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Implementing Water Level Sensors in Three-Level Calamity Siren Systems to Provide

Early Flood Warning and Response

In partial fulfillment

of the Requirements for

ECE 427: Electronics Measurements and Instrumentations

Bachelor of Science in Instrumentation and Control Engineering

A Requirement Submitted to:

Engr. Joven Dimaculangan

Batangas State University

Alangilan, Batangas City


Araja, John Erasmouz Marie D.

Briñes, Christine Joy N.

Centeno, Aidan James M.

Comia, Cassandra Joy L.

De La Rama, Princess Aira

Elomina, Alvin Jr.

Laylo, Zharina Mae M.

Litan, Vivien A.

Mendoza, Janna Mariz M.

Nambio, Jhon Mark R.

Roallos, Gerald C.

Sabili, Freddirick S.

ICE 3103

December 11, 2023

College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering


I. Background of the Project

Floods rank among the most frequent and destructive natural disasters in the world,

resulting in a high death toll and extensive property destruction. Early warning systems are

essential for lessening the impact of floods in heavily populated areas where urbanization and

climate change have increased the vulnerability to these disasters. These systems must have

calamity sirens, which give residents in high-risk areas audible warnings. The efficiency of

response operations may be hampered by the fact that traditional calamity sirens frequently are

unable to deliver accurate and timely information regarding the extent of the approaching flood.

The need to upgrade conventional calamity siren systems with cutting-edge technology,

like water level sensors, is becoming more pressing to address this problem. In addition to

providing vital information that enables more precise and timely flood warnings, these sensors

can detect changes in water levels in real-time.

The integration of water level sensors into three-tiered emergency alert systems is the

main objective of this study. The siren system uses a complex three-level strategy to discern

between flood conditions that are categorized as low, medium, and high and can be shown on an

indicator. To help affected communities make informed decisions about evacuation and other

preparedness measures, local authorities can employ a structured approach to deliver more

specialized and customized warnings. These warnings can take the form of modified voice-overs

that indicate the difference between the three levels of water.

Based on the intensity of the flooding, these calamity siren systems are made to deliver

real-time data that can set off the proper warnings and actions. These systems employed a

measurement technique that involved placing a water level sensor in high-risk areas for flooding.

Wired communication is used to send the sensor's collected data to a monitoring system. The

sensors' incoming data is continuously analyzed by the central monitoring system. The system
College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

uses the three levels to determine the severity of the flood when the water level rises above an

established limit. The integrated calamity siren system sounds based on the determined level of

flood severity. A less urgent warning might be sent out for minor flooding, and an urgent and

critical alert would be sent out for severe flooding. To alert locals and emergency responders, the

siren system sounds an audible alert or alarm and shows the detected level on the indicator.


Main Objectives

● Main Objective

- To develop a system that sends information to a specific location during a flood

disaster by programming indicators, buzzers, and speakers to effectively ensure


● Build Hardware

- To design and build robust and reliable hardware components, including water

level sensors, siren control units, and the usage of Arduino UNO for the

integration into three-level calamity siren systems.

● Development of software

- To create and execute software solutions, such as evaluating codes with Tinkercad

for data acquisition, real-time monitoring, and analysis of sensor-derived water

level data.

- To make it possible for flood warnings and alerts to be generated automatically

using preset water level limitations.

● Testing (Data)

- To carry out thorough field testing to assess the water level sensors' accuracy and

dependability under flood conditions.

College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

● Evaluation of testing

- To evaluate the information gathered from field testing to determine the accuracy

and consistency of water level readings under various flood scenarios.

- To identify any issues or deficiencies in the hardware or software, and suggest

ways for improvements.

● Recommendations

- Regular inspections for debris or pollution that might affect readings should be

put in place to guarantee a water level sensor operates at peak efficiency.

- Maintaining consistent and dependable readings requires routine calibration of the

sensor and the creation of a backup plan in case of faults.

- Use an alternative water level sensor that can withstand extreme humidity,

temperatures, and also the presence of contaminants.

College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering


A. Materials

Material / Instrument Illustration Description

Water level sensor A water level sensor, often

called a water level detector
or sensor switch, is a device
designed to detect and
measure water levels in areas
like rivers, lakes, reservoirs,
or flood-prone zones. These
sensors are vital for providing
water level data in a
three-level calamity siren
system used for flood
warnings and responses.

