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Articles By Brian Tracy

Knowledge that will help you in every aspect of your life.

Brian's articles will help you achieve your personal and business goals faster than you ever imagined.
Get Customers to Sell For You
By Brian Tracy
November 4, 2008
Excerpt From: Sales Success
Why People Buy
Fully 84 percent of sales in America take place as the result of word-of-mouth advertising.
Some of the most important sales promotion sales activities are those that take place between
customers and prospects, between friends and colleagues, in the form of advice and
recommendations on what to buy, or not buy, and who to buy from.

Join the Top 10%

The only way that you can be among the top ten percent of salespeople in your industry is by
having your existing customers selling for you on every occasion. Because of the importance
of mega-credibility in selling, your customers must be happy to open doors to new customers
for you wherever they go.

Never Prospect Again

All top salespeople eventually reach the point where they seldom have to prospect because
their customers do much of their selling for them. When you live your life consistent with
your personal and business mission statements, both fitting together like pieces of a jigsaw
puzzle, your sales career will soar, as will your sales results and your earnings.

Be Clear About Who You Are

One important point with regard to vision, values and mission statements: be gentle with
yourself. It has taken you your whole life to become the person you are today. If you are like
everyone else, you are not perfect. You have lots of room to grow and improve. There are
many changes that you can make in your character and personality in the course of becoming
the excellent human being that you aspire to. But change in your personality will not come
easily, and it won't come overnight. You must be patient.

Persist Until Your Succeed

The reason that people grow and become better and better over the course of time, is because
they persist gently in the direction of their goals and dreams. They don't expect overnight
transformations. When they don't see results immediately, they don't get discouraged. They
just keep on keeping on. And you must do the same.

Put Your Ideas Into Action

Once you have a clear idea of the person you want to be and the kind of life and career you
want to create, just take the first step. Read your mission statements every day as you go
about your activities, think of the different ways that you could practice the virtues and
qualities that you are in the process of incorporating into your own personality.

Remember, it is only your actions with regard to other people that really demonstrate the kind
of person you have become. And if you persist long enough, you will eventually shape
yourself into the exact person that you have imagined.

Action Exercises
First, treat every customer as if he is going to be a great source of word-of-mouth advertising
for you. Remember that every person knows about 300 other people.

Second, resolve to become better and better in your dealings with others but be gentle with
yourself. Behave every day in every way the best you can be and you will be sure to get

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by Brian Tracy | ↑Top | Permanent Link

The Key to Influencing Others

By Brian Tracy

November 3, 2008

Excerpt From: Entrepreneurial Success

Do Nice Things For Others

One of the best ways to influence someone is to do something nice for him. I know many
successful salespeople who make a habit of taking their prospects out to breakfast or lunch.
During the breakfast or lunch, they do not talk about their products or services unless the
client brings it up. They merely make small talk, ask questions and listen. They work on
building trust, and they work on establishing a friendly relationship. At the end of the
breakfast or lunch, they tell the prospect that they will be getting in touch with him sometime
in the future with the possibility of talking to him about helping him in some way.

See Them As Friends and Partners

The best salespeople and businesspeople in America today are those who look upon their
customers and prospective customers as friends and partners. They always look for ways to
help their partners improve their lives in ways that are not directly related to the products or
services they sell. They sow seeds, and they reap a harvest. They trigger a desire in people to
reciprocate. When the time comes for those salespeople to approach their prospects with the
possibility of buying their products or services, the prospects are wide open to the questions
and inputs of the salespeople. The prospects have a deep-down desire to reciprocate. Learn
How to Talk and influence people!

Send Thank You Notes

One of the best ways to use this principle in your interactions is to continually look for ways
to say and do positive things for people. Look for ways to do kind acts and favors for your
friends and prospects. Send thank-you notes. Send birthday cards. Send clippings from
newspapers about subjects that you feel may be of interest to them. Always keep your
promises, and follow up on your commitments. Always do what you say you will do. Do
everything possible to put in, knowing confidently that you will ultimately be able to get out
far more. You will reap if you sow.

