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Received: 2 February 2018

| Revised: 26 November 2018

| Accepted: 21 December 2018

DOI: 10.1111/psyp.13338


Detailed analysis of skin conductance responses during a

gambling task: Decision, anticipation, and outcomes

Thomas Agren1 | Philip Millroth1 | Peter Andersson1 | Måns Ridzén1 |

Johannes Björkstrand1,2,3

Department of Psychology, Uppsala
University, Uppsala, Sweden
Neurobiology Research Unit, Physiological arousal is considered a key factor of gambling behavior. Hence, to
Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark understand gambling behavior it is important to study the arousal responses during
Department of Psychology, Lund gambling. Moreover, crucial mechanisms of action could be uncovered by detailing
University, Lund, Sweden
the situations that produce an arousal response. A gamble, or bet, can be partitioned
Correspondence into three distinct phases: (a) decision phase, during which the information concern-
Thomas Agren, Department of Psychology, ing the gamble is presented, outcomes are appraised, and a decision is made on how
Uppsala University, Box 1225, SE‐751 42
Uppsala, Sweden.
to gamble; (b) anticipation phase, during which the result of the gamble is awaited;
Email: (c) outcome phase, during which the outcome of the gamble is presented. Previous
Funding information research on arousal responses to gambling have mostly measured tonic changes in
Swedish Research Council, Sasakawa arousal, and when phasic responses have been measured, analyses have generally
Young Leader Fellowship fund
concentrated on one of the gamble phases. The aim of the present study was to map
the arousal responses during gambling in more detail by measuring skin conductance
responses (SCRs) during all three gamble phases of a simple card game. The antici-
pation phase was found to produce the largest arousal response, suggesting anticipa-
tion to be a major contributor to arousal during gambling behavior. Risk behavior
during the gambling task was mirrored in self‐reported risk taking in everyday life,
and risk‐takers displayed smaller SCRs compared to nonrisk‐takers during decision
making, suggesting this as a possible biomarker for risk‐taking individuals.

decision making, gambling, psychophysiology, risk, skin conductance

1 | IN T RO D U C T ION 1986). Data also support the involvement of arousal in prob-

lem gambling behavior. For example, an induced arousal state
Physiological arousal, the activation of the sympathetic ner- can affect gambling behavior, producing more risk taking if
vous system and the endocrine system in order to facilitate an it is accompanied by positive emotions (Rockloff & Greer,
activated state (e.g., a racing heart), is considered a vital rein- 2010). Moreover, PGs generally report heightened arousal to
forcement for gambling behavior in many influential psycho- gambling (Baudinet & Blaszczynski, 2013), but the physio-
logical theories of problem gambling (Blaszczynski & Nower, logical data paint a less clear picture. Although many stud-
2002; Brown, 1986; Sharpe, 2002). However, there is no real ies have found increased physiological arousal in PGs (see
consensus regarding the exact involvement of arousal. For ex- Goudriaan, Oosterlaan, de Beurs, & van den Brink, 2006, for
ample, it has been suggested that problem gamblers (PGs) are a review), there have recently emerged several studies that
hyperaroused to wins (Sharpe, 2002) or that they compensate don’t (see Baudinet & Blaszczynski, 2013). Complicating
from general hypoarousal with gambling behavior (Brown, matters further, the majority of psychophysiological research

