Marcadores Inflamatorios en Les

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Review article

Inflammatory markers in systemic lupus erythematosus

Martin Aringer
University Medical Center and Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus at the TU Dresden, Fetscherstrasse 74, 01307, Dresden, Germany


Keywords: While systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoantibody and immune complex disease by nature, most
Systemic lupus erythematosus of its organ manifestations are in fact inflammatory. SLE activity scores thus heavily rely on assessing
C-reactive protein inflammation in the various organs. This focus on clinical items demonstrates that routine laboratory markers of
inflammation are still limited in their impact. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is used, but represents
Cytokines a rather crude overall measure. Anemia and diminished serum albumin play a role in estimating inflammatory
activity, but both are reflecting more than one mechanism, and the association with inflammation is complex. C-
reactive protein (CRP) is a better marker for infections than for SLE activity, where there is only a limited
association, and procalcitonin (PCT) is also mainly used for detecting severe bacterial infection. Of the cytokines
directly induced by immune complexes, type I interferons, interleukin-18 (IL-18) and tumor necrosis factor
(TNF) are correlated with inflammatory disease activity. Still, precise and timely measurement is an issue,
which is why they are not currently used for routine purposes. While somewhat more robust in the assays,
IL-18 binding protein (IL-18BP) and soluble TNF-receptor 2 (TNF-R2), which are related to the respective
cytokines, have not yet made it into clinical routine. The same is true for several chemokines that are increased
with activity and relatively easy to measure, but still experimental parameters. In the urine, proteinuria leads
and is essential for assessing kidney involvement, but may also result from damage. Similar to the situation in
serum and plasma, several cytokines and chemokines perform reasonably well in scientific studies, but are not
routine parameters. Cellular elements in the urine are more difficult to assess in the routine laboratory, where sufficient rout
Therefore, the analysis of urinary T cells may have potential for better monitoring renal inflammation.

1.Introduction and a relevant part of the neuropsychiatric manifestations, SLE organ disease
is inflammatory disease. It is therefore helpful to understand the mechanisms
Systemic lupus erythematosus is a classical systemic autoimmune linking immune complex deposition and inflammation in the various organs.
disease. Autoantibodies and immune complexes are so central [1,2] that both Where immune complexes form or get deposited depends on their size, their
diagnosis and classification serologically focus on these features. Indeed, specificity, and on their charge. While we do not fully understand and cannot
neither the new European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR)/American currently measure most of the auto-antibodies probably involved, notable
College of Rheumatology (ACR) 2019 classification criteria [3,4], nor the measurable examples are anti-bodies to double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) in
Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics (SLICC) 2012 [5], the ACR proliferative lupus ne-phritis, deposited on the charged basement membrane,
1997 [6] or the ACR 1982 classifi-cation criteria [7] for SLE contain any and antibodies to the RNA-binding Ro-60 protein in subacute cutaneous LE
markers of inflammation. C-re-active protein (CRP), as the prototypical (SCLE).
marker of inflammation in the routine laboratory, is often not greatly elevated Deposited immune complexes activate the immune system both by
in SLE (see below) and in fact should raise suspicion of bacterial infection if complement activation and by Fc receptor binding. At least in murine models
highly elevated in an SLE patient. Still, the immune complexes in SLE almost of the disease, Fc-receptors are essential for renal disease [8].
invariably lead to inflammation. Indeed, the majority of the clinical features Cell death is effected by cytotoxic T cells and the complement terminal
are inflammatory (Table 1). membrane attack complex, whereas inflammation is mostly induced by
monocytes/macrophages. Binding immune complexes, monocytes/
macrophages produce a variety of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF
2. Linking immune complexes with inflammation [9], interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-6, IL-15 and IL-18. TNF, IL-1, IL-6 and IL-18 are
also found highly overexpressed in the kidneys in murine and/or human lupus
Accordingly, with exception of the hematological manifestations nephritis [10], and thus directly linked to inflammatory

