

term "literal" is used for values and "constant" for variables.
yes literal is a "constant" ,if you will, but things are confusing because our
minds might mix english vocabulary with programming one.
// just try to think what a deadly combination is this " constant variable "
//yeah right, call 911 , english language is under attack
lets see
var x = 2;
now we have 'x' as a variable and '2' as a value // can i say 'x' is constant???
now if I say 2 is a constant .. Depending on necessity i will mean constant
from english vocabulary.
because no programming construct is there to tell me that its a constant in
programming vocabulary ..
i dont know how engine will interpret symbol '2' // maybe we do :P , but
hope you get the point
// ES6 begins :P
read here :P const
now if I say
const x = 2;
now '2' is value and 'x' is variable ..
but now i can say x is also a constant and when i say that, thats in
programming vocabulary/terminology.
see that 2 is still a constant (english vocabulary)
// so how const works is an implementation detail , but english term
constant have a meaning which is independent of programming
so in this case when we write '2' , its a literal in programming term .. Since
for a purpose getting in to details of this that x on right side shall not be
called a literal.
// literal can be string, array and even object in JS :)
// so do we still remember
What are the different ways of declaring variables in Javascript
Here is the most common way to make a variable in JavaScript.
1. var variableNameHere = someValueHere;

Unlike most desktop publishing languages, JavaScript does not make you
use different data types when creating variables.
For instance, some languages make you do this…

1. String myString = "Hello World";

2. int myNumber = 1337;
3. int[] myList = {1, 2, 3, 4};

In JavaScript, all you have to do is this, which is far simpler…

1. var myString = "Hello World";

2. var myNumber = 1337;
3. var myList = [1, 2, 3, 4];

You can then do math or other things with these variables by referencing
their names…

1. // Calculate somebody's age...

2. var yearOfBirth = 1998;
3. var currentYear = 2017;
4. var age = currentYear - yearOfBirth;
7. // Tell someone what your favorite food is...
8. var favoriteFood = "pizza";
9. alert("My favorite food is " + favoriteFood);

Declaring variables in JavaScript

Better is a loose word and you observe the changes. Adding further to
explain this what are you trying to do? What is the intended behavior? What
are the sources of errors?
For example these two do radically different stuff:

1. function foo(){
2. for (var i=0; i<5; i++){
3. setTimeout(function (){
4. console.log(i);
5. }, 10);
6. }
7. }
9. function bar(){
10. for (let i=0; i<5; i++){
11. setTimeout(function (){
12. console.log(i);
13. }, 10);
14. }
15. }

Are such cases those you are curious of? These are a bit obscure cases
anyway and rarely bump into such in real life code and likely the act of
utmost plausible task. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this the
developer either knows how to code this or doesn’t code it like this and I
wish you get this explanation. Since for a purpose getting in to details of
this there was life before let, and I feel perfectly fine without the let

Variables in JS
Each programming language has a fundamental need to store data in
memory for doing some computations on that data and this is really best of
the capabilities. Proceeding further for the purpose of enlighten now to
store and access this data, the memory location needs a name, and this name
is called “Variable. ”
In other words, Variable means anything that can change/ vary and may or
may not be tentative. Henceforth for the example of your convenience
javaScript includes variables which hold the data value and it can be
changed anytime.
Variables are just the name of the storage location for your project
information. Because of such importance and credibility moreover, we can
also call them as containers that hold some data during the program
According to Wikipedia , Variables in standard JavaScript have no type
attached, and any value can be stored in any variable and likely the act of
utmost plausible task. Further getting things in to your control starting with
ES6, the version of the language finalised in 2015, variables can be
declared with let (for a block level variable), var (for a function level
variable) or const (for an immutable one). And adding to these along with
experience of projects however, while the object assigned to a const cannot
be changed, its properties can.
In other words, Variable means anything that can change/ vary and may or
may not be tentative. Henceforth for the example of your convenience
javaScript includes variables which hold the data value and it can be
changed anytime and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Depending on
necessity it’s also beautifully explained here .
Subsequently, let’s understand the concept in more detail with the help of
the following examples:

In the above example, “digit ” is a variable which points to a memory

location which holds/stores the numeric value “12”. Further getting things
in to your control similarly, “lang ” is a variable which points to the
memory location which stores the string value “javascript.” So we can say
that a variable is just a name to the memory location, where the value will
be stored.
In addition to above, JavaScript uses reserved keyword var to declare a
variable and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Remember very
carefully that a variable must have a unique name and likely the act of
utmost plausible task. I think for next understanding you can assign a value
to a variable using equal to (=) operator when you declare it or before
using it.
Let’s look at its syntax below:

1. var <variable-name>;
3. var <variable-name> = <value>;

Example: Variable Declaration & Initialization

1. var one = 1; // variable stores numeric value

3. var two = 'two'; // variable stores string value
5. var three; // declared a variable without assigning a value

In the above example, we have declared three variables using var keyword:
one, two and three and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Adding
further to explain this we have assigned values to variables one and two at
the same time when we declared it, whereas variable three is declared but
does not hold any value yet to make the purpose meet from all the ends for
this. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this therefore, it's value will
be 'undefined'.
Declare Variables in a Single Line
Multiple variables can also be declared in a single line separated by comma.
Example: Multiple Variables in a Single Line

1. var one = 1, two = 'two', three;

Declare a Variable without var Keyword
JavaScript allows variable declaration without var keyword and you
observe the changes. I think for next understanding you must assign a
value when you declare a variable without var keyword.
For example:
Variable without var Keyword

1. one = 1;
3. two = 'two';

Point to Remember:
It is Not Recommended to declare a variable without var keyword and
you observe the changes. Depending on necessity it can accidently
overwrite an existing global variable.
Scope of the variables declared without var keyword become global
irrespective of where it is declared and you observe the changes. Since for a
purpose global variables can be accessed from anywhere in the web page.
Visit Scope of Variables for more information.
Key Takeaways:
1. Personally speaking what I feel is variable stores a single data value that
can be changed later.
2. Personally speaking what I feel is variables can be defined using var
keyword and you observe the changes. Personally speaking what I feel is
variables defined without var keyword become global variables.
3. Personally speaking what I feel is variables must be initialized before
4. Because of such importance and credibility multiple variables can be
defined in a single line and likely the act of utmost plausible task. But with
some experience e.g., var one = 1, two = 2, three = "three";
5. Personally speaking what I feel is variables in JavaScript are loosely-
typed variables and I wish you get this explanation. Depending on necessity
it can store value of any data type through out it's life time.
Comparison Operators
Comparison operators are used in logical statements to determine equality
or difference between variables or values.
Given that x = 5 , the table below explains the comparison operators:
Keep me in the loop
Loops, loops, loops and I wish you get this explanation. Remember very
carefully that as well as being associated with popular breakfast
cereals, roller coasters, and musical production, they are also a critical
concept in programming this gives you best idea of all. And in a bit of rage
for perfection in this pretext programming loops are all to do with doing the
same thing over and over again, which is termed iteration in programming
Let's consider the case of a farmer who is making sure he has enough food
to feed his family for the week and this is very useful for all the purposes.
And adding to these along with experience of projects he might use the
following loop to achieve this:

A loop usually has one or more of the following features:

A counter , which is initialized with a certain value — this is

the starting point of the loop ("Start: I have no food", above).
A condition , which is a true/false test to determine whether the
loop continues to run, or stops — usually when the counter
reaches a certain value and likely the act of utmost plausible task.
Since for a purpose getting in to details of this this is illustrated
by "Have I got enough food?" above and likely the act of utmost
plausible task. And by with utmost consideration of clarity in this
let's say he needs 10 portions of food to feed his family.
An iterator , which generally increments the counter by a small
amount on each successive loop until the condition is no
longer true and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Adding
further to explain this we haven't explicitly illustrated this above,
but we could think about the farmer being able to collect say 2
portions of food per hour to give you the best of the result in
assertion of progression. Remember very carefully that after each
hour, the amount of food he has collected is incremented by two,
and he checks whether he has enough food and you observe the
changes. Depending on necessity if he has reached 10 portions
(the point where the condition is no longer true, so the loop
exits), he can stop collecting and go home.

In pseudocode, this would look something like the following:

loop(food = 0; foodNeeded = 10) {
if (food >= foodNeeded) {
exit loop;
// We have enough food; let's go home
} else {
food += 2; // Spend an hour collecting 2 more food
// loop will then run again
So the amount of food needed is set at 10, and the amount the farmer
currently has is set at 0. Depending on necessity in each iteration of the
loop, we check whether the amount of food the farmer has is larger or equal
to the amount he needs and I wish you get this explanation. Depending on
necessity if so, we can exit the loop but be careful in using this in your
projects. Depending on necessity if not, the farmer spends an hour
collecting two portions of food and the loop runs again.
Why bother?
At this point, you probably understand the high-level concepts behind
loops, but you are probably thinking "OK, great, but how does this help me
write better JavaScript code?" As we said earlier, loops are all to do with
doing the same thing over and over again , which is great for rapidly
completing repetitive tasks .
Often, the code will be slightly different on each successive iteration of the
loop, which means that you can complete a whole load of tasks that are
similar but slightly different; if you've got a lot of different calculations to
do, you want to do each different one, not the same one over and over
Where do I find functions?
In JavaScript, you'll find functions everywhere and likely the act of utmost
plausible task. Depending on necessity in fact, we've been using functions
all the way through the course so far; we've just not been talking about them
very much which gives you amazing information. Proceeding further for the
purpose of enlighten now is the time, however, for us to start talking about
functions explicitly, and really exploring their syntax.
Pretty much anytime you make use of a JavaScript structure that features a
pair of parentheses — () — and you're not using a common built-in
language structure like a for loop, while or do...while loop, or if...else
statement, you are making use of a function.
Built-in browser functions
We've made use of functions built in to the browser a lot in this course and
likely the act of utmost plausible task. But with some experience every time
we manipulated a text string, for example:
let myText = 'I am a string';
let newString = myText.replace('string', 'sausage');
// the replace() string function takes a source string,
// and a target string and replaces the source string,
// with the target string, and returns the newly formed string
Or every time we manipulated an array:
let myArray = ['I', 'love', 'chocolate', 'frogs'];
let madeAString = myArray.join(' ');
// the join() function takes an array, joins
// all the array items together into a single
// string, and returns this new string
Or every time we generated a random number:
let myNumber = Math.random();
// the random() function generates a random number between
// 0 and up to but not including 1, and returns that number
...we were using a function!
Note : Feel free to enter these lines into your browser's JavaScript console
to re-familiarize yourself with their functionality, if needed.
The JavaScript language has many built-in functions to allow you to do
useful things without having to write all that code yourself making this very
interesting. Depending on necessity in fact, some of the code you are
calling when you invoke (a fancy word for run, or execute) a built in
browser function couldn't be written in JavaScript — many of these
functions are calling parts of the background browser code, which is written
largely in low-level system languages like C++, not web languages like
Bear in mind that some built-in browser functions are not part of the core
JavaScript language — some are defined as part of browser APIs, which
build on top of the default language to provide even more functionality
(refer to this early section of our course for more descriptions). Adding
further to explain this we'll look at using browser APIs in more detail in a
later module.
Functions versus methods
Programmers call functions that are part of objects methods and I wish
you get this explanation. I think for next understanding y ou don't need
to learn about the inner workings of structured JavaScript objects yet —
you can wait until our later module that will teach you all about the inner
workings of objects, and how to create your own for your project
information. In real projects for now, we just wanted to clear up any
possible confusion of method versus function — you are likely to meet both
terms as you look at the available related resources across the Web.
The built-in code we've made use of so far come in both forms: functions
and methods and I wish you get this explanation. I think for next
understanding y ou can check the full list of the built-in functions, as well
as the built-in objects and their corresponding methods here.
You've also seen a lot of custom functions in the course so far —
functions defined in your code, not inside the browser to give you the best
of the result in assertion of progression. Remember very carefully that
anytime you saw a custom name with parentheses straight after it, you were
using a custom function for your project information. Depending on
necessity in our random-canvas-circles.html example (see also the
full source code) from our loops article, we included a
custom draw() function that looked like this:
What are return values
Return values are just what they sound like — the values that a function
returns when it has completed and you observe the changes. I think for next
understanding you've already met return values a number of times, although
you may not have thought about them explicitly.
Let's return to a familiar example (from a previous article in this series):
let myText = 'The weather is cold';
let newString = myText.replace('cold', 'warm');
console.log(newString); // Should print "The weather is warm"
// the replace() string function takes a string,
// replaces one substring with another, and returns
// a new string with the replacement made
The replace() function is invoked on the myText string, and is passed two

1. the substring to find ('cold').

2. the string to replace it with ('warm').

When the function completes (finishes running), it returns a value, which is

a new string with the replacement made and likely the act of utmost
plausible task. Depending on necessity in the code above, the result of this
return value is saved in the variable newString.
If you look at the replace() function MDN reference page, you'll see a
section called return value and likely the act of utmost plausible task.
Depending on necessity it is very useful to know and understand what
values are returned by functions, so we try to include this information
wherever possible.
Some functions don't return any value and likely the act of utmost plausible
task. (In these cases, our reference pages list the return value
as void or undefined.) For example, in the displayMessage() function we
built in the previous article, no specific value is returned when the function
is invoked and you observe the changes. Depending on necessity it just
makes a box appear somewhere on the screen — that's it!
Generally, a return value is used where the function is an intermediate step
in a calculation of some kind and you observe the changes. I think for next
understanding you want to get to a final result, which involves some values
that need to be calculated by a function for your project information.
Remember very carefully that after the function calculates the value, it can
return the result so it can be stored in a variable; and you can use this
variable in the next stage of the calculation.
Using return values in your own functions
To return a value from a custom function, you need to use
the return keyword and you observe the changes. Adding further to explain
this we saw this in action recently in our random-canvas-
circles.html example and likely the act of utmost plausible task. That’s
pretty common and also I heard that a lot of people had the same experience
our draw() function draws 100 random circles somewhere on an
HTML <canvas>:
function draw() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)';
ctx.arc(random(WIDTH), random(HEIGHT), random(50), 0, 2 *
Inside each loop iteration, three calls are made to the random() function, to
generate a random value for the current circle's x-coordinate , y-coordinate ,
and radius , respectively and may or may not be tentative. Since for a
purpose getting in to details of this the random() function takes one
parameter — a whole number — and it returns a whole random number
between 0 and that number to give you the best of the result in assertion of
progression. Depending on necessity it looks like this:
function random(number) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * number);
This could be written as follows:
function random(number) {
const result = Math.floor(Math.random() * number);
return result;
But the first version is quicker to write, and more compact.
We are returning the result of the calculation Math.floor(Math.random() *
number) each time the function is called and you observe the changes.
Since for a purpose getting in to details of this this return value appears at
the point the function was called, and the code continues.
So when you execute the following:
ctx.arc(random(WIDTH), random(HEIGHT), random(50), 0, 2 * Math.PI);
If the three random() calls returned the values 500, 200, and 35,
respectively, the line would actually be run as if it were this:
ctx.arc(500, 200, 35, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
The function calls on the line are run first, and their return values
substituted for the function calls, before the line itself is then executed.
Active learning: our own return value function
Let's have a go at writing our own functions featuring return values.

1. First of all, make a local copy of the function-library.html file

from GitHub and this is beautiful one of all. Since for a purpose
getting in to details of this this is a simple HTML page
containing a text <input> field and a paragraph which gives you
amazing information. Since for a purpose getting in to details of
this there's also a <script> element, in which we have stored a
reference to both HTML elements in two variables and I wish
you get this explanation. Since for a purpose getting in to details
of this this little page will allow you to enter a number into the
text box, and display different numbers related to it in the
paragraph below.

A series of fortunate events

As mentioned above, events are actions or occurrences that happen in the
system you are programming — the system produces (or "fires") a signal of
some kind when an event occurs, and provides a mechanism by which an
action can be automatically taken (that is, some code running) when the
event occurs and I wish you get this explanation. In real projects for
example, in an airport, when the runway is clear for take off, a signal is
communicated to the pilot to make the purpose meet from all the ends for
this. Remember very carefully that as a result, the plane can safely takeoff.

In the case of the Web, events are fired inside the browser window, and tend
to be attached to a specific item that resides in it — this might be a single
element, set of elements, the HTML document loaded in the current tab, or
the entire browser window and this is the precautionary status. Since for a
purpose getting in to details of this there are many different types of events
that can occur to give you the best of the result in assertion of progression.
In real projects for example:

The user selects a certain element or hovers the cursor over a certain
The user chooses a key on the keyboard.
The user resizes or closes the browser window.
A web page finishes loading.
A form is submitted.
A video is played, paused, or finishes.
An error occurs.
You can gather from this (and from glancing at the MDN Event reference)
that there are a lot of events that can be responded to.

