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While I anticipate my philosophy for teaching will never remain stagnant, for I will

continuously learn new things with every new round of students that walk through my
classroom door and will therefore learn what qualifies as effective instruction, there are a few
basic principles that I have learned are most important throughout my study in my
undergraduate program at Colorado State University, that of which are the following:

Language Arts, encompassing the subjects of Literature, Writing, Composition,

Language Instruction, Linguistics, etc., is the backbone of the modern world, and can provide
valuable insight into the society around us, including its respective political, social, and
economic spheres. Because of its importance, it is imperative that students, before they enter
into adult society, understand the basics of all this subject has to offer, that of which I aim to
accomplish by embracing all of my students’ individual, unique personalities and identities,
and understanding that there is so much that they bring to the table of learning just by being
present. It is thus my role to translate the important facets English Language Arts has to offer
to each and every one of them in such a way that makes sense to them in the most sustainable
way possible, as well as to be a guide on this extensive journey through their individual
linguistic, communicative, and analytical paths that will best prepare them for and make them
feel prepared and confident to face the world outside the classroom.

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