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Received 20 November 2019; Accepted 20 November
2019 0896-8411/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Martin Aringer, Journal of Autoimmunity,
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Table 1 Table 2
Inflammatory and non-inflammatory clinical features in the EULAR/ACR 2019 Inflammatory markers and manifestations in validated SLE activity scores. Este
criteria [3]. The clinical criteria items of the EULAR/ACR 2019 SLE criteria are table lists the inflammatory organ manifestations (upper part) and in-inflammatory
listed with their individual weights, denoting inflammatory disease and direct laboratory parameters (lower part) used in validated SLE disease
autoantibody effects. Class III or IV and class II or V nephritis refer to the International activity indices, namely British Isles Lupus Activity Group (BILAG) score,
Society of Nephrology/Renal Pathology Society (ISN/RPS) classifi-cation of lupus European Consensus Lupus Activity Measure (ECLAM), SLE Index Score (SIS),
glomerulonephritis. SLE Disease Activity Index (SLEDAI) and Systemic Lupus Activity Measure
(SLAM). Please note that for most of the score items the inflammatory com-ponent
Domain Criterion Weight Inflammatory
is already visible from the wording used (marked in bold letters).
Renal Class III or IV nephritis Class 10 Forks
II or V nephritis Proteinuria 8 Forks

> 0.5 g/day Joint involvement 4 Forks

Musculoskeletal Acute pericarditis 6 Forks
Active SLE rash Forks Forks Forks Forks Forks
Serosal Pleural/pericardial 6 Forks
Bullous injuries – – Forks – –
effusion Malar rash Subacute 5 Forks
Forks – Forks Forks Forks
Mucocutaneous cutaneous LE 6 Forks
Mucosal ulcers Forks Forks Forks Forks Forks
4 Forks
Panniculitis Forks – – Forks –
Discoid LE 4 Forks
Vasculitis Forks Forks Forks Forks Forks
Oral ulcers 2 Forks
Forks Forks – Forks Forks
Alopecia 2 Probably Arthritis Forks Yes Forks Forks Forks

Neuropsychiatric Seizure 5 Partly Forks – Forks Forks –

Psychosis 3 Usually not Forks – Forks Forks –
Delirium 2 Partly Pneumonitis Forks Forks Forks Forks –
Hematological Autoimmune hemolysis 4 No ILD Forks Forks Forks Forks –
Thrombocytopenia 4 No Pleuritis Forks Forks Forks Forks Forks

Leukopenia 3 No Pericarditis Forks Forks Forks Forks Forks

Constitutional Unexplained fever 2 Partly Forks – – Forks –
Aortitis Forks – – – –
Peritonitis Forks Forks Forks Forks –
Forks – – – –
Forks – – – –
BAFF Pancreatitis Forks – – Forks –

D.C. b Seizures
CNS vasculitis





– – –

IFN T PlasmaC Myelitis

Inflammatory neuropathy
– –
– –
Orbital inflammation Forks – – – –

AAbs Keratitis


C' Laboratory
I.C. Increased ESR – Forks Forks Forks –

Leukocyturia Forks Forks Forks Forks Forks

Hematuria Forks Forks Forks Forks Forks

Urinary casts Forks Forks Forks Forks Forks

Proteinuria Forks Forks Forks Forks Forks

pDC M Renal histology (last 3 months) Yes

– – – –

3. SLE activity is mostly inflammatory activity

- Pro-inflammatory cytokines and effector cells of the immune system
+ then lead to inflammatory organ disease. Looking at major validated
SLE disease activity scores, such as the British Isles Lupus Activity
Group (BILAG) score, the European Consensus Lupus Activity Measure
liver (ECLAM), the SLE Index Score (SIS), the SLE Disease Activity Index
(SLEDAI) and the Systemic Lupus Activity Measure (SLAM) [14,15], it
it is apparent that most of the organ activity is actually inflammatory
activity (Table 2). It is rather obvious that most of the organ
manifestations demonstrate inflammation by the ending “-itis” or the adjective
“Inflammatory”, even though some, such as lupus skin rashes or mu-
Fig. 1. Connections between immune complex deposition, cytokines and some cosal ulcers are not called dermatitis or mucositis. Most of the organ
of the specific cytokine functions of interest in SLE. AAbs autoantibodies, IC symptoms thus are a consequence of immune complex deposition and
immune complexes, Cÿ complement, Mÿ monocytes/macrophages, pDC plas- the ensuing inflammation. Notable exceptions to this inflammatory
macytoid dendritic cells, IFNÿ interferon-ÿ, IL-6 interleukin-6, TNF tumor necrosis majority phenotype of SLE manifestations are cytopenias (leukopenia,
factor, BAFF B cell activating factor/B lymphocyte stimulator, CRP C -reactive thrombocytopenia and hemolytic anemia), thrombotic events in sec-
protein. B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, DC (monocyte derived) den-dritic cells. ondary anti-phospholipid syndrome (APS) and some of the
neuropsychiatric manifestations, all of which are directly mediated by
disease. Besides these inflammatory pathways, the detection of immune Regarding laboratory markers included in the SLE activity scores
complexes also leads to the production of type I interferons and of cy- (Table 2), complement consumption is a marker of immune complex
tokines that are immunoregulatory rather than pro-inflammatory, such deposition, not yet of inflammation, and the ESR is related both to
as IL-10, IL-15 and B cell activating factor/B lymphocyte stimulator autoimmunity and to inflammation (see below). Thus, lupus activity as
(BAFF/BLyS) [11–13](Fig. 1). estimated by the validated instruments combines direct autoantibody

