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Third Macedonian Brigade Street, Phone/Fax: +389 2 246 3156,,


Civil and Common Law

Course number:
Semester: spring 2010
Schedule hours:
Room: 4А
Instructor: Kimo Chavdar, PhD., Assistant professor
Instructor’s mail:
Instructor’s mobile: 078 455-127
Meeting hours: Tuesday 11:00-12:00h
Course duration: 45 hours
Credit hours: 6 ECTS

Required text: 1. Avtorizirani predavanja od D-r Kimo Chavdar – Gragjansko pravo I

Stvarno pravo (2009) - Skopje
Supplementary reading:
1. D-r Asen Grupche – Imotno (gragjansko pravo) – Stvarno pravo
(1985) – Skopje;
2. D-r Asen Grupche – Imotno (gragjansko pravo) - Opsht del (1985)
- Skopje;
3. D-r Rodna Zhivkovska – Stvarno pravo kniga 1 (2005)– Skopje;
Kniga 2 (2009) – Skopje;
4. D-r Kiril Chavdar – Zakon za sopstvenost i drugi stvarni prava
(2001) – Skopje.

Overview of course:
This course is an introductory study and the lectures cover the basics of Civil Law in
general and the actual law as a separate part and the Civil Law system in Macedonia
and the rights to numerus clausus in that system.

Expected results:
Upon completion of the course students will be able to:
• introduce the system of Civil Law in the Republic of Macedonia
• extend the study of Civil Law in the coming semesters
• provide basic legal assistance in respect of the real right
• independently compose lawsuits and other legal acts

Format of course:
The lectures will cover the main areas specified in the Literature section. Notes from
the lectures will be provided for each lecture, which will serve as the basis for the
main literature. We will try, at least once a semester, to organize a visit of a
guest lecturer.
Class lectures shall review key topics through interactive lectures, exercises,
Course Delivery: simulations, case studies, etc.
Each new thematic unit shall start with review of the previously covered material
and correlation with the one to come.
At the end of a class the students shall be briefed on the topic of the next class and
instructed on the materials to read (if necessary) prior class.
Guest speaker/s will be invited to discuss on practical experiences and
contemporary topics.
Students are encouraged to participate in the class discussions and assignments.

Week Unit
1 Notion, subject, method, basic principles, defining, systems and sources of
the Civil law;
2 Civil-juridical relation: notion, subjects, objectives, civil-juridical facts,
content, change, and termination;
3 Juridical act: notion, components, types, will declaration, form,
modifications; Invalid juridical acts;
4 Real estate and civil-juridical trade; Representation;
5 Introduction in Common law: notion, development, system, principles;
Juridical sources; Demarcation of the host and foreign common law;
6 Common-juridical relation: subjects, object; Movable affairs;
7 Midterm exam
8 Real properties; Entities identified with affairs; Affairs from common
interest for the state; Affair interests; Subjective common laws;
9 Property: Characteristics of the constitutional guarantee, notion, object,
organs; Limitations; Neighborhood law; Acquirement on the basis of
juridical act;
10 Other ways of acquirement property law with: court decision, succession,
on the basis of law: Property;
11 Mutual property in: marriage, illegitimate community, heiress community,
family community; Participation of more persons into complicated affair;
12 Property law custody; Complaints; Property law termination; Domination;
13 Formal law; Types; Pledge law; Retention; Real load; Long-range lease;
14 Land registers; Cadastre; Title deed systems, deed of ownership, and in
15 Revision week and consultations with the professor if it is needed
16. Final exam

The Course contains the following major assignments and assessment tools:

Class Attendance and Contribution to Class Discussions 20 points


Project Presentations, Debates, Bar Examination Simulations,

10 points
Other Exercises or Student Activities 10%

20 points
Project 2 25%

50 points
Exam 60%

Total 100% 100 points

1-5 points
Topic Briefs (Extra Credit) 1-5%

Class Attendance and Contribution to Class Discussions

The classes are designed for the students to learn as much as possible during class, therefore
it is highly recommended the students to attend all the classes. Moreover, students with no
attendance shall not be able to take the exam. Class contribution shall be graded during
each of the classes. Points shall be awarded for volunteering meaningful and substantial
comments and questions, submitting newspaper articles and other activities that enhance the
learning experience of the class.

