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Student´s book

Student´s book

La Habana, 2009
Diseño de cubierta: D. I. José Manuel Oubiña
Composición: Lic. María Pacheco Gola

© Colectivo de autores, 2009

© Sobre la presente edición:
Editorial Ciencias Médicas, 2009

ISBN 978-959-212-429-5

Editorial Ciencias Médicas

Centro Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas
Calle 23 # 117 e/ N y O, Edificio Soto, 2do piso, El Vedado, Plaza,
La Habana, CP: 10400, Cuba.
Correo electrónico:
Teléfonos: 838 3375 / 832 5338

M Sc. Tomás González Viera

EFL Associate Professor.

M Sc. Alba T. Estrada Molné

EFL Full and Consultant Professor.

B. Ed. Eldis Houelly Pérez

EFL Assistant Professor.

B. Ed. Teresa Rodríguez Rubio

EFL Associate Professor.

B. Ed. Francisco Herrera Milanés

EFL Assistant Professor.

B. Ed. Nehemiah Cook

EFL Assistant Professor.


B. E d. Manuela León Ramírez, Computing Pro fessor. Ma ría J. Mor é Pelá ez, EFL
Associate Pro fessor. B. Ed . José Su árez Le zcano, EFL Asso ciate Pro fessor. B. Ed .
Jacqueline Ro sales Mor eno, EFL Assist ant Professor. M Sc. Luisa Aco sta, Asso ciate
Professor. M Sc. Conc epción B ueno Velazco, E FL Full Professor. M S c. Magaly
Hernández Más, EFL Associate and Consultant Professor.
The a uthors of t his book would l ike to t hank all t he m embers of t he E nglish Te aching

Methodological Con sultant National Group (GNAMEI) for th eir suppo rt, advice, ai d,

guide and recommendations in all issues regarding this text.

Distinctive thanks to th e pe rsonnel of the differe nt Med ical Science Faculties a nd

Institutes w hose members have welcomed us du ring t he numerous workshops an d

meetings. The authors want to express their gratefulness to the professors and workers of

the faculties of Las Tunas, Manzanillo, Holguín, Santiago de Cuba and Camagüey for all

their kindness, concern and sympathy. They made us feel at home.

It is impossible to forg et our fam ilies for their patience, cooperation and constant

assistance. They have been there with us whenever we have needed them.

Last, but not l east, the autho rs woul d lik e to express ho w p leasant i t has been to wo rk

together wr iting this te xt. This c oauthoring event has developed c amaraderie an d

friendship am ong us. To wr ite t his book has b een arduou s and str enuous but ver y

satisfying ind eed. We shou ld thank each other for cr eating som ething together we think

valuable for the English teaching - learning process in our country,.

This book is dedicated to all the Cuban Teachers of English

Vision III is designed for students who are in Third Year of their different medical science
studies in the Medical Science Universities of our country. The book covers the four basic
skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and its main target is developing their
knowledge in vocabulary , grammar, culture, etc. and value systems as well as helping them
to be more fluent and accurate when communicating in the foreign language.
Although this text deals with General English, it is aimed at preparing the students to face the
challenge they will meet when learning English for Specific Purpose (ESP). This is one of the
reasons why grammar items are given relevance in this course text. The authors’ main
objective in this case is the students’ mastery of the language structure meaning, because
meaning is of paramount importance when dealing with health patients and personnel.

How the book is organized.

The book consists of fifteen basic units, thematically related. Each unit contains
conversations, grammar focus, vocabulary, listening, reading and writing. There are sets of
Revision and Extension Exercises after every three units which aim at systematizing and
enlarging the basic contents studied in the fifteen units. There are also Complementary
Exercises for each unit and appendices where learners will be able to find additional
information. There is also a Verb Tense Overview with examples at the end of the book.

⇒ Unit I: A Standard Cuban Family.
⇒ Unit II: Remembrances.
⇒ Unit III: Health Mission in a Foreign Country.
⇒ Unit IV: Travelling Here and There.
⇒ Unit V: Not the Same?
⇒ Unit VI: Helping people.
⇒ Unit VII: Looking towards the Future.
⇒ Unit VIII: Almost Always.
⇒ Unit IX: I’ve figured out how it works.
⇒ Unit X: Oh! If I only could...!
⇒ Unit XI: What did they say?
⇒ Unit XII: My last day in Jamaica.
⇒ Unit XIII: Family? Family!
⇒ Unit XIV: A thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever.
⇒ Unit XV: We Love Nature.

Some useful methodological suggestions:

The authors have tried to use the task-based learning theory1 which shares the idea of
proposing meaningful activities to the learners such as oral discussions, role-plays, problem
solving tasks, oral and written reports, and brain storming activities, among others. These
types of activities arouse the students’ imagination and creativity.

Many of the texts and dialogues in the Student’s Book are only intended for the introduction
of the basic functions and contents of each unit, although they may be used as leads for the
students to prepare materials of their own. Pair and Group work are also highly suggested as
they are invaluable for real communication.

It is recommended that first of all the teacher should analyze with the class the task
instructions helping the learners to understand what they are asked to perform. When
performing this analysis he/she should arouse the learners’ interest; he/she acts as a motivator
After this, the students carry out the task and the teacher goes around monitoring and helping
them. Integration of skills should be given emphasis, although using one generally involves
more of the other skills. The teacher should create the appropriate environment for learning,
and play diverse roles according to the task target. The professor could be an informant, but
always taking into account that students should learn how to use the language not information
about the language. Maximum amount of meaningful and memorable practice should be
devised and provided by the teacher to the students while he/she does the minimum amount

Pauline Foster: Task-based learning and pedagogy. ELT Journal Volume 53/1 January 1999 ©
Oxford University Press 1999

of talking. His/her role in this case is as a monitor. Sometimes, when learners are asked to
create and use free expression, the teacher acts as an assessor, a guide, an advisor.2

The learners will find in this course text a systematic revision and review of contents they
have already gained knowledge of throughout their first and second year, but there are also
new approaches which will enhance their mastery of the English language. The appendices
provide extended grammar accounts that can serve and be used by the learners to elucidate
doubts and by the teachers for review, remedial work and for assisting the students to achieve
an appropriate competence and performance.

There are present new functions, structures and vocabulary in this text, but the main content
deals with consolidation of the important language taught in previous courses. Useful
language issues are recycled so that students experience them in a wide variety of contexts.

Don Byrne: Teaching Oral English. Edición Revolucionaria. Guantánamo. 1989. pp.1-8


• Asking for and giving personal information (I live in…/ where do you live?)
• Talking about people (she works at the General Hospital/ he is smart and kind)
• Expressing habits and routines (you study every day/ she plays the piano)
• Talking about activities in progress and temporary activities around the present (are
you writing a letter now? / Carmen is reading a very nice book).
• Planning to do things (I’m meeting my doctor tomorrow)

An important magazine research brief about the standard Cuban family compares it with a
typical British family. What do you think a standard family in Cuba is? And, in Britain? Ask
your teacher if you want to know more about this matter.

1) The following statements appear in the above mentioned brief; you can discuss the
ideas involved in them with your partner.
a. British marriages have more children than Cuban Couples.
b. It is very frequent in Cuba to find a large family living together.

2) It could be a good idea to report your opinion to the teacher and the rest of the class.
You’ll be surprised to find how many classmates agree with you.


1. This photo paves the way for an article from a famous Cuban magazine. Could you
look at it carefully and answer the following questions about it according to your own
judgment? You can also ask your partner and other classmates for their opinion.
a. What is the relationship among the people in the photo?
b. Where do you think they are from?
c. Do you think they look pleased to be together? Why?

2. The following article is the one that appears in the famous Cuban magazine. Could
you read it and say what the main topic of this article is?
“_________________________” ?

BY Orlando.Casanova.

Carmen Rodríguez and Jorge Pérez have been married for 42 years. Are you surprised? Yes,
I suppose you are. Nowadays, it isn’t very frequent to meet couples that have been together
for such a long time.

Actually, it is common to find this type of lasting marriage among senior citizens, but not in
young people. This fact does not take place only in Cuba, but it’s a common happening all
over the world.

Carmen and Jorge have three daughters who live with them in a big house. Sarah, the eldest,
is a dentist; she works at the Teaching Dentistry Clinic in Cienfuegos, where they live. Their
second child  they like to call them children although they are adults is Haydee, who is an
MD. She works very hard in a rather far rural community as a family doctor. Their youngest
daughter’s name is Tania. She is a Health Social Worker, who is in charge of teaching
people, living in her health area, to be aware of and solve many of their problems by
themselves. Her motto is “I help people to help themselves”. Tania is married to Mario
González; he is an ophthalmologist. For the time being he is working with many other Cuban
doctors in Jamaica attending people with cataracts and other eye diseases.

Carmen is a teacher of English. She teaches at the University of Cienfuegos. Although she is
59 and can retire from work next year, she says “I love my teaching so much and my students
make me so happy that I don’t want to leave them”. Her husband, Jorge, is an accountant. He
is retired, but he likes to plant flowers, corn and other vegetables in their backyard, so he is
usually very busy. The whole family loves animals. They have a pet, a German shepherd
named Harry Potter. He thinks he is a person, so he only likes chocolate cake and pizza.

a. Is it possible for you to write a suitable ending to this article? We couldn’t read it
because Harry Potter chewed this part of the magazine. He is a very naughty dog.

b. As you have seen, there is no title for the article above. If you had to give one to it,
what would it be? Choose a suitable title for it.


1. - We hope you liked the article so you can say if the statements about it are TRUE or
FALSE or maybe you don’t know. You can write T & F according to your criterion and
IDK in the last instance. It would be a good idea to explain the reasons you have had to
consider a statement to be false. You can read the text again and ask the teacher for
clarification. Let’s do it:
a) _________Young couples usually continue together many years.
b) _________ The Pérez- Rodriguez family lives in Cienfuegos.
c) _________ Sarah is the oldest of the three sisters.
d) _________ Jorge’s wife enjoys working.
e) _________ Tania’s husband is a doctor.
f) _________ Harry Potter loves food for pets.
g) _________ Mario works in Kingston, Jamaica.

2. - This is quite a big family. If you complete the family tree you’ll remember better who is


Sarah Tania

3. - Have you completed the family tree? Well, now you can discuss with your partner how
they are related. Do you remember how you can express possession? If you don’t, read the
following rules which can help you do this activity:
ƒ After a singular noun we use –‘s: my friend’s room.
ƒ After a plural noun we put ‘after the s: my friends’ room.
ƒ Use –‘s for people or animals. E.g. the girl’s name is …/the dog’s tail is short.
ƒ Use OF for things, ideas, etc. E. g…of the bike/ … of the bar/ pub …of my
ƒ Use –‘s or of… for an organization (= a group of people). E. g. the
corporation’s decision or the decision of the corporation.
ƒ Note that you can use –‘s after more than one noun: Jorge and Carmen’s
ƒ Use -‘s after nouns ending in s: Eldis’s home. (pronunciation= /eldesiz/)
ƒ You can also use –‘s with time expressions (yesterday, next week, etc.): did you
see yesterday’s episode? / Next week’s holidays starts on Monday..
a. Let us practice more about possession. Connect the two or three nouns given.
Sometimes you have to use -´s or –s´. And sometimes you have to use …of…
• The economic strategy / association.
• The pet / my son
• The second floor/ the enormous school
• The end / the month
• The manager/ the restaurant
• The wife/ the man talking to Sarah
• The wedding/the boyfriend/ Mary
4. - The journalist who wrote the article likes to use meaningful words and expressions. Let’s
see if we can recognize in them:

9 Synonyms of the following words:

CURRENTLY:_______________________/ REALLY:____________/ OLD

9 A Phrase that means: A VERY USUAL FACT:
9 The opposite of DIE:____________________________

Could you translate the next statements taken from the article?

9 The youngest daughter’s name is Tania:




5. - Could you go back to the article (written by Casanova) in Task II and complete the
following chart? And include other pieces of information, please.

Marital status Occupation Work Extra

Place Information
Harry Potter

Ö Now, choose the family member you like most and introduce him/ her to your
classmates. Feel free to include other pieces of information from your

6. – Of course you can answer who in this family:

o Has been married for more than 40 years? ____________ ______________

o Is a dentist? _______________
o Works as a family doctor? _______________
o Is working abroad? _________________
o Plants roses, forget-me-nots, and lettuce? ________________

You know Carmen Rodríguez is a teacher of English at the University. The following
grammar review is one of her lessons. Maybe you would like to remember what you have
learned before. Imagine you are her students:


Verb in the simple form.

Add S or ES to the simple form of the verb for he, she, and it.

Remember that we use the SIMPLE PRESENT for things that are true in general, or for
things that happen sometimes or all the time. It is not important whether the action is
happening at the time of speaking; the action is a habitual one or something that takes
place repeatedly.

In the third person singular we have to add -s or -es to the verb.
es after – s/ -ch/ -sh

Examples: They teach English. BUT He teaches English.

You finish the lesson BUT she finishes the lesson.
We pass the exam. BUT Mario passes the exam.

(You can find more information and practice in Appendix # 1)

Would you like to practice now? Well, go ahead.
1. First make the following statements negative and then make questions. Ready?

a Peter likes tea.
b . You sell a good car.
c . He speaks softly.
d . It tastes bad.
e . I write well.
f . He walks to work.
g . Susan lives in this house.
h . They go to the movie.

2. You did the exercise pretty good; now let’s try another exercise. In this moment you
are going to write the he/she/it form of the verb.
wash___________ go ____________ love ________ think___________

buy ___________ read____________ do __________kiss ____________

have __________
3. Now do the following.
a Select two verbs and write affirmative statements.
b Select two verbs and write negative statements.
c Select two verbs and write questions of information.
d Select two verbs and write YES or NO questions.
4. Look at the pictures below, and read the information about each member of this
family, then do the exercise.

Tommy (paint) Vivian (dance) Carmen (work) Susan (sell).

Tommy and Carmen and their daughters, Vivian and Susan, all have different activities. Play
the role of Carmen and tell your friend who does what. Use the information under the picture
like this:

• Tommy paints in the park.

5 - Read the following statements about the pictures above and correct them if necessary like
a. Vivian reads the book. (Vivian doesn’t read the book. She dances in the living-
b. Tommy drinks coffee.
c. Susan runs in the park.
d. Susan sells in a shop.

6 – Do you remember the INFORMATION QUESTIONS? To practice them go to the article

you read and answer the following ones. Be aware! There are two of them that are Yes or No
questions, but be nice and answer them too.

a - Does Mario work in a hospital?

b - Where does he work?
c - What does Mario do?
d - When does he work in the hospital?
e - Why is he in Jamaica?
f - Is he a doctor?
7- To finish with, prepare five more questions about the article and ask them to your partner.
FINAL NOTE: Is there any doubt? Don’t be afraid; ask your teacher as many questions
as you wish. Keep this proverb in your mind: The more you ask the more you learn.

1. Haydee is working at her family doctor clinic in the rural community. She is
interviewing a patient now; he is a tall and handsome man, he doesn’t look ill at
all.Why is he in her office now? Let’s listen to their conversation and then we can
answer questions and talk about it.

a What is the patient’s name?

b Why is he at the doctor’s office?
c Does he frequently take any medication?
d What is Haydee prescribing the patient?
e When does she want to see Carlos again?
f Do you think Carlos likes Haydee? Why?


1. - It would be a good idea to listen to the dialogue again so you can notice that:
a Haydee asks:
…are you taking any drug?
b Carlos says:
…I’m taking these pills…

In both cases they are expressing “actions happening around NOW”. They are using
the Present Continuous or Progressive. It means that the action is in progress, not
finished. This is the pattern for this tense:


If you use it you can also “express actions happening at the time of speaking” For

9 Carlos is visiting the clinic now
9 Haydee is working at the moment.

Maybe you can supply other examples if you answer some questions, such as:
9 What are you doing now?
9 Are you studying Pharmacology for the coming test?
9 What book are you reading these days?
Go to Appendix # 1 if you want to have another look at the present continuous. You can
also find exercises there.
2. - Sarah meets a friend at the drugstore; read the conversation, but you should put the
verbs into the correct form:
SARAH: Cecily! Long time no see!. What _____________________
(You/ do) at the moment?
Cecily: I ________________ (study) to be a register nurse.
SARAH: Wow! Is it interesting? _________________(you/like) it?
Cecily: It’s all right, but I_____________(have) to study very much. What about you?

SARAH: Well, actually I_________________(work) on an important Dentistry research

at the moment. And I’m very busy, because I _________________(adorn) my flat to
Cecily: _________________(you/ do) it alone?
SARAH: No, my family and some friends ________________(help) me.

3. - Carmen likes to teach the type of word order we use in English. She gives her students
this chart which is very useful to speak and write Shakespeare’s language correctly:
Subject + verb (according to tense) + what + where+ when (affirmative)
(Wh-)+Auxiliary (according to tense and person) + subject + verb + what + where
+when ? (interrogative)
Subject + Auxiliary + NOT + verb + what + where +when (negative)
What (= object of the verb)/ where (=place)/ when (=time)

3.Let’s analyse some examples; you and your partner can discuss their order. Be aware that
maybe the statement does not have all the elements, but the items given follow the word
order. First an example is given:
a. Haydee is writing the prescription at the office now.
Subject verb what where when
b. Tania and Sarah don’t practice sports at the gym.
c. Do the members of the family work at different places?
d. Jorge plants flowers every spring.
e. Everyone is studying English this course.

5.- Now it’s time to be sure you can use the correct word order. We are giving you some
scrambled statements; could you put them in order?
9 Waiting/ you/ now/ for/ the/ everybody/ is/ in/ park.
9 Novels/ we/ read/ mystery/ home/ at/ night/ every.
9 To/ listening/ you/ radio/ the/ are/?
9 Watching/ Jorge/ TV/ bar/ the/ at/ is.

6 .- Tania is writing an essay in English about Community work, but she wants to be sure
about when to use Present Simple and when to use Present Continuous. You could
help her if you study the explanations below and compare the examples.
Present Continuous (I am doing)
Use the continuous for something that is happening at or around the time of speaking. The
action is not finished.

I am doing
Past Future

Are they speaking English? It isn’t snowing now.

It isn’t snowing now. I’m studying

What are you doing?
Mario is in Jamaica at the moment. He’s learning English
The milk is boiling.

Use the continuous for a temporary situation

I’m staying with some friends until I find a place to live
We are running too much this week because we are always in a hurry.
Present Simple (I do)

Use the present simple for things in general or things that happen repeatedly

I do

Past Now Future

Š Do you speak English?

Š Milk boils at 100 degree Celsius
Š It doesn’t snow in spring.
Š What do you usually do on Mondays?
Š What do you do? (=what is your occupation/ job/ profession?)
Š I always go to my parent’s house on weekends
Š People learn to read when they are children.

Use the simple for a permanent situation:

Š My mother lives in Cuba. She has lived here all her life.
Š Carlos likes his job. He works hard as a rule

7. - Now, you can help Tania to use the correct tense:
Community work is a way to help people within it to identify social needs. I
_________(think) I ________(do) this everyday of my life. Now, I ___________(help) local
people to decide about different health problems they ___________(have). The members of
my community and I_________(plan) different actions at the moment to solve our
Community development _________(take) time. Sometimes their members
___________(Not/ want) to participate, but I____________(persuade) them now to take part
in the meetings we __________( carry out) every Friday. (Idea taken from: Smith, M. K.
(1996, 2006) 'Community work', the encyclopaedia of informal education, Last update: August 10, 2007)

8. - Selecting verb forms can be difficult. The following is Haydee’s letter to a close friend.
You can fully understand it if you give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Present
Simple or Present Continuous?

Dear Sophie:
How are you? I ________(feel) fine, but the truth is that I________(work)
too much this week. ______you______(know) my sister Sarah
________(learn) Italian because she wants to go to Venice? I _______(write)
you this letter now because it________(rain) and there isn’t any patient in the
clinic. Mother is in Santiago de Cuba on holiday. She _________(phone) me
every night. She says she ________(have) a great time there.
I have to tell you something; I’ve met a very handsome boy today. His name is
Carlos and he is my patient. We talked about books. He ________(read) a
new novel by Isabel Allende at the moment; he’ll lend it to me when he
_______ (finish) it.
Well, I have to go; I can see a patient has arrived. See you next Sunday,
Love, Haydee

Haydee has a colleague; her name is Dr. Annie Simpson. She lets Haydee know about a
problem she has:
“I’m not a superstitious person. After all I am a doctor, I believe in Science and evidence; I
make diagnosis and move forward towards management of the illness. So, it is ironic that I
feel frightened because next Friday I am going to Havana; the train leaves at 7 a.m. Do
you want to know why I’m leaving next Friday? I’m meeting my Oncology professor at
3 p.m.; I’m having a mammogram and an ultrasound. Oh, my friend! I’m afraid they
could find a malignant tumour in my breast. I’ll see you when I have my diagnosis.”

You remember that we use the present continuous or progressive for something happening
now, don’t you? but read Anne’s part in bold type and underlined. She is talking about
something in the future (tomorrow, next week, next Friday, etc.).

• We can use the present continuous when we have arranged to do something, a

definite plan to do something. (I am going to Havana/ ...I’m leaving next Friday/ I’m
meeting .../I’m having...)
So we can say: (definite arrangements)
⇒ I’m going to the hospital tomorrow.
⇒ Anne is meeting her professor next Friday.
⇒ What are you doing this weekend?
• The simple present can be used with a future meaning, but not for arrangements.
Use the simple present for timetables, trains, programs, schedules, etc. ( the train
leaves at 7 a.m.)
• Some examples:
⇒ The movie begins at 8:00 pm.
⇒ The plain leaves from Camagüey at 9:00 am on Wednesday-
⇒ The course finishes next month.
• The simple present is also used in sentences with future meaning in THE WHEN
PART of the sentence. (...when I have my diagnosis).

• The same thing happens after BEFORE, AFTER, AS SOON AS, UNTIL ,
⇒ Before you go to Santiago, I’ll have to tell you something/
⇒ where are you going after you visit your mother?/ ´
⇒ I’ll be here until she comes back/
⇒ I’m reading that book as soon as I finish my work/
⇒ She’s going to have a good time while she is on holiday.

1.Now, would you like to practice what we learned about the use of the Present (simple &
continuous) with a future meaning? Write sentences using these structures to express future:
a I/ not/ go out/ tonight. __________________________________

b The festival/ start/ soon.__________________________________

c The French postgraduate course/ in three months/end..___________________

d The bus/ leave/ on Monday/ from Manzanillo to Holguin/ at 8:00 pm-


e My friend/ get/ engaged/next/ January.____________________

f What/ you/ do/ tomorrow morning?_________________________

g Cary/ hope/ to see/ her/ she/ leave/ before/ next


2. Write a small paragraph about what you are doing next week and your activity


1.-We have read an article about a Cuban family. But what do you know about your
classmates’ families? Why don’t you interview your partner and note down the most
important facts about his/her family? There are examples of questions and some hints to
help you ask (Am.E.) suitable requests for information, but remember, you can ask more.
9 Concept of family e.g.: according to this clue you can ask him/ her different
questions, such as: Can you tell me your concept of family? / What do you
regard as family? / Who, do you think the members of a family are?
9 Members of the family he/she lives with.
9 Place, neighbourhood he/she lives with family.
9 Their occupations, jobs.
9 His/ her family daily habits and routine.
9 Possible happenings at his/ her home at the time of the interview.
9 What he/she plans to do after he/she gets home.

2. - After this interesting interview, it would be good ideas to write a paragraph about
your interviewee’s family, but don’t write his/her name. Remember to use your notes.
When you finish writing it, hand it in to Teacher and follow his/ her instructions. You’ll
have a good time.


• Describing memories (I remember everything

which happened that day)
• Confirming information (I can’t stop smoking,
can I?)
• Asking for and giving personal information. (I
tried to help them...)
• Talking about what people did or was doing at a
certain time.(Carmen was teaching yesterday at

You know that Sarah is a dentist who works at the Teaching Dentistry Clinic. She is an
Associate Professor, she teaches Prosthesis to the dentistry students. She accomplished a
medical collaboration in Botswana some years ago.
1. Underline the choice you think is correct. Guessing is fun, isn’t it?
a. Botswana is a country in: The Caribbean Sea/ South America/ Africa.

b. Sarah worked in Botswana as: a dentistry professor/ a dentist/ a M.D.

c. She is going to narrate an anecdote that happened: two or three days ago/ some
years ago/ this morning.

2. Let’s listen to this true story Sarah is going to reveal. Pay the closest attention. You can
listen to it two or three times. Are you ready? Then you can fill in the gaps in the following
a. I worked as a __________in Gaborone, Botswana from_______ to______

b. Gaborone is a city in this ___________ country.

c. I used hypnosis with patients to fill in and pull out __________ but also to help
them solve their _________.

Were you right in your guessing task? We are sure you were, congratulations.

3. .Read Sarah’s anecdote and be ready to discuss in small groups your opinion about the
following statements. Then report to the rest of the class and discuss at class level
a Hypnosis is useful for medical science professionals.

b The woman hypnotized by Sarah wasn’t really living in a village near Kgole

c No wild dog had threatened or run after Sarah’s patient.

d Sarah said she understood what had happened in her office. What is your

This is Sarah’s story:

I worked as a dentist in Gaborone, Botswana from 1997 to 1999. Gaborone is the capital
of this African country. It is near the Kalahari Desert. I used hypnosis in most cases with
an outstanding result. Using it I could fill in teeth, pull out molars and work with
prosthesis patients; they felt no pain at all. By this way, I also tried to help them to solve
some of their problems, not only the ones they had with their set of teeth.
One of my patients, a woman who lived next to my office, was a person afraid of
everything –not only of dentists. Trying to help her, I decided to hypnotize her. When I
did so, she began to scream that a wild dog was running after her.Of course, there
wasn’t any dog in my office. Later on she told me she was living at the moment in a
small village near Kgole Hill where there were many wild dogs. When I instructed her to
wake up, she didn’t remember anything she had told me under hypnosis.
After a few days my patient invited me to meet and visit her father. We went to the village
where he lived (the same she said she was living in). He was a very nice and cultured
person. But I was totally astonished with something I discovered. When my patient and I
were walking past the church, I saw a grave. My patient told me: “this is my mother’s
tomb”. I walked near the grave and saw these words on the burial place “Precious
Retmawa (1950- 2000)”. I said “she died 8 years ago. Was she very ill?” Then my
patient began to cry and told me: “She was going to Benny’s Mall to buy some things
when a group of wild dogs bit her so badly that she died soon after reaching the
hospital”. Then I understood what had happened in my office a few days before.

Dear students, this is a wonderful opportunity for you to find many things about addictions
and how to avoid them. Read the following text.
When Haydee came back from work, her mother Carmen told her that in the next five days,
she has to develop a lecture on alcoholism and drugs in a factory. Nowadays her friend
Carlos, who was a former addict, works as a mason in the above mentioned place. She
thought it was a good moment for him to participate. This is what Carlos said:
Follow one addict’s experience.
When I came on the Narcotic Anonymous program I had identified my problem. I had the
desire to stop using addictive drugs, but couldn’t see how. Due to the nature of addiction my
whole personality was geared toward getting, using and finding ways and means to get more.
All on my personality traits reinforced this obsession with a totally self-centered feeling. I
tried to manage my life by manipulating people and circumstances to my advantages. I had
lost all control.
Obsession forced me to use drugs time after time, against my will, knowing that it was self-
destructive, and against my basic instinct for survival. Insane, I gave up fighting and accepted
that I was an addict, that my life was totally out of control, and that I was incapable over the
disease. My willpower could not change my diseased body that graved drugs compulsively.
My self-control could not change my diseased mind, obsessed with the idea of using mood
changers to escape reality. Not could my highest ideals change my diseased spirit-cunning.
As soon as I was able to accept reality of my incapacity, I no longer needed to use drugs. This
acceptance of my condition, my powerlessness over addiction and unmanageability of my
life, was the key to my recovery. I stopped using drugs and since that moment on, I became
another person and I began working hard. I think that my visit to the Narcotic Anonymous
was a good idea. Wasn’t it?
After reading the text, go to the exercises below and do your best. Ask for clarification of any
1.Write True(T) or False (F) or I don´t know( IDK) and give reasons for your answers.
a. _____Carlos knew about his problem before he went on the Narcotic
b. _____ He found the ways to stop using drugs without any help.

c. _____ His personality changed at all during the time he was an addict.
d. _____ Using drugs was a way to manipulate people
e. _____ He defeated his addiction.
f. _____ He is fascinated with his work now.

2.For your own: Look at these questions, think of their answers and give your partner a
brief report
a. Have you ever taken alcoholic drinks?
b. How old were you when you first used alcohol?
c. When did you drink the highest dosage of alcohol?
d. What’s your opinion of drinking alcohol?
e. Is alcoholism as harmful as drug addiction? Explain your point of view
3. Find in the reading:
a. A sentence in simple present.________________________________________
b. A phrase that means: Out of his/ her mind._______________________________
c. A phrase that means: Finish._________________________________________
d. A synonym of convalescence.________________________________________
e. A sentence in simple past____________________________________________

Task III:
1. - The simple past refers to a definite action that occurred in the past. Be aware of the
following linguistic fact: when we say I used to+ simple form of the verb the meaning is
that I am referring to something that happened in the past, but no longer happens.

Examples: simple past: I played tennis yesterday. (definite action in the past)

Used to + verb: I used to play tennis. (I played tennis but not anymore)

Very often the past simple ends in –ed (regular verbs)
¾ I work in a school. Before that I worked in a hospital.

¾ Verbs ending in y changes to i before the ending –ed
¾ I study English. Before that I studied French.
y does not change if the verb ends in a vowel + y (-ay/-ey/-oy/-uy).
¾ I play football. Before that,I played baseball.
Note these exceptions (pay/paid – lay/laid – say/said)

If a verb ends in –e we add –d (of regular verbs)

¾ I dance Samba. Before that ,I danced Mambo.
Doubling consonants is very common. We double consonants when the verb ends in a single
vowel + consonant.
¾ I stop a bus. Before that, I stopped a taxi.
We do not double the final consonant if the verb ends in two consonants (-rt, lp, ng, etc).
¾ Start / started help / helped
We do not double the final consonant if there are two vowel letters before it ( -oil, -eed, etc).
¾ Boil / boiled need / needed

If the verb has more than one syllable (prefer/permit, etc) we double the consonant at the end
only if the final syllable is stressed.
¾ Prefer / preferred permit / permitted
If the final syllable is not stressed, we do not double the final consonant.
¾ Visit / visited remember / remembered
In British English, verbs ending in –l have –ll before ed whether the final syllable is stressed
or not.
¾ Travel / travelled cancel / cancelled
We do not double y or w at the end of verbs (At the end of verbs y and w are not consonants)
¾ Stay / stayed
Many verbs are irregular. The past simple does not end in –ed. Write / wrote go / went
see/ saw
(For a list of irregular verbs see Appendix 2)


1. Would you like to practice all these rules? Try these exercises. Read what Haydee
says about her typical working day.

I usually get up at 6 o’clock and have a proper breakfast. I walk to work, which takes me
about half an hour. I start work at 8.45. I never have lunch. I finish work at 5 o’clock. I’m
usually tired when I get home. I always cook a very tasty meal in the evening. I don’t often
go out. I prefer to watch TV or to read a good book. I go to bed at about 11 o’clock. I
always sleep well; nightmares don’t bother me. I always have sweet dreams.
Yesterday was a typical working day for Haydee. Write what she did or didn’t do yesterday:

She got up at 6 o’clock

a. She _________________________a big breakfast

b. She ___________________________________________
c. It __________________________________to get to work.
d. _________________________________________at 8.45.
e. ______________________________________lunch.
f. __________________________________at 5 o’clock.
g. _________________tired when _____________________home.
h. ____________________a wonderful meal yesterday evening.
i. _________________________out yesterday evening.
j. She__________________ to read a novel.
k. ________________________________at 11 o’clock.
l. ________________________________well last night.
m. ______________________________ sweet dreams.

2 Now work in pairs. You are going to ask as many information questions as possible to your
partner, to know all the activities he/she did yesterday. Write a brief report on your notebook
and then, tell the rest of your classmates about your partner’s activities.

3 To finish with this first part I would like you to write the past tense of these words, get help
from the list of irregular verbs from the appendix. It would be of great help for you to bring to
our next class a paragraph about the activities you did together with the rest of your family
last vacations.




Note: If there is any difficulty to understand the simple past, please ask your teacher for help.
Task V
After delivering her lecture, Haydee and Carlos went to a cafeteria to have lunch. They
ordered ham and cheese sandwiches and some soft drinks. While they were having lunch
somebody they knew entered the place. First you will only listen to their conversation and
answer the questions about it. Then you can listen and read the dialogue:
Mary: Hi, my dear friends! What are you doing here?
Haydeé: As you can see, we are eating our sandwiches. Would you like a bite?
Mary: Oh no, thanks a lot. I was going to buy cigarettes when I saw you. I have just had
lunch at home.
Carlos: So, I guess you are still smoking two packs of cigarrettes a day, aren’t you?
Mary: And always will, I think. I am ashamed of it, but that’s the truth.
Haydeé: Why don’t you quit smoking? I can help you, Mary. Ask Carlos. I helped him with
his addiction and now he is the same person I met in my office some time ago, aren’t you,
Carlos: That’s true. Look, Mary. I went in the Narcotic Anonymous program due to
Haydee’s advice. I used to be a junkie, but now, look at me! I am a free and healthy man.

Mary: I don’t know; I started smoking when I was 17 and I am 30 now. I think it’s too late
for giving up this addiction, isn’t it?
Haydeé: No, it isn’t. It’s never too late for avoiding lung cancer or any other diseases related
to the smoking habit. Go to my office next Monday, Mary, please.
Mary: All right. I’ll think it over. I’m leaving. Good bye, you two!
Carlos: Bye, and don’t let your addiction defeat you.
Haydeé: See you on Monday, Mary.

1.-You have listened to the conversation, and answered your teacher’s questions about it. It
would be a good idea to read the dialogue while you listen to it again. Now you can complete
the following text with the words given below. Warning: there are more words than the ones
needed, so choose right!
Carlos, Haydee and Mary are______________. Carlos was a ___________ , but in this
moment he has _______________ his vice. Mary loves ______________. Nevertheless she
_______________ this addiction is very bad for her ________________. Haydee warns her
about the different _______________ she can have if she continues smoking.

health- friends- overcome- advice- knows- diseases – drug addict- cigarettes- program

Task VI
1.-Go to the above conversation again. What does Mary says: “I was going to buy
cigarettes when I saw you”. As you can see both actions are in the past, but they have
different meanings. Haven’t they?
2.- Mary used the past continuous or past progressive ( I was going to buy…) to imply she
hadn’t finished what she was doing.
We use the past continuous to say that somebody was in the middle of doing
something at a certain time. The action or situation had already started before this
time but had not finished.
Examples: Fred was watching a film (= in the middle of watching the film) when his mother
called him (=this happened in the middle of something in progress).

It is very important for you to remember that in the past progressive we add –ing to the verb:
Verbs that end in –e (drive, write, etc) :before adding –ing , drop e and write ing.
Example: Drive…driving
With verbs that end in –ie (die,lie,etc) : the –ie is dropped and we write –ying
Example: die ….dying
Sometimes a verb ends in a vowel + a consonant, for example run : before adding –ing , the
final consonant is doubled
Example: run…….. running
This does not happen if the verb ends in two consonant letters. Example ( Help/Helping) and
if the verb ends in two vowel letters and a consonant. Example ( Need/Needing)
In longer verbs (two syllables or more), if the last part of the verb is not stressed. Example:
But if it is stressed in the last syllable, we double the last consonant before adding –ing.
Example. (Prefer/Preferring)
If the verb ends in –y or –w we do not make any change before adding –ing.
Example: enjoy/enjoying
4.- Now work in pairs, ask and answer questions. Take into account the hints below to say
what you were doing at the following times.
a. At 7 o’clock yesterday evening. I was reading a book
b. At 5 o’clock last Friday_______________________________
c. At 8.30 yesterday morning.____________________________
d. At 6.30 this morning_________________________________
e. Half an hour ago____________________________________

5.Complete this news story. Use the verbs from the list in the correct form .

Jog – see – arrive – cry – come – shout – get – can – begin

When I was ________ around the park I ________a car accident. I ___________ to run as
fast as I ______ to the place to help people. When I _________some ambulances _________.

I couldn’t believe it. Some people ___________and others _________when some doctors
________off the ambulance.

Task VII:

1.Go to the conversation again. Mary says: “I don’t know; I started smoking when I was
17 and I am 30 now. I think it’s too late for giving up this addiction, isn’t it? This is a Tag
question. Mary wants Haydee and Carlos confirm what she said.

Now let’s see the TAG QUESTIONS

A very common device in conversation is that of making a statement and at once asking the
listener to confirm it. In most languages this is done simply by means of a stereotyped phrase.
For example we say in Spanish ¿ no es verdad?
9 Affirmative statement, negative tag; negative statement, affirmative tag.
9 The auxiliaries repeat themselves in the tag.
• Other verbs use do in the tag Example:
a) The boy is there, isn’t he? He isn’t there, is he?
b) Carmen and her husband will come, won’t they? They won’t come, will they?
c) She ran yesterday, didn’t she? She didn’t walk yesterday, did she?
d) “I am” usually has the tag “aren’t I”
e) “Used to” has a question-tag with “did” e.g. she used to smoke, didn’t she?

1.-Read the following statements, add the necessary question tag.
a) You were there._______________________________
b) He has a lot of books.__________________________
c) You won’t be late._____________________________
d) You eat very quickly.___________________________
e) You answered my call.__________________________
f) Boys don’t like to wash._________________________
g) It could be done._______________________________
h) I am not as fat as you____________________________
i) She sang well.__________________________________

j) I didn’t hurt you.________________________________
k) I need a book to study____________________________

1. It could be a good idea if you write and talk about your memories. There are things that
changed in your lifestyle; there are others that you have continued doing. If you think an
example can help you, read Dr. Lizzie Gray’s remembrances:
“When I was 15 I used to go to many parties and didn’t use to study very hard. I didn’t
care about what people needed or wanted. But after that, when I got older I realized the
importance of health for mankind. Then, I decided to study Medicine.When I was studying
at the Medical School I met many interesting people. I graduated 10 years ago. Now I am
a family doctor. I worked in a parish in Venezuela last year; I was happy there because
the people were very friendly”

2. You liked Lizzie’s memories, didn’t you? Now you can write your memories, talk
about and share them with your classmates.

The following case was taken from Minute mysteries by Austin Ripley (Pocket Book
edition, U.S.A., 1949. p.51).
Case # 194.

Rudolph Mayer ran into the police station of the little village of Monroe, shook water from
his clothes and collapsed. A local physician was summoned and brought Mayer around. He
told the following story.

