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who question 4 Modals: can, could, may, might, must, shall, should,

will, would, ought to, used to

1. Who?
2. Whom?
3. Whose? examples of questions, affirmative answers, and negative answers for
4. What? each WH question:
5. Which? 1. **Who?**
6. When? - Question: Who is coming to the party?
7. Where? - Affirmative Answer: John is coming to the party.
8. Why? - Negative Answer: Nobody is coming to the party.
9. How? 2. **Whom?**
10. How many? - Question: Whom did you invite to the wedding?
11. How much? - Affirmative Answer: I invited Sarah to the wedding.
12. How often? - Negative Answer: I did not invite anyone to the wedding.
13. How long? 3. **Whose?**
14. How far? - Question: Whose car is parked in front of the house?
15. How old? - Affirmative Answer: It's Tom's car parked in front of the house.
16. How come? - Negative Answer: There is no car parked in front of the house.
4. **What?**
- Question: What is your favorite color?
- Affirmative Answer: My favorite color is blue.
helping verb - Negative Answer: I don't have a favorite color.
5. **Which?**
1. To be: am, is, are, was, were, being, been - Question: Which book do you want to read?
2. To have: has, have, had - Affirmative Answer: I want to read "Harry Potter."
3. To do: do, does, did - Negative Answer: I don't want to read any book right now.
6. **When?** - Question: How often do you go to the gym?
- Question: When is the next meeting scheduled? - Affirmative Answer: I go to the gym three times a week.
- Affirmative Answer: The next meeting is scheduled for Monday. - Negative Answer: I never go to the gym.
- Negative Answer: There is no meeting scheduled. 13. **How long?**
7. **Where?** - Question: How long is the movie?
- Question: Where did you put the keys? - Affirmative Answer: The movie is two hours long.
- Affirmative Answer: I put the keys on the kitchen counter. - Negative Answer: The movie isn't long; it's only 90 minutes.
- Negative Answer: I haven't put the keys anywhere yet. 14. **How far?**
8. **Why?** - Question: How far is the airport from here?
- Question: Why are you late? - Affirmative Answer: The airport is 10 miles away.
- Affirmative Answer: I'm late because of traffic. - Negative Answer: The airport isn't far; it's just around the corner.
- Negative Answer: I'm not late; I arrived on time. 15. **How old?**
9. **How?** - Question: How old is your sister?
- Question: How did you solve the math problem? - Affirmative Answer: My sister is 25 years old.
- Affirmative Answer: I solved the math problem by using the - Negative Answer: My sister isn't old; she's young.
formula. 16. **How come?**
- Negative Answer: I haven't solved the math problem yet. - Question: How come you didn't attend the meeting?
10. **How many?** - Affirmative Answer: I didn't attend the meeting because I had a
- Question: How many apples are in the basket? doctor's appointment.
- Affirmative Answer: There are five apples in the basket. - Negative Answer: I did attend the meeting.
- Negative Answer: There are no apples in the basket.
11. **How much?** examples of questions, affirmative answers, and negative answers for
- Question: How much does the shirt cost? each helping verb:
- Affirmative Answer: The shirt costs $20. 1. **Could**:
- Negative Answer: The shirt doesn't cost anything; it's free. - Question: Could you help me with this problem?
12. **How often?** - Affirmative Answer: Yes, I could help you with this problem.
- Negative Answer: No, I could not help you with this problem. - Affirmative Answer: Yes, you should call the doctor.
2. **May**: - Negative Answer: No, you should not call the doctor.
- Question: May I borrow your book? 7. **Will**:
- Affirmative Answer: Yes, you may borrow my book. - Question: Will she attend the meeting tomorrow?
- Negative Answer: No, you may not borrow my book. - Affirmative Answer: Yes, she will attend the meeting tomorrow.
3. **Might**: - Negative Answer: No, she will not attend the meeting tomorrow.
- Question: Might it rain later today? 8. **Would**:
- Affirmative Answer: Yes, it might rain later today. - Question: Would you like some tea?
- Negative Answer: No, it might not rain later today. - Affirmative Answer: Yes, I would like some tea.
4. **Must**: - Negative Answer: No, I would not like some tea.
- Question: Must I submit the assignment by tomorrow?
- Affirmative Answer: Yes, you must submit the assignment by 9. **Ought to**:
tomorrow. - Question: Ought I to apologize for my mistake?
- Negative Answer: No, you must not submit the assignment by - Affirmative Answer: Yes, you ought to apologize for your mistake.
tomorrow. - Negative Answer: No, you ought not to apologize for your mistake.
5. **Shall**: 10. **Used to**:
