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Chapter 9

Linear momentum and collisions

Johan van Lierop


Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Centre of mass

Centre of mass (CoM) of a system of particles

(e.g. a ‘real’ body) is the point that moves as
1 all of the system’s mass were
concentrated there
2 all external forces were applied there

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Centre of mass (con’t)

air table centre of mas

The video encyclopedia of physics demonstrations, R. Berg et al., Education Group & Associates (Los Angeles, CA), 2000.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Centre of mass (con’t)

The video encyclopedia of physics demonstrations, R. Berg et al., Education Group & Associates (Los Angeles, CA), 2000.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Centre of mass (con’t)

ir egular object centre of mas

The video encyclopedia of physics demonstrations, R. Berg et al., Education Group & Associates (Los Angeles, CA), 2000.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Centre of mass (con’t)

centre of mas disc

The video encyclopedia of physics demonstrations, R. Berg et al., Education Group & Associates (Los Angeles, CA), 2000.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Centre of mass (con’t)

I For two particles of mass m1 and m2 separated by a distance d,

the position of the CoM is at:
xcom = d
m1 + m2
where we’ve set x = 0 @ m1 arbitrarily
I if m2 = 0, xcom = 0
I if m1 = 0, xcom = d
I if m1 = m2 , xcom = d/2
m1 x1 + m2 x2
I for an arbitrary choice of coordinate xcom =
m1 + m2
Shifting the axis does not change the relative m1 x1 + m2 x2
position of the CoM.
I set M = m1 + m2 so xcom = .

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Centre of mass (con’t)

I and in general, for n particles, each of mass mn ,

m1 x1 + m2 x2 + m3 x3 + · · ·mn xn
xcom =
n n
1 X X
= mi xi and M = mi
M i=1 i=1
I in 3D
n n n
1 X 1 X 1 X
xcom = mi xi ycom = mi yi zcom = mi zi
M i=1 M i=1 M i=1

I or we can use vectors, i.e.

ri = xi iˆ + yi jˆ + zi k̂
1 X
rcom = xcom iˆ + ycom jˆ + zcom k̂ =
~ mi ~
M i=1

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Centre of mass (con’t)

I for a solid body (no longer a collection of individual point-like particles)

1 1 1
xcom = x dm ycom = y dm zcom = z dm
dm M M
I ρ= = ⇒ dm = dV
dV V V
1 1 1
I xcom = x dV ycom = y dV zcom = z dV
I N.B. if the object is a point, line or plane, you can bypass one (or more) of these

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Centre of mass (con’t)

This is what can happen of you don’t account for the CoM of a system...

RockFall -CoM
Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

The figure shows a three particle system, with masses

m1 = 3.0 kg, m2 = 4.0 kg and m3 = 8.0 kg. The scales
on the axes are set by xs = 2.0 m and ys = 2.0 m.
What are (a) the x coordinate and (b) the y coordinate
of the system’s centre of mass? (c) If m3 is gradually
increased, does the centre of mass of the system shift
toward or away from that particle, or does it remain

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions


What are (a) the x coordinate and (b) the y coordinate of the centre of mass
for the uniform plate shown in the figure if L = 5.0 cm?

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions


The figure shows a cubical box that has been

constructed from uniform metal plate of negligible
thickness. The box is open at the top and has edge
length a = 40 cm. Find (a) the x coordinate, (b) the y
coordinate and (c) the z coordinate of the centre of
mass of the box.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions


In the ammonia (NH3 ) molecule, three hydrogen

(H) atoms form an equilateral triangle, with the
centre of the triangle at distance
d = 9.40 × 10−11 m from each hydrogen atom.
The nitrogen (N) atom is at the apex of the
pyramid, with the three hydrogen atoms forming
the base. The nitrogen-to-hydrogen atomic mass
ratio is 13.9, and the nitrogen-to-hydrogen distance
is L = 10.14 × 10−11 m. What are the (a) x and
(b) y coordinates of the molecule’s centre of mass?

