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Chemical Experimentation and Fundamental Statistical Thinking

Q1021. Chemical Experimentation and Fundamental Statistical Thinking

Lab 1. Part-1: Laboratory Safety and Glassware

● Develop active learning about safety rules in the laboratory and handling of chemical reagents.
● Identify the safety elements on the labels of chemical substances for laboratory use, and the
corresponding regulations.
● Know and analyze the necessary physical properties of chemical substances to be aware of the risks
involved in handling them.
● Identify the different laboratory materials and recognize their proper use.

Activity 1. Safety elements in a laboratory

1. What safety elements (equipment and infrastructure) must be present in a laboratory? Mention 5.
Fire extinguishers, eyewash, hood, shower, and first aid kit
2. Which of these elements do you locate in the lab? Describe their location.
The fire extinguisher can be found right by the door. The eyewash and shower is at the right back of the
laboratory. The hood is at the left back of the lab. For finals we have the first aid kit at the front of the room.
3. What is the color code for pipes in a laboratory? Specifies what each color indicates.
Yellow is for the gas pipe, green is for air pipe, blue pipe is for water and red is for vacuum pipe.
4. Mention the main safety standards for working in the laboratory.
Use the lab coat at all times. Wear appropriate clothing when working in the laboratory. The classroom
should always be well ventilated.
5. Investigate 3 examples of accidents that have occurred in a school laboratory. Indicate the university, city,
and the date where it occurred and identify the security rule that was not followed and the consequence.
Case 1:

● City: New Haven, Connecticut

● Date: April 13, 2021

● University: Yale University

● Safety norm not followed: The safety norm not followed was the lack of supervision and possibly the
lack of proper adherence to safety protocols when working in the machine shop.

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● Consequence: The consequence was the tragic death of student Michele Dufault due to asphyxiation
in an accident involving a lathe, possibly as a result of working alone during nighttime hours in the

Case 2:

● City: Los Angeles, California

● Date: March 30, 2022

● University: University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

● Safety norm not followed: In this case, the safety norm not followed was the lack of proper
adherence to safety protocols in the laboratory, resulting in a fire that caused serious injuries to
research student Sheharbano Sangji.

● Consequence: The consequence was the death of Sheharbano Sangji due to the burns suffered in the
laboratory fire. Additionally, the university received federal fines and was forced to strengthen its
safety policies.

Case 3:

● City: Mexico City

● Date: March 21, 2022

● University: Facultad de Estudios Superiores Zaragoza

● Safety norm not followed: In this case, it appears that the safety norm related to the proper handling
and ventilation of chemicals in the laboratory was violated, leading to a gas accumulation and
ultimately an explosion and fire.

● Consequence: The consequence was an explosion in the laboratory, followed by a fire that affected
the faculty and caused damage to the glass and windows of five nearby buildings. Fortunately, being
a holiday, there were no students in the faculty at that time, only teachers working in the

6. After a laboratory experiment, what is done with the remaining substances (waste), with glass remains from
material that has been broken and with the gloves? Specify where each type of material is deposited and
locates their corresponding space in the laboratory.
The remaining substances can be dropped in the respective tally. For the glass that may break is going to be
disposed of in the red bin that says glass.
7. In the laboratory there is an important rule when working with acids: “never add water to acid, add acid to
water”. Investigate what it means and why it is essential to consider it a safety rule.
If you add water to the acid it can cause an explosion, which can lead to major acid burns.

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Q1021. Chemical Experimentation and Fundamental Statistical Thinking

Activity 2. Safety pictograms

A laboratory is a space designed to carry out experiments in a controlled and safe way. For this, it is necessary
to establish requirements to have work centers with a standardized system to be able to identify the dangers
and risks of the substances and equipment used, with the aim of preventing accidents.
It is necessary to reaffirm safety knowledge, since there are risks in all laboratories, and it is up to the staff to
minimize them by detecting signs and color codes according to the type of facility, emergency exit, shower,
eyewash, as well as the safety equipment. security.
The Official Mexican Standard NOM-018-STPS-2015 contains the information to achieve the aforementioned
(DOF - Diario Oficial de la Federación, 2015). This document contains the pictograms defined by the Global
Harmonized System (GHS), which correspond to the hazards and categories of dangerous chemical substances
or mixtures.
Complete the following tables with the information regarding safety pictograms. In the third column, list the
risks that each pictogram warns about. Note that the corrosion pictogram appears both in the category of
health hazards (Table 1a), and in physical hazards (Table 1b).
Table 1a. Safety pictograms: health and environmental hazards.
Symbol Pictogram Dangers for pictogram usage

It means that you're in contact of hazardous

material that can put your life in danger

It means a warning sign.

Exclamation sign

It means that you will be in contact with chemical

compounds that can be dangerous if handled
Corrosion incorrectly.

