Network Approach - Climate Change

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Climate Change: A Network Approach

MAMTA Health Institute for Mother and Child (MAMTA- HIMC) proposes a
network approach to address the substantial threat of climate change to
global human health, with a focus on vulnerable populations. The primary
objective is to establish a collaborative network for mitigating and adapting
to climate change and addressing its health-related implications. Activities
include workshops, research collaborations, capacity building, awareness
generation, community outreach, advocacy, and international partnerships.
MAMTA HIMC envisions a network fostering innovation and strategic
communication to create a united front against climate change,
strengthening ongoing initiatives and paving the way for sustainable
solutions to safeguard community well-being.


Climate change poses a substantial threat to global human health, necessitating a

coordinated response. While the entire human race is affected by the risks posed by climate
change, the most vulnerable groups, including women, children, migrants, older
populations, and those with underlying health conditions, are disproportionately impacted.
These groups, often from lower-income communities in poorer countries, are least equipped
to protect themselves. Furthermore, climate change undermines social determinants for
good health, such as livelihoods, equality, and access to healthcare and social support
structures. Recognizing the urgency and complexity of this issue, MAMTA HIMC proposes a
comprehensive network approach to engage key stakeholders in climate change mitigation
and healthcare resilience.

MAMTA HIMC's Impact on Climate and Healthcare:

MAMTA-Health Institute for Mother and Child is a non-governmental organization

committed to holistic community well-being. With a history of impactful initiatives, MAMTA
HIMC has demonstrated expertise in addressing critical issues at the intersection of health

and the environment. The NGO places a particular emphasis on vulnerable populations,
recognizing their unique susceptibility to the adverse effects of climate change.


The primary objective of this proposal is to create a collaborative network involving diverse
stakeholders to collectively address the challenges posed by climate change on human
health. The network aims to work synergistically to implement impactful activities aimed at
mitigating climate change and addressing its health-related implications.


1. Workshops and Seminars:

 Conduct interactive workshops and seminars with high-level stakeholders
(IAP, IMA, Medical Colleges) to raise awareness about the interconnectedness
of climate change and public health.
 Develop advocacy campaigns to raise awareness.
2. Research and Publications:
 Collaborate with research institutes and medical institutions to conduct
studies on the health impacts of climate change.
 Publish findings in reputable journals to enhance awareness and encourage
evidence-based policymaking.
3. Capacity Building Programs:
 Organize training programs for healthcare and allied professionals on climate-
resilient healthcare practices.
4. Awareness Generation:
 Increase general awareness among relevant stakeholders, including
vulnerable communities, healthcare providers, and policymakers.
 Facilitate IEC activities, timely dissemination of public health advisories, and
leverage important days on environment and health.
5. Community Awareness Programs:
 Conduct community-level awareness campaigns on climate change and its
impact on health.

 Facilitate workshops and training sessions for local communities, emphasizing
preventive measures.
6. Policy, Advocacy and Communication:
 Generate evidence to provide suggestions and recommendations.
 Engage with policymakers to integrate climate change considerations into
health policies.
 Advocate for the allocation of resources to strengthen healthcare resilience
against climate-related challenges.
7. International Collaboration:
 Establish partnerships with international organizations working on climate
change and health.
 Participate in global forums to share experiences and best practices.

The Network Approach:

MAMTA HIMC envisions a network where stakeholders from various sectors collaborate,
share knowledge, and collectively contribute to climate change mitigation and healthcare
resilience. This network will foster innovation, research, and strategic communication to co-
create a sustainable and impactful response to the challenges posed by climate change on
human health.

Way Forward:

By building a robust network and engaging high-level stakeholders, MAMTA HIMC aims to
create a united front against the adverse effects of climate change on public health. This
approach will strengthen ongoing initiatives and pave the way for innovative solutions and
sustainable strategies to safeguard the well-being of communities.

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