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions


A soda can of mass 0.140 kg is 12.0 cm tall and filled with 0.354 kg of soda.
Then small holes are drilled in the top and bottom (with negligible loss of
metal) to drain the soda. What is the height h of the CoM of the can and
contents (a) initially and (b) after the can loses all the soda? (c) What
happens to h as the soda drains out? (d) if x is the height of the remaining
soda at any given instant, find x when the CoM reaches its lowest point.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Newton’s Second Law (revisited)

F~net = M~
acom (system of particles)

evaluate with care

1: F~net is the net force of all external forces that act on the system.
Forces on one part of the system from another part of the system (i.e.
internal forces) are not included is this description.
2: M is the total mass of the system. The system is closed: No material
(mass) enters or leaves the system as it moves, so that M is constant.
3: ~
acom is the acceleration of the centre of mass of the system. There is no
information about the acceleration of any other parts (points) of the

Fnet,x = Macom,x Fnet,y = Macom,y Fnet,z = Macom,z

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Newton’s Second Law (revisited & cont’d)

chair onapedestal1
The video encyclopedia of physics demonstrations, R. Berg et al., Education Group & Associates (Los Angeles, CA), 2000.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Newton’s Second Law (revisited & cont’d)

chair onapedestal2
The video encyclopedia of physics demonstrations, R. Berg et al., Education Group & Associates (Los Angeles, CA), 2000.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Newton’s Second Law (revisited & cont’d)

The video encyclopedia of physics demonstrations, R. Berg et al., Education Group & Associates (Los Angeles, CA), 2000.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Newton’s Second Law (revisited & cont’d)

The video encyclopedia of physics demonstrations, R. Berg et al., Education Group & Associates (Los Angeles, CA), 2000.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Newton’s Second Law (revisited & cont’d)

double cone on incline 1

The video encyclopedia of physics demonstrations, R. Berg et al., Education Group & Associates (Los Angeles, CA), 2000.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Newton’s Second Law (revisited & cont’d)

double cone on incline 2

The video encyclopedia of physics demonstrations, R. Berg et al., Education Group & Associates (Los Angeles, CA), 2000.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Newton’s Second Law (revisited & cont’d)

The video encyclopedia of physics demonstrations, R. Berg et al., Education Group & Associates (Los Angeles, CA), 2000.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Newton’s Second Law (revisited & cont’d)

The video encyclopedia of physics demonstrations, R. Berg et al., Education Group & Associates (Los Angeles, CA), 2000.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Newton’s Second Law (revisited & cont’d)

The video encyclopedia of physics demonstrations, R. Berg et al., Education Group & Associates (Los Angeles, CA), 2000.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Newton’s Second Law (revisited & cont’d)

So, how do we get from F~ = m~
a to F~net = M~
acom ?
I I: We know that for a system of n particles,
M~rcom = m1 ~r1 + m2 ~r2 + m3 ~r3 + · · · + mn ~rn
I II: We know that for a single particle, ~
v = d~r /dt, and generalizing, we
find that M d~rcom /dt ≡ M ~
vcom = m1 ~ v1 + m2 ~ v3 + · · · + mn ~
v2 + m3 ~ vn
I III: We also know that for a single particle, ~
a = d~v /dt, so that
generalizing that, we find
M d~ vcom /dt ≡ M ~acom = m1 ~
a1 + m 2 ~ a3 + · · · + m n ~
a2 + m3 ~ an .
I IV: We know from NII that F~i = mi ~ ai , i.e. this is the resultant force F~i
on the ith particle, so that we can rewrite the above as
M ~acom = F~1 + F~2 + F~3 + · · · + F~n .
I V: Amongst all the forces that are part of M ~ acom will be forces that the
particles exert on each other (internal forces) and forces exerted from
outside (external forces) onto the particles. By NIII, the internal forces
will form “force pairs” that cancel out during the summation of all forces,
and what remains is the vector sum of all external forces that act on the
I VI: We are left with M ~ acom = F~net .
Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

A stone is dropped at t = 0. A second stone, with twice the mass of the first,
is dropped from the same point at t = 100 ms. (a) How far below the release
point is the center of mass of the two stones at t = 300 ms? (Neither stone
has yet reached the ground.). (b) How fast is the center of mass of the
two-stone system moving at that time?

