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Chapter 8

Potential energy and conservation of energy

Johan van Lierop


Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy

Potential energy
potential energy – noun, (the energy of a body or a system with respect to the
position of the body or the arrangement of the particles of the system) Physics.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy
Work and potential energy

I when the tomato rises, Fg transfers energy I shove the block and move it rightward, Fs
from the K.E. of the tomato ⇒ −Wg acts leftward and does −Ws , transferring
energy from the K.E. of the block to the
I tomatoes slows, stops, and begins to fall
elastic potential energy
I the energy is transferred by Fg to the I block slows, stops and begins to return to
gravitational potential energy, ∆U equilibrium (moving leftward)
I during the fall, Fg transferred from I Fs still leftward, the potential energy from
gravitational potential energy, ∆U, to the the spring (elastic potential energy)
K.E. of the tomato ⇒ +Wg transfered to K.E. of the block
I ∆U = −Wg I ∆U = −Ws
∆U = −W
Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy

Work and potential energy (con’t)

As a football starts its descent toward the wide receiver, gravitational potential energy
is converted back into kinetic energy.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy
Work and potential energy (con’t)

Conservative and Nonconservative Forces

1 The system consists of two or more objects.

2 A force acts between a particle-like object in the system and the rest of
the system.
3 When the system configuration changes, the force does work (W1 ) on the
particle-like object, transferring energy between the kinetic energy (K ) of
the object and some other type of energy of the system.
4 When the configuration change is reversed, the force reverses the energy
transfer, doing work (W2 ) in the process.
When W1 = −W2 , the other type of energy is potential energy and the
force is a conservative force.
When W1 6= −W2 , the other type of energy can be thermal or sound,
or... and the force is a nonconservative force (e.g. friction).

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy

Path independence of conservative forces

I How to tell if a force is conservative?
I Have the force act on a body along a closed path (i.e.
it makes a round trip starting and finishing at the same
position), and if the total energy transfer to and from
the body from the force during the trip is zero, it is
I The net work done by a conservative force on a particle
moving around any closed path is zero.
I The work done by a conservative force on a particle
moving between two points does not depend on the
path taken by the particle.
∇ ~=0
~ ×F W ≡ ~ · d~
F r =0 ~ = −∇Φ
F ~
modified from C
wiki/Conservative_force (Don’t worry about this last point. It’s just the formal definition of the three “tests” for
a conservative force.)

I Wab,1 = Wab,2 is very powerful since we can simplify

very difficult problems when only conservative forces
are present.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy
Potential energy calculations

8 For a particle-like system under the influence of a conservative force, F~ ,

that does work, W , on the system that in turn results in a change in the
potential energy, ∆U = −W , in general
Z xf
W = F (x) dx

(Remember, the work is the same for all paths between xf and xi since the force is conservative.)

8 Z xf
∆U = − F (x) dx

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy

Potential energy calculations: Gravitational P.E.

Z yf
∆U = − F dy with F = −mg

Z yf
y f
∆U = mg dy = mg
yi yi

∆U = mg (yf − yi ) = mg ∆y

X Only changes in gravitational potential energy are physically meaningful

(actually, this holds for any type of potential energy).
X I.e. U − Ui = mg (y − yi ) where Ui is the gravitational potential energy of the
reference configuration where the reference point is yi . Typically, Ui = 0 and
yi = 0.
X U(y ) = mgy (gravitational potential energy)
X The gravitational potential energy associated with a particle-Earth system
depends only on the vertical position y (or height) of the particle relative to the
reference position y = 0, not on the horizontal position.
Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy

The figure shows a thin rod, of length L = 2.00 m

and negligible mass that can pivot about one end
to rotate in a vertical circle. A ball of mass
m = 5.00 kg is attached to the other end. The rod
is pulled aside to an angle θ0 = 30.0◦ and released
with initial velocity ~
v0 = 0. As the ball descends to
its lowest point, (a) how much work does the
gravitational force do on it and (b) what is the
change in the gravitational potential energy of the
ball-Earth system? (c) If the gravitational potential
energy is taken to be zero at the lowest point,
what is its value just as the ball is released? (d) Do
the magnitudes of the answers to (a) through (c)
increase, decrease or remain the same if the angle
θ0 is increased?

