Prelims Round 2N - Physics

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Round 2 Physics

Contest 1

(1) Express 140 ℉ in degrees Celsius.

Ans: 60 ℃
5 5
T = ( T / ℉−32 ) ℃= × (140−32 ) ℃=60 ℃
9 9

(2) Find the displacement of a particle which moves from the point with position vector ( 2 i^ + 3 ^j ) m to the
point with position vector (−3 i^ +4 ^j ) m in 8 s.

Ans: (−5 i^ + ^j ) m
r =r f −r i=(−3 i^ + 4 ^j ) m−( 2 i^ +3 ^j ) m=(−5 i^ + ^j ) m

(3) ^
Find the instantaneous velocity of a particle whose position is given in terms of time t by (−at 2 i+bt ^j )
where a and b are constants.

^ ^j )
Ans: (−2 at i+b
v=d r / dt = (−a t 2 i^ + bt ^j ) =(−2 at i^ +b ^j )
Round 2 Physics
Contest 2

(1) Name the thermometric property employed in the constant volume gas thermometer.

Ans: Pressure

(2) Find the coefficient of kinetic friction between a 500 N object and a horizontal surface if the object
moves at constant velocity when a 400 N horizontal force acts on it.

Ans: 0.8
μk =F f / N=400 N / 500 N =0.8

(3) A converging spherical mirror has a radius of curvature of magnitude 80 cm . Find the focal length of the

Ans: 40 cm
f =R / 2=80 cm / 2=40 cm
Round 2 Physics

Contest 3

(1) A 5.0 kg object moving at 0.20 m s−1 collides head-on with a 3.0 kg object moving along the same line at
−0.40 m s . Find the component along the line of the total linear momentum of the objects after the

Ans: −0.20 kg m s−1

pf = pi=∑ mi v i =5.0 kg ×0.20 m s−1 × 3.0 kg × ( −0.40 m s−1 )=−0.20 kg m s−1

(2) A converging spherical mirror has a focal length of 20 cm . Find the distance from the mirror of a
paraxial real object at which the mirror forms a virtual image 20 cm from the vertex of the mirror.

Ans: 10 c m
u=vf / ( v−f )=−20 cm× 20 cm / (−20 cm−20 cm ) =10 cm

(3) A charged 10 mF capacitor is discharged through a 2 kΩresistor. Find the time for the charge on the
capacitor to decrease to 1 / e its initial value.

Ans: 20 s
3 −3
τ =RC=2× 10 Ω×10 × 10 F=20 s
Round 2 Physics
Contest 4
Round 2 Physics
Round 2 Physics
Round 2 Physics
Round 2 Physics

(1) ^ b t 2 ^j )
Find the acceleration of a particle whose position vector is given in terms of time t by (−at 3 i+
where a and b are constants.

^ b ^j
Ans: −6 at i+2
d ( 3^
t ^j )=−6 at i+
^ 2b ^j
2 2 2
a=d r / d t = 2
−a t i+b

(2) A 5.0 kg object moving at 0.20 m s−1 undergoes an elastic collision with a 3.0 kg object moving along the
same line at −0.40 m s−1. Find the total kinetic energy of the objects after the collision.

Ans: 0.34 J
1 1
K f =K i=∑ mi v i = [ 5.0 kg × ( 0.20 ms ) +3.0 kg × (−0.40 m s ) ]=0.34 J
2 −1 2 −1 2
2 2

(3) Find the number of distinct images formed by two plane mirrors inclined at 90 ° when an object is
placed between them.

Ans: 3
360 ° 360 °
n= −1= −1=3
θ 90 °
Round 2 Physics
Contest 5

(1) Find the capacitance of a capacitor which carries a charge of 18 nC when the potential difference across
its plates is 2.0 V .

Ans: 9.0 nF
C=Q / V =18 nC / 2.0 V =9.0 nF

(2) The distance between the upper and lower fixed point marks for a liquid-in-glass thermometer marked
in degrees Celsius is 8.00 cm . Find the temperature at which the liquid column is 2.00 cm above the
upper fixed point mark.

Ans: 125 ℃
T =100 ℃ × ( L−L0 ) / ( L100 −L0 )=100 ℃ × ( 8.00 cm+2.00 cm ) / ( 8.00 cm )=125 ℃

(3) An object is placed 20 cm in front of a square plane mirror of side 10 cm. Find the distance between the
object and its image.