Arduino UNO The Arduino UNO is a

microcontroller board that
can interface with various
sensors, including water level
sensors, weather sensors, or
any other relevant sensors. It
collects data from these
sensors to monitor
environmental conditions,
such as water levels,
temperature, or rainfall.

Indicator (LED) & (LCD) In a three-level calamity siren

system for flood warning and
response, an indicator is a
component that conveys
essential information to both
the system operators and the
public. Its primary function is
to visually or audibly display
the current status such as low,
medium, high, and the
severity of level, or
operational state of the siren

The primary function of

LEDs is to visually display
the current color status such
as Yellow (Low level),
Orange (Medium level), and
Red (High level).
College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

Piezoelectric Buzzer A piezoelectric buzzer is an

electrical device that emits
clear, loud sounds to indicate
or warn. Its main purpose is
to enhance public awareness
and emergency
communication by providing
additional sound alerts in
addition to the siren system.

Resistor In an LED circuit, a resistor is

used to control how much
current passes through the
LED. Light-emitting diodes,
or LEDs, are semiconductor
devices that, when electricity
passes through them, release
light. To operate at their best,
they do, however, require a
certain voltage and current.

MP3 Module Player A Mini MP3 Player Module

or also known as DFPPlayer
is an MP3 Module which can
be directly connected to a
speaker to create an output.
This device allows you to
store and play music from a
computer format.

SD Card Digital data is frequently

stored on SD (Secure Digital)
cards, a type of removable
storage medium. It is a
non-volatile, compact, and
portable memory card format
that is simple to put into and
take out of electronic devices.

Mini Metal Speaker A speaker is an essential

component of a three-level
calamity siren system for
flood warning and response
that is in charge of informing
the general public of audible
alerts and warnings. Its main
purpose is to alert individuals
in the affected regions of the
possibility of impending or
current flooding as well as the
degree of severity by means
of audible signals that are
both clear and visually
College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

Breadboard When building and testing

electronic circuits during
prototyping, a breadboard is
an essential tool. A
breadboard has no direct use
in the siren system itself in a
three-level calamity siren
system for flood warning and
response. Rather, it provides
engineers, technicians, or
developers with an adaptable
platform to work on while
designing and testing
electronic components, such
as the siren system.

Jumper Wire A piece of wire used to

connect things on a
breadboard or a circuit
prototype is referred to as a
"jumper wire" in electronics
and circuitry, rather than
being a specific electrical or
electronic component.
Usually, jumpers are used to
establish electrical
connections between various
parts, parts and power
supplies, or parts and ground
points. They act as bridges or
stand-in connections while
electronic circuits are being
developed, tested, and

Soldering Lead Soldering lead, commonly

known as solder, is a metal
alloy typically composed of
tin and lead. It is an essential
material used in conjunction
with a soldering iron to create
robust and permanent bonds
between two intended
connections. When heated by
a soldering iron, solder melts
and flows into the joint
between components,
forming a secure and
conductive connection.
College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

Soldering Iron A soldering iron is a handheld

tool designed for the purpose
of heating a soldering lead to
join two or more metal
junctions. This versatile tool
consists of a heating element
that reaches a high
temperature, typically above
the melting point of a metal
alloy known as solder. This
elevated temperature allows
the solder to liquefy and
effectively connect the
components being soldered.

Electrical Tape Electrical tape is a form of

tape intended for use in
electrical applications. It is
also referred to as insulating
tape or electricians' tape. It
serves as an electrical
connection and component
insulator, protector, and
fastener. It is usually
composed of vinyl or rubber.

Table 1. List of Materials

Table 1. Shows the materials used to execute the project

College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

Bill of Materials

Component Quantity Price (₱) TOTAL (₱)