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy

Potential energy calculations: Elastic P.E.

X The spring force Fx = −kx works on the block as it

moves from xi to xf .
Z xf Z xf  xf
1 x2
∆U = − (−kx) dx = k x dx = k
xi xi 2 xi

X ∆U = − 12 kxf2 − 12 kxi2
X As usual, we choose the reference configuration to be
when the spring is relaxed and the block at xi = 0,
then Ui = 0
X U(x) = 12 kx 2 (elastic potential energy)
Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy
Conservation of mechanical energy
The mechanical energy, Emec , of a system is total of the kinetic and potential

Emec = K + U
When no external forces act on this system (i.e. it is isolated), and a
conservative force acts on an object within the system, that force transfers
energy between the kinetic and potential energies of the object:

∆K = W and ∆U = −W ⇒ ∆K = −∆U
In other words: K2 + U2 = K1 + U1 (conservation of mechanical energy)
sum of K and U for sum of K and U for
any state of a system any other state of the system
Principle of conservation of mechanical energy
∆Emec = ∆K + ∆U = 0
(where conservative forces get their name from, actually)

The principle of conservation of mechanical energy allows us to solve very

difficult problems that could be intractable using Newton’s laws
(when energy is conserved, we can related the sums of K and U at one instant in time to another without having to consider the
intermediate motions and not finding the work done by the forces)

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy

Conservation of mechanical energy (con’t)

energywell track1
The video encyclopedia of physics demonstrations, R. Berg et al., Education Group & Associates (Los Angeles, CA), 2000.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy
Conservation of mechanical energy (con’t)

energywell track2
The video encyclopedia of physics demonstrations, R. Berg et al., Education Group & Associates (Los Angeles, CA), 2000.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy

Conservation of mechanical energy (con’t)

Galileo’s pendulum1
The video encyclopedia of physics demonstrations, R. Berg et al., Education Group & Associates (Los Angeles, CA), 2000.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy
Conservation of mechanical energy (con’t)

Galileo’s pendulum2
The video encyclopedia of physics demonstrations, R. Berg et al., Education Group & Associates (Los Angeles, CA), 2000.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy

Conservation of mechanical energy (con’t)

triple track 1
The video encyclopedia of physics demonstrations, R. Berg et al., Education Group & Associates (Los Angeles, CA), 2000.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy
Conservation of mechanical energy (con’t)

triple track 2
The video encyclopedia of physics demonstrations, R. Berg et al., Education Group & Associates (Los Angeles, CA), 2000.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy

Conservation of mechanical energy (con’t)

bowlingbal pendulum
The video encyclopedia of physics demonstrations, R. Berg et al., Education Group & Associates (Los Angeles, CA), 2000.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy
Conservation of mechanical energy (con’t)

energywell track1
Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy


The girl in the picture above is given an 8.00 kg stone, and everything is at rest
on the spring. The spring is compressed a further 10.0 cm by the stone. (a)
What is the spring constant? (b) The stone is pushed down an additional
30.0 cm and released. What is the elastic potential energy of the compressed
spring just before that release? (c) What is the change in the gravitational
potential energy of the stone-Earth system when the stone moves from the
release point to its maximum height? (d) What is the maximum height,
measured from the release point?
Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy

Two children are playing a game in which they try to hit a small box on the
floor with a marble fired from a spring-loaded gun that is mounted on a table.
The target box is horizontal distance D = 2.20 m from the edge of the table.
Bobby compresses the spring 1.10 cm, but the centre of the marble falls
27.0 cm short of the centre of the box. How far should Rhonda compress the
spring to score a direct hit? Assume that neither the spring nor the ball
encounters friction in the gun.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy


A uniform cord of length 25 cm and mass 15 g is initially stuck to a ceiling.

Later, it hangs vertically from the ceiling with only one end still stuck. What is
the change in the gravitational potential energy of the cord with this change in

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy
The force-potential energy relationship

I In one-dimension, we know ∆U(x) = −W = −F (x)∆x.

