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Oi Multicast Introduction

Unicast 1 to 1 communication

Broadcast 1 to All

Multicast 1 to many
1 to Group
Sending Server Processing
Better Blu utilization

r saves 01W
D Reduces network bandwidth

multicast works with a class D address

Class D Address Range 224.0o.o

RIP Ospf EIarp

used in tamp
multicast addresses
Globally unique
Like private IP

for acop Address when being used in As 65000

multicast address space 233253.232.0124

65ooo ED f8 inner

fD 253

f 8 232
is a router that is
a relaystation
An IPv4 Multicast MAC Address is constructed from IPvy muticast address

Althoughthe Ip address is different youget sometimes get the same MAC Address
You have to be aware of this overlapping scenario
Internet Group Management Protocol Ramp

Rampv1 has no mechanism to

leave the group
user has to wait upto 1805 when
it does not want to receive
r Iampuz can leave group once
listens for Iampmessages done
andforwards it inthe

In us you can select what source you


Reverse Path forwarding Pf Check

1 Entry from R4s routing Table
i io lo
since the routing table uses Gigolo to
send out data It'd use the same
interface to receive data
Gig01 data will be dropped
Source Distribution Tree PIM Dm
I Protdependent multicast Dense mode
T Does not matter what the underlying routing protocol

R2 is going to say that it doesn't have

any interfaces that have received
sort of a join request
R3 will also say that R2 doesn't need to get any multicast traffic
t R2 will sent prune messages
Ps3 R2 will send prune


It multiplecopies

arattgqcanoftfuebfreeparagtain New receiver


Drawback is that initially muticast traffic is flooded throughout the

entire topology
Initial traffic flooding flood and Prune behaviour

Shared Distribution Tree PIM Sm

I sparse mode

receiver sends Iamp message to Rs
Rz has knowledge of RP
Prevents flooding Pruning behaviour
Source sends to R2 receiver
a requests from R2
Join Not the
a join bestpath
prune Bestpath T
is ri As Any
Group we want to join is
source 2251.2.3
a f
T which is sentto
ofsender a
particular group
when option µ happens its called Shortes Path Tree switchover
we don't have to go to all of the routers in the network and say here's the IP of
the Rp
It would be much better if the RP could advertise their availability
feature is called Auto RP

configuration PIM Dm

Enable multicast routing

Ricconfig ip multicastrouting
Enablethe interfaces that you want to participate

Ricconfigint facto
Ag if ip pins dense mode
Do the same for int faoli int fa012

Do same for R2 R's

show ip mroute

In the receiver if you want to join an Iamp Group

Receiver int faolo
receiver config if ipigmp joingroup 239 i i I
since we are using pm
wedidnt have to join SPT

Configuration PIM Sm
lo intof R2
config RI making R2 as the pep
Ricconfig ip pins rp address 2.222
Ricconfig int faolo
Ricconfig it ip pimsparsemode
Do this for all interfaces

Dothe same for R3 back int as well

R2 Cinclude the loop
An easier option is the announce the RP instead of configuring 1 by I
for this we need a mapping Agent listens to 224 o i 39 to see in anyone is
announcing itself as rp
Then resolves and conflicts and announces the multicast RP Group mapping to the
group 224.0 i 407

for this you need configure routers in sparse Dense mode

configuration separse Dense mode

Ricconfig int faolo

Ricconfig if Hip pim sparsedensemode
Do this for all the interfaces routers Including R2 loopback int
Configure R2 to automatically announceitself also the mapping Agent
AdvertisedTTL is 16
racconfig ip pins send rp announce 100 scope 11 16Hops
Decconfig ip pim send rp discovery scope 16

R3 show ip pins rp
44.2 Multicast overview

44.3 Multicast Distribution Trees

Shortest PathTree
444 Multicast modes

D Dense mode
2 sparse mode
3 Source specific multicast Router gets a join request from a elien
Router will send a
join request direct to source

44.5 Multicast Control Protocols

PIM Protocol Independent Multicasting

loosen't matter what routing protocol is used
RSCconfig if ip pins sparse mode
ip igmp version 3

44.6 Sparse Mode SPT Catover

RS Show ip mroute

44.7 Source specific multicast M

Rscconfig ip pion Ssm default

Rscconfig if int gig 010
R5 config if ip igmp join group 2321.49 source 102.010
Routers should have Ramp v3 configured

44.8 fGmp snooping

configured in a L2 switch

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