3.4.4 Lab - Research Networking Standards

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Lab - Research Networking Standards

 Research Networking Standards Organizations
 Reflect on Internet and Computer Networking Experiences

Background / Scenario
Using web search engines like Google, research the non-profit organizations that are responsible for
establishing international standards for the internet and the development of internet technologies.

Required Resources
Device with internet access


Step 1: Research Networking Standards Organizations

In this step, you will identify some of the major standards organizations and important
characteristics, such as the number of years in existence, the size of their membership, the important
historical figures, some of the responsibilities and duties, organizational oversight role, and the
location of the organization’s headquarters.
Use a web browser or websites for various organizations to research information about the following
organizations and the people who have been instrumental in maintaining them.
You can find answers to the questions below by searching the following organizational acronyms
and terms: ISO, ITU, ICANN, IANA, IEEE, EIA, TIA, ISOC, IAB, IETF, W3C, RFC, and Wi-Fi
1. Who is Jonathan B. Postel and what is he known for?

He is known principally for being the Editor of the Request for Comment (RFC) document series, for
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), and for administering the Internet Assigned Numbers
Authority (IANA) until his death.e tw

2. Which two related organizations are responsible for managing the top-level domain o related
organizations are responsible for managing the top-level domain name space and the root Domain
Name System (DNS) name servers on the iype your answers here.

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Lab - Research Networking Standards

2. Vinton Cerf has been called one of main fathers of the internet. What internet organizations did he
chair or help found? What internet technologies did he help to develop?
Vinton Cerf co-founded the Internet Society and played a role in the creation of ICANN. He also co-
designed TCP/IP protocols and played a key role in the development of HTTP, SMTP, and DNS.
3. What organization is responsible for publishing Request for Comments (RFC)?
T A Request for Comments (RFC) is a numbered document, which includes appraisals, descriptions
and definitions of online protocols, concepts, methods and programmes. RFCs are administered by
the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). A large part of the standards used online are published
in RFCs.y ቭ
4. What do RFC 349 and RFC 1700 have in common?
Both rfc 349 and rfc 1700 have an assignment number and both have wide standard functions.
Explanation: They also offer applications that offer link, socket, port, and protocol.ype your answers
5. What RFC number is the ARPAWOCKY? What is it?
Ty Almost every April Fools' Day (1 April) since 1989, the Internet RFC Editor has published one or
more humorous Request for Comments (RFC) documents, following in the path blazed by the June
1973 RFC 527 called ARPAWOCKY, a parody of Lewis Carroll's nonsense poem "Jabberwocky"e
your answers here.
6. Who founded the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)?
TIn October 1994, Sir Tim Berners-Lee founded the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Laboratory for Computer Science [MIT/LCS] in
collaboration with CERN, where the Web originated (see information on the original CERN Server),
with support from DARPA and the European Commissionyour answers here.
7. Name 10 World Wide Web (WWW) standards that the W3C develops and maintains?

10 World Wide Web standards developed and maintained by W3C, including the following:

1. XML




5. RDF Schema

6. CGI

7. Canonical XML

8. CDF

9. CSS

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Lab - Research Networking Standards