Ans: 40 cm
d=2u=2× 20 cm=40 cm
Round 2 Physics
Contest 6

(1) A plane mirror lies in the x - y plane with its normal in the z -direction. Find the unit wave vector of the
4 3
reflected ray when the unit wave vector of the incident ray is i^ − k^ .
5 5

4^ 3^
Ans: i+ k
5 5

(2) Find the potential difference across a 5.0 mF capacitor at which the capacitor stores 85 mC of charge.

Ans: 17 V
V =Q / C=85 mC /5.0 mF=17 V

(3) The coefficient of kinetic friction between a 40 N object and a horizontal surface is 0.02. Find the
magnitude of the force of kinetic friction on the object.

Ans: 0.8 N
F k =μN=0.02× 40 N=0.8 N
Round 2 Physics
Contest 7

(1) The critical angle for light of a certain wavelength propagating from a medium into air is 30 ° . Find the
refractive index of the medium relative to air.

Ans: 2
n=1 / sin θc =2

(2) Light reflects off a plane surface at a grazing angle of 30 ° . What is the angle of reflection?

Ans: 60 °
θr =90 °−θ i=60 °

(3) ^ b t 3 ^j where a and b are

The linear momentum of a particle is given in terms of time t by p=a t 2 i+
constants. Find the force on the particle.

^ b t 2 ^j
Ans: 2 a t i+3
d ^ t 3 ^j )=2 a t i+3
^ b t 2 ^j
F=d p / dt= ( a t 2 i+b
Round 2 Physics
Contest 8

(1) What are the dimensions of electric power?

Ans: L2 M T −3

(2) Find the magnitude of the electric force a stationary 5.0 nC charge exerts on a 3.0 nC charge1.5 m away.

Ans: 6.0 ×1 0−8 N

2 9 −1 −9 −9 2 −8
F=q 1 q 2 / 4 π ϵ 0 r =9.0× 10 m F × 5.0× 10 C × 3.0× 10 C / ( 1.5 m ) =6.0 ×10 N

(3) A 4.0 kg object strikes a soft surface at 8.0 m s−1 and rebounds at 6.0 m s−1. Find the change in kinetic
energy of the object in the collision.

Ans: −56 J
Δ K =K f −K i=4.0 kg × [ ( 6.0 m s−1 ) −( 8.0 m s−1 ) ] / 2=−56 J
2 2
Round 2 Physics
Contest 9

(1) Express the farad in SI base units.

Ans: A2 s 4 k g−1 m−2

(2) Find the critical angle for light propagating from a medium of refractive index 1.414 into air.

Ans: 45 °
−1 −1
θc =sin 1 / n=sin 1 / 1.414=45 °

(3) A rectangular field measures 100 m long and 60 m wide. Find the tangent of the smallest angle the
diagonal makes with a side of the rectangle.

Ans: 0.6
tanθ=60 m / ( 100 m )=0.6
Round 2 Physics
Contest 10

(1) Find the energy of the Bohr hydrogen atom stationary state with principal quantum number 5.

Ans: −0.544 eV
E5 =−13.6 eV /5 =−0.544 eV

(2) A 2.0 kg object moving with a velocity of 3.0 ^j m s−1 collides with a 4.0 kg object moving with a velocity
of 2.0 k^ m s−1. Find the total linear momentum of the objects after the collision.

Ans: ( 6.0 ^j+ 8.0 k^ ) kg m s−1

p❑f = pi=m1 v 1 +m 2 v 2=2.0 kg ×3.0 ^j m s +4.0 kg ×2.0 k^ m s =( 6.0 ^j+ 8.0 k^ ) kg m s
−1 −1 −1

(3) Find the sine of the angle of incidence from air into flint glass of refractive index 1.75 at which the
angle of refraction is 30 ° .

Ans: 0.875
sin i=n sin r =1.75× sin 30 °=0.875
Round 2 Physics
Contest 11

(1) Find principal quantum number for the stationary state of the Bohr hydrogen atom with orbital angular
momentum 5.27 ×10−34 J s.