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions


A 4.5 kg dog stands on a 18 kg boat 6.1 m from the

shore. It walks 2.4 m in the boat toward shore and then
stops. Assuming no friction between the boat and the
water, find how far the dog is now from the shore.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Linear momentum

I The linear momentum of a particle is defined as

p~ = m~
v [p] = kg m/s.
I p~ and ~
v have the same direction since m is a
positive, scalar quantity (i.e. no negative mass).
d p~ d d~
F~net = = (m~
v) = m = m~
dt dt dt
(this is how Newton expressed his 2nd law of motion, actually)
Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Linear momentum for a system of particles

X For a system of n particles, each with its own mass, velocity

and linear momentum where the particles can interact with
each other, and external forces act on them. The complete
system has a total linear momentum P: ~

P = ~1 + p
p ~3 + · · · + p
~2 + p ~n
= m1 ~
v1 + m2 ~ v3 + · · · + mn ~
v2 + m3 ~ vn

~ = M~
vcom (linear momentum, system of particles)

X The linear momentum of a system of particles is equal to the

product of the total mass M of the system and the velocity of
the center of mass.
dP d~
=M = M~
dt dt
~net = d P
(system of particles)

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions


At time t = 0, a ball is struck at ground level and sent

over level ground. The momentum (p) versus time (t)
during the ball’s flight is given in the figure, with
p0 = 6.0 kg m/s and p1 = 4.0 kg m/s. What is the
initial launch angle of the ball?

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions


The figure gives an overhead view of the path

taken by a 0.165 kg cue ball as it bounces
from a rail of a pool table. The ball’s initial
speed is 2.00 m/s and the angle θ1 = 30.0◦ .
The bounce reverses the y component of the
ball’s velocity but does not alter the x
component. What are (a) angle θ2 and (b) the
change in the ball’s linear momentum in
unit-vector notation? (The fact that the ball
rolls is irrelevant to the problem.)

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions


A shell is shot with an initial velocity v0 of 20 m/s at an angle of θ0 = 60◦ with

the horizontal. At the top of the trajectory, the shell explodes into two
fragments of equal mass. One fragment, whose speed immediately after the
explosion is zero, falls vertically. How far from the gun does the other fragment
land, assuming that the terrain is level and that air drag is negligible?

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Collision and impulse

I p
~ cannot change unless a net external force changes it.
I In a collision, the external force on the body is present for a very
short time (essentially instantaneously) and has a large
magnitude that alters p ~ suddenly.
I For a single collision, the particle (e.g. ball) experiences a force
F~ (t) that changes p~ of the particle.
I dp
~ = F~ (t)dt
Z pf Z tf
I ~=
dp F~ (t)dt and ∆~ ~i is the impulse, J~ of the
~f − p
pi ti
Z tf
I J~ = F~ (t)dt p = J~
(definition of impulse) (linear momentum-impulse theorem)

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Collision and impulse (con’t)

I Consider a steady stream of projectile bodies with identical mass m and linear momenta m~ v
moving along an x axis and colliding with a target body that is fixed in place.
I There are n projectiles that collide in a time interval ∆t that have an initial momentum p
I Each projectile experiences a change in momentum ∆~ p because of the collision: The total
change in linear momentum for n projectiles is n∆~p over ∆t.
I The resulting impulse on the target is J~ = −n∆~p (“−” since J~ and p
~ must have opposite
~ ~
directions). J = Favg ∆t, so
~avg = J = − n ∆~
F p=−
∆t ∆t ∆t
I Now, n/∆t is the rate that the projectiles collide with the target and ∆~
v the change in the
velocity of the projectiles...