- Question: Shall we go for a walk? - Question: Used you to play soccer when you were younger?
- Affirmative Answer: Yes, we shall go for a walk. - Affirmative Answer: Yes, I used to play soccer when I was
- Negative Answer: No, we shall not go for a walk. younger.
6. **Should**: - Negative Answer: No, I did not use to play soccer when I was
- Question: Should I call the doctor? younger.
Adj ordering
1. Determiners and Quantifiers: These are words that specify the quantity or identify the noun.
• Example: a, an, the, my, your, some, many, few, several
2. Observation or Opinion: Adjectives expressing opinions or observations about the noun.
• Example: beautiful, ugly, delicious, comfortable, interesting
3. Size: Adjectives indicating the size or dimensions of the noun.
• Example: small, large, tiny, massive, gigantic
4. Age: Adjectives denoting the age of the noun.
• Example: old, young, ancient, modern, new
5. Shape: Adjectives describing the shape of the noun.
• Example: round, square, triangular, oval, cylindrical
6. Color: Adjectives specifying the color of the noun.
• Example: red, blue, green, yellow, black
7. Origin or Nationality: Adjectives indicating the origin or nationality of the noun.
• Example: Italian, American, Chinese, African, European
8. Material: Adjectives describing the material or substance of which the noun is made.
• Example: wooden, metal, plastic, cotton, glass
9. Qualifier or Purpose: Adjectives providing additional information or specifying the purpose of the noun.
• Example: wedding (as in “wedding cake”), swimming (as in “swimming pool”),
1. Be, was/were, been - อยู่ 16. Use, used, used - ใช้
2. Have, had, had - มี 17. Find, found, found - พบ
3. Do, did, done - ทำ 18. Tell, told, told - บอก
4. Say, said, said - พูด 19. Ask, asked, asked - ถาม
5. Get, got, got/gotten - ได้รับ 20. Work, worked, worked - ทำงาน
6. Make, made, made - ทำ 21. Seem, seemed, seemed - ดูเหมือน
7. Go, went, gone - ไป 22. Feel, felt, felt - รู้สึก
8. Know, knew, known - รู้ 23. Try, tried, tried - พยายาม
9. Take, took, taken - นำ 24. Leave, left, left - ออกจาก
10. See, saw, seen - เห็น 25. Call, called, called - เรียก
11. Come, came, come - มา 26. May, might, might - อาจ
12. Think, thought, thought - คิด 27. Need, needed, needed - ต้องการ
13. Look, looked, looked - มอง 28. Should, should, should - ควร
14. Want, wanted, wanted - ต้องการ 29. Like, liked, liked - ชอบ
15. Give, gave, given - ให้ 30. Would, would, would - จะ
31. Study, studied, studied - ศึกษา 46. Wait, waited, waited - รอ
32. Play, played, played - เล่น 47. Eat, ate, eaten - กิน
33. Write, wrote, written - เขียน 48. Drink, drank, drunk - ดื่ม
34. Run, ran, run - วิ่ง 49. Sleep, slept, slept - นอน
35. Move, moved, moved - ย้าย 50. Dream, dreamed/dreamt, dreamed/dreamt - ฝัน
36. Read, read, read - อ่าน 51. Remember, remembered, remembered - จำ
37. Change, changed, changed - เปลี่ยน 52. Forget, forgot, forgotten - ลืม
38. Hand, handed, handed - ส่ง 53. Open, opened, opened - เปิด
39. Cause, caused, caused - ทำให้เกิด 54. Close, closed, closed - ปิ ด
40. Keep, kept, kept - รักษา 55. Cook, cooked, cooked - ทำอาหาร
41. Believe, believed, believed - เชื่อ 56. Clean, cleaned, cleaned - ทำความสะอาด
42. Feel, felt, felt - รู้สึก 57. Wash, washed, washed - ล้าง
43. Help, helped, helped - ช่วย 58. Brush, brushed, brushed - แปรง
44. Show, showed, shown - แสดง 59. Drive, drove, driven - ขับ
45. Study, studied, studied - ศึกษา 60. Fly, flew, flown - บิน
61. Swim, swam, swum - ว่ายน้ำ 76. Lend, lent, lent - ให้ยืม
62. Dance, danced, danced - เต้นรำ 77. Win, won, won - ชนะ
63. Sing, sang, sung - ร้องเพลง 78. Lose, lost, lost - แพ้
64. Paint, painted, painted - วาดรูป 79. Save, saved, saved - บันทึก
65. Draw, drew, drawn - วาด 80. Spend, spent, spent - ใช้จ่าย
66. Build, built, built - สร้าง 81. Travel, traveled, traveled - เดินทาง
67. Repair, repaired, repaired - ซ่อม 82. Visit, visited, visited - เยี่ยมชม
68. Plant, planted, planted - ปลูก 83. Cook, cooked, cooked - ทำอาหาร
69. Grow, grew, grown - เติบโต 84. Read, read, read - อ่าน
70. Cut, cut, cut - ตัด 85. Sleep, slept, slept - นอน
71. Hurt, hurt, hurt - ทำให้เจ็บ 86. Dream, dreamed/dreamt, dreamed/dreamt - ฝัน
72. Heal, healed, healed - รักษา 87. Remember, remembered, remembered - จำ
73. Buy, bought, bought - ซื้อ 88. Forget, forgot, forgotten - ลืม
74. Sell, sold, sold - ขาย 89. Clean, cleaned, cleaned - ทำความสะอาด
75. Borrow, borrowed, borrowed - ยืม 90. Wash, washed, washed - ล้าง
91. Brush, brushed, brushed - แปรง 96. Sing, sang, sung - ร้องเพลง
92. Drive, drove, driven - ขับ 97. Paint, painted, painted - วาดรูป
93. Fly, flew, flown - บิน 98. Draw, drew, drawn - วาด
94. Swim, swam, swum - ว่ายน้ำ 99. Build, built, built - สร้าง
95. Dance, danced, danced - เต้นรำ 100. Repair, repaired, repaired - ซ่อม

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