Ans: 5
n=L / ℏ=5

(2) The net force acting on a particle is ( 8 i^ +5 ^j ) N . Find the component of the net force in the direction of
−3 ^ 4 ^
the unit vector i+ j
5 5

Ans: −0.8 N
F n=F ⋅n=( 8 i^ +5 ^j ) N ⋅ ( −35 i^ + 45 ^j )=−4 / 5 N =−0.8 N
(3) A constant volume gas thermometer has a pressure of 1.20 ×105 Pa at the triple point of water. Find the
absolute temperature at which the pressure is 1.50 ×105 Pa.

Ans: 341 K
T =T tp p / ptr =273.16 ×1.50 ×105 Pa / ( 1.2 ×105 Pa )=341 K
Round 2 Physics
Contest 12

(1) Find the coefficient of kinetic friction f0or a9 6 N object moving on a horizontal surface at constant
velocity under the action of an applied force of magnitude 56 N .

Ans: 0.58
μ=f k / N =56 N / ( 96 N )=0.58

(2) Find the magnitude of the acceleration of a 3.0 kg object moving at a constant speed of 4.0 ms−1 in a
circle of radius 2.0 m.

Ans: 8.0 m s−2

−1 2
a=v / R=( 4.0 m s ) / ( 2.0 m )=8.0 m s
2 −2

(3) Give the temperature of the triple point of water in kelvins.

Ans: 273.16 K
Round 2 Physics
Contest 13

(1) A vehicle travels from town A to town B 90 km away in 4.5 h, waits 1.50 h and returns at an average
speed of 30 km h−1. Find the average speed of the vehicle for the trip from A to B and back to A .

Ans: 20 km h−1
v=D / t=2 × 90 km / ( 4 .5 h+1.50 h+90 km / 30 kmh−1) =20 km h−1

(2) Light incident from air on glass of refractive index 3 / 2 is reflected at an angle of 60 ° to the normal.
Find the sine of the angle of refraction.

Ans: √ 3 / 3
sin i sin 60°
sin r = = =√ 3 / 3=0.577
n 3/2

(3) Find the impulse of a 50 N force directed eastward that acts for 0.4 s .

Ans: 20 N s east
I =F t=50 N east ×0.4 s=20 N s east
Round 2 Physics
Contest 14

(1) Light is incident from a liquid of refractive index 34 / 25 into glass of refractive index 3 / 2 at an angle of
incidence of 30 ° . Find the sine of the angle of refraction.

Ans: 34 / 75
ni 34 / 25
sin r = sin i= sin 30 °=34 / 75=0.453
nr 3/2

(2) In an experiment on the limiting coefficient of static friction, an object is placed on a horizontal 2 m
long plank and one end of the plank is lifted 1 m above the other end. What is the tangent of the angle
the plank makes with the horizontal?

Ans: √ 3 / 3
H 1m
tanθ= = =1 / √ 3= √ 3 / 3 ≈ 0.577
√ L −H
2 2
√ ( 2 m) − ( 1m )
2 2

(3) Find the total radiant intensity emitted by a blackbody at 600 K to the total radiant intensity emitted by
the same blackbody at 300 K .

Ans: 16
I1 T1 ( ) (
I 2 T 2 4 600 K 4
300 K
=16 )
Round 2 Physics
Contest 15

(1) The linear momentum of an object moving at 8.0 m s−1 has a magnitude of 72 N s. Find the magnitude of
the linear momentum of the object when it moves at 6.0 m s−1.

Ans: 54 N s
p= p 0 v / v 0=72 N s ×6.0 m s−1 / ( 8.0 ms−1 ) =54 N s

(2) A 0.5 kg object moving at 4.0 ms−1 collides head-on with a 0.4 kg object moving at −5.0 m s−1 along the
same line as the 0.5 kg object. Find the velocity after the collision of the 0.5 kg object relative to the
0.4 kg object if the coefficient of restitution is 0.20 .

Ans: −1.8 m s−1

v 2−v 1=e ( u1−u 2) =0.20 × ( −5.0 ms −1−4.0 m s−1 )=−1.8 m s−1

(3) Find the average speed of an object which moves 3 m north in 4 s immediately followed by 4 m east in
6 s.

Ans: 0.7 m s−1

v avg=D / t= (3 m+ 4 m ) / ( 4 s +6 s )=0.7 m s
Round 2 Physics
Contest 16

(1) Find the magnitude of the electric field0.2 m from a 32 nC charge.

Ans: 7200 V m−1

1 q 9 −1 −9 2 −1
E= =9× 10 m F × 32× 10 C / ( 0.2 m ) =7200V m
4 π ϵ 0 r2

(2) Express in ℉ the difference between the fixed point of the thermodynamic temperature scale and the
lower fixed point on the Fahrenheit scale.

