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Apoptotic cell death regulation in neurons

Emilie Hollville1, Selena E. Romero1,2 and Mohanish Deshmukh1,2
1 Neuroscience Center, UNC Chapel Hill, NC, USA
2 Department of Cell Biology and Physiology, UNC Chapel Hill, NC, USA

Keywords Apoptosis plays a major role in shaping the developing nervous system
Apaf-1; apoptosis; Bcl-2; caspase; JNK; during embryogenesis as neuronal precursors differentiate to become post-
neurodegeneration; neuronal maturation;
mitotic neurons. However, once neurons are incorporated into functional
neurons; NPCs; XIAP
circuits and become mature, they greatly restrict their capacity to die via
Correspondence apoptosis, thus allowing the mature nervous system to persist in a healthy
E. Hollville and M. Deshmukh, and functional state throughout life. This robust restriction of the apop-
UNC Neuroscience Center, Mary Ellen totic pathway during neuronal differentiation and maturation is defined by
Jones Building, #5102, 116 Manning Drive, multiple unique mechanisms that function to more precisely control and
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7250, USA restrict the intrinsic apoptotic pathway. However, while these mechanisms
Tel: +1 919 843 6005
are necessary for neuronal survival, mature neurons are still capable of
E-mails: (EH) and
activating the apoptotic pathway in certain pathological contexts. In this (MD)
review, we highlight key mechanisms governing the survival of post-mitotic
(Received 8 March 2019, revised 15 May neurons, while also detailing the physiological and pathological contexts in
2019, accepted 20 June 2019) which neurons are capable of overcoming this high apoptotic threshold.


The homeostatic maintenance of most organs and tis- NPCs, as well as young post-mitotic neurons, must be
sues is ensured by a controlled balance of proliferation selectively removed to allow for the refinement of neu-
by cell division and elimination via programmed cell ronal connectivity and the establishment of a mature
death throughout the life of an organism. However, and functional network [1,2]. While apoptosis during
the nervous system differs from most organs as neu- nervous system development is critical, the threshold
ronal cell division and proliferation is primarily required to induce apoptosis becomes much greater
restricted to embryonic development. In utero, neural once the mature nervous system is established, result-
precursor cells (NPCs) are produced in excessive num- ing in markedly less neuronal cell death. Indeed,
bers and differentiate into post-mitotic neurons, which mature neurons strikingly restrict the apoptosis path-
then grow and extend their axons to innervate target way after development to ensure their long-term sur-
regions. Following this period of excessive prolifera- vival and maintenance throughout life [3]. These
tion, superfluous NPCs and neurons are selectively restrictions increase the thresholds of apoptosis sensi-
eliminated during a period of substantial cell death by tivity throughout neuronal differentiation and matura-
apoptosis. This elimination is important as unneeded tion. For simplicity, these thresholds can be considered

ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; BIR, baculoviral IAP repeat; CGNs, cerebellar granule neurons; cyt c, cytochrome c; DUSP, dual
specificity phosphatase; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; ETC, electron transport chain; GSH, glutathione; IAP, inhibitor of apoptosis proteins;
JIP, JNK-interacting protein; JNK, c-Jun N-terminal kinase; MAPK, mitogen activated protein kinase; MLK, mixed-lineage kinase; MOMP,
mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization; MPTP, 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridin; NGF, nerve growth factor; NPCs, neural
precursor cells; PD, Parkinson’s disease; XIAP, X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis.

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E. Hollville et al. Neuronal apoptosis

