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Araceli Padilla


Be Educated Now and The Importance of It

The biggest thing that anyone can tell you is being educated when it comes to any topic

but specifically with topics that can really impact you. For example being able to understand and

be educated on sexual abuse on the signs and even how to help someone because it can be very

dark time for victims. However, what educated means is that according to Bartleby it states,

“Being educated is someone who has critical thinking skills, and the

willingness to learn.” Meaning how through being educated you are

able to use that knowledge with something bigger with that information

and even being able to spread that information.

Well according to the National Institute of Health it states, “Educational programs to

teach children how to protect themselves from sexual abuse can significally reduce the rate of

rape and abuse among children.” Through these educational programs this creates for children

and teens to be able to understand what are the signs and isn’t just

complete confusion, however, this is something that should be more

around for them because according to Penn GSE states, “The National

Youth Victimization Prevention Study found that 67 percent of youth

experienced some form of abuse prevention education at school.”

However, that is not enough of students getting educated on

sexual abuse which the amount of cases that are reported each year on

sexual abuse is 463,634 cases reported each year by the average! In an

interview with a highschool student Mia Perez when she was asked if in school she was ever

taught about sexual abuse she stated, “Now that I think about it, I never even heard about it till I

heard about it once I was in middle school and it wasnt from and educational program.” It's

crazier to think about how she didn’t even think about how she didn’t hear about sexual abuse till

she was in middle school. Later on she stated, “ I actually didn’t know

much till one of my clubs hosted a group from the Rape Recovery Center

and thats where I learned everything and was able to actually get some

knowledge on sexual abuse and how there are signs as well how you

should treat a victim when they come to you.” Perez is one of the few

who have actually been educated through high school and even more

actually has a good education and information on the signs and even

more how to treat a victim as well with how to be sensible and the

biggest thing that comes is believing them due to how it takes time for victims to be able to tell

close people and have a supportive person on their side.

Furthermore, there are many ways to be able to be there for a survivor and according to

Government of Newfoundland and Labrador it states, Some tips to be be there for a friend or

victim are “express care and concern, believe them, give them the time and space that they need,

let them know they are going through this alone, encourage immediate medical attention, and

maintain confidentiality.” Through this list you are able to be there for the survivor but trying to

keep it positive for them because of how dark and hard due to how it

being something that doesn't get over with in just a week but takes time

to heal don’t rush it help them take all the time they need and not

letting them get rushed in the process.

In Conclusion, there are many factors that come with being educated on sexual

abuse but neitherless how to help a victim that is someone who is very close to someone who has

had to deal with such a tragic moment. Where for you is hard but for a survivor is something that

is much harder and sometimes people expect them to just get over it in a couple of days, when in

reality it's more than a couple of days even weeks. Needing a moment where someone doesn’t

feel like they are being judged helps with the process of healing. So make sure that you go out

and get educated on sexual abuse on the signs of prevention and being there for someone who is

a survior.

Work Cited

● What does it mean to be educated - 814 words | Bartleby. (n.d.-b).


● Significance of Knowledge in Children on Self-Protection of Sexual Abuse - (n.d-b)


● Educating for the Prevention of Sexual Abuse: An Investigation of School-Based

Programs for High School Students and their Applicability to Urban Schools | Penn GSE

Perspectives on Urban Education. (n.d.).



● Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN. (n.d.).


● Tips to Help a Friend Who Has been Sexually Assaulted - Violence Prevention Initiative.

(2018, August 17). Violence Prevention Initiative.


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