10. DOM
8. Where is the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) headquarters located and what
is the significance of its logo?
The IEEE has a corporate office in New York City and an operations center in Piscataway, New
Jersey. The IEEE was formed in 1963 as an amalgamation of the American Institute of Electrical
Engineers and the Institute of Radio Engineers.
9. What is the IEEE standard for the Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) security protocol?
The IEEE 802.11i standard also known as Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) is an amendment to the
802.11 standard specifying security mechanisms for wireless networksour answers here.
10. Is the Wi-Fi Alliance a non-profit standards organization? What is their goal?
11. T In 1999, several visionary companies came together to form a global non-profit association with
the goal of driving the best user experience, regardless of brand, using a new wireless networking
12. Who is Hamadoun Touré?
Dr Hamadoun Touré, Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) since
January 2007, was re-elected for a second four-year term in October 2010. As Secretary-General, Dr
Touré is committed to ITU’s mission of connecting the world, and to helping achieve the
Millennium Development Goals through harnessing the unique potential of Information and
Communication Technologies (ICTs). A long-standing champion of ICTs as a driver of social and
economic development, Dr Touré previously served as Director of ITU’s Telecommunication
Development Bureau (BDT) from 1998-2006. In this role he placed considerable emphasis on
implementing the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), launching
projects based on partnerships with international organizations, governments, the private sector and
civil society. Prior to joining ITU, Dr Touré built a solid career in the satellite industry, serving as
managing engineer at the Sulymanbougou II earth station in Mali before joining Intelsat’s Assistance
and Development Programme in 1985. He was appointed Intelsat’s Group Director for Africa and
the Middle East in 1994, earning a reputation as an energetic leader through his commitment to
projects such as AFROSAT, AFSAT, PANAFTEL and RASCOM. In 1996 he joined ICO Global
Communications as African Regional General Manager, spearheading ICO’s activities across the
African region. A national of Mali, Dr Touré holds a Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering from
the Technical Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications of Leningrad, and a PhD from the
University of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of Moscow. He is married with four
children and two grandchildren, and is proficient in four official ITU languages: English, French,
Russian and Spanish.
Type your answers here.
13. What is the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and where is it headquartered?

ITU, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland is an international organization within the United Nations
System where governments and the private sector coordinate global telecom networks and services.e
your answers here.

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Lab - Research Networking Standards

14. Name the three ITU sectors.

ITU Sectors
 Radio communication Sector.
 Telecommunication Standardization Sector.
 Telecommunication Development Sector.
e your answers here.
15. What does the RS in RS-232 stand for and which organization introduced it?

RS-232 (the "RS" stands for "recommended standard") was introduced in 1962 by the EIA's Radio
Sector as a standard for serial communication between data terminal equipment (such as a
computer terminal) and data communication equipment (later redefined as data circuit-terminating
equipment), typically a modem. answers here.

16. What is Space Wire?

Space Wire is a spacecraft communication network based in part on the IEEE 1355 standard of
communications. It is coordinated by the European Space Agency in collaboration with international
space agencies including NASA, JAXA, and RKA answers here.
17. What is the mission of the ISOC and where are its headquarters located?
Its mission is "to promote the open development, evolution, and use of the Internet for the benefit of
all people throughout the world." It has offices in Reston, Virginia, U.S., and Geneva, Switzerland. T
your answers here.
18. What organizations does the IAB oversee?
The IAB supervises the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), which oversees the evolution of
TCP/IP, and the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF), which works on network technology. 19. What
organization oversees the IAB? The Internet Society (ISOC) oversees the IAB, which in turn directs the
IETF and IRTF. your answers here.
19. What organization oversees the IAB?
What organization oversees the IAB? The Internet Society (ISOC) oversees the IAB, which in turn
directs the IETF and IRTF.
20. When was the ISO founded and where are its headquarters located
TheInternational Organization for Standardization (ISO) was founded in 1947 and is headquartered
in Geneva, Switzerland.

Step 2: Reflect on Internet and Computer Networking Experiences

Take a moment to think about the internet today in relation to the organizations and technologies you
have just researched. Then answer the following questions.
1.How do the internet standards allow for greater commerce? What potential problems could we have if
we did not have the IEEE? How does the Internet standards allow for greater commerce?

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Lab - Research Networking Standards

The Internet standards allow for greater commerce because it helps guide the information and commerce
paths as they grow and as we move more and more toward digital operations.

2. What potential problems could we have if we did not have the W3C?

nmany web sites would be inaccessible using different browsers or on different networks. HTML would
be written differently in other companies, meaning going from one Website design job to another would
require extensive retrainingswers here.

1. What can we learn from the example of the Wi-Fi Alliance with regard to the necessity of
networking standards?

Type you This encourages competition, allows for consumer choices and encourages the
manufacturers to create better products.swers here.

End of Document

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