“My wife and I, fond of winter sports, registered at the Fox Head Resort this afternoon.
Shortly before dusk we decided to go skating on Lake Howard. We were skating, when my
wife suddenly dropped into the water through a large hole. I jumped after her, but I
couldn’t locate her. There was no help at hand, I made my way here. It’s about half a mile,
I guess, and I didn’t think I’d be able to do it. For God’s sake send someone out there”

Two constables were dispatched through the ten below zero weather to the scene and
returned with Mayer’s skates found on the edge of a large hole where a local concern had
been cutting ice. At the sight of them Mayer again collapsed.
Detective Fordney said “Mayer is certainly lying”
How did he know? Look for the solution in Appendix 2


Expresing perception (They can hear what she is saying)

Describing feelings (Mario loves his profession)

Refering to objects, substances and materials (The man drank

much milk and gave her two cups of coffee)

Getting and giving information about different cultural items

((Where was the author born? / He wrote many novels.)


Leonardo Da Vinci, that universal genius of the Renaissance, said: “All

our knowledge is based on perception”. What did he want to state
with this declaration? Discuss and analyze your opinion in small
groups. (Source: Rahofes, C. Leonardo Da Vinci. Germany, GmbH &
Co., 2008. P.11)

1.Tense relates the meaning of the verb to a time scale (present, past or
future), we must first give some attention to the different kinds of
meaning a verb may have.

™ Verbs may refer either to an EVENT (= a happening thought of as a single

occurrence with a definite beginning and end), or to a STATE (= a state of affairs
which continues over a period and need not have a well-defined beginning and
end. (Verbs of perception are also considered state verbs)
™ Be, live, stay, know, etc. may be considered STATE VERBS
™ Get, come, leave, hit, etc. may be considered EVENT VERBS
™ This distinction is to some extent a conceptual rather than a real distinction, as
the same verb can change from one category to another. E.g. the soup tastes
good/ the cook is tasting the soup.

™ Event verbs typically take the progressive, referring to temporary activities and
they need not be completed.
™ State verbs often cannot be used with the progressive at all, because the notion
“something in progress” cannot be easily applied to them.
2 Verbs which normally do not take the progressive include:

a. Verbs of perceiving feel, hear, see, smell, taste . To express continuing

perception, we often use these verbs with can or could. E.g. I can see someone
through the window, but I can’t hear what they are saying.
b. Verbs referring to a state of mind or feeling believe, adore, desire, detest,
dislike, doubt, forget, hate, hope, imagine, know, like, love, mean, prefer,
remember, suppose, understand, want, wish, seem, appear, think, etc. E.g. I
forget his name (not I am forgetting)/ she hates to have to cook now/ he
understands what I’m saying.
c. See and hear have equivalent activity verbs look (at) and listen (to) so I can
say I’m looking at you/ he was listening to the radio.
d. Smell, feel and taste do not have special corresponding activity verb, so they
have to do duty for the state meaning and the activity meaning. E.g. the doctor
is feeling her pulse…he says it feels normal/ we’ve been tasting the soup, it
tastes delicious. (Source: Leech & Svartvik, La Habana, Edición
Revolucionaria, 1989. pp 63-69)

3. Now, let’s decide which verbs included in the following list don’t usually take the
progressive. Work with your partner. Then, compare your list with the rest of the class.

Dislike Imagine Have Sound Say

Expect Believe Hear Love Wonder

Go Think Prefer Know Learn

a. You are ready at this moment to make sentences with the verbs you have
chosen. Check with your classmates if they are correct.

4 The following pattern is often used with verbs of perception and state verbs:

™ CAN/COULD + VERB+ NOUN+ ING participle (acting as adjective). E.g.

Joe is shouting, I can hear him crying
™ It is a good idea to practice what we have just learned:
a. When we went into the kitchen we ------------------(smell) something
b. I.............................(hear) Meredith knocking.
c. Lizzie .........................(feel) her hands ......................(tremble)
d. Yesterday, Tania .........................(see) Sarah .........................(walk) towards the
e. The cook .....................(taste) the chicken (fry)

5 Sometimes we need to talk to someone about something really important. But, does
that person really listen? Do we listen when other people talk to us? Do you want to
know how to communicate effectively with people? First of all, you have to pay
attention and listen carefully to what people say. Be a good listener! If you really
want to be one, read the following pieces of advice. After that discuss with your
partner the points present in the text and choose the THREE you think most
important. Be ready to support your opinion.

Some pieces of advice to help you:

9 If you think a friend is unhappy, start by asking a question such as “you seem a
bit thoughtful today. Do you want to talk about it?.
9 Let people finish what they’re saying.
9 Repeat what people say to you to be sure you have understood.
9 Use eye contact as well as your hearing. Take into account the speaker’s non
verbal communication units.
9 Listen for pauses, hesitations and repetition- they tell you the speaker’s mood.

6.Write sentences expressing how these things feel or taste. Choose one or more of the
following adjectives:

Cold- rough- sharp- smooth- hot- slippery- salty- wet- sweet- soft- sour (If you don’t
know the meaning of some of these words you can look for it in a dictionary, the teacher can
lend you one.)

E. g. A knife feels sharp / chocolate tastes sweet.

a. A lemon__________________________________________
b. Soap _____________________________________________
c. Ice _______________________________________________
d. Fish ______________________________________________
e. Sugar ____________________________________________
f. A thorn ____________________________________________
g. Cotton _____________________________________________
h. Snow ______________________________________________
i. A nail file___________________________________________
j. Peanuts _____________________________________________

7 Human beings have senses that allow us to perceive the surrounding world. There is a very
brief article about one of our senses; it is an interesting one; read it and find the answers to
the questions below:

a. What are lavender and jasmine?

b. Which of the five (5) senses humans have is this article about?
c. Could you mention our five (5) senses?
d. Where do the Maoris people live?
e. How are they similar to the Eskimos?

The non-remembered sense

Every time I smell jasmine I can see myself again in the garden of that large house in Kingston. The smell of
lavender reminds me of my grandmother.
Smell is one of the most evocative of all the senses, but it’s the most difficult to recall. This is because only a
small area of the brain is used in smell. Women usually have a better sense of smell than men.
It seems that our ideas of what smells are pleasant or unpleasant is something that we learn at about the age of
three or four. It is not something we are born with.
Flowers such as jasmine and lavender are one thing, but what about the smell of people? Each human being
has a unique odor. A one-month old baby can recognize its mother by smell.
The kiss began as a sniff and New Zealand Maoris, and Eskimos still sniff when they meet one another. In
modern times we use soap and perfume to replace our natural odor.
(Taken from National Geographic Magazine. October/ 1950)

Now what do you think of discussing the answers to these questions in small groups?

9 Are there any smells that bring back memories for you?
9 What are your favorite smells? Why?


1.- Dear students, look carefully at this map, read the questions, discuss with your partner and
then underline the answer you selected.

a. What type
of geographical structure is the one in the map? 1. A continent. 2. An island. 3. A
b. Now look at the globe in the map and tell us: where is this geographical structure
located? 1. in the Pacific Ocean. 2. In the Equator 3. In the Caribbean Sea.
c. What’s its name? 1. Puerto Rico 2. Dominican Republic. 3. Jamaica.

2 After analyzing the different answers you gave and agreeing with the correct ones, read the
following text which talks about this place.

Title of the text: ____________________________________

According to the World Health Statistics 2008 Jamaica is the largest English-speaking Island
in the Caribbean Sea. It is located 150 km south of Cuba and 160 km west of Haiti and covers
an area of 11,424 km². It is divided into 14 parishes. There are two main cities - Kingston the
capital and Montego Bay. The government is based on the Westminster parliamentary model.
The Governor-General represents the Queen of England as the head of state. A cabinet of
ministers, selected from the bicameral legislature and headed by the Prime Minister, forms
the executive branch.

In 2000, the population was estimated at 2.6 million. The annual rate of population growth
declined from 1.0% in 1996 to 0.6% in 1999. The crude birth rate declined from 20.8 per
1,000 population in 1999 to 20.0 per 1,000 in 2000. Children age 0-14 years accounted for
31% of the total population in 2000. In 1998, life expectancy at birth was estimated at 75
years (73 for males and 77 for females). Approximately 86% of the population age 15 years
and older are literate

The economy is open and import-dependent. Tourism, bauxite mining, and primary
agriculture exports, including sugar and bananas, are the traditional mainstay of the economy.
Private remittances from abroad continue to play an increasingly important role in the
economy. An estimated 16% of the population was below the poverty line in 1998.

Infectious diseases, maternal and infant mortality, and childhood diseases have decreased
significantly. There was an increase in the numbers of homicides and accidents; these were
among the leading cause of death in 1999. The gender differential in mortality was greatest
for these two external causes. Young males accounted for the most deaths from these two
causes. Males had higher death rates than females for malignant neoplasm, heart disease, and

The health system offers primary, secondary, and tertiary care. Ambulatory care at the
community level is delivered through a network of 343 health centers. Secondary and tertiary
cares are offered via 23 government hospitals and the teaching hospital of the University of
the West Indies, with a combined capacity of 4,802 beds. Private sector health services are
provided through an extensive network of professionals offering specialist services, and by

family doctors throughout the island. A number of non-governmental organizations provide
health services for a nominal fee. (Data from in WHO
publications. © Copyright World Health Organization (WHO), 2008).

Mario is working, together with other Cuban dentists and physicians, in an important health
centre in Montego Bay. Most of the people there like to go with Cuban specialists, because
they say that Cubans are very good doctors and very friendly.

3 After reading the above text you and your partner can write a title and answer some
questions about it
a) Is Jamaica a total free country? Why or why not?
b) What can you say about the birth rate and life expectancy compared to Cuba’s
statistics about both features
c) Could you explain the meaning of the expression “the economy is import-
d) Who dies more frequently from STD (=sexual transmitted disease) in Jamaica, men
or women? Clarify your answer.
e) Are family doctors in Jamaica part of the National Health Care System? Explain your

4 What title would you give to this text? Work with your group; get an agreement and then
report to the rest of the class the title you chose and the reasons why you did it. Finally,
analyze which title is the best at class level.

5 It should be a good idea to find out some things about the reading:
a) The meaning of the words parishes/ crude birth rate/ life expectancy (you can
become aware of these meanings according to the context or in a dictionary)
b) A synonym of foundation of the financial system: _____________________
c) A word that means “to know how to read and write”:____________________
d) A synonym of most important reasons:_________________________

6 Let’s translate the following part of the text:
The health system offers primary, secondary, and tertiary care. Ambulatory care at the
community level is delivered through a network of 343 health centers. Secondary and tertiary
cares are offered via 23 government hospitals and the teaching hospital of the University of
the West Indies, with a combined capacity of 4,802 beds. Private sector health services are
provided through an extensive network of professionals offering specialist services, and by
family doctors throughout the island.


1 Dr. Mario González is a reading addict; he loves novels a lot. His wife Tania says that he
prefers being at home with a good book than going to a party. One of his favourite authors is
Jeffrey Archer. Now Mario is at the Montego National Library where a famous writer is
going to talk about Mr Archer’s biography. Let’s listen what this writer says. “Jeffrey
Archer was born in......”

2 After listening to the lecturer for a second time you can fill in the gaps:
a. Archer was born in __________
b. At 29 he was the youngest member of ____________________
c. All six of his novels have been ___________________
d. He lives with his wife and children in ___________________

3 You are ready now to work with your partner and ask and answer questions about Jeffrey
Archer. For example: Where was he born? You can use different interrogative words such as
When/ Where/ What/ How many, etc.


1. You and the members of your group love animals. Don’t you? So, talk about the pictures
above. You could discuss your perceptions and feelings about these two dogs. They belong to
Tania’s family; one of them is Harry Potter (the German Sheperd on the right); the other is a
mutt Haydee found near her community. Use your imagination and creativeness.

2. Once you have finished talking about the pictures, be ready to write a story about them.
Read the suggestions below, they could help you a lot.
a. When you write a story you should take into consideration two important aspects
of story-building:
™ A general outline for your story which, generally speaking, should present
the following steps:
™ An initial situation. In this part you introduce the matter the story is about.
E.g. there was once a cat who was the king of Kittyland.
™ An unexpected element. Something that happened is going to be an
important part of the story plot. E.g. But his wife and chidren’s lives were at

™ A problem or dilemma. This is about the story development. E.g. His
brother has menaced to kill them if the king didn’t resign...
™ The climax. When the story reaches a point to give way to a solution. E.g.
The Cat king and his brother fight in a terrible duel...
™ A solution. This is the end of the story; it could be a happy end or a tragic
one, it’s the author’s choice. E. g. The Cat King overcame his brother and
sent him to jail for many years...

b. To extend this abbreviated story you can ask yourself questions such as the
™ What did he/she/they look like or were like? What was/were
™ Where did ____________live?
™ What did __________do?
™ What happened? Etc.
™ E.g. There was once a big, beautiful,black and brave cat who was the
elected king of a large kingdom, Kittyland. His name was Everard ...

3 Work in groups. Write out the story about the two dogs and be ready to compare your
version with the people near you and state why you consider your story a good one.

1. In English it is very important to know about countable and uncountable nouns; to begin
with let’s read and analyze this:
a. Countable nouns are things we can count: So we can say:
• One orange
• Two oranges
b.Uncountable nouns are things we cannot count. We can not say:
• One rice.
• Two rices.

2 You may know that there are some nouns that are usually countable, and here are some of
• Beach
• Song
• Accident
• Batteries
• cups

You can use a or an with singular countable nouns:

There is a beach near your house.
You cannot use singular countable nouns alone.
I want an orange.
You can use plural countable nouns alone.
I like oranges

a. These are some examples with countable nouns; your teacher will give you some
other details about them. You can also practice with the exercises in the appendix.
b. Now see these details about uncountable nouns.
These nouns are usually uncountable. You use much, little, a lot of, some with
• Sand
• Money
• Music
• Water
• Electricity

You cannot normally use a or an with uncountable nouns. But you can
use a + countable noun + of+ uncountable noun. See this example:
- A bowl of sugar.
- A drop of water

3 With the info you already have, try to carry out these exercises:
a. There is ___________ rain in the summer.

b. It’s best to go to the beach in March. There are ____________ tourists and it’s easy
to book_______ room.
c. There is ___________ pollution in our city, because there are____factories.
d. He lives in a safe city, because there aren’t ______________ crimes.
e. We don’t have __________ traffic in our city.
4 Work in pairs. Look at these different kinds of food (if necessary use the dictionary or ask
for your teacher’s help) and put them into four (4) categories and label the categories:

Veal, cod, tuna, chicken, strawberries, peaches,

bacon, cauliflower, spare-ribs, cabbage, pineapple,
shrimps, raspberries, celery, salmon, lobster, lettuce,
radishes, grapefruit, cucumber, lamb, grapes,
potatoes, broccoli, limes, carrots, chops, peppers,
steak, onions, bananas, garlic, pears, sardines.

a. Now work in groups of four. Each person chooses a different category and groups the
words under the following headings:
• I like to eat much/ many…..
• I don’t like to have much/ many
Now show your lists to the other members of your group and see if they agree.
b.- Take into account the following suggestions:
There are expressions for pieces of uncountable food:
• a cup/ spoonful/pound/litre of…
• a rasher of bacon, a joint/cut/slice of meat.
• a pinch of salt/spice.
• a clove of garlic.

• a round/slice/loaf of bread.
• a bar of chocolate.
• a knob of butter.
_Uncountable words may become countable when describing units or kinds. E.g. for UNITS:
three coffees, a couple of beers, one and a half sugars. KINDS: two contrasting cheeses, a
range of breads, the great wines of France, various new foods.
_Countable words may become uncountable when the food itself changes. E.g. some stewed
apple, a little mashed potato, two ounces of grated carrot, a bowl of finely chopped onion.

Useful words
For countable nouns For uncountable nouns (mass nouns)
Some and any Some and any
e.g. Mario has some books by Archer e.g. I’d like some coffee
Has he got any Agatha Christie’s book? Did you buy any rice?
Many and few Much and little
e.g. Haydee sees many patients everyday e.g. Mario likes much sugar in the milk he
Sara has few things to do today drinks, but he likes little salt in his food.

a/ an/ the a + measure + of + mass noun

e.g. A boy and a girl had an interesting day e.g. He bought a pound of minced meat at the
the day before yesterday butcher’s.

5 Now, you are ready to write a short description of what you think a proper breakfast or
lunch or maybe a “brunch” is for you. (brunch= a word meaning breakfast taken at lunch


This is a letter from a cataract patient to Dr. Mario. He wants to answer this letter but he has
some language difficulties.
You can help him
to write to his
patient, you may:

Dear Dr. Mario: Give him some hints such as:

I have never thought that I 9 Writing what he felt when he
could be able to write a read the letter.
letter to a doctor who gave 9 The importance of helping
me the opportunity of people to recover their
acquiring again one of the health.
most important senses of 9 The significance of
the human being. recovering sight.
I want to thank you and 9 To remind the patient about
your team for returning my his next appointment.
eyesight. Thanks again, 9 Ending the letter in a formal
very truly yours, way.
Lou Plant. Finally, write an example of the
letter Mario should write.


The following jokes are for people who like to eat (could we call them gluttons?)

1st Much of our health is associated with milk drinking. Some specialists consider a

glass of milk the ideal health food; others believe milk is detrimental for our

physical condition. But if you drink milk “Don’t let milk sour!” One way of

keeping milk from souring is to leave it in the cow. “How does milk come?”

asked the instructor in the class on hygiene and Epidemiology. “In Pints”

responded one little fellow. “How else?” was the next question.“In bottles or in

nylon bags” said a tall, thin student. “How else?” repeated the professor.

“Within the cow” was the last and most laughable of the responses.

2nd “Waiter”, asked the client, “do you have rice?”, “Yes, do you want a portion?”,

“Yes, please. And do you have frog’s legs?” “No”, answer the waiter, “it’s

rheumatism that makes me walk this way”.



1. Complete the sentences. Use the present or the past (simple or progressive, affirmative,
negative or interrogative) of the verb given, according to the context.

a) “Have a cigarette”. “No, thanks. I ________________________ (smoke)

b) I always__________________ (read) the newspaper in the mornings, but
today I can’t because the postman___________________ (not come)
c) She _____________________ (drive) her car in this moment for the first
time. It’s a very good car and she ________________ (love) it.
d) Mary ________________ (get) married to William two years ago. When
they ____________________ (celebrate) with a bottle of champagne, his
first wife ______________ (enter) the room. It was a terrible moment for
e) Yes, Roderick ________(live) next door, but now he ___________(work)
f) Jim _____________ (have) a guitar. He often ________ (play) it, except at
present, because he ____________(work) at this instant

2. Something to remember:
LOOK and FEEL: you can use the present simple or continuous when you say how
somebody looks or feels now:
⇨ You look well today, or you’re looking well today.
⇨ How do you feel now? Or how are you feeling now? but
⇨ I usually feel tired in the morning. (not “I’m usually feeling…”)

3. According to what you have learned, you can say if the underlined verbs are RIGHT
or WRONG. Then, correct the ones that are wrong.
⇨ I’m feeling hungry. Is there anything to eat? RIGHT

⇨ Are you believing what she says? _______________________
⇨ This sauce is great. It is tasting really good._________________
⇨ I ‘m often feeling very sad._______________________
⇒ Do you think you are too smart for me?___________________
(Adapted from David P. Rein. Spectrum 3 Workbook., La Habana, Edición
Revolucionaria. 1987.)

4. Important things to bear in mind: we use the past continuous to say that somebody
was in the middle of doing something at a certain time. The action or situation had
already started before this time but had not finished:
I started doing I was doing I finished doing

Past Past Now

⇨ This time last year I was living in Brazil.

⇨ What were you doing at 10 o’clock last night?
⇨ I waved to her but she wasn’t looking.

We also often use the past simple and the past continuous together to say that something
happened in the middle of something else:
⇨ Tom burnt his hand when he was cooking the dinner.
⇨ Ann was watching TV when the phone rang.
Let’s practice; Put the verb in the correct form past continuous or past simple.
a. I ______ (see) Sue in town yesterday, but she _______________(not see)me.
She __________________ (talk) with her friend Mary.
b. I____________ (meet) Tom and Ann at the airport a few weeks ago.
They___________________ (go) to Berlin and I ________________(go) to

I____________ (cycle) home yesterday when suddenly a man _______________
(step) out into the road in front of me.
5. Write about what the Martin children did and didn’t do yesterday. Every Saturday
morning Connie and Jim Martin give their children lists of jobs to do. Today is
Sunday and the Martins are checking what they accomplished. The list looks like this
today. We give you an example.

Patricia Jim JR. Hank & Joe

Wash the car Clean your room Wash the dog
Clean your room Wash the breakfast dishes Feed the dog and the cat
Clean vegetables for dinner Work in the garden (water Clean room and bathroom
the plants/ plant a rose
Make lunch Buy dog food. Do the lunch dishes

(Adapted from David P. Rein. Spectrum 3 Workbook., La Habana, Edición Revolucionaria.

Patricia: a) she didn’t wash the car
b) ____________________
c) ____________________
d) ____________________
Jim JR, a)_____________________
b) _____________________
c) _____________________
d) _____________________
e) _____________________
H & Joe a) _____________________
b) _____________________
c) _____________________
d) _____________________

6. Complete the sentences using one of the following words. Use a/ an where necessary.

Accident/ biscuit/ biscuit/ coat/ decision/ electricity/ key/ letter/ moment/ music/
question/ sugar/ meat/ photograph.

a It wasn’t your fault. It was an accident.

b Listen! Can you hear music?
c I couldn’t get into the house because I didn’t have___________________
d It’s very warm today. Why are you wearing _______________________
e Do you take ___________________in your coffee?
f Are you hungry? Would you like _____________________with your coffee?
g Our lives would be very difficult without ____________________
h I didn’t phone them. I wrote ________________instead.
i The heart pumps _______________through the body.
j Excuse me, but can I ask you ____________________?
k I’m not ready yet. Can you wait __________________, please?
l We can’t delay much longer. We have to make __________________soon.

(Adapted from Eckersly & Eckersly. Second Edition. N/D)

Miscellany: A medical student’s joke:

⇨ The professor of anatomy at Georgetown University was explaining some basic
knowledge of orthopedics to the freshman class. “The muscle of the patient’s left
leg has contracted till it is much shorter than the right. Therefore, he limps”. Then,
the professor asked a student, “Tom Chapel, in the second row, what would you
do under such circumstances? Tommy had a ready answer “I’d limp, too,


Greeting someone after a long time

I haven’t seen you for ages.
How have you been?
Asking and talking about past experiences
Where have you been? I have been all over Cuba....
I went to Haiti……. a go
I have also travelled to….
Asking and saying what someone has been doing
What have you been doing lately?
I have been working in…. with ……


Two good old friends meet while shopping. They are now at a bus stop waiting for their

1.-Read these sentences which you should tick True or False or I do not know in the
corresponding column when you finish your listening activity.

T F I do not know

a.-The two persons meet for the first time

b.- They see each other regularly
c.-They have not forgotten each other
d.-Both of them are married
e- They once studied together

Lucy.- Hi Tania! I haven’t seen you for ages.
Tania.-Oh dear! It’s been quite a long time we haven’t seen each other. We’ve surely been
out of sight but not out of mind, I have missed you so much! How have you been?
Lucy.- Not bad after all; but just buried at home, taking care of my two kids. You see, my
husband has been abroad for almost three years and I’ve had to face it all on my own.
What about you? tell me, where have you been?

Tania.- All around ! In love and travelling here and there. See, just can’t complain!
Lucy.- Wow! In love and travelling?
Tania.-Yes, after I finished my junior high, you remember there was a call for ¨Social
Workers¨ so I accepted and started studying and working in this novel revolution
program which has taken me all over the country and abroad!
Lucy.- Really! That sounds interesting! Tell me more, How did you fall in love? What
countries have you visited?
Tania.- Well, to be honest, I’ve only travelled to Haiti and to Venezuela so far, but I’ve been
all over our beautiful geography. I met Mario on one of those trips while I was
electrifying homes with low output consumption bulbs in Cienfuegos. It was love at
first sight! He had just arrived there for a meeting among ophthalmologists and…
Lucy.- Look there comes my bus, I’ll pay you a visit soon so you can tell me all about it then.
Tania.- Great, I’ll be looking forward to your visit then. I would like to know more about
you too!! So we have much to speak about. Bye!
Lucy.- Bye, see you !

2.- Read the conversation now. This time in pairs ask and answer these questions to your
a.- Were they good friends before? For how long have they been friends?
b. Do you think they had forgotten each other? why or why not.
c.- Is Lucy really satisfied with her present condition? Support your answer
d.- Does Tania love her job?, what makes you think so?
e.- What is Mario’s job?
f.-What happened when she met him?

3.- Get your partner personal opinion about the following :
a. .Ask him / her if he /she considers that both friends have been successful or
prosperous in life. Why or why not?
b. .Ask your partner to tell you about a situation similar to the one in the conversation
he/she knows of or has had. You may consider these questions to get started.
What about you? Have you experienced any similar situation with a friend?
Are you satisfied with what you are doing at present? How do you feel about your
present living condition? Are you in Lucy or Tania’s shoes?

4.-Tell your partner about a similar experience you know of or have had.

5.- Find an expression in the conversation that means:

a. for a long time.
b. someone whom you have forgotten or not thought of.
c. something that appears or seems to be fine.
d. overseas or out of the country.
e. to explain details of everything.
f. you will be expecting someone’s visit with pleasure.

6.- Now that you are acquainted with Tania and Lucy’s situation, can you act out a similar
conversation? Take into account these hints:
o Greet a friend you haven’t seen for a long time /

o Inquire about his - her life / present occupation / marital status / love affairs

o Future expectations in life etc.

o Be creative!!

7.- Identify in the conversation:

a. Two activities beginning in the past and concluding in the present.

b. A feeling you had in the past that continued up to this present moment

c. An activity beginning in the past and concluding in the past.

d. a question that brings the past to the present

e. a sentence expressing a very present action


Let’s review some characteristics of the present perfect. Maybe you will be able to learn new
things about the meaning of the structure!! They will help you when your finish your studies.

The Present perfect tense. Review

There were some words connected with this tense Do you remember them from second year?

Subject Have/ has past part.

I/ you/ we/ they have studied/ travelled/ gone

He/ she/ it has walked/ written/ seen


ƒ Hello!, I have just arrived? (= a short
tine ago)
ƒ Freddy has already finished his
lunch.(=sooner than expected)
ƒ Tania hasn’t finished her studies yet
(=until now)
ƒ Haven’t you finished copying yet?
(there is an expectation for something
to happen
ƒ Have you ever been to Japan? (any
time before in your life?)
ƒ No, I have never been there.

There are other uses of the present perfect tense than those studied before:
1.- We often use the present perfect to give new information or to announce a recent
• Haven’t you heard that hurricane IKE has almost destroyed Manati!
• Did you know that hurricane Gustav has devastated over 800 00 acres in Pinar
del Rio?
• Do you know anything about Carmen?

• Who, the teacher?
• Yes! She has just retired!
2.-In using the present perfect there is a connection with the present:
• I’ve lost my black hat. (= I can’t find it now. I do not have it).
• Mario has gone to Venezuela. (= He is in Venezuela or on his way there now.)
3.-Use the present perfect after a superlative to express an opinion.
• What an exciting show! It’s the most interesting show I’ve seen lately.
• What a tiring day, It has been one of the hottest we have had for years now.
• Look at this structure:

one of the least boring stories he has written

the nicest smile I have seen

It’s in all my life
the worst idea / thought You have ever had.

the most useless item We have bought lately

4.-Use the present perfect to say that you have never done something or that you haven’t done
something during a period of time which continues up to the present or perhaps even into the

Past Now Future?

• I have never been drunk with wine. ( And I‘ll never be)
• Tania is telling Lucy about the places she has visited in her present job. (which
is a period continuing up to the present)
• I have worked in Pinar del Rio, Baracoa and Cienfuegos lots of times. I love
them (and probably will continue)
More examples:

• How many’ times has Lucy’s husband traveled to Venezuela?

Lots of times in 3 in years! (and he continues traveling up to the present)
5.-It is used for a past action whose time is not given.
• We have been to that cinema.
• She has taken a new computing course.
6.-If the time of the action is given the simple past must be used.
• Have you written to your husband? Yes, I wrote last night.
• No time expression is given: Eg.
• We have seen that film.
• But if we say when, then use the simple past Eg:
• We saw it last week.

However, the Present Perfect can be used with an incomplete period of time.
I have seen her this morning ( But it must still be morning when we say this)
If it is not morning we must say: I saw her this morning.
Similarly: Still in winter; It has been cold this winter.
But if winter is gone; we say: It was cold last winter.
I have been here today twice
I came here or went there yesterday /I was there yesterday. (see Appendix 3)

1.- Let’s practice now:
a.-You are writing a letter to a friend who is abroad and breaking news about people you both
know and the latest happenings in your town. Use the correct form of the verbs given in
— Example: Lucy / got married. Lucy has finally got married!

Dearest friend,

Lots of things have happened since you left this town. Do you remember Lydia Cook? She
________ (go) to Jamaica on a mission. Susan and Paul who were always quarrelling

________ finally_________ (fall) in love and hope to marry soon. You will be surprised if I
told you that Aracelis _________ definitely_________ (give) up smoking!

Incredible but true! Our dear friend Joseph after his fourth try _____________(get) his
driving license. Do you remember that beautiful kitten you gave me once! It turned out to be
a big cat and _____________ _______________(reward) us with three nice kittens!! Finally
Dr. Vincent ___________ (return) ____________ from South Africa after almost 10 years
working there.

Well this is all for now, let’s keep in touch.

b.-Now would you write a letter telling your friend about the latest happenings in your

2.- In this exercise you should read the situation given and then finish with a related
Example: Bob is phoning his mum again. He has already phoned her twice this evening.
It’s the third time he has phoned her this evening.
a.- Joe, you’re late again. You’ve already been late once this week.

It’s the second______________________________________

b.–My bike has broken down. It has already broken down twice this week.
It’s the third ________________________________________
c.- Mike has just finished drinking a cup of coffee. He has already had four cups

this morning.

It’s the fifth _________________________________________

d.-Sue has not done her homework again.

Teacher: It’s______________________________________in this month.

e.-There have been constant blackouts.

Yes, it’s________________________________________six times today.

Do you know that we can play with words and their meanings?
Read and study the following:
1.-Nouns and Adjectives with the suffix “FUL”
NOUN +ful


thought thoughtful (Full of thought)
care careful (Full of care )
The suffix ¨ful¨ changes a noun to an adjective, which has the meaning. (Full of the noun)

The suffix “al” or “ial” also transforms nouns into adjectives with the meaning:
“concerning” or “having the quality of “the nouns from which they are formed.

NOUN + -al/-ial = ADJECTIVE

profession professional (possessing the qualities of )
music musical (with the nature of music)
face -ial facial (ofthe nature of his face)

2.- After studying carefully the examples given you are invited to analyze this list of words
and add the suffixes (-ful / -al ) Here is an example for you:
• colour colourful (adj)
• region regional (adj)

addition pain
harm form
success instrument
taste beauty
nation use

a.- Now it’s time to put them into practice by means of use. So go back to exercise 1 and
select 5 words to write sentences of your own.

b.- Read the sentences you wrote to your partner and listen to his / hers. Give your opinion if
you agree or disagree in their use. You can check with your teacher if disagreements arise!


1.-Work with your group and discuss about the following

• What’s your hobby? What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

• Do you enjoy reading? Do you consider reading important¨? Why?

• What kinds of books have you read most?

• Do you prefer watching a film or reading a book?

• What do you know about famous actors of the early 20th


• Can you mention any of them? Have you seen any of their films?

• Have you ever heard of an actor called Sidney Poitier?

2.-In Unit One you read about the Perez family. Do you remember Dr Mario the
ophthalmologist whose hobby is reading? When he finishes his consultation he enjoys
relaxing with a good book. For him what Jose Marti said is paramount ¨To Read is to Grow¨.

a. Today Mario is involved in reading a quite interesting and absorbing book entitled
¨The Measure of a Man¨ written by an important and interesting personality of the
filmmaking world named ¨Sidney Poitier¨.
b. Have you ever heard of this actor?
Can you mention other black actors?
. Read carefully the following text:

This famous black actor was a Bahamian-born American who

through his charisma and talent changed the African American
man's role on screen being the first black American to really
gain sound reputation in the movie making field. His charisma
transcended the color line in romanticized roles.

Later he turned to comedy, and acted during his life time in

many films in which he shared the stage with many other
famous actors, of whom he humbly states he learnt because they
made him give his very best and he appreciates that!
He has been recognized for having shared fame with great actors such as
Orson Welles, William Wyler, Henry Fonda
and Frank Capra among others. He has been
directed by famous directors such as George
Cukor who also won an Academy
Award.Sidney won an Academy Award acting in
one of the most famous and longest running
Broadway shows 'Lilies of the Field’ under the
direction of Bill Crosby, gaining the
recognition and admiration of many!
His name has been a respected paradigm for many old and new actors who have looked up to
him because of his persevering spirit, humbleness, prestige, and intelligence.3

Sydney Poitier. [en línea] URL:

c.- Read these questions about the reading, discuss them with your partner and find out what
impressed her/ him most of this actor.
• Who was Sidney Poitier? Where was he from?
• How much do you know about him?
• Ask you partner if he or she has seen any of his films and analyze its main idea.
• Did you like it? Why or why not?
• Were black actors common in the early 20th century?
• How do you think he gained his reputation?

d.- Now you are willing to answer the following questions individually in your notebooks in
paragraph form. Be ready to discuss your writing with the rest of the class.
ƒ Is Sydney Poitier an African actor?
ƒ Where was he born?
ƒ How did he gain reputation?
ƒ Is he a recognized actor? Why?
ƒ What do you find important about him?
ƒ Do you think it was easy in USA for a black to become famous? Give reasons.

e.- Find out from yourclassmates:

• Who is their favorite actor or actress?
• Why do they admire him / her?
After that report to the rest of the class, what you have found out.

f.- Read through the passage again and find in the reading the following:

• The word derived from the verb persevere: --------------------

• The adjective from the word fame: ---------------------------------
• A sentence in Present Perfect: -------------------------------------------------
• The past form of the verbs win: --------------------------------


The basic unit of English rhythm is the syllable. Languages have different rules about
the ways syllables are spoken. It is important to practice stressing correctly for good
rhythm and intonation.

1.-Listen and repeat after the teacher the following words taping the desk for each
syllable as indicated.

1 syllable 2 syllables 3 syllables

ease easy easily

care careful carefully

one seven eleven

two eighteen direction

name sentence syllable

called focus emphasis

2.-After having repeated these words after your teacher, you should go back to
the reading passage and get practice repeating the underlined words with your
partner. If there are any doubts, consult your teacher.

Previously you have seen ways of expressing actions you have done in the past which
may continue up to the present or even into the future. Let’s take a look at another way
of doing this in the English language now:
Tania told Lucy that she has been travelling and working a lot.
Tania’s sister Sarah is celebrating her birthday at a night club where she used to go.
Notice This:
They have been drinking, dancing and enjoying themselves since 9 o’clock
Their friend Jay said: Ï have been working as a lawyer
The structure of the Present Perfect Continuous is as follows:

has / have + been + verb + ing (See Appendix 3)

Now, When English speakers use the present perfect continuous or progressive?

ƒ We use the present perfect continuous when we talk about an action (quite a long
action) which began in the past and has recently stopped or just stopped. Here are
some examples:
ƒ You’re out of breath. Have you been running?
ƒ That man over there is bright red. I think he’s been

ƒ We also use the present perfect continuous to ask or say how long something has
been happening. This time the action or situation began in the past and is still
happening or has just stopped. Study this example:

ƒ It is raining now. It began to rain two hours ago and it is still

ƒ It has been raining for two hours.

ƒ You can also use the present perfect continuous (with how long, for and since) for
actions repeated over a period of time.

ƒ She has been playing tennis since she was eight.

ƒ How long have you been smoking?

ƒ We use the present perfect continuous (I have been doing) to say how long
something has been happening. Note that the action is still happening now:

ƒ I’ve been learning English for a long time.

ƒ Sorry I’m late. Have you been waiting long?

ƒ The continuous (I have been doing) or the perfective (I have done) can be used for
actions repeated over a long period:

I’ve been collecting. I’ve collected stamps since I was a child.

1.- Read the information given; then answer the questions about them.
a.-Dr. Williams came to Cuba in March. It is now September and he is still here.
• How long has he been here? _________________________________________
• Has he left yet?
• Since when has he been here? _______________________________________
b.- It is now July 2008. She has been in Venezuela since December 2000.
• When did she leave to Venezuela? ____________________________________
• How long has she been living there?
c.- It is eleven o’clock. Dick and Harry came to work at eight o’clock this morning.
• How long have they been here? _______________________________
• What have they been doing? ___________________________________

2.-Complete the sentences filling in the blanks with either a present perfect or a present perfect
continuous form of the verbs in parentheses.
a.-I have been trying (try) to find you all day. I__________________(phone) at least
ten different times. Where___________________? (be).
b.- I___________________________ (sleep) outside lately because it
_________________(be) so hot at nights in my apartment.
c.-___________________________ (hear) from Dr. Pons recently? No,
(write) to me since he left. I guess he ______________________ (be) busy with his
work. I think he___________________________(travel) a lot all over Africa.

d.- Javier: Ms Lion? This is Idania.

Ms. Lion: Oh Hi Idania, What _____________________? (do)

Idania: Well, for the last hour I _____________ (work) on the homework assignment.
But I ______

(finish) yet. I _______________________ (do) the first part.

I _____________________________ (study) hard for the final exam indeed.


1.-Discuss in small groups the following aspects.

What’s your idea of happiness? Does it exist?

Is it important to fulfill your goals?
Traveling here and there is an important goal that makes many people happy?
Can you mention other goals?

2.-Tania is a happy person because she likes what she does. Read the following sentences and
be ready to mark them T for True and F for false after listening to the text related to her views
on happiness.

a. Tania enjoys helping her family

b. She thinks that it is difficult to be always helping people
c. She believes little of what she has read
d. She thinks people can’t be happy in every circumstance of their life..
e. Happiness depends on one’s own appreciation of circumstances.

3.-Listen and complete:

Tania loves her____________. She is young but she is serious, hardworking and
____________ .She enjoys making people feel __________. Her motto is: “I help
people to help ________________”.

When you help others your life become easier and happier. Tania thinks _______can
be enjoyed no matter what. She read an important book where a famous politician
said that people are just as happy as they ____________________ to be.

Believing this, she tries to put this into practice in her _______________ and in the
lives of others.

As a Social worker she is deeply involved in changing people’s___________, in

making them realize their potentials, in helping them to understand that
______________ they assume towards their own __________________ is very
important and decisive.


Do you frequently write e-mails? What’s an e-mail? Let’s learn something about it.