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Collision and impulse (con’t)

I If the projectiles stop upon impact, then ∆~ v =~ vf − ~vi = 0 − ~v = −~

v (where ~
vi (≡ ~
v ) and
vf (= 0) are the velocities before and after collision, respectively.
I If the projectiles bounce or rebound directly backward from the target with no change in
velocity, than ~vf = −~ v and ∆~v =~vf − ~vi = −~ v −~ v = −2~ v.
I Since over a time interval ∆t an amount of mass ∆m = nm collides with the target, so that

~avg = − ∆m ∆~
F v

v = −~
where ∆~ v or −2~
v depending of the above situation (i.e. stop or rebound).

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions


In February 1955, a paratrooper fell 370 m from an airplane without being able
to open his chute but happened to land in snow, suffering only minor injuries.
Assume that his speed at impact was 56 m/s (terminal speed), that his mass
(including gear) was 85 kg, and that the magnitude of the force on him from
the snow was at the survivable limit of 1.2 × 105 N. What are (a) the minimum
depth of snow that would have stopped him safely and (b) the magnitude of
the impulse on him from the snow?

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions


In a common but dangerous prank, a chair is pulled away as a person is moving

downward to sit on it, causing the victim to land hard on the floor. Suppose
the victim falls by 0.50 m, the mass that moves downward is 70 kg, and the
collision on the floor lasts 0.082 s. What are the magnitude of the (a) impulse
and (b) average force acting on the victim from the floor during the collision?

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions


Basilisk lizards can run across the top of a water surface. With each step, a lizard first slaps its
foot against the water and then pushes it down into the water rapidly enough to form an air cavity
around the top of the foot. To avoid having to pull the foot back up against water drag in order to
complete the step, the lizard withdraws the foot before water can flow into the air cavity. If the
lizard is not to sink, the average upward impulse on the lizard during this full action of slap,
downward push, and withdrawal must match the downward impulse due to the gravitational force.
Suppose the mass of a basilisk lizard is 90.0 g, the mass of each foot is 3.00 g, the speed of a foot
as it slaps the water is 1.50 m/s, and the time for a single step is 0.600 s. (a) What is the
magnitude of the impulse on the lizard during the slap? (Assume this impulse is directly upward).
(b) During the 0.600 s duration of a step, what is the downward impulse on the lizard due to the
gravitational force? (c) Which action, the slap or the push, provides the primary support for the
lizard, or are they approximately equal in their support?

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Conservation of linear momentum

~net = 0 (→ J~ = 0) and the system is closed (no particles enter or
For an isolated system where F
leave), then d P/dt = 0 ⇒ P ~ =constant (closed isolated system)

~ of the system
If no net external force acts on a system of particles, the total linear momentum P
cannot change.
This is the
law of conservation of linear momentum:
~i = P
P ~f (closed, isolated system)

total linear momentum total linear momentum
at some initial time ti at some later time tf

(this is very powerful since we can figure out what happens from a collision without knowing the details of the collision, e.g. how much

damage was done)

Don’t confuse momentum with energy!

Momentum can be conserved and energy not conserved, and vice versa.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Conservation of linear momentum

reactiongliders 1
The video encyclopedia of physics demonstrations, R. Berg et al., Education Group & Associates (Los Angeles, CA), 2000.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Conservation of linear momentum

reactiongliders 2
The video encyclopedia of physics demonstrations, R. Berg et al., Education Group & Associates (Los Angeles, CA), 2000.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions


A stationary block explodes into two pieces, L and R, that slide across a
frictionless surface in opposite directions and then into regions with friction,
where they stop. Piece L, with a mass of 2.0 kg, encounters a coefficient of
kinetic friction µL = 0.40 and slides to a stop in distance dL = 0.15 m. Piece R
encounters a coefficient of kinetic friction µR = 0.50 and slides to a stop in
distance dR = 0.25 m. What was the mass of the block?