LED Lights (Yellow,Orange,Red) 6 3.00 18.00

Breadboard 2 59.00 118.00

Arduino Uno R3 1 575.00 575.00

Piezoelectric Buzzer 1 45.00 45.00

Water Level Sensor 1 45.00 45.00

LCD Module 1 70.00 70.00

DFP Mini Player MP3 1 288.00 288.00

Mini Metal Speaker 1 185.00 185.00

Acrylic Box 1 345.00 345.00

Soldering Lead 2 11.00 22.00

Jumper Wire 3 19.00 57.00

Stranded Wire 2 24.00 48.00

Electrical Tape 1 45.00 45.00

Waterproof Tape 1 157.00 157.00

Double Sided Foam Tape 1 66.00 66.00

Glue Stick 12 4.15 49.80

Sealant 1 70.00 70.00

Popsicle Sticks 1 49.00 49.00

Miniature Tree 1 21.00 21.00

Rocks 1 20.00 20.00

Sponge Roll 1 68.00 68.00

Scrub Pad 1 80.00 80.00

Tray 1 202.50 202.50

Illustration Board 1 20.00 20.00

Syringe 1 11.00 11.00

₱ 2, 675.30
Table 2. Bill of Materials

Table 2. Is a comprehensive list that includes every part, assembly, material, and component

needed to assemble the prototype.

College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

B. Pinouts of Hardware

Figure 1. Hardware Pin-outs

Figure 1. Shows the connections of Arduino Uno with the four hardware components

accompanying the system.

Arduino Water
Uno Level

A0 S

5V Positive

GND Negative

Figure 1.a and Table 1. Arduino Uno and Water Level Sensor Connection

Figure 1.a and Table 1. shows that the A0 of the Arduino is connected to the S pin of the

Water Level Sensor, 5V is connected to the positive pin, and GND is connected to the

negative pin.
College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

Arduino LCD
Uno Indicator





Figure 1.b and Table 2. Arduino Uno and LCD Indicator Connection

Figure 1.b and Table 2 shows that GND is connected to the same pin as the LDC

Indicator. VCC is connected to V5, while A5 and A4 are connected to SDA and SCL,


Arduino Piezoelec
Uno tric

2 Positive

GND Negative

Figure 1.c and Table 3. Arduino Uno and LCD Indicator Connection

Figure 1.c and Table 3 shows GND connected to the positive pin of the Piezoelectric

buzzer, while the negative pin is connected to port 2.

College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

Arduino Speaker DFP

Uno Mini


⁓11 RX

10 TX

Negative SPK 1

Figure 1.d and Table 4. Arduino Uno, DFP Mini Player Positive SPK 2
and Speaker Connection

Figure 1.d and Table 4. illustrates the connections of three hardware components. The

Arduino GND is interconnected with the GND of the Mini Player. Additionally, ⁓11 is

connected to the positive terminals of both the speaker and SPK 1 of the Mini Player. The

negative terminal of the speaker is then connected to SPK 2.

Arduino Yellow Orange Red LED


GND Negativ Negative Negative

e (-) (-) (-)

⁓3 Positive

Figure 1.e and Table 5. Arduino Uno and 4 Positive

Yellow,Orange,Red LED Connections ⁓5 Positive

Figure 1.e and Table 5 shows the connection of three LEDs with an Arduino Uno. All

the Anodes or positive terminals are connected to ⁓3 for Yellow, 4 for Orange, and ⁓5 for

Red. The Cathodes or negative terminals are connected to GND.

College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

C. Flowchart of Software

Figure 2. Flow schematic of the whole system

Figure 2. Is an illustration of a program's logical stages and decision-making

process. A flowchart for an Arduino program could show the conditions, loops, and order

of operations in the code.

College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

When the water level rises, the water level sensor will begin to activate. Each

level's measurement range determines the signal that the sensor will deliver to the

indicators. The Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), which shows the measurement value in

millimeters together with the Alert Level, will be the initial indicator to turn on. The

light-emitting diode, which will turn on continually at each level, will be the next

indicator. The buzzer and speaker will be the final indicator. Even if the water level rises

on the same level the indicators will continually activate.

The LCD will turn on and display "Alert Level 1" along with the current

measurement when the water level drops below 100 mm to 350 mm. As a result, the

buzzer and speaker will activate, and the yellow LED will turn on. Similarly, the

procedure will cause the orange LED to turn on for water levels between 351 and 549

mm. In addition to the current measurement, the LCD will simultaneously show "Alert

Level 2" and turn on the alarm and speaker. The red LED will finally turn on when the

water level reaches or exceeds 550 mm. The speaker and buzzer will then activate, and

"Alert Level 3" will appear on the LCD next to the measurement.