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on gambling has measured tonic changes in arousal, where indicate the presence of somatic markers signaling risky
measures have been averaged over a long period of time, behavior related to the magnitude of future loss (Damasio,
often several minutes, spanning over many trials. 1996). These markers are presumed missing, or weaker, in
When measures are averaged over a long period of time, subgroups that do not seem to learn which decks are advanta-
the arousal response to individual trials, such as wins and geous, such as patients with lesions to the ventromedial pre-
losses, and different phases of gambling, such as decision frontal cortex, substance‐dependent individuals, and PGs. In
making and gamble outcomes, cannot be identified (see Lole, these populations, the decision of drawing from a disadvanta-
Gonsalvez, Blaszczynski, & Clarke, 2012, for further discus- geous deck does not show elevated SCRs; in fact, SCRs are
sion of tonic vs. phasic measures). In fact, tonic measures of sometimes decreased (Bechara & Damasio, 2002; Brevers,
arousal should actively exclude the phasic responses to stim- Bechara, Cleeremans, & Noël, 2013).
uli (Boucsein, 2014) and hence are best used as a measure of Evidence for the somatic marker hypothesis is mixed.
a general arousal state, which in turn can be affected by the There are alternative explanations to results produced by
same stimuli that give rise to phasic responses. This means the IGT, for example, that the elevated SCRs reflect the
that relying on tonic measurements in gambling studies is increased variance of reward and punishment of the disad-
problematic, because the physiological arousal response vantageous decks (Tomb, Hauser, Deldin, & Caramazza,
during gambling is affected by several processes that should 2002). Moreover, emerging results suggest that the elevated
not be entangled (such as decision making and responses to SCRs found when drawing from disadvantageous decks may
outcomes). Hence, in order to provide a detailed description not precede declarative knowledge of the deck contingen-
of the arousal responses to gambling, phasic responses must cies, removing the need for nonconscious somatic markers
be measured. (Maia & McClelland, 2004). However, the psychophysio-
For clarity, the procedure where a person makes a single logical ­results from the IGT, showing increased SCRs when
bet and receives a gamble outcome is hereby called a gam- drawing from disadvantageous decks, seem reliable (Dunn,
ble trial. Most gamble trials can be partitioned into three Dalgleish, & Lawrence, 2006) and show that the arousal
distinct phases: (a) decision phase, during which the partic- response during decision making may identify individuals
ipant is presented with a gambling choice and appraises the with abnormal decision making. In line with these results,
outcomes; (b) anticipation phase, during which the partici- when separating healthy controls into bad, moderate, and
pant waits for the outcome; and (c) outcome phase, during good performers of the IGT, bad performers did not show
which the participant is presented with the outcome. In order elevated SCRs when choosing from disadvantageous decks, a
to understand which gambling situations produce an arousal discrimination that was found in moderate and good perform-
response, and arguably contribute to a state of high arousal ers (Crone, Somsen, Van Beek, & Van Der Molen, 2004).
during gambling, all of these phases should be studied in Taken together, the results produced by the IGT show that de-
detail. Yet, as outlined below, most research has focused on cision making ­involving risk has an arousal component that
only one phase at a time. can be measured with skin conductance. These findings also
indicate that the arousal component of risky decisions may
characterize PGs or possibly influence the risk of becoming
1.1 | Previous research on the decision,
a problem gambler. In spite of this, few studies examining
anticipation, and outcome phases
phasic activity of gambling behavior have considered the de-
Regarding the decision phase, emotional arousal has been cision phase of a gamble trial.
linked to the decision‐making process of risky choices. This The studies on gambling that have measured phasic SCRs
has mainly been demonstrated using the Iowa gambling have mainly been concerned with the outcome phase. Lole
task (IGT), an experimental procedure in which a subject is et al. (2012) had healthy controls play an electronic gam-
asked to draw cards from four decks, of which two decks are bling machine (EGM) task, designed to produce outcomes
­advantageous and produce a net profit, while the other two (wins, near wins, and losses) at the same rate as a commercial
are disadvantageous, producing a net loss. In the IGT, greater EGM. SCRs to wins were larger than to losses, and wins of
skin conductance responses (SCRs) are observed when sub- larger amounts produced larger SCRs than wins of smaller
jects draw cards from disadvantageous decks, as compared amounts (Lole et al., 2012). These results were mirrored in
to advantageous decks (Bechara, Damasio, Damasio, & the results from a similar study using a commercial EGM
Anderson, 1994). This pattern of results has been explained (Wilkes, Gonsalvez, & Blaszczynski, 2010). Another study,
using the somatic marker hypothesis (Damasio, 1996), which comparing problem gamblers with nonproblem gamblers,
states that affect‐related bodily states associated to a stimulus ­revealed that PGs had a decreased SCR to wins, compared
(somatic markers) will affect decision making involving that with nonproblem gamblers, but responses to losses did not
stimulus. From this perspective, the elevated SCRs accom- differ (Lole, Gonsalvez, Barry, & Blaszczynski, 2014). The
panying the decision to draw from disadvantageous decks authors argued that PGs may be hyposensitive to reward,
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which is in line with the theory that PGs are using gambling Hence, the outcome phases of the gamble task were par-
to compensate for this deficit (Brown, 1986). titioned into wins and losses, and the associated arousal
In a gambling task where probabilities for decisions were responses were compared. Again, we hypothesized that
stated outright by coloring a corresponding part of an image of risk taken during the preceding decision may have influ-
a roulette wheel, subjects actively chose the bet size in half of enced the arousal response to the gamble outcome, and de-
the trials, and the computer chose the bet size in the other half. cision type was again included in the analysis. Second, the
Larger SCRs were found to decisions when subjects actively hypothesis that risk‐taking individuals show a dampened
chose the bet size. Moreover, larger SCRs were found to deci- arousal response to decision making. It has been reported
sions of higher bets as compared to lower, and to the outcome that risk‐takers display a dampened arousal response during