to fall into three distinct developmental stages of increas- at the mitochondria. Others, known as BH3-only sen-
ing apoptotic restriction: (a) NPCs (mitotic); (b) young sitizers (e.g., Bad, Bmf, Hrk/DP5, Noxa) bind to and
neurons (post-mitotic and establishing neuronal connec- inhibit anti-apoptotic proteins (e.g., Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Bcl-
tions); and (c) mature neurons (post-mitotic and fully w, Mcl-1). Anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins inhibit death
integrated in the neural network). As the mammalian either by directly binding to activated Bax and Bak or
neuronal apoptosis pathway has been best studied in by binding and sequestering the activator BH3-only
young neurons (e.g., neonatal sympathetic neurons, proteins [4–6]. Thus, depending on the specific cell type
embryonic dorsal root ganglion neurons, embryonic cor- and context, Bax and Bak activation requires either
tical neurons), this review will focus primarily on the the activator only, sensitizer only, or both types of
mechanisms by which the intrinsic apoptotic pathway is BH3-family proteins.
activated and regulated in young neurons. In particular, Once activated, Bax and Bak form oligomers that
we will discuss the unique aspects of apoptotic regulation insert in the mitochondrial outer membrane, forming
in neurons that are distinct from other cells. We also pores that result in Mitochondrial Outer Membrane
highlight some of the known differences in this pathway Permeabilization (MOMP). A consequence of MOMP
between NPCs and young neurons as well as some of the is the release of proteins from the mitochondrial inter-
mechanisms by which this pathway becomes further membrane space. These include cytochrome c (cyt c),
restricted as young neurons become mature. Smac/DIABLO, the protease Omi/HtrA2, the nuclease
EndoG, and the oxidoreductase AIF. In the cytosol,
cyt c binds to Apaf-1 leading to the formation of a
Overview of the mammalian intrinsic
platform known as the apoptosome, which is responsi-
apoptotic pathway
ble for the activation of an initiator caspase, Caspase-9
The intrinsic (also referred to as the mitochondrial) (Casp9). Activated Casp9 can then cleave and activate
apoptotic pathway can be engaged in response to a effector caspases such as Caspase-7 (Casp7) and Cas-
number of cellular stresses, but can typically be pase-3 (Casp3). These effector caspases are responsible
induced with stimuli such as tropic factor deprivation, for the cleavage of hundreds of cellular proteins. Smac/
DNA damage, or endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. DIABLO and Omi/HtrA2 are both involved in neutral-
While these stressors activate stimulus-specific signal- izing XIAP (X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis), a cytoso-
ing events (e.g., reduced Protein Kinase B/Akt signal- lic protein that inhibits caspases. Finally, proteins such
ing, activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase by trophic as EndoG and AIF are known to translocate to the
factor deprivation, or activation of p53 with DNA nucleus to promote chromatin condensation and DNA
damage), they ultimately converge on the activation of fragmentation after their release from mitochondria.
pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins that control the Altogether, cellular apoptotic stimuli converge on the
integrity of mitochondrial membranes. The Bcl-2 pro- activation of BH3-family proteins to result in the
tein family is comprised of both pro-apoptotic (e.g., release of mitochondrial proteins that promote the
Bax, Bak) and anti-apoptotic (e.g., Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Mcl- orchestrated dismantlement of cells [7].
1) members. Importantly, a subset of the pro-apoptotic
members of the Bcl-2 family, known as the BH3-only
Cell death controls in neurons: JNK
proteins, are sentinels of cellular stresses and their role
signaling pathway
is to activate the intracellular apoptotic pathway. In
mammals, the main pro-apoptotic BH3-only proteins
JNks in neuronal apoptosis
are Bim, Puma, Noxa, Hrk/Dp5, Bad, Bid and Bmf.
Death signaling can activate the BH3-only proteins by The c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs, also known as
various mechanisms that include transcriptional induc- stress-activated protein kinases) belong to the family
tion (e.g., Bim, Hrk/DP5, Bmf, Puma, Noxa), cleavage of serine-threonine Mitogen Activated Protein Kinases
(e.g., Bid), or dephosphorylation (e.g., Bad). The pri- (MAPKs) and are important signaling effectors of neu-
mary function of the BH3-only proteins is to activate ronal death in response to a wide variety of stimuli.
the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins and inactivate Ten splice variants of JNKs are known to be gener-
the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins. Thus, some ated from three genes in the human genome: Jnk1,
BH3-only proteins known as direct activators (e.g., Jnk2, and Jnk3. All JNK isoforms can phosphorylate
Bim, Bid, Puma) directly interact with Bax to promote and activate members of the AP-1 transcription factors
its conformational change and insertion into mito- family, although the various isoforms diverge in their
chondrial membranes. These proteins can also interact substrate specificity [8]. While Jnk1 and Jnk2 are ubiq-
with and activate Bak, which is constitutively localized uitously expressed, Jnk3 expression is mainly restricted

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Neuronal apoptosis E. Hollville et al.

to the brain and testis, suggesting non-overlapping phosphorylation of multiple targets, much of the
function with JNK1 and JNK2. Given its expression research in the context of neuronal apoptosis has been
patterns, Jnk3 has received considerable attention in focused on its ability to transcriptionally activate the
the context of neuronal death. Indeed, activation of pro-apoptotic BH3-only genes. Up-regulation of these
JNK3 initiates neuronal death in response to physio- genes occurs through direct JNK-mediated activation of
logical stimuli such as nerve growth factor (NGF) transcription factors (e.g., ATF2, Elk-1, c-Jun). Specifi-
withdrawal [9] or p75NTR death receptor stimulation cally, for example, JNK activation results in the phos-
[10], as well as pathological insults including excitotox- phorylation of c-Jun on Ser63/73 [11,12,14,15,17,20],
icity [11], axotomy [12,13], ischemia [14], and in the the subsequent translocation of c-Jun to the nucleus
MPTP (1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridin) and its transcription-mediated activation of the BH3-
[15] and 6-hydroxydopamine [13] models of Parkin- only genes. This c-Jun-mediated transcriptional induc-
son’s disease (PD). However, the other isoforms of tion of BH3-only genes has been well-examined in a
JNK, especially JNK2, likely also contribute to neu- number of contexts in vitro including NGF withdrawal
ronal death. For example, the genetic knockout of of sympathetic neurons or potassium deprivation of
JNK3 results in only partial protection from cell death cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs), where Hrk/Dp5,
after optic nerve crush in retinal ganglion neurons or Bim, Bmf and Puma are known to be upregulated in a
in response to MPTP and 6-hydroxydopamine in JNK-dependent manner [20–24]. In vivo, Bim induc-
dopaminergic neurons; increased neuroprotection is tion in response to JNK activation is also observed
observed in Jnk2/3 double knockout mice [15–17]. in response to ischemia, MPTP or axonal injury
The JNK signaling pathway plays an essential role [14,25,26]. Another BH3-only gene Puma, which is well
in activating the intrinsic apoptosis pathway in neu- known to be activated by p53 in response to genotoxic
rons (Fig. 1) [18,19]. While JNKs can induce the damage, is also directly activated via JNK and c-Jun

Fig. 1. The pro-apoptotic JNK pathway is strictly restricted in neurons. (A) MAPKs are activated by an evolutionary conserved signaling
pathway that is initiated by a MAPK kinase kinase (MKKK), which phosphorylates and activates a MAPK kinase (MKK), which then
phosphorylates and activates the MAPK (e.g., JNKs). Two MKKs are involved in JNKs activation: MKK4/MEK4/SEK1 and MKK7/MEK7.
Among the 14 MKKKs known to activate MKK4/MKK7, members of the MLK proteins (e.g., DLK, MLK2, MLK3) play a crucial role in
neuronal cell death. Components of this pathway are integrated within scaffold proteins which coordinate their activation and subcellular
distribution. Particularly, JNKs are activated within scaffold proteins of the JNK-interacting protein (JIP) family which include JIP1, JIP2, and
JIP3 (JSAP1/Syd). Both JIP1 and JIP3 have been associated with JNKs activation in the context of neuronal death. JNKs, particularly JNK3
isoforms, activate the intrinsic pathway through direct phosphorylation of pro- and anti-apoptotic Bcl2 family members or through
phosphorylation and activation of c-Jun which induces BH3-only proteins transcription. (B) Neuronal JNK signaling pathway is restricted by
(1) antagonism of JIP by Akt/PKB, (2) Phr1/Mycbp2-mediated proteasomal degradation of DLK and (3) dephosphorylation of JNKs by the