It’s a rather short and informal electronic message / note written to a

relative, partner or colleague to keep in touch, express thanks, for
congratulating, or offering good wishes to people you know well.
Therefore, use a casual, friendly tone to make it feel you are speaking
directly to the person.
Non-standard expressions, colloquialisms and slangs are permitted. It can
be helpful to use standard expressions such as: Sorry to hear that you are

• Thanks so much for…

• Our thoughts and best wishes are with you on graduation
• Our deep condolences to mark certain occasions of lost or bad luck.
• Don’t forget to personalize your letter. Including an anecdote, (personal experience or

Notice this e-mail written by Tania to her friends in Venezuela.

Now write an e-mail to a friend you have not seen for quite a while but whom you care for a
lot. Give her some kind of gossip!



Wife, leaving a note for her husband: “I have had to go and see mother. You’ll find your
dinner on page 20 of the cook book, darling.”


• Who has been shaving many times a day but still has a
• What goes through a door (again, again) but never goes in or
comes out?


Talking about similarities and differences.( There isn´t

much difference in ... between ... and ...
although just a litle ..../ There are a
tremendous number of differences between ...
and .... – their .... are totally different)
Expresssing preferences and giving reasons. ( From my point of
view, the best ... is.. because ... )

1.- Sarah meets a friend on her way to work. Let’s listen to their conversation and then you
can answer this question.
- What are they talking about?
Sarah: Hello, Diana!
Diana: Hello !
Sarah: I heard you´ve just finished your studies, have you decided what you are going to
do yet ?
Diana: don´t really know.It seems like to choose between working in a
hospital as a doctor or teaching in the Medical University.
Sarah: Ah!. A really difficult decision.

Diana: Yes.

Sarah: Remember that a teacher´s pay is nothing like as good as a doctor´s.

Diana: Well I think there isn´t much difference in the pay between them, although a
doctor´s is just a little higher, actually.
Sarah: But it is really boring that routine of year after year teaching the same material to
Diana: Boring ? No, it is very stimulating. It´s new every day and teaching the same
content to new students is really exciting and challenging.
Sarah: Mmmm.
Diana: Nevertheless there is a tremendous number of differences between being a doctor
and being a teacher - the working hours and the holidays are totally different.
Sarah: Yes, and in spite of the obvious differences in the working hours and holidays the
two jobs have quite a lot in common, for example when dealing with people and
their problems, I mean students or patients and their relatives.
Diana: You are right.Teachers and doctors are fairly similar in the sense of
responsibility although doctors should be slightly more responsible for the kind of
job they do.

Sarah: So, which one are you going to enjoy more? I think it is not as easy as it looks to
pick up!

2 - It would be a good idea to listen to the rest of the conversation, so you will obtain more
information by answering these questions:
a.- What has Diana decided to do?

b. What important aspect does she take into consideration for her


c. Why?

It was a nice conversation between Sarah and Diana, wasn’t it?

If you have understood it you can now say if these statements about it are TRUE or FALSE
or if You don’t know the details.
You can write T & F or IDK as it corresponds.
Don’t forget to explain the reasons you had to consider a statement to be false. If necessary
read the conversation again. You can also ask the teacher for any clarification.
a.- Diana is a nurse. ____.
b.- Her husband is a teacher. _____.
c.- Sarah thinks the two jobs are very good. _____.


Could you now go back to the conversation and answer the following questions about it?
You can also ask your partner and other classmates for their opinion.

1. Which are the possible jobs Diana can take ?

2. What negative idea does Sarah have about one of them?
3. Does Diana agree with her ? Support your answer

1. Sarah and Diana use meaningful words and expressions in their conversation. Let’s
see if you can fill in the blanks with them:
a. A word that means: really ______________.
b. A word that means: a customary course of an action _______.
c. A word that means: salary ________ .
d. Two synonyms of select __________, _____________.
e. A word used as a linker or connector _______________.
2. Write sentences with 3 of the words recognized.
a. _____________________________________.
b. _____________________________________.
c. _____________________________________.


A.- In English you can point out similarities

and slight differences between things .

• In spite of the obvious differences in population and size Cuba and Puerto Rico
have quite a lot in common., the language, the music people like,etc.
• There isn´t much difference in population between Camagüey and Santiago,
although Santiago is just a little larger, actually.
• Cuba and Venezuela are fairly similar in language though in Venezuela the
Panorama is slightly more complicated since not only Spanish but also some
dialects are spoken in the country.

B.- You can also express in what way things are


• Cuba is nothing like as big as Brasil, in fact, Cuba is less than a quarter the size
of Brasil.
• There is a tremendous number of differences between the people in Cuba and in
China - the language, the culture and the customs are totally different.
• In spite of the fact that we share a common language, Cuba and Spain have very
litle in common.

1. Could you now use these phrases to write a paragraph describing 2 countries you
know of ? There are important aspects you can refer to: the population, climate, area
( sq km ), highest mountain, city life, language or any other aspect you consider
important. (See Appendix 4)

2. Have you written your paragraph? Well, swap it with your partner. Compare the
places you described with his or hers . Don’t forget to use the comparative forms.

Could you translate the following statements?
They talk about similarities and differences.
a. .It is similar to the one I have.
b. Does it make any difference to you if we go today?
c. Any similarity to actual persons or events is enterely coincidental
d. Watching a baseball game is nothing like as exciting as
playing it.

Expressing preferences
Giving reasons

Look at these brochures. They refer to beautiful places you perhaps may like to visit.
Read carefully the information given below and match each text to its corresponding.


For a vacation with sun filled days, fun filled nights and good friends.

1. ________ 2._________

3. _________ 4._________

a.- An unforgettable meal..

While on vacation in Jamaica sample the exciting international and local flavors of our own
vegetarian ORCHID TERRACE restaurant. You can also enjoy some other offers : at day´s
end , the air is filled with the exotic sounds of reggae, the unmistakable rhythm of the island..
Dancing,singing and having fun with your friends will make you come back to this
Caribbean island.

b.- A friendly alternative .

A warm,exciting atmosphere with a staff dedicated to helping you enjoy your free time. For
a reasonable price you can spend a delicious day in this Caribbean beach. It offers you a
lot of good services in its modern installations It is really nice to swim,snorkel or sail in the
sparkling blue sea, play in its fresh water pool,or work up a sweat with a vigorous game of
tennis or volleyball. The CARIBBEAN QUEEN is a place for you and your friends.

c.- A special offer.
This quiet and charming hotel is a great find for that special ocassion.
PARADISE, a five star hotel where cool ¨beachside and ¨gardenside¨ cmfortable single
and double rooms are only steps away from the beach.. Having room service,TV set
,telephone,fridge and music these comfortable rooms give you the opportunity of a nice and
unforgettable stay.A big and clean pool, a nightclub with a super show and a cheap souvenir
shop complete this good combination to make you enjoy and have fun.

d.- A really nice stay

THE GARDEN OF HEAVEN , a picturesque seaside hotel with a relaxed,friendly
atmosphere is our home.Jamaica´s most beautiful seven miles of white sand beach is all
yours. Ideal for strolling alone just thinking and taking the fresh air in the quiet calm of a
summer morning. Perfect to soak up the warm afternoon sunshine and to dine in a colorful
seaside cafe or in a typical food restaurant at sunset. In the karaoke nightclub you can
really have all your dreams come true with all your fans admiring your voice and singing
your favourite songs.

1. There are some words that are used in the brochures to make your comprehension
- Find the meaning of them.
a.- return ( a ) __________.
b- a small body of still water ( c ) ____________.
c.- a body of persons engaged in a single task ( b ) _________-
d.- chance ( c ) _______________.
e.- without others ( d ) ___________.

2. Select 3 of the words you found in the brochures and write sentences with them.
a.- _________________________________________________.
b.- _________________________________________________.
c.- _________________________________________________.

3. According to your opinion select the best place for a person who....
a.- likes singing in front of many persons. ____.
b.- is looking for a place to spend the honey moon ___.
c.- doesn´t have too much money. ____.
Why do you think so ?

4. Now with your partner discuss about the best place for other persons ( a person
who doesn´t eat meat , a stressed manager, two friends, a person who enjoys playing
sports and any other examples of your own).
Support your answers.

When you are comparing things you can sometimes
make a choice, that is , state preferences at the same time

From my point of view, the best...

I´d rather .... because...
I´d much prefer ... because ...
It is preferable because...
As far as I´m concerned, the best... / the most...

1. Pretend that you and your classmates want to prepare an activity outdoors.There are
some suggestions for places to go, things to do, food to eat.
Listen to your partner´s and make notes about what you would say.

2. Now decide which place you would select for the activity.

3. After you have done that, tell the other groups in the class about your suggestions
and final choice.
State your preferences. Use the expressions you have already studied.

• You need to tell your friend about the place you selected because he is going to
make the reservation for your visit .It is important that you let him know all the
details about it.
Write a short letter Say the reasons you had for selecting that place..

Laugh at...

-- Which word is shorter if you add another syllable at the end ?

-- It´s the word short. When you add er to it you make it shorter.


-Describing people, places and things.

(The man who lives over there is a good friend of mine.)
(The city which he visited on his last vacation is famous all over the
-Saying where, when, how and why an action is/was/will be done.

Read the following facts about internationalist missions and collaborations. Can you mention
other countries where Cuban health collaborators are working?
Did you know that....?
Cuba has internationalist health missions and collaborations in more than 70 countries
worldwide. Many of them are in English-speaking countries, especially in Africa and the
Caribbean. Some of these countries are:
Caribbean Africa
Jamaica Namibia
Trinidad-Tobago Zimbabwe
Guyana Ghana
Study English hard! You can be one of the future health collaborators!

The man who married Tania Pérez is now in Jamaica. He is fulfilling an internationalist
health collaboration. He works at the Teaching Hospital of the West Indies in Kingston, the
capital city. Do you remember his name? He is in the emergency room now.
Listen to the conversation between Dr. González, the nurse and the patient. Then ask your
partner questions about the dialogue using the hints given below.

Nurse: Dr. González, a man has just arrived with a pain on his left eye.
Dr. González: Tell him to come in please.
Nurse: Please, come in, sir.
Patient: Thank you, nurse.
Nurse: What’s your name?
Patient: Michael Patterson.
Dr. González: O.K. Mr. Patterson, what’s wrong with your eye?
Patient: I think I’ve got something in my right eye. It’s very painful.
Dr. González: Let me check. Don’t worry. Ah, it’s a piece of grit. This magnet
will get it out.
Patient: What’s that, doctor?
Dr. González: Well, this instrument, which is made of metal and plastic, is able to get
anything out of your eye. That’s it. Here it is. How does it feel now?
Patient: Much better, doctor. Thanks a lot.
Dr. González: You are welcome.
Nurse: Any treatment for this patient, doctor?
Dr. González: No. Just cover his eye and tell him to uncover it after 24 hours
Patient: Bye, doctor.
Dr. González: Good bye, Mr. Patterson.

1. Pair work.

Ask your partner about:

a. The location of the University Hospital
b. Dr, González speciality.

c. The place he is in now.
d. The patient’s problem.
e. The way the doctor got the piece of grit out of the patient’s eye.
2. Now practice the dialogue with your partner..
In this lesson you are going to learn about relative clauses. After you read the
explanation, do the exercises below.
These clauses are introduced by the relative pronouns who, which or that.
e.g.. The book which I bought is very interesting.
The book is very interesting. (Chief or main clause)
which I bought ( adjective or relative clause)
book (antecedent)
Observe how you can describe or qualify a noun using adjective clauses,(also called relative
But what is a clause?
A clause is a sentence that does not make complete sense by itself. It depends on another
sentence for its full meaning.
Clauses that depend on others for their meaning are called Subordinate Clauses.
A relative clause is a subordinate clause.
The chief clause in a sentence (usually the one on which the relative clauses depend) is called
Principal Clause.
A relative clause does the work of an adjective because it describes or qualifies a noun called
antecedent and the relative clause normally follows the antecedent.
Now we are ready to analyze relative clauses.
Box 1

a. The man who married Tania is now in Jamaica.

b. This instrument, which is made of metal and plastic, can
get it out.

Box 2

c.This is the Cuban doctor. I was telling you about the Cuban
This is the Cuban doctor (who/that) I was telling you about.
d. I read the book. I bought it last week.
I read the book (which/that) I bought last week.

- The parts which are in bold type are the relative clauses.
- Relative clauses are introduced by the relative pronouns Who, Which, That.
- Use Who to refer to people and Which to refer to things. That is used for people or
things and it is the most common relative pronoun in everyday speech.
- Relative pronouns in brackets could be omitted. They are frequently omitted when
they are the object of the relative clauses, for example:
I lost the money you sent me. (See box 2)
- In box 1, sentence a, the relative clause is a necessary part of the idea, if it is
left out, the sentence does not make complete sense., It is called defining relative
clause because it defines the antecedent and gives it its definite connotation.
- In box 1, sentence b, the clause could be omitted and the rest of the sentence would
still make perfect sense. It is written between commas and it is called non-defining
relative clause.
(For more information about relative clauses see Appendix 5)

1. Join each pair of sentences into one using the relative pronouns who, which or that
e.g. I saw the film. You recommended me to see the film.
I saw the film which / that you recommended me.
a. Tom has a cat. It is called Ketty.
b. This is the boy. He is going to sing today.
c. Do you like the car? My father gave it to me.

d. I lost the pencil. I bought it yesterday.
e. Ted lives in a house. It has a large garden.
f. I saw the woman. She won the beauty contest.
g. We had a friend. She was a famous singer.
h. The teacher told me to do the exercises. They are in the book.
i. I’ve already read the book. You lent me the book last week.
j. The man won the prize. He is my brother.

2. Follow the instructions given; don’t forget to use your favorite relative clauses!!
This is the house that Jack built.
T: the man / bought
S: This is the man who bought the house that Jack built.
T: The woman / married
S: This is the woman who married the man who_________________________
T: The dog / accompanied
T: The girl / was bitten by
T: The nurse / attended.
S: ________________________________________________________________

Let’s learn more about word formation through affixes. Then do the exercises below.
Nouns ending in –ness.

The suffix –ness changes an adjective to an abstract noun which has the meaning " the state or

condition of being, that is described by the adjective.

Adjective + -ness Noun

cool -ness coolness (The state of being cool)
happy -ness happiness (The state of being happy)

e.g. The weather is cool. This coolness is not good for my son

1. Add the suffix –ness to the following words. Make changes where necessary.
kind _______ neat________ silly ________ bright________
deaf _______ dull ________ exact ________ tired ________
red _______ serious______ ill ________ ugly ________
good _______ dumb _______ sick ________ fit ________

2. Choose five of the nouns ending in –ness from the previous exercise and write
a sentence with each of them.

Nouns ending in –ment.

The suffix –ment changes verbs to abstract nouns meaning ‘state or action’

Verb + -ment Noun

move -ment

e.g. This movement will be beneficial for everybody.

3. Add the suffix –ment to the following words.

establish__________ place___________ replace______________
engage ___________ develop _________ manage____________
agree ___________ improve ________ entertain_____________
argue___________ pay ___________ invest_______________

4. Choose five of the nouns ending in –ment from the previous exercise and write a
sentence with each of them.

Mario was talking to his colleague Alfred who is also a Cuban health collaborator in Jamaica.

It was last Sunday morning and they were in their residence.

Listen to their conversation. Then ask your partner direct questions about the dialogue using

the indirect ones given below.

Mario: You know Alfred, I’m waiting for my nurse Eliza. As soon as she arrives we’ll begin
to check some of the patients’ problems we have in our ward. I have everything written
down in my notebook.
Alfred: Why are you going to do that in your free time?
Mario: Because we want to start a research work about the cases we are having this month.
Alfred: By the way, are you going out tonight? I’ll go wherever you go. It doesn’t matter.
I’m doing nothing this evening.
Mario: I see. But I am sorry, Alfred. I won’t go anywhere. I’ll stay here and watch TV or
read something.
Alfred: That’s O.K. I’ll do the same as you . You know I don’t like to go out alone here in
Kingston. The city is somewhat dangerous at night.
Mario: That is true. It’s better to stay home and do something profitable.

1. Pair work. Ask your partner:
a. who Alfred is.
b. where and when Mario and Alfred were talking.
c. what kind of work Mario and his nurse did last Sunday
d. if Mario had the patients’ clinical histories in his residence.
e. What Mario and Alfred did last Sunday evening.

2. Imagine you are in a similar situation. Would you stay at home? Make up a
dialogue with your partner according to a similar situation.

Now you are going to learn other kinds of clauses called adverbial clauses which
are, of course, introduced by different words. Then do the exercises below.

As soon as she arrives we’ll begin to check some of the patients’ problems.
We are going to do that because we want to start a research

- Adverbial clauses do the work of adverbs.
- They indicate when, why, where, etc the action is/was/will be done.
- They can also mean the purpose, condition, result or purpose of the action
(See appendix 5)
- The main types of adverbial clauses are those of:

1- Manner which indicate how an action is done.

e.g. I will do it as if I were the professor.
Adverbial clauses of manner are usually introduced by the conjunctions as, as if,
as though, followed by a past subjunctive.

2- Place which indicate where an action was done.
e.g. I will go wherever you go.
Adverbial clauses of place are introduced by where and wherever.

3- Time which indicate when an action was done.

e.g. I learned a lot of English while I was in England.
Adverbial clauses of time can be introduced by a number of conjunctions:
when, while, after, before, until, since, as, as soon as, whenever
As meaning While e.g. As I was waiting he came in and stole it.

4- Reason (or cause), which indicate why an action was done. These clauses
are generally introduced by because, since, as, seeing that, now that .
e.g. He came here because he wanted to see me.

5- Purpose. These clauses are usually introduced by so that, in order that(to).

e.g. He studied hard so that he might win the contest.

6- Concession (meaning 'I concede that…' ' I grant that…' These are introduced
generally by though, although, even though, occasionally by even if, wherever,
whenever, however, (with an adjective), whether… or not, no matter whether…or
e.g. Though (although) he studied hard, he was not able to pass the test.

7- Comparison. These clauses are introduced by as (preceded by so, such, as

in the principal clause), than (preceded by a comparative in the principal clause)
e.g. This was not so (as) easy as I thought.
This was not such an easy task as I thought.
This question is easier than I thought.
8- Condition (or supposition ), which indicate on what condition a thing
happens, happened or will happen. These clauses are introduced by the

conjunctions if, unless (if not), whether, as long as, or that ( after supposing,
provided, on condition)
e.g. I won’t do it unless he asks me.
I don’t know whether he goes or not.
9- Result. A clause of simple result is usually introduced by so that.
e.g. I got a lot of money this morning so that I can pay what I owe everyone.
A clause of result associated with degree is introduced by so…that, such … that, or
so…as to
e.g. He ran so fast that I could not catch him.
It was such a warm day that I took off my jacket.
Would you be so kind as to carry this?

1. Match the main clauses with the corresponding adverbial clauses

a. I took this job... ____unless we increase our sales.
b. The sailors went... ____when I have finished my work
c. I’ll go out to play... ____where they expected to find the treasure.
d. Tom did the work... ____to please my father.
e. We´ ll be in trouble ____ as it should be done

2. Add adverbial clauses to the following main clauses according to the word
between parenthesis and the verb given.
e.g. I did the homework.(time) come
I did the homework before you came.
a Please, call me … (time) arrive
b Don’t move. Stay … (place) be
c I study hard … (reason) pass / exam
d Many people live … (purpose) eat
e Try to do that … (manner) be / professional
f …, it is true. (concession) believe
g She was not so beautiful…(comparison) expect / I
h will not go … (condition) order / me.

Eddy is Mario’s friend. He went to the hospital because he didn’t feel very well.
What has he been complaining of ? What brought him to the doctor?
Listen to the dialogue and then do the following exercises.

1. According to the dialogue you listened to :

a- Tick the medical problems they mention.
appendicitis___ sore throat____ tonsillitis ____ headache____
toothache____ tiredness____ earache_____
b- Tick the patient’s state of mind.
very well____ happy____ tired____ scared____

2. Listen to the dialogue once more and try to speak about Eddy’s problem using
your own words. Use the following hints as a guide: sore throat and headache, felt tired,
body felt weak, opened mouth, looked sore, gave an injection, pills, felt better. You may
begin like this:
Eddy went to the hospital because he didn’t feel very well. He has been complaining of a
headache and a sore throat. He felt...





Read the following text and do the exercises which appear below.
There are several health technology careers. One of them is physiotherapy. It is a career
that either men or women can study. Physiotherapists help people who are physically
disabled by injury or illness to achieve a normal active life. They show them how to walk
again or move their arms, or bend their backs. Some physiotherapy techniques are based
on movement that patients may need to have their limbs moved for them or the
physiotherapist may use techniques which increase strength in muscles.
Antonio is a physiotherapist who is fulfilling a health collaboration in Venezuela. He
loves his profession and he teaches his patients special exercises to do at home. He also
encourages his patients to do as much as they can themselves and to take part in
activities including games and sport which improve general fitness. He is part of a health
care team together with a doctor, a nurse, a social worker and others. These professionals
should be able to work well so that they could establish a relationship with their
patients which inspires confidence and stimulates the will to recover.

1. Answer the following questions about the reading.

a. What do physiotherapists do?
b. What can you say about physiotherapy techniques?
c. What does Antonio do as a physiotherapist?
d. Does physiotherapists work alone or with others?

e. Why is it important for all the members of the team to work well?

2. Match the words from column A with the words from column B according to
their meaning.
a. several ___ busy
b. will ___ extremity, member
c. limb ___ desire, volition
d. to take part ___ various, divers
e. active ___ to participate

3. Write sentences with words from column A

4. Find in the text:

a. Three relative clauses.




b. The opposite of the words: death, diminish, weakness

___________________ _____________________
c. The correct verb to the following definitions:
- to bring to successful conclusion____________________
- to inspire with courage, spirit or hope________________
- to grow better _________________________________
d. There is only one adverb clause in the reading. Could you find it?

5. Tell your classmates, with your own words, what a physiotherapist is and what
he/she does.

Before Dr. González went to Jamaica to fulfill his mission he had to write
his autobiography. Read the following information and be ready to do the exercise
• Do you know how to write an autobiography?
• Here you have some information about this topic.

Autobiographies present real events from the life of the subject. The events the writer
chooses to include usually provide some insight into the thoughts, feelings,
development, or importance of the person being described, or the time in which he or
she lived. Autobiographies are arranged chronologically (in time order). The writer
selects the events he or she thinks are most relevant.

When you write an autobiography, try to give a sense of how much time has passed
between incidents. For example, if you say, “After we had moved from Matanzas, we
lived in Manzanillo for a while and then moved to Santiago de Cuba,” your reader has
no sense of how much time you spent in Manzanillo. It could be years, months or days.

When you write the story of your own remember the following:
™ Focus on the facts, but include as much detail as you can to make it
interesting. It is the detail that will make your reader want to know

™ Avoid telling your reader what an incident means or says about the person.
Instead, let the person’s actions and words speak for themselves.

Write an autobiography based on the information given above. e.g.

My name is... I was born in... on April 4th, 1985. I live at ... I am single/married/divorced.

I began my studies at “Pedro Sotto” Primary School in 1990 and finished in 1996. Then my
family moved to... There I started my secondary studies at ...

Read everything in this section and do the exercise below.
1. Translate these sentences into Spanish.
a. The man who stole my wallet is standing over there.
b. While I was waiting he came in and stole it.
c. The student whose uniform is dirty is my son.
d. Please call me as soon as you arrive.
e. He ran so fast that I couldn’t catch him.

Laugh a bit !
™ " I am looking for a man with one eye called Wilson "
" What’s his other eye called? "

Wilson ?¨

™ " I’ve lost my dog "

" Why don’t you put an advertisement in the newspaper? "

" Don’t be silly, my dog can’t read. "

™ " Doctor, my family thinks I’m mad. "
" Why?"
" Because I like sausages.”
" But that doesn’t mean you are mad. I like sausages too.”
" Oh really? Then you should come and see my collection. I’ve got five hundred of them.”

™ Which three letters frighten burglars? ICU (ai si iu)

♦ Everything comes to him who waits.
♦ Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

2. Do this exercise at home and be ready to tell it to the class in the next lesson.
Give equivalent proverbs in Spanish and explain in English what they mean.


1 - Joseph Suarez runs into a friend, David, downtown.

Complete this conversation between these two friends using the Present Perfect or the Present
Perfect continuous.

Joseph: Hi David!
David: Hello Joe! How _________you ______(be)?
Joseph: Not bad!. I have been ___________(try) to call
you, but you are never at home.
David: That’s strange, I_____________ (not be) out all
these days.
Joseph: Really? Maybe I don’t have the right number. Let me see, I ___________ (get) it
with me 378- 1469.
David: That explains it. My number is 783- 4169.So anyway, besides trying to get in touch
with me what__________________(do) lately?
Joseph : You know, as always, too many things. really, I ______________(have) lots of
meetings in different provinces, I____________ (work) as a Degree Tutor, on
Forums etc, etc but I ________( not be) able to work as I’d like to on my own
doctoral thesis, and that’s a big problem, Isn’t it!
David: That’s you Joe! Just as usual! You wouldn’t _________________ (feel) OK if things
had been different. Don’t you realize it? Always on the run!

2. - In relation to the situation given; could you write two sentences according to what is
a. Tommy is a basket ball player. He began playing when he was a child. His team
____________(win) the competition this year.
Tommy____________________(play) basketball since he was 11.
b. Henry is from Germany. He is travelling through Central America now, but he
started his travelling tour 4 weeks ago. He_________________________(travel) for
4 weeks. He ___________________(visit) Guatemala and El Salvador up to now.

c. I began reading 100 Years of Solitude yesterday night, but I’m still reading..
I_____________________(read) for many hours. I
_______________________(read) two chapters.
Listening practice.
At the airport
4. Complete the following conversation as you listen to the tape.

Mario and Alfred _________just taken their ____________ and they are ______________to
Cuba for a ___________.They are at Norman Manley _________________Airport now.
Immigration Officer; Are you both _______________?
Mario and Alfred: Yes, we are.
Immigration Officer: Let me see your _________________.
Mario and Alfred: ________ they are.
Immigration Officer: Thank you.
Customs Officer: Have you got ___________________to declare?
Mario: I’ve only got ____________ clothes and two __________________of
Customs Officer: How _________ you?
Alfred: Just the _____________.
Customs Officer:_________ me see. Thank you. ________, your passports and visas are
_____________ but your______________ has been found to ______________ the usual
________________________ and you have to ____________ for _____________ luggage.
Mario: Who? Me or Alfred?
Customs Officer: You both.
Alfred: O.K. No __________
Loudspeaker: _____________, please! __________ 1896 to Cuba. __________________
are requested to __________________ through_____________ number three. Please
___________ your _________________cards ready. Thank you.

Mario and Alfred ____________________ up the gangway and ____________into the

4. Make each pair of sentences into one by using a relative pronoun (who, which or that)
a. The dog bit you. It has a magnificent set of teeth.
b. They heard about the battle from a soldier. He had been wounded.
c. The bicycle was for my birthday. My aunt Mary sent it.
d. The soldier had a wooden leg. He had been wounded in a battle.
e. My gardener is very pessimistic. He says that there will be no apples this year.

5. Fill in the blanks with the correct relative pronoun. (.who, whom, whose,
a. My uncle Frank, ____________ I haven’t seen for years, is coming home next
b. Chopin, _____________ works are world-famous, composed some of his music in
this room.
c. Henry, _____________ is incurably romantic, has just got engaged for the third
d. Macbeth, ___________ you are going to see tonight, was written by Shakespeare.
e. He is one of the men___________ I feel I can trust.

6. Fill in the blanks with an adverbial clause (wherever, as, even though, where, when).
a. ____________ there are flowers, you will always find bees.
b. I will go out to play ___________ I have finished my homework.
c. Alice is sure to go _____________ her husband goes.
d. Robert did the work ________ it should be done.
e. __________________ he didn’t know the answer, he raised his hand.


Talking about future plans and possibilities

(We will be leaving to ¨Isla Margarita¨ within two weeks.)

Saying what you think will be taking place in some specific time in the future.
(I hope I will be finishing my studies by the time Mario returns.)

Making predictions
(By that time I will have already finished my studies.)


1.- Work in groups, answer the questions and be ready to share your opinion with
the class.
Do you like the place showed in the
Where do you think this beach is?
Would you like to go to a place like
Have you ever made an interesting
How did you feel about it?
Did you plan what things you would
be doing beforehand?
Give examples. What places do you hope to visit by the time you finish your studies
or after finishing them?

2.-Read these questions and think about them.Take notes if necessary and be ready to
share your criteria with your teacher and classmates.
a. Do you have any relatives or friends traveling abroad, leaving their relatives behind?
How do the feel?
b.-What things do they usually write about?Which are their expectations? Do they all
make plans for the future?
c. -What information do friends, familiy and relatives give in these cases,to those
abroad,good or bad things of home situations? Why? Can you explain?


1. Tania is writing a letter to her husband Mario who is in

Jamaica. She wants to inform him about the latest happenings.
Read her letter and find out what it is all about.

November 20, 2008

Dear Mario:
I am so glad to be able to send you this letter because I have a surprise for you. Are you ready for it?
Well dear a small group of us was selected to travel to Venezuela, guess where? We will be leaving to
“Margarita Island” within two weeks.

Imagine how excited I am! I could hardly wait to tell you about it. You know how much I had wanted to
experience this. I have already written our common friends Paul and Miriam who left six months ago.
They will be waiting for me there at their headquarters. In my next letter I’ll be asking them if they do
not mind me visiting them at their place. Unfortunately, I won’t be staying for long there as we will be
going to another place to fulfil another task as soon as we finish.

Lots of friends have told me how beautiful it is and how friendly its people are.
I have been trying to learn more about their life style, nutritional and dressing habits hobbies and weather
to know what kind of l food I’ll be having and the kind of clothes I am to take with me. They told me that
I should not worry about the latter because the weather is rather as in Cuba,

Darling, I will be writing you as soon as I get over there. I will send you all the gossips of the trip for you
to know its details.
Well until then,
Your always sweetheart

2.-Write T for true, F for false or IDK (I do not know). Next, check with your partner, and
support your answers.

I do not
a.- Tania is writing to her friends in Venezuela
b.- She is unsatisfied and unhappy for having to leave her home town.
c.-She has inquired with many friends about “Margarita Island”.
d.- She hopes to stay with friends there.
e.- She was not only worried about the weather.

3.- Go back to Tania’s letter. With the information given below, ask and answer
.questions in pairs. Be ready to give answers in class
a.- How does Tania feel about telling her husband about the trip?.
b.- Does Tania know her complete route in that country?
c.- Why is Tania feeling so excited.?
d.- Will Tania be staying for a long time there?.
e.- What does Tania know about Venezuela.?
f.- What has Tania been doing here before she leaves?


The Future Continuous Tense

1. The Future Continuous or Progressive is generally used to set up a background activity

that is in progress when another action takes place.

Tania will be working in Venezuela by the time Mario receives her letter.

will be working


Its structure:
Subject + will + be + verb + ing+ Complement (See Appendix 6)

Tania will be travelling to Venezuela within two weeks

2.-It can be used with or without a time to express a future without intention, just a
statement of fact.

• Mario will be returning when he finishes his internationalist mission.

3.-The Future continuous can also be used to show two actions which are happening
during the same period of time.

• Tania will be working in Venezuela while Mario is reading her letter

will be staying

is reading

4-Read the letter again and copy the sentences in future continuous .
a.- ________________________________________________________.
b.- ________________________________________________________.
c.- ________________________________________________________.
d.- ________________________________________________________.

5.-Write three sentences of your own about what you will be doing in the future. Begin:
When I finish my studies I will be…
a.- ________________________________________________________.
b.- ________________________________________________________.
c.- ________________________________________________________.

6.- Let’s practice now. Put the verbs in brackets into the future continuous tense. Be
aware of the meaning of the structure
a.- When I reach Venezuela, It

b.- John’s son ______________________________________ (finish) his 6th
c.-You’d better go back now, your mother _____________________
(wonder) where you are.
d.. Jorge is asking Carmen: What do you think the children____________________
(do) when we get home?
e.- Carmen: I guess they _________________________( watch) TV

7.- Discuss in your group the following questions and take notes. Be ready to report to the
rest of the class.
a.- What do you think Tania will be doing in “Margarita Island”?
b.- How long do you think she will be working abroad?
c.- Do you think her friends will be enjoying her stay there? Why?
d.- What do you expect to be doing in surgery / dentistry by the time you finish your
e.- What do you think you will be doing a year from now?
f.- And within 5 years’ time?


You may remember that we previously analyzed that the basic unit of English rhythm was the
syllable and we agreed that It was important to practice stressing correctly for good rhythm
and intonation.
Listen to the following words. Note the stress pattern, eg:

Words Stress pattern

headquarter ___ . .

Common friends ____ . __.

Rule: Using the correct stress pattern is more important than using the correct sounds.

1.-Listen to the teacher pronounce the following words. Underline the syllable with the
strongest stress.

hamburger extremely refrigerate

weather unfortunately refrigerator

gossips machine refrigeration

Two-syllable names and phrases

Rule: If you leave out verbs, 90 percent of two-syllable words are stressed on the
first syllable.
Two-syllable personal names are also likely to be stressed on the first syllable.
2. - Practice with your partner saying these words and phrases from Tania’s letter.
common friends staying for long sweetheart,
beautiful friendly people visiting them
Darling dressing habits two weeks

3.- Listen and practice saying these names and phrases.

Charlie instant coffee

Jodie chocolate candy
Sherlock Cheese and ham
Holmes sandwich
Michael frozen yogurt
Jennifer ice cream
Elvis beauty parlor
Robert popular music

4.-Can you identify these names and phrases. Repeat them, Write them and mark their
stressed syllables.


Mario and Tania are finally alone back at home talking about their plans for the future. At last
they have been able to speak.
1.-Let’s listen to their conversation.
Tania: Well you have been in Jamaica for three years now and you are about to leave again,
but my dear, I need to know what plans you have in mind for the future. You see,
we haven’t had even sufficient time to really share our intimacy since you arrived.
Mario: You know I have always dreamt to have our own cozy home, with all its facilities to
offer you the comfort you do deserve. I would also like to buy a car to be able to
visit our families on weekends, so I’ll accept the proposal they have made for five
years more.
Tania: Darling that’s not going to be easy for me, I have been missing you so much! But
thinking it over by that time I will have already finished my studies; I will be a
Mario: I know that dear, I miss you too so much but believe me: I will keep busy studying
too as within two years more I must have finished my Master degree. So I’ll be
studying and working hard with all my heart; and what’s more, I’ll be saving every
possible cent to accomplish my dreams of making you happy and comfortable.
Tania : By the way, what kind of car would you like to get?
Mario: Well, not a very expensive one. I’d like a small petrol VW, with capacity for you and
me and our kids to come.

Tania: Kids? How many do you expect we’ll have dear?
Mario: Don’t worry, who knows, a couple of twins!!
Tania: You must be joking! You know? Perhaps, new responsibilities might have shown up
and I may be travelling then!
Mario: Come on Tania! It’s you the one who is pulling my legs now!

2-Listen again to the conversation and tick T for true and F for false or I don’t know. (IDK)
a.- Mario is asking his wife about her personal problems.
b.-His wife is worried about their future
c. She has been busy and has not missed him much.
d.-Mario has decided to return to his wife
e.-Tania wants to have many kids
f.-She hopes to go to Venezuela with him

3.-Read the conversation and take turns asking your partner questions according to the
statements given.
a. Tania and Mario have not been able to share their privacy. Ask Why?
b. Mario.-has always dreamt of offering his wife something. Ask what it’s been.
c. Tania hopes to have done something by the time Mario returns. Ask What
d. Ask if they are both interested in being better professionals. Ask for support.
e. Mario says he will be busy\ doing something. Ask what?


In the previous conversation Tania says:¨ I Will have finished my studies by then¨
And Mario says: ¨ I won’t have returned within two years ¨

These are examples of the Future Perfect tense. ( See Appendix 7)

1.-We use the future perfect to talk about an event in the future that will take place before
another event.
Notice what Tania says: “By that time, I will have finished my studies, too.”
(ie by the time he returns = within five years time.)

• When we reach Havana we shall have covered over 750 kms
• By the end of the year they will have finished building this apartment

Now, get practice doing these exercises.:

2.-.Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Perfect tense to express what will have taken
place before some other event.

a. I _______________________( finish ) this book by tomorrow evening.

b. Within twenty minutes she_____________________ (cook ) everything.
c. We hope that by this time next year we _____________________(save ) enough to
fix our home.
d. If you do not hurry, by the time you get to the party everything
_________________(be) eaten.
e. If I continue with my diet I____________________________(lose ) 10 pds by the
end of the month.

3.-Read these sentences and decide whether to use the verb in a way that it might express
what you will be doing or what you think you will have done.
a.- A new TV station ______________________________(work) next month for
the Olympic Games.
b.-All right, I hope you ________________________(reach ) the top before
the sun sets.
c.- They have broken into a bank. I guess the police __________________(watch)
all the highways by now.
d.-On October 23rd they __________________________(be) married for 25 years.
e.-We___________________________(leave) on the 10 o’clock flight.

4- Tell your partner about your plans for the future. What you would like to be doing five
years from now and what you hope to have done by ten years more. Be creative but honest.


We have been learning to play on words and expand our vocabulary by using suffixes. Here
are some others:
1.-The suffixes “ er / or¨ changes Verbs into Nouns

verbs “er / or = nouns

visit “or” visitor (the person who visits)
work ‘er” worker (the person who works)

The suffix “able” changes verbs into adjectives”

verb + able = adjetive

love lovable (able to be loved )
comfort able payable (able to be comforted)
enjoy enjoyable (able to be enjoyed)

SPELLING: Notice that words ending in final ¨ E ¨ drops it before adding the suffix
ABLE. Eg. Excuse---------Excusable Like ---------- likable

Here are examples for you:

• Notice how Mario expresses himself:
Mario says he wants to offer comfort to his wife and buy a car to visit the family. But we can
say ¨The visitor arrived late, but he feels comfortable now. As Mario many people are
dreamers. Mario believes he can do that. A believer believes in the future.

2.-Now get practice transforming these verbs into nouns, or into adjectives writing them in
the blank spaces. er / or /able.
Act _______________ Generate _______________

Sing _______________ Play _______________

Invent _______________ Advice _______________

Teach _______________ Employ _______________

Direct _______________ Inspect _______________

3.- Now its time to put them into practice by means of use. So go back to exercise 2 and
select 3 to 5 words to write sentences of your own.
a.- ________________________________________________________.
b.- ________________________________________________________.
c.- ________________________________________________________.
d.- ________________________________________________________.
e.- ________________________________________________________.