of high bet losses as compared to low bet losses (Studer & the decision phase of risky decisions (Bechara & Damasio,
Clark, 2011). Another study, using the same task, found that 2002). The present experimental design produces indi-
SCRs during the decision of active choice trials depended on vidual differences in risk taking, which allows for arousal
the chance of winning, comparing a 40% and 80% chance of responses to decision making to be compared between in-
winning, so that SCRs to the decisions i­ncreased with the dividuals displaying different levels of risk taking. Third,
chance of winning (Studer, Scheibehenne, & Clark, 2016). the hypothesis that laboratory findings of risk behavior can
be related to risk behavior in everyday life. That all risk
measures (also called revealed preferences) not necessar-
1.2 | The present study: Aims,
ily relate to self‐reported risk taking in everyday life has
hypotheses, and experimental setup
been highlighted by recent research (Frey, Pedroni, Mata,
Influential theories argue that the arousal response is vital for Rieskamp, & Hertwig, 2017). Finding ­behavioral and self‐
gambling behavior. If so, then crucial mechanisms of action reported measures of risk taking that reflect a common
can be uncovered by detailing the situations in gambling that underlying risk factor has thus been argued to be an im-
produce an arousal response. This could identify target meas- portant current task for the field (Mata, Frey, & Richter,
ures for further study in PGs or other groups with abnormal 2018). In order to examine this, participants were measured
decision making. Hence, the main aim of the present study on a self‐reported measure of risk preferences in everyday
was to examine the physiological arousal responses during a life: the Risk Propensity Scale (RPS: Nicholson, Soane,
gamble procedure and, specifically, to examine if any of the Fenton‐O’Creevy, & Willman, 2005).
gamble phases contributed a larger arousal response than the
others. To this aim, we designed a gambling task in which
the participant is presented with a card from a standard deck
of playing cards and then has to bet on whether the next card
will be of higher or lower rank than the presented card. While
2.1 | Participants
playing this game, the subject’s phasic arousal responses to Fifty‐six participants (21 male, 35 female), aged between
the decision, anticipation, and outcome phases of the gamble 18 and 31 years (M = 23.42; SD = 2.77) were recruited
trials were continually measured using SCRs. through billboard advertising on Uppsala University cam-
Since previous research has not directly compared the pus. The sample was almost free from problematic gam-
gamble phases, we had no clear hypothesis regarding which, bling behavior (M = 0.21, SEM = 0.14). Only four
if any, of the phases that would differ. However, since it has participants recorded any problematic behavior, of which
been found that arousal response to a decision depends on only one could be classified as a PG (Problem Gambling
the risk involved (Bechara et al., 1994; Bechara & Damasio, Severity Index [PGSI] = 7).1 Subjects received a movie
2002; Brevers et al., 2013; Crone et al., 2004), we found it ticket for participation but had a chance to win additional
necessary to cover for the possibility that the degree of risk movie tickets (see Procedure). The study was approved by
may interact with phase (decision, anticipation, outcome). the local ethics board.
Thus, gamble trials were categorized according to risk taken
during the decision (uncertain decisions, risky decisions, safe
decisions), and decision type was included in the analysis.
2.2 | Task
Apart from the main research question, the present The gambling task consisted of a card game presented on a
study allows for testing three additional hypotheses that are computer. During a single gambling trial, a card was drawn
of interest to the field but that have arguably not yet gained from a virtual deck, and the player had to decide whether
sufficient attention: First, the hypothesis that the arousal re-
sponse to wins is larger than the arousal response to losses. 1
Because the study aimed to cover as much risk‐taking behavior as possible,
Previous research has noted larger arousal r­esponses to no participants were excluded from the statistical analyses. The distributions
wins than to losses (Lole et al., 2012; Wilkes et al., 2010). of the dependent variables fulfilled parametric statistical assumptions.
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the next card drawn would be of a higher or lower rank than Every player started with a pot of 20 points so that no
the presented card. A successful guess rewarded the player one would go bankrupt. Participants were told that the
with points proportional to the probability of the successful ­virtual deck of cards consisted of two intermixed decks of
guess. If the player bet that the next card would be lower, standard playing cards, in order to make it more difficult
the player would receive the same amount of points as the to count cards. The gambling task consisted of 20 trials,
number of ranks higher than the rank of the current card. that is, 20 different bets. A single trial consisted of a card
For example, if the first card was a 10 and the player cor- being presented for 6 s, during which the participants were
rectly guessed that the next card would have a lower rank, instructed to make up their mind of how to bet. This was
the player would be rewarded with 4 points, since there are the decision phase. When the card had been presented for
four cards higher than 10 (jack, queen, king, ace). If the 6 s, the participants were urged to press one of two but-
player instead correctly guessed that the next card would tons, representing bets that the next card would have a
have a higher rank, the player would receive 8 points, since higher or lower rank. After having pressed a button, the
there are eight ranks lower than 10. In this way, players text “wait for results” was shown for 6 s (the anticipation
of the game could decide to make risky decisions (i.e., by phase), after which the outcome was presented for another
betting on the outcomes with low probability) with the po- 6 s (outcome phase). The participants were told that the
tential of larger wins, or to play it safe (i.e., by betting on game was random. However, the game was rigged so that
the outcomes with high probability) for lower wins. Every each participant got 10 wins and 10 losses. This means that
incorrect decision resulted in a loss of 4 points, making this the only difference in aggregated outcomes was dependent
a “losses‐from‐an‐initial‐endowment” procedure, which on how risky the bets were made (Figure 1). In the previ-
has been reported to produce similar results as real losses ous example of being presented a 10, the riskier bet would
(Etchart‐Vincent & l’Haridon, 2011). give 8 points (if this was a predestined win trial), and the