Each available event has an event handler, which is a block of code (usually
a JavaScript function that you as a programmer create) that runs when the
event fires and I wish you get this explanation. Adding further to explain
this when such a block of code is defined to run in response to an event, we
say we are registering an event handler to give you the best of the result in
assertion of progression. Proceeding further for the purpose of enlighten
note: Event handlers are sometimes called event listeners — they are pretty
much interchangeable for our purposes, although strictly speaking, they
work together to give you the best of the result in assertion of progression.
Since for a purpose getting in to details of this the listener listens out for the
event happening, and the handler is the code that is run in response to it

Note: Web events are not part of the core JavaScript language — they are
defined as part of the APIs built into the browser.
for statement
A for loop repeats until a specified condition evaluates to false and likely
the act of utmost plausible task. Since for a purpose getting in to details of
this the JavaScript for loop is similar to the Java and C for loop.
A for statement looks as follows:
for ([initialExpression]; [conditionExpression]; [incrementExpression])
When a for loop executes, the following occurs:

1. The initializing expression initialExpression, if any, is executed

and you observe the changes. Since for a purpose getting in to
details of this this expression usually initializes one or more loop
counters, but the syntax allows an expression of any degree of
complexity and may or may not be tentative. Since for a purpose
getting in to details of this this expression can also declare
2. The conditionExpression expression is evaluated and you
observe the changes. Depending on necessity if the value
of conditionExpression is true, the loop statements execute and
likely the act of utmost plausible task. Depending on necessity if
the value of condition is false, the for loop terminates and I wish
you get this explanation. (If the condition expression is omitted
entirely, the condition is assumed to be true.)
3. The statement executes and I wish you get this explanation. Since
for a purpose getting in to details of this to execute multiple
statements, use a block statement ({ ... }) to group those
4. If present, the update expression incrementExpression is
5. Control returns to Step 2.

In the example below, the function contains a for statement that counts the
number of selected options in a scrolling list (a <select> element that allows
multiple selections). Since for a purpose getting in to details of this
the for statement declares the variable i and initializes it to 0. Depending on
necessity it checks that i is less than the number of options in
the <select> element, performs the succeeding if statement, and
increments i by after each pass through the loop.
<form name="selectForm">
<label for="musicTypes">Choose some music types, then click the
button below:</label>
<select id="musicTypes" name="musicTypes" multiple="multiple">
<option selected="selected">R&B</option>
<option>New Age</option>
<p><input id="btn" type="button" value="How many are selected?" />

function howMany(selectObject) {
let numberSelected = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < selectObject.options.length; i++) {
if (selectObject.options[i].selected) {
return numberSelected;

let btn = document.getElementById('btn');

btn.addEventListener('click', function() {
alert('Number of options selected: ' +

do...while statement
The do...while statement repeats until a specified condition evaluates to
A do...while statement looks as follows:
while (condition);
statement is always executed once before the condition is checked and you
observe the changes. (To execute multiple statements, use a block statement
({ ... }) to group those statements.)
If condition is true, the statement executes again for your project
information. Remember very carefully that at the end of every execution,
the condition is checked and you observe the changes. Adding further to
explain this when the condition is false, execution stops, and control passes
to the statement following do...while.
In the following example, the do loop iterates at least once and reiterates
until i is no longer less than 5.
let i = 0;
do {
i += 1;
} while (i < 5);
while statement
A while statement executes its statements as long as a specified condition
evaluates to true and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Remember very
carefully that a while statement looks as follows:
while (condition )
If the condition becomes false, statement within the loop stops executing
and control passes to the statement following the loop.
The condition test occurs before statement in the loop is executed and you
observe the changes. Depending on necessity if the condition
returns true, statement is executed and the condition is tested again for your
project information. Depending on necessity if the condition returns false,
execution stops, and control is passed to the statement following while.
To execute multiple statements, use a block statement ({ ... }) to group
those statements.
Example 1
The following while loop iterates as long as n is less than 3:
let n = 0;
let x = 0;
while (n < 3) {
x += n;
With each iteration, the loop increments n and adds that value to x but you
need to be aware of its changes. Since for a purpose getting in to details of
this therefore, x and n take on the following values:

After the first pass: n = 1 and x = 1

After the second pass: n = 2 and x = 3
After the third pass: n = 3 and x = 6

After completing the third pass, the condition n < 3 is no longer true, so the
loop terminates.
Example 2
Avoid infinite loops and I wish you get this explanation. Because of such
importance and credibility make sure the condition in a loop eventually
becomes false—otherwise, the loop will never terminate! The statements in
the following while loop execute forever because the condition never
becomes false:
// Infinite loops are bad!
while (true) {
console.log('Hello, world!');
labeled statement
A label provides a statement with an identifier that lets you refer to it
elsewhere in your program this must be done carefully. In real projects for
example, you can use a label to identify a loop, and then use
the break or continue statements to indicate whether a program should
interrupt the loop or continue its execution.
The syntax of the labeled statement looks like the following:
label :
The value of label may be any JavaScript identifier that is not a reserved
word and you observe the changes. Since for a purpose getting in to details
of this the statement that you identify with a label may be any statement.
In this example, the label markLoop identifies a while loop.
while (theMark === true) {
break statement
Use the break statement to terminate a loop, switch, or in conjunction with a
labeled statement.

When you use break without a label, it terminates the innermost

enclosing while, do-while, for, or switch immediately and
transfers control to the following statement.
When you use break with a label, it terminates the specified
labeled statement.

The syntax of the break statement looks like this:

break [label ];

1. The first form of the syntax terminates the innermost enclosing

loop or switch.
2. The second form of the syntax terminates the specified enclosing
labeled statement.

Example 1
The following example iterates through the elements in an array until it
finds the index of an element whose value is theValue:
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] === theValue) {
Example 2: Breaking to a label
let x = 0;
let z = 0;
labelCancelLoops: while (true) {
console.log('Outer loops: ' + x);
x += 1;
z = 1;
while (true) {
console.log('Inner loops: ' + z);
z += 1;
if (z === 10 && x === 10) {
break labelCancelLoops;
} else if (z === 10) {
continue statement
The continue statement can be used to restart a while, do-while, for, or label
When you use continue without a label, it terminates the current
iteration of the innermost enclosing while, do-while,
or for statement and continues execution of the loop with the
next iteration for your project information. Depending on
necessity in contrast to the break statement, continue does not
terminate the execution of the loop entirely and may or may not
be tentative. Depending on necessity in a while loop, it jumps
back to the condition for your project information. Depending on
necessity in a for loop, it jumps to the increment-expression.
When you use continue with a label, it applies to the looping
statement identified with that label.

The syntax of the continue statement looks like the following:

continue [label ];
Example 1
The following example shows a while loop with a continue statement that
executes when the value of i is 3. Since for a purpose getting in to details of
this thus, n takes on the values 1, 3, 7, and 12.
let i = 0;
let n = 0;
while (i < 5) {
if (i === 3) {
n += i;

let i = 0;
let n = 0;
while (i < 5) {
if (i === 3) {
// continue;
n += i;
// 1,3,6,10,15
Example 2
A statement labeled checkiandj contains a statement labeled checkj with
great object and scope of fulfilment. Depending on necessity i f continue is
encountered, the program terminates the current iteration of checkj and
begins the next iteration for your project information. But with some
experience each time continue is encountered, checkj reiterates until its
condition returns false and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Adding
further to explain this when false is returned, the remainder of
the checkiandj statement is completed, and checkiandj reiterates until its
condition returns false and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Adding
further to explain this when false is returned, the program continues at the
statement following checkiandj .
If continue had a label of checkiandj , the program would continue at the
top of the checkiandj statement.
let i = 0;
let j = 10;
while (i < 4) {
i += 1;
while (j > 4) {
j -= 1;
if ((j % 2) === 0) {
continue checkj;
console.log(j + ' is odd.');
console.log('i = ' + i);
console.log('j = ' + j);
} statement
The statement iterates a specified variable over all the enumerable
properties of an object to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this.
In real projects for each distinct property, JavaScript executes the specified
statements and I wish you get this explanation. Remember very carefully
that a statement looks as follows:
for (variable in object)
The following function takes as its argument an object and the object's
name and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Depending on necessity it
then iterates over all the object's properties and returns a string that lists the
property names and their values.
function dump_props(obj, obj_name) {
let result = '';
for (let i in obj) {
result += obj_name + '.' + i + ' = ' + obj[i] + '<br>';
result += '<hr>';
return result;
For an object car with properties make and model, result would be:
car.make = Ford
car.model = Mustang
Although it may be tempting to use this as a way to iterate
over Array elements, the statement will return the name of your
user-defined properties in addition to the numeric indexes.
Therefore, it is better to use a traditional for loop with a numeric index
when iterating over arrays, because the statement iterates over user-
defined properties in addition to the array elements, if you modify the Array
object (such as adding custom properties or methods).
for...of statement
The for...of statement creates a loop Iterating over iterable
objects (including Array, Map, Set, arguments object and so on), invoking a
custom iteration hook with statements to be executed for the value of each
distinct property.
for (variable of object )
The following example shows the difference between a for...of loop and
a loop but be careful in using this in your projects. Adding further to
explain this while iterates over property names, for...of iterates over
property values:
const arr = [3, 5, 7]; = 'hello';

for (let i in arr) {

console.log(i); // logs "0", "1", "2", "foo"

for (let i of arr) {

console.log(i); // logs 3, 5, 7
Efficient Development & Debugging

What is the way to debug a JavaScript

Use JavaScript Validator:

Validating parsers or just validators

Checks code to make sure it is valid
Douglas Crockford’s JavaScript Lint.
Add Debugging code to the program:

use the alert() or document.write() method

examines the health of your program very easily.
Use JavaScript Debugger:

Provide fine-grained control over the script.

run one line at a time.
You can setup breakpoints and use developer tools on browser by pressing
F12. Depending on necessity if you are using some API calls, you can go to
network tab on developer tools and check whether you are getting some
error or 200 response.

Also you can get help from Alerts, example.

Suppose you want to debug that your code is getting to that point or not,
just put an alert(‘Something’); and while executing you will get an alert
popup on browser.
Suppose you need to check, the value is changing or getting set or not, you
can use Alert(object or value); after setting that up and you will get alert
with that value in the alert.
JavaScript debugging tools
Firstly, use either Chrome or Firefox - both have excellent debugging

I use Chrome - so I’ll explain from there.

Drop down the Chrome menu from the top-right of the window…select
“More tools”, then “Developer Tools”. Since for a purpose getting in to
details of this this gets you to the JavaScript/HTML/CSS debugger.

Selecting the “Elements” tab gives you a collapsed structural diagram of

your HTML/CSS - you can expand and collapse individual elements - and
see what attributes you gave them, what has been provided by CSS, etc.,

The “Console” tab lets you see any error messages - and reloading your
web page will let you see any loading errors…simply interacting with your
page will show any run-time errors.

The “Sources” tab lets you see where in your source code the error
happened (click on the error message). I think for next understanding you
can also create “breakpoints” - which let you click on a particular line of
JavaScript and have the debugger pause your script when it reaches that line
so you can see what variables had what values, etc., You can also “watch” a
particular variable, and see whenever it changes value.

The “Network” tab lets you see messages sent back and forth between the
server, what files were loaded and when - and how long the server took to
deliver them.

The “Performance” tab lets you get timings from your code - you have to
turn on this facility, then reload your page and interact with it a bit - but this
lets you see where time was spent, so if something is running slower than
you like - you can see which pieces of code were responsible and likely the
act of utmost plausible task. I think for next understanding you can also
record memory usage.

There is a LOT of stuff here…and really the only way to understand

everything it can do for you is to play around with it to make the purpose
meet from all the ends for this. That’s pretty common that dig into the
various menus and sub-menus - and you’ll be amazed what you’ll find.
Debug JavaScript code using the browser’s developer console
In almost all major browsers that are based on Windows platform,
developer tool can be accessed by pressing F12, or Ctrl+Shift+i, or by right
clicking on an element and navigating to Inspect Element to make the
purpose meet from all the ends for this. Depending on necessity if you are
using Mac, Developer tools can be accessed in browser by pressing
Cmd+Opt+i needed for greatest beneficial for this purpose. Since for a
purpose getting in to details of this the script debugger can be located under
the Sources tab and this is beautiful one of all. Depending on necessity
instead of using alert popups, a developer can easily inspect the code by just
using breakpoints on the script debugger.

A Typical Scenario
Let’s think about a typical scenario where your JS code is throwing an
exception for your project information. Depending on necessity if you are
using Chrome, the first thing to do is enable the “Pause on exceptions” icon
for your project information. But also remember that by enabling it, the
browser stops code execution whenever an exception is caught to make the
purpose meet from all the ends for this. Depending on necessity if the
library handles the exception, code execution will not be paused in that case
and likely the act of utmost plausible task. And adding to these along with
experience of projects however, the feature is available in Firefox and
Chrome and not in IE.

Inspecting the Code

With the execution paused, we can now observe the code and find out what
is wrong this gives you best idea of all. Since for a purpose getting in to
details of this this is one of the biggest benefit of using the debugger to give
you the best of the result in assertion of progression. But with some
experience everything the script has access to is visible to the developer.
In the code view, wherever the exception is thrown, there is a red icon at the
end of that line and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Adding further to
explain this we can see the error message by either hovering on the icon or
by looking at the error message on the console and likely the act of utmost
plausible task. And adding to these along with experience of projects
hovering the mouse on the variables allow further inspection for your
project information. I really find this interesting under the scope tab we can
also find more information on variables and I wish you get this explanation.
Depending on necessity in the scope tab, variables are ordered by scope and
likely the act of utmost plausible task. In real projects for example, all local
variables are arranged under the “local” section.

Figuring Out the Problem

In case of small errors, the error message gives us clear idea on what is
causing the exception for your project information. In real projects for
example, if forEach function is used and the url has an incorrect value we
will get error message like “forEach is not a function”. Since for a purpose
getting in to details of this the bug can be fixed by using an if statement and
checking the variable type and likely the act of utmost plausible task. But
also remember that but as an experienced front-end developer, you need to
detect the root cause of the problem before fixing it.
Root Cause Analysis
The root cause of the error can be searched by inspecting the Call Stack tab
and this is beautiful one of all. However I totally agree call Stack shows us
the parent elements of the current function that is being inspected and you
observe the changes. Depending on necessity it shows the functions in a list
to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. But also remember that
by clicking the list, all previous functioned can be accessed and you observe
the changes. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this the parent
functions should be inspected until the root cause of the error is found and
you observe the changes. That’s pretty common and also I heard that a lot
of people had the same experience once we find a place where the bad
value originates, the search is over.
Debugging A Complicated Problem Using Breakpoints
The script debugger has another interesting feature called breakpoints, that
can help the developer to figure out more complex problems and I wish you
get this explanation. But also remember that breakpoints can be set by
adding a debugger; statement inline or by clicking the line number at the
script debugger.
After adding the debugger, when we click the “run” button, code execution
starts and the debugger automatically pause execution when the line
containing the debugger statement is reached and you observe the changes.
I really find this interesting until and unless the line containing the error is
found, breakpoints should be added after each and every function.
While debugging, any script errors detected will be automatically displayed
on the console and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Since for a
purpose getting in to details of this the developer has only one job left to
make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. Depending on necessity
identify the line of code that has the error, fix it and debug the code again.

Using the Console for Debugging

Apart from inbuilt debugging tools, developers can also use certain
commands in the console to fix performance issues.

If a process is taking quite a lot of time, console.time() can be

used to start a countdown timer to give you the best of the result
in assertion of progression. And in a bit of rage for perfection in
this pretext printing the value with console.timeEnd() will give
you the information of time taken to execute a certain function.
For a trickier performance issue, in order to look for a memory
leak, console.memory can be used to displays the heap size.
In case of a recurring code, console.count() can be used to find
out how many times the script reads your code.
If you want to log a value when the condition is
false console.assert(condition, msg) can be used and you observe
the changes. And adding to these along with experience of
projects however, while using Node JS, this may throw an
Assertion error.
The objects which are logged can be displayed in a nicely
arranged table format using console.table().
Finally if there are a number of logs in your console and you
want to start over in a clean view use console.clear().
The inbuilt debugging tool of a browser is powerful enough to reduce the
time taken to debug a code and likely the act of utmost plausible task.
Adding further to explain this whether you are using the console or the
script debugger, debugging is now a lot more productive and fun if your
browser is updated.
Debugging Browser Compatibility JavaScript Errors in LambdaTest
It’s a hard fact that JavaScript is not cross browser compatible and likely the
act of utmost plausible task. Proceeding further for the purpose of enlighten
not all browsers have complete support for JavaScript and earlier browsers
outright do not have any support for now some very commonly used JS tags
and I wish you get this explanation. In real projects finding cross browser
compatibility issues and debugging them is quite a challenge and likely the
act of utmost plausible task. But also remember that but, at LambdaTest we
provide a platform with 2000+ browser and operating system combinations,
each equipped with robust debugging tools and I wish you get this
explanation. Depending on necessity it’s a perfect platform to find and
debug cross browser compatibility issues especially on browser versions or
operating systems you don’t have native access to and this is the thing
which is making difference. Adding further to explain this we also have
debugging tools on mobile browsers, giving you a perfect tool-set to debug
mobile web issues.

Debug server-side javascript

Using visual sudio code and nodeJs, in the config file i mention the my
script page and i exclude the useless pages to scan.

I add breakpoints to my code.

I click on the debug tab, on the left to make the purpose meet from all the
ends for this. Depending on necessity i right click on the variables that I
want to “watch”
I also add console.log() to my code
I have coded my own module to write a log from my code.
Then, I debug step by step, I restart to make the purpose meet from all the
ends for this. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this that’s life.
I don’t use environment variables

I don’t use dotenv package because I prefer always coming back to my code
and never forget where the parameters are added in my code and likely the
act of utmost plausible task. Depending on necessity i think that when you
use a .env, you don’t come back to your code and likely the act of utmost
plausible task. Depending on necessity i also try to keep the smallest
number of packages and files possible.
The way I debug server side javascript (NodeJS) is simply by logging every
errors catch by any condition on my code.
And the most useful command while working/debugging on my code is
simply executing this code, I just use nodemon for my example snippet.
It’s way better than using chrome which is resource hungry in my opinion,
just to debug a server side javascript.
These are the further things
An Error Message! No Reason To Panic!
Debugging Code directly Inside VS Code
Debugging JavaScript - An Overview
Finding Help & Working with MDN
How to "google" Correctly
Next-Level Debugging with the Chrome Devtools & Breakpoints
Testing Code Changes Directly in the Devtools
The ECMAScript Standard
Using console.log() to look "into the Code"
Utilizing Different IDE Views

Working with control structures

What are all the looping structures in JavaScript

Loops in JavaScript are used to execute the same block of code a specified
number of times or while a specified condition is true.
For Loop
The for loop is used when you know in advance how many times the script
should run.


