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Contest 24

Round 1A
For each of the following pairs, indicate which has a higher boiling point and give a reason
for your choice.
1. CH4 and SiH4
Ans: SiH4
Both are non-polar with Vander Waals / London dispersion forces present. Vander
Waals / London dispersion forces increase with atomic size and number of electrons.
Silicon has a higher number of electrons compared to Carbon and hence stronger
intermolecular bonds leading to higher boiling point
2. Magnesium and Aluminium
Ans: Aluminium
Metallic bond strength depends on number of valence electrons (and atomic size).
Aluminium has a higher number of valence electrons and hence stronger metallic
bonding resulting in higher boiling points (higher energy needed to break the
metallic bonds)
3. Neon and helium
Ans: Neon.
(Vander Waals or London dispersion forces are the only interatomic forces present
in both). Vander Waals / London dispersion forces increase with atomic size and
electron cloud and hence increased polarizability. Neon has a bigger size with higher
number of electrons and hence greater Vander Waals /London dispersion forces

Round 2
1. Determine the mole fraction of KOH, in a solution formed from dissolving 14 g of KOH
in 4.5 g of water. Molar mass of KOH = 56 g/mol; H2O = 18 g/mol
Ans: 0.50
n (H2O) = = 0.25 mol
14 1
n (KOH) = = = 0.25 mol
56 5
0.25 1
mole fraction of NaOH = = = 0.50
0.50 2

2. Given the standard reduction potential of Mg2+ to Mg(s) = - 2.38 V and standard reduction
potential of Ca2+ to Ca(s) is -2.84 V, determine the electrode potential for an
electrochemical reaction taking place between the two electrodes

Ans: +0.46 V
Ecell = Ecathode − Eanode
= -2.38 – (-2.84) = +0.46V
3. What is the heaviest naturally occurring element on the periodic table?
Contest 24
Ans: Uranium

Round 1B
In the formation of NH3, N2 gas reacts with H2 gas according to the equation:
N2 + 3 H2 → 2 NH3
You are given the following rate data for 3 experiments conducted:
Expt. Initial [N2] Initial [H2]/ Rate of formation of
(moldm-3) (moldm-3) NH3 (moldm-3 s-1)
1 0.040 0.10 1.0 × 10-4
2 0.080 0.10 2.0 × 10-4
3 0.080 0.20 1.6 × 10-3

1. Determine the rate law expression for the formation of NH3

Ans: Rate = k[H2]3[N2]

From expt. 1 and 2, when [H2] remains constant, and [N2] is doubled, rate doubles
From expt. 2 and 3, when [N2] remains constant, and [H2] is doubled, rate increases by a
factor of 8
Hence rate law expression = Rate = k[H2]3[N2]

2. Given that the rate law is Rate = k[H2]3[N2], determine the rate constant for the reaction
Ans: 2.5 (dm9 mol-3 s-1) units not needed
k = R / [H2]3[N2]
From experiments 1 (or any other), k = 1.0 × 10-4 / 0.103 × 0.040 = 2.5 dm9 mol-3 s-1

3. Given that the rate law expression is R = k[H2]3[N2] and rate constant is 2.5 dm9 mol-3 s-1,
estimate the rate of a reaction in which the concentration of N2 is 0.40 moldm-3 and
concentration of H2 is 0.10 moldm-3

Ans: 1.0 × 10-3 moldm-3s-1

Rate = k[H2]3[N2] = 2.5 × 0.103 × 0.40 = 1.0 × 10-3 moldm-3s-1

Round 4A
1. The mass of the atom is accounted for mainly by the number of protons and neutrons
Ans: T

2. The chemical properties of an element are determined by the number of protons

and electrons Ans: F

3. The number of neutrons and electrons of a neutral atom should be equal Ans: F
Contest 24

Round 4B

1. Gamma radiations have higher ionizing potential than beta particles Ans: F

2. Beta particles are more penetrating than alpha particles Ans: T

3. Alpha particles are stopped by a piece of aluminium Ans: T

Round 5
1. I dislike changes

2. As such I prefer conditions to remain the same

3. I am usually made up of a conjugate acid-base pair

4. Together we fight to resist any change in pH

5. We are usually successful when the attack is small

Who am I?

Ans: Buffer Solutions/system

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