F I G U R E 1 An example of a gamble trial involving a risky or safe decision rigged to produce a win. (a) First, a card was shown for 6 s. The
participant was instructed to decide how to bet during this time. (b) A prompt allows the participant to bet on whether the next card will be higher
or lower. Because the card is four of clubs, betting that the next card will be lower constitutes a risky decision. The probability for a lower card is
low, but such a win produces a larger reward. Conversely, betting that the next card is higher constitutes a safe decision, but such an outcome will
produce a small reward. (c) Next followed a period of 6 s when the participant anticipated the result. (d) Then, the outcome was shown for 6 s. In
this case, the risky decision produced a reward of 11 points, while the safe decision produced a reward of only 2 points. Slides were taken from the
original experiment and were translated into English
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safer bet would give 4 points. By rigging the game, wins give them an idea of what might be a good result in the game.
and losses can be readily compared, and participants can This was done to incentivize participants to increase their
be exposed to an equal number of opportunities for risk risk taking in order to achieve higher scores. They were told
taking, enabling comparisons of participants’ individual that the high score list was from a pilot study and that they
risk preferences. would not compete against those participants. We told them,
In order to be able to compare different kinds of deci- truthfully, that we were going to construct a high score list
sions, decisions were categorized into three categories. The of all the participants, and that the top three results would be
first two categories, risky decisions and safe decisions, were rewarded with extra movie tickets: five extra for first place,
defined as decisions made to cards lower than rank 6 (3–5) three for second place, and one extra for third place. This was
or higher than rank 10 (jack–king). These cards enable a done in order to make sure that participants reacted to real
choice between making a risky or safe decision, assuming a payoffs, as compared to hypothetical payoffs, which can be
fair game with a standard deck of playing cards. Using these an important distinction when generalizing the results to real‐
cards, a risky decision has a 23% chance or less of winning life risk (Etchart‐Vincent & l’Haridon, 2011; Locey, Jones, &
and a safe decision has a 77% chance or more of winning. Rachlin, 2011). After this, they were led into the soundproof
Thus, it should be noted that this use of the terms “risky” chamber where the experiment took place. An explanation
and “safe” differs from how, for example, behavioral econ- of the gambling task was shown on the screen, followed
omists use them: in those instances, risky and safe refer to by two illustrated examples. Participants were urged to ask
the outcome variance if prospects are ­experienced (e.g., the questions if something was unclear regarding the rules of the
volatility of the stock market, where the worth of a stock goes game. Skin conductance electrodes were then attached, and
up and down; the more movement, the more risk), and also the gambling session commenced. After the game, the par-
other studies where a prospect may be considered safe only ticipants answered the RPS and the PGSI and, as part of a
if it refers to a probability of 1. The third category, called separate project, performed a task where different prospec-
uncertain, contained all cards ranked 6–10 and represents tive lotteries were evaluated.
decisions where the opportunity to decide to play it safe or
risky was not as pronounced. In the uncertain category, the
least safe bet that could be made had a 31% chance of win-
2.5 | Quantification of electrodermal data
ning and the safest bet possible had a 62% chance of winning. The SCR signal passed through a high‐pass hardware filter of
Every participant encountered 10 cards where risky and safe 0.05 Hz and was analyzed with the LEDALAB software pack-
decisions could be made, and 10 cards where decisions were age using continuous decomposition analysis (Benedek &
more uncertain. For both types of cards, 5 wins and 5 losses Kaernbach, 2010) implemented in MATLAB (Mathworks
were encountered. In an attempt to boost risk taking, wins Inc., Natick, MA). LEDALAB is but one in a rise of new
were unevenly distributed over the gambling task so that the analysis methods built on psychophysiological modeling (see
first half produced 80% of the wins. Bach et al., 2018, for an overview). SCR was scored using
the maximum phasic driver amplitude (max. SCR) 1–7 s after
each stimulus onset and then transformed (square root) and
2.3 | Materials
standardized (divided by the mean) in order to normalize data
The game was programmed in Eprime (Psychology Software and achieve comparability between participants. Dividing by
Tools, Pittsburgh, PA), and SCRs were recorded using Biopac the mean, instead of the maximum response, has the advan-
MP150 with Biopac EL509 electrodes. An isotonic recording tage that the mean is a more stable and reliable measure than