4.- Read the sentences you wrote to your partner and listen to his / hers. Give your
opinion if you agree or disagree in their use. Check with your teacher if you disagree!
5- Now talk to your partner giving the meaning of each noun. Define it as follows.
For example say
• Driver: A driver is someone who drives. Or simply: A driver drives.
You may ask your partner questions like these:
• What does an actor do?
An actor acts in films
• Who is an employer?
-Someone / One who employs people
6.-Now write three sentences using both forms practiced in a context of your own


You may remember that Tania enjoys helping people to feel happy. That is why she is always
reading and learning how to help her community where there
are many people suffering from stress, pains, high blood
pressure and different diseases. Here is an article she read on

1..- How much do you know about YOGA as exercise

for treating diseases?

2.-Listen to your teacher reading a text on Yoga and and write T for true and F for false.
a.-Yoga exercises are believed to do good to the body but not to the mind. ______
b.-Yoga can be practiced every day for many hours. ______
c.-These exercises can stimulate health and improve concentration.______
d.-Yoga practitioners generally suffer from high blood pressure._______
e.-Restorative Yoga is often associated and related with healing.______

3.-Let’s listen to the text again and learn a little more about it. Shall we? There are some
words or phrases missing in the text which you should complete as you listen.

a.-Yoga is believed to calm the __________________ and balance the body, mind, and
b.- It is thought by its practitioners to prevent_______________________and maladies by
keeping the energy meridians open and life energy (Prana) flowing.
c.-.Yoga is usually performed in ______________. .Sessions are conducted at least once a
week and for approximately 45 minutes.
d.-Yoga has been used to lower blood pressure, ________________________, and
improves coordination, flexibility, concentration_________________ and digestion.
e. It has also been used as supplementary _________________for such diverse conditions
as cancer, diabetes,_____________________ and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
4.- Get into small groups and discuss these questions sharing your criteria of the topic.
a.- Is Yoga as a therapy common in Cuba? Support your answer
b.- Do you consider this kind of therapy important?
c.- Would you advice this kind of therapy to your patient?Why or why not?
d.-Knowing its benefits would you recommend it to your family?


Every young person has and makes lots of plans for the future. Write a two paragraph letter to
your parents showing them how mature you have become by letting them see your serious
thinking for the future.
You may entitle it “Looking forwards to the future” You could include ideas such as further
studies, kind of jobs and responsibilities you are looking forwards to have, such as marriage,
housing and kids, How you hope to help your community etc.


A thought for reflection

What do you think about Albert Einstein thoughts?

• Imagination is more important than knowledge, for

knowledge is limited while imagination embraces the
entire world.
• Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
• Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
• The important thing is not to stop questioning.

Riddles: Think and Guess.

• Two fathers and two sons went duck hunting. Each shot a duck and none of them
shot the same duck. But only three ducks were shot. How can this happen?

• You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw
away the inside. What did you eat?


Asking and giving information ( What do you enjoy doing / I like ... ing on holidays
Talking about frequency . Describing routines. ( I work out in a gym every 2 days )

Sarah is in her flat. Rider is there, too.
What are they finishing? .Let’s listen to their chat and you will answer the question.

Rider: That was a delicious dinner. I didn’t know you are a really good cook.
Sarah: Thank you. Cooking makes me very happy, especially if I do it for my
friends. I sometimes do it on weekends.
Rider: You know I rarely go to restaurants I prefer having meals at home. Well, now
I could help you with the washing-up. This is not a problem for me. I do it in
my house every night.
Sarah: Oh, don’t bother. I will do it myself later. I usually do it before going to bed.

Rider: OK, I know you will attend a postgraduate course in bioethics. I can give you
a hand preparing your lectures, I’m good at English, you know? I always help
my friends with their homework.
Sarah: Oh, that’s good. But I can manage.

Rider: Excuse me if I sound persistent, but I can’t be here without helping you in
some way. I want to thank you for inviting me.

Sarah: And I am glad for your coming. I really appreciate your kind offer. But
practising the language is one of my favourite hobbies, you know? I often
listen to music or watch films in English.

Rider: That is a good habit. It improves your learning.

Part 2
Now listen to the rest of the conversation and answer these questions:
a. Where does Sarah need to buy things?
b. When can Rider go there?
c. Sarah has to do something when he gets back? What?

After reading the conversation see if you are able to say True, False or I don’t know to these
sentences. Don’t forget to correct the false ones. You can do it with you partner.

a. Rider didn’t like Sarah’s food. ___.

b. She is giving the lecture on Tuesday ___.
c. Rider wants to help Sarah ____.

Use the following words and others of your own to ask your partner about the conversation.
Be ready to answer his / hers.

Who..? What...? Where....? When....?

Why...? Are...? Does....?

It is good to improve your knowledge about the language vocabulary .The following exercise
is good for that.
1. In the conversation you can find
a. A word that means be grateful for_______________.
b. A synonym of appetizing ________________.
c. A synonym of worry ____________.
d. Two words related to the housework _____________.

e. A word used to refer to breakfast, lunch and dinner ___________.

2. Now select 3 of the words you found in the conversation and write sentences.
a. ____________________________________________________.
b. ______________________________________________|_____.
c. ____________________________________________________.

It will be of great importance for you if you learn this:

The –ing form of English verbs can, among other functions, be used as a noun, it is then
called a gerund.

A. It can perform all the functions of a noun.

. Subject: Waiting makes me angry

- Object of a verb: She really likes swimming
- Object of a preposition: He began the lesson by explaining the meaning of some
(Important: always use a gerund after a preposition)

B. As a noun the gerund can be modified by possessive forms.

Her dancing is marvellous.
I cannot read his writing. It is really awful.

-- There are some verbs that are commonly followed by a gerund
begin, finish, stop, love, hate, avoid, prefer, like, dislike, enjoy, consider, excuse, suggest,
understand, miss, imagine, deny.

1. Can you combine these cues to make sentences using the verbs listed above?
Example: Have lunch I suggest having lunch at Ramie’s cafe
a. read a good book _________________________________
b. walk long distances _______________________________
c. see my friends unhappy ____________________________
d. eat in a good restaurant _____________________________
e. smoke cigarettes _________________________________
2. You can write about other ideas of your own.
a. __________________________________________________.
b. __________________________________________________.
c. __________________________________________________.

1. Talk to your partner about the activities you like, dislike, prefer and enjoy doing in
your free time.
You can also say how often you do them.
Ask about him / her.

Pretend you and some friends are planning to visit your favourite city next holiday. It will be
the first time you go there. There is of course an atmosphere of great expectation.
You are now writing the possible schedule of your trip. The following ideas can help you to
do it.
• I think we won’t have trouble ... our favourite ... there.
• We won’t miss...
• I think we will like...

• I’m sure we will enjoy...


English verbs usually use the suffixes –er , -or to change many verbs to nouns
meaning ¨ the person or thing which does ( the verb ) ¨

Teach + er = teacher person who teaches.

Transmit + er = transmitter thing which transmits messages.

Create + or = creator person who creates.

Generate + or = generator machine which generates.

Cut + er = cutter machine which cuts.

Direct + or = director person who directs

1. Can you say the person or thing which does the following things?
advise __________ amplify __________ love __________.

speak __________ travel ___________ manage ________.

sing __________ employ ___________ work ________.

catch __________ pitch ____________ copy __________.

2. Now select 3 words you wrote in the previous exercise and make sentences with
a. _____________________________________________________.

b. _____________________________________________________.

c. _____________________________________________________ .

It is not so easy to be one.

1. Look at the picture and the title of the text.

What information do you expect to find in it?
These items can help you. Tick the ones you think the text is about.
Names of these persons___ Routines ____
Occupation ___ Plans for the future ___
Main interests _____ Free time activities ___

2. Now read the text and check which of the items you marked are mentioned in the
text. Compare your answers with your partners¨.

They study at the Medical University. They have been very busy the whole school year but
now they are very happy.
It is June and they are really excited about finishing classes. The only thing that worries them
is that they are taking some final exams very soon and of course they all want to get good
marks. They hope everything will be fine because they have been working hard. They have
had a very well organized schedule of their routines since they started the course last
Some of them are living in the students’ residence because they don’t live near the school.
They feel it is hard to be far from their families. They must clean and arrange their
dormitories every morning before going to classes. They have to get up at 6 for early classes

every other day, which is on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On Tuesday and Thursday
they may get up at 8 because they start classes at 9. At noon they stop for lunch.
Once in a while, they are free in the afternoons so they can rest at least for 1 or 2 hours. They
would like to be free all evenings but they almost always have some things to do: prepare a
seminar, study for a practical lesson or things like that. That’s why they can hardly ever
watch TV or relax after dinner. They almost never go to bed early because they study till
As they have a lot to do the whole school year, they visit their families as often as they can;
some of them go to their houses once a week or once a month. Most of the foreign students
can go to their countries once a year to spend their holidays.
All these students will have enough time to have fun with their friends as soon as they finish
all the exams. They are really looking forward to doing that.

3. It is time to ask questions about the text, so work with your partner and discuss his /
her answers.
When...? What...? Where...? and any other of your own.

4. You are another university student. After having read about them, can you talk about
your weekly routines?
Share your information with your partner, you will find similarities and differences
between yours and his /hers. Point out them.


There are adverbs of frequency that are used to indicate how often things happen.
When combining two adverbs you can slightly indicate the difference in the frequency.

Almost always it can happen but not at all times.

Not very often it can happen but not frequently.
Almost never it can happen but it isn’t very likely.

Once it can happen one time, one occasion.
once a week/month/year/.
once in a while
Every (adjective)
It can be used to describe frequency, indicating recurrence. Every night /afternoon/ week/
Every 3 hours / 2 days. Every other day

1. Now you can use the information given above to ask and answer questions about the
text. If necessary read it again, then ask how often the students do their activities.

If you go back to the conversation between Rider and Sarah you will find other adverbs
of frequency you studied in Vision I and II.

1. There are some activities you do when you have free time. Ask your partner how
often they do them. Be ready to answer questions as well.
2. Write down their answers and be prepared to write about your partner’s activities.

Here you have some helpful cues

Work out in a gym / write poems / get a haircut / go fishing/ have meals in a restaurant / stay
in a hotel / have a birthday party / dance in a disco / read newspapers / buy presents for a
Add some others.


Expressing location. ( Put these pictures on the wall )

Instructing people how to do things.. ( The first thing to do is....)
Checking understanding ( Are you with me ? )
Asking for repetition ( Sorry , can you say that again, please? )

Useful inventions and discoveries

o Flash memory chips are used to store information after a computer disc drive is turned
o Flash memory acts like a ROM ( read only memory ) because values remain stored in
memory, but the values can be changed.

o It is a modern and useful device for examining an object in detail in order to
produce an electronic image of it using light or another form of electromagnetic
radiation such as a laser.

o It is a device used to transform sound energy into electrical energy.
o The American inventor Alexander Graham Bell built the first
microphone in 1876 when he constructed his telephone transmitter..

o It is a device that produces and amplifies light.The word laser is
an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of
Radiation. Lasers are used in many modern technological devices
including, compact disc (CD) players and laser printers.
o In 1945 Percy L. Spencer, a technician at the Raytheon
Company discovered accidentally that microwaves could
cook food.
o In the early 1950`s the companyintroduced the first microwave
oven. Nowadays it is a very popular household
appliance that cooks food rapidly and efficiently.

a. .Select from these inventions the one you consider the most important.
Why ?
b. Can you add any other one you know of ?


1. Sarah has just moved to her new flat. Her neighbour Cecile is there too.
a. Listen carefully to their conversation and you will find the necessary information to
answer the exercises about it.
Sarah: Oh , this flat is a real mess!. It needs to be organized as soon as possible ! Can you
give me a hand ?
Cecile: Of course, that´s what friends are for, aren´t they ? .

Sarah: Sure. The living room will be the first. Everything is on that red box.
Cecile: Well, let´s place all the furniture and then the decorations..Is that right ?
Sarah: Yes.

A few minutes later.

Cecile: I will put these two small pictures on that white wall, and the clock between them,

Sarah: Yes.
Cecile: And this beautiful vase?
Sarah: I think it will be OK if you put it on that table. Tomorrow I will go to the shop to buy
some flowers for it .

Cecile: This lamp must be over the sofa, so you can read there if you want.
Sarah: That´s right. What about this carpet under the table ? Would it be all right there?

Cecile: I think so. Oh, you have many pictures of your family. Select one among them to put it on
this other table. Which ?

Sarah: Umm Where is the ... ?

Cecile: Sarah, I need your answer. It´s getting late.

Sarah: Sorry,.I was not paying attention to you. .Let me see..., this is my father. Take it. Oh, I
look very pretty in this one, this is for you. It´s a present .

Cecile: Thanks.What about these books ?

Sarah: You can place them in that bookshelf. You know, this morning when I was coming from
the supermarket, I asked the man who lives in the flat above yours if he has a telephone
at home and he was very rude.
Cecile: Yes? What did he say?

Sarah: That there is a public one in the flat below mine. I was very upset because I was only
trying to neighbour with him.

Cecile: He is a good person but he got divorced recently and he is still very unhappy. I will
talk to him and he will answer for what he did.
Sarah: Oh , you neeedn´t to do that.

Cecile: But I want to .

Sarah: It has nothing to do with you. Why are you so concerned about him ?
Cecile: Because he is my brother. By the way , his name is Frank.

Sarah: Don´t tell me!

Cecile: You have to meet him some day.

Part 2
Now listen to the rest of the conversation and answer the questions below :
a. What does Cecile say about the living room. ?
b. Is Cecile going home now ? Why ?
c. What are they going to have for snack ?

1.-By saying True (T), False(F) or I don´t know(IDK) to the following statements you will
verify if you understood the conversation..Give reasons to the false ones .
a. Sarah wants to organize her bedroom first ____.

b. They put all the decoration after they finished placing the furniture__.

c. Frank is married _____.


1. Give answers to these questions. .Check yours with your partner´s.

a. Mention 3 of the objects Sarah and Cecile place in the living room.

b. What happened between Sarah and Frank ?

c. Cecile is apologizing for the incident .Why ?

1. Find in the dialogue the words Sarah and Cecile used in the corresponding example:
a. A word that means the necessary fittings of a house as chairs, sofa , beds, etc
______________ .
b. A phrase used to ask for help ________________________ .
c. A word that means a vessel of glass for holding flowers ___________________ .
d. A synonym of photographs ____________________
e. An opposite of polite ____________

It is important if you learn the following . It will help you to better understand the English
language and of course to use it correctly

A.- Prepositions of place usually indicate where one thing is, that is, the position.They are also used to
state destination or direction, that is, motion.
at, to, from, for, in, on

at indicates:
™ place The boy is at school now.
™ direction She smiled at me.

to expresses the idea of approaching one thing

He is going to the beach.

from expresses the idea of leaving one thing

She is coming from the park.

for indicates that the destination is an object or a person.

They are waiting for a bus.

in indicates place or position.
The blouse is in the closet.

on indicates position.
The cat is sleeping on the chair.

1.- Select from the conversation, 3 sentences containning the prepositions above. . Say the
“ thing ” they refer to.
Eg. She was at her mother´s house when you phoned last night.
at preposition
her mother´s house the thing
2.- Can you make sentences by combining the elements in the following columns?
a. -We are going on the stadium
b. The bus is coming to a big house
c. I bought a present in the table
d. Please put the books for Havana
e. The boy is laughing from my daughter
f. She lives at the cartoons

B..- You should also know that some other prepositions are:
between, among, over, under, above, below

between is used in reference to two persons, objects or groups.

The bed is between the night table and the closet.
among is used in reference to more than two persons, objects or groups.
Among other things music is what I love the most.
over over something, usually means cover it from a higher level
The plane is over Havana now . It is arriving soon.

under under something, means being covered by it from a higher position
The shoes are under the chair.
above means “ at a higher level “
At the beach, children must keep their heads above the water.
below means “ at a lower level “
Deborah Andollo doesn´t go below a certain limit although she
is a very good diver.
(See appendix 8)

3.- Try to complete the following sentences using the words listed in the box above.
a. Surfing is practiced________ the sea waves.
b. You can hide the dog ________ the bed .She won´t see it there.
c. Divers may not go _________ a certain depth.
d. Look out of the window.That´s the Morro Castle. We are _______
Santiago now.

1. It is time for you to ask in groups questions like these...
a. Is there a ........ your house .? Where ?
b. Where do you usually place ..... in your .... ?
c. Where do you usually.... ( habitual action s )?
d. Where did you... last....?
e. Where..... from / to ?


1.Based on the answers given in the previous exercise, you can now with your partners,
make comments about the differences and similarities in things like these:
a. Things you have at home Place and location.
b. Where you do their habitual actions.

c. Where you went or did something in the past.
d. Any other interesting information .


1. Think about a room in your house / flat or school to write a short paragraph. Make sure
you mention the exact places of the furniture and decorations.


1. It is another day and Cecile is visiting Sarah again.. They are having a very nice
conversation. Read it and you will talk about it later.
Sarah: You know.... yesterday I bought the CD player I told you about.
Cecile: Yes ? Good ! At last.
Sarah: I am very happy because I really love to listen to music.
Cecile: Can I see it, please ?
Sarah: Sure. I’ve got it with me now. Here it is.
Cecile: Oh! It is a very nice model! How does it work ?
Sarah: Well , everything is in the instruction manual. You can read it later, but I´d better tell you
now .
Cecile: Good idea.because I only know how to turn on my radio.
Sarah: The first thing you have to do is to plug it in or make sure it has got batteries, because you
can use it either.
Cecile: That’s OK.

Sarah: The next thing to do is to take the CD and press this buttom here to open the lid.
Cecile: Sorry, can you say that again ,please?
Sarah: Take the CD and ....

Cecile: All right.

Sarah: After you have done that, slot it in there.Is that clear?

Cecile: Yes.
Sarah: Fine ! Now don´t forget to put it in the right way and close the lid.
Finally press the play buttom. Are you with me?
Cecile: Sure.

Sarah: Good! Now make sure you remember to switch it off after you have used it.

Cecile: Certainly.

Sarah: And this is the volume control. Have you figured out how it works ?

Cecile: Well, I think I have. Can we play a CD now ?

Sarah: Of course, you choose which.

Cecile: This one. I love romantic music.

Part 2
Now listen to the rest of the conversation.
- There are other important and useful things Sarah mentions . What are they ?
- Where do they usually have place ?
- Sarah offers to do something, what?

1. Are these statements True or False ? Correct the false ones. Perhaps you need to say I
don´t know to the statement.
a. Sarah went to the shop yesterday. ____ .
b. She bought the CD player because she needs it for her professional work ____.
c. Cecile thinks it is a good model. ______.
d. They are going to watch a TV programme now._______.

1. Try to find in the conversation the words that are used to mean....
a. a small book about the handling of something ___________ .
b. a movable cover for an opening _______ .
c. to make selection _____________.

1. Read the following comment about the English language.

A. Some English verbs combine with a particle to form a two-part verbs.

This particle can be either a preposition or an adverb.

With prepositions
Concern about ( lm) She usually concerns about other people´s problems

Neighbour with ( im) I was only trying to neighbour with him

Place in ( lm) (*) Put the books in that bookshelf

Go into ( lm ) (*) The radio goes into this box

Answer for ( lm ) (* ) Richard will answer for her sister as well as for


--- With adverbs

Plug in ( lm) (*) First you have to plug in the CD player

Switch off ( lm ) (*) Switch off the light as you leave the room, please.

Slot in ( lm ) (*) Remember to close the lid after you slot in the CD.

Turn on ( lm ) (*) Turn on the radio, please I want to listen to music.

B.- This two-part verbs can have a literal meaning ( lm ) and a meaning completely different
from the meaning of the verb alone , it is then called a phrasal verb and it has an idiomatic
meaning ( im ) .In the chart it is marked with a sign (*).The two-part verbs can have the
literal meaning, the idiomatic meaning or both.

C.- Some two-part verbs take an object ( a noun or a pronoun), others do not.
If the object is a noun, it can come between the verb and the particle or after the particle.
If the object is a pronoun it must come between the verb and the particle.

(You can find the examples in Appendix 9)

---With a noun With a pronoun
Plug the radio in Plug it in
Switch off the lights Switch them off.

Note in the examples given in A that a two-parts verb can have a literal meaning (lm) and a
meaning completely different from the meaning of the verb alone , it is then called a phrasal
verb and it has an idiomatic meaning (im) The two-parts verb can have the normal meaning,
the idiomatic meaning or both.

1.- Sarah uses some two-part verbs when talking to Cecile. Can you match the ones listed
in column A with their corresponding meaning in column B ?

a Turn on 1. To have place
b Plug in 2. To have a friendly relationship with someone
c Slot in 3. To worry about someone or something
d Switch off 4. To cause to begin working by a switch control
a Concern about 5. To connect to a supply of electricity
b Go into 6. To cause something electrical to stop working
c Neighbour with 7. To include something in the right place .


Luisa and her friend Tamara are talking about how some things work .
- Use the two-part verbs studied in the previous exercise to complete the conversations.
- See if you can also supply the names of the machines.

Conversation 1
Tamara: What’s this ?
Luisa: A very useful machine. A __________________________.
Tamara: Tell me how it works.
Luisa: Well when I leave the house, I just _______ it ______, I mean I
turn this dial to ANSWER, and push this button like this.
Tamara: And... ?
Luisa: Well , the important thing is that while I am out I can get all the calls
on it.
Tamara: Oh, that sounds marvellous !

Conversation 2
Luisa : Look!. This is my new _____________.
Tamara : How does it work ?
Luisa You _______ the clothes ______ the machine.
Tamara And?
Luisa : Add soap or detergent. Turn the dial to WASH. and______ it __.
Tamara : Oh , how wonderful it is!
Luisa: Let me know when you finish.. And _____it _____, please.
Tamara : But.... Hey.. I´m not going to....

Sarah has some objects and machines at home. Perhaps you have some of them, too.
Their names are formed by two words. They are called compound nouns.
Now you will learn the correct pronunciation of their names.

Stress in compound nouns
a.- Compound nouns ( noun + noun ) ordinarily have a primary stress on the first component and a
secondary stress on the second, that is , the first noun receives greater stress than the second.
b.-Some compound words are written as two words, and some are written as a single word.

Listen and practice.

laser light alarm clock headphone.
doorbell hairdrier gas oven.

1.-Can you list more compound nouns for other machines or gadgets you know of or have
in your house / flat / school. ?
Read them to your partner. Pay attention to word stress.

Sometimes you need to teach another person how to make a machine or a gadget work ,
don´t you ?
Saying it in other words , you have to give instructions. You will find in the following chart
the necessary phrases to make this easier.
Read carefully the information.

A. Linking steps together

The first thing you have to do is...
First of all you....
The next thing you do is to ...
After you have done that you...
Make sure you remember to....
Be careful not to....
By the way, don’t forget to....
B..-Checking understanding
Are you with me ?
Is that clear?

Allright so far?
C.- Asking for repetition
Sorry, can you say that again , please ?
Sorry, but I´m not quite clear on...

And of course it will be good if you... encourage the person for the effort done.
Got that ? Good !. Now...
Fine!.. Now...

That´s right. Now...After learning all these go back to conversation 2 between Luisa and
Tamara .Work it out with your partner again. This time use the expressions given above.

Pretend you are telling your partner how to use a gadget or machine you know of. Give the
corresponding instructions.

1.-Look at the following gadgets and machines, read carefully the ads and try to match them.


The automatic unit stands for the latest innovation in two
video cassette rewinder. It is latestly designed with advanced
technology to give protection of your valuable VCR and
PROVIDE CONVENIENCE OF USE. It is equiped with 1.______________________
( used to clean dust on the tape surface ), DIGITAL
COUNTER ( to trace location of tunning tape ) and
MELODY is to remind you as an indicator for completion

Enjoy your chating on Internet !

2. _____________________
While chating with your partner you can see him in the
screen of your monitor computer as well as listen to his
voice clearly.You just have to place this cam in the
middle of the monitor for optimal eye contact and then r
focus ring to get a sharp image. It is also useful to snap
pictures and videos by holding it in your hand. For
additional information you can visit the web page

It has been designed to give you many years of continuos

service.Besides having the usual operations it has some
special ones, among them : Answering a Second Call
( activating the Call Waiting Option, it is possible then
to answer it while having a call in progress). You can
also make a Multi- Party Call with up to 6 persons.
Viewing Missed Call ( Caller Line Identification
feature ) allows you to answer a call you were unable 3.-______________
to answer for any reason.

Do you want to be alone with your favourite
music ? 4.-_________________________
These two small loudspeakers connected to a
band can help you.
The early ones used to be heavy and bulky
but nowadays they are very light and small
with improved sound quality.

Can you answer these questions about the ads?

a. Which is the gadget that is used with a computer for having a better comunication?
b. Which is the option that allows you to take part simultaneously in a conference call?
c. Which of these objects can be placed over the listener´s ear ?

Write a paragraph of about 120 words about a gadget or machine you know of. State the instructions
or steps to follow for making it work.

Here you have some jokes containing some of the prepositions and phrasal verbs you have
studied in the unit. If you can understand them you can have fun enjoying them.
1.- The nurse walked up to one of a group of expectant fathers at the hospital and announced
that one of them has had a fine baby daughter. Immediately another man rushed up and
complained “But it’s not his turn!. I was here before he was !”

2- A young man is talking to a friend “ I read an article the other day about the harmful
effects of smoking, so I`ve given up reading ”.

3- A mother is arguing with his son “ You`ve been fighting again and you`ve lost two of
your teeth “ The boy answers calmly “ No, I haven`t mum .They are in my pocket ”

4- A man is asking a friend at the river “ What are you fishing for ? ”. “For sardines ”. “How
many have you got ?.” “None one yet.”. Then how do you know you are fishing for
sardines. ”.

5- A wife leaves a note for her husband “ Darling, I`ve had to go and see my mother. You´ll
find your dinner on page 20 of the cook book..”.

6- After being shouting during the whole boxing match, an excited fan whispered to the man
beside him “ I´ve lost my voice “. The man replied “ Don´t worry, you´ll find it in my right


1.- What does The Future hold for you? Which are your plans or possibilities for the future?.
Get practice using the clues given in these two columns.
-First : read them and get your ideas clear
- Secondly: Write the sentences in your notebook.
-Third: Turn to your partner or get together in a group and
exchange criteria orally but not reading out what you wrote.
You should add your own true ideas

I think I will be… By then, I will have…
or : I might have…

stay longer graduated from

get a better job bought a
move to another province married a
spend some time had children
get married travelled abroad to
buy a house for acquired some experience
learn some more English

2.-Ask you partner the following questions, be ready to give personal; responses
ƒ Will you be studying late tonight?
ƒ How will you be travelling you be travelling to Santiago Next week?
ƒ Why are you going to be travelling?
ƒ Why will you be travelling?
ƒ What will you be doing next Sunday?
ƒ Where will you be going on your next vacation?

3. - Read and complete this dialogue with the words in parenthesis to express what will
simply happen or will be happening to Sarah and her friends.

Sarah, Haydee and their friends will be setting out on holiday next Sunday morning.

Sarah: So we are off on holiday tomorrow morning at last. How exciting!

Haydee: Yes, remember we (leave) _____________________home at 4am.So we (get up)
Sarah: 4 am!! Why so early? We do not have to check in till 6,
We (arrive) _________________at the station terribly early.

Haydee: I know, but the busses are few at this time of the year and we do not want to reach
late, so
we (check in.) as soon as we can then we (have) time even for some breakfast at the
Sarah: Good thinking. After all. you are right! We can’t dare miss the train.
By this time tomorrow evening, we (lie) _________________________on the beach
and I
(prepare) _______ something to eat.
Haydee: I hope you’re right.

4. You are taking a holiday soon. You are helping a friend to prepare a trip to a place out of
the city. Use the following hints to write about your plans and intentions.
a. leave on train (when / time)
b. visit family (where / how long)
c. go sightseeing (place attractions)
d. come back (when / time / how)
e. What other activities do you think you will do, are doing or hope to do during your

5. - Based on the answers to the previous exercise discuss with your partner about the exact
plan to follow. You have to select where to go, what to do, etc. Try to persuade him/her about
your ideas. State your reasons to consider your schedule to be the best.

6. Ask you partner questions about his plans and intentions for tonight, be ready to give your
personal responses.
a. What
b. Where…?
c. When…?
d. Are…?
e. Will…?
f. Any other question of your own.

9.Which are your plans or possibilities for the future? Answer using the clues given in these


I think I will be… By then, I will have…

I might have…

work in… Graduate from

get a better job Buy a …
move to another province Marry …
spend some time … Have …
get married Travel to…
buy… …


Giving and asking for advice. (What would you do if……………?/ Well, If I were you I
Expressing imaginary situation, supposition and hypothesis.
ƒ (Suppose you could go…)
ƒ (Just imagine you were in Mars…)
Expressing past unreal conditions. (If Arnaldo Tamayo hadn’t traveled into space he wouldn’t
have received..)
Giving warnings. (If you eat too many sweets you will get fat.)


Human beings worldwide are daily worried and concerned about surrounding events and the
implications they might exert upon their lives. People wonder what will happen if there
breaks out another world war, or they just simple imagine what would happen if they fell
suddenly sick or if……..

1.-Discuss in pairs some of these issues

• Are you single or married? Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend?

• Do you really love her / him?

• What would you do if he or she abandoned you all of a sudden?

• What if you had to go to another country the day after you got married?

• What if the hurricane blew off your roof?

• Just suppose the river overflowed its banks and flooded through your friend’s house
what would you do?


1. – Work in groups; look at each situation and say if they all express similar conditions.
What is common in all of them?

2.- After doing this, each group selects one of the situations, analyze it and take turns asking
and answering your peers’ questions. Be ready to comment with the class your own
speculations .

a.’These young people are in love and lying on the grass. They are so absorbed one with
another that they have not noticed that red ants are getting up on their clothes. Within a
few minutes more they will be full of them.. The ants will bite them. If they get up now
and shake off their clothes the ants won’t bite them.. If they knew they were getting full
of ants they would move away quickly! But they are too engaged to realize it!

ƒ What would they do if they realized the ants are taking them up?
ƒ Will they remain there comfortably if they feel the ants biting them?

b.’Two friends were out camping. One of them took off his shoes to rest his feet. On
replacing the shoes there was a loud shout! When they looked they saw horrified that a
scorpion had got into his shoe and stung him .He was so scared and in pain that he felt as
if he couldn´t move, he wanted to remain there. His friend adviced him saying
• If I were you , I wouldnot stay here, I would go immediately to the nearest doctor
• The sting of a scorpion can be deadly poisonous,.
• If you hurry you can get the antidote injected immediately it really works!
• Do you believe I am still in time? Would it really work you think? , the man asked
• Definitely, it would.Come on, but hurry up!
• Oh I am beginninng to feel cold, I can hardly move my feet
• Look! There is a car coming, hurry up. If we reach out there I´ll tell him and I am
sure He´ll take us in.

• What does the friend advise him to do?
• What can happen if he hurries up ? What if he doesn´t?

c.The children were playing baseball beside a quite busy street. They were so enthusiastic
with the hit-and- run- game that they forgot where they were.
One of the team hit a long foul fly which a boy tried to catch, not noticing that he had
to run across the street.. A car that was just passing by had to swerve dangerously
almost running into a truck coming on the other lane.
The driver frightened came out of his car cursing. You stupid child! I could have killed
you if I had not swerved violently..
The other driver came forward saying “You idiot ! If I hadn’t got good brakes and good
reflexes I would have turned over into the ditch! I could have killed myself!
The game freezed, the kids, the people, all stood speechless holding their breath,
mouths wide opened not wanting to think or say anything at all!..

ƒ Why didn’t the child see the car?

If the child had seen the car would he have run after the ball?

What would have happened if the driver had not swerved violently?

3- Now read the situation you selected again. Copy the sentences beginning with if. And be
prepared to learn something about this type of sentences



This man has to be early for an appointment. He’s thinking: If I take the early morning
train, I will arrive there on time (You see: It is something that can possibly happen in
the future IF HE TAKES……)

1. .-Conditional statements that express something probable, likely or possible to be
achieved in the future are referred to as future reference ”Open Conditionals or
type 1. Example in task II-2a: If they get up now. The ants won’t bite them
2. When we are expressing a present imaginary situation which is unreal, we say it is a
hypothetical or Type 2 condicional clause. These situations are imaginary because
you aren’t really in them. They are improbable, unlikely. Example in Task II-2a: If
they knew they were full of ants they would move away quickly.(but they don’t know)

Example: If the police asked me about you, I would / might say

nothing. I would say I didn’t have the foggiest idea. (If the police
asked you means that so far the police had not done so.) It is pure

3. What about expressing an unreal imaginary situation in the past?

We use a conditional clause with imaginary situations in the past to talk about unreal or
impossible situations. Example in task II- 2 c: I could have killed you if I had not swerved

Example: If I had talked to him, I would have solved the problems. (This man is thinking
about something he had NOT done in the past. When he says If I had talked, it is because He
had not spoken to the man nor has he solved the problem ) which is something impossible to
do now. These are called Type 3 conditionals. (Go to Appendix 10 and study the chart.
Observe the structures carefully and the examples given.)

4.-Now work INDIVIDUALLY and see if on your own you can match the parts. These
sentences have been broken into two halves. Can you put them together again correctly?

a.- If you found a lot of money in the streets _________you would give up smoking

b.- Your English would be much better if ________you would probably pass the exam

c.-If you were really interested in your ________would you give it to the police?

d.-Would you be very happy if __________you gave up smoking

e.- If I won a lot of money __________I would buy a new house and a nice

_______ read more books and newspapers in the

f.-Your health would be better if language

g.-If you studied a little harder ____I bought you a big house and a nice car?

5.-Let’s, get more practice!

Get together in pairs and read out a sentence to your partner and ask him / her to say what
each expresses, i.e something likely, unlikely or impossible? What kind of conditional
sentence are they? (Type 1, 2 or 3) If you can identify them and state their meaning, you are
on the high way to use them correctly.
a. - if it is not foggy tomorrow, we will come.
b. - If I saw him I would speak to him.
c. - If you gave that answer you would be wrong.
d. - If he asked for money, would you give him any?
e. - Will you give him money If he asks for it?
f. - If you ask me I will go with you to the cinema.
g. - If he listens to what I say, he won’t make silly
h. - If the sun comes out the rain will soon stop.
i.-If it felt hungry it would eat its dinner.

5. - Change the words in brackets and complete the sentences. Here is an example for you to
follow. Example: If I were (be) fitter, I would go for a run.

a. If I had a lot of money I___________(go) on a trip around the world.

b. You would save a lot of money, if you __________(give )up smoking

c. I _________(give) up smoking if I thought it was really dangerous.

d. Don’t you think you ___________(feel) better if you _________(take) more exercise?

e. I wonder what you_____________(do) if I _________________(tell) you that I love


f. I don’t know what I_____________(do) if I __________(win) a lot of money.

6.-Read the following paragraphs and do as instructed.

Tania is telling Sarah the story about Mario’s niece Betty on their trip to Venezuela at the
This is what she says:
Betty was hungry, she went to the cafeteria
and ate a lot of cheese, ham and chicken
sandwiches She asked for some Yoghurt and
after for a glass of orange juice with
condensed milk. She was so full that she
almost couldn’t walk. Of course at lunch time
there was prawn enchilada, a wonderful
buffet with all kinds of meat and excellent
fish she liked but Alas! She could only look at us eating. She couldn’t take a bit!
Now Sarah is telling her mother Carmen what Betty had done but not in the way she was
told. She said:
If Betty hadn’t been / felt hungry she wouldn’t have gone to the cafeteria.

Now you continue expressing your hypothetical ideas of the story saying what you consider
would or would n’t have happened to Betty if ……….

a If she hadn’t _______________________she wouldn’t _________________
b If______________________________she would-have-_________________
c _____________________________________________________________
d _____________________________________________________________
e ______________________________________________________________
f _____________________________________________________________


In the previous units, we analyzed that the basic unit of English rhythm was the syllable and
we practiced stressing correctly up to three- syllable words.
Now let’s see how it works with more than three syllable words and sentences.
In words with three or more syllables:
• One vowel will get the main stress (long and clear).
• Some vowels may get a little stress (clear, but not as long as the vowel
with the most stress).
• Some vowels may be reduced (schwa).

Examples economic argument

calculator administration

1.-Practice the rhythm of the following words repeating after your teacher.

3 syllables 4 syllables 5 syllables 6 syllables

reduction opposition participation identification
suggestion complication examination electrification
intention registration administration
permission politician contamination

2.-Counting syllables in a sentence.
Decide how many syllables are in each sentence. Compare your list with a partner.
Then practice the sentences aloud.
a Buy a washing machine.
b Where is the electrical panel?
c Do we need a garage mechanic?
d Students in school must study.
e Computer programming is a good profession.
f Automobile parts are made in many countries.
g They closed the department store in August.
h We rented it before noon.


To become one of the most cultured country of the world is one of the objectives of
paramount significance for Cuban people. Now, it’s time to enrich our culture and
develop listening abilities.
1.-Get into pairs and discuss the following:
Do you like Fine Arts? Who is your favorite painter? Why?
Can you mention any of his works? What do they represent?

2.-Now look into your book and analyze the true or false sentences which you
should answer when you finish your first listening
a. - Pablo Picasso was a poet, and writer. He also painted.____________
b. -He was born in Málaga on the Mediterranean -----------
c. - He had his own studio in Barcelona at the age of 16----------.
d.-His father was a good musician, but almost the last to recognize him_______
e.-His most splendid period was from 1905 to 1909_________

3. - Listen again and answer these questions.
a. - When was Picasso’s birthday?
b. - What was his father’s job?
c. When was Picasso’s blue period, When was he most prosperous?
d.-What made him travel?
e. - What technique did he most develop ?
f. - Which painting is considered his masterpiece?

