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Winter 2024

PHYSICAL EDUCATION 109-102-MQ section 51
Course Weighting (0-2-1)

1 TEACHER INFORMATION - Department of Physical Education

Name: Angela Corinthios Office: 3H.9 tel: 931-8731 ext.4747;
Office Hours: By appointment: Mondays 2-4pm, Wednesdays 10am-12pm and 2-3pm
Teacher accessibility: Please contact me through MIO (see Course Management System below). Note: I will
respond to a MIO message within a maximum of 5 working days.

Student problems which are explained immediately by contacting the teacher are more readily solvable than those presented at the last
minute, or after the fact.
Course Management System – MIO/Omnivox/LEA
Access your courses, including documents, assignments, announcements, and grades under “My Online Classroom”
(Dawson Portal ►OMNIVOX ►LEA) on the left side of the page. Also, send and receive messages via MIO
(Messages in Omnivox). Please check MIO messages regularly (notification can be forwarded to your e-mail inbox).

Communication through MIO/Omnivox (or by E-mail):

Electronic Etiquette:
1. State a subject (the course name is a good idea).
2. Start your message by addressing the person with a “Hello” or “Dear” Mrs Corinthios or Angela.
3. Inform me who you are: full name, course title, day & time of course.
4. Keep the messages formal and professional. Sign off with your name.
5. Check your spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.
6. Rule of thumb is to reply to messages within 24 to 48 hours (see note above, under ‘Teacher Accessibility’).

COURSE DROP DEADLINE: The last day to change this course for another is Monday February 5th, 2024.
The last day to withdraw from this course is Wednesday February 14th, 2024.

2.1 Description
This course is designed to provide each student with the knowledge and tools necessary to be an effective
learner of skills and a successful participant in Soccer. Each student will assess their abilities and attitudes and
formulate appropriate personal objectives when practicing Soccer.

2.2 Course Content

The student will:  Identify and implement strategies for success,
 Assess current abilities and attitudes relative to including:
optimal performance including the: - progressions/drills
- physical aspects - motivational strategies
- cognitive / attitudinal aspects - technical skills within tactical strategies
- technical/tactical aspects - safety considerations
 Set personal goals - evaluation strategies
 Demonstrate improvement in abilities and attitudes
towards soccer

Improve one’s effectiveness when practicing a physical activity (Soccer).
4.1 Plan an approach to improve one’s effectiveness when practicing a physical activity
 Initial assessment of one’s abilities and attitudes when practicing a physical activity

Department of Physical Education – A.Corinthios 109-102-MQ 1

Winter 2024
 Statement of one’s expectations and needs with respect to the ability to practice the activity
 Appropriate formulation of personal objectives
 Appropriate choice of the means to achieve one’s objectives
 Use of clear reasoning to explain the choice of physical activity
4.2 Use a planned approach to improve one’s effectiveness when practicing a physical activity
 Respect for the rules and regulations of the physical activity
 Respect for codes of ethics, safety rules and regulations when being physically active
 Appropriate use of strategies for the quantitative and qualitative evaluation of one’s motor skills
 Periodic assessment of one’s abilities and attitudes when practicing a physical activity
 Meaningful interpretation of progress made and the difficulties encountered in the practice of physical
 Pertinent, periodic and proper adjustments of one’s objectives or means
 Appreciable improvement in one’s motor skills, techniques or complex strategies required by the
physical activity
5.1 Assessment Tools
Assessment Tools Competency Element Week Due Value
1. Current Abilities assignment 1 4 15%
2. Goal Setting assignment 1 6 20%
3. Goal reflection worksheet 2 9 5%
4. Demonstration of Improvement and of S.M.A.R.T 1,2 13 20%
5. Class Participation 1,2 ongoing 40%

Required format for assignment submission: All assignments must be typed, using size 12 Times New Roman
font and double spaced. They must be submitted in Word format if uploaded into the ‘assignments’ section of Lea
OR submitted hard copy, TBD depending on the assignment posted in LEA. Do not include a cover page.
Note: The student must keep all assignments until final grades are posted.
Participation criteria: prepared and punctual. Participates in a manner conducive to the course
competency and its elements; focused on goals, on task, engaged in a manner that promotes health and
improvement in soccer skills (from entering the gym, to warm up, to drills and games and cool down you are
trying your best, to the best of your own personal abilities), ethical and cooperative, engages safely and
positively with respect to self (on time and actively participating in warmup, exercises, games), of others
(sportspersonship), the equipment (helping with and taking care of), the space, and the rules (of the class).
As well, doing your personal best to be ‘generous’ with others: looking to pass to everyone, encouraging to
teammates, respectful with opposition, and playing up offensively and back defensively as a team, being a
passing option to nearby teammates.
If you do not meet the participation criteria specified you will not be considered present for that portion of the
class. Activities scheduled for evaluation during class time cannot be made up without a valid reason.