electrode gel was applied to the electrodes before they were the maximum response (Ben‐Shakhar, 1985). The 1–7 s in-
placed on the hypothenar eminence of the participants’ left terval was chosen because of the time delay in C‐fiber trans-
hand. The game was presented on a computer screen, and two mission of the sudomotor burst (Boucsein, 2014).
keys on an ordinary keyboard were used to play the game.
Participants filled in the RPS (Nicholson et al., 2005) and
the PGSI (Ferris, Wynne, Ladouceur, Stinchfield, & Turner,
2.6 | Data analysis
2001). Moreover, as part of a separate project, participants To examine our main research question, that is, which gamble
performed a task where different prospective lotteries were phase produced the largest arousal response, a linear mixed
evaluated. effects model was used, with participants as a random ­effect,
and gamble phase (decision, anticipation, outcome) and de-
cision type (uncertain, risky, safe) as fixed effects. This
2.4 | Procedure
analysis was used because 21 participants did not make any
At arrival, participants read and signed informed consent. risky decisions, and a repeated measures analysis of variance
They were then showed a mock high score list, in order to (ANOVA) would have excluded these participants from the
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analysis, while a linear mixed effects model can deal with and decision type (uncertain, risky, safe) as fixed effects, and
unbalanced designs (Wu, 2009). To test whether the arousal SCR as the dependent variable, showed that SCRs differed be-
response to wins and losses differed, a linear mixed effects tween phases, F(2, 432) = 21.23, p < 0.001, BF = 712,606,
model was used, with participants as a random factor, and out- but no effect of decision type could be found, F(2,
come (wins, losses) and decision type (uncertain, risky, safe) 432) = 0.42, p = 0.66, BF = 0.04, nor an interaction between
as fixed effects. To test if risk‐taking individuals ­display a dif- gamble phase and decision type, F(4, 432) = 1.97, p = 0.10,
ferent arousal response to decision making, a mixed ANOVA BF = 0.01 (Figure 2). Follow‐up t tests using Bonferroni cor-
was used, with risk taking as a between‐groups variable (no rection showed that the anticipation phase produced higher
risk, intermediate risk, high risk) and ­decision type (uncer- SCRs compared to both the decision phase, t(55) = 4.59,
tain, safe) as within‐group variable. Risky decisions were p < 0.001, BF > 1,000 and the outcome phase, t(55) = 3.48,
excluded from the ANOVA because the no risk group made p = 0.003, BF = 64.3. SCRs did not differ between the deci-
no risky decisions, and hence there was no estimate on the sion phase and the outcome phase, t(55) = −1.70, p = 0.29,
arousal response from the no risk participants during risky de- BF = 1.72. See online supporting information, Figure S1, for
cisions. The arousal response to risky decisions was compared a graphical display of descriptive statistics.
between the intermediate risk and high risk groups using an
independent t test. Finally, to test whether the amount of risky
3.2 | Skin conductance responses to
decisions during the task correlated with everyday risk, a non-
wins and losses
parametric Kendall’s rank‐order correlation was used.
All frequentist statistics were calculated using SPSS. All A linear mixed effects model, with participants as a random
Bayes factors (BFs: the relative likelihood of the observed effect, and outcome (wins, losses) and decision type (uncer-
data given different models) comparing the models were tain, risky, safe) as fixed effects, showed no effect of out-
calculated using the default settings in JASP (2018). For come, F(1, 271) = 1.30, p = 0.26, BF = 0.25, no effect of
details on the default ANOVA settings, see Rouder, Morey, decision type, F(2, 271) = 0.40, p = 0.67, BF = 0.06, and
Verhagen, Swagman, and Wagenmakers (2017). For the no interaction effect between outcome and decision type,
Bayesian ANOVAs, we first present the model that has the F(2, 271) = 2.46, p = 0.09, BF = 0.01 (Figure 3).
strongest evidence in relation to the null hypothesis. The
­remaining models are tested against this model. To illus-
3.3 | Differences in arousal response to
trate, consider three models: a model containing only Main
decision making between different levels of
Effect A, which yields a BF of 100 when compared to the
risk taking
null model; a model containing Main Effect B, which yields
a BF of 10 when compared to the null model; and a model In order to see if risk‐takers differed in arousal response
containing an interaction between Main Effect A and Main to decision making, the participants were partitioned into
Effect B, which yields a BF of 5 when compared to the null three groups based on the risk‐taking behavior displayed
model. A myopic comparison only with the null hypothesis in the gamble task. The first group consisted of subjects
could result in the belief that there is positive evidence for who never made a risky decision (no risk; n = 21), the
both main effects as well as an interaction. However, when second group of subjects who took 1–2 risky decisions
comparing the models against each other, it is clear that the
model containing Main Effect A is the most plausible model
Mean corrected SCR