Ans: 0.018 ℉

( 9
T tr = 0.01× +32 ℉−32 ℉=0.018 ℉

(3) Particle A moves along the x -axis at 5.0 m s−1 and particle B moves along the x -axis at 8.0 m s−1. Find
the velocity x component of particle B relative to particle A .

Ans: 3.0 m s−1

−1 −1 −1
v BA=v B −v A =8.0 m s −5.0 m s =3.0 m s
Round 2 Physics
Contest 17

(1) A 0.2 kg object moving with velocity 5.0 im ^ s−1 collides head-on with a 0.4 kg object moving with
velocity −2.0 i^ ms−1. Find the velocity after the collision of the 0.2 kg object relative to the 0.4 kg object
if the coefficient of restitution is 0.50 .

^ s−1
Ans: −3.5 im
v 2−v 1=e ( u1−u 2) =0.50 × ( −2.0 i^ m s−1−5.0 im
^ s−1 )=−3.5 i^ m s−1

(2) ^ s−1.
Find the linear momentum of a 0.20 kg object moving with a velocity of 5.0 im

Ans: 1.0 i^ kg m s−1

p=m v=0.2 kg ×5.0 i^ m s =1.0 i^ kg m s
−1 −1

(3) The resistance of a resistance thermometer is 100.0 Ω at 0 ℃ and 138.5 Ω at 100 ℃. Find the
temperature at which the resistance of the thermometer is 128.5 Ω .

Ans: 74.03 ℃
RT −R 0 128.5 Ω−100.0 Ω
T= ×100 ℃= × 100℃=74.03 ℃
R 100 −R 0 138.5 Ω−100.0 Ω
Round 2 Physics
Contest 18

(1) As observed in a train moving towards a platform at 1.2 m s−1, a ball moves across the aisle of the train
at 0.5 m s−1. What is the speed of the ball as observed from the platform?

Ans: 1.3 m s−1

√ 2 2
v= ( 1.2 ms ) + ( 0.5 m s ) =1.3 m s
−1 −1 −1

(2) Two very large parallel plates 4.0 mm apart have a potential difference of 32 V . Find the magnitude of
the electric field in the region between the plates.

Ans: 8.0 kV m−1

E=V / d =32V / ( 4.0 ×10−3 m) =8.0 ×103 V m−1

(3) The frequency of the radiation emitted when a hydrogen atom makes a transition from the n=2 to the
n=1 state is 2.5 ×1015 Hz . Find the frequency of the radiation emitted in the transition from the n=3 to
the n=2 state.

Ans: 4.6 × 1 014 Hz

3 (
1 1
2 3
3 ) 15 1 1
4 9 ( 14
f = f 0 2 − 2 = × 2.5 ×10 Hz × − =4.6 ×10 Hz )
Round 2 Physics
Contest 19

(1) Rank the surfaces of the following solid spheres in increasing order of gravitational potential: (a) radius
R and mass M ; (b) radius 2 R and mass M ; (c) radius R and mass 2 M .

Ans: (c), (a), (b)

(2) Express 77 ℉ in kelvins.

Ans: 298.15 K
[ 5
9 ] [ 5
(T / ℉ −32 ) +273.15 K= ( 77−32 )+ 273.15 K=298.15 K
Accept 298 K
(3) The magnitude of the impulse of a 72 N force is 576 N s . What is the duration of the force?

Ans: 8 s
t=I / F=576 N s / 72 N =8 s
Round 2 Physics
Contest 20

(1) What is the refractive index at 600 nmof a material in which 600 nm light propagates at 2.5 ×10 8 m s−1?

Ans: 1.2
n=c / v=3.0 ×108 m s−1 / ( 2.5 ×10 8 m s−1 )=1.2

(2) An object moves 80 m in 30 s and an additional 60 m in 40 s. What is the average speed of the object?

Ans: 2 m s−1
v=( 80 m+60 m ) / ( 30 s +40 s ) =2 ms

(3) What is the radius of the orbit with quantum number 5 in the Bohr hydrogen atom model?

Ans: 1.32 nm
2 2 −11 −9
r 5=n a0=5 ×5.29 ×10 m=1.32 ×10 m
Round 2 Physics
Contest 21

(1) What is the angular momentum of a body rotating at 42.0 rad s−1 about an axis about which its moment
of inertia is 25.0 kg m2?

