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4 Discussion Question Posts






4 Discussion Question Posts


Critical thinking and active listening would be the two most beneficial problem-solving

techniques in my private school volunteer work. Critical thinking would help analyze issues from

diverse viewpoints and evaluate different solutions. This skill would be vital in making well-

informed choices and devising innovative resolutions for obstacles, guaranteeing that I tackle

predicaments in my voluntary service and everyday routine with a realistic outlook. Moreover,

the ability to think critically aids in identifying personal biases and presumptions, as well as

those of others. This recognition will facilitate the impartial tackling of issues, scrutiny of

assumptions, and considering alternative perspectives. By questioning biases and assumptions, I

could create comprehensive solutions in the voluntary school job, cultivating an atmosphere that

advocates for inclusivity and equality.

Active listening would be critical in paying attention and considering the perspectives

and concerns of others for the successful resolution of problems (Rusadze, 2021). By genuinely

understanding the needs and apprehensions of students, guardians, and other stakeholders in the

school, I can pinpoint the underlying issues and devise solutions that cater to their individual

needs. Additionally, active listening enhances communication by exhibiting respect and

mindfulness by stimulating a transparent and truthful discourse, enabling an open exchange of

concepts, concerns, and recommendations. Through actively listening to varying viewpoints, I

can cultivate cooperation and generate a wider array of possible resolutions to develop

innovative and efficient outcomes for problems at work and during day-to-day interactions.


Rusadze, I. (2021). Active Listening Through Critical Thinking. IRCEELT-2021, 105.



Competing businesses often differentiate to gain a competitive advantage and adapt to

changing market dynamics. Distinguishing oneself can help establish a competitive edge by

providing something that rivals lack or cannot replicate. Companies may introduce exclusive

product characteristics, top-notch quality, exceptional customer support, or groundbreaking

technology to entice and retain customers despite the competition (Bashir & Verma, 2017).

Likewise, businesses can stay ahead of the perk by adjusting to changing market trends,

consumer needs, and competitive environments. By consistently innovating and presenting

exceptional value propositions, companies can remain relevant, accommodate changing

customer preferences, and stay ahead of competition.

External variables have a notable impact on controlling the nature of competition within a

sector. Some of the factors include the market structure, government regulations, and

technological innovations. The market structure, like monopoly, oligopoly, or perfect

competition, can significantly affect the nature of competition. For instance, businesses compete

with comparable products or services in a perfectly competitive market, leading to price-based

competition. Similarly, Regulations and policies implemented by the government can

significantly impact competition within an industry as they can establish entry barriers, set

standards, impose pricing restrictions, or promote fair competition. For example, specific laws

prevent monopolistic behavior and encourage competition by regulating mergers and

acquisitions. Similarly, technological advancements can disrupt industries, restructuring

competitive dynamics. New technologies often create opportunities for innovative products,

services, and business models. Companies that embrace technology can gain a competitive edge,

while those that fail to adapt may face obsolescence.



Bashir, M., & Verma, R. (2017). Why business model innovation is the new competitive

advantage. IUP Journal of Business Strategy, 14(1), 7.



The criteria of effective teams are task performance, member satisfaction, and team

viability. Efficient teams accomplish their objectives as they are dedicated to producing

exceptional work, meeting deadlines, and delivering outcomes. Throughout the phases of team

development, task accomplishment is evident as the team progresses from setting clear goals

(forming stage) to actively cooperating towards achieving them (performing stage). For instance,

in a volunteer program for a private school, an efficient team would effectively plan and execute

a fundraising event to support educational initiatives.

Efficient groups display contentment among members and team viability. In the initial

phase, contentment among members is encouraged by establishing an all-encompassing

atmosphere, while the viability of the team involves defining the team's purpose and framework.

During the storming phase, candid communication and resolution of conflicts contribute to

members' satisfaction, and team viability is maintained by addressing conflicts and keeping the

team focused. In the norming phase, members' satisfaction increases as trust and cooperation

develop, and the team's durability is reinforced by establishing shared standards and effective

communication. The performance phase witnesses high member satisfaction due to achievements

and personal development, while the continuous durability of the team depends on efficiency and

flexibility. Lastly, in the termination phase, member satisfaction is influenced by retrospection

and closure, and team viability involves evaluating performance and facilitating a seamless

transition (Safi, 2018). Throughout these phases, members' contentment and the viability of the

team contribute to effective teamwork.



Safi, A. K. (2018, September 14). The five stages of Team Development.


Employees who consistently perform better and exceed expectations in their job

responsibilities should be granted a pay raise. While providing fair compensation for fulfilling

designated roles is essential, a pay raise should serve as a recognition and reward for exceptional

performance, continuous improvement, and surpassing expectations. Linking pay raises to

performance creates a culture that encourages employees to strive for excellence and

continuously improve their skills. Offering pay raises based on performance motivates

employees to go above and beyond in their work, driving innovation, productivity, and overall

organizational success. Moreover, tying pay raises to performance helps distinguish between

high performers and those who meet the minimum requirements of their job, promoting fairness

and equity within the organization. Research indicates that performance-based pay raises can

positively impact employee motivation, job satisfaction, and organizational performance.

According to Kadir et al (2021), individual performance-based pay systems positively influenced

employee effort, productivity, and job satisfaction. Although the fundamental concepts of

acknowledging and compensating outstanding performance remain alike, the particular

circumstances and standards for bonuses may contrast with those for salary increments. In

general, bonuses are centered on particular accomplishments, immediate objectives, or

remarkable contributions, whereas salary increments are more related to overall performance,

uninterrupted enhancement, and long-range expansion. Nonetheless, the principles that apply to

salary increments should also apply to bonuses used to motivate and acknowledge outstanding

achievements that have a notable influence on the company.



Kadir, A., AlHosani, A. H., Ismail, F., & Sehan, N. (2019, September). The effect of

compensation and benefits towards employee performance. In Proceedings of the 1st

Asian Conference on Humanities, Industry, and Technology for Society, ACHITS 2019,

30-31 July 2019, Surabaya, Indonesia.

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