I ⇒ F (x) = −∆U(x)/∆x

∆U(x) dU(x)
F (x) = lim − =−
∆x→0 ∆x dx
I Check:
1 2
U(x) = kx → F (x) = −kx X
I Check:
U(x) = mhx → F (x) = −mg X

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy


The figure shows a plot of the potential energy U versus position x of a 0.90 kg
particle that can travel only along an x axis. (Nonconservative forces are not
involved.) Three values are UA = 15.0 J, UB = 35.0 J and UC = 45.0 J. The particle
is released at x = 4.5 m with an initial speed of 7.0 m/s, headed in the negative x
direction. (a) If the particle can reach x = 1.0 m, what is its speed there, and if it
cannot, what is its turning point? What are the (b) magnitude and (c) direction of
the force on the particle as it begins to move to the left of x = 4.0 m? Suppose,
instead, the particle is headed in the positive x direction when it is released at
x = 4.5 m at speed 7.0 m/s. (d) If the particle can reach x = 7.0 m, what is its speed
there, and if it cannot, what is its turning point? What are the (e) magnitude and (f)
direction of the force on the particle as it begins to move to the right of x = 5.0 m?

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy

The potential energy of a diatomic molecule (a two-atom system like H2 or O2 )

is given by
U = 12 − 6
r r
where r is the separation of the two atoms of the molecule and A and B are
positive constants. This potential energy is associated with the force that binds
the two atoms together. (a) Find the equilibrium separation – that is, the
distance between the atoms at which the force on each atom is zero. Is the
force repulsive (the atoms are pushed apart) or attractive (they are pulled
together) if the separation is (b) smaller and (c) larger than the equilibrium

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy

Work done on a system by an external force

I Work is the energy transferred to or from a system by

means of an external force acting on that system.
I For a single particle (or body) system, the energy transfer
follows the prescription ∆K = W , i.e. an external force
can only transfer energy to or from either the K.E. or the
I For a more complex system, an external force can
transfer energy from the K.E., the P.E. or the work.

(conservative force situation) No friction involved:

I Positive work W is done on a system of a bowling ball
and Earth, causing a change ∆Emec in the mechanical
energy of the system, a change in ∆K of the ball, and
∆U in the ball’s gravitational potential energy.
I W = ∆K + ∆U = ∆Emec
(work done on a system, no friction involved)

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy
Work done on a system by an external force (con’t)

(nonconservative force situation) Friction involved:

I A constant horizontal force F ~ pulls a block along through
a displacement d increasing the block’s velocity from ~ v0 ~ supplies energy and the friction force ~
Applied force F fk
v with a kinetic frictional force f~k from the floor acting
to ~ transfers some of that energy to thermal energy (heat).
on the block.
I F − fk = ma and v 2 = v02 + 2ad ; solving for a yields
I Fd = 1 2
− 21 mv02 + fk d
2 mv
I ∆K = 1 mv 2 − 1 mv02 , so
2 2
I Fd = ∆K + fk d
The work done W by the applied force goes into kinetic energy
and thermal energy.

I Fd = ∆Emec + ∆Eth
W = Fd is the energy transferred by
I Now, if the block were moving up a ramp as well, there’d ~ , but where are the
the external force F
be changes in the P.E. as well, so ∆K and ∆U vary energy transfers made?
I Fd = ∆Emec + fk d (in general) 1 The block’s mechanical energy changes
I Friction causes the floor and block to warm (know this 2 The thermal energy of the block and
from experiment), ⇒ the thermal energy of the floor also
I Eth = fk d changes (via friction).
(increase in thermal energy by sliding) I F
~ works on the block-floor system, ⇒
I W = ∆Emec + ∆Eth
Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy
(work and
done onconservation of energy
a system, friction involved)


A horizontal force of magnitude 35.0 N pushes a block of mass 4.00 kg across

a floor where the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.600. (a) How much work is
done by that applied force on the block-floor system when the block slides
through a displacement of 3.00 m across the floor? (b) During that
displacement, the thermal energy of the block increases by 40.0 J. What is the
increase in thermal energy of the floor? (c) What is the increase in the kinetic
energy of the block?