Be A Go-Giver Rather Than A Go-Getter

Someone has observed that no one ever built a statue to a person to acknowledge what he or
she got out of life. Statues are built only to people to acknowledge what they gave. The most
powerful, influential and successful people you will ever meet always look for ways to do
nice things for others. When you meet someone under almost any circumstance, one of the
best questions you can ask is this: "Is there anything that I can do for you?" Always look for
ways to put in rather than to take out. The successful man or woman of today is a "go-giver"
as well as a go-getter.

Be Open and Empathetic

The more that people feel that you are open and empathetic and sensitive to their needs and
concerns, the more open they will be to your influencing them positively in some way. And
the more you can influence others with the power and impact of your personality, the more
you will accomplish, and the faster you will accomplish it. The more rapidly you will move
toward the great success that you desire and deserve.

Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.

First, look for ways to do nice things for other people, especially your family, friends, and
customers. The more nice things you do for others, the better you feel about yourself.

Second, take time to really listen to people, especially your staff and coworkers. The more
and better you listen to others, the greater is your influence over them.
"Learn how to influence others --
Simply by using your words"
Your ability to communicate with others will
account for fully 85% of your success in your
business and in your life.

Would you like to be able to influence people

you speak with, and get them to agree with your
point of view?

How well you communicate, influence,

persuade, and negotiate will ultimately
determine the quality of your life.

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by Brian Tracy | ↑Top | Permanent Link

What's The Secret To Building Real Wealth

By Brian Tracy

November 3, 2008

Excerpt From: Personal Success

What would your life be like if you doubled your income this year? What if you doubled your
income AND you doubled the time you spend doing what you love with the people you love?

How can you go from dream to reality?

Think it's impossible in this economy? It's not! In every shift of the economy -- down or up --
there are winners and losers.

Even in the Great Depression, people came out new millionaires. Today will be no different.

The Secret You Need To Know

The key to being successful in life and with your business is focus.

Focus? What am I talking about?

The key to being truly successful is knowing how and where to focus your time and efforts.
For example, just yesterday I was talking with someone who sells fiber optic cables and
computer hardware. He wanted to know if I thought it was a good idea to diversify and try to
resell self-improvement programs online.

Here was someone who was doing fairly well with one business and about to take his eye off
his primary source of income and try something he knew nothing about. Bad idea!

If you want to be successful, the key is finding something you're good at and focusing your
efforts to help people...and become rich doing it.

For example, every successful business owner knows they need a marketing strategy to attract
new clients and make more money. But most don't know how and where to focus their
marketing. They try a little of this and a little of that and get little in the way of results.

Knowing how and where to focus your efforts is the key to success.

With a proven system for getting prospects' attention, generating leads, converting leads to
clients, maximizing sales and generating repeat sales you can easily double your income
while cutting your time on the job in half (or even more).

4 Options For Achieving Your Dreams

Try copying what others are doing This could work. Anything is possible but most new
businesses fail. Even if you try copying one that appears to be making money, it's impossible
to know what's working for them and what's not. You could easily end up copying one of
their failed strategies.

Wait for lightning to strike in the form of a revolutionary product or service and then hope
you get featured on Oprah. Your odds are slim but again, this could happen. Counting on it
would be a mistake.

Maintain a positive attitude

I'm sure you've heard it before: your chances of success are higher when you focus on
creating opportunities...but at some point you're going to need more than just a positive
attitude. You're going to need guidance and tools to reach your dreams.

Find a proven system, one that shows you exactly how to become a sought after expert, how
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leads, sales and profits (so you can make more money).

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by Brian Tracy | ↑Top | Permanent Link

Develop A Sense of Urgency

By Brian Tracy

November 3, 2008

Excerpt From: Time Management Success

Perhaps the most outwardly identifiable quality of a high performing man or woman is "action
Take Time to Think and Plan
Highly productive people take the time to think, plan and set priorities. They then launch
quickly and strongly toward their goals and objectives. They work steadily, smoothly and
continuously and seem to go through enormous amounts of work in the same time period that
the average person spends socializing, wasting time and working on low value activities.

Getting into "Flow"

When you work on high value tasks at a high and continuous level of activity, you can
actually enter into an amaz ing mental state called "flow." Almost everyone has experienced
this at some time. Really successful people are those who get themselves into this state far
more often than the average.

In the state of "flow," which is the highest human state of performance and productivity,
something almost mirac ulous happens to your mind and emotions. You feel elated and clear.
Everything you do seems effortless and accurate. You feel happy and energetic. You
experience a tremendous sense of calm and personal effectiveness.