Ans: 1050 J s
2 −1
L=Iω=25.0 kg m × 42.0 rad s =1050 J s

(2) The potential difference between two very large parallel plates separated by 4 mm is 80 V . Determine
the magnitude of the electric field between the plates.

Ans: 20 kN C−1
E=V / d =80 V / ( 4 ×10−3 m ) =20000 N C−1
Or 20 kV m−1.
(3) Find the angular frequency of a simple harmonic oscillator whose frequency is 4.5 Hz .

Ans: 28 rad s−1

ω=2 πf =2 π × 4.5 Hz=28rad s
Round 2 Physics
Contest 22

(1) Find the magnitude of the force exerted on a 2 nC charged particle by a 3 N C−1 electric field.

Ans: 6 nN
F=qE=2 nC ×3 N C =6 nN

(2) A 2.0 kg object moving at 0.50 m s−1 undergoes an elastic collision with a 5.0 kg object moving at
0.40 m s . Find the total kinetic energy of the objects after the collision.

Ans: 0.65 J
1 1
K f =K i=∑ mi v i = [ 2.0 kg × ( 0.50 m s ) +5.0 kg × ( 0.40 m s ) ]=0.65 J
2 −1 2 −1 2
2 2

(3) Find the acceleration of an 8.0 kg object on which a 720 N net force acts.

Ans: 90 m s−2
a=F / m=720 N / 8.0 kg=90 m s
Round 2 Physics
Contest 23

(1) Find the magnitude of the change in linear momentum produced by a 160 N constant force that acts for
5 s.

Ans: 800 N s
I =Ft =160 N × 5 s=800 N s

(2) What is the charge on a 50 μF capacitor at a potential difference of 80 V ?

Ans: 4 mC
Q=CV =50 μF ×80 V =4000 μC=4 mC =4 ×10 C

(3) What is the power dissipated by a 20 Ω resistor carrying a current of 0.2 A ?

Ans: 0.8 W
2 2
P=I R=( 0.2 A ) ×20 Ω=0.8W
Round 2 Physics
Contest 24

(1) Give the transition energy in electron-volts for the transition between then=1 and the n=2 states of the
hydrogen atom.

Ans: 10.2 eV
Δ E=13.6 eV × ( 1−1 / 22 ) =10.2 eV

(2) An object is placed 15 cm from a convex spherical mirror of focal length −25 cm . How far is the image
from the vertex of the mirror?

Ans: 9.4 cm
|v|=|uf / ( u−f )|=|15 cm× (−25 cm ) / ( 15 cm−(−25 cm ) )|=9.4 cm
Accept 9.375 cm
(3) Find the change in kinetic energy of a 2 nC point charge when it is accelerated through a potential
difference of 400 V .

Ans: 800 nJ =8 ×1 0−7 J

Δ K =q Δ V =2 nC × 400 V =800 nJ
Round 2 Physics
Contest 25

(1) The angular momentum of a rotating disc whose moment of inertia is 3.0 kg m2changes in 2.0 s from
+5.0 J s about the rotation axis to +9.0 J s about the same axis. What is the magnitude of the torque on
the disc?

Ans: 12 N m
N=I Δ L=3.0 kg m × ( 9.0 J s−5.0 J s )=12 N m

(2) The refractive index of cesium bromide in air is 2 at a wavelength of 228.3 nm. Find the critical angle
for 228.3 nm light passing from cesium bromide into air.

Ans: 30 °
−1 −1
θc =sin 1 / n=sin 1 / 2=30 °

(3) ^ t 2 ^j where a and b are

The linear momentum of a particle is given in terms of time t by p=a t −3 i+b
constants. Find the force on the particle.

^ bt ^j
Ans: −3 a t −4 i+2
F=d p / dt = ( a t −3 i^ + b t 2 ^j ) =−3 a t −4 i^ +2 bt ^j
Round 2 Physics
Contest 26

(1) A uniform meter rule balances horizontally on a knife edge at the 25 cm mark with a 0.5 kg mass
attached to the 0 cm mark. Find the mass of the rule.

Ans: 0.5 kg
m=0.5 kg ×25 cm / ( 50 cm−25 cm )=0.5 kg

(2) The critical angle at a wavelength of 9 μm is 45 ° for barium fluoride in air. Find the refractive index of
barium fluoride in air at 9 μm.