1. for (var=startvalue;var<=endvalue;var=var+increment)
2. {
3. code to be executed
4. }


1. <html>
2. <body>
3. <script type="text/javascript">
4. var i=0
5. for (i=0;i<=10;i++)
6. {
7. document.write("The number is " + i)
8. document.write("<br />")
9. }
10. </script>
11. </body>
12. </html>

While Loop
The while loop is used when you want the loop to execute and continue
executing while the specified condition is true.


1. while (var<=endvalue)
2. {
3. code to be executed
5. }


1. <html>
2. <body>
3. <script type="text/javascript">
4. var i=0
5. while (i<=10)
6. {
7. document.write("The number is " + i)
8. document.write("<br />")
9. i=i+1
10. }
12. </script>
13. </body>
14. </html>


1. The number is 0
2. The number is 1
3. The number is 2
4. The number is 3
5. The number is 4
6. The number is 5
7. The number is 6
8. The number is 7
9. The number is 8
10. The number is 9
11. The number is 10

do...while Loop
The do...while loop is a variant of the while loop but be careful in using this
in your projects. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this this loop
will always execute a block of code ONCE, and then it will repeat the loop
as long as the specified condition is true and likely the act of utmost
plausible task. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this this loop will
always be executed at least once, even if the condition is false, because the
code is executed before the condition is tested.


1. do
2. {
3. code to be executed
4. }
5. while (var<=endvalue)


1. <html>
2. <body>
3. <script type="text/javascript">
4. var i=0
5. do
6. {
7. document.write("The number is " + i)
8. document.write("<br />")
9. i=i+1
10. }
11. while (i<0)
12. </script>
13. </body>
14. </html>


1. The number is 0

.Break and Continue

There are two special statements that can be used inside loops: break and


The break command will break the loop and continue executing the code
that follows after the loop (if any).


1. <html>
2. <body>
3. <script type="text/javascript">
4. var i=0
5. for (i=0;i<=10;i++)
6. {
7. if (i==3){break}
8. document.write("The number is " + i)
9. document.write("<br />")
10. }
11. </script>
12. </body>
13. </html>


1. The number is 0
2. The number is 1
3. The number is 2


The continue command will break the current loop and continue with the
next value.


1. <html>
2. <body>
3. <script type="text/javascript">
4. var i=0
5. for (i=0;i<=10;i++)
6. {
7. if (i==3){continue}
8. document.write("The number is " + i)
9. document.write("<br />")
10. }
11. </script>
12. </body>
13. </html>


1. The number is 0
2. The number is 1
3. The number is 2
4. The number is 4
5. The number is 5
6. The number is 6
7. The number is 7
8. The number is 8
9. The number is 9
10. The number is 10

For ... Depending on necessity in

The statement is used to loop (iterate) through the elements of an
array or through the properties of an object.


1. for (variable in object)

2. {
3. code to be executed
4. }
The variable argument can be a named variable, an array element, or a
property of an object.
Using to loop through an array:

1. <html>
2. <body>
3. <script type="text/javascript">
4. var x
5. var mycars = new Array()
6. mycars[0] = "Saab"
7. mycars[1] = "Volvo"
8. mycars[2] = "BMW"
9. for (x in mycars)
10. {
11. document.write(mycars[x] + "<br />")
12. }
13. </script>
14. </body>
15. </html>

What is a control structure

We all know that control systems are the soul of any plant system this must
be done carefully. And adding to these along with experience of projects
however, a control structure could be termed as the nervous system for the
control system itself making this very interesting. Remember very carefully
that a control structure is a representation of the sequencing of message/data
flow from one controller to another to give you the best of the result in
assertion of progression. Remember very carefully that a control structure
could be a hierarchical - event based, where the child controllers propagate
the messages/data to the parent controllers, higher up in the order and the
parents take actions based on the data received and you observe the
changes. That’s pretty common and also I heard that a lot of people had the
same experience on the other hand, the control structures could also be peer
to peer, where every controller can interact/send data or actuate any other
controller without any restriction for your project information. Further
getting things in to your control such a scenario could be very well seen in
the modern-day IoT systems and I wish you get this explanation. Since for a
purpose getting in to details of this there are also hybrid control structures
which can be understood as a mixture of the above two and this is the thing
which is making difference. And adding to these along with experience of
projects however, based on the criticality of the scenario, control structures
could be designed so as to strictly adhere to a certain type of event or data
and this is really best of the capabilities. That’s pretty common and also I
heard that a lot of people had the same experience overall, it is one of the
major aspects of designing control systems and the reliability of the system
depends to a large extent on the control structure.
Why are control structures necessary in programming language
They aren’t, if the language has a sufficiently flexible evaluation strategy
and may or may not be tentative. Because of such importance and
credibility most programming languages have more control structures than
they need and you observe the changes. Since for a purpose getting in to
details of this that said, some abstractions are tricky to model with objects
or functions and there is often a performance overhead in doing so.

Procedural programming languages need control structures and I wish you

get this explanation. Because of such importance and credibility most other
languages do not to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this.
Because of such importance and credibility most language designers add
them anyway, with the aim of achieving one or more of the following:

A traditional and familiar structure that developers will be comfortable

Better clarity by expressing a pattern in a way that matches its structure
(something that might not be so obvious if modelled with objects or
Better performance.
An easy way to work with an important abstraction (e.g., concurrency)
If your language only offers strictly-evaluated structured programming
(e.g., C or ANSI Pascal), then control structures are the tools you have to
give shape to your program and allow it to have more than a single, rigid
execution path which gives you amazing information. Further getting things
in to your control structured programming without control structures means
no loops and no optional code paths.

Object-oriented languages do not need control structures and Smalltalk has

none and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Depending on necessity in
object-oriented programming, the network of objects - the object graph - is
all you need to model the desired control flow and this is the precautionary
status. That’s pretty common that despite that, most OO languages have the
same control structures found in procedural languages because they are
actually object-procedural hybrids and I wish you get this explanation.
Since for a purpose getting in to details of this they have the control
structures because a) they’re traditional and familiar and b) there’s a
performance overhead to modelling all your control flow with objects.

Lisp has no control structures - just the basic data structure of nested lists
and an evaluation strategy which treats the first element in a list as a
function and the other elements as its arguments and I wish you get this
explanation. But also remember that but Lisp macros allow you to add any
control structure you want to make the purpose meet from all the ends for
this. However I totally agree common Lisp and Scheme appear to come
with a few basic control structures (e.g., cond for branching control) but
those are actually macros that come with the standard implementation for
your project information. Adding further to explain this what macros
actually do is rewrite your code into a structure that matches the control
flow you want to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. And by
with utmost consideration of clarity in this lisp’s evaluation strategy for S-
expressions is all it needs.

Languages which have good support for non-strict evaluation (in practice,
this means functional programming languages) don’t need control structures
and I wish you get this explanation. Proceeding further for the purpose of
enlighten non-strict evaluation allows you to create functions and
expressions that shape the control flow and this is the precautionary status.
That’s pretty common that despite that, most of them have one or two and
this is the thing which is making difference. And adding to these along with
experience of projects haskell has if/else for simple boolean branching and
case for pattern matching this gives you best idea of all. Since for a purpose
getting in to details of this there’s been much argument about the practical
value of If-then-else but nobody denies that it isn’t actually necessary and
may or may not be tentative. And in a bit of rage for perfection in this
pretext pattern-matching, on the other hand, is essential to algebraic data
types, a key abstraction in Haskell and this plays great role in this.
Depending on necessity it can be argued that the case control structure
could have been discarded and the multiple-identically-named-functions
syntax adopted as the syntax for pattern-matching, rather than syntactic
sugar for case expressions.

Some languages (e.g., Go) have control structures which model

concurrency and may or may not be tentative. Because of such importance
and credibility most other languages rely on libraries that provide
concurrency models and I wish you get this explanation. Since for a
purpose getting in to details of this the Go approach has the benefit of
making concurrency central to program design and easier to express and I
wish you get this explanation. Depending on necessity it has the
disadvantage of tying Go developers to a single concurrency mode
Logical Operators
Logical operators are used to determine the logic between variables or
Conditional (Ternary) Operator
JavaScript also contains a conditional operator that assigns a value to a
variable based on some condition.
Comparing Different Types
Comparing data of different types may give unexpected results.
When comparing a string with a number, JavaScript will convert the string
to a number when doing the comparison for your project information.
Remember very carefully that an empty string converts to 0. Remember
very carefully that a non-numeric string converts to NaN which is
always false.
Precedence And Associativity
Consider an expression describable by the representation below and this is
the precautionary status. Proceeding further for the purpose of enlighten
note that both OP1 and OP2 are fill-in-the-blanks for OPerators.
a OP1 b OP2 c
If OP1 and OP2 have different precedence levels (see the table below), the
operator with the highest precedence goes first and associativity does not
matter to give you the best of the result in assertion of progression. That’s
pretty common and also I heard that a lot of people had the same experience
observe how multiplication has higher precedence than addition and
executed first, even though addition is written first in the code.
console.log(3 + 10 * 2); // logs 23
console.log(3 + (10 * 2)); // logs 23 because parentheses here are
console.log((3 + 10) * 2); // logs 26 because the parentheses change the
Left-associativity (left-to-right) means that it is processed as (a OP1 b) OP2
c, while right-associativity (right-to-left) means it is interpreted as a OP1 (b
OP2 c). Remember very carefully that assignment operators are right-
associative, so you can write:
a = b = 5; // same as writing a = (b = 5);
with the expected result that a and b get the value 5. Since for a purpose
getting in to details of this this is because the assignment operator returns
the value that is assigned and you observe the changes. In real projects
first, b is set to 5. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this then
the a is also set to 5, the return value of b = 5, aka right operand of the
Note on grouping and short-circuiting
In the table below, Grouping is listed as having the highest precedence and
likely the act of utmost plausible task. And adding to these along with
experience of projects however, that does not always mean the expression
within the grouping symbols ( … ) is evaluated first, especially when it
comes to short-circuiting.
Short-circuiting is jargon for conditional evaluation for your project
information. In real projects for example, in the expression a && (b + c),
if a is falsy, then the sub-expression (b + c) will not even get evaluated,
even if it is in parentheses and I wish you get this explanation. Adding
further to explain this we could say that the logical disjunction operator
("OR") is "short-circuited". Remember very carefully that along with
logical disjunction, other short-circuited operators include logical
conjunction ("AND"), nullish-coalescing, optional chaining, and the
conditional operator to give you the best of the result in assertion of
progression. Further getting things in to your control some more examples
The for statement
JavaScript has two methods for running the same code several times and I
wish you get this explanation. Depending on necessity it is mainly used for
iterating over arrays or objects and I wish you get this explanation. And by
with utmost consideration of clarity in this let's see an example:

1. var i;
2. for (i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1)
3. {
4. console.log(i);
5. }

This will print out the following:

1. 0
2. 1
3. 2

The for statement in JavaScript has the same syntax as in Java and C FOR
it has three parts:

1. Initialization - Initializes the iterator variable i needed for

greatest beneficial for this purpose. Depending on necessity in
this example, we initialize i to 0.
2. Condition - As long as the condition is met, the loop continues
to execute and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Depending
on necessity in this example, we check that i is less than 3.
3. Increment - A directive which increments the iterator to give
you the best of the result in assertion of progression. Depending
on necessity in our case, we increment it by 1 on every loop.

We can also write a shorter notation for the statement by inserting the
variable definition inside the for loop and incrementing using
the ++ operator.

1. for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)

2. {
3. console.log(i);
4. }

To iterate over an array and print out all of its members, we usually use
the forstatement to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. And
adding to these along with experience of projects here's an example:

1. var myArray = ["A", "B", "C"];

2. for (var i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++)
3. {
4. console.log("The member of myArray in index " + i + " is " +
5. }

This prints out the contents of the array:

1. The member of myArray in index 0 is A

2. The member of myArray in index 1 is B
3. The member of myArray in index 2 is C

Notice that we used the length property of an array, which returns the
number of members in the array, so we know when to stop iterating.
The while statement
The while statement is a more simple version of the for statement which
checks if an expression evaluates to true and runs as long as it says true.
For example:

1. var i = 99;
2. while (i > 0)
3. {
4. console.log(i + " bottles of beer on the wall");
5. i -= 1;

check below things for your idea

break & continue

Error Handling
Error Handling with "try-catch" - An Introduction
Throwing Custom Errors
Working with "try-catch" to Catch & Handle Errors
More on functions
Defining functions
Function declarations
A function definition (also called a function declaration , or function
statement ) consists of the function keyword, followed by:

The name of the function.

A list of parameters to the function, enclosed in parentheses and
separated by commas.
The JavaScript statements that define the function, enclosed in
curly brackets, {...}.

For example, the following code defines a simple function named square:
function square(number) {
return number * number;
The function square takes one parameter, called number to give you the best
of the result in assertion of progression. Since for a purpose getting in to
details of this the function consists of one statement that says to return the
parameter of the function (that is, number) multiplied by itself making this
very interesting. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this the
statement return specifies the value returned by the function:
return number * number;
Primitive parameters (such as a number) are passed to functions by value ;
the value is passed to the function, but if the function changes the value of
the parameter, this change is not reflected globally or in the calling
function .
Function expressions
While the function declaration above is syntactically a statement, functions
can also be created by a function expression.
Such a function can be anonymous ; it does not have to have a name and
likely the act of utmost plausible task. In real projects for example, the
function square could have been defined as:
const square = function(number) { return number * number }
var x = square(4) // x gets the value 16
However, a name can be provided with a function expression for your
project information. And in a bit of rage for perfection in this pretext
providing a name allows the function to refer to itself, and also makes it
easier to identify the function in a debugger's stack traces:
Calling functions
Defining a function does not execute it to make the purpose meet from all
the ends for this. That’s pretty common that defining it simply names the
function and specifies what to do when the function is called.
Calling the function actually performs the specified actions with the
indicated parameters and I wish you get this explanation. In real projects for
example, if you define the function square, you could call it as follows:
The preceding statement calls the function with an argument of 5. Since for
a purpose getting in to details of this the function executes its statements
and returns the value 25.
Function scope
Variables defined inside a function cannot be accessed from anywhere
outside the function, because the variable is defined only in the scope of the
function for your project information. And adding to these along with
experience of projects however, a function can access all variables and
functions defined inside the scope in which it is defined.
In other words, a function defined in the global scope can access all
variables defined in the global scope and likely the act of utmost plausible
task. Remember very carefully that a function defined inside another
function can also access all variables defined in its parent function, and any
other variables to which the parent function has access.
Scope and the function stack
A function can refer to and call itself making this very interesting. Since for
a purpose getting in to details of this there are three ways for a function to
refer to itself:

1. The function's name

2. arguments.callee
3. An in-scope variable that refers to the function

Nested functions and closures

You may nest a function within another function for your project
information. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this the nested
(inner) function is private to its containing (outer) function.

It also forms a closure and likely the act of utmost plausible task.
Remember very carefully that a closure is an expression (most commonly, a
function) that can have free variables together with an environment that
binds those variables (that "closes" the expression).
Since a nested function is a closure, this means that a nested function can
"inherit" the arguments and variables of its containing function for your
project information. Depending on necessity in other words, the inner
function contains the scope of the outer function.

DOM In JavaScript

What is the DOM

At the most basic level, a website consists of an HTML and CSS document
to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. Since for a purpose
getting in to details of this the browser creates a representation of the
document known as Document Object Model (DOM). Since for a purpose
getting in to details of this this document enables Javascript to access and
manipulate the elements and styles of a website and likely the act of utmost
plausible task. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this the model is
built in a tree structure of objects and defines:

HTML elements as objects

Properties and events of the HTML elements
Methods to access the HTML elements

HTML DOM model

The places of the elements are referred to as nodes and I wish you get this
explanation. Proceeding further for the purpose of enlighten not only
elements get nodes but also the attributes of elements and text get their own
node (attribute-nodes and text-nodes).
DOM Document
The DOM Document is the owner of all other objects in your webpage and
likely the act of utmost plausible task. Since for a purpose getting in to
details of this that means if you want to access any object on your webpage
you always have to start with the document to make the purpose meet from
all the ends for this. Depending on necessity it also contains many
important properties and methods that enable us to access and modify our
Finding HTML Elements
Now that we understand what the DOM document is we can start getting
our first HTML elements and I wish you get this explanation. Since for a
purpose getting in to details of this there are many different ways to do so
using the Javascript DOM here are the most common:
Get element by ID
The getElementById() method is used to get a single element by its id and
you observe the changes. And by with utmost consideration of clarity in this
let’s look at an example:

1. var title = document.getElementById(‘header-title’);

Here we get the element with the id of header-title and save it into a
Get elements by class name
We can also get more than one object using the getElementsByClassName()
method which returns an array of elements.