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E. Hollville et al. Neuronal apoptosis

in cortical neuron cultures treated with amyloid b1–42 Akt pathway enhances JNK activity and neuronal sus-
[27]. Interestingly, JNKs can also phosphorylate and ceptibility to neurotoxic stress [32,42,54,55].
activate p53, on Ser15, and induce the transcription of Interestingly, the antagonistic action of Akt is not
its pro-apoptotic target genes (e.g., Puma, Bax) to limited to JNK activation alone. Akt also exerts its
mediate apoptosis in neurons [26–30]. anti-apoptotic function in neurons through repression
JNKs contribute to Bax activation through phos- of the FoxO transcription factors and inactivation of
phorylation of cytosolic targets as well. These include the BH3-only protein Bad [32,56–59]. Neuronal Akt is
the BH3-only proteins Bim and Bad and the anti- activated by pro-survival signals including neu-
apoptotic protein Bcl-2. JNK-mediated phosphoryla- rotrophic factors and IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Fac-
tion of Bim on Ser65 is observed upon NGF with- tor-1). PI3K-mediated Akt activation results in direct
drawal in sympathetic neurons [19]. This phosphorylation and cytoplasmic retention of the tran-
phosphorylation site promotes the interaction with the scription factors FoxO1 and FoxO3a [55,56,60–62],
prolyl isomerase Pin1 in neurons to stabilize Bim at thus preventing the transcriptional upregulation of the
the protein level [31]. Ischemic brain injury stimulates BH3-only proteins Bim and Puma [63,64]. Addition-
JNK-dependent phosphorylation of Bad on Ser128 to ally, neuronal Akt restricts the BH3-only protein Bad
promote Bad:Bcl-xL interaction and antagonize Bcl-xL through a mechanism involving direct phosphorylation
anti-apoptotic function [32]. Additionally, phosphory- of Bad that reduces Bad binding to Bcl-xL and
lation of neuronal Bcl-2 on Ser87 might participate in increases Bad interaction and sequestration by the 14-
the release of Bax from Bax:Bcl-2 complexes to 3-3 proteins [32,57–59]. Active suppression of Akt pro-
enhance cyt c release [33,34]. survival signaling, which occurs via its direct phospho-
rylation and inactivation by AMPK and Trib3, is
required for the apoptosis to proceed in response to
Restriction of JNks in neurons
neurotoxic stimuli [65–68].
As JNK activation can induce neuronal death by mul- An additional point of restriction of JNKs activa-
tiple mechanisms, it is not surprising that JNK activa- tion in neurons is by the constitutive ubiquitination
tion is tightly regulated in neurons. One of these and degradation of DLK. Of the many MAPKKKs
mechanisms involves phosphatases of the DUSP (dual responsible for MAPKs activation, the mixed-lineage
specificity phosphatases)/MKP (MAPK phosphatases) kinase (MLK) proteins, DLK, MLK2 and MLK3
family. Two of these phosphatases, namely DUSP1/ have been shown to be sufficient to induce JNKs and
MKP-1 and DUSP16/MKP-7, have been shown to apoptosis in neurons [69], and also to be required for
dephosphorylate JNKs [35,36] and modulate neuronal activation of JNK and apoptosis in various physiologi-
death during development [37,38] and in response to cal and pathological stimuli in neurons [18,52,69–72].
several neuronal insults including exposure to polyglu- Conserved in mammals, flies, and worms, the pathway
tamine-expanded Huntingtin, stroke, excitotoxicity or controlling DLK levels involves the E3 ubiquitin ligase
neurotrophic factor withdrawal [37–41]. While degra- Phr1 which targets DLK for proteasome mediated
dation of DUSPs by the proteasome appears to facili- degradation [73–76]. This point of restriction is over-
tate JNKs activation [39,41], some stresses can also come in response to axonal injury or trophic factor
stimulate DUSP expression and restrict JNK activa- deprivation by the accumulation of DLK [74,75]. In
tion [37,38,40]. The exact mechanisms by which mammals, DLK stabilization involves direct phospho-
DUSPs are regulated to prevent or permit JNK activa- rylation of DLK by JNKs on Thr43 complemented by
tion in neurons is not completely understood. USP9X-mediated de-ubiquitination of DLK [75]. In
Another mechanism by which JNK activation is addition, in flies, DLK accumulation is associated with
restricted in healthy neurons is by the binding of JIP1 a decrease in Phr1 homolog expression in response to
by the PKB/Akt kinase [42]. JIP1 belongs to JNK-in- axon crush [74].
teracting protein (JIP) family, with all members being
predominantly expressed in the brain [43,44]. JIP fam-
Cell death controls in neurons: Bcl-2
ily proteins form scaffolds that facilitate JNKs activa-
family proteins
tion (Fig. 1). Specifically, JIP1 and JIP3 are required
for JNKs activation and neuronal death in response to
Pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins
a wide range of neurotoxic insults [18,20,42,45–53]. In
healthy neurons, JIP1 is bound by the Akt kinase, lim- The Bcl-2 family proteins exhibit dynamic changes in
iting access of JIP1 scaffold to JNK and preventing expression as the embryonic developing brain, com-
JNK activation. As a consequence, inhibition of the prised primarily of the proliferating NPCs, becomes

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Neuronal apoptosis E. Hollville et al.

fully differentiated into post-mitotic neurons (Fig. 2).