Lastly, this system operates continuously. Every warning level has an

accompanying MP3 track, LED, and LCD message that are specific to it. When a sensor

reading falls outside of predetermined boundaries, an LCD message titled "Checking

Water Level..." appears.

College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

D. Testing and Initial set-up

Before introducing the main component of the study, which is a water level sensor, it is

crucial to ensure that the system is well-calibrated to limit errors and potential malfunctions. The

water level sensor must be positioned in the center with a gap between the diorama's ground and

the sensor itself. The diorama itself should be kept clean and dry to ensure precise and accurate


To be able to come up with a well-calibrated system, it is important to calibrate the water

level sensor, it is essential to prioritize ensuring its dry state initially. Subsequently, record the

outputs to document the history of each test, facilitating the detection of any changes over time.

Calibration through software is also crucial for efficiently identifying and adjusting the sensor's

ranges and values.

The input of the system is water, and depending on the level it provides, the sensor will

distinguish its level. The output should trigger alarms in the area through indicators on the LCD

(Alert Level and Water Level Range), the Piezo Electric Buzzer (Frequency Tone Sound), and

the Speaker (Announcement of safety measures).

College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

Figure 3. Diorama setup for initial testing

Figure 3. Illustrates the configuration and placement of components for achieving initial

testing output.

● Plug the cable into the power supply.

● Place the water level sensor in a gap within the diorama's ground.

● Add water to the diorama.

● Initial values will be displayed on the LCD indicator and detected by the piezo

alarm and speaker.

College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

E. Input and Output


● Water Level: It typically refers to the measurement or monitoring of the water level in a

specific environment, such as a tank, reservoir, river, or any other body of water.


● Light Indicator: LEDs or other light sources connected to the Arduino may flash or

change color to visually indicate the occurrence of the calamity (e.g., red for danger).

● Level Indicator (LCD): An LCD screen displays the current water level or a warning

message indicating the situation.

● Sound Indicator (Buzzer): A buzzer emits an audible alarm or warning sound to draw

attention to the calamity.

● Voice Indicator: This might involve a voice module or speaker connected to the Arduino

that plays pre-recorded or synthesized voice messages instructing people about necessary

actions to take in response to the calamity. For instance, it could say, "Danger: evacuate


● Functionality Flow: When the water level sensor detects a critical water level, it triggers

the Arduino.

The Arduino processes this information and activates the output components accordingly.

- Light indicators flash, an LCD displays the water level or warning message, a buzzer

emits sound, and a voice indicator provides verbal instructions or warnings.

- The system integrates various indicators to effectively communicate the calamity and

necessary actions to individuals in the vicinity.

College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering


A. Schematic diagram of Hardware

Figure 4. Schematic Diagram of the Hardware

Figure 4. Illustrates the schematic diagram of a calamity siren using a water level sensor.

Moreover, it shows the relationships, physical parts, and functions of a hardware system. Thus an

Arduino board is a microcontroller that includes pins for input and output that allow it to

communicate with different electronic parts. Additionally, the Arduino powers the circuit it

controls when it is connected to an external power source. The breadboard, on the other hand,

provides a grid of interconnected tie-points where components can be inserted and connected

without soldering, making it an ideal platform for prototyping and connecting multiple


Three pins in the circuit are connected to the water level sensor. It first connects to the

Arduino's analog pin A0 so that it may transmit analog signals that indicate the water level. To

obtain the required working voltage, it is connected to the VCC (power supply) pin. Third, the

sensor provides the required reference for electrical signals by connecting to the circuit's ground

(GND). This sensor is essential to the circuit's functioning since it detects and measures the

water level as it rises.

College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

The SCL (Serial Clock Line) and SDA (Serial Data Line) connections for the LCD are

connected to the A4 and A5 pins on the Arduino board, respectively. In order to supply operating

voltage, the LCD's VCC (power supply) pin also connects to the Arduino's 5V output. The

LCD's ground (GND) pin will be connected to the Arduino's ground (GND) pin to finish the

circuit and serve as an electrical signal reference.

As a visual indicator, the three LEDs each indicate a distinct water level state. For each

LED to complete its electrical circuit, its cathode must be linked to ground (GND). Furthermore,

the anode, or positive terminal, of each LED is linked to a separate Arduino pin: pin 5 is for the

red LED, pin 4 is for the orange LED, and pin 3 is for the yellow LED. This setup enables the

Arduino to regulate each LED's brightness in accordance with the water level, with red

indicating a high level, orange a medium level, and yellow a low level. Thus, a 1k resistor was

used in every LED to limit the current flowing through it.

