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Before reading

1. Look at the front cover (pic 7) and guess the answers to the questions on page 29, ex 1

(1c 2a)

2. Look at the back cover (pic 8) and choose the correct ending for the sentences on page 29,
ex 2

(1a 2c nos vamos a enterar al final)

Now, with the information we have, What do you think is going to happen?

A medida que avancemos con la lectura vamos a descubrir si nuestras predicciones fueron

While reading

You are going to read from page 1 up to page 6.

Si hay palabras que no conocen, se fijan en el glosario en la pagina 25 (o en un diccionario)

Después de leer, vayan a la pagina 30 y respondan las preguntas.

1. In a paper on a tree
2. Now
3. Yes, because he plays football every week
4. Yes
5. Because he needs the money

Read from page 7 up to page 12. Go to page 30, ex 2, read the sentences and write true or false.

1F 2T 3T 4T 5F 6T 7F 8T

Revise story
Show images VK1 to VK6
Whats the story about?
Who’s this? Colin
What was his problem? His didn’t have a job / He was lokking for a job
And this? Profesor Fletcher
What can you tell me about him? He offers a job to colin
And who’s this? Claudia
What does she do? She works with colin and the profesor
Did colin tell somebody about his new job? To his friends
And what happened? They laughed at him / They made fun of him
What are they going to do?
Is he the vampire? No, he is Renfield, the man that works for the vampires

Read from page 13 up to 17 and do activity 3 on page 31.

Match the sentences with the pictures.


Check activity 3: 1b 2 d 3 a 4 c
Read from page 18 up to page 24 and do activity 4 on page 31. Answer the questions.

1. In the vampire’s apartament.

2. Claudia.
3. Because he is unconscious on the floor.
4. Because Colin openes the window when the sun is coming up.
5. Colin helps the profesor to go out of the apartament.
Now let’s go to page 29 and check our predictions.
Ex 1: 1 c 2a
Ex 2: 1 b 2a
We have 4 activities (on pages 32 and 33) to do now we finished the story.
Page 32

After giving the answer, explain it in a short sentence. What happen? How? Who? When? Where?
1D 2A 3B 4E 5C

Page 32

Job brave believe money joke midnight lives vampire blood sun runs
Page 33

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