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Fundamentals of Web Development

Unit wise important questions for End Examination

1. Differentiate between Internet and Web?
2. Explain structure of an HTMLpage with an example?
3. List out and illustrate the features of HTML?
4. Discuss about the following WebBrowser ,Web Server and URL.
5. Classify different web technologies.
6. What is the full form of HTML ?Why is it needed?.
1. How to create ordered and unordered lists . explain with an example?
2. Discuss about the following tags with at least 2 attributes
i) img ii) a iii) marquee
3. How to create tables in an html page explain with a small example?
4. What is the use of input tag and show how to create a form to ask from the
user containing the following fields.
2 text fields with labels as name and mobile number ,
2 radio buttons to select any one among them by putting its label as gender
and values of the buttons should be male and female.
3 check boxes to represent the hobbies like cricket,volley ball and singing
songs as values of the check boxes and
1 submit button
5. Explain about audio tag and video tag of html5 ?
6. Illustrate about different types of text formatting tags and explain any 3 of them?
7. List out different tags and explain any 4 tags ?
1. What is the full form of CSS and what is the use of it ? write the applications of CSS?
2. List out the methods to apply CSS to a webpage? Explain any one method to apply CSS
to a webpage with an example?
3. List out different types of CSS selectors and illustrate about CSS class selector ?
4. Discuss about different properties of CSS with a small example?
5. How to apply color to the different elements in a web page using CSS and write down the
different ways to apply color to an element with an example.
6. List and explain any 4 applications of CSS?
7.Discuss about different background properties of CSS with a small example?
8. Discuss about any 2 properties of CSS lists?
9.Discuss about below properties of CSS tables with some example ?
a) Border-collapse b) vertical-align c)border-spacing d)Hoverable Table e)text-align
10.How can we apply style to different elements using CSS class selector and CSS id selector.
1) Explain about margin and padding properties of CSS?

2) Discuss about CSS border-style property with an example?

3 Illustrate the following

a) CSS layers with Z-index b) Height & Width properties of CSS
4.explain about CSS Floats.
5.Discuss about CSS Display property with an example.
6. Explain about CSS Dimensions?

1. List any 4 javascript events and explain any one event with an example.
2. Discuss about any 2 Browser Objects?
3. Explain about Document object Model?
4. What is the use of Javascript? Explain how we can write function in JavaScript.

5. Explain about how validation can be done in java script with an example?
6. Discuss about any 2 JavaScript objects and its methods
7. Discuss about different datatypes of javascript and also explain the difference between let
and var keywords?
8. Explain how can we validate some text using regular expressions?

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