4. - Now you can listen and read the text on Picasso:

Pablo Ruiz y Picasso who was primarily a painter, also became a fine sculptor,
engraver, and ceramist. He was born on Oct. 25, 1881, in Malaga, on the
Mediterranean coast of Spain. His father, an art teacher, early recognized his son's
genius. Picasso studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Barcelona, where his father
was appointed professor in 1896. Pablo had already mastered realistic technique,
however, and had little use for school. At 16 he had his own studio in Barcelona. In
1900 he first visited Paris, and in 1904 he settled there.
Picasso's personal style began to form in the years from 1901 to 1904, a period
often referred to as his blue period because of the pervasive blue tones he used in his
paintings at that time. In 1905, as he became more successful, Picasso altered his

palette, and the blue tones gave way to a terra-cotta color, a shade of deep pinkish
red. At the same time his subject matter grew less melancholy and included dancers,
acrobats, and harlequins. The paintings he did during the years between 1905 and
1907 are said to belong to his rose period.
At the same time he was working on designs for the ballet, Picasso also continued to
develop the cubist technique, making it less rigorous and austere. By the time he
painted 'Guernica', his moving vision of the Spanish Civil War, the straight lines of
early cubism had given way to curved forms. This huge painting, considered by
many to be his masterpiece, was Picasso's response to the 1937 bombing by the
Fascist forces of the small Basque town of Guernica. He completed this emotional
political statement in the same year. In it, as in many of his later pictures, distortions
of form approach surrealism, but Picasso never called himself a surrealist. (Adapted
from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia)

5. - Get into small groups now and comment on what you have learnt of this great


The Suffix ION (/TION /SION /ITION /ATION) changes verbs into nouns with the
meaning: An Act, Process, or State resulting from the verb.
1.-Many verbs ending in ¨T ¨ or ¨TE ¨form nouns with the suffix ( T )ION

verbs “ion = nouns

prevent prevention
celebrate celebration

Exception words ending in MIT.

verbs “ion = nouns
omit omission
Submit submission

2.-Verbs ending in CE often drop the E and add T before “ION”

verbs “ion = nouns

produce production
reduce reduction

3. Verbs ending in S/ D /DE, often have noun forms with / “SION”

verbs “ion = nouns

discuss discussion
extend ion extension
divide division


4. - Some verbs form nouns with –ITION

verbs “ion = nouns

Define Definition
Oppose opposition

5. - Other verbs form nouns with – ATION


The noun form always has the primary stress on the syllable immediately preceding (ION)
a. - Write the nouns deriving from the verbs in the list below .
b- Practice pronouncing them correctly. (Do not forget to notice the stressed syllable in
the noun form just before the ION syllable)
c. - Now select three of them and write three sentences of your own exemplifying them
in context. Here is an example for you to follow:
• Dad, will you permit us to go swimming tomorrow morning?
• I’ll give you my permission if you promise to be back soon, OK?

Substitute _________________ Suppose ___________________

Repeat __________________ Omit ___________________

Attract __________________ Exclude ___________________

Add ___________________
Impose __________________
Participate ___________________
Create __________________

6.-Here are some nouns and verbs. Can you fill in the blank spaces accordingly as
Perfection ____________
Admiration ________________
__________________ Define

__________________ Include

__________________ Publish

Deduction _______________
_________________ React


1. - When you are learning to write, it is important that you learn to organize the material
you wish to present. The best way of organizing is by making an outline -brief summary of
the important ideas and the order in which they will be present. The following steps will
help you learn to make an outline.

a. List the ideas that you remember and might want to mention in your account.

b. Arrange them in the order in which you wish to present them under broad headings.
c. Classify the ideas so that each major idea or topic has subtopics or ideas which
relate to it logically.
d. Decide what point of view you will take, eg. factual, humorous, critical, emotional,

e. Write the account quickly,
keeping in mind the interests
and points of view of the
intended readers and how long
the report is going to be.
f. When you have finished the
first writing, be sure to edit it
for style, grammar, vocabulary,
spelling, punctuation, and
clarity. If there are any short
disconnected sentences join some of them into coordinated sequences.
g. Rewrite the material neatly for presentation.

2. - Think about an important topic to present in your group for an award examination and

follow the steps above to order your ideas for the presentation of one-page account. For

example, “Importance of my studies for our society”.



Think and Guess.

• What is the best thing to do if you find a gorilla in your bed?

• If it takes 1 minute to make each cut, how long will it take to cut a log into ten
equal pieces?

Something for reflection:

Thomas A. Edison said: “If there is a way to do it better, find it.”

There are millions of human beings living together in this world and three quarters of this
population live in countries, cities and industrial centers working together to produce goods
from different materials. Life is made comfortable for them through their industries,
factories, mass farming as well as through services such as transport, electricity and sewage
disposal etc.
All these necessary means use vast amount of precious natural resources which change the
balance of the environment and pollute the air, water and soil.
The waste material of these factories, industries and agriculture in their different state ,
solid, liquid or as fumes has being dumped into water or into the atmosphere as they
quickly disappear out of sight and seemingly bothers no more but causes much damage
This has been happening for hundred of years in such measure that nowadays, even wildlife
is seriously under threat because many rivers have become so polluted it is quite
impossible for some fish as salmon and trout to survive as they need very clean water to
live in.
On the other hand, gasses such as nitrogen and sulphur oxides coming from industrial
chimneys rise upwards and turn into tiny water droplets in the clouds and hangs as smog
over many cities eventually causing acid rain to fall, hail and snow which cause damage to
both buildings and human beings. The atmosphere is so polluted that a kind of smug hang
over many cities. If humankind hadn’t been so reckless, not all these terrible things would
have happened.

1.- Find 2 conditional sentences and classify them in types 1, 2,or 3 as studied.


2- Let’s play with words!

Change the words in column A into Nouns, Verbs or Adjectives as corresponds.


Nouns, Verbs or Adjectives

a.- relax
b.- hospitable
c.- accomplish
d.- wonderful
e.- musical
f.- invitation
g.- watch

b.- Now classify the words in column A as nouns verbs or adjectives. a.__________
b._________ c._________ d._________ e.________ f.________


Reporting what other people said.

(Tom said that he was good at Maths.)
(Frank asked if he was good at math)


Alfred is calling up his fiancée Lenia from Jamaica. He calls her up once in a fortnight to
know how things are going on with her life and, of course, he always asks her if she still
loves him. And Lenia has the opportunity to practice her English with Alfred.
Listen to the telephone conversation between Alfred and Lenia and ask your partner direct
questions about the dialogue using the indirect ones given below.
Alfred: Hi, darling. How is everything going on?
Lenia: Well, everything is going on fine for the time being.
Alfred: I wonder if you are working hard and if you are going to parties with your
Lenia: Let me tell you that I work hard every day and, in fact, I need time for relaxation
but don’t you worry, dear, I don’t like to go to parties if you are not here.
Alfred: But haven’t you been invited to any party lately?

Lenia: Yes. The other day my close friend Elena invited me to her wedding party but I told
her I was sick, so I didn’t go.

Alfred: That isn’t what I want to hear from you. I know you are very faithful and
considerate especially with our engagement, though I think you should enjoy yourself
Lenia: I am glad to know that you trust me.
Alfred: Well, sweetheart, I will phone you again in fifteen days from now. Goodbye.
Lenia: Bye, bye, darling
1. Pair work. Ask your partner:
a. how often Alfred phones his fiancée Lenia.
b. if Lenia ever goes to parties with her friends.
c. who invited Lenia to a wedding party.
d. what excuse Lenia made up for not going to the party.
e. why Alfred trusts his fiancée.

2. Role play: Imagine you are in a health mission in Sta Lucia and you are
phoning your partner from that island (she/he is your friend or maybe your
fiancée) make up a dialogue and be prepared to act it out


When you tell what other people said you use the reported or indirect speech. Analyze
the examples in the boxes and do the exercises below.
Reported speech. (statements)

Box 1. Notice the verbs and that in reported speech.

Lenia says, “ I work hard every day.”
Lenia says (that) she works hard every day.
Lenia tells Alfred, “ I don’t like to go to parties if you are not here.”
Lenia tells Alfred (that) she doesn’t like to go to parties if he is not there.

With say / tell in the present, there is no change in the subordinate verb in the
reported speech.

Box 2. Past

Lenia said, “ I am glad to know that you trust me.”

Lenia said (that) she was glad to know that he trusted her.
He told Lenia. “ I can hear you perfectly well.”
He told Lenia (that) he could hear her perfectly well.
Alfred said, “I will phone you again in fifteen days.”
Alfred said (that) he would phone her again in fifteen days.
Alfred said. “ I speak to Lenia once in a fortnight.”
Alfred said (that) he spoke to Lenia once in a fortnight.
With Say / Tell in the past, the subordinate verb is changed to the past also:
am—was, trust—trusted, can—could, speak—spoke, Will changes to would.

- When you talk about what people say after they have said it, change the present to
the past. Look at the following changes:
Am, is / are______________________________ was / were
Can / can’t ______________________________ could / couldn’t
Drink , like______________________________ drank, liked
Doesn’t / don’t like________________________didn’t like
Will / won’t _____________________________ would / wouldn’t
Have / has spoken ________________________ had spoken
Spoke _________________________________ had spoken
- In reported speech That can be placed after the main verb. It is not
however, necessary, and it is often omitted.
(For more information about reported speech, see Appendix 11 at the end of the book)

1. Report what these people said

a. John said, “ I am always here in the morning.”
b. Helen said, “ I swim in the swimming-pool every Sunday.”
c. Alice said, “ I don’t know how to do it.”
d. They said, “ We do our homework in the evening.”
e. Tom said. “ I can type eighty words a minute.”

f. Henry told Frank, “ I am going to visit my girlfriend tomorrow.”
g. They said, “ We are working hard lately.”
h. Daniel said, “ I will go if I have time.”
i. Angela said, “ I have been invited to a party.”
j. Paul said, “ I worked till late last night.”

Reported speech (Requests and commands) Notice the use of the infinitive in
reported speech.

He told me , “ Hurry!”
He told me to hurry.
He asked me, “ Open the door, please.”
He asked me to (please) open the door.
He told us, “ Don’t do that.”
He told us not to do that.
He asked her, “ Please don’t go.”
He asked her to (please) not go.

- We use infinitive with To in requests and commands in reported speech.
- Use Please as a polite request after To.
- To form the negative, use Not before the To infinitive.

2. Report the following requests and commands.

a. Edward ordered Eddy, “ Don’t move!”
b. Charles told his son, “ Shut up!”
c. Mary asked Tim, “ Sit down here, please.”
d. The teacher told Maggie, “ Stand up.”

e. Richard asked Annie, “ Please kiss me.”

Nouns ending in –ENCE, -ANCE

The suffixes –ence, ance change verbs to nouns meaning “ An action

or state resulting from the verb”
Insist -ence insistence
differ -ence difference


appear -ance appearance
guide -ance guidance

e.g. There is no difference between these two people.

e.g. Watch your appearance, it’s very important.
1. Add the suffix –ance – ence to the following words.
perform_____________ refer ______________ recur
assure _____________ allow ______________ persist
exist ______________ resist ______________ depend
maintain ___________ confide _____________ avoid
prefer _____________ occur _______________ insure
observe ___________ disturb ______________ Insist

2. Choose 5 nouns ending in –ence and 5 ending in –ance from the previous
exercise and write sentences using them.

Adjectives ending in –FUL
The suffix –ful changes a noun to an adjective which has the meaning “ Full
of the noun.”
thought -ful thoughtful (full of thought)
care -ful careful (full of care)

e.g. Be careful! Don’t drop it!

Nouns with the suffix –FUL

The suffix -ful may be added to some nouns to form other nouns. These
nouns usually indicate amount, size, measurement.
spoon -ful spoonful (a full spoon)
cup -ful cupful ( a full cup)

e.g. Give him two spoonfuls of this medicine every six hours.

3. Add the suffix –ful to the following words.

shame______________ sight _______________
success____________ pain _______________
play _______________ peace ______________
wonder _____________ beauty _____________
use ________________ harm _______________
taste ______________ color ________________
4. Choose 5 adjectives ending in –ful from the previous exercise and write a sentence
with each of them.


As you know, Mario’s wife is Tania. Tania is a social worker. She also studies
English at the language school and she practices this language when she speaks with
her husband on the phone. He calls her up twice a month.
Listen to their telephone conversation. Then ask your partner direct questions about the
dialogue using the indirect ones given below.
Mario: Hi, dear. How are you doing?
Tania: I’m doing fine. How about you?
Mario: Things are going all right with me. Darling, I want to tell you a piece of
good news.
Tania: Yes? Come on, tell me! I’m eager to hear it.
Mario: I’m finishing my mission very soon.
Tania: Could it be next month?
Mario: Exactly, next month! Are you glad to hear that?
Tania: Sure. I’m so happy and cheerful. I’m looking forward to that day.
Mario: You know, Tania, my boss here asked me if I was married.
Tania: And what did you tell him?
Mario: I told him I was, of course.
Tania: And why did he ask you that question?
Mario: I’m not sure but I guess he wants to give me a present for you.
Tania: Well, don’t think about it and think about our second honeymoon we are
going to have when you get to Cuba.
Mario: W ell, baby, it’s time to end this conversation by now. A big kiss for you and
my regards to your family. Goodbye.
Tania: Call me up the day before your arrival. Goodbye!

1. Ask your partner:
a. how Tania practices her English out of school.
b. how often Mario calls her up.
c. when Mario is coming back to Cuba.
d. what his boss asked him.
e. what Tania wants him to think about.

2. Now you can work with your group. Select one of the statements below for
discussion, reach an agreement, and be ready to report to the rest of the class:
• A mission abroad helps marriages to get closer
• To be honest is of paramount importance for a loving couple.

When you tell what other people asked you , use the reported questions.

Analyze the examples and do the exercise below.

Reported speech. (Questions)

Box 1 Notice the verb and person in reported questions.

Walter asked Bertha, ″ Do you like my new car?″

Walter asked Bertha if she liked his new car.

Jane asked Steve. ″ Will you come later?″

Jane asked Steve if he would come later.

Mike asked, ″ Can you dance very well, Grace?″

Mike asked Grace if she could dance very well.

Sam asked, ″ When did you write this letter, Rose?″

Sam asked Rose when she had written that letter.

He asked, ″Where is the station?”

He asked where the station was.

He asked me, ″ Are you married?″

He asked me if I was married.

When we report what other people asked, the following changes are necessary.

- Tenses, pronouns, possessive adjectives, and adverbs of time and place change as in

- The interrogative form of the verb changes to the affirmative form. The question mark (?)
is therefore omitted in reported speech.

- If the direct question begins with Wh- question, this is reported in reported

- If the direct question is a Yes/No question, If is placed after the main verb in
the reported speech.

- The auxiliary verb Do (does, did) is omitted in reported speech.

- Report what these people asked.

a. Katie asked, “ Where do you live Agnes?”
b. Eddy asked Andy, “ When did you arrive?”
c. Oliver asked Alice, “ Do you understand what I say?”
d. Fred asked Arthur, “ Can you do this for me?”
e. Samuel asked, “ Will you be here by Friday?”
f. James asked Sally, “ Where is the university?”
g. Marian asked Michael, “ When are you coming back?”
h. Jessie asked Dorothy, “ Have you been invited to the reception?”
i. Thomas asked Margaret, “ Are you working now?”
j. Jack asked Martin, “ Who took my pen?”
k.Freddy asked David, “ Where were you last night?”
l. Mike asked Joseph, “ Did you go to the theater last Saturday?”

Mario and his colleague Alfred have been invited to spend the weekend at Cornwall
Beach in Montego Bay. It is a town located in the northern part of Jamaica.
1. Listen and complete the missing words.
Yesterday ______ boss, Dr. Mackintosh, asked _______ if they were busy on
and _______. They told him they _______. So he invited them to have a _____ time at
the ______.
Mario wondered ___ they had to take _________ to that place. Dr. Mackintosh
_____ he had booked two _______ at a hotel and so they had to _________ few clothes
and their ____________ with them, of ________.
Today they are very _______ and making ________ for the evening activities they are
_______ to do at the hotel this ___________.

2. What are the exact words? He asked, “...?.”, He said, “...”

a. Dr. Mackintosh asked them if they were busy on Saturday and Sunday.
b. Mario wanted to know if they had to take anything to that place.
c. Dr. Mackintosh said he had booked two rooms at the hotel.

3. What do you think are their plans for this weekend? What are they going to do at
the hotel and at the beach? Are they going to walk around the town?

Dr. Mario González likes to read every night before going to bed. Last night he read this
magazine article about fear and suspense. Read the text and do the exercises below.

“I don’t like being alone at night. I’m afraid”

This is a common feeling. Everyone needs security. And yet the same person is likely to be
pleasurably thrilled by a detective story or a TV crime serial. Why seek danger in fiction
if one fears it in real life?
Here is one interpretation.
“Man is a dangerous aggressive animal. Since the dawn of the time he has lived in a
world where animals have fought and chased each other. In the last two centuries his
life has changed dramatically, but the thrill of hunting and being hunted, of living on the
brink of death and danger is still with him. Modern life has taught him to enjoy
security but the animal in him is still attracted by danger and violence _ that’s why he
enjoys reading about or watching films of car accidents, aeroplane crashes, film star
suicides, concentration camps atrocities, and the blaze of nuclear weapons. This is
why he enjoys horror films, detective stories and violent serials” (Adapted from ‘Are we
in love with fear?’ by Mary Ensor—Honey)

In fact, not everybody likes reading about or watching a crime (even fictitious), but
what everybody certainly enjoys is the expectation of danger (kept up by suspense)
that will make his or her heart beat and give him/her a pleasurable sensation. Don’t
you agree?

1. Answer the following questions about the reading.
a. How does the author describe man?
b. What is still with mankind although his life has changed dramatically in the last
two centuries?
c. What has modern life taught him?
d. Why do people enjoy reading and watching films of accident, suicide, war,
horror, etc?
e. Does everybody like to read about or watch a fictional crime?

2. Find in the text words that mean:

a. sentiment, emotion, sensation _____________________________________
b. The beginning of time __________________________________________
c. at the border of _________________________________________________
d. fire, flame ____________________________________________________
e. look for, search _____________________________________________

3. Group work. Discussion.

Ask each other these questions and others of your own.
a. Do you like dangerous sports or activities? Which ones? Why? Why not?
b. What are you afraid of in real life?
c. Do you enjoy reading / telling thrilling stories? Why? Why not?
d. What kind of films do you enjoy watching?
e. Do you agree with the author when she says that man is a dangerous and
aggressive animal? Why? Why not?

Read the following text about the paragraph. Then do the exercise below.

A paragraph is a subdivision of a written composition that consists of one or more

sentences. We can also say that a single paragraph may be defined as a series of related
sentences that develops one major idea. Each sentence is logically and structurally joined to
the one before it. It is, in effect, a unified whole, with a beginning, a middle, and an end.

Paragraphs usually consist of three parts: the topic sentence, supporting details, and a
summary sentence.The topic sentence presents the topic or main ideas of the paragraph,
which the supporting details develop and the summary sentence recaps. Paragraphs vary
widely in shape, style, length, and complexity, but all good paragraphs share characteristics
of unity, coherence, and completeness.

The strategies of organization for developing paragraphs are: narration, description,

definition, comparison\contrast, example, process, classification, casual analysis, and

Now that you know more about paragraphs, will you be able to write two paragraphs? We
are sure you will. In one of them use the strategy of narration and in the other the strategy
of description.

e.g.: Description: My home town / city / country (location-size-people-weather-attractions-

points of interests)

Narration: An interesting dream (Where were you? What happened? Who else was in the
dream? How did the dream end ? .


Read everything in this section and do the exercises below. Translate these
sentences into Spanish.

a. She told me not to do it.

b. He asked her why she had gone to that place.

c. My boss asked me if I was married.

d. I am looking forward to that day.

e. Drink a spoonful of this medicine every eight hours.


1.-Laugh a bit

Teacher: Andy, say something beginning with ”I”

Andy: I is...

Teacher: No, Andy, you must say ” I am ” not ” I is ”.

Andy: All right, then, I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.

Traffic policeman: When I saw you driving down the road, I said to myself:
”Fifty-five, at least!”
Woman driver: Oh, no, Officer. It’s only this hat that makes me look that age.

Henry sat down in an expensive restaurant, and said to the waiter: ” I’ve only got ten pounds.
What do you recommend?”
“Another restaurant,” said the waiter.
™ Early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
™ Don’t bite off more than you can chew.
™ A closed mouth catches no flies.

2. Do this exercise at home and get ready to discuss it in class in the next lesson.
a. Give equivalent proverbs in Spanish and explain in English what they mean.
b. Can you learn the jokes and the proverbs by heart? We know you can.

Now look how British people and American people use different words to mean the same
British American
almoner social worker
coach long distance bus

bill check
ground floor first floor
lorry truck
holiday vacation
lost property lost and found
Mackintosh raincoat

3. Choose 5 words from the American column and 5 from the British one
and write sentences using them.


-Asking for and giving permission. (Can/May I smoke here ? Yes, you can/may.)
-Asking for and giving advice. (What places ought to/should I visit first ? You
should /ought to visit the Art Gallery first.)
-Making assumptions. (You must like your work.)
-Expressing possibility. (It may/might rain later.)
-Expressing prohibition. (You mustn’t walk on the grass.)
-Expressing past obligation. (I should have written that letter. )
-Criticizing. (You shouldn’t have shouted at her.)
-Making supposition or deduction. (He must have been very sick.)
-Expressing possibility. (She could have done that work.)
-Expressing a virtual impossibility. (He can’t have done that.)


Today is Mario’s last day in Jamaica. Tomorrow he is leaving that country because he
has already accomplished his collaboration there. There are other Cuban
collaborators that haven’t finished their work in that place yet. They want to give
Mario a party but he doesn’t know anything about this because it is a surprise.
His colleagues are gathered in the residence and Mario has just arrived.

Listen to the conversation between Mario, Alfred and their colleagues. Then ask your
partner questions about the dialogue using the hints given below.
Mario : Hello, guys. Can I come in ?
Alfred : Certainly.
Mario : What’s this ?
Colleagues: Surprise ! It’s a farewell party.
Mario :Oh, thank you. It’s very kind of you.
Sandra : Sit down here. You must be very tired. You are sweating a lot.
Mario : Yes. I’ve walked some blocks and the weather is very hot.
Liza : Anything to drink ?
Mario : Yes, I would like to have a coke now.
Liza : Don’t you want some beer, too?
Mario : Yes, later. But only one bottle of beer. Remember I’m flying
tomorrow and I have to pack tonight.
Liza : You know, Mario, I was misinformed about your trip. I was told you would travel
next month.
Sandra : Well, let’s listen to some music and dance. Is it O.K.?
Mario : Sure, it’s O.K. I‘m a tireless man and I will dance with you to that
Sandra : Yes . Come on! Let’s dance everybody.

1. Pair work.
Ask your partner about :
a. the day Mario is leaving Jamaica.
b. the place their colleagues are gathered.
c. the kind of party they are giving Mario.
d. the kind of beverage Mario would like to drink first.
e. what Mario is doing tomorrow.

2. Imagine you and your partners from your group are having a party. Make up a
conversation and be ready to act out it.


Let’s learn more about the different uses of modal verbs. Then do the exercises below.

Box 1: Can, Could, May, Might.

a. Can/may I come in ? Yes, you can / may.

b. It can/may rain later. It’s getting cloudy.
c. Mario can speak English very well.
d. Alfred can dance but not very well.
e. Susan could play the piano well when she was quite young.
f . Can/could you tell me the right time, please?
g. ‘Tim might pass his examination’ ’ Yes, and pigs might fly.
h. If you tried, you could do that.

Attention !
- Modal verbs have neither infinitive, -s form, past participle, -ing form, nor
- Can and Could are used to express ability or capacity meaning know how to do
(See box 1 c-d-e)
- Can is used to express permission in colloquial speech and it is also use to
express possibility. (See box1 a-b)
- Could, besides being the past tense of Can, is also the conditional of it. (Box 1 h)
- May expresses permission and possibility. (See box 1 a-b)
- Might is the past tense of May and is used to express a present or future possibility.
(See box 1 g)
- Can and Could are used in polite requests. (See Box 1 f)
(To see other uses of Can, Could, May, and Might. see Appendix 12)
Other illustrative examples:
. John studied Italian for four years. He can speak it well. (capacity and ability)
. Susan never practices her piano lessons. She can’t play well. (ability)
. Frank is young and strong. He can work hard all day. (capacity)
. Tom invited me to his house tonight. I might go, but I might stay home. I don’t

. Lucy asked, ‘May I open a window ?’ her mother answered, ‘No. You may not open
a window. I’m cold. (permission)
1. Answer the questions according to the situations.
a. Jack is a pianist. What can he do?
b. Jim permits Betty to play his piano. What may she do?
c. Mary is a singer. What can she do?
d. Mr. Manley is a teacher of English. What can he do?
e. The sky is getting cloudy but not very cloudy. What might happen?
2. Make up sentences to illustrate the following senses.
a. can ......( ability).......(capacity)
b. may .....(permission) ......... (possibility)
c. might....(remote possibility)
d. could....(conditional) (polite request)

Box 2 : Will, Would, Should, Ought to, Must, Have to.

a. I would like to have a coke.

b. I will send her a present.
c. The enemy shall not pass.
d. He ought to/should drive carefully.
e. You must be tired.
f. I have to pack tonight.

Attention !
- Will is used to express willingness, promise or determination. (See box 2.b)
- Will is used to indicate the future tense. e.g. I will go there tomorrow.
- Would and Should are the past of Will and Shall when they are used with the
conditional and in reported speech.
- Should and Ought to are used to express moral obligation, duty or desire. They
are also used to give advice. e.g. If you go to Havana, you should visit the Capitol.
-Must and Have to are used to express compulsion, obligaton or necessity.
e.g.You must wipe your feet before coming into the house. (See Box 2.f )

- Have to is used instead of Must especially for past, future or conditional.
e.g. He will have to do it, if not he will die.
I had to read the whole book again.
- Must also expresses logical conclusion or deduction. (See box 2.e)
- The negative must not (mustn’t ) expresses prohibition.
e.g. Cars mustn’t pass in front of these houses.
(To see other uses of must, should, ought to, etc see Appendix 12 )

3. Answer the questions according to the situations.

a. You have a close friend who is hospitalized. He is very sick. What
should you do?
b. The red light is showing. What must drivers do ?
c. You will have an examination tomorrow. What should you do ?
d. You promised your wife to have a meal at a restaurant on her birthday. What
will you do ?
e. Tony never misses classes but today he hasn’t come to school. What must
happen to him ?

4. Make up sentences to illustrate the following senses :

a. must .....(prohibition) (obligation) (deduction)
b. should...(moral obligation)
c. would....(conditional) (polite request)
d. will ........(determination)
e. have to...(necessity)

5. Write sentences of your own expressing the following:

a. possibility
b. prohibition
c. assumption
d. ability
e. permission

Let’s learn more about word formation through affixes.Then do the exercises below.
Adjectives ending in –less
The suffix –less changes nouns to adjectives meaning ´without´.

Noun + -less Adjective

home -less homeless (without home)
tire -less tireless (without tiredness)

e.g. The huracane destroyed a lot of houses. Now those families are homeless.

1. Add the suffix –less to the following nouns.

money ________ help __________ hope ___________
land __________ cloth __________ job _____________
child__________ blame__________ color____________
doubt ________ count __________ hair ____________

2. Choose five adjectives ending in –less from the previous exercise and write a
sentence with each of them.
Verbs beginning in mis-.
The prefix mis-, used before a verb, adds the meaning ‘wrongly or by mistake’ to the verb.


mis- understand misunderstand (understand wrongly)
mis- judge misjudge (judge wrongly)
mis- inform misinform (inform wrongly)

e.g. Don´t misjudge that person. You should know him first.

3. Add the prefix mis- to the following verbs.

guide__________ place___________ read___________
count__________ lead ___________ direct__________
calculate_________ use ____________ spell __________

conduct________ pronounce _______ apply __________

4. Choose five verbs beginning in mis- from the previous exercise and
write a sentence with each of them.

Mario is telling Alfred about a car accident he saw on his way to the residence.
Listen to the conversation between Alfred and Mario. Then ask your
partner questions using the hints given below.
Mario : You know, Alfred, on my way here yesterday I saw a car which was completely
Alfred : Didn’t you see the accident ?
Mario : Well, not exactly, the accident had already happended a few minutes before
I passed by that place.
Alfred : And how did it happen ? Do you know ?
Mario : Well, I asked a man who was near that place and had seen everything. He told
me that the driver of the car had been to a party before the accident happened.
He had drunk a lot. He was driving home when it happened. He suddenly

lost control of the car and ran into a bus stop and then a wall. Luckily, nobody
was standing there because a bus had come by only a minute before and it
had picked up five people.
Alfred : In other words, if the accident had happened only a minute before, the
driver would have killed someone. He shouldn’t have drunk so much. He
might have killed five people.
Mario : Of course, he didn’t know the accident was going to happen or that he would
hit the bus stop. But what should the law have done if he had killed
someone? Would the man have been a murderer ?
Alfred : Well, it’s a point to be discussed, but not now. Let’s
enjoy ourselves a bit. Come on !

1. Pair work:
You are interviewing the police officer who was in charge of the investigation of the
accident when it happened.
You know that :
a. the man had been somewhere . Ask where
b. he had drunk something . Ask how much
c. he was going somewhere . Ask where
d. he ran into the bus stop . Ask why
e. nobody was killed . Ask why
f. something might have happened if the bus hadn’t come by . Ask what.
g. finally ask the officer if the driver will go to jail.

2. Now ask the pedestrian :

a. if he thinks five people definitely would have been killed
b. if his opinion is that the man knew what was going to happen

3. Now say what would have happened or what might have not happened if :
a. the man had not drunk so much.
b. he had not lost control of the car

c. a bus had not come by a minute before
d. five people had been standing at the bus stop
Now you are going to know more about the use of modals but in past tense. Then do the
exercise below.
Compound Modals (Past modals): Can have, Could have, May have, Might have, etc.

a. If the accident had happened only a minute before, the man could have killed someone.
b. He shouldn’t have drunk so much.
c. I ought to (should) have written that letter yesterday. (but I didn’t.)
d. You ought no to have (shouldn’t have) spent all that money on such a foolish thing.
e. ‘Andrew is late’ . ‘ Yes, he may have been detained at the office or he may have missed
his usual train.’
f. The driver might have killed five people.
g. Samuel might have lent you the money if you had asked him to (... but I didn’t.)
h. He must have been very busy.
i. Ana can’t have missed the way. I explained the route carefully and drew her a map.
j. He could have done more for his mother.

Attention !
- To express a past obligation that was not fulfilled Ought (ought not) to have or Should
(shouldn ‘t) have + a past participle is used. ( See examples b and c in the box). Or
to express disapproval or criticize something done in the past (See example d).
- May is used with the perfect infinitive to express doubt at present time about a
possibility in the past. (See example e).
- If Might is used with this construction, there is often an implied negative.(See examples
g and f).Might have done also shows that something could have happened but it did not.
- Cannot (can’t) is used to express a virtual impossibility. ( See example i ).
- The meaning indicated by Must in this construction is‘supposition’or ‘deduction’ by
the speaker. (See example h)
- In order to express ‘necessity’ with past time expressions use Had to.

- The meaning indicated by Could in this construction is usually ‘possibility in a
situation. (See example j).
- Would have + past participle is used with the past conditional for unreal
conditions. (See example a).
(See Appendix 12 for more information)

1. Look at the sentences which describe the situacions. Then form

responses with the modals suggested.
e.g. Paul didn’t study biochemestry. He failed it. (should)
He should have studied biochemestry.
a. Anthony didn’t take the medicine the doctor prescribed him. (should)
b. The lab was open last night, but Helen didn’t practice there. (could)
c. Henry wasn’t in class yesterday. I saw the doctor’s car in front of his
house. (must)
d. It is possible that Tom bought a new car. I don’t know. (might)
e. Johnny had time to finish his work, but he didn’t finish it. (could)
f. The teacher returned our examinations this morning. When Jenny got hers, she
began to cry. (must)
g. Alice hasn’t written to her parents for a long time. She had time to write
yesterday but she didn’t. (should)
h. Elizabeth wasn’t home when I called on her last light.(might)

2. Make assumptions following the example.

e.g. He was drunk ; that’s why he lost control of his car.
If he hadn’t been drunk, he wouldn’t have lost control of his car.
a. I got up late. I missed the bus.
b. I missed the bus. I was late for work.
c. I was late for work. That’s why my boss was angry.
d. The boss was angry. That’s why he shouted at me.

e. He shouted at me so I shouted at him.
f. I shouted at him and I lost my job.

1.You will listen to a report of what Tania did and didn´t do yesterday.
a. Take notes.
b. Criticize her. Say what she should have done and shouldn’t have done yesterday.

She should have ______________________________________________________

She shouldn’t have ______________________________________________________

2. Answer the questions about the text.

a. What does Tania know about her husband?
b. Why did she decide not to go to work?
c. How long did she stay at the hairdresser’s?
d. Did she cook or clean her house? Why or Why not?
e. What did she say she will do early in the morning the following day?

As you know, Mario always reads before going to bed. Last night he read an article
about men of science. Read the text and be ready to do the exercises below.
Every country is proud of the discoveries of its great scientists and inventors. Who can
say how many lives have been saved because a Frenchman named Louis Pasteur made
important discoveries about bacteria? Or because Alexander Graham Bell,an American,
invented the first telephone?

Britain also has produced many great men of science. How many of them have you
heard about? You may know that Englishman who discovered the law of gravity when an
apple fell from a tree on to his head. He was Isaac Newton (1642-1727), one of the world´s
greatest scientists.
Have you ever heard of Halley´s Comet? It was named after the great English astronomer,
Edmund Halley (1656-1742), who predicted that it would appear in 1682, and it did!
You know how dangerous is to have a light burning when there is gas about. In a
coal-mine, of course, it´s sure to cause an explosion.
That´s why miners are grateful to Humphrey Davy (1778-1829), who invented the
safety-lamp which could be used to give light in mines without the danger of causing an
explosion. He was the man who also discovered that ¨laughing gas¨ could be used as
We might be related in some ways to animals like monkeys and gorillas. Are we
descendent from them or did we develop separately? The man who first proposed the
Theory of Evolution was an Englishman named Charles Darwin (1809-1882). His book
¨The Origin of Species¨, published in 1859, is known throughout the world.
If you have an accident and need treatment, or if you go into hospital to have an
operation, be thankful that there are such things as antiseptics, which protect an
open wound from bacteria. Maybe you think that antiseptics have always existed, but
actually they were unknown until Lord Lister (1827-1912) discovered them. So was
penicillin, which was discovered in 1928 by Alexander Fleming but not used for
treatment until the 1940s.

1. Write T for true, F for False and IDK for ´I Don´t Know´. Give reasons
for false statements.
a. Isaac Newton was British. _____
b. Louis Pasteur was American. _____
c. Safety lamps were used in houses. _____
d. Edmund Halley lived in London. _____
e. Penicillin was invented before 1940. ____

2. Answer the following questions about the reading above.
a. What does mankind owe to Louis Pasteur?
b. Has Great Britain produced a lot of great men of science? Mention some of them.
c. What did Edmund Halley predict?
d. Who invented the laughing gas?
e. What are antiseptics used for?
3. Find in the text words for the following definitions.
a. One who makes observations of celestial phenomena. ______________________
b. Something used in medicine as anaesthetic; nitrous oxide. __________________
c. The act or manner or an instance of treating someone or something; a substance or
technique used in treating. __________________
d. Substance that checks the growth or action of micro-organisms especially in or on
e. A pit or excavation in the earth from which mineral substances are taken._________

The letter.
Read the following information about the way to write a letter. Then do the exercise
When you write a letter you have to take into account the following:
- The heading.
The return or sender’s address is wrtten on the top right or left of the page (Do not write
your name in the heading). Write the date immediately under the address.
In a formal letter write the receiver’s name and address on the left under the
return address.
- When you write to friends or relatives.
You write in the salutation: You close the letter with:
Dear Jeremy and Cathy With best wishes
Dear Aunt Jane and Uncle James Love from
Dear Granny Lots of love from (very informal)

- When you write a formal letter.
You write in the salutation: You close the letter with:
Dear Sir Yours faithfully
Dear Madam
Dear Sir or Madam
Dear Professor Smith Yours sincerely
Dear Mr Blake

- Beginning of letters to friends or relatives.

It was lovely to hear from you.

Thanks for your letter.

Sorry I haven’t written sooner.

- Beginning of a formal letter.

Thank you for your letter of...

With reference to...

We are pleased to inform you...

- The conclusion of a letter to friends or relatives.

Write soon. Give my regards to... Angela sends you a big hug.

- The conclusion of a formal letter.

Thanking you in advance for...

I look forward to hearing from you.

Example of:
Informal letter Formal letter

22 Martí St.
35 Maceo St. Mzllo., Granma
Mzllo., Granma Dec. 12th, 2007
May 4th, 2008
Telégrafo Hotel
25 Prado St
Dear Grananny, Havana
________________________________ Dear Mr Pérez,
________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________
Love, ________________________________
Betty ________________________________
Yours faithfully,
Ana lópez

Using the information you read above about letters , write a letter to a friend, that is, an
informal letter. And write a formal one to the manager of a hotel.You would like to book
a room for three nights.

Read everything in this section and do the exercise below.

1. Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

a. His father must have been very sick.
b. She shouldn’t have done that.
c. You can be one of the future health collaborators.
d. He misunderstood what I said.

Laugh a bit!
¾ Can an elephant jump higher than a lamp-post?

Yes, lamp-posts can’t jump.

¾ Son: Dad, I want to get married.

Dad: Who to?
Son: To Grandma.
Dad: What? You can’t do that! You can’t marry my mother!
Son: Why not? You married mine!

¾ A young actor who couldn’t pay his rent was telling his landlord: “In a few years,
people will point to this flat and say ‘Smith, the famous actor, used to live
“If I don’t get my rent tonight”, said the furious landlord, “they will be
saying it tomorrow.”

- There is no success without pain.
- Never trust appearance.
- Never look a gift horse in the mouth.
Learn this!
- Shortenings.
In English some words are reduced especially those which are long. Observe
how some words are shortened.

television set---------telly
Smog (smoke and fog)
Brunch (breakfast and lunch)
Motel (motorist’s hotel)
- Abbreviations.
We also have acronyms, that is, words formed from the initial of each major part of a
compound term.
UNESCO or Unesco: United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Laser: light amplification and stimulated emission radiation.
Radar: radio detection and ranging
BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation
SOS: Save our Souls.(radio code signal of extreme distress)
VIP: Very Important Person
YCL: Young Communist League
e.g. ( Latin: exampli gratia ) meaning for example
i.e. ( Latin: id est ) meaning that is

2. Do this exercise at home and be ready to tell it in class in the next lesson.
a. Give equivalent proverbs in Spanish and explain in English what they mean.
b. Can you learn at least a joke and the proverbs by heart? We know you can.


1. Talking about possibility

• Do you want to have a chat sometime?

• Sure, If I can next week, I’ll give you a phone call.
• Now you are having your conversation, so fill in the gaps, and you can enrich
your talk with other potential plans.

Some plans (likely, probable)

Would you like to play tennis sometime?

Sure, if_____________________

I'm thinking of going shopping tomorrow. If____________________ do you want come along?

We'll have to go fishing some Sunday? Won’t we?

Of course, we’ll go if______________________________

Are you going to the class party next week?

Probably, I’ll go if___________________________________________

How about going out to eat after work? Well, if it doesn’t rain ___________________

2- Imagine something

If had more time…….. I’d read more

I wouldn’t waste my…..

I would too.
Really? If I had more time,
I would travel more I wouldn’t Esther.
Really? If I had more time, I would
sleep much more.

