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Ethan Dailey

Professor Gonzalez

ENC 1102

11 January 2024

“The Art of Deception”

The author’s main idea of the article is that due to the rapid expansion in technological

advancement and usage, “phishers” who are essentially frauds who impersonate major

corporations, sites, or other people (Colmenares 1) have been able to scam people and obtain

information from people that otherwise would not give it to these “phishers.” The author is really

effective at getting her message across to those who are reading. She uses a lot of self research to

prove to any readers that these “phishers” are a problem and are just out to scam people and take

their information. The research method that the author uses is an effective way of gaining

support through her article, she uses her own examples of people trying to scam her as research

evidence to push her idea which is extremely effective. She used an example of where she used

her email, where she had received some scammer emails, some flagged by UCF, and some were

not (Colmenares 3). I believe that the author's opinion that due to the rapid expansion of

technology usage, it is becoming more and more common to get scammed by these “phishers”

and that it should be a real concern. I agree with this because I too have also been emailed and

reached out to by these “phishers.” This topic is very much an issue in today’s world as there are

countless numbers of people all across the world who are getting scammed and robbed by all

these different “phishers” just trying to take people’s information and money. Their research can

help contribute to studies because she used self research, which other studies can use to continue

to do more research into the topics.

“Medical Influencers: A Rhetorical Analysis of TikTok’s Genre Features”

The author’s main idea of this story is to help themselves understand how different content

creators use different methods and have different purposes, to try and understand the gap

between what information is real, and what information is fake (Olajide 1). The author is very

good at conveying her ideas with the readers and using good sources of gathering information to

push her ideas in a meaningful way. To do the research, the author looked between the

differences of several medical examiners on TikTok and looked at the different methods they

used to spread their information and how it differentiates (Olajide 3). They also looked into the

different TikTok Ai features to display how TikTok displays the information. I agree with the

author that there are many different things that go into how information is processed and

spreaded all across TikTok, but that it also has a lot to do with the viewer and audience

determining what they see and what they don’t see. This is a very active real world issue as

TikTok and its Ai formulas have sort of become a focal point in courts all across America

pertaining to whether or not it should be allowed and if it is safe to use. The research can be used

to contribute to other studies because it is all first hand information that was recorded down by

the author and her own experiences.

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