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Momentum and kinetic energy in collisions

I If the total kinetic energy of a system of two

colliding bodies is unchanged by the collision,
i.e. K is conserved then it is an elastic
I If the total kinetic energy of a system of two
colliding bodies results in the transfer of
energy (e.g. via sound or thermal energy), K
is not conserved, and it is an inelastic
I When bodies stick together after collision, it
is a completely inelastic collision.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Inelastic collisions in one dimension

total momentum P ~i total momentum P ~f
perfect inelastic collision =
before collision after collision tf

inelastic collision 8 p
~1i + p
~2i = p
~1f + p
(conservation of linear momentum)

8 In 1D, p = mv , so m1 v1i + m2 v2i = m1 v1f + m2 v2f

8 For a completely inelastic collision, the target is at rest,
so v2i = 0, and the projectile has velocity v1i .
8 Thus, m1 v1i = (m1 + m2 )V or
collision m1
V = v1i
m1 + m2

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Inelastic collisions in one dimension (con’t)

8 ~
vcom can’t be changed by a collision since
(with the system isolated) F~net,external = 0.
~ = M~
8 P vcom = (m1 + m2 )~
~ =p
8 P ~1i + p
~2i , so that
P ~1i + p
p ~2i
vcom = =
m1 + m2 m1 + m2

8 p
~1i + p
~2i and m1 + m2 are constant,
so ~
vcom is constant, too.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Inelastic collisions in one dimension (con’t)

Spring Punch
Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions


bulletthroughballistic gel
A 3.50 g bullet is fired horizontally at two blocks at rest on a frictionless table.
The bullet passes through block 1 (mass 1.20 kg) and embeds itself in block 2
(mass 1.80 kg). The blocks end up with speeds v1 = 0.630 m/s and
v2 = 1.40 m/s. Neglecting the material removed from block 1 by the bullet,
find the speed of the bullet as it (a) leaves and (b) enters block 1.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Elastic collisions in one dimension: stationary target
total kinetic energy total kinetic energy
before collision after collision

8 In an elastic collision, the K.E. of each colliding body may

change, but the total K.E. of the system does not change.
8 Head-on (stationary target) collision of mass m1 with v1i
perfect elastic collision
onto target mass m2 with v2i = 0.
m1 = m2 and vi2 = 0.
8 Assume two-body system is closed ⇒ net linear momentum
of the system conserved.
elastic collision 8 m1 v1i = m1 v1f + v2 v2f
(linear momentum)

8 m v2
2 1 1i
= 12 m1 v1f
2 + 1 m v2
2 2 2f
(kinetic energy)

8 So, from these two simultaneous equations, we have

m1 (v1i − v1f ) = m2 v2f , and using the relationship
a2 − b 2 = (a − b)(a + b) we have
m1 (v1i − v1f )(v1i + v1f ) = m2 v2f 2 and with some more
algebra (an exercise left for you to do) we find...

m1 − m2 2m1
v1f = v1i v2f = v1i
m1 + m2 m1 + m2
(m1 moves forward if m1 > m2 ; rebounds if m1 < m2 and v2f always positive → moves
Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Elastic collisions in one dimension: stationary target (con’t)

1 Equal masses:
m1 = m2 so that v1f = 0 and v2f = v1i (AKA the “pool-players result”).
2 Massive target:
m2  m1 so that
v1f ≈ −v1i and v2f ≈ v1i