These changes are consistent with the observation
that the apoptotic pathway becomes increasingly
restricted with post-mitotic neuronal differentiation
and maturation [3,77–79]. One example of this is via
the restricted expression of the pro-apoptotic protein
Bak with post-mitotic neuronal differentiation [80,81].
While most mitotic cells, including NPCs, express
both pro-apoptotic Bax and Bak proteins, which
function redundantly to promote apoptosis [82], this
redundancy is restricted in post-mitotic neurons that
are solely dependent on Bax alone for apoptosis and
do not express Bak [83]. Indeed, genetic deletion of
Bax alone confers neuronal protection in response to
multiple stresses [83–87]. Levels of Bax also decrease
in the brain postnatally but are maintained at low
levels [77,81,88–91]. However, this point of restriction
can be reversed by re-expression of Bax in response
to certain [92] neurotoxic insult [63,85,86,93–96].
Interestingly, neurons express an alternatively spliced
form of Bak, termed N-Bak, which is characterized
by the presence of an additional exon and is trans-
lated into a shorter peptide that is structurally simi-
lar to a BH3-only protein [97]. As a consequence, N-
Bak interacts with anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein Bcl-
xL rather than Bax and induces apoptosis in a Bax-
dependent manner [98]. It should be noted however
that some studies have counterintuitively reported
Fig. 2. Neuronal Bcl2 family proteins are transcriptionally regulated
that N-Bak presents neuroprotective capacities
during neuronal differentiation. NPCs are equipped with pro-
[97,99]. apoptotic effectors Bax and Bak and a large panel of BH3-only
The evolutionary reason why neurons restrict Bak members for apoptosis, and are mainly dependent on Mcl-1 for
and not Bax is unclear. Interestingly, while Bax and survival. Conversely, post-mitotic neurons uniquely rely on Bax and
Bak appear to have similar capabilities to induce express a larger panel of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins comprised of
MOMP and release cyt c, there are important differ- Bcl-2, Bcl-xL and Bcl-w. Neurons also markedly downregulate most
BH3-only genes. However, in response to pro-apoptotic stimuli,
ences in their mechanisms of activation. Bax is cytoso-
they activate transcription factors including c-Jun, ATF2, p53,
lic and the formation of Bax pores is a 2-step process
FoxO, CHOP or Myb to transcriptionally upregulate the BH3-only
that requires the translocation of Bax to the mitochon- genes.
drial outer membrane and next its oligomerization. On
the other hand, Bak is present on the surface of mito-
chondria and its activation only requires its oligomer- example, the NPCs and early differentiating post-mi-
ization [100,101]. Thus, Bax activation is potentially totic cortical neurons are highly dependent on Mcl-1,
more tightly controlled and could even be reversed via an anti-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 family proteins.
its retro-translocation to the cytosol by Bcl-xL [102]. Not only is Mcl-1 highly expressed throughout the
The lack of expression of full length Bak likely pro- developing cortex, but deletion of Mcl-1 results in
vides neurons with the ability to strictly control apop- widespread apoptosis [103,104]. However, not all neu-
tosis with regulation of Bax alone. ronal precursors are completely dependent on Mcl-1
for survival as deletion of Mcl-1 in CGN precursors
does not result in increased apoptosis [105]. Mcl-1
Anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins
expression is reduced in the adult brain [77] and dele-
The changes in the expression of the antiapoptotic tion of Mcl-1 in post-mitotic neurons did not result in
Bcl-2 family proteins in the developing and mature spontaneous apoptosis, although these neurons were
brain is more nuanced and individual members appear more sensitive to DNA damage [103]. Interestingly,
to have distinct functions in different cell types. For NPCs in the subventricular zone in the adult brain

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E. Hollville et al. Neuronal apoptosis