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effects and measures of autoimmunity and immune complex deposition Indeed, it is the anemia of chronic disease that is fairly common in
with clinical evidence of organ inflammation. Still, so much of SLE SLE [20]. There usually is a direct link via IL-6, linking to increased
activity is in fact inflammatory that lupus activity by any of these scores hepcidin [21–23]. Based on serum levels, this link could not be established in
roughly equals inflammatory activity. SLE [24], but was also not seen in a larger study in RA [25],
where the effect of this pathway was suggested to be rather clear
4. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and contributors to [26,27]. At least, an association between increased ferritin, another
an increased ESR acute phase component, and disease activity was shown for SLE [28].
Furthermore, it is conceivable that high interferon levels, as found in active SLE
The ESR has long been known to be regularly elevated in active SLE. (see below), lead to anemia [29,30]. All of these may lead to
It is thus logical that an elevated ESR is included in three out of five the association between anemia and SLE disease activity [31].
validated SLE activity scores (Table 2). In principle, increases in ESR That low hemoglobin is also predictive of renal flares [24] likely is
can either be due to changes in serum proteins or to changes in erythrocytes. due to disease activity, as just discussed. However, renal involvement
The former typically include hypergammaglobulinemia, may also be reflected by decreased erythropoietin. The later almost
monoclonal gammopathy and increased fibrinogen levels. The latter certainly is an independent factor for anemia in SLE patients with renal
Mostly reflect reduced erythrocyte number and erythrocyte size. some damage, and will then be primarily related to damage rather than ac-tivity. In the
of these ESR-accelerating factors are inflammatory, others are not. To often young female patients with SLE, the hypochromic
understand the inflammatory component in the increased ESR, it is anemia of iron deficiency would be expected to be very common, and
therefore necessary to look at all of these components. this has indeed been demonstrated [20]. Iron deficiency has been
clearly shown to reduce hepcidin [25], and this may interfere with its
4.1. Protein components to the increased ESR association with IL-6.