3 Massive projectile:
m1  m2 so that v1f ≈ v1i and v2f ≈ 2v1i

m1 − m2
v1f = v1i
m1 + m2
v2f = v1i
m1 + m2

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Elastic collisions in one dimension: moving target

other types of perfect elastic collisions

8 For a moving target, conservation of linear momentum is m1 = 2m m2 = m.

described by m1 v1i + m2 v2i = m1 v1f + m2 v2f
8 and the conservation of K.E. is
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
2 m1 v1i + 2 m2 v2i = 2 m1 v1f + 2 m2 v2f .
8 Rewriting, we have m1 (v1i − v1f ) = −m2 (v2i − v2f ) and
elastic collision
m1 (v1i − v1f )(v1i + v1f ) = −m2 (v2i − v2f )(v2i + v2f ) and
after some algebra... m1 = m m2 = m
m1 − m2 2m2
v1f =
m1 + m2
v1i +
m1 + m2
elastic collision
2m1 m2 − m1
v2f = v1i + v2i (bottom panel is a collision with a moving
m1 + m2 m1 + m2
frame of reference)
(N.B. the assignments of the subscripts for mass 1 and 2 and the respective
velocities is entirely arbitrary - just stay consistent!)

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions


A steel ball of mass 0.500 kg is fastened to a cord that is 70.0 cm long and
fixed at the far end. The ball is then released when the cord is horizontal. At
the bottom of its path, the ball strikes a 2.50 kg steel block initially at rest on
a frictionless surface. The collision is elastic. Find (a) the speed of the ball and
(b) the speed of the block, both just after the collision.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Collisions in 2D

I The impulse between two bodies during a collision sets the directions
that they travel, especially when the collision is not head-on.
I For the special situation of a glancing collision, both K and p ~ are
conserved, the bodies won’t travel along any part of their initial
~1i + P~2i = P
~1f + P~2f (total linear momentum still conserved)
I and for an elastic collision K1i + K2i = K1f + K2f (total kinetic energy also
I where specifying the x and y components, we have:

m1 v1i = m1 v1f cos θ1 + m2 v2f cos θ2 x-axis

0 = −m1 v1f sin θ1 + m2 v2f sin θ2 y -axis

I Also, for the special situation of an elastic collision, we find:

1 2 1 2 1 2
m1 v1i = m1 v1f + m2 v2f
2 2 2

I so, if we know any four of the above seven quantities, we can solve
the three equations for the remaining quantities.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

CoM with systems having a varying mass

I Consider a rocket undergoing acceleration. Initially, it is full of fuel. However, its

thrust is from fuel that is burned and ejected from the engine – the rocket’s
mass changes as it accelerates. How do we deal with the changing mass?
I We solve this conundrum by considering the rocket and its ejected combustion
products together. The mass of this system does not change as the rocket

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

CoM with systems having a varying mass (cont’d)

CO2 rocket
The video encyclopedia of physics demonstrations, R. Berg et al., Education Group & Associates (Los Angeles, CA), 2000.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

CoM with systems having a varying mass (cont’d)

water rocket
The video encyclopedia of physics demonstrations, R. Berg et al., Education Group & Associates (Los Angeles, CA), 2000.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

CoM with systems having a varying mass (cont’d)

fire extinguisher wagon

The video encyclopedia of physics demonstrations, R. Berg et al., Education Group & Associates (Los Angeles, CA), 2000.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

CoM with systems having a varying mass (cont’d)

1 Assume we are at rest with respect to an inertial reference frame (e.g. rocket in
deep space w/out gravity, or atmospheric drag), with m and v the rocket’s mass
and velocity, respectively. So, pi = mv .
2 For an infinitesimal time dt, the rocket is burning an amount of fuel dmg in the
direction opposite to travel (i.e. providing thrust), and that exhaust gas as a
velocity (v − u). The rocket’s total mass decreases by dmg and velocity
increases by dv , resulting in a final momentum
pf = procket + pgas = (m − dmg )(v + dv ) + dmg (v − u).
3 Since pi = pf , then
mv = (m − dmg )(v + dv ) = dmg (v − u) = dmg dv + dmg u.
4 Now, dmg and dv are infinitesimal, so dmg dv is doubly infinitesimal (,), so we
can neglect that first term and have mv = dmg u.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

CoM with systems having a varying mass (cont’d)