Sound indication pin 2 of the Arduino is directly linked to the buzzer, which acts as the

control signal input. Furthermore, the buzzer has a full electrical circuit route that is required for

its operation since it is connected to the circuit's ground (GND). The buzzer emits sound in

response to input signals or program logic when it is activated by the Arduino.

By connecting the MP3 player module's VCC (power supply) and Ground (GND) pins to

the Arduino's corresponding power and ground pins, the DFPlayer Mini connects with the

Arduino. In addition, audio output is made possible by the pin on the DFPlayer Mini connecting

to the speaker. Additionally, pins 11 (TX) and 12 (RX) of the Arduino are connected to the RX

(receive) and TX (transmit) pins of the DFPlayer Mini, respectively, in order to initiate

interaction between the two components. With this configuration, the DFPlayer Mini and

Arduino may communicate data, allowing the Arduino to control the DFPlayer Mini by

triggering particular MP3 tracks that are saved on the SD card and correspond to various water

level conditions.
College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

B. Snippet of software


Figure 5

The image displays the #include directive used by programs to include external code

through header files or libraries. Each library serves a specific purpose that guarantees the

program's functionality. For instance, the inclusion of the Wire library via the Wire.h file enables

connected devices to interact over I2C, which is required for data exchange. The

LiquidCrystal_I2C library, found in LiquidCrystal_I2C.h, enhances LCD connectivity and

facilitates interactions with I2C-capable LCD screens. The "mp3tf16p" library (located in

mp3tf16p.h) provides functions for efficient MP3 file playback management on the appropriate

module, most likely for MP3 module control.

College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

Figure 6

The setup for a project using an Arduino, analog input, LEDs, a buzzer, an LCD display

with I2C capability, and an MP3 player is shown in this section of code. Important

configurations are set up by the code, which includes buzzerPin, redLedPin, orangeLedPin,

yellowLedPin, and analogInPin, which are constant integer variables that specify the

corresponding pins. Furthermore, an I2C-capable LCD display and an MP3 player are initialized

by the code, which sets particular parameters for each using the LiquidCrystal_I2C and MP3

Player libraries. These setups provide the foundation for the Arduino project's ability to read

analog sensor data, control LEDs, sound the buzzer, and communicate with the LCD and MP3


College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

Figure 7

The setup() function defines the output pins for the buzzer, red, orange, and yellow LEDs

in this section of code, configuring the application. It initiates serial connectivity at a 9600 baud

rate for debugging reasons. Moreover, the setup function initializes and turns on the backlight of

an LCD display. The MP3 player is initialized using the mp3.initialize() function call. The loop()

function provides instantaneous feedback on the sensor's output by periodically reading an

analog sensor value from the designated pin (analogInPin) and displaying the result on the serial

College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

Figure 8

The software assesses the sensorValue, which is presumed to represent signals from a

water level sensor, in this section of code. The code triggers the red LED, shows the water level

and a message indicating "Alert level 3" on the LCD, plays a certain MP3 track, sounds the

buzzer, and then, after a brief pause, resets the LED and buzzer. This process only occurs if

sensorValue is greater than or equal to 550. A distinct buzzer tone is produced, an orange LED is

activated, a "Alert level 2" message is displayed alongside the water level reading, another MP3

track is played, and after a time, the LED and buzzer are reset by the code if sensorValue is

between 351 and 549. These conditional actions suggest the code's involvement in a water level

monitoring system, responding to various water level thresholds with diverse visual, auditory,

and informational outputs.

College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

Figure 9

This section of code controls what happens to the application in the event that

sensorValue falls between 100 and 350. Then, when a sensor value is between 100 and 274, it

plays a pre-selected MP3 track, sounds a distinctive buzzer, updates the LCD to show the water

level and a "Alert level 1" message, and, after a short delay, resets the LED and buzzer. This

conditional branch appears to handle a lower alert level situation in a water level monitoring

system by indicating a less critical state within the designated sensor value range by informative,

auditory, and visual cues.