Become More Alert and Aware

In the state of "flow," identified and talked about over the centuries, you actually function on
a higher plane of clarity, creativity and competence. You are more sensitive and aware. Your
insight and intuition functions with incredible precision. You see the interconnectedness of
people and circumstances around you. You often come up with brilliant ideas and insights
that enable you to move ahead even more rapidly.

Develop a Sense of Urgency

One of the ways you can trigger this state of flow is by developing a "sense of urgency." This
is an inner drive and desire to get on with the job quickly and get it done fast. This inner drive
is an impatience that motivates you to get going and to keep going. A sense of urgency feels
very much like racing against yourself.

Create a "Bias for Action"

With this ingrained sense of urgency, you develop a "bias for action." You take action rather
than talking continually about what you are going to do. You focus on specific steps you can
take immediately. By employing this technique you concentrate on the things you can do right
now to get the results you want and achieve the goals you desire.

Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action:

First, select one major task confronting you and launch into it immediately. Don't hesitate.
Move fast.

Second, start doing this every morning, first thing, until it becomes a habit.

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by Brian Tracy | ↑Top | Permanent Link

The Determinant of Your Success

By Brian Tracy

October 31, 2008

Excerpt From: Financial Success

Perhaps the most powerful single factor in your financial success is your beliefs about
yourself and money. We call this the Law of Belief. It says simply this: Whatever you
believe, with feeling, becomes your reality.

What Successful People Believe

Whatever you intensely believe becomes your reality. That we have a tendency to block out
any information coming in to us that is inconsistent with our reality. What we've discovered is
that successful people absolutely believe that they have the ability to succeed. And they will
not entertain, think about, or talk about the possibilities that they'll fail. They do not even
consider the possibility of failure.

Positive Thinking Versus Positive Knowing

You always act in a matter consistent with your beliefs. The most important belief system you
can build is a prosperity consciousness where you absolutely believe that you are going
achieve your financial goals. We call this positive knowing versus positive thinking. Positive
thinking can sometimes be wishing or hoping. But positive knowing is when you absolutely
know that no matter what, you will be successful.

The Foundation of Willpower

Another principle related to your beliefs is willpower. We know that willpower is essential to
any success. Willpower is based on confidence. It's based on conviction. It's based on faith.
It's based on your belief in your ability to triumph over all obstacles. And you can develop
willpower by persistence, by working on your goals, by reading the biographies of successful
people, by listening to audio programs, by reading books about people who've achieved
success. The more information you take into your mind consistent with success, the more
likely it is that you will develop the willpower to push you through the obstacles and
difficulties you will experience.

Beat the Odds on Success

Remember that success is rare. Only one person in one hundred becomes wealthy in the
course of a lifetime. Only five percent achieve financial independence. That means that the
odds against you are 19-to-1. The only way that you're going to achieve your financial goals
is if you get really serious. To succeed, you must get serious. You must get busy. You must
get active. You must get going. Remember, everything counts.

Resolve to Achieve Greatly

Self-mastery, self-control, self-discipline are essential for anyone who wants to achieve
greatly. And control over your thoughts is the hardest exercise in self-mastery that you will
ever engage in. See if you can talk and think about only what you desire and not talk or think
about anything that you don't want for 24 hours. Then you'll see what you're really made of.
It's a hard thing to do but with practice, you can reach the point where you are thinking about
your goals and desires most of the time. Then, your whole life will change for the better.

Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do to build a belief system consistent with the financial success
you desire:

First, continually repeat to yourself the words, pictures and thoughts consistent with your
dreams and goals. Whatever you repeat often enough, over and over, becomes a new belief.

Second, set a goal for yourself to think and talk only about the things that you want for the
next 24 hours. This will be one of the hardest things you ever do. But if you can keep your
mind on what you want and off of what you don't want for 24 hours, you can begin to change
your entire future.

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by Brian Tracy | ↑Top | Permanent Link

Thinking Out of the Box

By Brian Tracy

October 30, 2008

Excerpt From: Entrepreneurial Success

Improve the Quality of Your Thinking

Human beings are mental organisms. Everything we are or ever will be, will be as the direct
result of the way we think. If we improve the quality of our thinking, we must improve the
quality of our lives. And, there is no other way to do it.