continue to express Mcl-1 and are dependent on Mcl-1 mature brain [118], suggesting that it may have a
for survival like as seen for NPCs in the developing unique function in the nervous system during that
brain [106]. A different expression pattern is seen with specific developmental period. Consistent with the
Bcl-xL, another anti-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 observation that multiple BH3-only proteins are
family. Bcl-xL is expressed at low levels throughout redundantly induced during apoptosis, the combined
the developing brain but increases in neurons with deletion or inhibition of multiple BH3-only genes is
post-mitotic differentiation. Consistent with this pat- often needed to effectively block neuronal apoptosis
tern of expression, deletion of Bcl-xL does not induce [63,92,119–130]. However, other stimuli such as those
widespread apoptosis in the developing brain but induced by arsenite exposure to cortical neurons can
results in the death of post-mitotic neurons in selective trigger the upregulation of a more restricted set of
brain regions [104,107]. Bcl-2 is also widely expressed BH3-only where deletion of Puma alone can confer
throughout the developing and mature brain [108]. neuroprotection [131,132]. While some of the BH3-
However, unlike Mcl-1, loss of Bcl-2 does not result in only proteins are activated by post-translational mech-
widespread apoptosis in the developing brain. At the anisms such as Bid via its cleavage or Bad via its
later postnatal stages, Bcl-2 deficient mice exhibit pro- dephosphorylation, most others, such as Bim, Puma,
gressive, but partial, degeneration of facial and periph- Noxa, Hrk/DP5 and Bmf, are transcriptionally
eral neurons [109]. One reason for this degeneration induced by apoptotic stimuli. Since neuronal apoptosis
could be the accumulation of reactive oxygen species is known to be blocked with RNA and protein synthe-
(ROS) observed in the brains of the Bcl-2-deficient sis inhibitors [133–141], transcriptional induction of
mice, pointing to an additional important function of the BH3-only proteins is thought to be a key event
Bcl-2 in the regulation of oxidative stress pathways that enables neurons to undergo apoptosis.
[110]. In addition to Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL, the adult Several transcription factors participate in BH3-only
mature brain express high levels of the anti-apoptotic genes upregulation, sometimes in concert, in response
Bcl-w. Restricted during embryonic development, Bcl- to apoptotic stimuli (Fig. 2). For example, NGF depri-
w expression greatly increases postnatally in maturing vation transcriptionally activates Bim, Puma, Hrk/
post-mitotic neurons [111,112]. Although absence of DP5, and Bmf [21,23,117,142,143]. Activation of the
Bcl-w does not induce noticeable neuronal loss in the AP-1 transcription factor c-Jun by phosphorylation by
mature nervous system, it nonetheless sensitizes adult JNK results in Bim [14,27,119,123], Puma [24,27,144]
hippocampal neurons to seizure-induced apoptosis or Hrk/Dp5 [20–22,124,145] induction in response to
[113]. In addition, loss of Bcl-w results in sensory neu- multiple neurotoxic stimuli. Typically elicited following
ropathy in adults, an effect consistent with the local- DNA damage, the p53 signaling pathway, stimulates
ization of Bcl-w (and Bcl-xL) in axons of sensory Puma and Noxa [121,146,147] in neurons. Induction of
neurons and a protective role against axonal degenera- Puma by p53 has also been reported in the mature
tion [114,115]. Together, these reports show that while brain following seizures [148] or MPTP-induced neuro-
NPCs in the developing brain are acutely dependent toxicity [63], but also in vitro in response to NGF
for survival on Mcl-1 alone, this changes with post-mi- withdrawal [38] or amyloid b [149]. However, Puma is
totic differentiation with Bcl-2, Bcl-xL and Bcl-w play- frequently co-upregulated with Bim and their promot-
ing more important, but likely not completely ers have in common binding sites for several transcrip-
redundant, roles in neurons. tion factors including c-Jun [24,27,144], FoxO3a
[24,63] and CHOP [150,151]. The FoxO transcription
factors FoxO1 and FoxO3a are activated downstream
Pro-apoptotic BH3-only proteins
of AMPK [65,66], Trib3 [67,68], MST1 [64,152] or
The key Bcl-2 family proteins that control the initia- Cdk5/p35 [153] in response to stimuli such as NGF
tion of apoptosis are the pro-apoptotic BH3-only fam- withdrawal, oxidative stress or amyloid b to mediate
ily proteins. As would be anticipated, while many Bim induction. Typically, these kinases facilitate FoxO
BH3-only genes are expressed in the embryonic brain, nuclear translocation by relieving either Akt- or 14-3-
their expression is markedly reduced in neurons in the 3-mediated inhibition or sequestration of FoxO tran-
postnatal brain [81,91,116]. Interestingly, expression of scription factors. CHOP, a transcription factor upregu-
Hrk/DP5, a neuronal specific BH3-only gene [117], fol- lated in response to ER stress, is also capable of
lows a different pattern than the other BH3-only directly transactivating Bim and Puma promoters
genes: largely absent during embryonic development, [150,151,154]. Thus, ER stress may trigger Bim and
Hrk/DP5 expression is transiently induced at early Puma upregulation via cooperation between CHOP
postnatal stages and subsequently repressed in the and FoxO3a transcription factors in neurons [150,155].

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Neuronal apoptosis E. Hollville et al.

Interestingly, another cyclin-dependent kinase, Cdk4, maturation and has been shown to be neuroprotective
which is able to induce E2F1-dependent transcriptional [173–175], suggesting that the remodeling of mitochon-
upregulation of B-Myb transcription factor, is also drial cristae is also in important event for cyt c release
required for Bim upregulation and neuronal death in neurons.
[156,157]. In many cell types, the permeabilization of mito-
Multiple mechanisms, both at the transcriptional chondria and release of cyt c is considered the ‘point-
and post-transcriptional level, repress BH3-only genes of-no-return’, after which cells are unable to recover
expression in neurons. Broadly speaking, the survival from the apoptotic stimuli [176,177]. Neurons, how-
pathways that repress the expression of BH3-only pro- ever, have an altered point of no return downstream
teins in healthy neurons are the PI3K/Akt and the of cyt c release. This altered point-of-no-return in neu-
MEK/ERK pathways. For example, neuronal Akt and rons has been best demonstrated in the context of
ERK5 repress FoxO3a transcription factor and sup- NGF deprivation induced apoptosis in sympathetic
pression of Akt or ERK5 is sufficient to promote Bim neurons. Interestingly, these neurons are able to fully
expression [56,65–68,158]. The pro-survival MEK- recover from apoptosis upon the re-addition of NGF,
ERK signaling pathway can also promote the protea- despite the complete release of cyt c from their mito-
somal degradation of Bim [159–162]. Phosphorylation chondria [178–180]. These results are further supported
of Bim on Ser65 by ERK1/2 leads to interaction with by microinjection studies where exogenous cyt c is
the ubiquitin ligase TRIM2, followed by polyubiquiti- injected into sympathetic neurons and other cell types
nation and proteasomal degradation of Bim. Consis- such as na€ıve PC12 cells. Importantly, cyt c injection
tent with this observation, TRIM2 is found to have a alone is not sufficient to induce apoptosis in neurons
neuroprotective function in response to precondition- but is sufficient to kill other cell types [178,181,182].
ing stress [163]. While Bad expression is also downreg- Likewise, directly inducing the release of endogenous
ulated in the maturing and adult brain via the ERK5 cyt c from mitochondria by overexpression of a BH3-
mediated phosphorylation of the transcription factor only protein alone is also not sufficient to trigger
CREB [158,164], its pro-apoptotic function is also con- apoptosis in sympathetic neurons, in the absence of
trolled by phosphorylation. Bad can be phosphory- other apoptotic stimuli [181]. Thus, in contrast to most
lated on several residues including Ser112, Ser136, other cell types, sympathetic neurons are not commit-
Ser155 and Ser170. Phosphorylation on Ser112 by the ted to die by the release of cyt c into the cytosol. How-
MEK/ERK/Rsk pathway [164–166] and on Ser136 by ever, other neurons may not be as capable of surviving
Akt [57] leads to its disassociation with Bcl-xL and complete MOMP. For example, overexpression of
increased interaction with the regulatory proteins 14-3- Puma is sufficient to induce apoptosis in embryonic
3 [58]. This phosphorylation-mediated sequestration of cortical neurons [183].
Bad with 14-3-3 permits Bcl-xL to effectively promote Instead of cyt c release, mitochondrial depolariza-
neuronal survival [32,59]. tion seems to constitute the point-of-no-return, as sym-
pathetic neurons remain fully recoverable between the
time they have released cyt c, but fail to recover after
Cell death controls in neurons:
the point at which they fully lose mitochondrial mem-
cytochrome c
brane potential [179,180]. In fact, in depth studies into
The most significant consequence of Bax activation via the mechanics of cyt c release and mitochondrial func-
the pro-apoptotic BH3-only proteins is the release of tion during apoptosis have shown that cyt c is released
cyt c, along with other mitochondrial proteins, into well before complete mitochondrial depolarization in
the cytosol. In addition to the formation of Bax pores neurons [180,184–186]. This then raises the question:
on the outer mitochondrial membrane, the release of how are neurons capable of maintaining their mito-
cyt c is enhanced by the remodeling of mitochondrial chondrial potential, even after pores have been formed
cristae [167]. In non-neuronal models, the OMA1 and to mediate release of cyt c? It is important to note that
YME1L proteases mediate the proteolysis of the dyna- the recoverability of the neurons requires that the
min-like GTPase OPA1 in response to mitochondrial apoptotic stimulus to be reversible, thus a majority of
depolarization to promote cristae remodeling [168– the studies described below use a model of NGF depri-
171]. Interestingly destabilization of the mitochondrial vation of sympathetic neurons.
electron transport chain (ETC) also seems to partici- It has been suggested that neurons that have initi-
pate in the release of cyt c [172]. Although the role of ated apoptosis in response to NGF withdrawal (in the
OMA1 and YME1L in neuronal apoptosis is not char- presence of a caspase inhibitor) do not rely on oxida-
acterized, Opa1 is upregulated with neuronal tive phosphorylation for the generation of ATP, but