College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

Figure 10

If the sensorValue does not match any of the above criteria, the software takes corrective

action in the final portion of the code. After a little delay, it switches off the red, orange, and

yellow LEDs, silences the buzzer, and refreshes the LCD display with the phrase "CHECKING

WATER LEVEL..." Additionally, the code invokes the MP3 module's serialPrintStatus function,

which is most likely intended to deliver diagnostic information or status updates pertaining to the

MP3 player's functionality. It appears that this other block handles situations where the water

level deviates from the designated ranges in order to guarantee a controlled and instructional

response from the system.

College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

C. Testing

Testing for Alert level 1

Table IV.C.1. Alert level 1 1st attempt

Table III.C.2. Alert level 1 2nd attempt

Table III.C.3. Alert level 1 3rd attempt

College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

Table III.C.44. Alert level 1 4th attempt

Table III.C.5. Alert level 1 5th attempt

Tables III C.1 to C.5. Displays accurate but not precise data. The LCD indicator reads

236,235,234,and 235 mm, whereas the ruler measures only 100 mm. This suggests that the level

is precise within the testing parameters but lacks accuracy with respect to the indicator.
College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

Testing for Alert level 2

Table III.C.6. Alert level 2 1st attempt

Table III.C.7. Alert level 2 2nd attempt

Table III.C.8. Alert level 2 3rd attempt

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Table III.C.9. Alert level 2 4th attempt

Table III.C.10. Alert level 2 5th attempt

Tables III C.5 to C.10 displays precise but inaccurate data. The LCD indicator reads

472,483,491,503,505 mm, whereas the ruler measures only 200 mm. This suggests that the level

is precise within the testing parameters but lacks accuracy with respect to the indicator.
College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

Testing for Alert level 3

Table III.C.11. Alert level 3 1st attempt

Table III.C.12. Alert level 3 2nd attempt

Table III.C.13. Alert level 3 3rd attempt

College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

Table III.C.14. Alert level 3 4th attempt

Table III.C.15. Alert level 3 5th attempt

Tables III C.11 to C.15 displays precise but inaccurate data. The LCD indicator reads 550, 551,

634, 638, and 640 mm, whereas the ruler measures only 300 mm. This suggests that the level is

precise within the testing parameters but lacks accuracy with respect to the indicator.

In this study, three key parameters are under consideration: Accuracy, Precision, and

Calibration. Accuracy is determined by the water level range provided by the hardware

components, ensuring precise measurements. Precision is observed through the ruler. Calibration

can be achieved through regular drying of the sensor and adjusting to software ranges.

Calibration is a critical parameter in this study, serving as the key concept to achieve both

accuracy and precision in the hardware's readings.

By incorporating these parameters—accuracy, precision, and calibration—the study aims

to ensure reliable and consistent performance in monitoring water levels.

College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering


Water Range Indication Alert

Level Value Level
Number Level in LED Color Buzz
of mm Sound
Attempts Intensity

Low Attempt 1 236 mm 100 - 350 Yellow High 1

Attempt 2 235 mm

Attempt 3 234 mm

Attempt 4 224 mm

Attempt 5 235 mm

Medium Attempt 1 472 mm 351 - 549 Orange Medium 2

mm High
Attempt 2 483 mm

Attempt 3 491 mm

Attempt 4 503 mm

Attempt 5 505 mm

High Attempt 1 550 mm 550 mm Red Very High 3

Attempt 2 551 mm

Attempt 3 634 mm

Attempt 4 638 mm

Attempt 5 640 mm
Table IV: Results of Testing

The table shows the results of the various tests that were performed on each level of the

water level sensor. It shows that for the first through fifth attempts, every value from low level

was included in its own range with its stated LED color of yellow and Buzzer sound strength.

Additionally, for the first through fifth attempts, the medium values were included in their own

range along with the specified LED color of orange and the intensity of the buzzer sound. Lastly,

for the first through fifth attempts, the values ranging from high were included in its own range

with its specified LED color of red and buzzer sound strength. These numbers merely

demonstrate the system's precision. Nevertheless, the accuracy of these figures was not

supported due to potential system failures.

College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

F. Observations

Four modules are included in the prototype to help with output detection and acquisition.

The Arduino Uno, which serves as the project's central processor unit, coordinates its

cooperative operation. After determining the water level in the tank, the Water Level Sensor

sends signals to the other three modules, which then trigger different actions at different levels.