5 Now, we realize that the mass used up for thrust (exhaust gas) is removed from
the rocket, so dmg = −dm, and this tells from our above calculations that
m dv = −dm u ⇒ dv = −u .
6 So, from this expression we can determine how much velocity the rocket has
increased by when its mass went from m0 to m:
Z v Z m m 
dm 0
dv = −u ⇒ v − vi = ∆v = u ln , the Rocket equation.
vi m0 m m

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions


Two ships are moving in the same direction in calm water, one with a speed of
10 km/h and the other with a speed of 20 km/h. While they are passing each
other, coal is shoveled from the slower to the faster one at a rate of
1000 kg/min. How much additional force must be provided by the driving
engines of (a) the faster barge and (b) the slower barge if neither is to change
speed? Assume that the shoveling is always perfectly sideways and that the
frictional forces between the barges and the water do not depend on the mass
of the barges.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions


Consider a rocket that is in deep space and at rest relative to an inertial

reference frame. The rocket’s engine is to be fired for a certain interval. What
must be the rocket’s mass ratio (ratio of initial to final mass) over that interval
if the rocket’s original speed relative to the inertial frame is to be equal to (a)
the exhaust speed (speed of the exhaust products relative to the rocket) and
(b) 2.0 times the exhaust speed?

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions


A 0.25 kg puck is initially stationary on an ice surface with negligible friction.

At time t = 0, a horizontal force begins to move the puck. The force is given
by F~ = (12.0 − 3.00t 2 )i,
ˆ with F~ in Newtons and t in seconds, and it acts until
its magnitude is zero.
a) What is the magnitude of the impulse on the puck from the force between
t = 0.500 s and t = 1.25 s?
b) What is the change in momentum of the puck between t = 0 and the
instant at which F = 0?

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions


A 91 kg man lying on a surface of negligible friction shoves a 68 g stone away

from himself, giving it a speed of 4.0 m/s. What speed does the man acquire
as a result?

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions


A 6090 kg space probe moving nose-first toward Jupiter at 105 m/s relative to
the Sun fires its rocket engine, ejecting 80.0 kg of exhaust at a speed of
253 m/s relative to the space probe. What is the final velocity of the probe?

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions


A rocket that is in deep space and initially at rest relative to an inertial

reference frame, has a mass of 2.55 × 105 kg, of which 1.81 × 105 kg is fuel.
The rocket engine is then fired for 250 s while fuel is consumed at the rate of
480 kg/s. The speed of the exhaust products relative to the rocket is
3.27 km/s. (a) What is the rocket’s thrust? After the 250 s firing, what are (b)
the mass and (c) the speed of the rocket?

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

Summary and forecast

X Centre of Mass: ~
rcom = 1
M i=1 ri and F~net = M~
mi ~ acom
X Linear momentum & Newton’s 2nd law: p ~ = m~v , F~net = d p
~/dt, and for a
system of particles, P = M~ ~ ~
vcom and Fnet = d P/dt
X Collision and impulse: δ~ ~ J~ = tf F~ (t)dt.
p = J, t i

X Conservation of linear momentum: P ~ = constant (closed, isolated system), so

~i = P
P ~ f (law of conservation of linear momentum).
X Inelastic collision in 1D: p
~1i + p
~2i = p
~1f + p
~2f .
X Motion of the CoM: The centre of mass of a closed, isolated system of two
colliding bodies is not affected by a collision. ~
vcom cannot be changed by the
X Elastic collisions (1D): An elastic collision is a special type of collision where the
kinetic energy of a system of colliding bodies is conserved. Also, if the system is
closed and isolated, linear momentum is conserved.
X Collisions in 2D: P~ 1i + P
~ 2i = P
~ 1f + P
~ 2f and K1i + K2i = K1f + K2f .

X Variable mass systems: ∆v = u ln mm0 for a rocket.
I Problems to try: as much as you can in chapter 9...
I Read ahead on Rotation: Sections 10-1 and 10-2.

Johan van Lierop PHYS1050 Chapter 9 Linear momentum and collisions

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