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Lesson Plan

Class profile: 37 adults at Basic User (A1) level

Coursebook: Attitude 1 Unit to teach: Unit 4 page 38 and 39 Class time: 90 minutes
Timetable fit: SS have already learnt how to use Present Simple (unit 3- Likes and Dislikes) and use of auxiliaries do/don't, does/doesn´t for question and
negative forms (unit 2 - To have). In next units, they will use Present Simple (all forms) to talk about routines and frequency.
Main aim: To reinforce use of Present Simple (1st, 2nd and 3rd person singular) when talking about jobs and workplaces.
Subsidiary aims: to practice speaking skills and perform informal assessment of some SS oral production.
Anticipated problems: SS might not immediately correlate the use of the auxiliaries do/don't, does/doesn´t with a new context (work).
Possible solution: If SS make mistakes in Study Stage Phase 4, remind them "Do you like? Does she like?" from previous unit.

Stage of the Procedure Objective Material Time


- T asks if any of SS works. If necessary to obtain more answers, T .To elicit vocabulary from SS and introduce the Board, markers 5-7 min.
Warm up/lead in
asks about SS parents jobs, topic.

- One of SS writes the jobs on the board. To let SS make use of the board to get more
T and whole class check spelling involved in the class and to correct spelling

- SS open books page 38 (Unit 4) and match pictures with job. Ex. To present vocabulary Board, markers Coursebook 10 min
- T adds these jobs to the list on the board

- T use list on the board to makes SS notice To practice listening and pronunciation Coursebook
Controlled practice
ending -er-or CD
Pronunciation Ex. 4.2 CD Player 10-12 min.

- T asks SS where these people (pictures) work. To make logic connections and widen the Coursebook
SS do Ex. 4.3 and check in pairs context.

- T asks randomly about SS or SS parents workplace (also refers To make content meaningful and familiarize
to the list of jobs on the board) context

- T writes some questions and answers given by SS on the board. To review grammar using inductive approach. Board, markers 20 min.
T asks SS to focus on the construction of the sentence and find
out the rule.

- SS visualize the rule in a written chart (different from 4.4.a.b.c. in

the book)

- SS do exercise 4.4.d. Feedback

Check in pairs and then whole class.
Production - SS in pairs write questions for a short interview about "Your best To make SS use freely new vocabulary and
friend" (How old is he/she? Does he/she work? What does he/she forms, also using what already learnt.
like...etc.) Exercise 4.5 adapted.

- SS in pairs ask and answer in turn. Oral production.

Informal ssessment of oral fluency for some 25-30 min.
- Some SS (chosen by T) report to whole class. SS
(Mario's best friend is... he is a... and works....)
To provide SS with more controlled and semi-
controlled practice.
T assigns homework: written exercises from Worbook

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