Community Energy Update Nov 2011

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CSE Community Energy Update November 2011

Tools, events, funding, freebies...

Awards for All
This is a Big Lottery Fund small grants scheme that makes awards of up to 10,000. CSE has put together some guidance on writing an application and can offer support if youre seeking funding for your energy project. Get in touch with your main contact at CSE to discuss your ideas and/or your draft application. Information about the fund can be found online here.

Grimple Green Grants Scheme

The Green Insurance Company is seeking applications from individuals and not-for profit organisations for funding for environmentally friendly projects. The company has up to 40,000 to give away, and small projects and organisations can claim up to 2,000, with a special 10,000 grant available to one project voted for by the public. More information is available here.

NEA footprint award

Two thousand pounds per region is up for grabs from the NEA footprint award deadline is Fri 9 Dec 2011.

People Fund
This fund helps people find and fund good ideas that might change the world (for the better). Its quick to back a project (investments can be as little as 1) and money only leaves your account if the idea you support raises its target. If you really like an idea you can also support it with your time and skills. Projects might be the latest gadgets, ground-breaking energy initiatives, or nifty ideas. Visit:

Helping to insulate the homes in your street

If youre in a Somerset group promoting energy saving measures for home owners, then Warm Streets Communities might be for you. Funded by Scottish and Southern Energy, its a subsidised and qualityassured insulation scheme for householders. Through it people receive free loft and cavity wall insulation, whilst others can receive a significantly reduced rate (in most cases the most competitive on the market). If your community group makes referrals youll receive incentive payments and support from CSE check out these examples. For info contact CSEs new Low Carbon Localism Project Manager:

Making the most of solar hot water systems

Properly installed solar water heating systems can provide 60% of hot water needs for a home but some work still needs to be done to ensure householders get the best out of the technologies. To find out the results of the UKs largest ever study into the systems, visit here.

Getting your hands on an energy monitor

Bath & North East Somerset Council have extended their energy monitor loan scheme for residents. More info here. More information about energy monitors is on the Money Saving Expert website.

Finding Super Homes a new website

The Sustainable Energy Academy super homes website helps people to find energy efficient super homes close to them that they can visit. For more information, go to:

CSE Communities | | 9341400 (switchboard) Centre for Sustainable Energy | 3 St Peters Court | Bedminster Parade | Bristol BS3 4AQ |

Local updates...
Somerset Community Energy Forum Saturday 26 November, 11am 3.30pm
Bridgwater YMCA, Friarn Avenue, TA6 3RF This event will be a great opportunity for members of community energy groups in Somerset to meet other groups, find out more about developments in community energy and discuss their projects and ideas. The programme includes speakers and workshops on the Green Deal, hard-to-treat homes, behaviour change, energy auditing and working with schools. Several local energy groups will present their projects and ideas. Networking will be encouraged over a welcome tea or coffee from 10.30am, and over lunch. CSE staff will be available after the close of the Forum for specific project and energy queries. Free to community group members. A light lunch will be provided. More information and full agenda here.

Power to the People Thursday 17 November, 6.30pm 9pm

3rd Floor Bush, House, 72 Prince Street, Bristol Bristol Energy Networks next meeting will be co-hosted with The Converging World and Bristol Green Doors. Following on from the last meeting on the Green Deal this next BEN meeting will be to discuss how community groups can engage with the local and global energy issues. Places are limited, to register e-mail:

Zion World and Community Night Thursday 17 November, 7pm 9pm

Zion Bristol, Bishopsworth Rd, BS13 7JW All members of the community are invited to come along, listen to other points of views and feel involved in your world and community. Bristol Energy Co-operative will talk about a community energy initiative to build a local, resilient, low-carbon energy infrastructure for Bristol. A short film will precede the talk. Bristol Tea Company will be offering samples of their tea and Lucy Lovecakes will be bringing cake! Entry is free. For more info, visit:

Somerset Community Connections

This survey is part of a project designed to analyse the networks and links between different community energy groups and support or funding organisations, in terms of information, expertise, funding and support, in order to identify key hubs, links between different groups and how to better encourage networks. If youre able to complete the survey here your responses would be welcomed. There is an incentive for you to take part.