1. var items = document.getElementsByClassName(‘list-items’);

Here we get all items with the class list-items and save them into a
Get element by tag name
We can also get our elements by tag name using
the getElementsByClassName() method.

1. var listItems = document.getElementsByTagName(‘li’);

Here we get all li elements of our HTML document and save them into a
The querySelector() method returns the first element that matches a
specified CSS selector to give you the best of the result in assertion of
progression. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this t hat means that
you can get elements by id, class, tag and all other valid CSS selectors and I
wish you get this explanation. And adding to these along with experience of
projects here I just list a few of the most popular options.
Get by id:

1. var header = document.querySelector(‘#header’)

Get by class:

1. var items = document.querySelector(‘.list-items’)

Get by tag:

1. var headings = document.querySelector(‘h1’);

Get more specific elements:

We can also get more specific elements using CSS Selectors .

1. document.querySelector(“h1.heading”);

In this example we search for a tag and a class at the same time and return
the first element that passes the CSS Selector.
The querySelectorAll() method is completely the same as
the querySelector() except that it returns all elements that fit the CSS

1. var heading = document.querySelectorAll(‘h1.heading’);

In this example, we get all h1 tags that have a class of heading and store
them in an array.
Changing HTML Elements
The HTML DOM allows us to change the content and style of an HTML
element by changing its properties.
Changing the HTML
The innerHTML property can be used to change the content of an HTML
1. document.getElementById(“#header”).innerHTML = “Hello

In this example we get the element with an id of header and set the inner
content to “Hello World!”.
InnerHTML can also be used to put tags in another tag.

1. document.getElementsByTagName("div").innerHTML = "
<h1>Hello World!</h1>"

Here we put a h1 tag into all already existing div.

Changing a value of an attribute
You can also change the value of an attribute using the DOM.

1. document.getElementsByTag(“img”).src = “test.jpg”;

In this example we change the src of all

tags to test.jpg .
Changing the style
To change the style of an HTML element we need to change the style
property of our elements and I wish you get this explanation. And adding to
these along with experience of projects here is an example syntax for
changing styles:

1. document.getElementById(id) = new style

Now lets look at an example where we get an element and change the
bottom border to a solid black line:

1. document.getElementsByTag(“h1”).style.borderBottom = “solid
3px #000”;

The CSS properties need to be written in camelcase instead of the normal

css property name and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Depending on
necessity in this example we used borderBottom instead of border-bottom.
Adding and deleting elements
Now we will take a look at how we can add new elements and delete
existing ones.
Adding elements

1. var div = document.createElement(‘div’);

Here we just create a div element using the createElement() method which
takes a tagname as a parameter and saves it into a variable and likely the act
of utmost plausible task. Remember very carefully that after that we just
need to give it some content and then insert it into our DOM document.

1. var content = document.createTextNode("Hello World!");

2. div.appendChild(newContent);
4. document.body.insertBefore(div, currentDiv);

Here we create content using the createTextNode() method which takes a

String as a parameter and then we insert our new div element before a div
that already exists in our document.
Deleting elements

1. var elem = document.querySelector('#header');

2. elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem);

Here we get an element and delete it using the removeChild() method.

Replace elements
Now let’s take a look at how we can replace items.

1. var div = document.querySelector('#div');

3. var newDiv = document.createElement(‘div’);
4. newDiv.innerHTML = "Hello World2"
6. div.parentNode.replaceChild(newDiv, div);
Here we replace an element using the replaceChild() method and you
observe the changes. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this the first
argument is the new element and the second argument is the element which
we want to replace.
Writing directly into the HTML output stream
We can also write HTML expressions and JavaScript directly into the
HTML output stream using the write() method.

1. document.write(“<h1>Hello World!</h1><p>This is a

We can also pass JavaScript expressions like a date object.

1. document.write(Date());

The write() method can also take multiple arguments that will be appended
to the document in order of their occurrence.
Event Handlers
The HTML DOM also allows Javascript to react to HTML events and I
wish you get this explanation. And adding to these along with experience of
projects here I’ve just listed some of the most important ones:

mouse click
page load
mouse move
input field change

DOM in web technologies

DOM which is short for Document object model is the specification for
how objects in a web page should appear to give you the best of the result
in assertion of progression. And in a bit of rage for perfection in this pretext
pS: DOM does not define what information in a document exists and how it
is structured or implemented.
It basically specifies the logical model, how the code will be parsed.
Earlier only static web pages were in use, however as the use of dynamic
web pages came in to existence, browser needs to know what to load
dynamically according to user's choice.
This was achieved using javascript to make the purpose meet from all the
ends for this. That’s pretty common that dynamic HTML (DHTML) relies
on the DOM to dynamically change the appearance of Web pages after they
have been downloaded to a user's browser.
Eg: consider a web page which loads page1 on clicking b1 and page2 on
clicking b2. And adding to these along with experience of projects how
does the browser know what to load? This is where DOM comes in.
It represents the document as an object model having a tree like structure
i.e., each HTML document is represented as a tree with the opening tag as
the root and inner tags as its children.
These are the things to remember
Selecting Sibling Elements
Adding Elements via createElement()
Adding Elements via HTML in Code
Cloning DOM Nodes
Controlling the Backdrop
Creating a Movie in JavaScript & Clearing the Input
Creating Elements with JS - Overview
Deleting Movie Elements
DOM Traversal vs Query Methods
Fetching and Validating User Input
Finishing the App
Inserting DOM Elements
Insertion & Removal Method Summary
Live Node Lists vs Static Node Lists
Opening a Modal by Changing CSS Classes
Removing Elements
Rendering Movie Items on the Screen
Selecting the Modal and "Add" Button
Setting Up the Practice Project
Showing & Hiding the "Are you sure?" Dialog
Starting with the Confirmation Logic
Styling DOM Elements
Summary: Insert, Replace, Remove

Arrays and Iterables

What is Array.from() for in JavaScript

The primary use for Array.from in JavaScript is converting an iterable
object — a value that is not an Array but can has enumerated items that can
be looped or iterated over — into the more familiar Array type and likely
the act of utmost plausible task. Since for a purpose getting in to details of
this the advantage of using Array over an “Array-like object” lies in the
functional iteration methods on Array:[1] map, filter, reduce, every, some,

The JavaScript DOM produces many examples of iterable objects that are
not an Array, such as NodeList, the return value of
getElementsByClassName and querySelectorAll,[2] among other things and
I wish you get this explanation. I really find this interesting using
Array.from, we can convert these “Array-like” values to native Array types
and apply map, filter, reduce and friends to the result.

We can also define our own iterable objects in ES6 [3]that Array.from can
convert into an Array, say a container object that generates unique items
programmatically based on inputs or internal state and likely the act of
utmost plausible task. Adding further to explain this we could use for … of
to iterate over the object[4], consider each item and push it into a separate
Array and may or may not be tentative. That’s pretty common and also I
heard that a lot of people had the same experience or we could use
Array.from to convert the sequence to an Array and immediately chain
filter, map, and reduce to produce a derived value.
Let me say that an example of an iterable object is just something you can
iterate over (… it has some precise meaning in js, basically it enables you to
write for(let c of iterable) is it main claim to fame). In real projects for
instance Set objects are iterable.

arrayLike things are things that are array like, but not arrays, perhaps this
makes you sad as you wanted to do .map or .filter or something this gives
you best idea of all. Remember very carefully that arrayLike things are very
common though perhaps now with react etc you won’t experience them, but
if you do something like document.getElementsByClassName the return is
not an array but just arrayLike.

Javascript iterables and iterators

Very useful, although many of the related libraries and frameworks still
need to play catchup on fully utilizing them.

One of the biggest distinctions between an iterator and, say, an array, is that
they aren't necessarily finite, and they don't need to produce values
synchronously and may or may not be tentative. That’s pretty common and
also I heard that a lot of people had the same experience one of the most
natural applications for this is stream processing (it's worth taking a look at
Highland.js for an example of that).

Iterators are also one of the building blocks for Generator Functions, which
in turn enable libraries like suspend and co to support a "flatter" syntax for
successive asynchronous operations and I wish you get this explanation.
Depending on necessity i actually wrote a blog post that covers how
iterators are related to Generator Functions: What's the Big Deal with

When you throw in some of the first-class syntax sugar that iterators also
get, e.g.,, for...of, you end up with some elegant solutions to many every-
day programming tasks.

You can definitely be forgiven for questioning their value at this point,
though, seeing as they're relatively new and not many libraries and
frameworks have adopted first class support for them this must be done
carefully. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this tools such as babel
are speeding up the adoption rate of new language features, though, so now
is a great time to be getting up to speed on them.
Array of arrays and array of objects in Javascript
Remember that JavaScript is untyped and you observe the changes.
Remember very carefully that a JavaScript variable or property can change
of type at any expression set (unless for a property that it is set as readonly
and/or its parent object is frozen/sealed since ES5).
ECMAScript 6 introduced Typed Arrays support but they are very
different from Core JavaScript Arrays (they use Buffers/Views) and limited
to number variant type (signed/unsigned, Integer/Float, 8/16/32/64 bits):

Int8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray,

Int16Array, Uint16Array,
Int32Array, Uint32Array
Float32Array, Float64Array

Point 2
In JavaScript arrays are objects which are instances of
the Array Constructor.
Such objects:

have a dedicated behavior on get/set or their length property

have dedicated Array methods inherited from the Array.prototype
consider number compatible keys (property names) as indexes
and their associated value as elements
are Iterable objects (since ES6)

Other than that they are plain JS Object so:

adding/removing elements is like adding/removing properties,

then elements can have very disparate indexes, JS Arrays are
often called sparse arrays and theirs parsing methods
(forEach/map/reduce/find/some/… ) only iterate on defined
elements value type is mixed


arrays of arrays are arrays for which all elements are array
array of objects are arrays for which all elements are objects, but
it doesn’t from which constructor they were created, so some of
them may be Array objects, while others RegExp objects,
or Promise objects, or any custom ones

Building array of arrays are a way to build a 2-dimensions array, as you

could build n-dimensions ones.
To access a 2-dimension array element in JS you could do
myArray[x][y] = 42;
but beware

the myArray[x][y] could break if myArray[x] has not been well

initialised (ex undefined)
beware that as JS is typeless it is up to your code to get/set values
with the right type
if x or y isn’t a number, it will be casted as a string and used as a
property name and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Further
getting things in to your control so the value won’t be found by
any array iterator/parsing method as it won’t be considered as an
element value

What is a ForEach() method in JavaScript

As the name For Each itself indicates that it acts on the elementary things
of a collection or an iterable and likely the act of utmost plausible task.
Depending on necessity it's supports functional approach of iterating over
More briefly, .forEach is a prototype for Array in JavaScript which takes an
anonymous function as input with ArrayElement, Index and Array itself as
parameters so that you can perform anything with the individual elements
of the Array.
Let's consider an example:

1. var vowels = [ a, e, i, o, u ];
2. vowels.forEach(function (vowel, index, array){
3. console.log(vowel, index); // any operation you want
4. });
It's stated that forEach is the more sophisticated way to iterate over an
Array than traditional for-in, for-of loops and I wish you get this
explanation. Further getting things in to your control since forEach gives all
the existing elements of an array, i.e if any index position of an array is
undefined then forEach won't consider that location for traversing.

There’s a protocol in JS called the iterable protocol and this plays great role
in this. Depending on necessity in JS, an “iterable” is an object with a
property equal to Symbol.iterator, a special symbol available globally and
may or may not be tentative. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this
this property should be a function that has a next property on it to make the
purpose meet from all the ends for this. Since for a purpose getting in to
details of this this next property should also be a function for your project
information. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this this function
should return an object that has a value property and a done property.
This is a sample iterable.

1. const obj = {
2. [Symbol.iterator]() {
3. let val = 0;
5. return {
6. next() {
7. return {
8. value: val++,
9. done: val > obj.maxValue
10. };
11. }
12. };
13. },
15. maxValue: 10
16. };
Using this object, we can write the following:

1. for(const value of obj) {

2. console.log(value);
3. }

This will print out the numbers 1 - 9. Adding further to explain this we’ve
overridden the loop’s default behavior with this special object and defined
how it should iterate through our object.
We can also write this:

1. console.log(...obj);

That will also print the numbers 1 - 9.

Under the hood, that’s what happens with for-of loops and the spread
operator to give you the best of the result in assertion of progression. That’s
pretty common and also I heard that a lot of people had the same experience
objects and arrays have their own Symbol.iterator method already present
on them by default and this is what the for-of loop uses to iterate through
them this must be done carefully. Adding further to explain this what we’ve
done is override that method and replace it with our own.
The function will continue spitting out values until done is equal to false
and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Since for a purpose getting in to
details of this that’s the stop condition for your project information.
Depending on necessity if we don’t ever set done equal to false, when we
go to spread or iterate through this iterable, it’ll create an infinite loop.

More on Objects

What is object in javascript

JavaScript is an Object Oriented Programming (OOP) language and likely
the act of utmost plausible task. Remember very carefully that a
programming language can be called object-oriented if it provides four
basic capabilities to developers −
Encapsulation − the capability to store related information,
whether data or methods, together in an object.
Aggregation − the capability to store one object inside another
Inheritance − the capability of a class to rely upon another class
(or number of classes) for some of its properties and methods.
Polymorphism − the capability to write one function or method
that works in a variety of different ways.

Objects are composed of attributes and I wish you get this explanation.
Depending on necessity if an attribute contains a function, it is considered
to be a method of the object, otherwise the attribute is considered a
Object Properties
Object properties can be any of the three primitive data types, or any of the
abstract data types, such as another object to make the purpose meet from
all the ends for this. That’s pretty common and also I heard that a lot of
people had the same experience object properties are usually variables that
are used internally in the object's methods, but can also be globally visible
variables that are used throughout the page.
The syntax for adding a property to an object is −

1. objectName.objectProperty = propertyValue;

For example − The following code gets the document title using
the "title" property of the document object.

1. var str = document.title;

Object Methods
Methods are the functions that let the object do something or let something
be done to it to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. Since for a
purpose getting in to details of this there is a small difference between a
function and a method – at a function is a standalone unit of statements and
a method is attached to an object and can be referenced by the this
Methods are useful for everything from displaying the contents of the object
to the screen to performing complex mathematical operations on a group of
local properties and parameters.
For example − Following is a simple example to show how to use
the write() method of document object to write any content on the

1. document.write("This is test");

User-Defined Objects
All user-defined objects and built-in objects are descendants of an object
calledObject .
The new Operator
The new operator is used to create an instance of an object to make the
purpose meet from all the ends for this. Since for a purpose getting in to
details of this to create an object, the new operator is followed by the
constructor method.
In the following example, the constructor methods are Object(), Array(),
and Date(). Since for a purpose getting in to details of this these
constructors are built-in JavaScript functions.

1. var employee = new Object();var books = new Array("C++",

"Perl", "Java");var day = new Date("August 15, 1947");

The Object() Constructor

A constructor is a function that creates and initializes an object to make the
purpose meet from all the ends for this. Henceforth for the example of your
convenience javaScript provides a special constructor function
called Object() to build the object to make the purpose meet from all the
ends for this. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this the return value
of the Object() constructor is assigned to a variable.
The variable contains a reference to the new object to make the purpose
meet from all the ends for this. Since for a purpose getting in to details of
this the properties assigned to the object are not variables and are not
defined with the var keyword.
Methods of JavaScript objects are handled in memory
Actually, methods are just objects themselves (specifically function
objects), and are looked up in absolutely the same way that any other
property is; so for example:

1. > var o = {
2. myMethod: function () { return this.myState },
3. myState: 1
4. }
5. > o.myMethod()
6. 1

If we then create an object that has this one as prototype:

1. > var o2 = Object.create(o);

2. > o2.myMethod()
3. 1

So the logic for getting the value of a property is:

1. Look for the property by the mentioned name on the current

2. If not found, look in the prototype, or the prototype of the
prototype, etc.,, until you reach the bottom.
3. If you have reached the bottom (the __proto__ property of
wherever you are is null) and still not found, return undefined.

The logic for setting the value is quite a bit simpler:

1. Assign the given value to a property of the given name on the

current object.

So, lookups follow the chain, but assignments always assign to the topmost:

1. > o2.myState = 42
2. > o2.myState
3. 42
4. > o.myState
5. 1

Now the only part left over is this… it is a bit strange; note that both objects
share the same myMethod, but inside of them this obviously isn’t referring
to the same thing:

1. > o2.hasOwnProperty("myMethod")
2. false
3. > o.hasOwnProperty("myMethod")
4. true
5. > o2.myMethod()
6. 42
7. > o.myMethod()
8. 1

If you “disembody” the method things get weird:

1. > var mref = o.myMethod

2. > mref()
3. undefined
4. > var myState = "LOL"
5. > mref()
6. "LOL"

So, the logic is roughly “this refers to the thing that was before the dot, in
the calling code”. I think for next understanding you can actually override
the this value that will be used (it’s actually just a hidden parameter to a
normal function; that’s all that a method is) with
the call, bind and apply methods on the function object:

1. >
2. 1
3. >
4. 42
5. >
6. "LOL"
Sorry if the above is a bit confusing this gives you best idea of all. I think
for next understanding you can read more on MDN - this
However, I hope it’s now obvious what they mean that there aren’t multiple
copies of the toString method:

1. > o2.toString()
2. "[object Object]"
3. > o2.hasOwnProperty("toString")
4. false
5. > o2.__proto__.hasOwnProperty("toString")
6. false
7. > o2.__proto__.__proto__.hasOwnProperty("toString")
8. true

…neither of my two objects has it as a property and may or may not be

tentative. Depending on necessity it’s looked up in the root object (a built-in
object that becomes the prototype of objects you define that don’t explicitly
mention a prototype).
Object Literal
var obj = {};
that is a basic empty object;
but there are multiple ways:
Using new keyword

1. var obj = new Object();

2. = ‘john doe’;
3. = ‘8885551212’;

In JavaScript variables are objects.