Youth and Creativity

In one series of I.Q. tests given to children age 2 - 4 years, 95% of the children were found to
be highly creative with curious, questioning minds and an ability for abstract thinking.

When the same children were tested again at age 7, only 5% still demonstrated high levels of
creativity. In the ensuing years, they had learned to conform; "If you want to get along, you
had better go along," is what they had discovered.

The Dangers of Conformity

They had learned to color between the lines, to sit in neat little rows, to do and say what the
other kids did and said, and to do as they were told. Over time, they lost the wonderful
fearless spontaneity of youth and learned to suppress ideas and insights that were unusual or

Aggressively Seek New Ideas

Most of us have had similar experiences. The "Not invented-here" syndrome in many large
companies is simply the adult version of "not rocking the boat." But fortunately, since
creativity is your birth right, a fundamental part of your nature, you can tap into it at any time,
no matter how long it has been since you really used it.

Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do to start thinking outside of your mental box.

First, imagine that there was a vastly better, cheaper, faster way to do your job - and
somebody else had already discovered it and was going to put you out of business.

Second, imagine doing exactly the opposite of what you are doing today. Allow your mind to
float freely and consider how current trends will change your business.

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by Brian Tracy | ↑Top | Permanent Link

Four Obstacles to Closing

By Brian Tracy

October 29, 2008

Excerpt From: Sales Success

Fear of Failure
There are several other reasons why the end game of selling is stressful and difficult. First and
foremost is the fear of failure experienced by the prospect. Because of negative buying
experiences in the past, over which you could have no control, prospects are conditioned to be
suspicious, skeptical and wary of salespeople and sales approaches. They may like to buy, but
they don't like to be sold. They are afraid of making a mistake. They are afraid of paying too
much and finding it for sale cheaper somewhere else.

Fear of Criticism
They are afraid of being criticized by others for making the wrong buying decision. They are
afraid of buying an inappropriate product and finding out later that they should have
purchased something else. This fear of failure, of making a mistake in buying your product, is
the major reason why people object, hesitate and procrastinate on the buying decision.

Fear of Rejection
The second major obstacle to selling is the fear of rejection, of criticism and disapproval
experienced by the salesperson. You work long and hard to prospect and cultivate a
prospective buyer and you are very reluctant to say anything that might cause the prospect to
tune you out and turn you off. You have a lot invested in each prospect and if you are not
careful, you will find yourself being wishy-washy at the end of the sale, rather than risking
incurring the displeasure of the prospect by your asking for a firm decision.

Customers Are Busy

The third reason why the end of the sale is difficult is that customers are busy and
preoccupied. It isn't that they are not interested in enjoying the benefits of your product. It's
just that they are overwhelmed with work and they find it difficult to make sufficient time
available to think through your recommendations and make a buying decision. And the better
they are as a prospect, the busier they tend to be. This is why you need to maintain
momentum throughout the sales process and gently push it to a conclusion at the appropriate
Inertia is Hard to Break
The factor of inertia is the fourth reason that can also cause the sales process to come to a halt
without a resolution. Customers are lazy and often quite comfortable doing what they are
currently doing. Your product or service may require that they make exceptional efforts to
accommodate the change or a new way of doing things. They perhaps recognize that they
would be better off with your product, but the trouble and expense of installing it hardly
seems to make it worth the effort. They see no pressing need or urgency to stop doing what
they are doing and start doing something else with what you are selling.

Everyone Buys at the Same Time

The good news is that everybody you meet has bought and will buy, new products and
services from someone, at some time. If they didn't buy from you, they will from someone
else. You must find the way to overcome the natural physical and psychological obstacles to
buying and then hone your skills so that you are capable of selling to almost any qualified
prospect you speak to.

Action Exercises
Now, here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.

First, recognize the normal fear of making a buying mistake experienced by the customer.
Give him every reason you can think of to be confident in dealing with you.

Second, accept that everyone you talk to is busy and you are interrupting. Always ask if this is
a good time for him to give you his undivided attention. If not, arrange to see him another

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by Brian Tracy | ↑Top | Permanent Link

The Key to Long-Term Success

By Brian Tracy

October 27, 2008

Excerpt From: Entrepreneurial Success

Successful people have been studied in depth for more than 100 years. They have been
interviewed extensively to determine what it is they do and how they think that enables them
to accomplish so much more than the average person.