5.2 Evaluation Policy

A minimum final grade of 60% is required to pass this course; however, the student must
demonstrate a satisfactory understanding (60) of each element of competency in order to receive a
passing grade for the course. The maximum possible course grade that can be achieved when the
following conditions are not satisfied will be 50%.
Evaluations that must be successfully attained to fulfill the Summative assessment policy are:
 Attendance requirement (see Attendance Policy 5.5)
 Class participation criteria (min. 60%)
 Demonstration of Improvement and S.M.A.R.T. final assignment (min. 60%)

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Winter 2024

5.3 Re-submission Policy

If a student fails a written assignment that would result in failing an element of competency, the
student may re-submit work. Students who fail an element of competency must re-submit
unsatisfactory work at a passing standard to be eligible to receive a passing grade for this course. The
original corrected work must be attached to the re-submit. Note that your original grade will not
change but you will be eligible to pass the course. There is no limit to the number of re-submissions.
All re-submissions must be submitted to the teacher within 10 days of the returned failed assignment.

5.4 Late Assignment Policy

Assignments are due at the start of the class on the date due. Marks will be deducted for late
assignments: a 5% deduction for every day late (i.e.: do not wait until the next class to submit).

5.5 Attendance Policy:

5.5.1 Required Hours:
Students are required to complete 26 hours of course time. If the attendance requirement is not achieved, the
student will receive a maximum grade of 50%. Non-attendance for any reason, including medical issues and
religious holidays, is considered an absence (Please see anticipated absences in sections 8.4 and 8.5). It is the
student’s responsibility to verify their attendance in each class.
Students are responsible for ALL class material missed if absent. Students must arrange to remain up-to-date
on missed information

5.5.2 Class Make-up Policy:

Students who, for valid reasons, cannot fulfil the minimum attendance requirement may, at the discretion
of the teacher, be eligible for a make-up class(es). Students should contact the teacher before or
immediately following the absence. It is the student’s responsibility to fulfil the requirements of the
alternate arrangement.

5.5.3 Lateness Policy:

Lateness is defined as not being present and dressed to participate when attendance is taken at the beginning
of each class. Punctuality is a component of attendance and class participation; therefore, lateness, chronic
lateness and/or early departures may lead to course failure (see attendance requirement, 5.5.1). Lateness and
early departures count toward absence time. Students who accumulate a total of 1h45mins of missed class
time will have the equivalent of an absence. Students must be dressed and ready to participate at the
beginning of each class for a complete and safe class participation. Note that more than 4 lates is considered
as chronic lateness, which may also lead to an absence.


Each student must:
 Come to class with a pen or pencil - as of the first class
 Come to class dressed appropriately for physical activity (shorts/sweats/tights, comfortable t-shirt. **Running
shoes. Elastic for long hair) – by the first class. (**indoor soccer shoes are recommended but not required).
 Read any course information posted on Lea (ie: The Principle of S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting, in ‘Documents’;
Soccer rules and regulations)

7.1 Teaching Methods and Learning Activities
 Group discussions
 Self-Analysis/Assessment
 Goal setting, goal practice
 Assignments
 Activity sessions, practice and game sessions

Department of Physical Education – A.Corinthios 109-102-MQ 3

Winter 2024

7.2 Tentative Schedule of Course Content

1 Introduction, Outline; Bring your phone to 8 Work on goals; review Goal reflection Worksheet due class
workout; review/care of classes 2 and 3. FIFA rules and practice 9
equipment; icebreaker – in game play.
4v4 mini games
2 Skill testing: dribbling, ball Bring phone to 9 Work on goals,
control, passing, shooting class3. re-test/check-in DUE: Goal reflection Worksheet
+ video recording. Current Abilities
assignment due class
3 Skill testing (continued, if Current Abilities 10 Goals practice; throw-
necessary); intro to Assignment due ins, corner kicks, goal
some FIFA rules; game class 4 kicks
play – self-assessment
4 Practice skills that were Review FIFA rules in 11 Goals practice; Bring your phone to class 12
tested; SMART goals; link posted on LEA. Improving your mental
Some FIFA rules and Read SMART doc, potential; visualization
game play posted in LEA.
DUE: Assign#1 (CA)
5 SMART Goal Setting; HW: Goal Setting 12 Skill re-assessment + HW: Demonstration of Improvement
Review skills and assignment due class video-recording assignment due class 13
technique and practice. 6
6 Work on goal drills; DUE: Assign #2 (GS) 13 Game play Due: Demo of Improvement assignme
introduce offence strategy
7 Work on goals; introduce Read FIFA rules (see 14 Game play
defensive strategy link in LEA)
Wrap up + games