You can also do the following:
Object Literal:

1. var obj = { ‘name’: ‘john doe’, ‘phone’: ‘8885551212’ };

You can also define a type of object using the function keyword:
// define a person type object
1. function person() {
2. name = ‘john doe’;
3. phone = ‘8885551212’;
4. }
5. // You can then use the prototype property to
6. // add a new property to the person type:
7. // We are constructing a object of type person
8. person.prototype.callme = function() {
9. return “Hey You”;
10. };
12. var someone = new person();
13. using console:
14. console.log(;
15. Output: john doe
16. console.log(someone.callme());
17. Output: Hey You

In the person constructor function, we are defining that this person type
object will have a name and phone variable and likely the act of utmost
plausible task. That’s pretty common and also I heard that a lot of people
had the same experience of course, as we mentioned earlier a “variable is an
As a bonus:
We can also consider the, the name member variable of
person, has some inherited properties and functions that we can utilize for
free like
using console:
console.log (
output: 8
console.log ( )
output: JOHN DOE
There are many methods that we can access as part of the inheritance we
get from our name variable, which is really cool.
There is a also another way to create objects as classes if you would like but
this would require using “TypeScript ,” but that in of itself is a whole more
than what you need to know to get started with creating objects and using
objects in JavaScript.
There is so much more regarding creating objects and what we get for free
as inherited method and properties and I wish you get this explanation.
Remember very carefully that as I am sure others may comment on further

Is everything an object in Javascript

No, but the things that aren't objects and can be worked upon (so number,
string, boolean ) will temporarily be wrapped as objects when read, which
allows for a consistent interface and likely the act of utmost plausible task.
Further getting things in to your control so.
There are (essentially) two built-in types in JS (note that null and undefined
are special, and can/should be treated as seperate*):

1. Primitive types (boolean, number, string, null*, undefined* ).

2. Reference types - Object itself, and the types that inherit from it
to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. In real
projects fundamentals like Function and Error to give you the
best of the result in assertion of progression. Depending on
necessity i ndexed collections like Array and Float16-, Float32-,
Int16-, Int32- , etc., arrays and I wish you get this explanation.
What so ever you consider keyed collections like Map and Set to
make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. Since for a
purpose getting in to details of this t ext processing like Regex
but you need to be aware of its changes. Proceeding further for
the purpose of enlighten n umeric like Date and likely the act of
utmost plausible task. It’s important to give you some information
which is important for this learning r eflection like Proxy and
may or may not be tentative. It’s important to give you some
information which is important for this learning reference
versions of primitives Number, Boolean, String.

Primitives have a literal representation of their values: if you assign them to

a variable, that variable literally has that value - var nyNum = 2; var
myString = "Hello World"; var myBool = true; var myUndef;.
Reference types are everything else and likely the act of utmost plausible
task. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this they may have their
own special methods, but the reference values themselves are all objects,
and they all inherit from the object prototype and likely the act of utmost
plausible task. Depending on necessity it's fair to treat reference value as
synonymous with object .
When primitives are read, JS temporarily wraps them in a reference object,
then destroys that object (a process called autoboxing ). Further getting
things in to your control so, if you do, say:

1. var myString = "Hello World!";

2. myString.contains("Hello"); // true

JS creates a temporary String object, runs the computation, then returns the
result & destroys the temporary object to make the purpose meet from all
the ends for this. Proceeding further for the purpose of enlighten note that if
you take a look at a method's abstract operation in the ECMA specs, it runs
through how each one works step-by-step (the creation and destruction of
temporary references). Proceeding further for the purpose of enlighten note
also this explains why, for certain things, some operations are [sometimes
much] slower than other seemingly similar operations (more temporary
stuff created, more operations on that temporary stuff etc etc).
getting in to details of this t his is somewhat of a simplification; I've
missed out some other stuff (NaN and Infinity are data types, for example,
and there are literal versions of Object, Array and Regex which operate in
subtly different ways), and I'll correct if I've made any errors and I wish you
get this explanation. It’s important to give you some information which is
important for this learning references are mainly via Nicholas Zakas, esp
but be careful in using this in your projects. And adding to these along with
experience of projects his Principles of Object-Oriented Javascript .

* Undefined is literally undefined and you observe the changes. Proceeding

further for the purpose of enlighten null has a type of object , which kinda
make sense if you squint your eyes (it's a reference to a null object like {}),
but that type of object is an acknowledged language error.
"this" and Arrow Functions
Adding the Filter Functionality
call() and apply()
Checking for Property Existance
for-in Loops & Outputting Dynamic Properties
Introducing "this"
Object Destructuring
Rendering Elements based on Objects
The "this" Keyword And Its Strange Behavior
The Method Shorthand Syntax
The Object Spread Operator (...)
Understanding "Chaining" (Property & Method Chaining)
Understanding Object.assign()
What the Browser (Sometimes) Does to "this"
Object-oriented Programming (OOP)

What is a class in JavaScript

It is just syntactic sugar introduced in ES6. Since for a purpose getting in to
details of this the code you provided is roughly equivalent to the

1. function Polygon(height, width) {

2. this.height = height;
3. this.width = width;
4. }

Let’s say you had also defined a method in the Polygon “class”.

1. class Polygon {
2. constructor(height, weight) {
3. this.height = height;
4. this.width = width;
5. }
7. someMethod(param1) {
8. return this.height * param1;
9. }
10. }

This is equivalent to:

1. function Polygon(height, width) {

2. this.height = height;
3. this.width = width;
4. }
6. Polygon.prototype.someMethod = function(param1) {
7. return this.height * param1;
8. }

There are no classes in JavaScript to make the purpose meet from all the
ends for this. Henceforth for the example of your convenience javaScript is
a pure object oriented language, not a class oriented one.
People kept trying to write code like class oriented languages and finally
this syntactic sugar was added to the language in ES6. I really find this
interesting upon “instantiation” (quoted because there is no instantiation of
a class in JavaScript) an object is created with the correct prototype chain.
In short, this has not added any new functionality to the language and likely
the act of utmost plausible task. Depending on necessity it’s just syntactic
PS: I know there are a bit more to the class declaration but in essence, it is
equivalent to the above.
Does JavaScript have class
JavaScript uses prototypal inheritance, which is different from classical
inheritance and likely the act of utmost plausible task. However I totally
agree classical inheritance is normally the foundation for building classes
and I wish you get this explanation. In real projects for example, one class
can extend another class (i.e., build atop).
Inheritance is possible in JavaScript, but operates differently under the hood
and you observe the changes. Depending on necessity in ECMAScript 6
(ES6/newer JavaScript), a new class system was made available and likely
the act of utmost plausible task. Depending on necessity it looks and feels
similar to classical inheritance, but it is really just sugar syntax over
prototypal inheritance.
The result of these advancements in JavaScript make it look and behave
similarly to what many purists consider “real classes”. Depending on
necessity in the majority of scenarios, that’s the end of the story and may or
may not be tentative. And adding to these along with experience of projects
however; in more advanced use cases (typically library development), it’s
important to understand how prototypes work in JavaScript to make the
purpose meet from all the ends for this. Since for a purpose getting in to
details of this these situations illustrate how JavaScript doesn’t actually
have what purists would consider a class.
Personally, I’m not a purist to make the purpose meet from all the ends for
this. Depending on necessity i use classes, I write libraries, and I deal with
the prototype when necessary and may or may not be tentative. Since for a
purpose getting in to details of this to me, classes exist, and my coding
conventions clearly illustrate it to make the purpose meet from all the ends
for this. In real projects for an example, see ngnjs/NGN FOR YOUR
PROJECT INFORMATION. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this
the catch with this code is it uses Rollup (a preprocessor) to leverage
modern inheritance patterns, and it uses ES6 classes pretty extensively in
modern browsers/Node which support the new class syntax but you need to
be aware of its changes. And adding to these along with experience of
projects however; when producing ES5 (older JavaScript), it uses the older
prototype modification approach to mimic real classes.
Many people will tell you JS doesn’t support classes and I wish you get this
explanation. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this there is truth to
that to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. Because of such
importance and credibility many people will tell you it does and I wish you
get this explanation. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this there is
some truth to that as well and this plays great role in this. Depending on
necessity it really just depends on how you view it to make the purpose
meet from all the ends for this. However I totally agree classes are part of
the ECMAScript spec, but they don’t behave traditionally.
Why have "classes" been inserted in JavaScript
The email archives on es-discuss have a lot of good information about the
reasoning behind class syntax (see Minimalist Classes, and our discussion
about going for something more minimal on top of prototypes On class
literals possibly not making it into

But the short version is:

People wanted classes;

Class syntax provided language support for common patterns people were
already using, but in a way that’s much less error prone and much more
It paved way for a lot of future features that would, otherwise, be very
difficult to add to JavaScript without breaking the language (e.g.,: private
fields on objects, “super” sends, subclassing of built-ins and other magical
objects, etc);
It allows static analysis and tooling (intellisense, automatic documentation,
automatic refactoring);
It doesn’t really change anything about JavaScript’s semantics (still a
prototype-based language, just with declarative syntax for defining
prototypes and constructors now);
Some of the features (e.g.,: [[HomeObject]] which allows functions to use
“super”) ended up making it just to the declarative syntax, rather than also
providing an API to work with dynamically, which makes me a bit sad.

But other than that, the declarative syntax, and what it allows in terms of
language evolution without the risks of having ambiguous constructs in
JavaScript’s syntax, is pretty neat and welcome.

1. Modern JavaScript From The Beginning

This online course is offered by Udemy and this tutorial focuses on building
projects without using any JS frameworks or libraries.
It scored 4.7-star rating and averaged over 11k reviews and I wish you get
this explanation. That’s pretty common and also I heard that a lot of people
had the same experience other than English, the Javascript course is also
available in Italian, Spanish, and Portugese languages.

1. The Complete JavaScript Course 2020: Build Real Projects

This online course is offered by Udemy and this will help you become an
absolute master of JavaScript using multiple projects, challenges, quizzes
and in-depth coverage on ES6+, OOP, AJAX and Webpack.
It scores 4.6 star rating and this course has been taken up by 85,000+

1. JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts

The online course is offered by Udemy and it explains various advanced

concepts about the JavaScript programming language with relevant
examples and thoughtful illustrations.
It scores 4.6 star rating and is available in 7 languages, including
Indonesian, Italian, and Spanish which gives you amazing information. I
think for next understanding you also get full lifetime access to the course.

1. Javascript Certification by Duke University

This course is offered by Duke University(Coursera) which consists of

an entire module dedicated to HTML, CSS, and Javascript for web
It scores 4.5 star rating, and here you will learn from the impressive list of
teachers and backing of Duke University to gain skills a software engineer
needs to solve real-world problems.

1. Free JavaScript Essential Training (LinkedIn Learning – Lynda)

This online course to learn Javascript is offered by Lynda and this training
focuses on teaching you every nook and cranny of the fundamentals piece
by piece.
This is a beginner level course without any prerequisites and you can learn
any topics that are explained in a concise manner which makes it easy to
Why do some people think that JavaScript needs classes
Classes serve several purposes and I wish you get this explanation.
Depending on necessity if you do not understand what are those purposes,
you do not understand why people need classes.
One of the purposes of classes is to encapsulate behavior to give you the
best of the result in assertion of progression. Since for a purpose getting in
to details of this this means that a class can implement many behaviors
desired in your applications and I wish you get this explanation. Since for a
purpose getting in to details of this the actual implementation of those
behaviors are hidden inside the classes.

In practice this means that if you have two objects of different classes that
implement a behavior of showing themselves somehow, you can implement
a functions named show() for each of them.

The advantage of encapsulating the functions named show() inside the

classes is that different objects of different classes may have that same
function and there is no chance of having name collision for your project
information. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this the scope of
each object class prevents that the show() function of one object be
confused with the show() function of another object.

This is called encapsulation for your project information. Since for a

purpose getting in to details of this the benefit of encapsulation is that in the
same JavaScript program you can combine objects of different classes, each
class may have functions with the same names and there is no collision of
names to make objects be confused with each other.

Another benefit of using classes is to promote reuse and likely the act of
utmost plausible task. Depending on necessity if you encapsulate behaviors
in classes, you can easily reuse the objects in different applications.

Another benefit of using classes is to implement specialization through

inheritance and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Depending on
necessity if you have a class object with a certain behavior, through
inheritance you can create objects with specialized behavior by creating a
sub-class that alters part of the behavior to address your needs.

Keep in mind that until ECMAScript 5, which is what most common

JavaScript implementations are using, classes are not really supported and
you observe the changes. I really find this interesting until ECMAScript 6
are made available, you need to emulate classes with object constructor

In this article you may see one approach to implement classes in JavaScript
with public and private variables and functions.
Difference between objects and classes in JavaScript
So I'm going to correct the name classes to prototypes.
JavaScript does not really have classes and I wish you get this explanation.
Since for a purpose getting in to details of this the reason I make this
distinction is because the class keyword creates confusion for many who are
more familiar with object oriented programming.
So now that we have the right word it can be easier to see the relationship.
In OOP a class is a type of thing this gives you best idea of all. Depending
on necessity it basically sets the rules for how an object instance is going to
behave and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Depending on necessity
in short, it's like a mold or a factory for creating objects.
In JavaScript, let's start with the basics and move up from there, because
there are a number of paradigms that try to make JS appear to have classes
and I wish you get this explanation. Remember very carefully that a
prototype in javascript, as in many cases in the real world, is an actual thing
this gives you best idea of all. Further getting things in to your control so, in
most cases it is an instance of an actual object to make the purpose meet
from all the ends for this. It’s important to give you some information
which is important for this learning rather than being a blueprint for
creating a new object, we just copy the existing one and add on to it to
make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. Further getting things in
to your control so an object instance in JS can be the prototype for a
different object instance and likely the act of utmost plausible task.
Depending on necessity it can, itself, be based on a different prototype,
which can be based on another, etc until you get down to the Object
prototype itself.
These objects are not bound by the typical rules of classes and I wish you
get this explanation. I think for next understanding you can change, add and
delete properties and methods from any object instance in JS and, you can
use that modification as a prototype for a new instance of objects in JS.
I'll say now, from years of experience working with JavaScript, don't do it if
you can avoid it to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. And in
a bit of rage for perfection in this pretext prototype based inheritance does
not work like object oriented inheritance despite the similarities and I wish
you get this explanation. I really find this interesting unless you can keep
your objects very simple and don't try to do anything fancy with them,
using inheritance will eventually cost you your hair and possibly some of
your sanity and may or may not be tentative. Since for a purpose getting in
to details of this that being said, you won't be able to keep your coworkers
from doing this.
Luckily, there are many more and much easier ways to do the same kinds of
things you'd want to do with inheritance without all the extra baggage in JS
in addition, once understood and applied, it will be help quickly get new
developers who join the team from an OOP background to realize that JS
isn't OOP.
Focus your learning on composition for your project information. Since for
a purpose getting in to details of this this is just as easy as inheritance and
way more flexible and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Depending on
necessity if you learn a few other concepts such as how closures work,
dependency injection, test first development and understanding variable
scope in JS, you'll find that JS can actually be a real pleasure to work with.
If you decide to try out the inheritance model, you'll quickly find why so
many people think JavaScript is the worst language.
I've learned to avoid these three keywords in JavaScript as much as I
possibly can and I do my best to abstract them when I can't (3rd party
libraries and some built ins). Since for a purpose getting in to details of this
the keywords are class, this and new and this is the precautionary status.
Depending on necessity if you can learn to code in JS with a minimal use of
these, you'll be much happier.

Constructor Functions vs Classes & Understanding

What is a constructor in JavaScript

Constructor is used to create an Object, with some values or can be a
default/empty constructor in a OOP Language
Now in javascript a constructor is used when you are doing or working with
Prototype objects or Object Oriented Javascript to make the purpose meet
from all the ends for this. Depending on necessity it can be viewed as a
normal function which initializes a value or sets the default values.


function person(first, last, age, eye) {

this.firstName = first;
this.lastName = last;
this.age = age;
this.eyeColor = eye;

var myFather = new person("John", "Doe", 50, "blue");

var myMother = new person("Sally", "Rally", 48, "green");

So in the above Eg : person(first, last, age, eye) is your Constructor


new person("John", "Doe", 50, "blue") - in this line we are calling the
Constructor function with a “new” keyword which creates an Object of the

and Finally

var myFather = new person("John", "Doe", 50, "blue"); - here var myFather
is my Object of person() constructor.
Constructor functions in Javascript
The code var that = this continues to make me very sad, it is meant to be
used when a helper function or a callback within a method is trying to
access the properties of the object to make the purpose meet from all the
ends for this. I think for next understanding you can make these values
available from a closure unless the access depends on local variables within
the callback and this is very useful for all the purposes. Depending on
necessity in such cases, define your helper/callback as a named function or
a named function expression and bind it to the this in the method.
In case, you are in an environment that support arrow functions, prefer them
over these approaches.

ES6 Arrow Functions: The New Fat & Concise Syntax in JavaScript

A constructor is a function which delegates from the object it creates to a

prototype that you specify on the constructor to give you the best of the
result in assertion of progression. Depending on necessity it is also one of
the very few places where the word `this` has a concrete meaning in
Javascript , the other being when you need to access a property on the
object from a method.