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E. Hollville et al. Neuronal apoptosis

are instead dependent on glycolysis [184]. By utilizing ligase Cul9/Parc [195]. Interestingly, whether or not cyt
glycolysis, these neurons are still capable of producing c is degraded seems to be dependent on the presence and
ATP even when the ETC is disrupted by the loss of availability of its binding protein Apaf-1. While cytoso-
cyt c. This ATP is not only important for regular cel- lic cyt c is not degraded in wild-type mouse embryonic
lular processes and keeping the cell alive, but it may fibroblasts, it is targeted for degradation in Apaf-1-defi-
also be important for maintaining the mitochondrial cient fibroblasts [195]. Thus, the degradation of cytoso-
membrane potential via a unique mechanism: running lic cyt c seen in neurons could be because neurons are
the ETC in reverse. NGF deprived neurons are cap- known to express low levels of Apaf-1 [196,197].
able of reversing the ETC, thus consuming ATP to
generate a proton gradient that will maintain the mito-
Cell death controls in neurons: Apaf-1
chondrial membrane potential for a short period [184].
However, this mechanism is not sustainable over long Apaf-1, the main scaffold protein of the apoptosome
periods of time and once the mitochondrial membrane complex, contains an N-terminal caspase recruitment
potential is lost, neurons can no longer be rescued with domain (CARD), nucleotide-binding oligomerization
NGF re-addition [180,187]. Though neurons are able domain (NOD), and 12–13 WD40 repeats on the C-
to significantly delay their apoptotic point–of-no-re- terminus [198,199]. Apaf-1 is kept in an auto-in-
turn to mitochondrial depolarization, they are still hibitory state by the WD40 domains, rendering it inca-
exposed to cytosolic cyt c, which in most cell types is a pable of forming the apoptosome. However, binding
potent trigger for caspase activation and apoptosis. of cyt c to Apaf-1 via the WD40 domain, disrupts the
How, then, are neurons able to survive cytosolic cyt c auto-inhibited conformation of Apaf-1, causing the
when other cell types cannot? There are likely many oligomerization of Apaf-1 and recruitment of pro-
different mechanisms that neurons utilize to overcome Casp9 to form the apoptosome, resulting in the activa-
the dangers of cytosolic cyt c. Here, we will highlight tion of Casp9, which then cleaves and activates Casp3.
two potential ways in which neurons appear to restrict While Apaf-1 levels are maintained high in mitotic
the apoptotic pathway after release of cyt c from the cells, its levels decrease with neuronal differentiation
mitochondria: cyt c redox state, and its degradation and are markedly low in young post-mitotic neurons
(Fig. 3). [116,196,197,200]. The reason why Apaf-1 levels signif-
While the importance of the oxidized and reduced icantly decrease as mitotic cells become differentiated
forms of mitochondrial cyt c in shuttling electrons in into post-mitotic neurons is that Apaf-1 is transcrip-
the ETC is well recognized, it has become clear that tionally regulated by the cell cycle transcription factor
the redox state of cytosolic cyt c is also important for E2F1 [201–203], which is active in mitotic, but not
its apoptotic function [188,189]. The oxidized form of post-mitotic cells. As such, mitotic cells (e.g., NPCs)
cyt c is a more potent activator of caspases than its maintain higher levels of Apaf-1 through E2F1-depen-
reduced forms [181]. Healthy neurons are highly gly- dent transcription, and as E2F1 is shut down with
colytic and flux of Glucose-6-phosphate through the post-mitotic differentiation and exit from cell cycle,
pentose phosphate pathway generates high levels of Apaf-1 levels become simultaneously reduced in neu-
glutathione (GSH) which helps maintain the neuronal rons (Fig. 3). In addition, as neurons mature, Apaf-1
intracellular environment in a reduced state. As a con- expression is completely shut down [196,201,204,205]
sequence, any cyt c released from the mitochondria of with the Apaf-1 promotor becoming epigenetically
healthy neurons remains in a reduced state and poten- silenced via methylation of histones [201].
tially inactivated and thus, incapable of activating cas- The low levels of Apaf-1 not only limits the amount
pases [181]. During apoptosis, an increase in ROS of apoptosome activation in young neurons but also
promotes a more oxidized cellular environment making enables very effective control of caspase activation by
neurons more permissive for cyt c-mediated activation the inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAPs, discussed in
of caspases [181,190–193]. Thus, GSH functions to the next section). Interestingly however, while neurons
inactivate cytosolic cyt c in healthy neurons. However, restrict Apaf-1 expression, the restriction can be
it is important to note that GSH inhibits apoptosis at reversed as Apaf-1 levels are found to be increased in
multiple points in neurons as it can also block the neurons in the context of injury and disease such as
release of cyt c from neuronal mitochondria [191,194]. DNA damage [200,206], traumatic brain injury [196],
In addition to inactivating the pro-apoptotic func- hypoxia [207], ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)
tions of cyt c by altering its redox state, neurons can also [208], PD and dementia with Lewy Bodies [209]. In
target cytosolic cyt c for degradation [195]. Degradation many of these situations, the increase in Apaf-1 is a
of cyt c is mediated, at least in part, by the E3 ubiquitin likely consequence of E2F1 upregulation as E2F1 and