Ans: 1.414
n=1 / sin θc =1 / sin 45 °= √ 2=1.414

(3) An object moving at 8.0 m s−1 directly strikes a rigid wall and rebounds at 6.0 m s−1. What is the
coefficient of restitution for the collision?

Ans: 3 / 4=0.75
e=( v o−v w ) / ( uw −u o )=(−6.0 m s−1−0 ) / ( 0−8.0 m s−1 )=3 / 4
Round 2 Physics
Contest 27

(1) Find the rate of flow of electrons through a conductor in which a current of 1.6 A flows.

Ans: 1.0 ×1 019 s−1

R=I / e=1.6 A / ( 1.60 × 10−19 C )=1.0 × 1019 s−1

(2) Find the potential difference across an inductor of inductance20 mH in which electric current is changing at
the rate of 5 A s−1.

Ans: 100 mV
V =L dI / dt =20 mH ×5 A s =100 mV

(3) Find the magnitude of the force on each of two 5.0 μC point charges in vacuum which are 3.0 m apart.

Ans: 0.025 N=25 mN

1 q1 q 2 2
=9.0× 10 m F × ( 5.0 ×10 C ) / ( 3.0 m ) =0.025 N
9 −1 −6 2
F= 2
4 π ϵ0 r
Round 2 Physics
Contest 28

(1) An ac circuit is made up of an 80 Ω resistor in series with an ideal inductor of reactance 60 Ω at the
frequency at which the circuit operates. Find the impedance of the circuit.

Ans: 100 Ω
Z=√ R + X L= √ ( 80 Ω ) + ( 60 Ω) =100 Ω
2 2 2 2

(2) Find the energy in electron-volts of the stationary state of the hydrogen atom with principal quantum
number 13.

Ans: −0.0805 eV
−13.6 eV
E13= 2
=−0.0805 eV

(3) What is the deviation angle of the reflected light when light reflects off a plane surface at a grazing
angle of 10 ° ?

Ans: 20 °
Dr =2θ g =2× 10° =20 °
Round 2 Physics
Contest 29

(1) Find the capacitance of a capacitor which stores 300 J at a potential difference of 50 V .

Ans: 0.24 F
2 2
C=2 E / V =2× 300 J / ( 50 V ) =0.24 F

(2) The refractive index of CsI is 1.75 at a wavelength of 1.44 μm. What is the speed of electromagnetic
waves of wavelength 1.44 μm in CsI ?

Ans: 1.71 ×1 08 m s−1

8 −1 8 −1
v=c / n=3.00 ×10 m s / 1.75=1.71 ×10 ms

(3) A constant volume gas thermometer has a pressure of 2.00 ×105 Pa at the triple point of water. At what
absolute temperature is the pressure 1.60 ×105 Pa?

Ans: 219 K
T =T tp p / ptr =273.16 ×1.60 ×105 Pa / ( 2.00 ×10 5 Pa ) =219 K
Round 2 Physics
Contest 30

(1) A linear amplifier has a voltage gain of 20. If a sinewave of amplitude 8 mV is fed into the input of the
amplifier, what will the amplitude of the output be?

Ans: 160 mV
V out =A v V ¿=20× 8 mV =160 mV

(2) What is the mass of an object which accelerates at 25 m s−2 when a 600 N net force acts on it?

Ans: 24 kg
m=F / a=600 N /25 ms =24 kg

(3) A projectile is launched from level ground at 30 ° above the horizontal with a speed of 30 m s−1 . Find
the horizontal distance travelled by the projectile when it attains its greatest height.

Ans: 39 m
−1 2
R=v sin 2θ / 2 g=( 30 m s ) × sin ( 2× 30° ) / ( 2 ×10 m s )=39 m
2 −2
Round 2 Physics
Contest 31

(1) A disc whose moment of inertia is 15 kg m2 about its axis is rotating about its axis at 20 rad s−1. Find the
constant torque needed to increase its angular speed to 80 rad s−1 in 5 s .

Ans: 180 N m
N=I Δ ω / Δ t=15 kg m2 × ( 80 rad s−1−20 rad s−1 ) / 5 s=180 N m

(2) Find the weight of an object floating on water that displaces 0.2 kg of water.

