VET in Sweden

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68 Spotlight on VET – 2018 compilation

VET in Sweden
Swedish vocational education and training (VET) pathways for adults, set up according to the specific
starts after compulsory education and includes required needs, are the most common way to gain
programmes at upper secondary, post-secondary a qualification in a new field or study the courses
and tertiary levels. required to access higher vocational or higher
To enrol in upper secondary VET programmes, general education. At a non-formal level, folk high
learners need a sufficient number of passing grades schools and private training providers offer various
in a lower secondary programme. Alternatively they courses for adults. Several active labour market
can follow individualised introductory programmes, policy programmes (ALMP) for the unemployed are
giving access to upper secondary programmes or also vocationally oriented or feature different forms
to the labour market. Depending on the programme of work placement. Courses and programmes
type and the students’ performance, they last from are financed through fees or by companies and
one to three years. organisations, with public grants also provided.
Upper secondary VET programmes are Since 2016, non-formal and private sector quali­
three-year programmes leading to an upper fications and certificates can be referenced to the
secondary vocational diploma at EQF level 4. Swedish national qualifications framework (SeQF).
Each programme can be followed through two
pathways: school-based and apprenticeship. Governance
Both pathways incorporate mandatory training at The Swedish government has overall responsibility
the workplace; in school-based programmes the for the education system and sets the policy
overall share of work-based learning is at least 15% framework at all education levels. Goals and
and in apprenticeship the minimum is 50%. Upper learning outcomes are defined centrally but with
secondary schools are run by municipalities, county decentralised implementation. The Ministry of
councils, the State and private training providers. Education and Research is responsible for most
An upper secondary diploma and sufficiently education fields, including upper secondary
high grades in particular modules (such as Swedish, schools, adult education, and higher VET. Steering
English and mathematics) are required to access documents regulating upper secondary school
higher vocational education. All learners in VET and municipal adult education are drawn up by the
programmes are entitled to study those modules government and by the Swedish National Agency
or can do so at a later stage for free in municipal for Education (Skolverket). There is a national
adult education. programme council for each vocational programme;
At post-secondary and tertiary VET levels, one- these advise and support Skolverket regarding
or two-year higher VET programmes are offered, adaptation, development and modernisation of
leading to a diploma or advanced diploma in higher vocational education. Social partners, industry
vocational education at EQF levels 5 and 6. They representatives and sometimes also public
combine school-based learning with training at authorities are members of these councils.
the workplace. To obtain an advanced diploma in The MYH is in charge of higher VET, approving
higher vocational education, at least a quarter of training providers who then cooperate with the
the programme must be carried out as workplace world of work to develop and deliver programmes.
training. The training providers are chosen by the The government needs to give their final approval to
Swedish Agency for Higher Vocational Education the introduction of any new higher VET programme.
(MYH) and can be municipalities, private providers,
counties or universities.
Adult education has a long tradition in Sweden.
Participation in lifelong learning was above 30%
in 2017, making it the highest in the European
Union (Eurostat), and it is provided in many forms.
Municipalities offer formal adult education where
learners can also acquire an upper secondary
vocational diploma. Individual modularised

VET in Sweden's education and training system 69



(outside the school system)

Post-master and PhD programmes,

2-4 years Training
Skills ship or work ALMP
offered by folk
training for introduction (mainly for
high schools
the placements the
and private
employed after unemployed)
ISCED 864 training
EQF 7 EQF 7 EQF 7 providers
Master programmes,
1-2 years ISCED 766
bachelor and
master EQF 6 EQF 6
programmes, Bachelor Programmes for
5 years programmes, professional EQF 6

2-3 years qualifications, Higher VET programmes with

3-5 years WBL, 1-2 years EQF 5
19+ 12+ ISCED 766 ISCED 665 ISCED 665, 766 ISCED 554 ISCED 454

19 12
HE preparatory VET programmes
18 11 programmes, (school-based or apprenticeship)
3 years 3 years, WBL > 15% (*)
17 10 ISCED 344 ISCED 353
for adults
EQF 2 (20+ years),
Individualised programmes for learners Programmes (•)
not eligible for national for SEN learners, WBL possible,
upper secondary programmes (•) 4 years, % varies
ISCED 244, 341, 351
WBL > 14%
ISCED 343, 353

16 9 ISCED
244, 344, 351, 353
Highest level of the integrated primary
15 8 and lower secondary programme
14 7 ISCED 244


General education programmes Giving access to tertiary education

VET programmes Possible progression routes Change of pathways possible
Entry through validation of adults' prior learning (formal/informal/non-formal)
Programmes combining VET and general education
End of compulsory education
May also be offered to adults (full-, part-time or distance education) (•) Duration and content adapted to learners' needs
Officially recognised vocational qualifications (*) Optional courses with a passing grade are required to access higher education
SEN Special education needs
Qualifications allowing access to the next education level
WBL Work-based learning, either at the workplace or a VET institution
ALMP Active labour market policies

NB: ISCED-P 2011.

Source: Cedefop and ReferNet Sweden.
Spotlight on VET – 2018 compilation:
vocational education and training systems in Europe.

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Please cite this chapter as:

Cedefop (2019). VET in Austria. In: Cedefop (2019). Spotlight on VET – 2018 compilation: vocational
education and training systems in Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office, pp. 8-9.

© Cedefop, 2019

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