8 College Policies:
8.1 ISEP Statement:
Dawson College is committed to maintaining standards of academic excellence and promoting equitable and
effective evaluation of student learning. The Institutional Student Evaluation Policy (ISEP) outlines the roles and
responsibilities of students, teachers and administrators with regard to student evaluation, and sets out the rules
about assessment, grades and academic standing. ISEP is available on the Dawson website. (Link)
8.2 Student Conduct
“Everyone has the right to a safe and non-violent environment. Students are obliged to conduct themselves as
stated in the Student Code of Conduct and in the ISEP section on the roles and responsibilities of students” (ISEP
section II – D).
8.3 Attendance Policy:
“Students should refer to the Institutional Student Evaluation Policy (Section IV-C) regarding attendance”, and
course outline section 5.5.
8.4 Policy on Religious Observances:
Students observing religious holidays must inform each of their teachers, in writing, of the specific dates as soon
as possible, but no later than the end of the second week of classes. This applies both to the semester or term, as
well as to any final examination period. As prescribed in the ISEP Policy on Religious Observances. (ISEP
Section IV-D)

Department of Physical Education – A.Corinthios 109-102-MQ 4

Winter 2024
8.5 Intensive Course Conflicts:
“If a student is attending an intensive course, the student must inform the teacher, within the first two weeks of
class, of the specific dates of any anticipated absences.” (ISEP Section IV-A.10)

8.6 Authorized Absences:

A situation may arise during the semester, after the official course drop deadline, which makes it impossible for a
student to fulfill the attendance requirement of the physical education course. In situations which prevent the
student from attending classes for three consecutive classes, it may be possible to drop a course by applying to the
registrar for an authorized absence (IN). Supporting documentation from an independent medical professional
must be submitted as part of the student’s request and it is up to the registrar to decide whether to grant the
student’s request based on criteria provided by MELS. Situations other than medical will also be considered in
exceptional cases for grave and serious reasons. Students should submit the request by the last day of classes but
all information and requirements related to authorized absence should be verified with the registrar’s office
(2D.6) as soon as possible. Students who have withdrawn from a course in this manner must still complete the
required three courses and these courses remain on their official transcript with the appropriate notation.

8.7 Academic Integrity Policy:

Cheating and plagiarism are serious academic offences. Students who engage in an act of cheating or plagiarism
(either copying someone’s work or allowing their work to be copied) will be penalized. According to the ISEP,
“Every instance of cheating or plagiarism leading to a resolution that impacts on a student’s grade must be
reported, with explanation, in writing to the appropriate Dean”. (ISEP Section V-C). Expulsion from the college,
failure of the course, 0 grade for the assignment, mark penalties, extra work, etc. are all possible outcomes
depending on the specific details of the offence.

8.8 Literacy Standards:

Literacy is a component of success in all areas of curriculum. Grades on all oral and written assignments as well
as theoretical exams will reflect the student's ability to comprehend and properly use English. The teacher has the
right to deduct marks or not accept work with improper use of English.
9 Other
9.1 Risks and Hazards Statement:
Students should be aware that there are inherent risks associated with any physical activity and should take any
precautions necessary to minimize those risks. Any student who needs to leave an ongoing class must give
notice to the teacher verbally prior to the departure in order to ensure the safety and security of all students.
Students should be knowledgeable about and follow current government health and safety guidelines related to
the pandemic in the practice of their physical activities

9.2 Facility Procedures: (PARC)

Students are required to leave all personal items in the locker rooms located beside the PARC control
centre. Students should bring their own locks. There are locks for rent at the PARC desk.

9.3 Electronic policy: Any electronic device that occupies the attention of a student during course
sessions has the possibility of impacting on the safety of the student and/or the class. No electronic
devices are permitted in physical education class, unless specified by the teacher. Failure to comply
with this policy may result in loss of participation marks and you will be asked to go to your locker to
put these items away and will be considered absent from class during that time.
9.4 Class Organization:
Make sure that you eat a snack or meal before class (at least 1 hour before).
NO food/gum/drink (other than water) is permitted in the gymnasium. You will be asked to go to your locker to
put these items away and will be considered absent from class during that time.
You may bring your own water bottle to class.
Disinfect your hands upon entering and leaving the gymnasiums.
Each class is 1h45mins. Work hard and have fun! Feel free to wear your favourite soccer jersey to class!

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