• Now practice finding out the following from your partner. Remember to change
the verbs to the exact form. Could you add three more of your own?
• Ask your partner to answer each question.

What would you do if you……………..?

• Have more money

• Speak two languages fluently
• aren’t always so busy
• are already graduated
• Had the opportunity to travel
• Fail your exam
• See a house catching fire

3.- The following clauses mean something possible in the future. Could you turn them in unreal
Conditions in present and past? We give you an example:
If we do that everything will be all right. :
If we did that every thing would be all right.
If we had done this every thing would have been all right.

a) If the dog is hungry I will give it some food._____________________________

b) If you don’t leave now you won’t catch the train.__________________________
c) I will give her .the money If I see her.___________________________________
d) The postman will post the letters If you give them to him_____________________.
e) Will you stay here longer If you get the money? ___________________________
f) What will you do if she calls you.________________________________________
g) If it begins to rain, where will we shelter?___________________________________

4. - Write a possible conditional sentence or a contrary-to- fact conditional sentence about

each conversation.

Notice this example:
Diso: How about going out for a walk later?
Rosy: O.K, Unless it starts raining I´ll go with you.
• If it doesn’t start raining, Rosy will accept the invitation to go out with him.

a.-Becky: Would you like to play tennis tonight?

Tommy: I´d like to,but I am not feeling fit.
• If Tommy were feeling fit he_________________________________

b.-Charles: I wish I had more money.

Pete: Why?
Charles: You know, I want to buy a motorbike.
• Charles would______________________________________________

c.- Bruce: Could you lend me your DVD this week-end?

His uncle: I may be able to, but first I have to get it back from Lucy.
If Lucy brings it back, her uncle___________________________________

d.-Sharon: Do you actually enjoy getting up early every morning?

Bill: Yes, I surely do. That’s why I do it. I wouldn’t unless I enjoyed it.
• Bill _____________________ If__________ didn´t _____________.

5.- WOULD and SHOULD can be used. to GIVE ADVICE .See the examples below.
Remember that I’D is the contraction of I would.
Eg: I haven’t been feeling very well lately.
If I were you, I’d see a doctor. Have you been getting enough sleep?
No, I think I should try to sleep some more.

Complete the conversations by giving advice.

Patient to his nurse:
a.- I’ll take this off, I can’t see very well.

Nurse: If I were you________________________________________________ .
b.- Husband to his wife: “I haven’t been sleeping well lately. Do you think I should
see a doctor?
Wife: No, I think you_______________________________________________ .
c.- Friend to another: My father was coughing all night.
Friend replies: If I were your father_____________________________________
d.-Two guide students at the school meeting: Speaking in front of people really makes
me nervous”.
Friend: “If you practiced more____________________________________ .
e.- Doctor to patient: Breast feeding is the best way for having a child grow strong.
Patient: If you lived in Africa, in my beautiful country Bostwana,___________.

6. Look at the picture above and after that, read the following text and give it a title.

Tania had always wanted to travel abroad. For a long time, she’s desired to have the opportunity of
visiting Venezuela and travelling to Margarita Island where she could relax on the beaches and
enjoy the setting of the sun on that hospitable and friendly sea line coast. But now that she has
accomplished her dreams there are two problems affecting her: First, she misses her husband very
much, and she wishes she could have him there. Secondly, she feels rather sad because she thinks
that if she had had the money she needed, she could have bought some nice items for her loving
family and her friends at work She would have liked her romantic good friends to have shared
with her the wonderful weather and sunrise over the sea. She has certainly been enjoying that a lot
She hopes the following year her husband will have finished his mission and his niece will have
concluded her classes by then; because she would like to accept her friends’ invitation for
spending her next vacations with them there.
Tania is so helpful and friendly that she has made good friendship there.
They told her that they would be inviting her over again but on that occasion if she did not want to
have serious problems; she would have to show them how to prepare that excellent, typical Cuban
dish they so much enjoyed. As her friends know that she likes watching films and reading so
much, they have given her some interesting books and videos. They took her to see some
other special things sold there and two musical films. They have also given her with the
brochure for the films.
Read it again and answer the following questions :
a.-. What has Tania always wanted to do?
b Has she ever gone to Margarita Island?
c If she returns what will she have to do? Why?
d What would have made her happy?
e What does she hope will have happened by next vacation?
Read the passage again and check the grammar you have learnt throughout these
2.1 Find a sentence
a. in the present perfect________________________________________
b. in the present perfect continuous________________________________

c. in the future perfect___________________________________________
d. in the future perfect continuous_________________________________

Find 2 conditional sentences and classify them in types 1, 2, or3 as studied.


7. Read the passage again and say what the underlined words are referring to.
a. that: what?___________________
b. there: where?_________________
c. then: when? __________________
d. Do the two last “them” refer to the same persons?
Them: Who? __________________
Them: Who?__________________

8 - Discuss in pairs the following:

Although Tania has enjoyed her stay there she has felt rather uncomfortable at times
because she misses mainly two of her beloved ones and some friends whom she wishes
would have been there with her. .
Have you ever been in a similar situation?
Have you become sad or felt lonely although surrounded by many other people?
Have you ever been enjoying a nice dish and thought: Oh! If my X were here, or if Y
could only taste or see this she or he would be delighted

9. The following sentences are in indirect speech. Give the direct words of the speaker.
Add the necessary punctuation.
a. Jimmy said that he was going to Havana with his mother.
b. Lucy said that her bus will arrive in ten minutes.
c. Andrew said that his brother speak Italian very well.
d. Tom asked if they had taken his dog for a walk.
e. The woman asked Paul if he could swim.

10. Re-write the following story in indirect speech. Begin: The writer said that he…

“I will tell you a funny story about an easygoing man. The man goes to a barber shop
for a haircut. Then he sits down on the barber’s chair and the barber begins to cut
his hair. Suddenly another man stands at the door and says, “Bartoli, your house is on
fire!” The man stands up, walks to the sidewalk, takes a bicycle and begins to ride on it
. But after a few blocks, the man stops and says to himself, “What a hell am I doing?
My name is not Bartoli, I don’t have any house and besides I don’t know how to ride
on bicycle”.

11. Say the following sentences: (a) in the future tense; (b) in the past tense, using the
given time expression.

a. He can play chess: (a) this afternoon; (b) when he was young.
b. I can fly an aeroplane: (a) after a few more lessons; (b) when I was in the FAR.
c. I must do it today: (a) early tomorrow; (b) yesterday.
d. She can cook very well: (a) with more practice; (b) when I knew her.
e. Teddy must attend school every day: (a) next week; (b) last week.

12. Complete the missing words with must, mustn’t, have to, will, would, may.
Helen: We are having a party at our house tomorrow, Brenda. It begins at
five o ‘clock. _________you come?
Brenda: Thank you very much. I ___________ like to come but I _________ to
go to school in the afternoon. _________ I come at five o ‘clock?
Helen: Oh no, you needn’t come at five, but you ____________be too late or all the
best cakes ________ be gone.
Brenda: But I __________ go home first to put on another kind of clothes.
Helen: Oh, you needn’t do that.. You ________be late if you do.
Brenda: Perhaps, but you needn’t worry, I won’t be very late. I ________ be there
by half-past five.
13. Use should have, must have, could have, might have and would have
according to the situation and the modal given.
a. Henry did it very well in the exam today. (must)
b. Alice didn’t do the homework yesterday. The teacher called her attention for
that in class today. (should)
c. It is possible that Tom wrote this letter. I don’t know (might)
d. Paul didn’t come although he had the chance to. (could)
e. Angela didn’t read the book because she didn’t find it. But if she had
found the book she... (would)
14. Use words in –less and mis- according to the situations and the given words.
a. Don’t ____________________me! I’m speaking very clearly! (understand)
b. That family lost her house and everything. Now it is a ____________family.
c. The teacher corrected Peter’s pronunciation because he _____________some
words in English. (pronounce)
d. At the end of the month I am always __________ so I can’t buy anything.
e. Johnny is a ____________ person when he goes to a party. He always keeps dancing
all night long. (tired)


Talking and asking about past events. (Someone told me that he

had arrived in Cuba last month)

Talking about family matters. (My father doesn´t want to see me)

Talking about domestic violence.


Tania and her husband are in Camagüey. She is visiting a cousin and he is
attending a post graduate course. She is now walking down the street to go to a
cafeteria when she has a nice surprise: her friend Carlos is about to cross the street.
She runs into Carlos, they greet each other and start talking.Listen to the

T: Hi, Carlos. How are you doing? I haven't seen you for years.

C: Hello Tania. I'm OK. I was working in another province. What about you?

T: I'm fine.

C: Why don't we get in and have a cup of coffee or a soft drink?

T: Good.

Sitting at a table:

C: Tania, look at the two people sitting over there, the blond woman and the boy in
a red T-shirt. Do you want to know something? He is my half brother but he
doesn't know it.

T: Are you sure? Tell me the story.

C: Well, my parents got divorced a long time ago. My father moved to another
country and I have never seen him again. Someone told me that he had arrived in
Cuba last month. He came with his new family.

T: Did he call you or visit you?

C: Not at all. But a friend of mine told me that woman is his new wife and the boy
is his son.

T: Why don't you go there and introduce yourself?

C: No way. My father doesn't want to see me. He told my friend that he had had
only one son.

T: I don't understand.

C: It is an old story. I don’t want to talk about that. He was very violent when he
was drunk. Well, I mean, my mother and I suffered a lot till one day when we
decided to move to another place. I was 12 years old. He, of course, didn´t accept
that, and I have never seen him again

T: It is really sad…

C: Of course it is, but fortunately it’s a past story

1. You have listened to the conversation, so it would be good to answer some

questions about it:

a. Where did Tania and Carlos meet?

b. Why, do you think, Carlos doesn’t want to talk about his


c. Was his father a good person?

d. When did Carlos´s parents divorced?

2. Why don´t you practice the conversation in pairs?

3. Tania and Carlos continued talking. She is explaining Carlos that domestic
violence is a common problem all over the world. It has different manifestations.
Let´s form teams to discuss the following forms of domestic violence? It is really a
serious problem in modern society.

. Child abuse

. Child sexual abuse

. Rape

. Teen abuse

. Elder abuse


It would be a good idea to read the following sentence, when Carl

- Someone told me that he had arrived in Cuba last month.

It is very important to use verb tenses correctly .The above sentence is in the past
perfect. It is formed with HAD and a VERB in the past participle. It is used when
the time of speaking is a past action happening before another past action (told)

PAST PERFECT: HAD + VERB (past participle)


Past Perfect Past Present


- My friends had arrived when I entered the room.

- After my friend had left, I went to bed.

1. Will you please, write the correct form of the verbs in parenthesis:

a He (discover) to his horror that he (burn) the steaks.

b It (be) the new artist who (close) the concert.

c The plane (leave) before the police (arrive).

d He (clean) the house before the visitors (arrive).

e They (talk) about the countries they (visit).

2. If you want to continue practicing the past perfect, complete the following

a My sister (be) ___________________a teacher before she (become) a


b She (feel) ________________ even worse after (take) ________ the

c The biologist (leave) _________________the mountain after he (collect)

_________________ the insects.

d He was late. The plane (go, already) when he (arrive) _____________to the

3. Try another interesting one

a The film (already, begin) _____________ by the time I(get) ____ there, so I

(take) _______ a seat in the back.

b They (never, study)_____________ French before they (go)_______ to the

language school.

c I (never, see)________ any Renoir's paintings before I (visit) the Art


d I almost (miss) ____________ my train. All of the other passengers (already

board)_________ by the time I (get) ______ there.

e Yesterday at a restaurant, I (see) _______ Amelia Smith, an old friend of

mine. I (see - not)_________ her in years. At first, I (not, recognize)________
her because she (lose) ________ at least fifty pounds.

If you want more practice, you will find more exercises in complementary

exercises where you will use all tenses. First look at the chart so as to be ready to

do the exercises.


1. Tania and Carlos are still at the cafeteria. They are having a cup of
coffee. Tania is telling Carlos a funny story about a family. Listen to
it. You will select the correct option and also complete the sentences.

a. mother and father ________

b. son and father_______

c. son and daughter_______

d. mother and daughter______

e. father and daughter________

f. mother and son________

2. Complete the sentences

After the crash of breaking dishes______________________________________

the girl said it was______________________ because _____________________.


1. This is a photo of Tania and her sisters taken a long time ago. They were all
laughing and enjoying the photo.

a Do you have brothers and sisters?

b Are they older or younger than you?

c Can you tell us an interesting anecdote about you and your brothers and

2. Tania is looking at the photo again and is thinking about her happy childhood
because she has found an article about family relationship. This is what she is
going to read. Let’s read it too!

“Rivalry Among Brothers and Sisters”

It has been said that to raise children is not an easy task, and it is true.
Parents always dream of a family in which children love and support
each other. However, differences, struggles and jealousy are
inevitable. There is a competition for the love of the most important
people for them: Mother and Father.

It is not easy for children to understand parents’ capacity for love.
They think that what is given to a sibling must be taken from him. The
question is if those fighting are dangerous. Some specialists think they
are a safe target for hostilities, originating at school or among friends.
The family, then, is a secure way for learning to solve conflicts.

You may expect love and loyalty among siblings, as they contribute to
strengthen the sense of family.

The following “rules” will help:

Do not compare siblings

Do not make forced equality

Help children to articulate their feeling

Minimize parents’ interference

Make children feel special.

Finally, do whatever contributes to the sense of family.

3. We hope you found the article interesting, so you can do the following activities:

a) Read the first sentence of the text again and give your opinion. You may
illustrate your answer with examples of your own.

b) Why, do you think, struggle among brothers and sisters are inevitable?

c) Give your opinion about the “rules”.

4. Will you read the article again, and find:

a. There is a word in the article you may get the meaning. The word is
SIBLING. What do you think it means?

b. The Spanish equivalent for JEALOUSY

c. Find in the text a word meaning APOYO

5. You have read the article twice. Do you think it is interesting, educative?

6. Why don’t you, in your team, try to find examples, form every day life, to
illustrate what is stated in the article?

7. The Students’ Festival will take place next Saturday. It will be nice if you
prepare small sketches. We will enjoy if you dramatize them in the classroom. I
think it will be terrific.


When Tania arrives home, her husband-who is in Cuba after his collaboration
abroad- is summarizing a chapter from a book about scientific prose, because he
will write an article for a scientific magazine. This is the summary.

Scientific Prose:

- Science writing is expository. You can offer explanations of things

in an objective manner, so try to use:

- Logical sequence of sentences, supported by a great use of


- Correct terminology, and explain any term your reader may not be

- Quotations and references

- Impersonal style

- Objective language

The language means tend to be precise, unemotional and seeking for the most
generalized form of expression. The impersonal tone is achieved by passive
constructions and verbs such as SUPPOSE, ASSUME, INFER, POINT OUT etc.


A virus is one of a large group of micro-organisms, between 20mm and 250mm

diameter, whose structure can only be seen in detail with the electron microscope.
They are obligate intracellular parasites containing predominantly only one kind of
nuclei acid (DNA or RNA) which is surrounded by at least one layer of protein.

a. Tania and her husband are analyzing the example. Could you read it again
and tell the characteristics of scientific prose you find in it?

b. Now you try to write a paragraph about a scientific topic of your own



advice: is a noun meaning counsel.- "My advice to you is to be careful".

advise: is a verb meaning counsel. "I advise you to be careful".

all ready: "completely ready". "We are all ready to begin".

already: "before this time". "We are already in our way".

among: is used for more than two: "Only one among the three of us wore glasses".

between: is used for two only. "We had only one match between the two of us.

amount: is for quantities that can't be counted. "A small amount of gas escaped".

number: is for quantities that can be counted. "A small number of rats escaped
from the lab".

desert: means a dry place. "the Sahara Desert" .

dessert: means something sweet eaten after a meal. "Apple pie is my favourite

it's: means it is. "It's raining outside"

its: means belonging to it. "The hamster is cleaning its fur".



Tim (looking at the bride in surprise): You don't look tired at all?

Bride: Should I? Why?

Tim: Well, mummy just said that you'd been running after Henry Smith for six

Visiting grandparents

Visiting his grandparents one Sunday afternoon, my eight-year-old son, John,

noticed his grandmother’s reading glasses on the kitchen table.

“Wow”, he said as he tried them on, “No wonder Nanny thinks I’ve grown bigger
every time she sees me”.



Expressing facts. (There are also seven wonders of the

new world).

Using passive voice (The Innocent Man was written by

John Grisham).

Introducing translation.


1. Tania and Sarah are attending a post graduated course on bioethics. At the end of the lecture,
they decide to go to a nearby bookshop because they both like reading.

a. Do you like reading?

b. What do you do in your free time?

Well, listen to their conversation to see if their reading preferences are similar to yours.

T: Look Sarah! I have been looking for this book. It is a collection of English poems
S: Sorry, I prefer this one about Egypt. I love to read about ancient history. This was written
by Howard Carter, the man who discovered Tutankhamen’s tomb in 1922.
T: Hey! This is also interesting The Innocent Man, a novel written by John Grisham, a very
popular American writer.
S: My Goodness! A collection of seven books about the Seven Wonders of the Ancient
World. By the way, do you know there is only one surviving ancient wonder? Do you know
which one?
T: I am not sure. The Pyramid of Giza, I think.

S: That's right. There are also seven wonders of the modern world, and three of them are
located in our continent.

T: My friend, look at this wonder! Shakespeare's Sonnets. I have been looking for this book
for years.

S: Well, it's getting late. Let's go and pay. Remember that we have a seminar tomorrow.

3. Tania and Sarah read different types of literature, but I am confused. Do you remember:

a Who likes poetry?

b What does Sarah like to read?

c Does Tania like English literature?

d What does Sarah say about the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World?

e Did they buy many books? Give examples.

4. It would be good to make up a conversation in pairs; you and your partner may talk about
about Sarah and Tania’s reading predilections.

5. I hope you have enjoyed the conversation, but now it is time to talk about your reading
preferences with the rest of the class:

a. Do you like to read fiction, that is novels, short stories?

b. What about poetry?

c. Are you interested in the local history? (Monuments, buildings, personalities, events

d. What about fine arts? Painting, sculpture, music?


1. Let’s go back to the conversation again for you to notice

The Innocent Man was written by John Grisham.

-Three of the Seven New Wonders of the world are located in America.

These sentences are in the passive voice.

2. The use of the PASSIVE VOICE is not new for you. Remember that it is used in English to describe
how things are used or made. They focus on what happens rather than on who or what makes it happens.

The Passive voice is formed by putting the verb TO BE into the appropriate tense and adding the

Generally the passive is used without a “by phrase” .It is most frequently used when the doer of the action
is not known or not important to know who performs the action. Writers of scientific papers usually
prefer the passive voice.

The patient was operated on last night and was given antibiotics

Cocoa is grown in Baracoa

The “by phrase” is included only if it is important to know who performs an action

The Innocent Man was written by John Grisham.

In this case John Grisham is an important information.

It will be helpful to have a chart where you can see how the passive voice is formed



Present helps is helped

Present continuous is helping is being helped

has been helped/ have been

Present perfect has helped/ have helped

Simple past helped was helped

Past continuous was helping was being helped

Simple future will help will be helped

be + going to is going to help is going to be helped

3. Look at the picture, you can find some elements you will use to describe it.The following will
help you.

• Color

• Size

• Materials

• State

• Age

• Country


1. Today is October 27, and a special activity is being held in the classroom. It was the day
when Columbus discovered our island in l492. A historian is reading an interesting information
about the Cuban Indians. Listen to it carefully, and be ready to select the correct option


a. About ___________ 13% of Cuba’s archaeological wealth is located in Holguin


___________ 30%

___________ 33%

b. The Taino Indians inhabited this area:

_____ between 12th to 16th centuries.

______ between 10,000 A.C. until 16thcentury.

______ after 18th century

c. They made objects of ______ rocks, wood, metal etc

______ only of wood, and metal

______ only of rocks and shells

d. They fashioned: ______ belts

______ necklaces.

______ earrings

______ rings.

e. The most valuable piece is: ______ a silver ax.

______ a ceramic bowl.

______ a gold idol.


1. Sarah is going to start reading the book she bought about Tutankhamen. Then, she remembers
that one of her patients gave her a booklet about the Seven Wonders of the World.

a. Have you ever heard or read about the Seven Wonders of the World?

b. Why, do you think, they are called so?

c. Can you mention some of them?
d. I think you will enjoy the reading


These ancient works of art and architecture were considered awe-inspiring by the Greek and
Roman world of the Alexandrian epoch. Later classical writers disagreed as to which works
made up the list of Wonders, but the following were usually included.

The Pyramids of Egypt: The only surviving ancient Wonder, these monumental structures of
masonry, located at Giza on the West bank of the Nile River above Cairo, were built from 2,700
to 2,500 B.C. as royal tombs. Three Cheops, Chephren and Mycerenus were often grouped as
the first Wonder of the World. The largest, the Great Pyramid of Cheops is a solid mass of
limestone blocks covering 13 acres. It is estimated to contain 2.3 million blocks of stone, the
stones themselves averaging 2.5 tons and some weighing 30 ton. Its construction reputedly tool
100,000 labourers 20 years.
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon: These gardens were laid out on a brick terrace 400 square
feet and 75 feet above the ground. To irrigate the plants, screws were turned to lift water from
the Euphrates River. The gardens were probably built by King Nabuchadnezzar II about 600
B.C.. The Walls of Babylon, long, thick, and made of colourfully glazed brick, were also
considered some among the Seven Wonders.
The Pharos (Lighthouse) of Alexandria: This structure was designed about 270 B.C., during
the reign of Ptolemy II, by the Greek architect Sostratos. Estimates of its height range from 200
to 600 feet.
The Colossus of Rhodes: A bronze statue of the sun god Helios, The Colossus was worked
on for 12 years in the third century before Christ by the sculptor Chares. It was probably 120
feet high. A symbol of the city of Rhodes at its height, the statue stood on a promontory
overlooking the harbor.
The Temple of Artemis (Diana) at Ephesus: This largest and most complex temple of ancient
times was built about 550 B.C. and was made of marble except of its tile-covered wooden roof.
It was begun in honor of a non-Hellenic goddess who later became identified with the Greek
goddess of the same name.
Ephesus was one of the greatest of the Jonian cities.
The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus: The source of the word mausoleum, this marble tomb was
built in what is now Turkey by Artemisa for her husband Mausolus, king of Carea in Asia
Minor, who died in 353 B.C. About 135 feet high, the tomb was adorned with the works of four
The Statue of Zeus (Jupiter) at Olympia: This statue of the king of the gods showed him
seated on a throne. His flesh was made of ivory, his robe and ornaments of gold. Reputedly 40
feet high, the statue was made by Phidias and was placed in the great temple of Zeus in the
second grove of Olympia above 457 B.C. ("Las siete maravillas del mundo." Microsoft®
Encarta® 2009 [DVD]. Microsoft Corporation, 2008).

2. It would be nice if you can find the following information about them. You may read the text
again if necessary. Answer the following questions according to the text:

(1) The Pyramyds of Egypt: (5) TheTemple of Artemis:

- When were they built? - Where was it built?

- How many pyramids are there in Giza? - What was it made of?

- How long did it take to build them?

(2) The Hanging Gardens of Babylon: (6) The Mausoleum

- How did they irrigate the plants? - Where was it located?

- When were they built? - Who built it? When?

(3) The Pharos of Alexandria: (7) Statue of Zeus:

- Who designed the Lighthouse? - What did the artist use to make it?

- When was it built? - Who was the artist?

- Where is it located?

(4) The Colossus:

- What is it made of?

- Who was the sculptor?

- Where was it located?

Now, you can answer these questions:

• Would you like to learn more about the Ancient World and its Wonders? Why or Why
• If they were still in their places. Which one would you like to visit first?
• Have you read any novel or other type of book which mentions at least one of these
Wonders? Tell your classmates about it.

3. Match the Wonders with the materials they were made of:

(1) The Pyramids of Egypt. _____ ivory

(2) The Hanging Gardens of Babylon. _____ gold

(3) The Colossus of Rhodes. _____ marble

(4) The Temple of Artemis. _____ tile

(5) The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus. _____ wood

(6) The Pharos (Lighthouse) of Alexandria. _____ bronze

(7) The Statue of Zeus. _____ brick

_____ limestone

4. Did you enjoy the reading? And the exercises? Let’s now do another type of exercise
Find in the text a word that means:

_____ according to what has been said.

_____ to water.

_____ low hill.

_____ origin.

_____ grave.

5. Recently an UNESCO commission made a world survey to select the new Seven Wonders of
the Modern World. Many places were nominated. I think it will be very interesting to find a
similar information about the Seven New Wonders. (You may go to Encarta Encyclopaedia)

a. Do you know the name of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World?

b. It will be nice to know more about them. You may work in pairs to prepare a special
activity for next class, about the seven new wonders of the world similarly to what you
read about the ancient wonders. They are:

1) The Pyramid of Chichén Itza (before 800 A.D.) , Yucatán Península, Mexico.

2) Christ Redeemer (1931), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

3) The Roman Colosseum (70-82 A.D.) Rome, Italy.

4) The Great Wall of China (220 B.C. and 1368-1644 A.D.) , China.

5) Machu Picchu (1460-1470), Perú.

6) Petra (9 BC - 40 AD.) Jordan.

7) The Taj Mahal (1630 A.D.) India.


1. Sarah will have an English test next week. She is going to be a Master in Natural and
Traditional Medicine. One of the exercises is a translation, that is why she is reading a material
about it.

a. Translation

Translation is a skill and an art. It requires study and dedication. The main requisite of
translation is faithfulness to the original and clarity of expression.

The golden rule of translation: Translate ideas, not words.

The main condition: linguistic sensitivity, which means:

-Finding the nearest equivalent of expressions rather than literal translation.

-Assessing the degrees of suitability of such equivalents.Compensating for the

imperfections by introducing qualifying phrases or shifts of emphasis.

b. Translating the passive voice:

Passive voice in English should be carefully analyzed to determine how they should be
translated into Spanish. In our language we have the following possibilities:

• The passive voice.

• The passive "con se"
• The active voice without a subject.
• The active voice with a subject.
• Recasting the sentence in any other form
• The wall was knocked down by the tank. / El muro fue derribado por el
• Stores are closed at 7 o'clock. / Las tiendas se cierran a las 7.
• A road was being constructed there. / Estaban construyendo una carretera
• The prisoner was searched by the police. / La policía registró al detenido.

• After reading the material, I think you can translate into Spanish the following

• The book was written by H. Carter.

• Three of the Seven Wonders or the Modern World are located in America.

• These garden were laid our on a brick terrace of 400 feet.

d. It was a good warming , so now you are ready to try a paragraph

The Cell

In biology, a cell is a unit from which living organisms and tissues are built. At some stage of its
existence it is capable of reproduction by mitotic division. Each is a highly organized structure
containing a nucleus surrounded by protoplasm and limited externally by a cell membrane. In
multicelullar organisms, cells are differentiated in relation to different functions (e.g. secretory
cells, nerve cells etc). (Adapted from “Overview: Cells and Celular Compartments” By
Thomas M. Devlin, Ph. D. In Biochemistry Textbook. New York. 2002)


Some vocabulary items:

9 loose: Means not tight.. (The knot came loose).

9 lose: Means "to misplace" (Don't lose your books.)

9 fewer: it is for quantities that can be counted. ( I have fewer jellybeans than you.)

9 less: it is for quantities that can't be counted. (I have less juice than she does).

9 lie: means to recline. (Lie down for a minute and rest).

9 lay: means to put. (Lay your books down on the desk).


At the police station:

Drunk: I want to know why I've been arrested!

Policeman: You've been brought here for drinking.

Drunk: Oh, that's different! When are we going to start?


Teacher: María, go to the map and find South America.

María: Here it is!

Teacher: Correct. Now, class, Who discovered America?

Class: Maria!


Teacher: Harold, What do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer

Harold: A teacher.


Giving and getting Information (Besides having excellent

Using pronouns and connectors (I need to relax as well as
to enjoy the piece of the countryside)
Talking about travelling (Why don´t you go to the
camping side)
Practicing Translation


1.It has been a very busy week at the hospital where Betsy and Haydee work. It is Friday
afternoon and they are walking to the bus stop. They are really tired. What do you do when you
are tired? Where do you go if you want to relax? Well, listen to the conversation. Let’s see what
Betsy is recommending Haydee. Take note of the activities they can do there while listening to
the conversation:

B: Hi Haydee! How are you doing?

H: Just a little tired but I'm OK, and you?

B: Tired too. I need a free weekend as soon as possible.

H: Why don't you go to a camping site? I went last month and it was good.

B: Really? I need to relax, to admire the beauty of our flora and fauna, as well as to enjoy the

peace and fresh air of the countryside in order to recover myself.

B: Yes, I know you are an ecologist, well, not only you but your boyfriend too.

H: That's right. When I get home I'll talk to him and I am sure he will like the idea. Give me

more information about the camping site.

B: Besides having excellent accommodations consisting of cabins arranged through the woods,

there is also a swimming pool.

H: What about activities?

B: There are many, such as horseback riding, exploring caves and visiting the waterfall.

Everything in direct contact with nature.

H: I think that is precisely what I need: birds, trees, flowers. When I get home, I’ll talk to him

and I am sure he will like the idea

2. You have already listened to the conversation. Did you enjoy it? Could you answer the
following questions
a. What does Betsy suggest Haydee to do?
b. Does she like the idea? Why?
c. What type of accommodations are there in the camping site?
d. Is Haydee planning to go alone?

3. I am sure all of you like to go to camping sites and that you have extraordinary anecdotes,
don’t you?
a. It will be nice if you work in teams and prepare a short story. The setting will be a
camping site and the characters all of you. It may be a real or an imaginary story. At the
end we will select the best .
b. I think that you may wish to have a weekend at a camping site soon. Why don’t you
write a composition about an ideal weekend in a camping site?.


1. Lets go back to the conversation. Look at the following sentences

a. That´s right. When I get home, I’ll talk to him (boyfriend) and I am sure he will like the
idea.The words in bold type are pronouns. I am sure you know that. So, can you tell me
what a pronoun is?

A pronoun is a word that refers to someone or something without naming it directly. The word
that a pronoun replaces is called antecedent.

Example: I will talk to my boyfriend. I am sure he will like the idea.

In this example he in the second sentence substitutes boyfriend.

2. There are different types of pronouns: personal, demonstratives, reflexives, relatives etc.

Demonstratíve this that those these This is the book I read last night.

Interrogative who whom which To whom did you wish to speak?

what whose
(when used in questions)
Reflexive myself yourself himself Don't go swimming by yourself.

Relative who whom whose The girl, whom I saw at the arena,
which that lives on my street.
(when used to connect clauses)
Indefinite anyone somebody few I don't think anyone passed the test.
all none each both
neither some


Subjective Pronouns Objective Pronouns Possessive Pronouns

I me mine
yo u yo u yours
he him his
she her hers
it it its
we us ours
they them theirs

Very important :
The pronoun it
It is the third person singular neuter pronoun and is used for things and often for animals. The
plural form is THEY.
It is used also in expressions of time, distance, weather, temperature etc.
Example: It is hot in this room.
What time is it?
It is easy to critize
It also acts as subjects for impersonal verbs
Example: It seems…/ It appears…

3. Your teacher will clear any difficulty you may have when using pronouns in the following
exercises. Complete the sentences. Use (I - me / he-him, etc.)
a. Mary has a book. ___________ bought ___________ last week.
b. I met the new students, but Bob didn't meet ______________.
c. Charles studied chemistry. _____________ studied __________ in high school.
d. Tom and Paul are in Canada. _____________ are studying at a university.
e. Bill was at a party last night. I saw _________ there.
f. Ann was also at the party. I talked to ______________ for a long time.____________
had an interesting conversation together.
g. We need some help. Please, help ___________.
h. Ann and I have a dinner invitation. Mr. and Mrs. Brown invited ___________ to
dinner at home.
i. Judy bought a new car. __________ is a Toyota.
j. I saw Paul at the cafeteria yesterday. I talked to ___________ for a while.
_________ is taking two courses this semester.

4. Complete the sentences with pronouns. In some of the cases there is more than one

a. When a student wants to study, ______________ should try to find a quiet place.
b. A citizen has two primary responsibilities. ______________ should vote in every
election, and ______________ should willingly serve on a jury.
c. A pharmacist fills prescriptions, but ________________ (is - are) not allowed to
prescribe medicines.
d. Anyone can learn how to dance if ______________ (wants - want) to.
e. Someone forgot ______________ umbrella. I wonder whose it is.
f. This book belongs to a student. Did ____________ write ___________ name there?
g. A dog makes a good pet if _____________ (is - are) properly trained.
h. I have a wonderful family. I love ____________ very much and __________(love-
loves) me.
i. A basketball team is relatively small. ____________ (doesn't - don't) have as many
members as a baseball team.
j. The young couple finally saved enough money to pay _____________own house.

5. There are also important words you should use properly when writing a paragraph. They
show the relationship between sentences or paragraphs. They are called LINKING WORDS.

Mary, Larry and Sue are studying in the library
These shoes are old but comfortable.
Neither my son nor my daughter went to the party.

5. The chart below gives you a list of linking words (not all, of course). They are classified
according the relationship they want to show. In the first column you find neutral linking words used
in any context. The second column is of bookish linking words, which are used mainly in texts.
Cause -Effect as a result however
because since
consequently therefore
for this (these) reason(s) thus

Comparison/Contrast although in the same way

by contrast likewise
compared with (to) / on the other hand
even though /however similarly
Conclusión fmally therefore
in conclusión to conclude
in short to summarize
in summary to sum up
Emphasis again in addition
also in fact
equally important moreover

Explanation Because in addition

for example in other words
for instance in particular
for this (these) reason(s) since
furthermore specifically

Importance equally important lastly
fmally most importantly
first (second,third) next

Space/Location ahead near

around next to
behind on the left/right
below on top
beside outside
Time after meanwhile
afterward next
as once
at last since
before soon
during suddenly

a. It would be convenient to read the conversation again paying close attention to the
linking words.Now you will try to use them. Join these sentences using the
expressions in parentheses:
• The driver was injured in the accident. The passenger was injured in it. (ALSO)
• Her husband doesn't speak French. Her son doesn't speak French. (NEITHER
• He went to the shop. He wanted to buy sugar. (BECAUSE)
• The taxi will get here in five minutes or so. We can leave for the airport. (AS
• I was walking home. It began to rain. (WHILE)

1. Haydee is now cooking. She likes to listen to the radio while doing the house work. Now

she is listening to a Radio Taino advertisement about Soroa Resort. Listen to it and tick (√)

the corresponding answer

a) Soroa resort takes its name from: _______ its former owner.
_______ a Spanish colonizer.
_______ a Cuban owner.
b. Soroa resort was formerly used ______ to cultivate tropical fruits
_______ to cultivate tobacco.
_______ to cultivate coffee.
c. The Orchid House has: _______ more than 17 varieties.
_______ more than 1000 varieties.
_______ more than 7000 varieties.
d. Orchids need: _______ abundant sunlight.
_______ sandy soil.
_______ partial sunlight.
e. There is also a forest of _______ pines and oaks.
_______ cedars and coruba trees.
_______ pines and coruba trees.

1. Haydee’s boyfriend found and old magazine but it has an interesting article about ecology.
Do you like to read about animals and plants? Do you think it is important to care of our
planet? You will read this interesting article and later you will answer some questions about

Ecology, a Science of Man and Nature

During the last decades ecology has become a fashionable word. It is used frequently on radio
and in daily conversation and everybody thinks they know what it means. But, What exactly is
ecology? Ecology is foremost a science. If it is seen as a science with clearly-defined corpus of
knowledge and established methodology, then ecology is of recent origin and has had an
eventful history. If , on the other hand, it is considered merely as a scientific approach, it is very
The word ecology itself (from the Greek word OIKOS, meaning home, habitat) was coined in
l869 by the German scientist Ernst Haeckel who used it to define the science which studies the
relationship between an organism and its environment.
The genesis and especially the evolution of ecology were very different from those of the other
sciences. Most sciences- biology is an example- could be represented as a tree trunk from which
sprout a number of branches. Ecology, on the other hand, would be shown as a mass of roots,
all covering to form a common trunk: first botany, zoology, climatology, the soil sciences and
physical geography; then biochemistry and microbiology, and advanced mathematics,
sociology, human geography, psychology and economics.
The study unit of ecology is the ecosystem. It can be described as an entity precisely defined in
space and time which includes not only all the organisms inhabiting in it, but also physical
conditions of climate, soil; as well as all interactions between the different organisms and
between these organisms and physical conditions. An example of an ecosystem would be a
tropical forest at a given place and time with thousand of plants, animals and microbial species
living in its soil and air space with millions of specific interactions taking place between them.

Adapted from: “The Genesis of a Science of Man and Nature” by
Francesco di Castro, in The UNESCO Courier, April l98l

a. Now, you will answer the following questions about the text
• Who coined the word and when?
• What does ecology study?
• Is ecology related to other sciences? Give examples
• Could you give more examples of ecosystems?

b. It is time now to read the text again so as to clear up some words, I am sure you have
inferred the meaning, but let’s check it
• .According to the context, foremost means _________first in a series

_________the most important

_________the best

c. Can you tell us the meaning of the word sprout? _____________

d Coin(ed) in this context means ____________________________

e Can you find some examples of linking words?. Did you find any bookish?


1. You studied pronouns in our grammar section. You also discussed some information about
translation in the previous unit. Today you will see how to translate pronouns into
Spanish.The pronoun you: English only uses one form of both, singular and plural in the
second person, yet it is usually easy to tell the number from the context.

e.g. I was fast asleep when you returned home last night, but you woke me up with your
chatting in the hall.Yo estaba profundamente dormido cuando ustedes llegaron anoche,
pero me despertaron con su parloteo en el pasillo.

The pronoun IT:The pronoun IT names objects; that is, sexless things. But since all Spanish
names belong to either masculine or feminine genders the pronoun it is render translated EL or
e.g. For the preschool child, the classroom is an attractive place. In it he can play according to
his interests. Para el niño de preescolar, el aula es un lugar atractivo. En ella se puede jugar de
acuerdo con sus intereses.
In subject position, however, IT can be translated as the demonstratives este - esta - or a similar
Use and omission of personal pronouns:
Personal pronouns are usually omitted in Spanish since the verb implies the grammatical
person; however, they are used in emphatic sentences or to avoid ambiguity
e.g.: Why is compulsory school attendance so important?
Because it carries enormous numbers of students into higher education.
¿Por qué es tan importante la enseñanza obligatoria?
Porque (O) conduce una enorme cantidad de alumnos a la educación superior.