It means that you're being treated with a substance
that can cause serious health threats.
Broken chest

Environment It means that you're treating a substance that can

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pollute water sources.

Table 1b. Safety pictograms: physical hazards.

Symbol Pictogram Dangers for pictogram usage

It means that you're treating a substance that can

ignite in the presence of oxygen.

It means that you're treating a substance that can

help ignite other flammable substances.
Flame over an O

It means that you will be in contact with chemical

compounds that can be dangerous if handled
Corrosion incorrectly.

It means that a gas is stored under pressure.

Gas Cylinder

It means that you're treating with a substance that

can explode.

In addition to the safety pictograms, a detailed description of the physical and chemical properties must be
available, as well as the health risks that the substances used in a laboratory can cause, the specifications for

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their handling and storage, among other data are registered in the Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
In addition to the pictogram, information on the substance must be provided according to the level of risk in
four aspects, information generally organized in the NFPA diamond that uses a color code for each property, as
shown in Figure 1. In the Safety Data Sheets of the reagents, the safety diamond accompanied by the
pictogram is generally included.

Figure 1. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) hazardous identification diamond.

Activity 3. Safety in the handling of a reagent

1. Cautiously observe the assigned reagent container and analyze the label.
2. Complete the information in Table 2 consulting the MSDS of said compound.

Table 2. Characteristics of the assigned chemical compound.

Chemical Properties and Safety

Compound Name Glycolic acid

Chemical Formula C2H4O3

Molar Mass 76.05 g/mol

Density (𝛒) 1.49 g/cm3 at 25 °C (77 °F)

Handling Advice on safe handling: Work under hood. Do not inhale substance/mixture.
Storage conditions: Tightly closed. Dry.

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Safety measures to Body Protection: Acid-resistant protective clothing

follow in case of
accident Control of environmental exposure: Do not let product enter drains.

H314: Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.

H codes
H332: Harmful if inhaled.

P260: Do not breathe dust.

P codes
P264 : Wash skin thoroughly after handling.

Pictograms Corrosion and exclamation sign

3 Health Hazard: extreme danger

NFPA diamond 1 fire hazard: above 200º F

Reactivity: stable

Toxicity Skin corrosion/irritation: Skin - Rabbit, Result: Corrosive - 4 h (OECD Test Guideline 404)

Activity 4. Laboratory materials

1. Research the main uses of 10 materials (glassware or equipment) available in the laboratory and complete
Table 3.

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Table 3. Main use of laboratory materials.

Name Image Usage Location in the laboratory

Analytical Balance It is a precise measuring It is located at the back

instrument. of the room by the
large table.

Glass rod It is used to stir the chemicals. In the equipment room

Funnel It is used for funneling liquids In the equipment room

or powders.

Spatula Help with mixing, scraping, Equipment room

and other tasks related to
transfer materials.

Erlenmeyer flask, 25 They are used to contain In the equipment

mL liquids and for mixing, room.
heating, cooling, incubation,
filtration, storage, and other
liquid-handling processes.

Wash bottle It is used to rinse the glass Equipment room

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Graduated cylinder Graduated cylinders are used Equipment room.

for measuring volumes of

Graduated pipets It is used to accurately Equipment room.

measure and transfer a
volume of liquid from one
container to another.

Watch glass It is used to evaporate liquids, In the equipment room

to hold solids or to heat.

Heating plate It is used in the laboratory to They are located on

perform chemical reactions, the laboratory tables.
heat samples, and for
numerous other tasks

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In addition to indicating the source of information in each of the activities of this practice, include the list of
complete references at the end of the document.

DOF - Diario Oficial de la Federación. (Access October 9th, 2022).
Secretaría del trabajo y previsión social. Guía normativa de la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-018-STPS-2000:
Sistema para la identificación y comunicación de peligros y riesgos por sustancias químicas peligrosas
en los centros de trabajo. (Access March 10th 2020).
National Fire Protection Association Hazard Identification System. American Chemical Society. (Access March
6th, 2021)

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Q1021. Chemical Experimentation and Fundamental Statistical Thinking

Part-2: Mass and Volume Measurements


● Acquire the ability and skill in the correct use of the analytical balance and the most common
volumetric materials.
● Determine the precision of volumetric materials through a statistical analysis of the relative error
expressed as a percentage.


● Sodium chloride (NaCl) ● Water

● Graduated pipets, 5 mL & 10 mL ● Glass rod
● Volumetric pipet, 10 mL ● Funnel
● Graduated cylinder 10 mL y 50 mL ● Spatula
● Volumetric flask de 10 mL ● Watch glass
● Erlenmeyer flask, 25 mL ● Semi analytical balance
● Beaker 20 mL & 50 mL ● Wash bottle

Experiment 1. Using the analytical balance

1. Check that the level indicator on the semi-analytical balance is centered before turning it on. If it is not
in the center, adjust it with the level screws located at the bottom of the scale (Figure 2b).

