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-is a functional, not final version of
a product or service that businesses
can use for testing, to solicit
feedback, and to introduce to
investors before officially launching
to a wider market.
Step 1. Document It

This is the first step to patenting the idea and keeping

it from being stolen. Write the idea down in an
inventor’s journal and have it signed by a witness.

for Licensing Step 2. Research It

The company will need to research the idea from a legal and
business standpoint. Before to file a patent, one should:
*Complete an initial patent search.
*Research your market.
Step 3. Make a Prototype
Here are some general rules of
thumb when prototyping invention:
 Begin with a drawing, sketch out all of the ideas
into inventor’s journal.

 Create a concept mockup out of any material

that will allow one to create a 3-D model of the

 Create a full-working model of the idea; consider

using a computer-animated virtual prototype.
Step 4. File a Patent
There are two main
patents to choose from:
1. Utility patent-(for new
processes or machines)
2. Design patent- (for
manufacturing new, non-obvious
ornamental designs).
Advantages of Prototype
1. It tests and refines the
functionality of the design.
2. It makes it possible to test
the performance of various
3. It will help you describe your
product more effectively.
4. It will encourage others to
take it more seriously.
Create a thorough record of the invention.
1. Record the process of inventing the
2. Keep records of the research showing
that no similar patented products in the same
3. Consider the commercial sales of value of
the invention.
4. Create an informal drawing of the
Making Invention a Reality
1. Create a prototype.

2. Create a presentation.

3.Present an invention to a

4. Produce your invention

5. Advertise you invention

Learning Task 5:
As student entrepreneur, create a prototype for
the following products, choose one only.
Print the picture of your chosen product in short
bond paper.

1. Non-food

2. Food

3. Apparel.

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