In the following example the pronoun is used to avoid ambiguity.

e.g. Every time I came in, she would go out.
Cada vez que yo entraba, ella salía.
In this case the verb for salía suits both, the first and the second persons; therefore the
pronoun cannot be omitted.
In the following sentence the pronoun is used for emphasis.
e.g. I'm not specially fond of seafood, but if you cook it, I'm going to like it.
No siento gran predilección por los mariscos, pero si tú los cocinas, de seguro que
me van a gustar.
Antich de Leon, Rosa: English Composition

2. Could you translate into Spanish the first paragraph of the text, paying close attention to the
translation of pronouns.

Sexist language
™ Sexist language is language that degrades or unnecessary excludes either women or
men. It is best to avoid generalizing about males or females unless you are basing your
claims on scientific facts.
™ Whenever possible, replace words such as fireman, policeman and man made with non
sexist alternatives such as firefighter, police officer, and fabricated.
™ Avoid using the masculine pronouns HE - HIM - HIS to refer to both, men and women.
Instead try one or more of the following methods.
Use the plural:
Inappropriate: A good doctor can always command the respect of his patients.
Better: Good doctors can always command the respect of their patients.
Replace the pronoun with THE - A - AN.
In: Whoever holds the winning ticket has not claimed his prize.
B: Whoever holds the winning ticket has not claimed the prize.
Substitute ONE or YOU: Use ONE in more formal writing and YOU in informal contexts.
I: A man never knows when his time will come.
B: One never knows when one's time will come. You never know when your time will come.
Use HER or HIS; HER or HIM; or HE or SHE. Note, however, that this method can start to
sound a little awkward if used too often.
I: Each child will be given his own book
B: Each child will be given her or his own book.
Sometimes the best way to avoid sexism is to change the wording of the sentence.
I: I've never met a teacher who was not rushed off her feet.
B: I've never met a teacher who was not in a great hurry.
Teacher: (To Bob who is talking to his companion in class) Bob, I wish you would pay a little
Bob: I'm paying as little attention as I can, sir.
Teacher: (Giving his students instructions about their final examination) The examination
paper consists of 5 pages, and you must complete it in one hour.
Student: But we don't have enough time!
Teacher: Well, don't worry. You'll all be in the same boat.
Voice in the back of the class: Yes, the Titanic.


1. Group Work (oral) “An Amusing Story”. From a given situation, make up a “chain story”.
You will have fun! One student begins it, the others continue it adding more details. Be creative,
we are sure you will work out a nice story.
Student 1: Mary had a terrible day last Monday. The problem began early in the morning. Her
alarm clock rang at 7.00 a.m.
Student 2: When the alarm clock rang she got out of bed and stepped on a snake. She was
frightened to death, but the snake went away without biting her…
2. Use any appropriate tense.
A: Hi, my name is Robert
B: Hi, my name is Judith
R: (You, study)___________at this university?
J: Yes, I ______________________________ you?
R: Yes, I (be) _____________ here since last September. Before that I
(study):_________________English at another school.
J: What (you, take)__________________________-?
R: I (take) _________________________anatomy, English, psychology, and history. What
(take, you) ______________________________?
J: I (study)_______________________________English.
I (need) ____________________to improve my English before I (take)__________regular
academic courses next semester.
R.: How long (you, be) _______________here?
J: I (be) ______________________here since the beginning of this semester. Actually, I
(arrive)_________ in Cuba six months ago, but I
(study)____________________English at this university only since January. Before that I
(live)___________________with my brother in Honduras.
R: You (speak)_____________English very well. (You, study)____________________a lot of
English before you (come) _____________to Cuba?
J: Yes, I (study)_______________________English for ten years in my own country. And also,
I (spend) _____________ some time in Jamaica a couple or years ago. I (pick)
_____________________up a lot of English while I (live) ______________there.

R: You (be) ______________lucky. When I (come) ___________________to Cuba, I (study,
never) _____________________________any English at all. So I had to spend a whole year
studying nothing but English before I (start) _________________school.
J: How long (you, plan) _______________ to be in Cuba?
R: I (be, not) ___________________sure. Probably by the time I (return)
____________________home, I (be) _______________________here for at least five years.
How about you?
J: I (hope) _______________to be finished with all my work in two and a half years.
3. Judith and Robert are participaiting in a contest about celebrities at the university. Help them
to prepare questions like:
• Who wrote...?
• Who discoverd...?
• Who invented...?
Help them to find the answers too.

4. Judith has a friend, Joe, who is studying journalism. They are both writing an article. The
INTEREST OF THE READERS. Why don´t you give them suggestions, or ideas to write it.
(Use linking words such as, moreover, however, such as, in addition, etc)


1. Complete the sentences by changing the verbs in brackets.

⇨ Tourists _________ (come) to our country all year round. They usually
___________ (respect) the feelings of the inhabitants and ________(not
cause) problems. And of course they ______ (bring) a lot of trade to the
different towns. However one of our shopkeepers is continually
_________ (complain) about them. They say they always __________
(drop) litter and the children________(come) into the shops eating and
making a mess. This sometimes_________ (make) me angry. Our
shopkeepers _________ (seem) to forget all the benefits they ______
(get) from the tourists.

2. Use do / does or the to be form to make questions from these sentences.

a) The pain is in her back.

b) My stomach hurts

c) She feels better today.

d) Mary has a toothache.

e) They come to school everyday.

f) Peter and Paul are sick

3. Write down, as a paragraph, all the details you can think of in answer to the
following questions.

• How long is your day?

• What do you do in the morning? What about your best friend?

• What and when do you eat?

• How many people do you see?

• Whom do you talk to? What about?

• What activities do you have to do?

• What do you do for relaxation?

4. Write these sentences again. Each sentence must begin with what.
1. This is a wonderful garden!

2. This is a surprise!

3. They are wonderful actors!

4. She is a hard-working woman!

5. It is a tall building!

6. It’s a terrible film!

7. You are a clever boy!

8. She is a pretty girl!

9. He is a strange fellow!

5. Unscramble the sentences in these two short conversations.

a. - what - John - home - time - you - do - know – gets - ?
is – depends – it – how – there – traffic – on – much
b. why – Steve – you – do – is – know - worried - ?
doesn’t – wallet – his – is – where – he – know

6. Complete the sentences. Use am/is/are plus one of these verbs.

building coming cooking playing
studying swimming standing having
a . Helen _________________the piano.

b. They_________a new hotel downtown.

c. Somebody ___________in the river.
d. You ___________on my foot. Oh, I’m sorry.
e. Hurry up! The bus ________________
f. “Where are you Sam?” “In the kitchen. I ___________ dinner.

g. (on the phone) “Hello. Can I speak to Ann please? ““ She ________for an exam
right now. Can she call you back later?”
7. What is happening right now? Write true sentences.
a. (I/wash/my hair) __________________________________

b. (it/snow)__________________________________________

c. (I/sit/on a chair)____________________________________

d. (I/eat)____________________________________________

e. (It/rain)___________________________________________

f. (I/do/this exercise)__________________________________

g. (I/listen/to the radio)_________________________________

h. (the sun/shine)_____________________________________

i. (I/wear/shoes)______________________________________

j. (I/take/an exam)_____________________________________

8. Study the information and write their corresponding answer with like.
EXAMPLE: Tom and Mary like classical music.
Betty doesn’t like classical music.
I like classical music.
Do you like…? Tom and Mary Betty You
Classical music? Yes No ?
Golf? No Yes ?
Horror movies? Yes No Yes

9. Read the following notes for a holiday you are going to take to Camagüey. Then
write a description of the holiday using the present continuous or Simple Present.
(Adapted from Changes 3)
• Start my holiday in Camagüey, on 10th July

• Train departure schedule: 4:00 pm.

• Spend three days in Camagüey shopping.

• Stay at the Grand Hotel

• Go by bus to Santa Lucia beach.

• Bus schedule: departure at 9:00 am.

• Visit the Mayanabo Hotel and see some Rumba dancing in the evening.

• Drive down to Las Boca beach.

• Take a bus back to the capital city.

• Stay at the hotel in the centre of the city.

• Leave Camagüey on 21st July


1. Work in pairs: Use these two words EVERY DAY / YESTERDAY. One of you read
the sentences and the other is going to say the correct word. Example:
Student A: I work
Student B: Every day
Student A: I swam
Student B: Yesterday
Now practice:
9 Peter worked.

9 We studied

9 They study

9 She plays the guitar

9 They need some notebooks

9 He helps his mother

9 Sarah and Peter were at the library

9 I clean the apartment.

2. Answer these questions in a paragraph and then read them to the class.

a Did you work hard (yesterday/last night/over the weekend)?

b What did you do?

c Do you think that’s a hard work? Why?

d How did you feel afterwards?

e Did (your friend/your roommate/your brother) work hard too?

f What did (he/she/they) do?

3. Read the text and answer the questions which follow.(Adapted from Integrated
…And now, she told herself as she hurried back, all she was doing now, she was
returning home to her husband and he was waiting for his supper; and she must cook it
good, and make it as tasty as possible because the poor man was tired; and when she
entered the house, she happened to find anything unusual, or tragic, or terrible, then
naturally it would be a shock and she’d become frantic with grief and horror. Mind you,
she wasn’t expecting to find anything. She was just going home with the vegetables.
Mrs Patrick Maloney going home on a Thursday evening to cook supper for her
That’s the way she told herself. Do everything right natural. Keep things absolutely
natural and there’ll be no need for acting at all.
Therefore, when she entered the kitchen by the back door, she was humming a little
tune to herself and smiling.
“Patrick! She called. “How are you darling?
She put the parcel down on the table and went through into the living/room; and when
she saw him lying there on the floor with his legs doubled up and one arm twisted back
underneath his body, it really was rather a shock. All the old love and longing for him
welled up upside her, and she ran over him, knelt down beside him, and began to cry
her heart out. It was easy. No acting was necessary.

Soon, other men began to come into the house. First a doctor, then two detectives, one
of whom she knew by name. Later a police photographer arrived and took pictures, and
a man who new about fingerprints. There was a great deal of whispering and muttering
beside the corpse, and the detectives kept asking her a lot of questions. But they always
treated her kindly.
9 What does Mary tell herself on the way home?

9 How does she behave as she goes into the house?

9 How does she react when she sees her husband?

b. - Work in groups of three. One of you is Mary and two of you are the detectives. The
detectives should ask Mary questions which she has to answer. Fill the incident report
and finally write the police a report based on the notes.

Incident Report
Name of victim
Name of person who found him/her
Relationship (if any) to dead person
Approximate time of death
Cause of death
People who visited scene after death
Any comments

4. Rewrite these sentences. Make negative statements.

a) I made a picture for the English lesson. I didn’t make a picture for the English

b) They finished work at 5 30.______________________________________

c) I dreamed about the test last night.________________________________

d) I called my mother on Monday____________________________________

e) We watched TV this morning._____________________________________

f) She told him the story___________________________________________

5. Write a paragraph about your childhood. Use these phrases and other information of
your own. (Adapted from Changes 2)
• I grew up….(place)

• I went to …. (name of school) in ….(place)

• My best subjects were….

• My favourite teacher was…

• I used to play…(sports, musical instruments)At the weekends, I often used


• My best friend at school was…He/She

6. Try to find 14 verbs in past, check then with your partner and make sentences with
each of them.












7. What were you doing at the following times? Write one sentence as in the example:
a (at 8 o’clock yesterday evening). I was having dinner with some

b (at 5 o’clock last Saturday)

c (at 10.15 yesterday morning)

d (at 4.30 this morning)

e (at 7.45 yesterday evening)

f (half and hour ago)

8. - Use your own ideas to complete these sentences. Use the past continuous
a Tom burnt his hand while he________________________

b The doorbell rang while I ___________________________

c We saw an accident while we _______________________

d Mary fell asleep while she __________________________

e The television was on but nobody____________________

9. Use a form of the verb in brackets to finish this story. (Taken from Kernel 2)
a) At seven o’clock yesterday evening I (listen) the radio.

b) Outside it (rain) very hard.

c) Suddenly I (hear) a knock at the door.

d) I (get) up and (open) the door.

e) My friend (stand) there. He (have) his dog with him.

f) ¨I (take) my dog for a walk when the rain (start)¨, he said

10. - Read aloud and answer the questions below. (Adapted from Kernel 2)
At about 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon a young man and woman were climbing a
mountain in Scotland. The sun was shining and the sky was clear, but the young woman
thought a storm was coming. She wanted to turn back but her companion didn’t. She

tried to persuade him to come with her. He refused and went on alone. The storm came
and he was trapped on the mountain all night. .
a) Why did the young woman want to turn back?

b) What did the young man want to do?

c) What are some of the things you think the woman said? Think of her exact

d) And what do you think the young man said?

11. - Read each statement below, and write the correct tag questions, after this practice
a Vivian paid the electric bill.

b The game will start soon.

c We are having fish for dinner.

d Mary looks tired.

e You remembered to turn off the oven.

f Peter is going to turn down the job.

g He is waiting for someone.

h My brother works overseas

i My father always takes his medicine.

1. - Circle the correct word.
a) We need a lot of/ many food.

b) How many/ much oranges do you want?

c) Do you want many/any milk?

d) I’ll put a few/ a little milk and sugar

e) Why did you buy so much/many chicken?

f) There aren’t any/some eggs in the carton

2, - Make the following sentences negative and afterward interrogative.

a) I have some books.
b) They want some paper.
c) You ate some apples
d) There are some pictures in this book.
e) I saw somebody at the window
f) He put some more sugar in his tea.

3. - Look at the underlined words in these sentences. Which is right? As in the example
(Adapted from English Grammar in use)
a. - I’m going to buy some shoes/shoe. (Shoes is right)
.b - They are going to buy some new chair/chairs.
c. - They are going to buy some new furniture /furnitures
d. - He has big blue eye/eyes.
e. - He has short black hair/hairs
f. - The tourist guide gave us some information/informations about the town.
4. - Complete these sentences. Use some or any plus one of these words.
air batteries chairs friends fruit languages milk money
pictures problems shampoo stamps
a I can’t buy you a cup of coffee. I don’t have any money

b I want to wash my hair. Is there _________________________?

c I’m going to the post office to get ________________________

d Can you speak ________foreign _________________________?

e I don’t have my camera, so I can’t take _____________________

f Sorry we’re late. We had ________________________with the car.

g Everybody was standing because there weren’t ______________ in the room.

h It’s hot in this office. I’m going out for ___________fresh__________

i Why isn’t the radio working? Are there ______________________in it?

j Can I have _____________________in my coffee, please?

k Last night I went to a restaurant with _______________of mine.

l ¨Would you like ________________? ¨No, thank you. I’ve had enough to eat.

5. - In some of these sentences it is more natural to use a lot (of). Change the sentences
where necessary. Write ¨okay¨ if the sentence is correct. Look at the examples.
Do you drink much tea? __ok____ Tom drinks much tea. a lot of tea
a. It was a cold winter. We had much snow. _____________
b. Did you have much snow last winter? ________________
c. It costs much money to travel around the world. ________________
d. We went on a cheap vacation. It didn’t cost much._______________
e. Peter knows much about economics._______________________

6. Put a little or a few plus one of these words.

Air chairs days friends houses letters milk Russian times
a. Last evening I wrote ________________to my family and friends.
b. Can I have _________________________in my coffee, please?
c. When did John go away? ___________________ ago.
d. Do you speak any foreign languages? Yes, Italian and ____________
e. Are you going out alone? No, I’m going with _________________
f. Have you ever been to Taiwan? Oh, yes ____________________
g. I live in a very small town. There is a post office, a store, and _________
that’s all.
h. I’m going out for a walk. I need _________ fresh _______.
i. There wasn’t much furniture in the room, just tables and ___________

7. - Use It smells/looks/tastes/ in these situations. Practice with your partner.

a. - You are in the kitchen. You can see the food wonderful. You think….
b. The food is in your mouth and it is terrible.

c. You aren’t eating and you can see the food but there is a good aroma in the air. It is
the food.
8. - Fill in the blanks with the following words:
smell tastes dislike feel believes
a. This tea ________ a bit strange.
b. Why do you _________ living here.
c. I _______ tired.
d. Can you ________ something burning?
e. He _________ he is a good man.

Now make some other sentences using the following words and discuss the sentences
with your teacher.
adore desire doubt forget hope imagine see


1.-Use FOR or SINCE to complete these sentences.

a.- I have been working here…………………………(1984)

b.- She hasn’t spoken to her sister abroad …………………………..(that day in July)
c .- Is she still there? She has been here ……………………..( 4 hours)
d.- You’ve not said a word…………………………. ( the class started )
e.’ They haven’t been playing……………………….(long ) today as usual

2.- Answer these questions:

a - How long have you been studying English?


b.- .Tell me, what have you done today at the


c- Since when have you met your boy /girlfriend?


d.- Have you been able to obtain good results in

your exams this year?


e.-Where has your sister been all these weeks?


3. Read these sentences then answer the questions-

a.- He came in March, It is now September, and he is still here.

• How long has he been here?
• Has he left yet?
• Since when has he been here?

b.- It is now July 2008. She has been living in Venezuela since December 2000.

• When did she leave to Venezuela?


• How long has she been there?


ƒ Did she live anywhere else between 2000 and 2008?

4. Make questions for these answers.

a. - For ten years : _________________________________________________
b. - When I was a child :____________________________________________
c.- Not since April: ________________________________________________
d. - No, I used to work in Paris: _______________________________________
e. - Since 1960 ____________________________________________________

5. - We often use the present perfect after a superlative: to give an opinion

• What an exciting show ! It’s the most interesting show I’ve seen. Lately.
• What a tiring day, It has been one of the hottest we have had for years now
Answer the following questions using the present perfect
with the superlative form of an adjective in your answer. Use
one of the adjectives in parentheses or think of your own Eg:

• .I heard you met William on a flight

toVenezuela..What is he reallylike ? ( funny/
talkative )
• He is one of the most funny and talkative person I
have ever met.
• 1.-Yesterday I saw you reading a Sherlock Holmes
detective story.. Did you enjoy it?
(Exciting, boeing, excellent)
a.-What´s your opinion about Jackie Chan´s films? Do you like them?
(amazing / full of action / excitement )
b-What do you think of Celine Dion and Barbara Streisand ´s voices? Did you listen to
their last recording? ( Excellent / enjoyable )
c-How is that French course you are taking, are you learning? (useful, easy )
d-Have you seen the pictures of sun rise and sun fall I sent you? (most impressive / and

6.- Use the present perfect with expressions such as: This is the first time..., It’s the first
time, .etc. Look at these examples:

In this exercise you have to read the situation and then finish a sentence.
Example: Bob is phoning his mum again. He has already phoned her twice this evening. It’s
the third time he has phoned her this evening.

a..- Joe you’re late again. You’ve already been late once this week. It’s the


b –My bike has broken down. It has already broken down twice this week.

It’s the ...............................................................

c.- Mike has just finished drinking a cup of coffee. He has already had four cups this

morning. It’s the fifth .....................................................

7: As with ´Just´´ we often use the present perfect recently with, lately to talk about something
done very recently.

In this exercise you have to make questions with the words given.
Example: (you / hear I from George recently?) have you heard from George recently?
a.- (you / read / a newspaper recently?)
b.- (you / see / Tom in the past few days?)
c.- (you /eat / anything today?)
d.- (you/ see / any good films recently?)
e.- (you I have / a holiday this year yet?)

8: Complete the conversation with Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous form of the
verb in parenthesis.

You may use the same verb more than once,

9.- (see, do , be, travel find, try, read, finish etc)

a.- I haven’t seen Lucy in ages. What _______ she ___________________ ?

b.-.-She_______________ away for the last two weeks. She _______ _ _______
_________for her company. in Egypt.
c.- I thought he was looking for a new job.__________he ____________one yet.?
Not yet, but he ________ _________ __________his best to find one.
10.-(finish, read, has, work)
a.- __________you______________ my books lately?
b.- I ____________________Alejo Carpentier´s book The Kingdoms of this
world. I ____________________________it yet, though. It is over 400 pages long.
How about you?
c.- I am sorry to say that I ______________anything except the newspaper in weeks.
I just_____________ a chance. I
___________________________________day and night.

11. Complete the dialogue with the correct verb forms.

Have you ever (met) Bill’s friends Sarah?

_Oh yes , we ____________________________ each ether since high school .
(know, ´re knowing ,´ve known).
_ What __________ Sarah _______________ now?
(does, did) (do, done)
_She__________________ for the city park system. She _____________ with them for
(works, worked, ´s worked) a long time.
_ __________ you ___________________ for how many years?
(Do. Have) ( known, know)
_ Let´s see . I think she ____________________________ in 1960.
(´s starting, started , ´s started)
_ Oh ,so she ________________ whit them for about twenty-five years.

(´s, was, ´s been)

_ Yes she _________________________her job . She ___________________ never
(loves, loved, ´s loved) (´s, does ,did )
_____________________ to do anything else .
( want, wanted , wanting)

12. Answer these questions using the words in brackets.

Example: When did you last feel that pain? (for two years)

I haven’t felt it for two years.

a.-When did it last rain’ (for ages) It ..................................... for ages.

b.-When did they last visit you? (since June) They ...................................

c .-When did you last play tennis?(for a long time) ..................................

d .- When did you last eat caviar? (never) ............................................
e.- When did you last drive? (for six -months).........................................
f.- When did you last go to Spain? (never) ..............................................
g .- When did she last write to you? (since last summer) .............................
13: Read the Spanish statements and translate them into English.

a.- El Dr. Pons acaba de volver de Mozambique.

b.- ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que ha vuelto Josh?
c- No ha ido más a una fiesta desde que murió su esposa.
d.- Desde entonces se queda en casa de sus padres.
e.- Dónde ha estado acostada? ¿en el piso?
f.- María ha sido presidenta del CDR por 15 años.
g.- Nosotros no hemos estado durmiendo. Estábamos meditando.

14. Join each pair of simple sentences into a complex one by using a relative
pronoun (who, which or whom). Do not use that.
a. There is the boy. You saw him this morning.
b. I like the story. The man told it.
c. Here is the girl. You spoke to her yesterday.
d. I have read the book. You told me about it.
e. These two me were both rewarded for bravery. I am proud to know them.
f. That is the plane. I came from Venezuela it.
g. The pilot has flown ten thousand miles. I spoke to him.
h. I like the girl. You brought her to the house.
i. His sister is the stewardess of the plane. She travels to Cuba very often.
j. It was an interesting story. You told it.

15. Complete the following sentences with the correct word from below.
a. I will do the exercise ____________I have been taught.
b. The man ran _____________lions were chasing him.
c. Helen put the meat _______________the cat couldn’t reach it.
b. I will follow you ______________ you go.
e. The thief ran away__________ he saw the policeman.
f. He decided to wait _____________the train arrived.
g. He took his shoes off____________ I couldn’t hear.
h. I have a great many extra letters to answer_____________ my secretary is away at
i. ____________ he tried hard, he was not successful.
j. I won’t do it _____________he tells me to do it.
Words: because, as, unless, although (though), as if, wherever, where, until, when,
so that.

16. Pair work.

Use the words and phrases in the boxes to give definitions for these words:
a president a. ball-point pen
a teacher a knife
a shoemaker a broom
a manager a book
a mason an envelope

object make or repair shoes used for cutting things (with)
thing direct a team or conduct a used for writing (with)
something business used for reading
instrument preside or govern a country or an used to send letters (in)
person organization used to clean floors (with)
man teach or instruct
build with stones or similar

e.g. What ´s a president? e.g. What´ s a knife?

A president is a person who presides or It is an instrument which is used
governs a country or an organization. for cutting things (with).

17. Complete the following sentences with words ending in –ness and -ment.
a. Speak loudly to him. He is deaf. His ____________ is getting worse as time passes.
b. They will agree to do the work together. Tomorrow they will sign the _________.
c. He is sick but I don’t really know what kind of _____________ he is suffering
d. He wants to be a manager, so he’s studying hospital ___________.
e. He is very tired. His ____________made him go to sleep.


1. Read the sentences and write the corresponding questions according to the information
given in each situation.

ƒ You (open) the door for me, please? Yes, certainly.

ƒ You (do) the washing-up tonight?
No, I think it can wait till tomorrow.
ƒ You (eat) any more of this or shall I tell the waiter to take it away?
ƒ I’m going to the football match. You come with me?
Thank you very much. I’d love to.
ƒ Why did you buy all these eggs? You (make) an enormous omelet?
ƒ You (buy) stamps, Yes, I am. Then you (buy) some for me, please?
ƒ You (drive), please if he refuses to help you? I don’t like driving at night.

2. You are helping a friend of yours to plan a trip and some activities for the coming vacation.
Use the hints given to make up some sentences.

a- leave on train / at 4am / Saturday morning.


b.-visit family / 5 days /

c.-ride on horse back / to friend’s house /weekend

d.- swim in river / early morning hours / next Sunday

e.- go sightseeing / afternoon hours /next Monday.

3: Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate future form, using will + infinitive or the future
continuous. (Where alternative forms are possible the teacher will inform you.)
a I”ll ring you tomorrow at six.
No, don’t ring at six; I (bath) the baby then. Ring later.
b- Mother: your face is dirty
Child: All right, I (wash) it.
c. Why did you take his razor? Your father (look) for it everywhere tomorrow.
d. I”ve just been appointed assistant at the local library.
Then you (work) under my sister. She is head librarian there.
e. Wages have gone up, so I suppose prices (go up) too.
f. It is nearly autumn; soon the leaves (change) colour.
g. We (not play) poker at the party tonight; our hostess doesn’t approve of cards.
h. Let’s wait here; Tower bridge (open) in a minute to let that ship through.

4: Rewrite the sentences using the correct verb form given in parenthesis. Use Won’t +
infinitive or the negative future continuous according to what you want to express.

I don’t like that man and I won’t help him. (The person refuses to help the man) but Tom won’t
be coming to the party (means that the action will not take place)

a. The gardener (not cut) down the tree. He says that it is perfectly all right as it is.

b. Peter says that he (not come) to our party. He doesn’t approve of parties.

c. I (not teach) you next week , as I have to go to Paris.

d. He is so angry with his sister that he (not speak) to her.

e. I (not take) any photographs for some time because my camera is being repaired.

f. You can have my umbrella tomorrow if you like. I (not use) it as I’ll be to busy to go

g. She (not sing) at the next concert , because she has had to go home suddenly.

h. I (not play) cards with you again. You always cheat.

i. I (not open) the window. I dislike fresh air.

5: Use the appropriate future form to express the ideas stated in brackets.

a.. I (let) you know about the mark in a few hours. (reaction)
b. An inspector (come) to our school tomorrow. (plan)
c. Prices (fall) in the next three months. (prediction)
d. She (buy) a nice dress when she gets her pay. (plan)
e. I (repair) your car. Don´t worry. (promise)

6: Make up your own sentences with will, going to or the present continuous In order to express
the following future ideas. You should determine the future form by your intention or lack of
previous plan to do the thing. Your sentences can be positive, negative, or interrogative.

a. visit your friend x

b. study english grammar
c. have dinner
d. do some exercise
e. go on a diet
f. take a bath
g. finish the course
h. get married
i. go to the beach again
j. review this lesson

7: Use the correct future form to express the idea suggested by the context.
a.. He hopes he _________ home early tomorrow. (get)
b.. She’s bought the tickets for the ballet concert. Now She ___________ her parents to
accompany go there. ( invite)
c..The Caribbean musicians and dancers ___________ _____Santiago next month. (visit)
d.. I do not know why my remote controller doesn’t work. I ____________ it tomorrow
morning . (try to repair)
e.. Your video? Oh, God, I forgot it. But I __________ it this evening with my daughter.(send)

8: Join the sentence pairs below with the conjunctions “WHEN or WHILE”.

a.- People will be running towards their homes

The storm will be almost hitting the island.
b.- Tania and Mario will be returning soon
Their families will be having parties.
c.-The course will be finishing
Our children will be doing their tests.
d.-The television will be giving excellent children‘s programs.
The children will be enjoying their vacations.
e.- The Cuban people will be watching the Olympic Games
Our athletes will be competing for victory

9. You have discussed in class before about your plans and hopes for the future. Write a brief
summary entitled “Our hopes and plans for the future”. You may include:

• where you hope to live, what kind of house you would like to have / when you want to get
married / kind of job you think you will be dong ; What courses you will have passed ;
• In what way you will use your free time
• How many places you hope to visit
• What do you hope to have done for your family
• What you hope won’t happen

10 : Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate future form, using will + infinitive or the
future continuous. (Where alternative forms are possible the teacher will inform you.)

a. I’ll ring you tomorrow at six.

No, don’t ring at six; I (bath) the baby then. Ring later.
b. Mother: your face is dirty
Child: All right, I (wash) it.
c. Why did you take his razor? He (look) for it everywhere tomorrow.
d. I’ve just been appointed assistant at the local library.
Then you (work) under my sister. She is head librarian there.
e. Wages have gone up, so I suppose prices (go up) too.
f. It is nearly autumn; soon the leaves (change) color
g. We (not play) poker at the party tonight; our hostess doesn’t approve of cards.
h. Let’s wait here; Tower Bridge (open) in a minute to let that ship through.

11. Complete the sentences in A with the endings in B

Column A Column B
1.- If we make a careful interview _______ He will surely win the first prize
2.-The doctor will see you _______ If they are very bright
3.- If George plays so beautiful tonight _______ We will have an excellent history.
4.- It can be awful for your health _______ If you keep smoking
5.-The lights may hurt your eyes _______ If you ask for an appointment


1. Get in pairs and take turns asking and answering these questions. Give a sincere reply.
Take notes of your partner’s answers to report to another couple

a-Would you visit China if you could?

b.-Would you learn Russian if you had time?
c.-Would you mind if your wife or husband had an extramarital affair?
d.-Would you like to live in another city or country if you could?
e.-Would you enjoy eating dinner out every night if you could afford it?
f.-What would you do if your wife or husband left you?
g.-Where would you prefer to work if you had a choice?

2. Which of the following are open conditionals and which are unreal conditionals?

a. If it is not foggy tomorrow we will come.

b. If I saw him I would speak to him..-
c. If you gave that answer you would be wrong
d. If he asked for money, would you give him any?
e. Will you give him money if he asks for it?
f. If you ask me I will go with you to the cinema,
g. If he listens to what I say, he won’t make silly mistakes.
h. If the sun comes out the rain will soon stop.
i. If it feels hungry it will eat its dinner

j. If she begins the work I know she will finish i.t.

3. Match the parts. of the following sentences that have been broken into two halves. Can you
put them together again correctly? Fill in the box below.

a.- If you found a lot of money in the street __________ you would give up smoking.
b.- Your English would be much better if __________ you would probably pass the
c.-If you were really interested in your health __________ would you give it to the police?
d.-Would you be very happy if __________ you gave up smoking
e- If I won a lot of money _________ I would buy a new house and a
nice car
f-Your health would be better if _________ you read more books and
newspapers in the language

g.-If you studied a little harder _________ I bought you a big house.

4. Change the words in brackets and complete the sentences. Here is an example for you to

If I were (be) fitter, I would go for a run.

a.-If I could, I_____________(go) on a trip around the world.

b..-You would be a healthy person, if you _____________(give )up smoking
c.-I ____________(give) up smoking if I thought it was really dangerous.
d.-Don’t you think you ______________________(feel) better if you ___________(take)
more exercise?
e.- I wonder what you_____________(do) if I _________________(tell) you that I loved
f - I don’t know what I_________________(do) if I ____________(win) the contest.


Use this table to write six warnings.

eat too many sweets have to buy a new one.

don’t drive carefully damage your lungs
don’t hurry up get fat
If smoke a lot of Habanos have an accident
you don’t wear a suit you Will be on time
fall off that ladder Won’t break your leg

lose that cassette be cold

6. A radio broadcast is airing some ideas about some popular items. Listen to the comments and
give your own opinion.

a. -If cigarette smoking was banned, there would be much healthier people.
b. If I had a better job, I would struggle hard to improve my living conditions
c. - If I had a doctor’s degree, I would have much work to do.
d. -If every woman had 5 children, retirement would be at earlier ages
e. - If people throw garbage in the streets, they should be fined
f. - If people weren’t allowed to smoke, they would be much healthier.

7. Answer these questions as in the example: Use get in your responses wherever possible.

Eg. What happens if you double park? (ticket)

If you double park you’ll get a ticket

a.-What happens if he forgets his credit card at home? (return for it)
b.-What happens if you eat too much? (fat)
c.-What will happen if you lose your identity card? ( police / fine you)
d.-What happens if you drop a glass? (break)
e. - what happen if your dog falls from the 11 floor? ( kill )
f. - What happens if someone drinks too much rum? (get drunk)
g. - What happens when a sportsman does not eat enough? (weak)
8. Change these sentences as in the model. Use the words in parenthesis

If I go to Havana, I will visit old Havana museum ( . Expo Cuba )

If I went to Havana I would visit Expo Cuba
a.- If you come with me we can get a taxi ( she )
b.- If you buy a newspaper you will be able to read about the Olympic Games ( we )
c.-If I have time I will do it after lunch (he )
d.-they will visit us whether it rains or not (we )
e.-Next week she will practice if she has the time. (they)

9. Complete the following If clauses given. For example: If you come early I will help you with
your English assignment

a.-If you have nothing on, you_____________________________________________
b-If you never left the house, You___________________________________________
c-If his car is broken He won’t_____________________________________________
d-.You must leave your bicycle at the workshop if_________________________________
e.- They should ask the boss for money If______________________________________

10. Use these words to make logical hypothetical conditional sentences, using the verb given
Eg: special dance / bow tie / put on
If I went to a dance, I would put a bow tie on.
a.-Good marks/studies / improve
b.- Stop smoking / baby die / she
c.-Eat less/ thinner / get
d,-Polish / Poland / go
e.-Take care /rest more /sing better./
11. Practice finding out the following from your partner. Ask him /her to honestly answer each
question. Could you add three more of your own?

What would you do if you……………..?

• Speak two languages fluently
• Weren’t always so busy
• Were already graduated
• Had the opportunity to travel
• Fail your exam
• See a house catching fire

12. Supply the correct tense of the verb in parenthesis

a.- We _______ __________ __________________ (enjoy) the film better if it hadn’t

been so long .
b.- If they_________________________(wait) they would have seen me.
c.-If I had known that she was pregnant I wouldn.t----
d.-I am sure my brother ____________________________________(take out) the dog.
If_____________________________________________ .
e.-The dog would not have bitten you If________________________________(be) tied up.
13. Put the following sentences into indirect (reported) speech.
a. She said, “ Nothing grows in my garden.”
b. They said “ We have moved into a new house.”
c. Albert said,” I will go if I can.”
d. “I don’t know what to do with theses fruits,” John said.

e. “Yesterday, Henry and I went to Mary’s house,” Tom said.
f. Andrew said, “Where am I supposed to go now?”
g. “Did they understand what you said to them?” she inquired.
h. “Are sorry for what you did? The father asked his son.
i. He said, “Get out of my way, Tim!”
j. She told him, “Don’t worry about anything.”

14. The following words are nouns formed from verbs. Which are those verbs?
assurance _______________ confidence ________________
dependence _____________ observance _______________
existence ________________ insurance ________________
Write a sentence with each of the nouns from above.

15. The following words are adjectives formed from nouns. Which are the nouns?
beautiful _______________ hopeful__________________
peaceful _______________ hateful __________________
shameful ______________ tasteful __________________
Write a sentence with each of the adjectives from above.

16. Circle the correct modal verb.

a. Henry (have to / can) sing very well. He is a very good singer.
b. Alice (will / would) do it if she had time.
c. John (must / should) be very busy because he hasn’t come yet.
d. If you go to Holguín, you (would / should) visit Guardalavaca Beach.
e. He (may / will) speak now. It’s his turn.
f. Jane (must / could) do the job very well yesterday.
g. Bill said he (might / should) come, unless something happened to his family.

17. Complete the following sentences with the suitable verbs.

a. Tony should have _________early, but he didn’t. (come-came-coming)
b. Ana must have _______ very hot last night. The window of her room was wide
open. (be-been-being)
c. Andrew could have ________ it. He had enough time. (do-did-done)
d. She might have ______ the money. Everything is possible. (took-taken-take).
e. If she had arrived earlier, she would have _______her cousin. (seen-saw-see)

18. Read these situations and make suggestions or comments.
a. Peter’s friend borrowed his bicycle and dented it. When he returned it, he didn’t say
anything to Peter about it. What would you have done if you were Peter?
b. Andrew and Sarah planned to get married .they had a party and their friends gave
them a lot of presents. Later, Andrew and Sarah broke off their engagement;
however they kept the presents.What do you think they should have done?
c. If you received two job offers, one for an interesting job with a low salary and the
other for a boring job with a good salary, which job would you take?

19. Complete the following sentences with words from the list below.
a. Don’t _____________his pictures. They are all very good.
b. He likes to _______________people. The are all very angry with him.
c. She used to ______________when she was in primary school. She was not very
good at maths.
d. The waiter _______________ my bill. I’m sure it is wrong.
e. Betty was ________________ by the man. He’s not a good person.
Words: miscalculate, misprize, misled, misinform, mischarged

20. Complete the following sentences with words from the list below.
a. This coffee is ____________. It is very bitter.
b. This soup is______________. It is distasteful.
c. His father and mother died in a car accident yesterday, now he is__________
d. She took the pills to relieve her pain. Now she is __________________.
e. She feels _______________. She doesn’t know what to do.
Words: parentless, saltless, painless, hopeless, and sugarless

1. Use the appropriate tense for the verbs in parenthesis:

a) My sister (go, never)_______________ to a camping site until last weekend.

b) Mary isn’t here yet. I (wait)_________________for her since noon, but she still
(arrive, not) _________________.
c) Last Sunday, Judith (lie) ____________________in bed watching TV. Suddenly she
(hear) _______________a loud noise and (get) __________up to see what
(happen)____________________. She (look )______________out of the window. A
truck (hit) another truck.

d) Jessica (be)_____________ in my English class this semester, because she
(take)_______________ French last semester.
e) Yesterday Betsy (eat)__________ breakfast at 8.00 a.m. She (already
take,)_____________ breakfast when she (leave) ________________for classes at

2 Write a paragraph on the following topic: I Had a Funny Nightmare”

3. What is the only animal that can’t jump? Write a short paragraph to support your answer.
4. What is the shortest sentence in English? Work in groups to enlarge the sentence.
5 Find and circle ten words hidden in the gird. They can be read forward, backwards, up, down
and diagonally.

These clues will help you

1. Mother and father.
2. One of my parents´ daughter.
3. Mom´s sister.
4. Dad´s brother.
5. Mon´s mother.
6. Brothers and sisters.
7. My uncle´s soon.
8. My brother´s soon.
9. My sister´s daughter.
10. My cousins, uncle, aunt, etc

6. Discuss the meaning of the verb forms by reading the following pairs of sentences and then
answer the questions

Jane was leaving the living room when I walked in.
Emily had left the living room when I walked in.