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2. Make sure that the pan of the analytical balance does not have residues. If you find it dirty, report it to
the professor and clean as directed.

3. Turn on the balance and place a watch glass on the pan. Let the analytical balance stabilize until the
weight does not change.

4. IMPORTANT: Do not place the substances directly on the plate, a watch glass or other small, clean, and
dry glass container should always be used. Do not exceed the mass limit (100 g).

5. Tare the balance (set to zero).

6. Using a spatula, add 1 g of NaCl. Note: If more product than necessary was added, do not remove the
excess on top of the scale, remove the watch glass from the scale, remove the excess and weigh again.
Note: The doors of the scale must be closed to record the weight with a minimum of error.

7. Express the measurement with the appropriate number of decimals according to the sensitivity of the

8. Remove the watch glass containing the substance from the balance.

9. Clean the balance plate with a soft bristle brush and the area around it with a clean cloth.

10. Repeat the procedure weighing 0.0825 g of NaCl.

Experiment 2. Use of volumetric materials and their precision

1. Using the pipet pump (Figure 3a), measure 5 mL of water with a graduated pipet. Be sure to correctly
locate the fluid meniscus (Figure 3b).
2. Measure 5 mL of water with a volumetric pipet.

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3. Measure 10 mL using a beaker.

4. Pour the measured liquid into a graduated cylinder and record the volume. Did it turn out to be the same
volume as in the previous step? Which glassware is more reliable?
5. Transfer the liquid to a 10 mL volumetric flask and check if the measurement was correct.
6. Finally, measure 10 mL of water with each of the six volumetric materials in Table 4 and weigh the volume
of the water using the semi-analytical balance. The results of this step should be used to fill in Table 4.

Experiment 3. Transferring a liquid

1. To transfer a liquid, it must be poured slowly in a vertical position on the walls of the container to avoid
splashing. (Figure 4).
2. A pipet, glass rod or funnel can be used for this
process, simply allowing the liquid to flow down the
glass rod or funnel and collect in the other container.


To calculate the relative error, use the following equation:

Vm = measured value (experimental)
Vr = real value (theoretical)
The real value can be considered as the desired value (10 mL), and for the measured value we have to convert
the grams of water weighed to mL using its density of 1g/mL. For the precision scale, you must use a range
from 1 to 6 where one represents greater precision (lower %error) and six represents less precision (higher
Complete the following table with the data and calculations requested.

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Table 4. Laboratory material precision.

Volumetric glassware Volume (mL) Mass (g) %Error Precision scale
Graduated pipet 10 25 75 5
Volumetric pipet 10 25 75 5
Volumetric flask 10 26.61 73.4 5
Beaker 10 18.19 82 6
Graduated cylinder 10 46.82 53 3
Erlenmeyer flask 10 29.01 71 5

1. What are the most common mistakes made when using an analytical balance? Mention at least 3.
A= When using an analytical balance, some common mistakes include:
1. Overloading: Exceeding the maximum weight capacity of the balance can lead to inaccurate
measurements and potential damage to the equipment.
2. Failure to zero: Forgetting to zero the balance before measuring can result in incorrect readings, as
the balance may include the weight of the container or previous substances.
3. Not cleaning the balance: Residues or spills on the balance pan can affect measurements. It's
essential to clean the balance thoroughly before each use to ensure accurate results.

2. Why should the analytical balance be placed on a marble or granite plate?

A= Placing an analytical balance on a marble or granite plate offers several advantages crucial for accurate
measurements. These materials provide exceptional stability, effectively minimizing vibrations and
disturbances that might compromise measurement precision. Additionally, marble and granite offer
excellent thermal stability, preventing temperature fluctuations that could adversely affect balance
sensitivity. Their flat surfaces ensure proper alignment and contact with the ground, reducing the risk of
balance tilting or misalignment during weighing procedures. Furthermore, marble and granite are easy to
clean and maintain, ensuring a hygienic environment free from dust, debris, and contamination that could
interfere with measurements. Overall, utilizing a marble or granite plate beneath an analytical balance helps
maintain stability, thermal consistency, alignment, and cleanliness, thereby enhancing measurement
accuracy and reliability.

