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Content 27

Round 1A
State one major difference between sigma and pi bonds if any based on the following:

1. Nature and extent of overlap of orbitals:

Ans: Sigma: Formed from head-on /axial overlap, high degree of overlap
Pi: Formed from lateral/sideways overlap, low degree of overlap

2. Strength of bond formed and reactivity

Ans: Sigma: strong bonds formed and hence less reactive

Pi: weaker bonds formed and hence more reactive

3. Rotation around the bonds

Ans: Sigma: free rotation around the sigma bond

Pi: no free rotation

Round 1B
Determine the concentration of H3O+ or OH- ions present in each of the following at 25 °C.
You are given the ionic product of water, Kw to be 1.0 × 10-14 at this temperature.

1. Reaction of 60 cm3 of 0.30 moldm-3 of KOH and 40 cm3 of 0.50 moldm-3 of HBr.

Ans: [H3O+] = 0.020 moldm-3

Millimoles of KOH = 60 × 0.30 = 18
Millimoles of HBr = 40 × 0.50 = 20
Excess [H3O+] = difference in concentration/total volume = 2/100 = 0.020 moldm-3

2. Mixing of 50 cm3 of 0.20 moldm-3 of KOH and 40 cm3 of 0.25 moldm-3 of NaOH.

Ans: [OH-] = 0.22 (or 2/9) moldm-3

Millimoles of KOH = 50 × 0.20 = 10
Millimoles of NaOH = 40 × 0.25 = 10
Total [OH-] from both KOH and NaOH = Total number of moles/Total volume = 20/90

3. Mixing of 100 cm3 of 0.30 moldm-3 of KOH and 50 cm3 of 0.50 moldm-3 of KCl.

Ans: [OH-] = 0.20 moldm-3

Millimoles of KOH = 100 × 0.30 = 30
KCl does not contribute OH- or H3O+ ions
Hence [OH-] = moles from KOH / total volume = 30/150 = 0.20 moldm-3
Content 27

Round 2
1. Upon heating, the temperature of a gas doubles while its volume quadruples. Given that
the initial pressure was 200 kPa, determine the final pressure of the gas.

Ans: 100 kPa

Using the combined gas law, P1V1 = P2V2

T1 T2

Hence P2 = P1 × V1 × T2 = 200 × 1 × 2 = 100 kPa

V2 × T1 4 1

2. Propane undergoes combustion in air according to the equation:

C3H8 + 5O2 → 3CO2 + 4H2O
Given the molar volume of gas at standard temperature and pressure as 22.4 dm3 and the
molecular mass of propane as 44 g/mol, calculate the volume of oxygen required for the
complete combustion of 11 g of propane.

Ans: 28 dm3

Moles of C3H8 = 11/44 = 0.25

Moles of O2 = 0.25 × 5 = 1.25 moles
Volume of oxygen required = 1.25 × 22.4 = 28 dm3

3. What is the total number of electrons found in the P sub-orbitals of the phosphorus atom?

Ans: Nine (9) electrons

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3

Round 4A

1. Oxides of period 2 elements form basic aqueous solutions Ans: F

2. Magnesium reacts more explosively with water than sodium does Ans: F

3. Metal hydrides react with water to form acidic solutions Ans: F

Content 27

Round 4B

1. Deuterium and tritium are isotones Ans: F

2. Argon – 40 and Calcium – 40 are isobars Ans: T

3. Potassium – 39 and calcium – 40 are isotones Ans: T

Round 5

1. We are a group of elements on the periodic table

2. We are very good at associating with others

3. As such, we are hardly found alone

4. We are known for our vigorous reaction with water

5. Think of periodic columns, and we will be number one

Who are we?

Group one elements/ Alkali metals

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