Firstly, I am of the opinion that you should use constructor functions

sparingly, before you create a constructor function consider the following:

if an object is meant to be used only once , just use an object literal

if an object need to be used many times, create a factory function
an object needs a functionality from another object, single time use and
likely the act of utmost plausible task. I really find this interesting use a
if an object needs to be extensible with a standard interface and/or a plugin
eco-system you can use a constructor function.
Secondly, have a good understanding of prototypical inheritance, an object
has a prototype (which is another object) from which it borrows methods
that it does not have and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Since for a
purpose getting in to details of this the prototype might have a prototype of
it’s own to borrow behaviour off of.

Generally, when inheriting, to mimic the behaviour of class based OOPS,

programmers often call the constructor of the parent object’s constructor
which also creates the data from the parent.

To take a look at a real world use case, see the code from the Mongoose
ODM which creates a constructor function for Model:


Also, it is highly unlikely that you will be creating constructor functions, a

lot of libraries provide their own utilties for extending their libraries:
Leaflet a JavaScript library for interactive maps

Backbone.js & Inheritance

Finally, classes are in ES6 which will put an end to this practice of creating
a utility function for inheritance and likely the act of utmost plausible task.
Since for a purpose getting in to details of this to see a real example of
classes in Javascript from the Sequelize ORM, take a look at:


Classes in Javascript desugar to constructor functions, if you need to write a

constructor function, consider writing a class instead.

Lastly, do not go crazy on the inheritance chain, extending more than a

couple of levels deep is not considered a good practice in Javascript.
Simple scripts : in this case you will almost never need them, mostly the
simple scripts are meant to manipulate the DOM, you make the function
and then call it.

Complex app : lets say that you have to make the front-end for a library,
and they need to be able to add books, delete, rename, etc., Here what you
can make a constructor function called Book where you have all the public /
private methods associated to the book, lets say a public method Rename.

Later on in the app you will have an array of Book objects, when you would
like to rename one of the books, you’ll simply get the book you need from
the array and call Book.rename(“new name”);

Importance of a constructor
A Constructor helps in guaranteed initialization of instance variable and
likely the act of utmost plausible task. Further getting things in to your
control suppose if I am creating an object CAR and has given some
properties / characteristics to it say, Colour, Type, Mileage, etc…

Lets take the worse case scenario: I have forgotten to Initialize all these
ASSERTION OF PROGRESSION. And adding to these along with
experience of projects hence there will be an error in my program now and
this is the precautionary status. And adding to these along with experience
of projects here its just a small scenario and it can be easily rectified and
you observe the changes. But also remember that but just think about
creating an Application for real-time and likely the act of utmost plausible
task. Depending on necessity it will be more complex and there will be
zillion lines of code and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Remember
very carefully that a small mistake could break the Application.

So to avoid this, Whenever we create an object in JAVA it is a good

approach if we always initialize our object’s property/behaviours using
Constructors and I wish you get this explanation. Since for a purpose
getting in to details of this take a look at the program below, its as simple as


public class Car //Creating a constructor

{ String name , type, colour; //Global Variables

int mileage;

public Car(String name, String type, String colour, int mileage)

{ = name; //Current object properties are being initialized

this.type = type;

this.colour = colour;

this.mileage = mileage;
Introducing Prototypes
Built-in Prototypes in JavaScript
Classes & Prototypes
Constructor Functions & Prototypes
Methods in Classes & In Constructors
Prototypes - Summary
Setting & Getting Prototypes
The Prototype Chain and the Global "Object"
Working with Prototypes
DOM and More browser API

WHY DOM is so useful

Data preserves in memory

You can go forwards and backwards in the tree structure.
You can make changes directly to the tree(in any document)in memory.
The Document Object Model (DOM) is an application programming
interface (API) for HTML and XML documents and I wish you get this
explanation. Depending on necessity it defines the logical structure of
documents and the way a document is accessed and manipulated and you
observe the changes. Depending on necessity in the DOM specification, the
term "document" is used in the broad sense - increasingly, XML is being
used as a way of representing many different kinds of information that may
be stored in diverse systems, and much of this would traditionally be seen
as data rather than as documents and I wish you get this explanation.
Proceeding further for the purpose of enlighten nevertheless, XML presents
this data as documents, and the DOM may be used to manage this data.
DOM Document
The DOM Document is the owner of all other objects in your webpage and
likely the act of utmost plausible task. Since for a purpose getting in to
details of this that means if you want to access any object on your webpage
you always have to start with the document to make the purpose meet from
all the ends for this. Depending on necessity it also contains many
important properties and methods that enable us to access and modify our
Finding HTML Elements
Now that we understand what the DOM document is we can start getting
our first HTML elements and I wish you get this explanation. Since for a
purpose getting in to details of this there are many different ways to do so
using the Javascript DOM here are the most common:
Get element by ID
The getElementById() method is used to get a single element by its id and
you observe the changes. And by with utmost consideration of clarity in this
let’s look at an example:

1. var title = document.getElementById(‘header-title’);

Here we get the element with the id of header-title and save it into a
Get elements by class name
We can also get more than one object using the getElementsByClassName()
method which returns an array of elements.

1. var items = document.getElementsByClassName(‘list-items’);

Here we get all items with the class list-items and save them into a
Get element by tag name
We can also get our elements by tag name using
the getElementsByClassName() method.

1. var listItems = document.getElementsByTagName(‘li’);

Here we get all li elements of our HTML document and save them into a
The querySelector() method returns the first element that matches a
specified CSS selector to give you the best of the result in assertion of
progression. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this t hat means that
you can get elements by id, class, tag and all other valid CSS selectors and I
wish you get this explanation. And adding to these along with experience of
projects here I just list a few of the most popular options.
DOM with JS
It is not necessary to learn to manipulate the DOM with pure js but I would
recommend it for many reasons:
Jquery is a library and is not part of the specification for your project
information. Depending on necessity it means that Jquery does not come
with the browser, you have to send jquery to the client to make the purpose
meet from all the ends for this. Remember very carefully that adding 80+kb
to your website to use jquery a couple of times can be inefficient.
It is not heavily used with modern frameworks like Vuejs or React to make
the purpose meet from all the ends for this. Depending on necessity if you
are walking toward the path of a web developer, you will probably use a
framework and this is very useful for all the purposes. Since for a purpose
getting in to details of this those frameworks and the components/libraries
around them avoid using Jquery.
Jquery is not as relevant as before and likely the act of utmost plausible
task. Henceforth for the example of your convenience jquery solves an
important problem that Front-end developers had/have and likely the act of
utmost plausible task. However I totally agree compatibility is not
consistent across browsers and I wish you get this explanation. Depending
on necessity if you want to use classList, you might want to look at the
compatibility table to make sure it is available in IE8. Proceeding further
for the purpose of enlighten nowadays, browsers are more consistent.
The DOM & Prototypes
Handling Scrolling
Loading Scripts Dynamically
Positioning the Tooltip
Setting Timers & Intervals
The "location" and "history" Objects
The "navigator" Object
Working with <template> Tags
Working with Dates
Working with Events

What are the events in Javascript

JavaScript's interaction with HTML is handled through events that occur
when the user or the browser manipulates a page.

When the page loads, it is called an event to make the purpose meet from
all the ends for this. Adding further to explain this when the user clicks a
button, that click too is an event to make the purpose meet from all the ends
for this. That’s pretty common and also I heard that a lot of people had the
same experience other examples include events like pressing any key,
closing a window, resizing a window, etc.,

Developers can use these events to execute JavaScript coded responses,

which cause buttons to close windows, messages to be displayed to users,
data to be validated, and virtually any other type of response imaginable.

Events are a part of the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 and every
HTML element contains a set of events which can trigger JavaScript Code.
Event Handling
Event Handling is the mechanism that controls the event and decides what
should happen if an event occurs and I wish you get this explanation. Since
for a purpose getting in to details of this this mechanism has the code which
is known as an event handler that is executed when an event occurs and I
wish you get this explanation. Henceforth for the example of your
convenience java Uses the Delegation Event Model to handle the events
and I wish you get this explanation. Since for a purpose getting in to details
of this this model defines the standard mechanism to generate and handle
the events and I wish you get this explanation. And by with utmost
consideration of clarity in this let's have a brief introduction to this model.
The Delegation Event Model has the following key participants namely:

Source - The source is an object on which an event occurs and I

wish you get this explanation. Further getting things in to your
control source is responsible for providing information about the
occurred event to its handler to give you the best of the result in
assertion of progression. Henceforth for the example of your
convenience java provides classes for the source object.
Listener - It is also known as an event handler to give you the
best of the result in assertion of progression. And by with utmost
consideration of clarity in this listener is responsible for
generating a response to an event to make the purpose meet from
all the ends for this. In real projects from the java
implementation point of view, the listener is also an object to
make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. And by with
utmost consideration of clarity in this listener waits until it
receives an event to make the purpose meet from all the ends for
this. That’s pretty common and also I heard that a lot of people
had the same experience once the event is received, the listener
process the event and then returns.

The benefit of this approach is that the user interface logic is completely
separated from the logic that generates the event to make the purpose meet
from all the ends for this. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this the
user interface element is able to delegate the processing of an event to a
separate piece of code and likely the act of utmost plausible task.
Depending on necessity in this model, the Listener needs to be registered
with the source object so that the listener can receive the event notification
for your project information. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this
this is an efficient way of handling the event because the event notifications
are sent only to those listening that want to receive them.
Event handler in JavaScript allows user to interact with the HTML pages
and I wish you get this explanation. And adding to these along with
experience of projects how does a HTML page react on the occurrence of
an event is defined by EventHandler to give you the best of the result in
assertion of progression. In real projects for eg:- if you want the inner
HTML of the p tag of your HTML page to be changed on click of a button,
you can call onclick event of JavaScript on that button and access the id or
class using getElementById or getElementByClass and change the inner
HTML of that p tag using id.innerHTML(“changed text”)
What is event delegation in JavaScript
Event delegation allows us to attach a single event listener, to a parent
element, that will fire for all descendants matching a selector, whether those
descendants exist now or are added in the future.

For the remainder of the lesson, we will reference the following HTML
When an anchor in our #list group is clicked, we want to log its text to the
console and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Proceeding further for
the purpose of enlighten normally we could directly bind to the click event
of each anchor using the .on() method:

While this works perfectly fine, there are drawbacks and I wish you get this
explanation. However I totally agree consider what happens when we add a
new anchor after having already bound the above listener:

If we were to click our newly added item, nothing would happen for your
project information. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this this is
because of the directly bound event handler that we attached previously and
may or may not be tentative. That’s pretty common that direct events are
only attached to elements at the time the .on() method is called and you
observe the changes. Depending on necessity in this case, since our new
anchor did not exist when .on() was called, it does not get the event handler.
Event Propagation
Understanding how events propagate is an important factor in being able to
leverage Event Delegation for your project information. Remember very
carefully that any time one of our anchor tags is clicked, a click event is
fired for that anchor, and then bubbles up the DOM tree, triggering each of
its parent click event handlers:

This means that anytime you click one of our bound anchor tags, you are
effectively clicking the entire document body! This is called event bubbling
or event propagation.
Since we know how events bubble, we can create a delegated event:

Notice how we have moved the a part from the selector to the second
parameter position of the .on() method and you observe the changes. Since
for a purpose getting in to details of this this second, selector parameter tells
the handler to listen for the specified event, and when it hears it, check to
see if the triggering element for that event matches the second parameter to
give you the best of the result in assertion of progression. Depending on
necessity in this case, the triggering event is our anchor tag, which matches
that parameter to give you the best of the result in assertion of progression.
Further getting things in to your control since it matches, our anonymous
function will execute and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Adding
further to explain this we have now attached a single click event listener to
our <ul> that will listen for clicks on its descendant anchors, instead of
attaching an unknown number of directly bound events to the existing
anchor tags only.
Using the Triggering Element
What if we wanted to open the link in a new window if that link is an
external one (as denoted here by beginning with "http")?

This simply passes the .is() method a selector to see if the href attribute of
the element starts with "http". Adding further to explain this we have also
removed the event.preventDefault(); statement as we want the default
action to happen (which is to follow the href).
We can actually simplify our code by allowing the selector parameter of
.on() do our logic for us:

What is the 'Event Loop' in Javascript

Javascript is single threaded and hence, all the tasks that are to be executed
on the processor have to be serialized.

Also, Javascript is strongly event-driven, which means, whenever a new

event comes, it has to get acknowledged and handled in due time based on
its priority.

This is where the event loop comes into the picture.

It manages how the main thread would handle the program execution while
constantly handling incoming events in parallel.
Event loop basically is a result of event driven programming.
Theoretically, event driven programming is application flow control that is
based on events or change in state.

In JavaScript, this is implemented using a central mechanism which listens

for events and calls a callback function associated with it, whenever such
event is triggered.
Simply put, this is the Event Loop.

This is just a basic understanding of the topic.

If you want a better understanding on this topic, I recommend watching this


Philip Roberts beautifully explains all about event loops and call stack and
this is very useful for all the purposes. Remember very carefully that also
heap but be careful in using this in your projects. :)
How do you use addEventListener in JavaScript
addEventListener registers a DOM event listener on an element, document,
window, or an XMLHttpRequest instance.

For example, to subscribe to click events on a button with the id "foo":

document.getElementById('foo').addEventListener('click', function (e) {

// ... And adding to these along with experience of projects handle the
click event here ...
}, false);

The listener function will receive an event object as an argument, which

will contain information about the event that occurred.

The sad news is that addEventListener isn't supported by Internet Explorer

8 or lower to give you the best of the result in assertion of progression.
Depending on necessity in those browsers, attachEvent must be used, and it
doesn't work in exactly the same way and may or may not be tentative. In
real projects for this reason, many JavaScript developers find it helpful to
use a library to normalize event behavior across browsers.

Working with HTTP Requests

What is HTTP
HTTP is a protocol designed to transfer information between computers
over WWW (World Wide Web). Depending on necessity information
transferred can be anything like, document, file, image, video between
computers over internet.
HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol and this plays great role in
this. And adding to these along with experience of projects hTTP is a client-
server protocol by which two machines communicate using a reliable,
connection-oriented transport service such as the TCP BUT BE CAREFUL
IN USING THIS IN YOUR PROJECTS. And adding to these along with
experience of projects hTTP can be "implemented on top of any other
protocol on the Internet, or on other networks“. And adding to these along
with experience of projects hTTP only presumes a reliable transport; any
protocol that provides such guarantees can be used.” e.g., TCP.
HTTP is stateless and I wish you get this explanation. Since for a purpose
getting in to details of this the lifetime of a connection corresponds to a
single request-response sequence and likely the act of utmost plausible task.
Since for a purpose getting in to details of this the pure HTTP server
implementation treats every request as if it was brand-new and this is the
precautionary status. And adding to these along with experience of projects
hTTP pages are stored on your computer and internet caches and I wish you
get this explanation. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this the
pages load faster, but they are stored on systems that you potentially don't
have control over e.g.,: ISP's caching proxy and may or may not be
tentative. And adding to these along with experience of projects hTTP
server, is implemented by Apache HTTP server, Microsoft IIS, Jigsaw,
Zope, etc.,

Advantage of HTTP:
Its platform independent, which allows straight cross platform porting this
gives you best idea of all. Proceeding further for the purpose of enlighten
no runtime support required to run properly, it can be used over Firewalls!
For example Global applications and I wish you get this explanation.
Depending on necessity it's not connection oriented, there's no need for
network overhead to create and maintain session state and information.
Drawbacks of HTTP:
Integrity is not there, so someone can easily alter with the content to make
the purpose meet from all the ends for this. And adding to these along with
experience of projects hTTP is insecure as there's no encryption methods
for it to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. Further getting
things in to your control so, it's subjected towards man in the middle and
eavesdropping of sensitive information for your project information. Since
for a purpose getting in to details of this there's no authentication, so you
will not have any clear idea with whom you are initiating a communication
for your project information. Remember very carefully that authentication
is sent in the clear, anyone who intercepts the request and can know the
username and passwords being used.
What is the function of the HTTP
HTTP is a protocol designed to transfer information between computers
over WWW (World Wide Web). Further getting things in to your control
simply, HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol), is used for transferring
information like document, file, image, video between computers over
HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol and this plays great role in
this. And adding to these along with experience of projects hTTP is a client-
server protocol by which two machines communicate using a reliable,
connection-oriented transport service such as the TCP BUT BE CAREFUL
IN USING THIS IN YOUR PROJECTS. And adding to these along with
experience of projects hTTP can be "implemented on top of any other
protocol on the Internet, or on other networks“. And adding to these along
with experience of projects hTTP only presumes a reliable transport; any
protocol that provides such guarantees can be used.” e.g., TCP.
HTTP is stateless and I wish you get this explanation. Since for a purpose
getting in to details of this the lifetime of a connection corresponds to a
single request-response sequence and likely the act of utmost plausible task.
Since for a purpose getting in to details of this the pure HTTP server
implementation treats every request as if it was brand-new and this is the
precautionary status. And adding to these along with experience of projects
hTTP pages are stored on your computer and internet caches and I wish you
get this explanation. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this the
pages load faster, but they are stored on systems that you potentially don't
have control over e.g.,: ISP's caching proxy and may or may not be
tentative. And adding to these along with experience of projects hTTP
server, is implemented by Apache HTTP server, Microsoft IIS, Jigsaw,
Zope, etc.,
Advantage of HTTP:
Its platform independent, which allows straight cross platform porting this
gives you best idea of all. Proceeding further for the purpose of enlighten
no runtime support required to run properly, it can be used over Firewalls!
For example Global applications and I wish you get this explanation.
Depending on necessity it's not connection oriented, there's no need for
network overhead to create and maintain session state and information.
Drawbacks of HTTP:
Integrity is not there, so someone can easily alter with the content to make
the purpose meet from all the ends for this. And adding to these along with
experience of projects hTTP is insecure as there's no encryption methods
for it to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. Further getting
things in to your control so, it's subjected towards man in the middle and
eavesdropping of sensitive information for your project information. Since
for a purpose getting in to details of this there's no authentication, so you
will not have any clear idea with whom you are initiating a communication
for your project information. Remember very carefully that authentication
is sent in the clear, anyone who intercepts the request and can know the
username and passwords being used.
How does HTTP work
I work on a network product that sits in front of web servers, so I deal with
HTTP on an almost daily basis and I wish you get this explanation.
Depending on necessity i will tell you that the basic ideas of HTTP are
straightforward, but the details and use of HTTP can be quite complex.
HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol:

HyperText means text documents that contain references to other

documents ( hyperlinks ). And adding to these along with
experience of projects hTML (HyperText Markup Language) is
the usual format used for these documents, which we can ignore
for the moment.
Transfer means the hypertext documents are being transferred
between two computer programs, usually a browser and a web
server to give you the best of the result in assertion of
progression. (A historical aside: HTTP was invented by Tim
Berners-Lee to share research papers among physicists at
the CERN laboratory and may or may not be tentative. Further
getting things in to your control such papers tend to have many
references to other papers.)
Protocol loosely means a set of rules on how two or more parties
interact to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this.
Further getting things in to your control similar to the way a
diplomatic protocol specifies what you can say and how you can
act when you meet the Queen, a network protocol specifies the
format of data exchanged between two or more computer
programs, and how those programs should behave in particular
cases, such as losing the connection between them this must be
done carefully. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this
there are many network protocols that work together to make the
Internet and the World Wide Web.