for explaining the data: it is 10 times more likely to explain *

the data than the model containing Main Effect B, and 20
times more likely than the model containing interaction. For
details on the default t‐test settings, see Rouder, Engelhart,
McCabe, and Morey (2016), and for details on the default 0.5
settings for correlation testing, see van Doorn, Ly, Marsman,
and Wagenmakers (2018).
3 | R ES U LTS






3.1 | Skin conductance responses to the



different gambling phases

F I G U R E 2 Mean corrected SCRs for the different phases of a
A linear mixed effects model, with participants as a random gamble trial. *p < 0.05 on Bonferroni‐corrected follow‐up t tests. Error
effect, and gamble phase (decision, anticipation, outcome) bars represent SEM
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Mean corrected SCR

Wins 1.5
Mean corrected SCR Losses *
1.0 *

0.5 0.0








Uncertain Risky Safe

Decision type
F I G U R E 4 Mean corrected SCRs to the decision phase for
FIGURE 3 Descriptive statistics showing mean corrected SCRs
the groups displaying different amounts of risk behavior (no risk,
for wins and losses following the different decision types. Error bars
intermediate risk, high risk). Error bars represent SEM. The figure
represent SEM
displays the main effect of risk behavior (safe and uncertain decisions
collapsed), and Bonferroni‐corrected follow‐up t tests. *p < 0.05

