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A brand I liked because of its satisfying user experience is Ikea, however now I'm no

longer a fan of it since I'm boycotting it, but I'm writing this in hopes that someday local

brands reach and have the same user experience of Ikea.

IKEA is a brand known for its innovative application of user experience (UX) principles, which

has helped to drive its success globally. Below are some ways IKEA uses UX principles to

improve user experience:

1. User-Centric Design: IKEA designs its products with the user in mind. Their furniture is

not only stylish and affordable but also functional and easy to assemble. This focus on

the user's needs and preferences enhances the overall experience.

An example is Ikea’s easy-to-assemble series showcasing their products and it being


2. In-Store Experience: IKEA stores are designed like a maze to optimize product discovery.

The layout guides customers along a predetermined path, exposing them to a wide range

of products. This is similar to good UX design where users are guided intuitively through

a process or website.

3. Clear Instructions: IKEA's assembly instructions are highly visual, using simple

illustrations and minimal text. This is an application of the UX principle that emphasizes

clarity and simplicity, making it easier for users to interact with the product.
4. Digital Experience: IKEA's website and mobile app are user-friendly, with easy navigation

and clear product information. Their AR app, IKEA Place, allows users to visualize how

furniture would look in their homes, enhancing the user's decision-making process.

5. Feedback and Iteration: IKEA is known for actively seeking and incorporating customer

feedback into its product designs and store layouts. This iterative process is a key

aspect of UX design, where continuous improvements are made based on user

6. Sustainability: IKEA's commitment to sustainability also enhances user experience. By

considering the environmental impact of their products, they appeal to users' values and

contribute to a positive overall brand experience.

Thank you!
Aya Amr 202110633
Lecturer Hadeel mustafa

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