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Neuronal apoptosis E. Hollville et al.

Fig. 3. Multiple breaks are in place to restrict apoptosis beyond cyt c release in post-mitotic neurons. In post-mitotic neurons, reduced
release of cyt c is achieved through restricted Bax expression and suppression of Bak compared to NPCs. While reducing environment due
to increased GSH, as well as CUL9-mediated proteasomal degradation of cyt c confine the apoptosome formation, reduced expression of
effector caspases and an increased XIAP to Apaf-1 ratio are in place to limit caspase activity in post-mitotic neurons.

many cell cycle genes are also known to be upregu- affected during maturation, the significant downregula-
lated during neurodegeneration [210,211]. It is impor- tion of its adaptor Apaf-1 [196,197,205] further
tant to note that E2F1 is not the sole transcription restricts the activation of the effector caspases via the
factor for Apaf-1, as p53 can also transcriptionally apoptosome in the mature nervous system.
induce Apaf-1 expression after DNA damage [200]. Consistently, mature neurons become extremely
Exactly why the restriction of Apaf-1 is reversible in resistant to triggers that mimic neurodevelopmental
these situations in unclear, but it could be that the cell death such as neurotrophic factor withdrawal
presence of Apaf-1 may enable death to occur specifi- [90,219]. Aside from this context, mature neurons
cally by apoptosis, thus reducing the overall inflamma- remain able to die in response to stress or insult, some-
tion that may otherwise occur during neuronal injury times however this occurs more slowly such as
or disease situations. observed in response to axotomy in adult retinal gan-
glion cells compared to neonatal retina [220]. Caspases
have nonetheless been shown to be activated and
Cell death controls in neurons:
involved, at least in part, in response to multiple trig-
gers in mature neurons. For instance, caspase inhibi-
Caspases play a major role in neurodevelopmental cell tion partly reduces or delays cell death observed in
death [212]. However, their involvement in cell death response to neurotoxic insults such as potassium with-
of the mature nervous system is far less prominent. drawal in CGNs [221,222], excitotoxicity [223–225],
Reduced activation of effector Casp3 is observed in hypoxia-ischemia [226,227], axotomy or axonal injury
response to injury such as brain ischemia and axotomy [228–230], but also in models of neurodegenerative dis-
in adult compared to neonate rodents [213,214], eases including PD [231], Alzheimer’s disease [210] and
though mature neurons remain sensitive to insults and ALS [232].
engage both apoptotic and non-apoptotic pathways As previously mentioned, many of these triggers
[2]. Indeed, maturation of the nervous system is associ- require de novo protein synthesis to execute apoptosis.
ated with decreased expression of several caspase genes Indeed, caspases are often re-expressed in the mature
[215–217], including effector caspase-7 and caspase-3 nervous system in response to various apoptotic stim-
[205,215,218]. Interestingly, while Casp9 levels are not uli. Effector Casp3 is without a doubt the caspase

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E. Hollville et al. Neuronal apoptosis