3. Why should a solid, semi-solid or liquid sample not be placed directly on the pan of the analytical
A= Placing solid, semi-solid, or liquid samples directly on the pan of an analytical balance should be avoided
due to several reasons. Firstly, it can lead to contamination of the balance, compromising the accuracy of
subsequent measurements as residues from the sample may adhere to the pan surface. Additionally, direct
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contact between the sample and the balance pan can compromise hygiene standards, potentially
contaminating future measurements. Moreover, some samples, especially liquids or corrosive substances,
can damage the balance pan or internal components if they come into direct contact, leading to inaccuracies
in measurements and possible equipment damage. Finally, placing the sample directly on the balance pan
may result in inaccurate measurements due to factors such as uneven distribution or adherence to the pan
surface. To mitigate these issues, it's essential to use appropriate containers or vessels when weighing
samples on an analytical balance, ensuring accurate measurements while maintaining hygiene and
preserving the integrity of the balance.

4. What is the difference between a graduated pipet and a volumetric pipet in terms of precision?
1. Graduated Pipet:

● A graduated pipet has graduations marked along its length, allowing for variable volumes to
be dispensed.

● It typically has a wider tolerance for volume delivery, meaning that the volume dispensed
can vary within a certain range.

● Graduated pipets are suitable for general-purpose use and can be used when a high level of
precision is not required.

2. Volumetric Pipet:

● A volumetric pipet is designed to deliver a single, precise volume of liquid.

● It has a single graduation mark at a specific point along its length, indicating the calibrated
volume it is intended to deliver.

● Volumetric pipets are manufactured to meet strict tolerances and are calibrated to deliver
the specified volume accurately.

● They are used when precise and accurate volume measurements are required, such as in
analytical chemistry or when preparing standard solutions.

5. Why should you never suck a liquid with your mouth?

A= Sucking a liquid with your mouth presents significant risks that should be avoided at all costs. Firstly, this
practice can lead to contamination of the liquid due to the introduction of bacteria and other
microorganisms from the mouth, jeopardizing its purity and safety for use or consumption. Moreover,
depending on the nature of the liquid, sucking it with your mouth can pose serious health risks, particularly if
the liquid is toxic, corrosive, or otherwise harmful if ingested. Accidental ingestion is also a concern, as the
suction action increases the likelihood of swallowing the liquid, potentially resulting in poisoning or other
adverse health effects. Additionally, sucking liquids with your mouth can lead to cross-contamination
between different samples or containers, undermining the integrity of experiments or processes. To mitigate

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these risks, it is imperative to use appropriate tools and techniques for liquid transfer, adhere to safety
protocols, and wear suitable personal protective equipment to ensure the safety of both individuals and the

6. What is the importance of correctly observing the meniscus that forms the liquid inside a graduated or
volumetric pipette?
A= Accurately observing the meniscus in a graduated or volumetric pipette is essential for obtaining precise
volume measurements and ensuring the accuracy and reliability of laboratory procedures and experimental

7. Why, when transferring a liquid, must it be poured down the walls?

A= Pouring liquid down the walls of a container during transfer offers several benefits. This method
minimizes splashing and turbulence, reducing spillage risks. It also provides better flow control, decreasing
the chance of aerosolization and bubble formation. Additionally, pouring along the walls promotes gentle
mixing and ensures uniform distribution of the liquid. Overall, this technique enhances safety, precision, and
efficiency in liquid transfer processes.

8. Why should you never use an Erlenmeyer flask to measure volume?

A= Using an Erlenmeyer flask to measure volume is not recommended due to its design and lack of precision
markings. Erlenmeyer flasks are commonly used for mixing, heating, and storing liquids but are not
calibrated to provide accurate volume measurements. Unlike graduated cylinders or volumetric flasks,
Erlenmeyer flasks do not have precise volume markings along their sides. Attempting to measure volume
using an Erlenmeyer flask would result in inaccuracies and unreliable data. It's essential to use appropriate
laboratory glassware designed for volume measurement, such as graduated cylinders or volumetric flasks, to
ensure accurate and precise results in experiments and procedures requiring volume measurements.

9. Considering the precision of the two types of pipettes, argue the use of each of them.

Graduated Pipettes:

● Graduated pipettes offer versatility and flexibility due to their variable volume delivery capabilities.

● They are ideal for applications where exact volume measurements are not critical, such as general-
purpose laboratory work or routine tasks.

● Graduated pipettes are useful for transferring approximate volumes of liquids, such as making
dilutions or preparing solutions where precise measurements are not essential.

● Their lower precision makes them suitable for tasks where a high degree of accuracy is not required,
but where convenience and ease of use are valued.

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Volumetric Pipettes:

● Volumetric pipettes are designed for delivering a single, precise volume of liquid with high accuracy
and repeatability.

● They are ideal for applications that demand precise and accurate volume measurements, such as
preparing standard solutions or performing analytical experiments.

● Volumetric pipettes are calibrated to deliver a specific volume of liquid accurately, making them
indispensable in tasks where exact measurements are crucial for obtaining reliable results.

● Their higher precision and accuracy make them suitable for laboratory procedures that require strict
adherence to volume specifications and standards.

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