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy

A rope is used to pull a 3.57 kg block at constant speed 4.06 m along a

horizontal floor. The force on the block from the rope is 7.68 N, and directed
15.0◦ above the horizontal. What are (a) the work done by the rope’s force,
(b) the increase in thermal energy of the block-floor system, and (c) the
coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and floor?

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy

Conservation of energy

I The law of conservation of energy is concerned

with the total energy of a system, ∆E .
I The total energy is the sum of the system’s
mechanical, thermal and internal energy.
I W = ∆E = ∆Emec + ∆Eth + ∆Eint
The total energy, E , of a system can change
only by amounts of energy that are transferred
to or from the system.
I Power, P, is (more correctly) the rate that energy
is transferred by a force from one type of energy to
∆E dE
Pavg = P=
∆t dt

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy
Conservation of energy: Isolated system

The total energy, E , of an isolated system cannot change.

∆Emec + ∆Eth + ∆Eint = 0 (isolated system)

If ∆Emec = Emec,2 − Emec,1 that refers to the mechanical energies before and after a process has
occurred (e.g. something moved and changed it’s K and U), then

Emec,2 = Emec,1 − ∆Eth − ∆Eint

In an isolated system, we can related the total energy at one instant to the
total energy at another instant
without considering the energies at intermediate times.

Internal energy, Eint , is the sum of all microscopic forms of energy of a system needed to make it.
It is the combination of the K.E. via the motion of particles (e.g. atoms, molecules, etc.) and P.E.
from molecular and crystal structures. Thermodynamics is essentially about the study of internal
Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy


In the figure, a 3.5 kg block is accelerated from rest by a compressed spring of

spring constant 640 N/m. The block leaves the spring at the spring’s relaxed
length and then travels over a horizontal floor with a coefficient of kinetic
friction µk = 0.25. The frictional force stops the block in distance D = 7.8 m.
What are (a) the increase in the thermal energy of the block-floor system, (b)
the maximum kinetic energy of the block, and (c) the original compression
distance of the spring?

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy

In the figure, a block slides along a track from one level to a higher level after
passing through an intermediate valley. The track is frictionless until the block
reaches the higher level. There a frictional force stops the block in a distance
d. The block’s initial speed v0 is 6.0 m/s, the height difference h is 1.1 m, and
µk is 0.60. Find d.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy

Summary and forecast

X Conservative Forces: A force is a conservative force if the net work it does on a
particle moving around any closed path, from an initial point and then back to
that point, is zero. Equivalently, a force is conservative if the net work it does on
a particle moving between two points does not depend on the path taken.
X Potential Energy: A potential energy is the energy that is associated with the
configuration of a system where a conservative force acts.
X Mechanical Energy: The mechanical energy of a system is the sum of its kinetic
and potential energies.
X Work done on a System by an External Force: Work is the energy transferred
to or from a system by means of an external force acting on the system. When
more than one force acts on a system, their net work is the transferred energy.
X Conservation of Energy: The total energy of a system can change only by
amounts of energy that are transferred to or from the system. This experimental
fact is known as the law of conservation of energy.
I Go carefully through 8.4: Potential energy diagrams and stability;
⇒ F (x) = −dU(x)/dx, and have a read of 9.1 and 9.2 about impulse and linear
I Problems to try: All of Chapter 8’s additional problems. These problems are an
excellent overview, and being able to do them will really set you up to ace the

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy

The cable of a 1800 kg elevator car snaps when the car is at rest at the first
floor, where the car bottom is a distance d = 3.7 m above the spring of spring
constant k = 0.15 MN/m. A safety device clamps the car’s cab against
guide-rails so that a constant frictional force of 4.4 kN opposes the cab’s
motion. (a) find the speed of the car just before it hits the spring. (b) find the
maximum distance x that the spring is compressed (the frictional force still acts
during this compression). (c) Find the distance that the cab will bounce back
up the shaft. (d) Using conservation of energy, find the approximate total
distance that the cab will move before coming to rest. (Assume that the
frictional force on the cab is negligible when the cab is stationary.)
Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy


A spring (k = 200 N/m) is fixed at the top of a frictionless plane inclined at

angle θ = 40◦ . A 1.0 kg block is projected up the plane, from an initial
position that is distance d = 0.60 m from the end of the relaxed spring, with
an initial kinetic energy of 16 J. (a) What is the kinetic energy of the block at
the instant it has compressed the spring 0.20 m? (b) With what kinetic energy
must the block be projected up the plane if it is to stop momentarily when it
has compressed the spring by 0.40 m?