(intermediate risk; n = 20), and the third group of subjects

who made 3 or more risky decisions (high risk; n = 15). In
3.4 | The connection between risk behavior
this way, there is roughly an equal number of subjects in
displayed in the experimental task and self‐
each group, while keeping the subjects who never took a
reported risk taking in everyday life
risky decision in a single group. Because we followed data
in creating these groups, the analyses involving them are to The hypothesis that risk‐takers during the gambling proce-
be considered exploratory. dure would exhibit more risk taking in real life was tested by
Because the no risk group did not take any risky deci- calculating nonparametric correlations (Kendall’s rank‐order
sions, it was not possible to compare all the groups on the correlations) between the number of risky decisions and the
SCRs to the category of risky decisions. The intermediate RPS score. Because there is only one logic hypothesis tested
risk and high risk groups did not differ in their SCRs to risky here (that risk‐takers during the gamble procedure would ex-
decisions, t(33) = −0.77, p = 0.45, BF = 0.87, but remember hibit less risk taking in real life seems implausible), a one‐
that participants in the intermediate risk group only made sided hypothesis test was calculated. The results showed
1 or 2 risky decisions, so the comparison is based on few strong evidence of a positive correlation, τb(54) = 0.26,
trials. A better comparison can be made using decisions in p = 0.01, BF = 16.0.
the uncertain and safe categories. The decisions in the uncer-
tain category contain more risk than the decisions in the safe
category and represent a sort of forced risk taking. Hence, 4 | DISCUSSION
according to previous data (Crone et al., 2004), risk‐takers
should show dampened SCRs to uncertain decisions, as com- This study examined the different phases of a gambling trial
pared to nonrisk‐takers, but not to safe decisions. A repeated (decision, anticipation, outcome) and analyzed the arousal
measures ANOVA with SCRs to decisions as the dependent response for each phase during a simple gambling task. In
variable, risk taking (no risk, intermediate risk, high risk) as a this way, this study separated processes that have previously
between‐groups variable, and decision type (safe, uncertain) been collapsed together in tonic measures of arousal and, to
as a within‐group variable showed a main effect of risk tak- our knowledge, have never been examined separately all in
ing, F(1, 53) = 5.26, p = 0.008. Bonferroni corrected t tests the same study. The aim of the study was to characterize the
revealed that both the no risk group, t(34) = 3.41, p = 0.006, arousal response during gambling, which is believed to be
BF > 1,000, and the intermediate risk group, t(33) = 2.78, crucial for gambling behavior, in order to suggest mecha-
p = 0.03, BF > 1,000, showed larger SCRs than the high nisms of action for further study. The results show that the
risk group. However, the no risk group and the intermediate largest SCRs occurred in the anticipation phase of a gam-
risk group did not differ, t(39) = 0.11, p = 0.91, BF = 0.10 ble trial, irrespective of the risk involved in the preceding
(Figure 4). No main effect of decision type, F(1, 53) = 0.38, decision. Hence, if physiological arousal is regarded as a
p = 0.54, BF = 0.14, or Risk Taking × Decision Type, F(2, key factor in gambling behavior, then the present result of-
53) = 0.97, p = 0.39, BF = 1.10, could be noted. See sup- fers the anticipation phase of gambling as a major source
porting information, Figure S2, for a graphical display of de- for this and stresses the importance of studying this phase
scriptive statistics. separately.
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|    AGREN et al.