While relevant oligoclonal and monoclonal gammopathies occur, 5. Routine serum/plasma markers of inflammation
they are by far not the rule in SLE patients, and not directly explained
by SLE. In contrast, polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia is common in 5.1. C-reactive protein
SLE [16], fitting an autoantibody-mediated disease. Hypergammaglo-bulinemia
is a sign of B cell and plasma cell hyperactivity and thus of CRP is the standard marker of inflammation, but in SLE patients,
autoimmunity, not of inflammation. While IL-6 is an exception in that it CRP is more of a marker for severe infections (Table 3). It is therefore of
actually stimulates B cells, most of the pro-inflammatory cytokines ra-ther limit
interest to analyze the role of CRP in SLE in some detail. CRP is directly
than expand polyclonal antibody production. driven by IL-6 [32], and IL-6 levels are increased in active SLE [33,34].
We therefore have to look to other rather abundant proteins with
Indeed, CRP is often not entirely normal in active SLE [35,36]. Higher
regard to representing inflammatory disease. Fibrinogen is often elevated with CRP levels are found in patients with active serositis [37], arthritis
inflammation as part of the acute phase response. However,
[38], or myositis [39]. In most other situations, however, CRP levels
In contrast to other inflammatory disorders, such elevations are usually will remain below 60 mg/L or 6 mg/dL in active SLE [35]. Levels higher
only mild in SLE [17]. Moreover, and likewise contrasting with other than these are much more likely in severe infections. CRP values of
conditions, fibrinogen does not appear to be correlated with IL-6 in 150 mg/L or 15 mg/dL make infections very likely, while 20 mg/L
lupus inflammation [18]. On the other hand, low fibrinogen may occasionally (2 mg/dL) CRP or less make infection unlikely [39]. This is of clinical
occur, as a consequence of intravascular activation of the importance given that severe infections are a major cause of death in
coagulation cascade, but this would not increase the ESR. Fibrinogen SLE patients [40–42].
therefore is probably not a relevant cause of the increased ESR in active Of interest, while CRP levels, without infection, are higher in active
SLE than in inactive SLE, the opposite is true in infections in SLE patients [36].
In contrast to fibrinogen, which increases the ESR by being over-produced Accordingly, patients with severe infections have a trend
in the acute phase response, plasma albumin has the opposite
towards lower levels of CRP if they have active SLE than if their SLE is
effect. Sufficient levels tend to keep the ESR lower, while diminished
inactive [36]. One could argue that this was a consequence of im-
production of albumin increases the rate. Plasma albumin has been
munosuppression. This, however, is unlikely given that this phenom-enon is
shown to be clearly decreased in SLE vs healthy individuals and in limited to SLE and perhaps other connective tissue diseases, but
active SLE vs inactive disease [19]. Inflammation can directly exert not found in ANCA associated vasculitides or giant cell arteritis.
negative influence on the production of albumin in the liver, as part of Therefore, it is much more likely that SLE activity impacts on the
the acute phase response. At the same time, decreased appetite, influenced by
production of CRP. One hypothesis in this regard is an influence of type
increased TNF levels, for example, may also play a relevant I interferons, which appear to reduce IL-6 signaling [43,44], in line with
role. Both mechanisms may be relevant in active SLE. However, kidney the fact that a majority of patients with active SLE display an interferon
albumin loss via damaged glomeruli (below) probably is the most important signature [45,46].
factor in reducing serum albumin, also suggested by the more Since the ESR is increased in active SLE, but CRP is usually not to
apparent association in patients with lupus nephritis [19]. The influence of
reduced albumin on the ESR therefore is a first inflammatory Table 3
component. Routine laboratory markers of infection and inflammation. The main routine
laboratory parameters used in assessing SLE disease activity are shown, with
4.2. Anemia their relative levels in active infection and active lupus inflammatory disease as
well as under the influence of lupus autoimmunity (autoantibody production
The other relevant inflammatory component of the ESR is anemia. and immune complex deposition). *Elevations are more common in serositis,
Low hemoglobin and erythrocyte levels are a common finding in patients with myositis and arthritis.
active lupus [20]. This is only occasionally due to hemolytic parameters Infection Lupus inflammation Lupus autoimmunity
anemia, which is a typical sign of SLE, carrying 4 points in the new
ESR high high elevated (IgG)
EULAR/ACR 2019 criteria (Table 1) [3], but has a relatively low pre-valence in –
CRP may be elevated* high
SLE [5]. As mentioned before, hemolytic anemia would also Procalcitonin mildly elevatedhigh –
have to be categorized as a direct autoimmune feature, caused by an-tibodies Complement C3 (C4) Increased (relatively increased) decreased
to erythrocytes, but not a marker of inflammation.