In this Newsletter, you learn the most important single factor of long-term success and how
you can build it into your personality and your attitude. You learn how to virtually guarantee
yourself a great future.

The Harvard Discovery on Success

In 1970, sociologist Dr. Edward Banfield of Harvard University wrote a book entitled The
Unheavenly City. He described one of the most profound studies on success and priority
setting ever conducted.

Banfield's goal was to find out how and why some people became financially independent
during the course of their working lifetimes. He started off convinced that the answer to this
question would be found in factors such as family background, education, intelligence,
influential contacts, or some other concrete factor. What he finally discovered was that the
major reason for success in life was a particular attitude of mind.

Develop Long Time Perspective

Banfield called this attitude "long time perspective." He said that men and women who were
the most successful in life and the most likely to move up economically were those who took
the future into consideration with every decision they made in the present. He found that the
longer the period of time a person took into consideration while planning and acting, the more
likely it was that he would achieve greatly during his career.

For example, one of the reasons your family doctor is among the most respected people in
America is because he or she has invested many years of hard work and study to finally earn
the right to practice medicine. After university courses, internship, residency and practical
training, a doctor may be more than 30 years old before he or she is capable of earning a good
living. But from that point onward, these men and women are some of the most respected and
most successful professional people in any society. They had long time perspectives.

Measure the Potential Future Impact

The key to success in setting priorities is having a long time perspective. You can tell how
important something is today by measuring its potential future impact on your life.

For example, if you come home from work at night and choose to play with your children or
spend time with your spouse, rather than watch TV or read the paper, you have a long time
perspective. You know that investing time in the health and happiness of your children and
your spouse is a very valuable, high-priority use of time. The potential future impact of
quality time with your family is very high.

If you take additional courses in the evening to upgrade your skills and make yourself more
valuable to your employer, you're acting with a long time perspective. Learning something
practical and useful can have a long-term effect on your career.

Practice Delayed Gratification

Economists say that the inability to delay gratification-that is, the natural tendency of
individuals to spend everything they earn plus a little bit more, and the mind-set of doing
what is fun, easy and enjoyable-is the primary cause of economic and personal failure in life.
On the other hand, disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although
difficult, is the highroad to pride, self-esteem and personal satisfaction.
The long term comes soon enough, and every sacrifice that you make today will be rewarded
with compound interest in the great future that lies ahead for you.
Action Exercises
Here are three steps you can take immediately to put these ideas into action.

First, think long-term. Sit down today and write out a description of your ideal life ten and
twenty years into the future. This automatically develops longer-time perspective.

Second, look at everything you do in terms of its long-term potential impact on your life. Do
more things that have greater long-term value to you.

Third, develop the habit of delaying gratification in small things, small expenditures, small
pleasures, so that you can enjoy greater rewards and greater satisfaction in the future.

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The Maximum Achievement Goal Planner will enable you to accomplish more in the
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Maximum Achievement Goal Planner

After more than 25 years of research and practice, I have designed this workbook to
help you create your blueprint for success and achieve all of your goals.

Buy the Maximum Achievement Goal Planner today!

by Brian Tracy | ↑Top | Permanent Link

Using Your Inner Guidance System

By Brian Tracy

October 27, 2008

Excerpt From: Personal Success

You have incredible powers of mind and emotions that give you timely and accurate feedback
in every area of your life.
In this newsletter, you learn how to "tune in" to yourself so you can make the right decision in
every situation.

Using Your Inner Guidance System

We know that the body has a natural bias toward health and energy. It's designed to last for
100 years with proper care and maintenance. When something goes wrong with any part of
our body, we experience it in the form of pain or discomfort of some kind.

We know that when our body is not functioning smoothly and painlessly, something is wrong,
and we take action to correct it. We go to a doctor; we take pills; we undergo physical
therapy, massage or chiropractic. We know that if we ignore pain or discomfort for any period
of time, it could lead to something more serious.

How to Tell Right From Wrong

In the same sense, nature also gives us a way to tell emotionally what's right for us and what's
wrong for us in life. Just as nature gives us physical pain to guide us to doing or not doing
things in the physical realm, nature gives us emotional pain to guide us toward doing or not
doing things in the emotional or mental realm. The wonderful thing is that you're constructed
so that if you simply listen carefully to yourself-to your mind, your body and your emotions-
and follow the guidance you're given, you can dramatically enhance the quality of your life.