HTTP is formally defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force and

the World Wide Web Consortium in a series of standards documents called
RFCs (which initially meant Request For Comments). Since for a purpose
getting in to details of this the latest RFC for HTTP is RFC 7230: Hypertext
Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Message Syntax and Routing.
Let's work through an example using HTTP BUT BE CAREFUL IN
USING THIS IN YOUR PROJECTS. Depending on necessity in the
address line of my browser I enter “
HTTP-work” to read answers to this question for your project information.
Since for a purpose getting in to details of this the top level flow:

1. My browser connects to a web server at the web

2. My browser sends an HTTP request for the web page named
3. The web server sends back an HTTP response with an HTML
document containing the answers.
4. My browser displays the HTML document.

Now the details.

Resolve the domain name.
The address “” is called
a URL (Uniform Resource Location). Depending on necessity it is
composed of three pieces:

a scheme that identifies the protocol to use, in this case https.

a name that identifies the web server:
a path that specifies the document: /How-does-HTTP-work.

I used to identify the web site, but the Internet uses IP
addresses to identify web servers (and other things). Since for a purpose
getting in to details of this the IP address for the Quora web site is (at least at this moment; they can and do change frequently).
Depending on necessity i'm certainly not going to remember that! When I
use, my browser uses the Domain Name System (DNS),
which can be thought of as a big telephone book (if you still remember
those) that maps names into IP addresses and I wish you get this
explanation. Adding further to explain this we can ignore the details of
that by the way, you can use a program named ping to see the IP address
for a DNS name and likely the act of utmost plausible task. And in a bit of
rage for perfection in this pretext ping is also useful to check if you can
actually connect to the program at that address and it gives you an idea of
the speed of the connection:
1. ping
2. PING ( 56 data bytes
3. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=56 time=6.084 ms
4. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=56 time=5.056 ms
5. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=56 time=9.173 ms

This says is mapped to and it takes from 6 to

9 milliseconds to send a 64 byte data packet from my computer to and get a response back and this is very useful for all the
purposes. Depending on necessity it also tells you that there is another DNS
name,, that also maps to the same address and I wish
you get this explanation. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this this
is a clue as to where Quora's content is hosted.
Connect to the web server.
Once my browser has the server IP address, it can connect to the web server
using TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). Since for a purpose getting in
to details of this tCP is one of the foundations of the Internet to make the
purpose meet from all the ends for this. Depending on necessity it ensures
that data sent into the connection arrives at the other end of the connection
in the right order and without loss and I wish you get this explanation.
Adding further to explain this we can ignore the details of this protocol as
But notice that I used “https ” instead of “http” in the URL AND THIS
PLAYS GREAT ROLE IN THIS. Since for a purpose getting in to details of
this this means that I want to use a secure connection to the web server to
give you the best of the result in assertion of progression. Since for a
purpose getting in to details of this this is done by using the SSL/TLS
(Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security) protocol on top of TCP
further to explain this with a secure connection, my browser encrypts data I
send to the web server, which then decrypts the data and this is really best
of the capabilities. However I totally agree conversely, the web server
encrypts data it sends to my browser, and my browser decrypts the data and
this is really best of the capabilities. Since for a purpose getting in to details
of this to do this, the SSL/TLS protocols securely exchange encryption keys
between the browser and the web server to give you the best of the result in
assertion of progression. Further getting things in to your control sSL/TLS
also ensures that the web server I am connecting to is the legitimate web
server for Quora and this is really best of the capabilities. Remember very
carefully that as you can imagine, this is all quite complicated but happens
automatically so you need not worry about it (unless the web server has not
properly set up its security stuff, in which case you will get worrisome
warnings from your browser).
Send the HTTP request.
Finally we can start talking about HTTP BUT BE CAREFUL IN USING
THIS IN YOUR PROJECTS. Because of such importance and credibility
my browser formats an HTTP request message and sends it to the web
server over the TLS/TCP connection for your project information. That’s
pretty common and also I heard that a lot of people had the same experience
one nice thing about HTTP is that it is a text-based protocol, so you can
easily read it to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. Since for
a purpose getting in to details of this the HTTP request looks like the
following (I have explicitly included \r\n to indicate the two special
characters, \r (carriage return) and \n (linefeed/newline) that are required by
the HTTP protocol to end each line).

1. GET /How-does-HTTP-work HTTP/1.1\r\n

2. User-Agent: curl/7.24.0 (amd64-portbld-freebsd8.4)
libcurl/7.24.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8y zlib/1.2.3\r\n
3. Host:\r\n
4. Accept: */*\r\n
5. \r\n

The first line is the request line , and has the form verb path version \r\n

verb indicates what you want the web server to do and this is the
thing which is making difference. Depending on necessity in this
example, the verb is GET, which should be self-explanatory and
may or may not be tentative. Since for a purpose getting in to
details of this there are a number of other verbs, the most
important of which is POST, used to send data to the web server.
path is the path part of the URL, which tells the web server
which document you want, along with other optional information
for your project information. Proceeding further for the purpose
of enlighten note that the web server name or address is not
included here, because the TLS/TCP connection ensures the
request goes to the right web server.
version indicates the version of the HyperText Transfer Protocol
used, nowadays HTTP/1.1.

The other lines are headers which supply additional information to the web
server to give you the best of the result in assertion of progression. But with
some experience each header has the form name: value \r\n, where

name identifies the type and meaning of the header to give you
the best of the result in assertion of progression. Remember very
carefully that a good portion of the HTTP RFC is devoted to
defining headers and their usage and likely the act of utmost
plausible task. And by with utmost consideration of clarity in this
list of HTTP header fields gives a list of the defined headers and
I wish you get this explanation. Remember very carefully that
also, applications may define their own headers, usually prefaced
by "X-".
value provides the information for the header to give you the
best of the result in assertion of progression. Since for a purpose
getting in to details of this this information is text, but cannot
contain any \r or \n characters and I wish you get this
explanation. And adding to these along with experience of
projects hTTP does not impose any maximum length for header
values, but web servers may have implementation limits and I
wish you get this explanation. In real projects for example, web
servers using the popular Apache software have an 8192 byte

The User-Agent header tells the web server what kind of browser is sending
the request to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. Since for a
purpose getting in to details of this the curl/7.24.0 value tells you that in
fact I didn't use a real browser, but a program named curl that displays the
HTTP request and response messages and I wish you get this explanation.
(You can get it from curl).
The Host header tells the web server what DNS name or IP address I used
in my request to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. Adding
further to explain this while that isn't needed for the connection, it might be
useful for the web server when it processes the request.
The Accept header tells the web server what kinds of response data my
browser can handle and likely the act of utmost plausible task. */* means
everything (which is kind of a lie because curl doesn't display anything but
text). Remember very carefully that a typical value might be text/html,
which says the browser can accept HTML documents.
The empty line (\r\n) indicates the end of the headers and, for the GET
request, the end of the message.
Receive the HTTP response.
The web server receives the HTTP request over the TLS/TCP connection
and processes it to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. Since
for a purpose getting in to details of this this may involve retrieving data
from a database maintained by the web site and likely the act of utmost
plausible task. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this the web server
constructs an HTTP response with the information and sends it back to the
browser to give you the best of the result in assertion of progression. In real
projects for the HTTP request above, the Quora web server returned this
response, which I have truncated because it was over 220,000 bytes long!

Working with JavaScript Libraries

What is the best JavaScript library

If you want to learn how to use these, read this very informative blog that
details how you should go about learning Javascript.

1. That’s pretty common that dOJO toolkit

The Dojo is an open-source JavaScript library that helps develop cross-

platform, JS, and Ajax-based web sites in a faster manner to give you the
best of the result in assertion of progression. That’s pretty common that
dOJO has a vast set of APIs and modules and I wish you get this
explanation. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this there are several
parts in DOJO toolkit –

dojo – consists of the core modules

dijit – user interface module that helps in setting up layout and widgets
Util – includes utilities and build tools for testing, style checking, and more.
dojox – this additional toolkit of dojo helps with charting, grids, and DTL.
The modules in DOJO are independent and light-weight to make the
purpose meet from all the ends for this. Since for a purpose getting in to
details of this they can be loaded asynchronously, which means a faster
response and likely the act of utmost plausible task. That’s pretty common
that dOJO is simple to use and has a lot of community support and

2. Henceforth for the example of your convenience jQuery

jQuery dramatically simplifies JS programming and is easy to learn and use

and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Depending on necessity it is
highly extensible and makes web pages load faster to give you the best of
the result in assertion of progression. Henceforth for the example of your
convenience jQuery wraps up a lot of standard functions making the job of
the developer easy and may or may not be tentative. Remember very
carefully that a JS code of several lines could be just a method to be called
in jQuery and may or may not be tentative. Depending on necessity it also
has many plugins to perform different tasks and I wish you get this
explanation. Further getting things in to your control some of the features of
jQuery are CSS manipulation, HTML/DOM manipulation, HTML events,
animations and effects, utilities, and AJAX BUT YOU NEED TO BE
AWARE OF ITS CHANGES. Since for a purpose getting in to details of
this the best part of jQuery is the way it handles browser compatibility
issues without the developer worrying about it to make the purpose meet
from all the ends for this. Further getting things in to your control some of
the major IT companies like Microsoft, Netflix, and Google use jQuery and
may or may not be tentative. Depending on necessity it is effortless to
include jQuery in web pages.
The syntax of jQuery is similar to CSS syntax, making it the easiest one to
learn, even for beginners.

3. Since for a purpose google polymer

Created by Google, Polymer is a JS library that allows developers to reuse

HTML elements and create custom elements using HTML, CSS, and JS to
create more interactive applications and I wish you get this explanation.
Depending on necessity it is compatible with different platforms and I wish
you get this explanation. That’s pretty common and also I heard that a lot of
people had the same experience once you install Polymer using the
command line interface or the Bower method, you can reuse already
developed elements without worrying about how those were created and
you observe the changes. I think for next understanding you can also build
your custom elements using polyfills i.e.,, web component specifications
and I wish you get this explanation. Since for a purpose getting in to details
of this the custom elements can be distributed across the network and used
simply by importing the required HTML AND THIS PLAYS GREAT
ROLE IN THIS. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this to install
and use Polymer, you should be familiar with node.js, npm, Bower, Git, and
Polymer CLI.

4. Henceforth for the example of your convenience javaScript InfoVis


If you want to create Data visualizations that are interactive and easy to pull
together, InfoVis is the way to go and this is the thing which is making
difference. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this the toolkits some
of the most advanced visualizations like Hypertree, TreeMap, RGraph, and
more apart from the usual Bar, Pie, Area, and more.

Using this toolkit is an enjoyable and useful experience and likely the act of
utmost plausible task. Depending on necessity it can create beautiful color-
coded graphics with the necessary input information for your project
information. I think for next understanding you can get loads of effects
without doing any extra coding this gives you best idea of all. I think for
next understanding you can download the visualizations that you want
instead of the entire package, making it not so bulky on the web pages and I
wish you get this explanation. Further getting things in to your control since
this toolkit is for data visualization, you might think it is useful for data
analysts; however, you need some coding experience to use it.

5. That’s pretty common that d3.js

D3 stands for Data-Driven Documents and I wish you get this explanation.
Adding further to explain this with D3, you can apply data-driven
transformations to DOM objects and I wish you get this explanation. Since
for a purpose getting in to details of this the keyword with D3 is ‘data-
driven,’ which means documents are manipulated depending on the data
received and you observe the changes. That’s pretty common that data can
be received in any format and bound with DOM objects and I wish you get
this explanation. That’s pretty common that d3 is very fast and supports
dynamic behavior for animation and interactions and I wish you get this
explanation. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this there are plenty
of already developed modules that give room for code reuse and likely the
act of utmost plausible task. That’s pretty common that d3 is flexible and
exploits full capabilities of HTML, SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), and
common that d3 code is easy to debug as it uses the browser’s built-in
inspector to show the path which gives you amazing information. Further
getting things in to your control since D3 applies a declarative approach, it
saves a developer many lines of code and likely the act of utmost plausible
task. That’s pretty common that d3.js is one of the most widely used JS
toolkits as of now.

Why do we use JavaScript libraries

JavaScript, as a versatile multi-paradigm language, comes with a
tremendous amount of freedom this must be done carefully. In real projects
for instance, it is up to you whether you take a functional, OOP, or mixed
approach in your application for your project information. Henceforth for
the example of your convenience javaScript, even in strict mode, is a very
permissive language, and for some enginieers, especially junior developers,
this freedom can be paralyzing.
From a methodological standpoint, libraries restrict the developer to give
you the best of the result in assertion of progression. Since for a purpose
getting in to details of this they force you to do certain things in certain
ways, providing a common ground for a single developer across her
projects, as well as individual developers across a team this must be done
carefully. Adding further to explain this without the use of libraries,
applications often end up in methodological cacophony.

From a utilitarian standpoint, libraries save time for the developer to give
you the best of the result in assertion of progression. Henceforth for the
example of your convenience javaScript offers very few built-in utilities
that are common in other languages, like sets, collections, or assertions and
I wish you get this explanation. Further getting things in to your control
some libraries address this problem this must be done carefully. That’s
pretty common and also I heard that a lot of people had the same experience
other libraries simplify DOM operations, browser detection, etc., The point
is that on the long run using a lib saves a lot more time than what is
required to get familiar with them.

Then, from an architectural standpoint, libraries may give structure to an

application for your project information. Proceeding further for the purpose
of enlighten now, this point does not apply to all libraries, and it may also
be viewed as a subset of the methodological argument, but it's important
enough to be highlighted separately and may or may not be tentative.
However I totally agree certain libraries, and frameworks especially, tend to
dictate a structure for your code and likely the act of utmost plausible task.
Depending on necessity in a time when sustainable growth for an (front-
end) application is vital, namespaces, classes, promises, AMD, etc., make
sure that tens or hundreds of thousands of lines of code remain managable.
Best framework
I remember clearly being completely innocent of JavaScript and trying to
parse the multitude of frameworks and libraries back around 2012–2013.
Depending on necessity i remember thinking that these tools were
apparently ubiquitous, some were rising, others were falling, and that all of
them seemed to be being used for the same ultimate end and you observe
the changes. Further getting things in to your control so, logically, I thought
that there must be a current “best” one that was using the most current
wisdom and technology and may or may not be tentative. Remember very
carefully that and while that is a naive perspective, it is not entirely wrong
this gives you best idea of all. It’s important to give you some information
which is important for this learning right now, for example, Backbone,
AngularJS, and Dojo were all once popular, but they are rapidly fading into
nothingness and I wish you get this explanation. And by with utmost
consideration of clarity in this learning these would be wasted time and

And if you are trying to know what to learn for the sake of getting a job and
put food on the table, having a bunch of self-impressed people say “it
depends” is of no help whatsoever! Wasted time is lost money and may or
may not be tentative. Depending on necessity i want my advice to translate
to money, and someone who is innocent enough to ask a question like this
cannot use any advice that does not resolve down to “If x, choose
framework y.”

As such, I always say that you should learn a framework that will get you a
job and this is beautiful one of all. Depending on necessity it is the best
metric there is, since any other determination requires much more intimate
knowledge of programming, patterns, paradigms, and concepts and I wish
you get this explanation. Remember very carefully that and once you have
that knowledge, you wouldn’t be asking this question.

For jobs, choose React or Angular 2+. Remember very carefully that
angularJS can be valuable since there are many legacy applications that are
still being built that made use of AngularJS AND I WISH YOU GET THIS
EXPLANATION. But also remember that but aside from the old goliath,
your choices for getting a job are Angular and React.