Question: who did I run into when I walked into the living room?
Answer: Jane

a) When the rain stopped, Gloria was riding her bike to school. When the rain
stopped Betty rode her bike to school.
Question: Who got wet on the way 6to school?

b) John lived in Santiago for five years. Carlos has been living in Santiago for
five years.
Question: Who still lives in Santiago?

c) When I got there, Marie had eaten. When I got there Joe ate.
Question: Who was still hungry when I got there?

d) Mr. Cook taught at this school for nine years. Mr. Sanz has taught at this
school for nine years.
Question: Who is teaching at this school now?

e) I looked across the street. Lucy waved at me. Mary was waving at me.
Questions: Who began to wave at me before I looked across the street?

7. Write a letter to a friend. Mention your activities, thoughts, feelings and adventures in the
present, past and future. Use the verb tenses. Try to write a natural sounding letter.

8. I will write my plans for next vacations. I don’t want to forget anything.

Next month I have a week’s vacation. I (plan) _________________to take a trip. First I
(go)_________________ to Baracoa to visit my sister. After I (leave) __________Baracoa, I
(go)____________________to Santiago to see a friend who (study) _____________ at the
university. He (live)_________in Santiago for three years. He
(promise)_______________________ to take me to many interesting places. I (never, be)
_______________________-in Santiago, so I (look) _______________ forward to going there.

9. You have already returned from your vacations in Santiago. Write a paragraph narrating your
experiences there.

10. Try to complete the following proverbs

It takes _____ to tango
Jack of ____trades, master of none
Laughter is the _____medicine


1. Now you are ready to practice the passive.Change into the passive voice (Omit BY +

a. People always admire this picture.

b. They used the Tower of London as a prison.
c. Someone broke two windows.
d. They will forget that play in the future.
e. These men built this bridge in two years.
f. People speak English all over the world.
g. Some body left the dog in the garden.
h. They make progress in the world of science.
i. The people recognized the president immediately.
j. They finished the work in time.
k. The doctor performed the operation in six hours.
l. A construction company built that hospital in two years.

2. .Change into the passive voice: (USE BY + AGENT)

a. Mrs. Davis painted that portrait of the queen.

b. Edison invented the electric light before I was born.
c. Bizet composed the opera “Carmen” in the XIX century.
d. The Romans built Rome a very long time ago.
e. Michelangelo painted that picture many years ago.
f. The Egyptians built the pyramids.
g. Controls may reduce the cost of living too.
h. The Historical Association opened an exhibition yesterday.

3 Complete the phrases in column A with suitable information in column B:

1. The novel Paradiso ___ was built in Paris.
2. The song Fever ___ was invented by Bell.

3. The Eiffel Tower. ___ was written by Lezama Lima.

4. The electrocardiograph ___ was sung by Elvis Presley.
5. The telephone ___ was invented by Einthoven.

4 Change into the active voice;

a. My shoes were made in Brazil
b. The new bridge will be completed next month
c. Cuban history is taught in every school in the country
d. Paper was invented by the Chinese.
e. Marti’s Monument is visited by hundreds of people.

5 Change into the passive voice

a. They deceived us.
b. The book inspired him.
c. John displeases his teacher.
d. The exam is going to frighten them.
e. The lecture convinced her.
f. The accident depressed me.
g. They made you a captain.
h. The doctors operated on that patient last night

6 Working from top to bottom, build a word pyramid with the clues and blocks below.
There are two things to remember: 1) each word must sufficiently answer the clue: and 2)
each word must contain all the letters of the word about it IN THE SAME ORDER.

1. Indefinite
2. Frying … A
3. Sheet of
4. Hoisting
5. Solar system

7 Change the active into the passive

a) Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet
b) Susan has written many poems
c) The musician is going to play a new concert
d) Mary is baking a cake
e) Joe will write the report.

8. Write questions for these answers:

a) Who_______________________________________?
Penicillin was discovered by Fleming in l928
b) Where____________________________________?
Those bicycles were manufactured in China
c) When_______________________________________?
The Olympic Games were held in China in 2008
d) Are_______________________________________?
Yes, Anime cartoons are made in Japan.
e) Where________________________________________?
The first steam locomotive was built in Great Britain in l804.

9. Make statements with the passive about the following events and places

Use verbs like DISCOVER, WIN, INVENT, GIVE, etc

Example: Cholera/ l883/Germany

Cholera was discovered in Germany in l883.

a) Soccer World Cup/ Brazil/ 2002

b) Dynamite/Nobel / l866
c) The law of falling bodies/Galileo/l590
d) Seat belt/l959/Volvo
e) Nobel Prize/Ernest Hemingway/l954

10. Change into the passive:

Example: Someone handed Mary a menu.

Mary was handed a menu at the restaurant.

a) A travel agency has offered Betty a job.

b) Havana University has awarded Daniel a medal
c) They will send you a brochure next month.
d) Someone invited you to a party.
e) They gave me a new book.

11. Use active or passive, in any appropriate tense:

a) It’s 8.00 a.m. The bus should be here soon. It (usually,

arrive)______________________between 8.00 and 8.15.
b) Only two persons (be) _____in the bus yesterday when the accident
(occur)___________. Luckily, no one (hurt)______________.
c) I was supposed to take a test yesterday, but I (admit, not) _____________into the
classroom because the examination (begin, already) ___________.
d) According to many scientists, solar energy (use)__________-in the coming years.
e) He is a man whose name will go down in history. He (forget, never) _________.


1. Choose the correct word in parentheses;

a) This is (my, mine) pencil. (You, your) pencil is over there.
b) This pencil is (my, mine). The other one is (you, yours).
c) Lucy and Harry have (their, theirs) books. In other words, Lucy has (her, hers) and
Harry has his.
d) A snake has no legs in (it’s, its) body.
e) (It’s Its) true that a pigeon will find (its it’s) way home even though it begins (its it’s )
trip in unfamiliar territory

He doesn’t like coffee. Does he like tea?
No, he likes neither coffee nor tea.

a) Her husband doesn’t speak Spanish. Does her children speak Spanish?
b) She doesn’t enjoy hunting. Does she enjoy fishing?
3. Use ...BUT ALSO
I know you are studying English-. Are you studying French too?
Yes, I am studying not only English but also French.
a. I know she goes to school. Does she have a job too?
b. I know she bought a book. Did she buy a CD too?
4. Translate into Spanish the following proverbs and sayings. Remember what you studied
about translation techniques.
a. You are the apple of my eyes.
b. Never look a gift horse in the mouth.
c. To be hand and glove.
d. To be all ears.
e. To walk hand in hand.

5 Rewrite the following sentences to form a paragraph. Use the appropriate linking word ;
The film was boring stupid.
I was sleepy.
I turn off the TV

I went to bed
I went to the kitchen for a glass of water
I went to bed.

6 Write a composition (l50 words) using the ideas given below and appropriate linking
A visit to a historic place-how you got there-the importance of the events that took
place there- your impressions- the part you liked most.

7 This is a very old story. It is a traditional children story, but the book is so old that some
words are erased and the final page is missing. Could you write the missing words and write
a new ending:

Gray Fox
A Gray Fox lived in a house in a wood. One morning, ______woke up and found that
____had__________ to eat. ______, ____ went out for a walk, to see if ____- could
find__________ for his breakfast.
On the way, he met a Hen. When the Hen saw____,______-flew away to the other side of the
“Don’t be afraid,” said the Fox
“______used to eat hens, but ____don’t anymore”
“Where are you going?” asked the Hem\n.
“For a walk and back again” said the Fox.
“Well ____come with ____, Hen?
The Fox ran along the road, till ___met a Pigeon. When the Pigeon saw ____, She started to fly
“Don’t fly away” said the Fox
“____used to eat pigeons, but____ don’t anymore.” (The rest of the story is missing. Write the

8 Combine the following sentences. Use BOTH….AND; NOT ONLY……BUT ALSO;

a) Ralph enjoys playing video games. Ralph enjoys playing cards.
b) John is absent. Betty is absent.
c) Cholera is a dangerous disease. AIDS is a dangerous disease
d) We could walk or we could take a bicitaxi
e) You can have pizza or you can have spaghetti

9 Write a composition on one of the following topics. It is very important to use the appropriate
linking words to express your ideas
– The most difficult exam I have ever had.
- My first day at the university



Verb BE
Affirmative statements.

I am a doctor

He a doctor

She is a doctor

It a table


You are doctors


Negative statements:
I am a Physician
He Lawyer
She is a (n) Mason
It NOT engineer

We Doctors
You are  Dentists
They Carpenters

Interrogative statements.

Am I a mason

he a plumber
she an engineer

It a library


Are you mechanics



Affirmative statements.

clean the house



She eats rice


Negative statements.

do not (don’t) feel pain



She does not ( doesn’t) eat rice


Interrogative statements.

Do you dance mambo ?
Does she play the piano ?

Practice Present Simple:
1.-First make the following statements negative and then make questions. (Ready?)

1. Peter likes tea.

2. You sell a good car.
3. He speaks softly.
4. It tastes bad.
5. I write well.
6. He walks to work.
7. Susan lives in this house.
8. They go to the movie.

You did the exercise pretty well; now let’s try other type of exercise. In this moment you are
going to write the he/she/it form of the verb.

wash___________ go ____________ love ________ think___________

buy ___________ read____________ do __________kiss ____________

have __________

Now do the following.

1. - Select two verbs and write affirmative statements.

2. - Select two verbs and write negative statements.
3. - Select two verbs and write questions of information.
4. - Select two verbs and write YES or NO questions.


The following charts may help you to remember this type of structure:

Subject Be (in present) Verb + ing Action happens

I am Writing
Studying Now or
He Around this time
She is working
You are running

*Note: It is used for things and animals (except for pets, which we consider as persons)


Subject Be NOT Verb+ ing Action happens

I am Writing
He Not Now or
She is working Around this time.
You are running

Interrogative :

Be Subject Verb + ing Action happens

Am I Reading
Studying Now or
Is he Around this time.
she working ?
Are we
you running

What do you think of doing some exercises in order to practice present continuous? If you
agree, let’s practice:

A. Complete the sentences with one of the following verbs in the correct form: come, get,
happen, look, make, start, stay, try, work. An e.g. is given.
1. You ‘re working hard today”. Yes, I have a lot to do”
2. I _____________for Christine. Do you know where she is?
3. It _____________dark. Shall I turn on the light?
4. They haven’t got anywhere to live at the moment. They _____________ with
friends until they find somewhere.
5. Are you ready, Ann? Yes, I______________.
6. Have you got an umbrella? It______________ to rain.
7. You _______________a lot of noise. Could you be quieter? I _____________
to concentrate.

8. Why are all these people here? What_________________?

B. Put the verb into the correct form. Sometimes you need the negative or the question form.
a. I’m tired. I’m going (go) to bed now. Goodnight!
b. We can go out now. It ___________(rain) anymore.
c. Why _______you_________ (look) at me like that?
d. I want to lose weight, so this week I____________ (eat) lunch.
e. How is your English? ________it _________(get) better?
f. Mother is on holiday in France. She ___________(enjoy) it very much.
g. Sarah has just started evening classes. She___________(learn) Italian.


Be was been
Become became become
Begin began begun
Bite bit bitten
Blow blew blown
Break broke broken
Bring brought brought
Build built built
Buy bought bought
Catch caught caught
Choose chose chosen
Come came come
Cost cost cost
Cut cut cut
Do did done
Draw drew drawn
Drink drank drunk
Drive drove driven
Eat ate eaten
Fall fell fallen
Feed fed fed
Feel felt felt
Fight fought fought
Find found found
Fit fit fit
Fly flew flown

Leave left left

Lend lent lent
Let let let
Light lit lit
Lose lost lost
Make made made
Mean meant meant
Meet met met
Put put put
Quit quit quit
Read read read
Ride rode ridden
Ring rang rung
Run ran run
Say said said
See saw seen

Sell sold sold
Send sent sent
Set set set
Sew sewed sewed/sewn
Shake shook shaken
Shrink shrank shrunk
Sing sang sung
Sit sat sat
Sleep slept slept
Speak spoke spoken
Spend spent spent
Forget forgot forgotten
Forgive forgave forgiven
Freeze froze frozen
Get got gotten
Give gave given
Go went gone
Grow grew grown
Hang hung hung
Have had had
Hear heard heard
Hide hid hidden
Hit hit hit
Hold held held
Hurt hurt hurt
Keep kept kept
Know knew known
Lead led led
Stand stood stood
Steal stole stolen
Sweep swept swept
Swim swam swum
Take took taken
Teach taught taught
Tell told told
Think thought thought
Throw threw thrown
Understand understood understood
Wake woke woken
Wear wore worn
Win won won
Wind wound wound
Write wrote written



This tense may be said to be a sort of mixture of present and past. It always implies a strong
connection with the present and is chiefly used in conversations, letters, newspapers and
wireless reports. For the students of the different Medical Science branches this structure is of
paramount importance, because it is much used to interview patients due to its particular

ƒ It is used for a past action whose time is not given.
E.g.: We have been to the cinema / to the beauty parlour / restaurant
I have had lunch // a good snack // a nice snap
She has taken a new computing course.
Has her husband returned? She has not told us..

ƒ Notice this: If the time of the action is given the simple past must be used
E.g.: We have seen that film. But : We saw it last week.
I have finished my class I finished my class at10 this morning.
Have you written to your husband? Yes, I wrote last night.

ƒ However, the Present Perfect can be used with an incomplete period of time. Different
expressions could be used, for example This is the first time... It’s the first time, this
morning / this evening / today / this week / this term. when these periods are not finished
at the time of speaking),
E. g.: I have seen her this morning (But it must still be morning when we say this)
If it is not morning we must say: I saw her this morning.
Similarly: Still in winter; It has been cold this winter.
But if winter is gone; we say: It was cold last winter.
I have been here today twice I came here or went there yesterday.

ƒ It can be used for an action beginning in the past and still continuing in the present.
It could be represented as:

Tania has been married for 3 years now and she still continues being married )

Past:::…………_Present_________X::::::::::: ? Future

She has been here at the bus stop for half an hour. (And she still is)

ƒ If we contrast this tense with the Simple Past which is used to denote an action in a
terminated period we can see that:

Present Perfect:
Tania has been in Pinar del Rio for three months (and she still is )
Simple Past:
Tania was in Pinar del Rio for three months (but she is not there any more)
Analyze these examples:
a. Dr Gonzalez has worked in Venezuela for three years ( he has not returned yet)
b. His wife worked with him for two years, ( but she had to return) She is not there

ƒ 0BSERVE ¨the use of ¨ FOR¨ ¨SINCE and ¨LAST¨ and ¨¨THE LAST in the Present
Perfect and the Simple Past:
FOR used with the simple past tense denotes a terminated period of time; but used with the
present perfect denotes a period of time extending into the present. for example
a. We studied in China for a year. (We are back in Cuba. We have finished).
b. We have studied in China for a year now. (We are still studying there).
a. He has smoked since he was 14 ( and he still smokes )
b. He smoked for 14 years (he doesn’t smoke anymore now)
c. Since is used with a point in time, and means ¨From that point to the time of
speaking It is always used with a perfect tense
ƒ There is a rather confusing difference between last and the last . We say:
a. I have been here since last week / month /year
b. I have been here for the last week /month / year
In sentence a last week means a point in time, about seven days ago.
In sentence b ¨the last week¨ means the period of days, months, years that has just finished.
ƒ The present perfect can also be used for an action which finishes at the moment of speaking.
E. g. (On meeting someone) I haven’t seen you for ages. ( In a letter) I am afraid that I
haven’t written to you for a long time. The patient has been in bed for a week but she is
leaving the hospital today.
ƒ Remember that the Present Perfect deals with the Present time, what has happened until
now. The Past Simple does not have anything to do with the present time; it speaks about

the past time. E.g. How long was Tania in Cienfuegos? She was there for six weeks.
Really? Did she visit Pasa Caballo hotel? Oh yes, she did.
ƒ BUT If the period of time still continues, actions happening within this period could be put
into the present perfect because this tense can be used for actions happening within an
unfinished period of time. We use words like just/ recently/ so far/ in the last few days/ E.
g. A man to another at the bus stop: how long have you been here Sir? The man replies: I
have been here for almost an hour.
Another example:
Tell me: Have you seen a number 6 bus pass by?
No, I haven’t seen any since I arrived here
Thank you.

Uses of Present Perfect Continuous or Progressive.



But ….
I’ve been : thinking of … I’ve been so busy with
phoning you I’ve had so much to do
paying you. a visit that…..
dropping by to see how… I haven’t been able to
Inviting your over have a break.
I just haven’t had a



Some activities
I've been studying French since January
I've played the guitar a lot these days
I've been working very hard
I've worked every Saturday this month
I've been going there twice a week with her
I've gone to the cinema a few times this month

Use the present perfect continuous to emphasize Use the present perfect with always, never, and yet
That something is ongoing or repetitive: and when you mention the specific number of times
I've been practicing very hard something has happened:
She has been looking for a new job. I have always practiced a lot
We haven't been going to the gym She hasn't found a new job yet.
I haven't been feeling my old self We haven’t practiced anymore
We´ve practiced every Saturday this month
When a sentence already has an adverb or time But always use the present perfect with the verb be
expression that shows something is ongoing or and, in general, with the verb seem, see and heard:
repetitive, you can often use either the present perfect She hasn’t been to the shops lately
continuous or present perfect: You’ve seemed very sad recently
I’ve been living in Las Tunas for twenty-one years. We’ve heard the film is worth seeing.
I've lived here for twenty-one years.
The present perfect continuous always refers to The present perfect often refers to an unspecified
something that began in the past and continues into the time I the past:
present: I've read The Old Man and the Sea.
I've been reading The Old Man and the Sea. (I’ve finished it.)
(I haven't finished it)


You have studied in previous lessons that the most common way of making comparisons is by
using adjectives or adverbs.

♣ Adverbs of one syllable form their comparative in –er and the superlative in –est
near - nearer – the nearest
♣ Adverbs of more than one syllable form their comparative by using more, their
superlative by most.
♣ The comparatives of in, out, up are used as adjectives.
♣ There are some adjectives that on account of their meaning do not really admit of
comparison at all, among them you have:
empty, full ,unique, perfect, circular, round, square, round.
♣ Their superlative forms - inmost, ( innermost ) , outmost
( outermost ) , uppermost are also used as adjectives

1. You will now complete these sentences by using the comparative forms of in, on and
If necessary look at he information you have in the chart .

a. I have a beautiful view of the whole city. My office is on the _______ story
of a really high building.
b. He couldn´t get into his flat . The _________ door of the block of flats was
wide open but the __________ one was locked.


- Use Who, Which or That with defining relative clauses and Who and Which
with non-defining relative clauses. That cannot be used with non-defining
relative clauses.
- When the relative pronoun in a defining clause is in the objective case, it is
often omitted, especially in spoken English.
- Relative clauses introduced by other words: When, Where, Why, Whom, Whose.
- An adjective clause my be introduced by the words: Where. When, Why, if the
words have the meaning in which, at which, for which, etc.
e.g. The place where they met was very beautiful. (in which)
I remember the exact time when she got up that day. (at which)
I know the reason why he was here early. (for which)
- In non-defining relative clauses who (m) and which are never omitted.
e.g. My brother Frank, who is twenty years old, has bought a new motorbike.
My mother, whom you met in London, is now back in Cuba.
- The possessive relative pronoun Whose has only one form.
e.g. The student whose pencil you took is very angry about it.
The scientist, whose work is very important, has been awarded.


The Future Continuous .

This tense is formed with the future tense of the verb to be + the present participle:

e.g I shall be working, you will be working/ He will be working/ we shall be working/
You will be working, they will be working

Contraction: I'll be working, he'll be working.

Negative: I shall not (shan't) be working, he will not(won't) be working.

Interrogative: Shall i be working? will you be working?

1.- It is important to learn the difference in meaning between the Future continuous and the
Present Continuous when used with a future intention.

The main use of the Future Continuous is to express a future without intention. It differs from
the Present Continuous in the following points:
• The present continuous tense implies a deliberate future action. It expresses something
that has already been arranged to be done.

• The future continuous tense usually implies an action which will occur in the normal
course of events. It is therefore less definite and more casual than the present
continuous. e.g I am seeing the manager tomorrow implies that either “the
manager or the speaker has deliberately arranged the meeting.

• The present continuous can only be used with a definitive time and for the near future,
while the future continuous can be used with or without a definitive time and for the
near or distant future: e.g. we can say: I am meeting him tomorrow
• But: ……. I'll be meeting him tomorrow / next year / some time: or without a
time expression at all.
2.- There are also differences in meaning between the Future with will + infinitive and the
Future Continuous:

• will + infinitive expresses future with intention. It is used to promise something: e.g. I’ll
love you all my life. It can also mean a decission taken at the time of speaking: e.g. I forgot
to phone Mother, I’ll phone her as soon as I get home. Furthermotre, it is used to predict the
future: e.g. I’m sure you’ll have good marks in your exam. Will¨+ infinitive can also
express an invitation: e.g. Will you have an ice-cream with me? Will you visit me soon,
please? or a polite request: e.g. Will you help me to lift these bags? Will you take this
letter to the post- office for me?

2. - The Future Continuous expresses an action in progress in the future time: e.g. when
we get there it’ll be raining, something planned in advance: e.g. Next week at this time
I’ll be resting at the beach hotel. The Future Continuous or Progressive is often used to
set up a background activity that is in progress in a future time when another action
takes place: e.g. she will be flying to Morocco by the time he receives the e-mail.


Shall / Will + perfect infinitive ( without to):

e.g I shall have worked, you will have worked etc.


1. It is used for an action which at a given future time will be in the past, it is often used with a

time expression e. g In two years time ( i.e two years from now) I shall have taken my

master degree.. Within five years more He will have finished his international mission”

More examples:

• When we reach Havana we shall have covered over 750 kms

• By the end of the year they will have finished building this bridge.
2. We use the Future Perfect to express that something will be completed, finished. at that
E. g: Phone my sister after 9:00, she will have put the children to sleep by then.
3. Be aware of the difference between the Future Continuous and the Future Perfect. Analyze
this dialogue:
ƒ Sarah wants to visit her aunt. She phones her and says: “Hi, auntie. I’d like to
visit you tomorrow at lunch time. Are you going to be there?” Her aunt
answers: “Oh, Sarah, I’m so sorry! Phil and I will be celebrating our 25th
anniversary in a very fancy restaurant at that time. Please, come after 4 in the
afternoon; by then we will have returned home from our celebration”
ƒ Phil and I will be celebrating our 25th anniversary.: we use the Future
continuous for this action which will be in progress by that time.
ƒ by then we will have returned home Then (=after 4 in the afternoon) the
festivity will have finished and they will be at home.

--- At , in, on can also be used to indicate reference to points and intervals of time.
at 7 o´clock at a particular point of time.
at night at a certain point of time.
at the beginning of the week at the first point.
at the end of the 20 th century at the last point.
in 1999 inside the year 1999.
in June inside the month June.
on June, 12 on particular day of the month.
on Friday on a particular day of the week.

--- To indicate means of transport you can use by , on, in .

I like to travel to Havana by plane / bus / car.
I go to school on foot / bicycle / horseback..
When you refer to a vehicle in which you can walk while travelling, you use on
( plane / train / bus / ship ).
When you refer to a vehicle in which you can’t walk while travelling, you use in
( taxi / car ).


• Behind to indicate on the other side of. ( The curtains look nice
behind the bed ).
• Near to indicate in position ( I live near the supermarket ).
• Opposite to indicate position ( She lives opposite the hospital ).
• Beside to indicate at the side of ( He is the one beside me in the
photograph ).
• Across to indicate on the other side of ( They live just across the
park ).


This combination is called separable because the noun or the pronoun can either follow the
particle or can come between the verb and the particle.

Figure out understand, find the solution to a problem.

Hand in give homework, test , papers to a teacher.

Look up look for information in a dictionary, a telephone directory , an

encyclopedia, etc.
Make up invent a story.
Put off postpone.
Put on put clothes on one”s body.
Take off remove clothes from one”s body.
Wake up to ( cause to ) come awake, stop sleeping.
Write down write a note on a piece of paper.
Put down stop holding or carrying
Pick up lift.
Do over do again.
Fill in complete a sentence by writing in a blank.
Leave out omit.
Start over start again.
Tear down destroy a building.
Tear out of remove a piece of paper from a book or notebook.
Give up quit doing something or quit trying.
Find out discover information.
Call up make a telephone call.
Call back return a telephone call.
Call off cancel.
Give back return something to someone.
Pay back return money to someone.
Turn up increase the volume.
Turn down decrease the volume.
Put out extinguish ( stop ) a fire, a cigarrette or a cigar.
Try on put on clothing to see if it fits.

Complete these sentences using the phrasal verbs listed in the appendix section See two part-
a. The students are going to _______ their homework ____.
b. Please don”t ________ a story ______. Tell me the truth..
c. When you don”t know the meaning of a word you should _____it ___.
d. He is a very thoughtless neighbour. In the middle of the night he
usually plays the piano and ________ my baby ___.
e. If the weather is bad. We “ll have to _____ the picnic ____ until next
f. I can”t hear the radio , would you please _______ it _____ ?
g. Can you lend me your calculator ?. I promise to ______ it _____ tomorrow morning.
h. You”d better _______ my address _______ so you won”t forget it.
It is nonseparable because in this combination the noun or the pronoun always follows the

Call on ask to speak in class.

Get over recover from an illness.
Get on enter a bus , a plane , a train.
Get off leave a bus , a plane , a train.
Get in ( to ) enter.
Get out of leave a car , a taxi.
Get along ( with ) have a good relationship.
Get through ( finish ).
Look out ( of ) be careful.
Watch out ( for ) be careful.
Get back ( from ) return from ( a trip ).
Fool around ( with ) have fun while wasting time.
Drop in ( for ) visit without calling first, without an invitation.
See to to take ( someone ) to , to show someone the way to a place

2.- Complete these sentences with the corresponding phrasal verb.

a. Lucy feels OK today. She is _______________ her flu.
b. I always go by bus to school..I __________ it in front of my house and I __________
the bus in the bank opposite my school.

c. _________ !. There is a car coming.
d. When did your mother __________ from Havana ?
e. He feels very bad at school because he doesn”t __________________ with his
f. She doesn”t does much at home She always ______________________ with her
g. That”s not a good idea Don”t _________ on her. She doesn”t like
unexpected company You”d better call first.
h. Students must raise their hands in class, the teacher will _______ them.

Conditional Sentences

Possible Conditions:
I have time (I might) I’ll play tennis.
I don’t have time (I might not) I won't go to the gym

There is a real
possibility that
something happens

Contrary-to-fact conditions or also called Unreal or hypothethical conditions

we had money ( means : we don’t we'd buy that mirror

I didn't have to work ( but I do I would go to the movie tonight.
I were you but (I’m not) I wouldn’t work so hard
she weren’t so proud (but she is ) She'd be much better off.

Like can, should, may, and

must, the modal auxiliary
It expresses something improbable,
would has the same form for
or impossible to be fulfilled or
all pronouns and is followed
carried out at the present time.
by the base form of the verb:
• If she studied harder she
• We’d take a vacation would past the test.
if we had more
• If I had the money I would
money. buy it.
• They wouldn’t be
The auxiliary would has the same
late if they got up on
form for all pronouns and is followed
by the base form of the verb:
Were or weren’t is used
We’d take a rest if we had more time
instead of was or wasn’t with
I, he, she, and it

she had practiced a little more, She would have been super!
he had continued practicing, He could /would have/done it much better
you hadn’t been my friend, I could have been offended

This is the third condicional. It expresses something that would have

happened in the past but it had not happened.
• To express regret or gladness: e.g. If I had studied more, I would have
passed the exam (regret=I didn’t pass)/ The patient would have been
satisfied if I had told him everything about his disease (regret=I didn’t
tell him). If I had taken my father’s advice, I wouldn’t have been so
famous (gladness= I didn’t follow his advice)
• To criticise or praise: e.g. If the doctor had told him the truth, my brother
would have felt better (criticising= the doctor should have told him the
truth)/ If you hadn’t argued with your husband so many times, you
would have been a happy woman (criticising= you shouldn’t have
argued with him)/ You wouldn’t have finished your studies if you hadn’t
studied so hard (praising= but you did study hard, so you finished your

Pronouns and possessive adjectives normally change from first person to third
e.g. He said, “I can’t find my wallet.”
He said (that) he couldn’t find his wallet.

I changes to He My changes to His

e.g. He said, “ We are going to our country.”

He said (that) they are going to their country.

We changes to They Our changes to Their

But when someone is reporting his own words, pronouns and possessive adjectives
do not change.
e.g. I said, “I like my new house.”
I said (that) I liked my new house.

Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns also change:

He said, “ I want this one.”
He said (that) he wanted that one.

This changes to That

These changes to Those

Adverbs and adverbial phrases of time change here as follow:

Today changes to That day

Yesterday “ “ The day before
Tomorrow “ “ The next day, the following day
Nest week / year, etc. “ “ The following week / year, etc.
Last week, / year, etc. “ “ The previous week / year, etc.
Here “ “ There

But if the speech is made and reported on the same day, these time changes are
not necessary; and if the place is unchanged, here can be used in reported

On Monday he said, “My daughter is coming today.”
On Monday he said (that) his son was coming that day.
Ten minutes ago he said, “ My daughter is coming today.”
Ten minutes ago he said (that) his son was coming today.

He said, “I saw her yesterday.”

He said (that) he had seen her the day before.

She said, “I’ll do it tomorrow.”

She said (that) she’d do it the next day.

1. Can is used for all persons ( S is not added for the 3rd. person singular). It is also used for all
persons of the future tense. (The future tense cannot be formed in the usual way as can has no
The negative is cannot, it is either written as one word or contracted to can’t. The interrogative
is Can I? The Past tense is could, with negative could not (couldn’t) and interrogative Could I.
Can is also used to express a possibility.
e.g. You can attend an English class or a French Class but you can’t attend both as they
take place at the same time.
Can is used in questions and exclamations to express the idea, “Is it possible...?.
e.g. Can it be true? Could anyone be such a fool as to believe that!
Can suggests previous experience, may merely uncertainty.
e.g. He is a bad-tempered friend, but he can be quite charming when he wishes.
Both can and could are used to make rather informal requests.
e.g. Can you change a ten dollar bill for me , please?
Could is also used to express a rather gentle doubt.
e.g. Yes, his history could be true, but i hardly think it is.
You can use be able instead of can / could.
e.g. Are you able to do this?
Will you be able to play this instrument?
Were you able to drive home in that car?

2. May is also used to express prohibition (usually in official notices) with not.
e.g. People may not pick flowers in this park.
May (might) is used in exclamatory sentences to indicate a wish.
e.g. May all your dreams come true?
May and might are used in ‘that’ clauses following verbs like true and hope.
e.g. I hope that he may get the job he wants.
May and might are used in adverbs clauses of purpose.
e.g. Lift little John up so that he may see the procession.
May and might are used in clues of concession.
e.g. He may be poor but he is honest.
Might ( but not may) is sometimes used to make a sentence expressing petulant reproach
e.g You might listen when I am talking to you.

3. The negative of have to, with the meaning ‘there is necessity’ is expressed by have not to,
haven’t got to or do not (don’t) have to.
e.g. They haven’t got to go to school every day.
They don’t have to go to school every day.
The construction have not to is not generally used to express a prohibition.
Have to is used instead of must especially for past, future or conditional.
e.g. He will have to do it if not he’ll die.
I had to read the whole book.

4. The negative must not (mustn’t ) expresses prohibition.

e.g. You mustn’t walk on the grass.
Must also expresses logical conclusion or deduction.
e.g. If John left home at four o’clock he must be here by now.
When the negative of must has the meaning ‘it is not necessary’ ‘there is not obligation’,
neednot (needn’t) is used.
e.g. Must I be at the party by eight o’clock? No, you needn’t be there by eight, but don’t be
much later.
When the meaning of must is ‘logical conclusion’, etc. the usual negative is cannot (can’t).
e.g. If John didn’t leave here until three o’clock he can’t be home yet.
If he said that, he must be mistaken.
If he said that, he can’t be telling the truth.

5. Would may indicate habitual action in the past.

e.g. Every day he would get up at six o’clock and made the coffee.
Would and should are also the conditional of will and shall.
Should is also used for giving advice.
e.g. If you go to Matanzas province, you should visit Bellamar Caves.

6. Ought is also used to express likelihood or strong probability.

e.g. If Angela left home by ten o ‘clock she ought to (should) be here by any minute now.
Considering all the work you have done you ought not to (shouldn’t) fail your examination.
Ought does not use shall or will for its future tense. A future idea is indicated by a word or
phrase denoting the future.
e.g. Alfred’s team ought to (should) win the match tomorrow.


Simple Present Simple Past Future

I study English I am going to study English next year.

Everyday She is gong to practice
Three years ago, I studied English
Yoga next month.
in a Canadian
She practices Yoga If you are having problems, I will
Twice a week help you study English.

Present Continuous Past Continuous Future Continuous

I was studying English when you I will be studying English when you
I am studying English now. called yesterday. arrive tonight.

She is practicing They were practicing Tennis She will be practicing her piano
Tennis now. when you called them lessons when he arrives tonight.
Yesterday evening.
Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect

I had studied a little English I will have studied every tense by the
I have studied English in
before I moved to the U.S. time I finish this course.
several different countries.
She /they had practiced She /You / they will have
She has practiced tennis all
much sports before they started the practiced all the techniques
these years
course. by the end of the year.

Present Perfect
Past Perfect Continuous Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been studying English
for over two hours by the time you
I have been studying
I had been studying English for arrive.
English for five years.
five years before I moved to the
U.S. She / they will have been
She has been
She / They had been practicing practicing their exposition
sports when they left to Canada For a long time when you return home
Yoga for years now.
Como elimino esto sin borrar lo de
arriba? No me sale


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Unit Grammar Functions Vocabulary Reading Writing Listening Speaking
I ƒ Present simple & ƒ Asking for & ƒ Family ƒ Magazine article ƒ Short reports. ƒ Interview ƒ Reporting
A Standard Cuban cont. Giving personal info. relationship ƒ Sentences & texts ƒ Discussing
Family ƒ Talking about people ƒ Jobs ƒ Paragraphs ƒ Finding out about
ƒ Syntax elements ƒ Talking about what Synonyms & each other family
people are doing. Antonyms
II ƒ Past Simple ƒ Describing memories ƒ Geography terms. ƒ Diverse texts. ƒ Sentences. ƒ Dialogues & ƒ Finding out about
Remembrances ƒ Confirming articles. people
ƒ Past Progressive information. ƒ Short reports.
ƒ Asking for ƒ Sharing information
ƒ Tag questions and giving personal
information ƒ Discussing
ƒ Speaking about what
people did or was
doing at a certain
III ƒ Tense and aspect ƒ Talking about and ƒ Different types of ƒ Book articles. ƒ A story ƒ Biography ƒ Narrating a story.
Health mission in a in: describing feelings. food, materials & ƒ Letters
Foreign Country ƒ Event verbs ƒ Expressing substances. ƒ Descriptions ƒ Discussing about
ƒ State verbs. perception. different topics.
ƒ Chatting about
ƒ Contable & objects, substances &
uncountable materials.
(=Count & mass) ƒ Getting and giving
nouns info on diverse
cultural items.
IV ƒ Present Perfect & ƒ Greeting someone ƒ Word formation. ƒ Magazine articles ƒ e-mails ƒ Dialogue ƒ Narrating recent
Travelling Here and ƒ Present Perfect after a long time events.
There Continuous or ƒ Asking and talking
Progressive about past ƒ Talking about
experiences travelling.
Asking and saying
what someone has
done or has been
V ƒ Comparative ƒ Talking about ƒ Word formation of ƒ Brochures. ƒ Short letter ƒ Conversation ƒ Discussing about
Not the Same? ƒ Superlative similarities and comparative and and selecting places
differences superlative. for a given activity.
ƒ Expresssing ƒ Phrases used for
preferences and slight differences.
giving reasons.
VI ƒ Relative and ƒ Describing pleople, ƒ Word formation: ƒ Magazine article ƒ Autobiography ƒ Dialogue. ƒ Talking about
Helping people Adverbial clauses. things and events. ƒ Nouns in –ness people, places and
and -ment event.
ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ
VII ƒ Future ƒ Talking about future ƒ Word formation ƒ Magazine article. ƒ Letter to parents about ƒ Dialogue. ƒ Discussing plans
Looking towards the ƒ Future continuous plans and ƒ Pronunciation of future plans. for the future.
Future ƒ Future Perfect. possibilities. compound nouns.
ƒ Making predictions
Speculating about
possible things
happening in the future.
VIII ƒ Gerunds. ƒ Asking and giving ƒ Word formation. ƒ Text. ƒ Schedule on a ƒ Conversation ƒ Talking about free
Almost Always ƒ Frequency words. information possible trip. time activities.
ƒ Talking about ƒ Note-taking
frequency .
ƒ Describing routines.
IX ƒ Prepositions ƒ Expressing location. ƒ Pronunciation: ƒ Advertisements for ƒ Parragraph. ƒ Dialogue. ƒ Making up a story.
I’ve figured out how it ƒ Two-part verbs. ƒ Instructing people stress in modern gadgets &
works how to do things. compound nouns machines.
ƒ Checking
ƒ Asking for repetition.
X ƒ Conditionals ƒ Giving and asking for ƒ Word formation ƒ Magazine article. ƒ Outline ƒ Text on a famous ƒ Discussing about
Oh! If I only could...! advice. ƒ Pronunciation: artist cultural items.
ƒ Expressing imaginary stress in more than
situation, supposition 3 syllable words.
and hypothesis.
ƒ Expressing past
unreal conditions.
Giving warnings.
XI ƒ Reported speech. ƒ Reporting what other ƒ Word formation. ƒ Magazine article. ƒ Essay. ƒ Cloze text. ƒ Talking about what
What did they say? people said. other people said.
XII ƒ Modals & Past ƒ Criticizing ƒ Word formation. ƒ Narrative article. ƒ Formal & informal ƒ Narration. ƒ Exchanging
My last day in Jamaica Modals. ƒ Making assumptions letters. opinions about what
ƒ Asking for and giving people can, must,
advice, etc. etc. Do/ did.
XIII ƒ Past Perfect. ƒ Talking about past ƒ Words related to ƒ Journal Article. ƒ Scientific prose. ƒ Conversation ƒ Talking about
Family? Family! experiences. family and domestic violence.
XIV ƒ Passive Voice. ƒ Expressing facts. ƒ Cultural items. ƒ Text on the Seven ƒ Translation. ƒ Text about Discussing about
A Thing of Beauty is a Wonders of the World. archeology. different cultural
Joy Forever topics.
XV ƒ Pronouns and ƒ Giving and asking for ƒ Recreation & ƒ Text on Ecology. ƒ Translating pronouns. ƒ Text. ƒ Chatting about
We Love Nature connectors. information about Nature personal camping
ddifferent ecologic experiences
ecologic issues.

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