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this degree, it is not too surprising that the ratio of ESR over CRP is 5.4. S100 proteins
much higher in active SLE than in SLE with infection [47]. Vice versa,
the ratio of CRP over ESR is an even better predictor of a severe in-fection The alarmins of the S100 family are monocyte/macrophage or
than CRP alone [39]. neutrophil derived proteins that are recognized by Toll-like receptor 4
(TLR4) [57]. In this way, they clearly trigger inflammatory functions in
5.2. Procalcitonin immune cells. As markers, the S100 proteins have entered Rheumatology
mostly via autoinflammatory disease in pediatric patients [58].
The most abundant of these, the calcium binding proteins S100A8
In contrast to CRP, procalcitonin (PCT) is almost exclusively used as
and S100A9 were found increased in active SLE as compared to inactive
a marker of severe bacterial infections, such as septicemia or pneumonia
disease and decreased under immunomodulatory therapy [59–61]. Of
[48]. PCT is not entirely specific and can be increased in some
interest, while S100A8/A9 proteins were associated with clinical dis-ease
hematological conditions in the absence of infection. In fact, patients
activity [59] as well as with anti-dsDNA antibodies and active
with active SLE also have increased PCT levels [36], but this increase is
nephritis, they were negatively correlated with skin disease [60]. Since
usually only mild, so that levels > 0.5 ng/mL usually signal infection
type I interferons may play a particularly important role in SLE skin
[49]. Therefore, PCT is not a useful marker for SLE disease activity, but
manifestations [62], one could hypothesize that the S100A8/A9 re-sponse
may provide evidence of a relevant infection above relevantly increased
could be negatively regulated by interferons, similar to the situation with
CRP. PCT may be particularly helpful for the differentiation between
CRP discussed above. S100A8/A9 were also found in active disease and
SLE with active pleuritis and infection, since it is not usually increased
then associated with cardiovascular risks [63]. While of
in SLE serositis, in contrast with CRP [49].
pathophysiological interest, they are probably not a perfect candidate
for an overall marker of inflammatory disease activity.
5.3. Complement proteins Another S100 protein, S100A12 may prove more useful in this re-gard.
S100A12 was among those proteins with the highest difference
The measurement of components of the complement system is a between SLE patients and healthy individuals [64] and better correlates
well established part of the assessment for disease activity [14]. Indeed, with disease activity than S100A8/A9 [65,66]. These data make
diminished complement components are so typical for SLE that they S100A12 an interesting potential candidate for SLE inflammatory dis-ease
have become part of the SLICC classification criteria [50] and have activity.
retained this role in the new EULAR/ACR classification criteria [3,4] for
SLE. While total (lytic) complement, measured by CH50 (or CH100) 6. Cytokines and chemokines
was the first established test, the direct measurement of complement
proteins C3 and C4 is the most commonly used approach today. genetics In addition to the above mentioned routine markers, a variety of
deficiencies of upper complement components, such as C1q, C1r, C1s,
cytokines are clearly associated with SLE activity. Among those are the
or C4, predispose for SLE [2,51]. This is presumably because of di- type I interferons, and IFNÿ in particular, IL-6, IL-10, IL-15, IL-18,
minished removal of apoptotic cell bodies in their absence, so that
BAFF/BLyS and TNF [12,19,33,46,67–72]. While IFNÿ is mainly made
apoptotic cells, which are not inciting inflammation, look over time by plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) [73], the others of these cyto-kines
more like other forms of dead cells, and lead to an inflammatory re-action are mostly derived from monocytes and macrophages. In contrast
of the immune system [52,53]. For C1q, recent data also show a to these, T cell cytokines that act more locally, such as IFNÿ, can usually
downmodulating effect of C1q on CD8 positive T cells, exerted via their not be measured in sufficient quantities. Among the cytokines increased
mitochondrial metabolism [54].
in SLE, IL-10, IL-15 and BAFF/BLyS predominantly play an im-
C4 deficiency is not that uncommon in SLE, and C4 measurements munoregulatory rather than an inflammatory role (Table 4).
in regular intervals are not useful in these patients. In most SLE patients,
however, both the complement proteins C3 and C4 can be
6.1. IFNÿ
measured to quantify immune complex disease. The classical pathway
of complement activation starts with immune complexes binding C1q
and the recruitment of C1r and C1s. C4, C2 and C3 are consecutively The type I interferons, including IFNÿ, but also IFNÿ, IFNÿ, IFNÿ,
split in the process of complement activation, with the larger C4b and IFNÿ, IFNÿ and IFNÿ, are not so easily grouped in that they exert un-ique
C3b (as well as C2a) components, respectively, remaining with the functions and combine immunoregulatory and a specific kind of
active complex, while the smaller C4a and C3a parts, called anaphy- pro-inflammatory functions [74]. As mentioned above, type I inter-ferons
latoxins (together with C5a), have chemotactic functions. interfere with the CRP production induced by IL-6 [43], which is
Most of the current tests measure C3 and C4 whole complement well in line with their central role in virus infections, but not bacterial
levels. Since these proteins are split within the complement cascade, the infections. However, interferons promote the secretion of proin-inflammatory
whole protein levels are decreasing. However, complement proteins are cytokines as well as the differentiation and activation of
also part of the acute phase, and this in contrast leads to an increase in immune cells and steer the immune system towards activation and
C3 and C4 protein. In infection, it is obviously sensitive to have enough
complement protein available for fighting the pathogen. In con-sequence, Table 4
inflammation increases, but immune complex disease de-creases Cytokines increased in sera of patients with active SLE. Listed are cytokines
complement proteins [55], and the levels of C3 and C4 (as well with a positive correlation to (inflammatory) disease activity or a clear pro-
inflammatory role in SLE. The degree of association with disease activity and
as CH50) result from both mechanisms. In active SLE, C3 and C4 are
the main functional category in SLE are shown.
often diminished [56], so that the direct effect of immune complex
Cytokine Association with activity Main functional role
induced complement activation, reflecting the autoimmune component,
dominates the inflammatory response component. More novel tests that IFNÿ good specific interferon effects
detect split products are even more specific for the autoimmune component, IL-6 Modest pro-inflammatory
eliminating the acute phase response side. Therefore, while IL-10 good Immunoregulatory
IL-15 Modest Immunoregulatory
complement acts on the very border between autoimmunity and in-
IL-18 good pro-inflammatory
flammation, the measurement of complement components is essentially good
BLyS/BAFF Immunoregulatory
related to the Immunology side, and the reflection of inflammatory TNF good pro-inflammatory
activity indirect only.

