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Psychology of Suchana Seth: The CEO

In a heart-wrenching incident that has sent shockwaves across the nation,

Suchana Seth, the CEO of an Indian start-up, is facing allegations of smothering
her four-year-old son in a hotel room in the picturesque state of Goa. The
horrifying crime has left the community in disbelief, prompting authorities to
delve into the motive behind this unimaginable act.

Investigations reveal a disturbing backdrop where the family court's recent

rulings seemingly fuelled Suchana's jealousy. Initially, the court had granted
permission for Venkatraman, the father, to engage in phone and video calls with
his son. Subsequently, the court extended visitation rights, allowing the father to
meet his son once a fortnight in the court's public area. In a recent order dated
November 20, 2023, the court further expanded these visitations, permitting
Venkatraman to spend every Sunday with his son from morning to evening.

Sources suggest that Suchana Seth's alleged actions were driven by a deep-seated
resentment, triggered by the court's decisions perceived as favouring the father.
A spokesperson stated, "Maybe she was upset that in a case where she felt she is
the victim, the court had been passing orders in favour of the father."

This heart-breaking incident sheds light on the profound impact legal decisions
can have on individuals involved in contentious family matters. The escalating
visitation permissions, intended to facilitate a connection between the father and
son, may have inadvertently intensified the already strained emotions within the
family dynamic

Goa police discovered a five-sentence note, believed to be written by Seth herself,

at the heart of the ongoing investigation. Suchana Seth, a successful start-up
leader in the Indian business scene, is now facing shock and disbelief from
colleagues due to the accusations against her. According to police sources, Seth
is learnt to have replied that she did not commit the crime and instead held her
estranged husband responsible for the circumstances leading to the incident.

Amidst the investigation, details have emerged suggesting that jealousy over her
husband's close relationship with their son may have played a significant role in
the tragic incident. Recent orders from the Calcutta Family Court granting the
father permission to spend weekends with his son in a positive environment could
have exacerbated Suchana's distress.

Psychologists and mental health experts are being consulted to understand the
possible triggers that led to this incomprehensible crime. It seems that the
pressures of balancing a high-profile career with the responsibilities of
motherhood may have adversely affected the mental well-being of professional

As the nation grapples with the aftermath of this heart-breaking incident, it is

imperative to extend empathy and support to the general public. Daily life can be
a relentless challenge for many, with the strains of modern living often taking a
toll on mental health. Pressures from work, familial expectations, and societal
norms create a delicate balance for individuals, underscoring the need for a
compassionate and understanding community. In facing these collective
challenges, fostering environments that prioritize mental well-being for all
becomes not just a recommendation but a societal imperative.

Beyond the specifics of Suchana Seth's case, let's delve into the broader landscape
of mental health, a topic that warrants our attention and understanding. Mental
health, an integral aspect of overall well-being, is often overshadowed or
underestimated in our society. The consequences of undiagnosed or untreated
mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety, extend far beyond the
individual, impacting decision-making, emotional stability, and the overall fabric
of our communities.

In metropolitan and cosmopolitan cities like Delhi, Gurugram, and Bangalore,

individuals in high-pressure roles often find themselves isolated, lacking the
robust support systems necessary to navigate the challenges they encounter. This
isolation can lead to heightened feelings of loneliness and a lack of emotional
support, intensifying the psychological toll of their roles. The urgent need to
address mental health issues within the professional landscape becomes evident,
highlighting the importance of fostering supportive workplace environments.

The state of personal relationships, including marital discord or family conflicts,

emerges as another significant factor affecting the mental health of working
women. Balancing the demands of a career with the responsibilities of
motherhood may strain personal relationships, creating an additional layer of
stress and emotional distress. This intricate balance becomes even more complex
when compounded by societal expectations that dictate the roles individuals are
expected to play.

Family pressure and expectations form yet another layer of the intricate tapestry
that weaves into the psychological struggles faced by professional women. The
overwhelming desire to meet societal or familial expectations, coupled with the
pressure to be a successful professional and nurturing parent, creates a profound
sense of deprivation. It's crucial to recognize the delicate dance individuals
perform as they strive to fulfil these multiple roles and the toll it can take on their
mental well-being.

Now it is a poignant moment to reflect on the importance of mental health

awareness and support, not only within the workplace but also in society at large.
Amidst the reflection on mental health, it is crucial to address the broader
challenges faced by the general public. The fast-paced modern lifestyle, marked
by societal pressures can take a toll on mental well-being. Stressors from work,
familial expectations, and societal norms create a delicate balance for individuals.
In navigating these collective challenges, fostering environments that prioritize
mental health for everyone becomes not just a recommendation but a societal

To sum up (check), this case serves as a stark reminder that the delicate balance
between professional success and personal well-being can have profound
consequences. As we reflect on the tragic incident and the broader mental health
challenges faced by individuals, it becomes evident that fostering supportive
environments is not just a suggestion but a societal imperative. This is a call to
action for communities, workplaces, and institutions to prioritize mental health
awareness, offering empathy and understanding to those grappling with the
relentless pressures of modern life. The scars left by undiagnosed or untreated
mental health issues reverberate far beyond the individual, affecting the very
fabric of our society.

Let us work collectively to create environments where mental well-being is

valued as highly as professional achievements, where individuals feel supported
in their personal and career journeys, and where compassion prevails over
judgment. Only through such collective efforts can we hope to build a society that
truly prioritizes the mental well-being of all its members.

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