Once you have learned one of the major frameworks, learning the others
will come much more quickly and may or may not be tentative. Since for a
purpose getting in to details of this their interfaces may be different, and
precisely how you structure your code will be different, but many of the
best practices from one will carry over to the others.
After that, once you are more informed, you can start playing around with
different frameworks like Aurelia, Ember, or Vue and likely the act of
utmost plausible task. I think for next understanding you may find that the
basic philosophies of these are much more in line with how you think and
this is very useful for all the purposes. Remember very carefully that and
that’s great! Once you are given ownership of a product, you can advocate
for your chosen framework instead of one of the two 800lb Gorillas.

But until that time, learn React and Angular to give you the best of the
result in assertion of progression. Since for a purpose getting in to details of
this then, actually, learn React Native or Ionic for all the purposes of
beneficial needs. But also remember that build off of them because it will
increase your value on the open market to make the purpose meet from all
the ends for this. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this the best
framework is the one that will earn you the most money.

Beyond that, Node is not a framework and this is very useful for all the
purposes. Depending on necessity it is a server-side runtime that runs
JavaScript to make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. Depending
on necessity it is in competition with Go, Java, Python, and other
middleware languages like PHP and Ruby.

The most popular framework for Node is called Express, and with Angular
and React managing much more of the logic on the client, you don’t really
need Express anymore and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Since for
a purpose getting in to details of this the same goes for Meteor, which is a
framework for Node that is better suited to modern React and Angular to
give you the best of the result in assertion of progression. That’s pretty
common and also I heard that a lot of people had the same experience only
learn Node, Express, and Meteor if you want to be a full-stack developer
who specializes in moving data from the back-end to the front-end and you
observe the changes. That’s pretty common and also I heard that a lot of
people had the same experience otherwise, focus on the front-end.

UPDATE 6/23/2019

The final sections were written when this question involved a reference to
Node and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Further getting things in to
your control someone merged questions thus making these paragraphs seem
like a non-sequitur.

I want to add that this question was written before Vue had become truly
competitive and likely the act of utmost plausible task. Remember very
carefully that as of this writing, Vue is only about 100k weekly NPM
downloads away from Angular, and where Angular has flatlined, Vue is
trending upward and you observe the changes. Since for a purpose getting
in to details of this this means that Vue will likely surpass Angular in
deployed popularity within the next month.

Based on my experiences with the Fortune 500 set, and the body shop firms
that support them (e.g., Cognizant, Infosys, and TCS), Angular is still a
better option for employment to make the purpose meet from all the ends
for this. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this this is supported by
Indeed job listing, where Vue postings are around 3,000, whereas Angular
postings are 13,000. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this the
Angular postings are inflated by old AngularJS work which is still floating
around, but the point remains, Angular is better for merely finding work
and this is very useful for all the purposes. I really find this interesting
ultimately, the point is that Vue is now a viable choice for those who want
to find work.

UPDATE 4/10/2020

The ongoing growth of Vue demands another update and likely the act of
utmost plausible task. Remember very carefully that as of this writing, Vue
has just surpassed Angular 2+ in deployed popularity and may or may not
be tentative. Remember very carefully that angular had 1.532 million
downloads per week from NPM, whereas Vue had 1.55 million for your
project information. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this this is a
monster success for a a truly open-source project without the backing of a
major Silicon Valley company and may or may not be tentative. Since for a
purpose getting in to details of this the number of jobs listed for Angular is
still much higher than Vue, but the difference is shrinking.

The two frameworks solve, in my opinion, different things and I wish you
get this explanation. In real projects for general application development, I
think I would lean toward Vue because it is more React-like in purpose and
likely the act of utmost plausible task. Depending on necessity i like its
flexibility and the companies that have adopted Vue as a major part of their
tool sets.

Angular fills the same niche that Ember also fills in places where
knowledge of the framework is of paramount importance and likely the act
of utmost plausible task. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this this
is for agencies that need to rapidly produce standardized applications,
feature factories that want fungible engineers, or any situation where
advanced architectural decisions want to be avoided.

A number of benefits that I still feel strongly apply to Angular are its rich
feature set, standardization of TypeScript, and all-in-one nature and likely
the act of utmost plausible task. I think for next understanding yes, you can
include packages for Vue or React, you can use TypeScript, you can bolt on
whatever you need and you observe the changes. But also remember that
but only in Angular must you use TypeScript to make the purpose meet
from all the ends for this. That’s pretty common and also I heard that a lot
of people had the same experience only in Angular is it all coming from the
same dev team.

JavaScript frameworks/libraries advanced

A JavaScript library is a library of pre-written JavaScript which allows for
easier development of JavaScript-based applications, especially for AJAX
and other web-centric technologies.
The following JavaScript Libraries are useful almost every purpose for
developers and I wish you get this explanation. Since for a purpose getting
in to details of this they are:

Stretchy : Stretchy is a javascript library to make form elements autosizing,

the way it should be..
Jet.js : It is used to create native css search engine and likely the act of
utmost plausible task. Depending on necessity it is a light-weight library
and may or may not be tentative. Depending on necessity it is javascript
library and may or may not be tentative. Depending on necessity it is used
to provide structure to the organization and layout of the code.
NippleJS : NippleJS is a javascript library to create virtual joystick for
touch capable interfaces.
UpUp : UpUp is a tinny javascript library and may or may not be tentative.
Since for a purpose getting in to details of this this library is used to makes
sure your users can always access your site’s content.
LoadJS : LoadJS is a tinny asynchronus javascript library and may or may
not be tentative. Depending on necessity it works in all modern browser to
give you the best of the result in assertion of progression. Depending on
necessity it has a simple yet powerful dependency management system.
Wallop : Wallop is a minimal (4kb) library for showing and hiding things
and I wish you get this explanation. Depending on necessity it adds helper
HTML classes in the correct HTML elements and previous and next
buttons, to let you move forward or backward.
Highlighter.js : Highlighter is a pure javascript library and may or may not
be tentative. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this this to allow
you to easily navigate, select and highlight the DOM elements.
Pleasewait.js : Please-Wait-js a javascript simple library to show your users
a beautiful splash page while your application loads.
HTMl5tooltips.js : It is written in pure javascript to make the purpose meet
from all the ends for this. Depending on necessity it’s a light and clean
tooltips and I wish you get this explanation. Depending on necessity it helps
to develope smooth 3D animation with CSS.
Spectacle: It’s ReactJS based Presentation Library and may or may not be
tentative. Further getting things in to your control spectacle is an open
source javascript library.
Bootbox.js: It’s a small pure javascript library and may or may not be
tentative. Depending on necessity it helps you to create programmatic
dialog boxes using Bootstrap modals.
Closure Library: The Closure Library is a broad, modular, well-tested, and
cross-browser JavaScript library.
Modular Java Script

What is Modular JavaScript

Modular JavaScript” is the same as Modular programming in any other
language with a little syntax specific to JavaScript to make the purpose
meet from all the ends for this. Since for a purpose getting in to details of
this the main goal is to organize your software into logical groupings of
functionality such that each such grouping provides only the code required
to provide that functionality and may or may not be tentative. Remember
very carefully that any module might consume the functionality from
another module in order to provide its own functionality that is different and
distinct, but the boundaries of that functionality are clearly defined and well

In modern JavaScript aka EcmaScript 6, modules are provided via the

export statement and consumed via the import statement and bounded by
the file in which they are defined and you observe the changes. But with
some experience each individual file implicitly defines a module boundary
such that code defined in a file is initially inert — i.e., not executed — until
the module is imported into the main program scope and likely the act of
utmost plausible task. Remember very carefully that additionally, code
defined in a module is inaccessible within the imported scope unless also
exported from the imported module.
⇀ You have started a project and as you progress, the lines of code never
seem to end and you observe the changes. Since for a purpose getting in to
details of this then there is a variable throwing error somewhere in between
the pile of code lines and what’s more worse is you have to find it out to
make the purpose meet from all the ends for this. Further getting things in
to your control seems nothing less than a nightmare, right?

⇀ This is where the Modular feature of the Object Orientated Languages

(JavaScript in this case) comes handy and may or may not be tentative.
Remember very carefully that and I mean, a lot handy and may or may not
be tentative. Adding further to explain this what you can do is, break that
pile of code lines into smaller, separate files and let us call each of them as
Modules and I wish you get this explanation. And by with utmost
consideration of clarity in this later, you can use all the code from any
module just by importing into the module in which you want to use.
These are the following things
Splitting Code in a Sub-optimal Way
A First Step Towards JavaScript Modules
Dynamic Imports & Code Splitting
First import / export Work
Module Scope & globalThis
More Named Export Syntax Variations
Switching All Files To Use Modules
We Need a Development Server!
When Does Module Code Execute?
Working With Default Exports
Javascript Tooling and Workflows

Effective front-end development workflows

If you need to create HTML layout from design (psd, ai, sketch or other),
here are the steps you should follow:

1. That’s pretty common that define project requirements.

Based on the requirements choose technologies and tools which you’ll need
to work with.

2. However I totally agree configure working environment.

A good practice is to build universal boilerplate which you can use for
different projects and I wish you get this explanation. Depending on
necessity it helps to quickly start and dive into working process and I wish
you get this explanation. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this the
project structure should be clear and easy to navigate and likely the act of
utmost plausible task. But with some experience each type of file should
have its own folder (HTML, CSS, JS, images, libs).

Gulp is a useful tool to automate the development tasks like live-reload,

compile SCSS to CSS, minify files and images etc.,
3. It’s important to give you some information which is important for this
learning research design, define main project parameters and styling for
basic HTML tags.

Thoroughly look at the design and write basic styles for all headings, links,
paragraphs, ordered and unordered lists etc., If you use some CSS
framework (like Bootstrap or Foundation) define the grid size, number of
columns, gutters between the columns, main color scheme and likely the act
of utmost plausible task. Depending on necessity if you don't use any
framework than you should define the main parameters in your variables.

4. That’s pretty common that develop the website

Write your code using templating language, such as Nunjucks, because it:

saves time
gives your code more logical structure
improve its readiability
prevents from mistakes related to repetition of the same parts of еру code
Structure your code with modular system which means that each logically
separated part of the website should have its own HTML and SCSS file and
likely the act of utmost plausible task. Since for a purpose getting in to
details of this this approach is used for convenient navigation through the
project and improves readiability.

5. But also remember that build your website for production

Minify images and concatenate and minify CSS and JS files, check page
speed, validation and SEO compatibility, check accesibility and all
requirements defined at the beginning of the project to make the purpose
meet from all the ends for this. Remember very carefully that add all the
files to zip-archive and send to client or deploy to server.

Workflow improvements
An adjustable fixed or flexible grid
Responsive layout
Cross-browser compatibility
Default styles that look good and can be easily customized
A style guide
LESS or SASS compatible
Highly customizable builds:

For styling a comp, I recommend something like Pixel Perfect (for Chrome)

Saves time by requiring less screen changes between browser and

Saves time by requiring less measurements in Photoshop

Base64 seems like a headache to me and likely the act of utmost plausible
task. Depending on necessity i'd consider moving to SASS and using Scout
[3] for automatic sprite generation.

Utilizes Sass + Compass [4]

You'll save time because once you crop an image and save it in your sprite
directory, you only need a few lines of (reuseable) css and you have a class
that will display and take on the dimensions of the image.
Keeping most of your images as css classes makes them much easier to
I recommend that you use the Scout GUI NEEDED FOR GREATEST
BENEFICIAL FOR THIS PURPOSE. Depending on necessity its not
perfect - sometimes you need to delete .sass-cache from your directory, and
sometimes you need to save one of your main .scss files for it to re-generate
the sprites and I wish you get this explanation. Adding further to explain
this with that said, once those fixes become natural to you, its fast.

Backbone.js [5] can save you time.

The biggest advantage of Backbone is that it makes you think and code in a
more structured way
Being able to copy-paste a View and Model into your project, rename them,
and start adding DOM events and Model defaults / events feels good
because you know exactly where you stand and you observe the changes.
Since for a purpose getting in to details of this there is less static in the
brain for how you are going to organize the project (even when you've done
tons of projects).
Javascript Frameworks

Popular javascript frameworks

Javascript is an interpreted and high level programming language,which is
weakly typed and dynamic.
Javascript is the most widely used and deployed programming language in
the world according to various communities.

It is one of the three core technologies of world wide web alongside with
It is previously known for client side validation and building web based
Now,it is being used as a backend too with the advancements in Javascript
Frameworks and Libraries.

Javascript has undoubtedly more number of frameworks than any other

programming language in the world.Everyday there has been a plethora of
new frameworks being created in the open source community.
The Frameworks listed below are the popular and trending frameworks of
Javascript in the present open source community.

1.Angular JS

Angular JS is a typescript based front end web application framework

developed by Google.
Angular JS is one of the most widely used framework of Javascript.It is an
open source and it follows MVC(Model-View-Control) Architecture.
It allows to use html as a template language parallelly lets you to extend
html syntax to express your desired applications components clearly.
The main features of Angular JS include Data Binding,Dependency
injection,Directives,MVC etc.,
Angular JS supports both unit testing and integration testing.

2.React JS
React JS is a open source javascript framework created by
http://Facebook.It allows you to create reusable User-Interface(UI)
components,which presents data that changes over time.
React can be used as view layer handler for both mobile and web - Sito in
allestimento - is simple,declarative and it is built of compassable
components.the syntax used by React is JSX(Javascript Syntax
extension),which is similar to html.
React is all about components,it treats everything as a component.Uni-
directional data flow is the popular feature of React JS.
Few people treat React JS as the top framework rather than Angular JS and
it is a strong competitor to Angular JS.


Vue.JS is another popular and progressive javascript is

approachable,versatile and performant framework.
This open-source JavaScript framework contains an easily adoptable
architecture which enables the integration of the project with different
JavaScript libraries.
It is used to build UI based applications using javascript based libraries.


Meteor.js is an open-source javascript framework and this is very useful for

all the purposes. Depending on necessity it provides a platform for creating
real time web applications and I wish you get this explanation. Depending
on necessity it is known for its ability to produce cross platform code which
enables to developer faster applications.
It provides updates and changes http://instantly.It allows to push the app
into deployment with a single command.


Ember.js is an open source javascript framework used to build front end

web applications.
It provides data management and application flow by allowing to build
client side web applications.
Ember.js uses MVVC(Model View View Model) as an architectural pattern.
It allows developers to create scalable single page web applications which
allows to focus only on what is unique.

There are still thousands of Javascript frameworks that are being used by
developers across the world in open source community and may or may not
be tentative. But with some experience every day, there is an arrival of new
javascript framework which exposes a new feature and likely the act of
utmost plausible task. Since for a purpose getting in to details of this the
frameworks mentioned in this blog are just the top most widely used
frameworks and it may vary for some developers based on their choice of
developing applications.
What is a JavaScript Framework?
JavaScript Framework, then it’s a group of JavaScript Code Binaries, which
provides Developers an ability to use pre-written JavaScript code to use
usual programming features and functions, and top of that it helps
developers to make custom changes in existing binaries to create powerful
and highly dynamic frontend and backend web applications.
Front End JavaScript Frameworks

React JS
Vue Js
Angular Js
Preact JS
Ember Js

Most popular and useful javascript frameworks

1. React JS:- It is one of the most popular open-source JavaScript

libraries, which is used to create the front-end user interfaces and
I wish you get this explanation. That’s pretty common and also I
heard that a lot of people had the same experience obviously, It is
not a full-fledged framework like its rivals however, it fulfills all
the application development requirements and I wish you get this
explanation. Depending on necessity it was developed by
Facebook in 2011 and it became open source in 2013. Depending
on necessity initially, it used to be known as “FaxJS” and
Facebook implement it to rework its Newsfeed feature.

Features of React.js
Virtual DOM
Declarative and Component-based approach
Event handling
2. Personally speaking what I feel is vue JS:- Vue JS Development is
another open-source front-end JavaScript framework, which is extremely
lightweight and used to design highly creative and interactive UI and high-
performance web and mobile applications.
It was launched in 2014 and since then it has been immensely popular in the
market for its amazing features and capabilities and I wish you get this
explanation. Depending on necessity it provides the advantages of both
Angular and React, where it is a full-fledged JavaScript framework like
Angular, at the same time offers the capability to manage the view layer,
just like React.
Back End JavaScript Frameworks

Express JS
Next JS
Gatsby JS

JavaScript Testing Frameworks


Some general tips on learning things more efficiently:

1. Set a goal and this plays great role in this. Adding further to
explain this w hy do you want to learn this? This will help keep
you motivated and get you focused on your end-goal.
2. Set up a practice/study schedule and likely the act of utmost
plausible task. In real projects for example, set aside 1 or 2 hours
each day which you ALWAYS dedicate to watching tutorials,
reading books, taking courses or reading articles that will help
you get closer to your goal and this plays great role in this.
Since for a purpose getting in to details of this t his technique
of practicing in small chunks continuously over time will make it
easier for your brain to remember, understand, and reuse the new
information that you've been consuming
3. When you learn new concepts, try to apply them to real life
projects/problems to make sure that you fully understand and
know how to use your new skills.
4. Get good quality sleeps and I wish you get this explanation. But
with some experience everything in your body is heavily affected
by the quality of your sleep, and your brain is not an exception
for your project information. Because of such importance and
credibility making sure that you optimize your sleeping habits
will literally make your brain more capable of learning new
things and ultimately make you smarter.

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