The Piezoelectric Buzzer and LED Indicators both turn on at the same time when they receive a

signal. An orange LED with a medium-frequency tone, a red LED with a high-frequency tone,

and a yellow LED with a low-frequency tone indicate Alert Levels 1, 2, and 3. Simultaneously,

the height or measurement of the tank is shown by the LCD indicators in real-time. The Metal

Speaker sends voice alerts after a set amount of time. "The water level has reached 10 meters,"

announcing Alert Level 1. The message "The water level has reached 20 meters" is prompted by

Alert Level 2. "Please be advised to tune in to this system, radios, or televisions." It says, "The

water level has reached 30 meters. Please prepare your emergency bags and kits for possible

evacuation." This is the alert level three warning. In simple terms, the Piezoelectric Buzzer and

LED Indicators are triggered by the Water Level Sensor, and after a predetermined amount of

time, the Metal Speaker announces the evacuation.

Moreover, the researchers utilized two breadboards for circuit connections when

implementing water level sensors in the three-level calamity siren system. This allowed for a

structured and organized setup of components, facilitating ease of assembly and maintenance.

The dual breadboard configuration enabled a clear separation of modules, contributing to

efficient troubleshooting and streamlined development. In the observation phase, it was noted

that the water level sensor provided accurate measurements of the water levels inside the acrylic

box. In the observation phase, it was noted that the water level sensor provided accurate and

precise measurements of the water levels inside the acrylic box. However, discrepancies emerge

when comparing their measurements to those obtained using a ruler. It may introduce errors due

to variations in sensor placement and environmental conditions. While conducting tests on the

system, an unexpected issue arose with LED burnout. The LED, a crucial component in the

visual alert system, experienced malfunction during testing. This occurrence warrants a thorough
College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

examination of the circuit design and power distribution to identify the root cause of the LED

burnout and implement preventive measures for future iterations.

An additional observation concerns the prototype's vulnerability to malfunctions during

testing. This highlights the requirement for thorough testing and debugging processes to find and

fix possible problems prior to implementing the system in an actual environment. Factors

contributing to malfunction, such as incorrect wiring or code errors, should be thoroughly

addressed to enhance the reliability and effectiveness of the Three-Level Calamity Siren

Systems. These observations provide valuable insights for refining the system's design and

functionality, ensuring its efficacy in providing early flood warnings and facilitating a prompt

College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering


Floods pose significant dangers globally, causing high casualties and severe property

damage. Urbanization and climate change have heightened vulnerability in densely populated

areas. Early warning systems, crucial in reducing flood impacts, require calamity sirens for

audible alerts. However, traditional sirens often lack accuracy in conveying precise flood

information promptly, hindering response efficiency. Therefore, the researchers have developed a

system for flood disasters in a specific location using indicators, buzzers, and speakers. In

addition, researchers designed robust components and software for real-time monitoring and

analysis of sensor data to enable automatic flood alerts based on the present water level limits.

The process includes thorough tests to assess the accuracy and reliability of water level

sensors in flood conditions. After attempts of testing, the accuracy and consistency of water level

readings in diverse flood scenarios are determined. However, vulnerability to malfunctions is

shown such as LED burnout issues, power distribution, and slight inaccurate reading of the water

level sensor. The researchers addressed this challenge by using redundant sensors for backup,

calibration, and two breadboards to increase the availability of space and allow for the expansion

of the components and connections for proper functioning. Overall, the implementation of this

system will serve as an early warning system to amplify the community's capacity to react to

flooding crises. It’s a proactive strategy that bridges community involvement with technological

advancement to create a safer and better-prepared environment for flood-prone areas.

College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering


Supplementary Materials

A. Trial and Error Codes

Figure 11.1. First Trial of Ranges

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Figure 11.2. Second Trial of Ranges

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Figure 11.3. Third Trial of Ranges

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Figure 12. Fixed Range Value with Trial Code of Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
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Figure 13. Range adjustments

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College of Engineering – Department of Electronics Engineering

Figure 14. Final Code used

Figures 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 12, 13 and 14 - shows the overall program on four
hardwares used in the study. To be able to execute this, using – website. Several trial and
errors are done to come up with a successful working program.

The abbreviations const int refers to a constant data type of a variable. Int denotes the
type of variable being declared. Void is used to indicate that a function has no return value.

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