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often inflammation [74–76]. Type I interferons are notoriously difficult to TNF is possible, and can be done with various assays, there is significant
measure [77], and ELISA technology often fails to perform adequately. between assay variation, and measurements have not been found reli-
Starting with type I responding cells [77], peripheral blood mRNA signatures able enough for routine purposes, which may again be partly due to
of type I interferons developed as the main parameter of today, so that we complex TNF kinetics. Of interest, sTNFR2 levels, which are associated
actually measure the cytokine influence rather than the cytokine today [78]. with both TNF and disease activity [33,103–105], may be more robust and
Type I interferons and their signature are as-associated with SLE disease more feasible parameter. While again not established for routine monitoring,
activity [45,46,79,80] and anifrolumab, an antibody to the common type I sTNFR2 measurement would be a good candidate based on scientific data.
interferon receptor, has shown ther-apeutic effects [62]. Since the
anifrolumab effect appears to be largely dependent on the presence of the
interferon signature [62], this will likely become a more routine parameter 6.5. Chemokines
in the near future. However, using it for regular monitoring would
presumably need a more practical test system. Serum or plasma chemokines, like most of the cytokines, are easily
measured by ELISA technology. While chemokines, usually made in
response to cytokines, are more indirect markers of the inflammatory
6.2. IL-6 process, there are data on the association with disease activity. CCL2/
MCP-1, CXCCL10/IP-10 and CCL19 are known to be interferon-in-ducible
While clearly pro-inflammatory and increased in active SLE, IL-6 is not genes, which has led to a composite score estimating interferon activity
constantly correlated with SLE disease activity [33]. This may in part be associated with SLE disease activity [106,107], similar to the interferon
due to a relatively short half-life and a circadian rhythm of IL-6 [81], so that signature mentioned above . Several other groups have previously found
CRP, which still reflects IL-6, usually is the better and more robust CCL2 [96,108,109] and CXCL10 [96,110] increased in active SLE. These
parameter. In SLE, however, as discussed above, CRP does not function chemokines could be one way to depict the interferon in-fluence in SLE.
as an inflammatory marker of the disease. Despite the measurment In addition to these chemokines, at least CCL-11 [109], CXCL13 [111] and
issues, IL-6 is elevated not only in sera of patients with active SLE, but CXCL16 [112] were also associated with disease activity, and serum IL-8
also in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients with neuropsychiatric [96], CCL17 [113], CXCL16 [114] and CX3CL1 [109] were associated with
involvement [82,83]. Furthermore, indications of efficacy of both IL-6 active lupus nephritis.
receptor blockade with tocilizumab [84] and the Jak inhibitor baricitinib [85],
which among other targets IL-6 receptor signaling, further support its role. 7. Urinary markers of inflammation
IL-6 was originally found to peak in the very early morning [74], but now
shown to be highest in the later afternoon in a more recent meta-analysis Renal involvement is of particular importance in the monitoring of SLE.
[75]. Based on its peaking approximately 6 h earlier than CRP, IL-6 is a On the one hand, lupus nephritis is the by far most frequent dangerous
parameter used for early infection screening in neonates [86,87], which is organ manifestation of the disease. On the other hand, lupus
therefore routinely available in many centers. For SLE, however, the glomerulonephritis is largely asymptomatic in many cases, and biopsies
association with (inflammatory) disease activity is not robust enough to cannot easily be repeated in shorter intervals. Laboratory monitoring
make routine use likely, and issues with the circadian variation would have therefore is key, both for detecting new onset renal involvement and for
to be overcome, which also appears difficult in a routine setting. assessing nephritis activity under therapy.