Oil clubs Citizens Advice resources

Oil clubs can be a great way of helping people obtain savings on their domestic oil heating bills by grouping orders for oil and getting a discount from the oil distribution company. Oil clubs also reduce the number of tanker journeys on rural roads and therefore cut down the delivery costs of suppliers. Also known as oil syndicates and oil buying groups, oil clubs are growing throughout the UK. They range in size from small groups of a few houses, to larger ones covering whole villages of several hundred households. Citizens Advice has launched some new resources helping people to find out more about oil clubs. More information can be found here.
CSE Communities | | 9341400 (switchboard) Centre for Sustainable Energy | 3 St Peters Court | Bedminster Parade | Bristol BS3 4AQ |

News and publications...

Feed-in tariff review
You may have received updates about government proposals to reduce the feed-in tariff (FIT) rate for solar PV schemes from 12 December 2011. Details and consultation docs are here. A CSE write-up is here.

Hills Fuel Poverty Review

This independent review from first principles of the problem of fuel poverty and the way in which we measure it has just been published. It refers to CSEs work on distributional impacts, low income high consuming households, and research into the impact of fuel poverty on quality of life. Download it here

Community shares and ethical investment

Nearly half (42%) of British adults with investments want to "make money and make a difference. This Guardian article discusses some the attraction of community shares and ethical investment.

Off grid energy study

A new report (available here) examines whether the market for the supply of energy to the 4 million households who are not connected to the mains gas grid is working well for these consumers.

Ofgem consultation on tariff proposals

Simple tariffs, clearer bills and annual statements will be the result of the recent radical reform model proposed by energy regulator Ofgem. More information here

Analysis of rural community buildings

ACRE, the umbrella body of the Rural Community Action Network, has released two reports on research from over two thousand rural community buildings across England. 'The state and management of rural community buildings in England' examines the responsibility volunteer trustees undertake in managing buildings and makes recommendations that could ease the financial and legislative burden. 'The changing use of rural community buildings', looks at community change and challenges. Some highlights: 26% of halls have installed energy efficiency/renewable energy measures, and 34% plan to do so in the next five years Only 16% of buildings have procedures in place to minimise environmental impact (and only 8% have an environmental policy) 20% of halls expenditure goes on energy costs Only 21% have undertaken an energy efficiency audit

Energy Act
On 18 October, the Energy Bill received Royal Assent and became the Energy Act 2011. It provides for some of the key elements of the Coalitions Programme for Government and its first Annual Energy Statement. Its a first step in our legislative programme, and further legislation has been sought to implement, for example, the findings of the Electricity Market Reform Programme. Further details are here.

CSE Communities | | 9341400 (switchboard) Centre for Sustainable Energy | 3 St Peters Court | Bedminster Parade | Bristol BS3 4AQ |

Somerset Community Energy Forum

Saturday 26 November 2011 Bridgwater YMCA George Williams House, Friarn Avenue, Bridgwater, TA6 3RF

10.30 11.00 Arrival and Refreshments Introduction Simon Roberts, Chief Executive of CSE Presentation on The Low Carbon Retrofit Challenge and the Green Deal Update: the Feed in tariff and the Renewable Heat Incentive Update: Insulation for hard to treat homes Question and answer session 12.15 13.00 13.30 14.30 15.20 15.30 Workshop LUNCH - a light lunch will be provided Guest Speakers from Community Energy Projects Workshop Summing up and Close Refreshments, Networking and Advice Surgery with staff bookable on the day or just seek us out. Anybody who wants to stay for networking or for advice surgeries is welcome to stay until 16.30

Workshop Choices
Some Workshops will be run twice, depending on demand. Workshop 1: Workshop 2: Workshop 3: Workshop 4: Energy Auditing Behaviour Change Working with Schools Setting up Community Draught-proofing Advisor Schemes

CSE Communities | | 9341400 (switchboard) Centre for Sustainable Energy | 3 St Peters Court | Bedminster Parade | Bristol BS3 4AQ |

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