member that is the most reported to be upregulated at consistent with the observation that endogenous XIAP
the transcriptional level in response to neuronal insult. is important for restricting apoptosis, the XIAP-defi-
For example, increases in Casp3 mRNA is observed in cient mice exhibit increased neuronal loss in the con-
response to potassium withdrawal in CGNs [233], text of neuronal hypoxia-ischemia [263]. It is
brain ischemia [234], axotomy [214], mutant important to note that XIAP is not required for the
SOD1G93A [232] and brain injury [196]. However, survival of neurons under normal, non-stressed condi-
very little is known about the mechanisms leading to tions. Indeed, the XIAP-deficient mice do not exhibit
Casp3 upregulation. Analysis of the caspase-3 pro- any overt brain deficits [264]. However, the fact that
moter has revealed binding sites for several transcrip- reduction of XIAP makes neurons more susceptible in
tion factors including p53, E2F1 and AP-1 [235]. various stress-inducing contexts [248,259–263] indicates
While p53 does not seem to play a major role in Cap- that endogenous XIAP is an important ‘safety brake’
s3 expression in the nervous system [200], it has been in neurons that can restrict cell death in stress situa-
reported to mediate upregulation of Casp6 and Apaf-1 tions that may cause limited mitochondrial damage
[200,236]. The JNK pathway has also been implicated and the accidental release of cyt c (Fig. 3). The ability
in Casp3 re-expression in response to multiple neuro- of XIAP to strictly inhibit caspases in neurons is not
toxic insults [52,53,72,141]. For example, the JNK-reg- because of high XIAP levels but rather a direct conse-
ulated transcription factors c-Jun and ATF2 have been quence of restricted Apaf-1 expression in these post-
reported to stimulate caspase-3 expression in response mitotic cells. In neurons, the low levels of caspase acti-
to potassium deprivation in CGNs, [237]. vation resulting from the restricted apoptosome forma-
tion can be easily antagonized by XIAP [197]. This
contrasts from the situation in mitotic cells such as
Cell death controls in neurons:
NPCs, where high Apaf-1 levels trigger efficient activa-
inhibitor of apoptosis proteins
tion of caspases which can overwhelm the antiapop-
The IAP were first discovered in mammals through totic capability of XIAP.
homology studies which probed for proteins that con- Interestingly, XIAP has been found to be inactivated
tained the baculoviral IAP repeat (BIR) domains [238]. by different mechanisms in many situations that result
As the name suggests, the BIR domain was first dis- in neuronal death. For example, physiological triggers
covered in baculovirus, where it served to inhibit of apoptosis such as NGF deprivation of sympathetic
apoptosis [239]. However, while a large number of neurons cause a reduction in XIAP levels such that
BIR domain-containing proteins have been discovered apoptosis can proceed [262]. Decrease in XIAP levels
in mammalian cells (e.g., Survivin, Apollon/BRUCE, are also seen in other contexts of neuronal injury
KIAP/Livin, NAIP, cIAP1, cIAP2, XIAP), only a [260,261,265,266]. In the context of DNA damage,
small subset of those are shown to have antiapoptotic while XIAP levels remain stable, strong Apaf-1 induc-
activities [240–242]. These include cIAP1, cIAP2 and tion by p53 permits caspase activation because of effi-
XIAP, and even among these, XIAP has the most cient apoptosome engagement [206]. Additionally,
potent activity to inhibit apoptosis via it ability to XIAP can also be inhibited by posttranslational mech-
directly bind to and inhibit the apoptotic caspases anisms as in animal models of PD and PD patient
[243–245]. samples, XIAP was found to be inactivated by nitrosy-
X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis contains three BIR lation of the cysteine residues in the BIR domain
domains which allow it to directly bind and inhibit [267].
Casp3, Casp7, and Casp9 [243]. Indeed, overexpression
of XIAP is sufficient to prevent Casp3 activation and
Concluding remarks
neuronal cell death in vitro [246–248], but also follow-
ing axotomy [249], cerebral ischemia [250,251], hypoxia Important modulations of the apoptotic pathway
[252], and in models of PD [253,254], ALS [255,256], occur throughout neurodevelopment, from those
glaucoma [257], and retinitis pigmentosa [258]. Impor- accompanying NPCs differentiation to the changes
tantly, endogenous XIAP is also important in restrict- that occur as post-mitotic neurons become mature and
ing caspases and apoptosis in neurons as its reduction are incorporated into functional and refined circuits.
[248,259–261] or completely deficiency [262,263] makes The increased threshold for neuronal apoptosis is asso-
neurons more vulnerable to multiple apoptotic trig- ciated with restriction of the apoptotic machinery at
gers. In particular, the striking resistance of sympa- various levels including molecular, transcriptional and
thetic neurons to microinjection of cyt c, is because of metabolic repression of sensors and effectors of the
strict inhibition of caspases by XIAP [262]. Also, mitochondrial apoptotic pathway [3]. It would be

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Neuronal apoptosis E. Hollville et al.

interesting to understand what are the signals and axonal outgrowth [276,277]. Using these apoptotic mole-
molecular mechanisms that initiate and drive this pro- cules in such a way requires tight control of the apop-
gressive switch toward a more restrictive state. For totic machinery as to not accidentally kill the neuron.
example in the case of the nervous system, decreased This is impressive considering that, in these contexts,
sensitivity to apoptosis coincides with the establish- neurons need to activate caspases with spatial precision.
ment of neuronal connectivity. Are these two processes Thus, analyzing the mechanisms allowing the mitochon-
interconnected? Are they tissue-specific or are there drial pathway to become activated in a very restricted
common reprogramming pathways in all post-mitotic fashion, as well as identifying the differences in its acti-
tissues? Interestingly, some of the mechanisms evoked vation in apoptotic versus non-apoptotic context, will
in this review have also been observed in other post- provide significant insight into neuronal survival and
mitotic systems including cardiomyocytes and myo- function in physiological and pathological situations.
tubes [77,262,268]. These findings suggest the existence
of potentially conserved developmental regulatory
pathways responsible for restricting the apoptotic
machinery in post-mitotic cells. Yet, some regulatory We thank Dr Matt Geden for insightful comments on
pathways have so far only been described in neurons this manuscript. This work was supported by a grant
(e.g., Phr1-mediated degradation DLK) and are most from National Institutes of Health (GM118331) to
likely under the control of neuronal maturation-associ- MD.
ated signals that are neuron-specific.
Restriction of the apoptotic machinery in the mature
Conflict of interest
nervous system is not necessarily associated with com-
plete shutdown of the apoptotic pathway. In fact, mul- The authors declare no conflict of interest.
tiple studies have shown how injury or pathological
conditions can activate the mitochondrial pathway
Author contributions
through overcoming the brakes on the apoptotic path-
way to successfully activate apoptosis. Consequently, EH and SER wrote the manuscript and MD helped
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3298 The FEBS Journal 286 (2019) 3276–3298 ª 2019 Federation of European Biochemical Societies

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