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Name: ………………………………..

…… Test Paper Unit II 8th form

Item 1. Translate the following words in Romanian: 8p.
1. carriage …………………………..………
2. fame …………………....................
3. award …………………………………….
4. definitely ……………………………………
Item II . Match the words with their definitions. 6 p

Adopt a) a part that combines with other part to form something bigger

Healthy b) having confidence in your own abilities

Component c) free from illness

Tend d) accept or start to use something new

Self-assured e) making you feel calm

Relaxing f) be likely to happen

Item III. Choose the correct answer . ( 8 points )

1 It’s / There’s time to go.

2 It’s / There’s 7 o’clock in the morning.

3 It’s / There ‘s a magazine on the bedside table.

4 It’s / There’s something strange in your drink.

Item 4. Write down 4 sentences explaining what kind of dishes do the British people prefer. 10 p.


Item 5 . Success is something everyone strives to achieve . Comment the sentence in 80 words. 21p.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
53-50 49-46 45-42 41-36 35-29 28-21 20-14 13-8 7-4 3-0


Item 1. Pupils have to translate the following words in English, for each correct word they receive 2p. 8p
1. 1. carriage - careta
2. fame - faima
3. award - premiu
4. definitely -precis

Item 2. Pupils have to form nouns from the following adjectives. 2 points for each right answer. 6p
Adopt a) a part that combines with other part to form something bigger

Healthy b) having confidence in your own abilities

Component c) free from illness

Tend d) accept or start to use something new

Self-assured e) making you feel calm

Relaxing f) be likely to happen

Item 3. Pupils have to use the correct form answer. 2p.

Item 4. Pupils will write down 4 sentences and mention what kind of dishes do the British people prefer.

They will receive 2 points for each correct sentence. 1p. – for creativity, 1 p. – for sentence correct

Item 5. Pupils will write one little essay / a paragraph about lies . They have to describe in 5-8 sentences.
Use specific details and examples. 21p.

3 points-------------correct structure
4 points------------content
4 points------------originality
4 points ---------- spelling
4 points ---------- grammar
2point ----------- pupils wrote on the subject

Teacher: Cebotari Alina

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