Project Presentations, Debates, Bar Examination Simulations, Other Exercises or

Student Activities
Class exercise with a purpose to encourage research and enhance communication skills,
through team work, shall be organized. In the exercise entitled “Debates” the students shall be
divided in 2 (two) groups, presided by a number of “judges”. The groups shall debate on topics
related to the course. Each group shall attempt to win the approval of the designated “judges”.
The topics for the debates to choose from and more detailed description of this or the other
class exercises and activities shall be provided separately.

Working in collaboration with a small team, or individually, the Contract Drafting and/or Analysis
assignment shall require the students either to write contracts or to examine closely given
contract/s. If working in teams, teamwork shall also be part of the grade. More detailed
description of this assignment shall be provided additionally.

The Exam will have combination of essay, multiple-choice, fill-in-the blanks, T/F and critical
thinking questions. Minimum of 60 points out of 100 points should be earned on the exam in
order to pass the Course, taking also into consideration the other elements of the grade.

Topic Brief
During the course, each student, for extra credit, may choose to submit 1-3 pages brief on a
topic closely related to the course outline, and approved by the instructor. The brief is worth one
to five points, depending on the quality of the presented data and reasoning, as well as its
complexity. The topics should be selected from the EBSCO database.

Common Professional Component Hours

1) Functional Areas:
Marketing 2
Business Finance 2
Accounting 0,5
Management (Organizational Behaviour – Human Resources 3
Management + Operations Management)
2) The Business Environment
Legal Environment of Business 25
Economics 2,5

Business Ethics 1
Global Dimension of Business 2

3) Technical Skills
MIS/IT Computing 0,5
Statistics/Quantitative Techniques 0,5
4) Integrative Areas
Business Politics/Strategies 1
Internship/Practical (Comprehensive or Integrating
Experience…..) 5

Grading Criteria

Grading % Quality points

A 96-100 4.00
A- 90-95 3.67
B+ 87-89 3.33
B 83-86 3.00
B- 80-82 2.67
C+ 77-79 2.33
C 73-76 2.00
C- 70-72 1.67
D+ 67-69 1.33
D 63-66 1.00
D- 60-62 0.67
F 0 -59 0.00

D- or above is required to pass the course.

G.P.A. (Grade Point Average) is computed for each student using the quality points
earned for each course taken. G.P.A. of at least 2.67 (B-) is required to graduate in the
Macedonian or English language programs.

Important note on attendance and class conduct

Students should bring on each class the textbook and other required materials. Students are
responsible for everything that is announced, presented or discussed during class. If absent
from class for any reason, students are personally responsible to gather all the information
covered, all the announcements made and all the materials distributed in their absence.
Mobile phones are not tolerated in the class.
After each class students are expected to study all the relevant material, read all the associated
exercises, identify the difficult points and pose their questions during the following classes.

Academic Honesty

The University American College Skopje has its personal integrity, which it protects
unconditionally. Cheating, forgery, plagiarism and involvement in other dishonest acts
undermine the University’s educational mission and the students' personal and intellectual

The students are expected to bear individual responsibility for their work, to learn the rules and
definitions that underlie the practice of academic integrity, and to uphold its ideals.


Plagiarism is a form of dishonesty that occurs when a person passes off someone else's work
as his/her own. This can range from failing to cite an author for ideas incorporated into a
student's paper to cutting and pasting paragraphs from different websites to handing in a paper
downloaded from the internet. All are plagiarism.

A conscientious writer always distinguishes clearly between what has been learned from others
and what he or she is personally contributing to the reader's understanding.

Plagiarism is serious offence and may be sanctioned by failing the exam, paper or project,
failing the course, and/or expulsion from the University.

Approved by: Jadranka Dabovik-Mrsik, Ph.D.

Skopje, October, 2011

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