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Contest 18

Round 1A
Given that X is a non-metal, determine the oxidation state of X in the following compounds:

1. H3X2O6

Ans: 4.5 3(1) + 2x + 6(-2) = 0 x = 4.5

2. [X2F2O4]2-

Ans: 4 2x + 2(-1) + 4(-2) = 2 x=4

3. [K2X2O]2-

Ans: -1 2(1) + 2x + 1(-2) = -2 x = -1

Round 1B
1. What is the empirical formula of a compound formed when 7.0 g of Fe combines with 2.0 g
of oxygen? Take the atomic mass of iron as 56 g/mol and oxygen as 16 g/mol.

Ans: FeO
Mole of Fe = 7/56 = 0.125 mol
Mole of O = 2/16 = 0.125 mol
Mole ratio = 1:1, Hence formula of compound = FeO

2. What is the empirical formula of a compound formed when 9.0 g of carbon combines with
12 g of oxygen and 1.5 g of hydrogen? Take atomic mass (g/mol) of carbon as 12; oxygen
as 16; and hydrogen as 1.0.

Ans: CH2O
Mole of C = 9/12 = 0.75 mol
Mole of O = 12/16 = 0.75 mol
Mole of H = 1.5/1 = 1.5 mol
Mole ratio of C:H:O = 1:2:1, Hence formula of compound = CH2O

3. Calculate the empirical formula of a compound formed when 2.0 g of copper combines
with 2.5 g of bromine. Take atomic mass of copper as 64 g/mol and bromine as 80 g/mol.

Ans: CuBr
Mole of Cu = 2.0/64 = 1/32
Mole of Br = 2.5/80 = 1/32
Mole ratio = 1:1, Hence mass of compound = CuBr
Contest 18

Round 2
1. What is the pH of the solution formed when 14.5 g of Mg(OH)2 is dissolved in 500 cm3 of
solution: Take the molar mass of Mg(OH)2 as 58 g/mol.
Ans: 13
Moles of Mg(OH)2 = = 0.25 mole
[Mg(OH)2] = 0.25 × 2 = 0.5 mole
[OH-] = 2 × [Mg(OH)2] = 0.10 mole
pOH = 1, Hence pH = 13
2. Gun metal is an alloy of Copper, Tin and Zinc. In an industrial process, the following
percentages are always obtained: 86% of Copper, 12% of Tin and 2% of Zinc. In one such
process 6.0 g of Tin was found to be present in a piece of the alloy. Determine the mass of
Zinc present in this piece.
Ans: 1.0 g
6.0 ×100
Amount of alloy = = 50 g
% of Zinc = × 50 = 1.0 g
3. What is the formula for heavy water?
Ans: D2O

Round 4A

In a mass spectrometer:

1. Detection is solely based on mass of compounds Ans: F

2. A +2 ion will always be deflected to a greater extent than +1 ion Ans: F

3. A vacuum is needed to deflect ions unto the detector Ans: F

Contest 18

Round 4B

1. Nylon is formed through condensation polymerisation Ans: T

2. Polyethylene and polypropylene are both formed through addition polymerisation Ans: T

3. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is formed through condensation polymerisation Ans: F

Round 5

1. I am an element in group 8 of the periodic table

2. I am highly unreactive

3. So much that, I am called “idle”

4. I am mostly employed when an inert atmosphere is needed

5. I make up about 1% of air

Who am I?

Ans: Argon

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