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy

Resistance to the motion of an automobile consists of road friction, which is

almost independent of speed, and air drag, which is proportional to
speed-squared. For a certain car with a weight of 12 000 N, the total resistance
force F is given by F = 300 + 1.8v 2 , with F in newtons and v in meters per
second. Calculate the power (in horsepower) required to accelerate the car at
0.92 m/s2 when the speed is 80 km/h.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy


A certain spring is found not to conform to Hooke’s law. The force (in
newtons) it exerts when stretched a distance x (in meters) is found to have
magnitude 52.8x + 38.4x 2 in the direction opposite to the stretch. (a)
Compute the work required to stretch the spring from x = 0.500 m to
x = 1.00 m. (b) With one end of the spring fixed, a particle of mass 2.17 kg is
attached to the other end of the spring when it is stretched by an amount
x = 1.00 m. If the particle is then released from rest, what is its speed at the
instant the stretch in the spring is x = 0.500 m? (c) Is the force exerted by the
spring conservative or nonconservative?

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy

A 50 g ball is thrown from a window with an initial velocity of 8.0 m/s at an

angle of 30◦ above the horizontal. Using energy methods, determine (a) the
kinetic energy of the ball at the top of its flight and (b) its speed when it is
3.0 m below the window. Does the answer to (b) depend on either (c) the
mass of the ball of (d) the initial angle?

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy


A factory worker accidentally releases a 180 kg crate that was being held at rest
at the top of a ramp that is 3.7 m long and inclined at 39◦ to the horizontal.
The coefficient of kinetic friction between the crate and the ramp, and between
the crate and the horizontal factory floor, is 0.28. (a) How fast is the crate
moving at is reaches the bottom of the ramp? (b) How far will it subsequently
slide across the floor? (assume that the crate’s kinetic energy does not change
as it moves from the ramp onto the floor). (c) Do the answers to (a) and (b)
increase, decrease of remain the same if we halve the mass of the crate?

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy

A particle can slide along a track with elevated ends and a flat central part, as
shown in the figure. The flat part has length L = 40 cm. The curved portions
of the track are frictionless, but for the flat part the coefficient of kinetic
friction is µk = 0.20. The particle is released from rest at the left top side of
the track (red dot), which is at height h = L/2. How far from the left edge of
the flat part does the particle finally stop?

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy


In the figure above, a block is released from rest at a height d = 40 cm and

slides down a frictionless ramp and onto a first plateau, which has length d and
where the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.50. If the block is still moving, it
then slides down a second frictionless ramp through height d/2 and onto a
lower plateau, which has a length d/2 and where the coefficient of kinetic
friction is again 0.50. If the block is still moving, it then slides up a frictionless
ramp until it (momentarily) stops. Where does the block stop? If its final stop
is on a plateau, state which one and give the distance L from the left edge of
the plateau. If the block reaches the ramp, give the height H above the lower
plateau where it momentarily stops.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy

Two blocks of masses M = 2.0 kg and 2M are connected to a spring of spring

with a spring constant of k = 200 N/m that has one end fixed, as shown in the
figure. The horizontal surface and the pulley are frictionless, and the pulley has
negligible mass. The blocks are released from rest with the spring relaxed. a)
What is the combined kinetic energy of the two blocks when the hanging block
as fallen 0.090 m? b) What is the kinetic energy of the hanging block when it
as fallen that 0.090 m? c) What maximum distance does the hanging block fall
before momentarily stopping?

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 8 Potential energy and conservation of energy

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