7.1. Urinary protein and urinary albumin

6.3. IL-18 and IL-18 binding protein (IL-18BP)
Given that damage to the glomeruli leads to various degrees of
IL-18 is a pro-inflammatory cytokines signaling via NFÿB and MAP proteinuria in all sorts of lupus nephritis, which in essence is immune
kinases and known to induce IFNÿ production, which is increased in complex nephritis, proteinuria is the classical marker of SLE kidney
several autoimmune diseases [88–90]. IL-18 is clearly elevated in active disease. Indeed, the SLE activity scores rely heavily on proteinuria to
SLE [67,70,89,91,92] and in patients with lupus nephritis [93–95]. IL-18 is estimate nephritis activity (Table 2). Furthermore, reduction of proteinuria
also among the cytokines that are directly correlated with SLE disease to less than 700–800 g per day is associated with a good renal prognosis
activity [67,70,91,96] and may therefore be useful as in-inflammatory [115]. Quantification of urinary protein thus is essential for following
markers. Not only the cytokine IL-18 is upregulated in SLE, but so is patients with lupus nephritis [116]. For practicability, spot urine pro-tein/
IL-18BP [91,92,95], which is again associated with active nephritis [92,95]. creatinine ratios have replaced 24 h urine measurements in many situations
Still, not only IL-18BP bound IL-18 is increased, but also free IL-18 [91]. [117]. Proteinuria mostly is albuminuria in lupus nephritis, with other
While IL-18BP is relevant in binding the cytokine, IFNÿ, which is typically proteins playing a minor role. Indeed, albuminuria is a simple, but useful
downstream of IL-18, leads to IL-18BP tran-scription [97], forming a marker in detecting lupus nephritis activity [118,119].
negative feedback loop. Both could therefore theoretically work as partly
interdependent markers of inflammatory disease activity. For the time Despite its clinical importance, proteinuria and albuminuria have one
being, however, this is more of a scientific concept than a parameter likely critical problem, and that is the inability to reliably distinguish between
to enter clinical routine in the near future. ongoing inflammation and damage. Renal damage can also lead to
relevant amounts of urinary protein. On the other hand, residual
inflammatory activity and the amount of treatable proteinuria may be
6.4. TNF and soluble TNF receptor 2 (sTNFR2) underestimated [100], and the indirect way of estimating lupus ne-phritis
activity by means of serum supplements and autoantibody levels is of
TNF is a strong pro-inflammatory cytokine, which is high in active SLE limited reliability. Therefore, additionally and optimally better urinary
and well correlated with disease activity [12,33]. TNF thus probably still markers are warranted.
constitutes the best inflammatory marker in this group [19].
TNF is directly induced by immune complexes [9] and has also been 7.2. Urinary cytokines and chemokines
shown highly expressed in SLE inflammatory organ disease, such as in
lupus nephritis. Despite a potential negative immunoregulatory role of the The analysis of further urinary proteins, more directly associated with
cytokine [98,99], TNF blockade with both infliximab [100,101] and inflammation, might have value above measuring gross proteinuria or
etanercept [102] has shown indications of efficacy. While measuring albuminuria. Candidates mostly are cytokines and chemokines,

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Table as a crude parameter, but also includes immunoglobulin, and thus au-
5 Current and hopeful candidate biomarkers for SLE overall inflammatory toimmune in addition to inflammatory aspects. Despite many attempts,
activity and for lupus nephritis. sTNF-R2 soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor-2. and despite many potential markers that are highly increased in active
Lupus inflammatory Lupus nephritis activity
SLE, a really satisfactory solution has not yet been established, so that
the clinical assessment of inflammation maintains its essential role.
Some of the candidate biomarkers, however, in my view have potential of
Current routine ESR Proteinuria
entering this field in the near future. Among these are the interferon
markers CRP (mostly infection) Albuminuria
Anemia (of chronic Renal histology (large
signature, the S100 protein A12 and soluble TNF-R2, as well as urinary
disease) intervals) lymphocytes for lupus nephritis (Table 5). There is hope that novel markers
Candidate markers Interferon signature Urinary lymphocytes will lead to an improved standard of care in the future.
9. Dr. Smolen from my personal view

