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Study Design:
The study is a descriptive cross-sectional questionnaire-based study aimed at
assessing public knowledge and awareness of complications associated with neck
manipulations in the Aseer Region. During the periods from May 2024 to June 2024.

Study Population:
The target sample in this study is the general population of the Aseer Region.

Inclusion Criteria:
1. Residents of the Aseer Region.
2. Aged 18 years and older.
3. Willingness to participate in the study.
4. Completion of the questionnaire.
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Non-residents of the Aseer Region.
2. Individuals under the age of 18.
3. Incomplete questionnaire submissions.
4. Refusal to participate in the study.

Sampling Technique and Sample Size:

Convenience sampling will be utilized to select participants for this study. The sample
size has been calculated using Epi-info software, version With a confidence
level (CI) of 95% and margin of error of 5%, and an expected frequency of 50%, the
estimated sample size is 383 participants.

Data collection and method

We will employ a self-administered survey containing validated questionnaire items for
data collection. Prior to participation, individuals will be required to provide informed
consent. The questionnaire will encompass sociodemographic details such as age,
gender, marital status, education level, and employment status. Additionally, it will
assess awareness regarding knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs concerning
complications associated with neck maneuvers.

Data and Statistical analysis plan

Statistical analysis will be conducted using appropriate techniques to examine public
knowledge and awareness of neck manipulation complications. Descriptive statistics will
be used to summarize sociodemographic characteristics of the sample. Inferential
statistics, such as chi-square tests, will be employed to explore associations between
sociodemographic variables and awareness levels.
Ethical consideration
Ethical approval will be sought from the relevant institutional review board before
commencing the study. The research will adhere strictly to ethical principles, ensuring
participant confidentiality, voluntary participation, and informed consent. All collected
data will be handled with confidentiality and privacy in mind, and participants will have
the right to withdraw from the study at any time without consequence

Access to the internet is important for our study. Despite our best efforts, we cannot
guarantee participation from the whole target demographic.
Self-reported data is susceptible to recall bias or social desirability bias, which can
result in responses that are inaccurate or biased.

This study will be carried out at the full expense of the researchers.

- Proposal development: April 2024
- Ethical approval: April-May 2024
- Data collection: May-June 2024
- Data Analysis: June 2024
- Abstract writing and presenting it at national conferences: June-July 2024
- Manuscript writing: July 2024
- Submission: August-September 2024
It will take 5 to 6 months after we receive approval from the ethical committee.


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