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AP Psychology

Formative Assessment - 3 Memory Processes and Types of Encoding

Learning Targets: Differentiate between three main memory processes: encoding, storage, and
Identify three types of encoding (structural/visual; acoustic/ phonemic; semantic) and discuss
techniques for enriching encoding

PART I – 3 Memory Processes

Directions: Indicate which memory process is described (encoding, storage, or retrieval) by each of
the following statements.

1. Retrieval While taking your final exam you are trying to recall which psychologist used classical
conditioning to develop fear in a small boy named “Little Albert” which means you are engaging in
which memory process?

2. Retrieval While participating in a trivia contest, Noreen hits her buzzer because she knows that
Abraham Lincoln was the 16th U.S. president. Which memory process is Noreen using?

3. Encoding Which process is being used when you repeat a phone number over and over so that
you can remember it later?

4. Storage Which memory process is related to keeping information in memory over a long period of

5. Retrieval Although Terry knew all of the elements of the periodic table last year in chemistry class
he cannot answer a particular question on the ACT science section because he simply cannot think of
the atomic number for iron. Which of the three memory processes is failing Terry?

6. Storage Dino is able to hold on to information he learned in his freshman biology class even years
later. Which memory process explains how Dino can keep these memories in his long-term memory for
such a long time?

PART II – Attention and Encoding

Directions: Indicate which type of encoding is being described (structural/visual; acoustic/phonemic;
or semantic) by each of the following statements.

1. When you study by reading or talking aloud you are utilizing Acoustic/phonemic encoding.

2. Marta is taking a test and she can see the answer to the question in her mind but she cannot come
up with the word. Although she remembers where she saw the answer (it was on the top right side of a
page next to a cartoon) she cannot recall the answer. Marta’s problem may be because she only
encoded the information Visually.

3. When you add meaning to what you need to remember for example by thinking of a personal
example, you enhance the encoding process by using Semantic encoding.

AP Psychology Name
4. According to the Craik and Lockhart levels of processing model, this type of encoding results in
shallow processing. Visual

5. According to the Craik and Lockhart levels of processing model, this type of encoding results in
intermediate processing. Acoustic

6. According to the Craik and Lockhart levels of processing model, this type of encoding results in
deep processing. Semantic

7. When you put information about a friend's address into your memory by looking at the address on
the invitation you are using Visual encoding.

8. Which type of encoding creates the strongest and most durable memories? Semantic

9. Which type of encoding is involved when you choose to think of funny associations to help you
remember the names of four new employees that you work with? Semantic

10. After Lillian receives her new locker combination she repeats it to herself aloud ten times in a row
to help her put the info into memory. Which type of encoding did Lillian use? Acoustic

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