which can be easily measured by ELISA. The proinflammatory cytokine Dr. Josef Smolen, Joschi, became my boss in 1995, when he was
IL-6 was found increased in the urine of patients with active lupus nephritis appointed Professor of Medicine (Rheumatology) and Head of the
[120], as was IL-10 [121], which may play more of an auto-immune than Department of Rheumatology at what was then the University of Vienna
immunoregulatory role in human SLE. Increased urinary IL-18 levels were and later became the Medical University of Vienna. I still re-member his
also found in patients with lupus nephritis [92]. early days there, when rather harsh feedback in the weekly Monday
However, the urinary cytokine data are only partially convincing, which rounds made sure everyone complied with adequate medical
may be due to aspect of stability and dilution. Somewhat more likely, documentation. At the same time, Prof. Smolen had an almost im-mediate,
urinary chemokines could play a role. For example, the CC chemokine and very positive impact on abstracts, publications and our overall scientific
ligands CCL2, CCL4, CCL5, CCL8 are increased in the urine of patients output. While I was already working on SLE with Dr.
with active as compared to inactive lupus nephritis, as are the CXC Winfried Graninger, Prof. Smolen taught us to leave the surface of
chemokine ligands CXCL9/MIG, CXCL10 and CXCL16 [120,122] . phenomenological observation and dig into more mechanistical con-cepts
of cause and effect. He also led us to be more precise in writing, with
manuscripts going countless rounds before deemed worthy of submission.

7.3. Cells in the urine

It was also Dr. Smolen who established my contact with the National
Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin disease (NIAMS), where
The analysis of the urinary sediment has for a long time been an he himself had part of his scientific training. My two plus years there with
essential aspect in diagnosing lupus nephritis and in roughly estimating Dr. John O'Shea have been essential for my further career. The NIH years
lupus nephritis activity. Indeed, lupus activity scores contain leukocy-turia, have also been among the best my wife and I have had, and this was in
hematuria and cylinders as markers of renal activity (Table 2). part due to Dr. Ira Green and his wife Terry, whom Joschi made sure we
Dysmorphic erythrocytes, damaged by being pressed through the cap- met in the very first week there. While I was the first of his team to work
pillars, and cellular cylinders are specific for active nephritis. How-ever, and train at NIAMS, many others have followed in going to the NIH.
proper analysis of the urinary sediment needs significant experience, and
glucocorticoids can rapidly mask abnormalities. On the other hand, Back in Vienna, my scientific focus shifted to cytokines, and I was
leukocyturia commonly occurs in simple cystitis. Therefore, today there entrusted with both increasing medical responsibilities and the conduct of
are tendencies to remove the sediment from definitions of complete renal the first clinical trials of TNF blockade in SLE. When I left Vienna in the
remission for scientific studies [123]. This does not preclude using urinary
beginning of 2017, following a call to become the professor of Medicine
erythrocytes for the early detection of new onset lupus nephritis, but limits (Rheumatology) at the TU Dresden, I could still count on him as a mentor.
the use of the urinary sediment for further monitoring under therapy. Joschi also opened doors to the rheumatoid arthritis world, which would
otherwise probably have remained closed to me. It is usually a good sign
More novel approaches take advantage of flow cytometry, which can for a mentor when both staying at the Department and leaving for better
be employed for urinary leukocytes as well as for those in peripheral things are equally attractive, which in Joschi Smolen's case has led his
blood. At least to some degree, urinary leukocytes are reflective of the crew spreading even beyond Austrian borders.
leukocyte population within the glomeruli. Urinary T cells, in particular,
have been shown to help in distinguishing active and inactive lupus References
nephritis [124–127], and the evaluation of these cells in my view has the
potential for a routine parameter in monitoring lupus nephritis.
[1] GC Tsokos, Systemic lupus erythematosus, N. Engl. J. Med. 365 (1–12) (2011)
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severe inflammation via conventional pro-inflammatory path-ways, EM Vital, DJ Wallace, S. Yavuz, PL Meroni, MJ Fritzler, R. Naden, T. Dorner, SR
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reduced production of CRP in active SLE, despite in-creased IL-6, which Chalumeau, B. Diamond, DD Gladman, B. Hahn, F. Hiepe, S. Jacobsen, D.
is visible in concomitant infection. The ESR remains Khanna, K. Lerstrom, E. Massarotti, J. McCune, G. Ruiz-Irastorza,

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