Just as the natural physical state of your body is health and vitality, your natural emotional
state is peace and happiness. Whenever you experience a deviation from peace and happiness,
it's an indication that something is amiss. Something is wrong with what you're thinking,
doing or saying. Your feeling of inner happiness is the best indicator you could ever have to
tell you what you should be doing more of and what you should be doing less of.

The Messenger
Unhappiness is to your life as pain is to your body. It is sent as a messenger to tell you that
what you're doing is wrong for you.

Very often, you'll suffer from what has been called "divine discontent." You'll feel fidgety and
uneasy for a reason or reasons that are unclear to you. You'll be dissatisfied with the status
quo. Sometimes, you'll be unable to sleep. Sometimes, you'll be angry or irritable. Very often,
you'll get upset with things that have nothing to do with the real issue. You'll have a deep
inner sense that something isn't as it should be, and you'll often feel like a fish on a hook,
wriggling and squirming emotionally to get free.

Divine Discontent
And that is a good thing. Divine discontent always comes before a positive life change. If you
were perfectly satisfied, you would never take any action to improve or change your
circumstances. Only when you're dissatisfied for some reason do you have the inner
motivation to engage in the outer behaviors that lead you onward and upward.

Listen to yourself. Trust your inner voice. Go with the flow of your own personality. Do the
things that make you feel happy inside and you'll probably never make another mistake.

Action Exercises
Here are three steps you can take immediately to put these ideas into action.
First, listen to yourself and trust your own feelings. If there is a part of your life that causes
you stress and unhappiness, resolve to deal with it.

Second, identify those areas of your life where you are dissatisfied or frustrated for any
reason. What changes should you, could you make?

Third, remember that nature wants you to be happy, healthy, popular and prosperous. Any
deviation from those conditions is a signal to you that action is necessary.

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by Brian Tracy | ↑Top | Permanent Link

Developing A Vision For Your Future

By Brian Tracy

October 27, 2008

Excerpt From: Management Success

What Only Leaders Can Do

The one quality that all leaders have in common is that they have a clear and exciting vision for the
future. This is something that only the leader can do. Only the leader can think about the future and
plan for the future each day.
Develop A Clear Vision
Excellent leaders take the time to think through and develop a clear picture of where they want the
organization to be in one, three and five years. Leaders have the ability to communicate this vision in
such a way that others "buy in" and eventually see the vision as belonging to them.

How to Motivate People

It is the vision of the future possibilities, of what can be, that arouses emotion and motivates people to
give of their best. The most powerful vision is always qualitative, aimed at and described in terms of
values and mission rather than quantitative, described in terms of money. Of course, money is
important, but the decision and commitment to "be the best in the business" is far more exciting.

To encourage others, to instill confidence in them, to help them to perform at their best requires first of
all that you lead by example.

Be A Great Team Player

A study at Stanford Business School examined the qualities that companies look for in promoting
young managers toward senior executive positions, especially the position of Chief Executive
Officer. The study concluded that there were two important qualities required for great
success in leadership. The first is the ability to put together a team and function as a good
team player. Since all work is ultimately done by teams, and the managers' output is the
output of the team, the ability to select team members, set objectives, delegate responsibility
and finally, get the job done, was central to success in management.

Keep Your Cool

The second quality required for rapid promotion was found to be the ability to function well
under pressure, and especially in a crisis. Keeping your cool in a crisis means to practice
patience and self-control under difficult or disappointing circumstances.

Everyone Is Watching
The character and quality of a leader is often demonstrated in these critical moments under
fire, when everyone is watching, observing and privately taking notes. As Rudyard Kipling
once said, "If you can keep your head when all around you are losing theirs and blaming it on
you, then the world is yours and all that's in it".

Your job as a leader is to have a clear vision of where you want to go and then to keep your
cool when things go wrong, as they surely will.

Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.

First, project forward 3-5 years and imagine your ideal future vision. What does it look like?
What steps can you take immediately to begin turning your future vision into your current

Second, resolve in advance that, no matter what happens, you will remain calm and cool. You
will not become upset or angry. You will take a deep breath and focus on the solution rather
than on the problem.
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