Ans: 2 N
W =mg=0.2 kg × 10 m s =2 N

(3) What is the capacitance of a capacitor whose energy is 500 J when the charge on it is 4.0 C .

Ans: 16 mF
2 2
C=Q / 2 E= ( 40 C ) / ( 2× 500 J )=0.016 F=16 mF
Round 2 Physics
Contest 32

(1) Find the frequency of an electromagnetic wave whose wavelength is 2.0 mm.

Ans: 1.5 ×1 011 Hz

f =c / λ=3.00 × 108 ms−1 / ( 2.0× 10−3 m )=1.5 ×10 11 Hz

(2) An ac circuit is made up of a 20 Ω resistor in series with an ideal capacitor whose reactance is15 Ω at the
circuit frequency. Find the impedance of the circuit.

Ans: 25 Ω
Z=√ R + X L= √ ( 20 Ω ) + ( 15 Ω ) =25 Ω
2 2 2 2

(3) Express 327 ℉ in SI base units.

Ans: 437 K
T= ( 59 ( T / ℉−32) +273.15) K=437 K
Round 2 Physics
Contest 33

(1) Find the final temperature of a fixed quantity of an ideal gas undergoing an isometric process in which
its initial temperature is 300 K , its initial pressure is 100 kPa, and its final pressure is 300 kPa .

Ans: 900 K
T f =T i Pf / Pi=300 K ×300 kPa /100 kPa=900 K

(2) What must be the capacitance in an ideal LC circuit with an inductance of 20 mH for its resonance
frequency to be 800 Hz ?

Ans: 2.0 μF
C=1 / 4 π 2 f 2 L=1 / ( 4 π 2 × ( 800 Hz )2 × 20 ×10−3 Hz ) =2.0 ×10−6 F

(3) Find the average speed of an object which moves 13 m north in 4 s immediately followed by 24 m west
in 6 s.

Ans: 3.7 m s−1

v avg=D / t= (13 m+24 m) / ( 4 s+ 6 s )=3.7 m s
Round 2 Physics
Contest 34

(1) Find the scalar potential 0.20 m from a 6.0 nC charge.

Ans: 270 V
1 q 9 −1 −9
E= =9 ×10 m F ×6.0 × 10 C /(0.20 m)=270 V
4 π ϵ0 r

(2) Find the magnitude of the average acceleration of a vehicle moving at 20 m s−1 that decelerates to a stop
over a distance of 40 m.

Ans: 5 m s−2
a=|( v 2−u2 ) / 2 s|=[ ( 20 m s−1 ) −0 ] / ( 2 × 40 m )=5 m s−2

(3) Find the magnitude of the resultant of a 12 N force that acts concurrently with a perpendicular 5 N force.

Ans: 13 N
F=√ ( 12 N ) + ( 5 N ) =13 N
2 2
Round 2 Physics
Contest 35

(1) What is the magnitude of the impulse of a forcethat starts from zero and increases steadily to 80 N in 5 s
then switches off?

Ans: 200 N s
I =Ft / 2=80 N ×5 s / 2=200 N s

(2) The position of a particle moving along the x -axis is given by x (t )=a t 3 where a=2 m s−3. Find the
velocity of the particle at t=5 s .

Ans: 750 m s−1

v=dx / dt|t=5 s =3× ( 2 m s−3 ) × ( 5 s ) =750 m s−1

(3) The magnitude of the electric field between two very large parallel plates that are 5.0 mm apart is
78 N C . Find the potential difference between the plates.

Ans: 0.39 V
−1 −3
V =Ed=78 N C × 5.0× 10 m=0.39 V
Round 2 Physics
Contest 36

(1) The velocity of a uniformly accelerated particle changes from −5.0 m s−1 to 4.0 ms−1 in 3 s . Find the
acceleration of the particle.

Ans: 3 m s−2
a=Δ v / Δ t=( 4 m s −(−5 m s ) ) / 3 s=3 m s
−1 −1 −2

(2) Name the process in which a photon scatters off a free electron to produce a photon of different energy.
State whether the scattered photon has a larger or smaller energy than the incident photon.

Ans: Compton effect; the scattered photon has a lower energy

(3) A 40 μF capacitor discharges through a 5 kΩ resistor. Find the time constant for the discharging circuit.

Ans: 0.2 s
3 −6
τ =RC=5 × 10 Ω× 40 ×10 F=0.2 s

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