When examining the outcome phase, no differences in shortcomings, and which more strongly connect to the un-
SCRs were noted between wins and losses. This is in con- derlying risk function, is naturally of great relevance for the
trast to previous results noting larger responses to wins than field. The present results suggest that the task used here is a
to losses (Lole et al., 2012; Wilkes et al., 2010). However, viable candidate.
the present results may not be comparable to these results A limitation of the study is that SCRs may have habitu-
because they used an EGM gambling task, which may differ ated during the gambling procedure, and that this may have
from the present experimental task in many ways, for ex- affected the comparison of SCRs between wins and losses,
ample, in perceived risk and control. Moreover, when gam- because of the uneven distribution of wins and losses
bling on an EGM, there is no opportunity for safe decisions. over the experiment. Additional analyses were performed
Still, excluding the wins and losses following safe decisions to address this limitation, and the results did not indicate
from our linear mixed effects model did not quite produce that habituation influenced the results (see supporting
a significant difference between wins and losses, F(1, information).
161) = 3.0, p = 0.09. Hence, either the arousal response to A limitation of the gamble task was that risky decisions
wins and losses in our card game does not differ, or perhaps were relatively rare, which made the results on risky deci-
it is a power problem, and we would be able to observe a sions based on fewer participants and fewer trials compared
difference in a larger study, with more trials and more risky to safe and uncertain decisions. More risky decisions may
decisions. be achieved by simply running more trials. The 20 trials run
The participants in the high risk group showed decreased in the present study were completed in about 7 min, and we
SCRs to decision making compared to both the no risk and predict that participants could play many more trials without
the intermediate risk groups, which somewhat mirrors previ- losing interest, although this remains to be tested. A way of
ous results. It has previously been noted that high risk‐tak- increasing risk taking in the gamble task would be to omit
ers (Bechara & Damasio, 2002) display decreased SCRs to the punishment of −4 points for losses, as these may have
risky decisions during the IGT. However, the present results motivated participants to make safer bets.
showed decreased SCRs to decision making over both un- The implications of the present results suggest several
certain decisions, which represents a sort of forced risk tak- future avenues of research. First, when studying arousal in
ing, and safe decisions, indicating that the decreased arousal gambling, the present results suggest that the arousal re-
to decision making in risk‐taking individuals extends be- sponse to anticipation should be studied, because it might
yond risky ­decisions. Within the framework of the somatic represent a major contributor of arousal, so that a profile of
marker theory, Bechara and Damasio (2002) thought that arousal responses during gambling is incomplete without it.
high risk‐takers made a conscious effort to override their Second, it would be interesting to see if problem gamblers
somatic markers. However, it is unlikely that the present re- differ from healthy controls in any specific gamble phase, in
sults are the product of somatic markers, because the pres- order to further characterize the physiological arousal in PGs
ent gambling task ­depended on stated probabilities and did during gambling and the possible impact of arousal on PG
not contain a process of learning during which the hypothe- behavior. Specifically, it might be possible to identify PGs,
sized somatic markers could be formed. Thus, for the pres- or at least risk‐takers, by looking at the SCRs to decision
ent r­ esults, a more parsimonious explanation is that SCRs to making.
decision making are tied to an individual’s disposition for In conclusion, this detailed analysis of SCRs during a
risk taking and, hence, might constitute a biomarker for risky simple gamble task advances our knowledge of the somatic
decision making. This also offers an alternative explanation activity during gambling and decision making. The study
for previous results (Bechara & Damasio, 2002; Crone et al., demonstrates that the arousal response to gambling is a p­ roduct
2004). of several separate responses to different phases of a gamble
Interestingly, increased risk taking in gambling behavior trial. Anticipation produced the largest arousal response, com-
was reflected in self‐reported risk taking in everyday life, pared with the responses produced during ­decision making
which indicates a consistent behavior profile regarding risk and when being presented with the gamble outcome. Hence,
taking. Recent research has suggested a moderate but stable in order to understand the influence of arousal on gambling
psychometric function of risk preferences for propensity (i.e., behavior, it is informative to study these phases individually
self‐reported) and frequency measures (Frey et al., 2017), but and to include the anticipation phase, which has been largely
with little contribution from behavioral measures. However, overlooked in previous research. Taking these considerations
other recent research has pointed to the notion that the lack into account could illuminate ­future studies on the arousal
of relation between behavioral measures and propensity mea- responses during gambling ­behavior. In addition, risk taking
sures may be due to psychometric issues with most behavioral was coupled with decreased SCRs to decision making, which
measures and entanglement of cognitive abilities (Pedroni might constitute a biomarker for risk‐taking individuals that
et al., 2017). Finding behavioral measures that bypass these can be further examined in future gambling research.
AGREN et al.    
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