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MARCELINA NAME: ________________________ - 8° ___ DATE: ___________ MARCELINA NAME: ________________________ - 8° ___ DATE: ___________

A) Find the verbs in past simple form in the “Word Search”: A) Find the verbs in past simple form in the “Word Search”:

1) C _ M _ 1) L _ _ _ _
2) D _ _ C _ _ 2) S P _ _ _
3) F _ _ _ _ T 3) S _ A _ _ _ _
4) T _ L _ _ _ 4) F _ _ N _
5) T _ _ _ D 5) B _ I _ l

B) Complete the sentences using the past simple:

B) Complete the sentences using the past simple:
6) Nelson Mandela _______ (Win) a Nobel Peace Prize in 1993
7) Mariano Rivera Paz __________ (Be) the first president of Guatemala 6) Marie Curie __________ (Discover) some chemical elements
8) Alexander Graham Bell __________ (Invent) the telephone 7) Aretha Franklin _________ (Sing) many beautiful songs
9) Leonardo DaVinci __________ (Sketch) a lot of machines 8) Linus Pauling_______ (Win) a Nobel Peace Prize in 1962
10) Marie Curie __________ (Discover) some chemical elements 9) Bernardino Rivadavia__________ (Be) the first president of Argentina
11) Aretha Franklin _________ (Sing) many beautiful songs 10) Carl Benz __________ (Invent) the first automobile
12) Pablo Neruda ___________ (Write) a lot of books 11) Leonardo DaVinci __________ (Sketch) a lot of machines
13) Neil Armstrong _________ (Not walk) on the sun 12) Jorge Luis Borges ___________ (Write) fantastic books
14) Rosa Parks ___________ (Not want) to give up her seat 13) Rosa Parks ___________ (Not want) to give up her seat
15) Carl Benz ___________ (Not steal) any ideas 14) Alexander Graham Bell ___________ (Not steal) any ideas
16) Rosalind Franklin ____________ (Not stay) in a hotel in Australia 15) Rosalind Franklin ____________ (Not stay) in a hotel in Australia
16) Neil Armstrong _________ (Not walk) on the sun
C) Transform the following sentences into questions:
C) Transform the following sentences into questions:
17) Mother Theresa helped the poor
18) George Washington became the first president of the U.S.A 17) Eleanor Roosevelt did charitable work
19) Cleopatra spoke Greek 18) Mother Theresa helped the poor
20) Eleanor Roosevelt did charitable work 19) George Washington became the first president of the U.S.A
20) Ella Fitzgerald made her debut at the age of 17

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