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Doms and Acquaintances 2

Submissive Training
Desperate for Dominant Ben to show an interest in her, Kat is persuaded by a friend to attend a
beginners submissive and BDSM training conference in the hope of finding out how to attract him. She is
shocked to find he is one of the trainers. Meanwhile, Ben doesn’t think she is submissive enough for him
and conceives of increasingly intimate tasks to prove he is right, despite admiring her courage in staying.

As the conference progresses, Kat is fascinated by what she learns and completes each task, hoping all
the while to convince him of her submissiveness—although some tasks she finds more difficult than others.

Confused by his growing feelings for her, Ben keeps pushing her away until her tenacity finally wears
him down and he insists on her taking a final exam to prove herself. Is this a step too far for Kat?

Genre: BDSM, Contemporary

Length: 29,111 words
Doms and Acquaintances 2
Jennifer Denys

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance

Copyright © 2012 by Jennifer Denys E-book ISBN: 1-61926-334-3
First E-book Publication: February 2012
Cover design by Jinger Heaston All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by
Siren Publishing, Inc.
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Amanda Hilton, Publisher
For Stef, my “critical reader,” who has supported me throughout, putting up
with all my excitement and enthusiasm, and happily reads my stories, suggesting
changes before I submit them, even though this isn’t really her genre.
Doms and Acquaintances 2

Copyright © 2012

She saw him across the room. Her whole body knew it was Him—tall,
handsome, masculine. As her heart beat faster, desire rose in her body. Suddenly
he turned and looked in her direction. Their eyes met, and she shivered as she
felt an instant connection. He moved slowly toward her as the crowds parted, the
noise around them becoming muted as if they were in a world of their own.
Finally he reached her and raised a hand to firmly cup the back of her head
while his other hand snaked across her butt to pull her to his body. Held tightly
as she was, she could feel his erection nudging her stomach. Then his mouth
came down hard on hers, his tongue parting her lips insistently, dipping into her
mouth and causing flashes of arousal to ripple through her body as their tongues
clashed. As he kissed her, his hand pulled her skirt up and dipped into her
panties, clasping her butt firmly.
After what seemed like hours of delicious kissing and decadent touching, he
lifted his head, and looking intently into her eyes, he stated, “You’re mine.”

Kat shook her head to dispel her daydream and glanced over at the object her
If only things happened in real life like they did in West Side Story, but in this
instance, Ben wasn’t going to notice her across a crowded room as he already
had a woman in tow, a beautiful girl with long hair. Straight hair, not unruly
curls like hers, and blonde, not red. She cursed her parents. Kat wondered why
they had to give her sister Rebecca the lovely, straight black hair of their father
while she got her mother’s vivid, riotous tresses.
She glanced again at Ben. He was now talking to her sister, being the best
man at this, her sister’s, wedding. Ben was a good friend of the groom, and Kat
had met him on several occasions before this as it was six months since her sister
had got engaged. The first time she met him, she had drooled over his piercing
green eyes, his hair a medium shade of brown cut really short like she preferred
on a man, and his shirt stretched across a muscular chest. But most of all he had
exuded such sexual magnetism she had nearly launched herself into his arms and
said “Take me!” Instead, she had said “Hello, I’m Kat” and gabbled on about the
forthcoming wedding.
All he had done was look her up and down, his eyes lingering in several
places causing her to blush. He then raised an eyebrow, and after nodding his
head in acknowledgement, he moved away to speak to Jon.
Rebecca enlightened her later. Kat knew that Jon, her new brother-in-law,
was a sexual Dominant, and was still astonished to this day that he had managed
to persuade her independent, strong-willed sister to take up the submissive
lifestyle. While both she and her sister were fairly self-assured women, Kat was
the one who melted under the attention of dominant men while they usually got
Rebecca’s back up. That was until she had fallen in love with Jon.
What Kat learned was that Ben was also a Dominant, but much more rigid in
his beliefs than Jon as he expected submissive women to be exactly that,
submissive, doing exactly what he told them with no opinions of their own,
which clearly left Kat out in the cold.
She smiled as she looked over at Rebecca. Few people knew the choker
necklace she was wearing, a wedding present from Jon, was actually a
submissive collar.
A voice disturbed her thoughts. “Hey I won’t say ‘a penny for them’ because
I know exactly who you are thinking about,” said Ellie, her sister’s longtime
friend and business partner, and sister to the groom.
“Hey yourself.”
“You know you could just go up and ask him out.”
“Apart from the fact that is the last thing he would want from a woman, have
you seen who he brought with him?”
“Ah yes. A nice, biddable, but boring girl.”
“The key word there is biddable. She is a submissive, of the type of
submissive he likes, which isn’t me.”
“How do you know?”
“Well, it could be he is put off by the hair,” declared Kat, while Ellie snorted
in disbelief at her friend’s comment. “But he has never shown any sort of
interest in me any time we have met.”
“Hm, that could be a problem. Okay, forget him. I can’t believe you’re still
alone with your looks. You’re just too choosy,” she said, looking around the
room for likely targets. “How about Nick?”
Kat looked in the direction Ellie was indicating. She was gesturing to the
person who was the photographer at the wedding. Nick was blond, medium
height, reasonably good-looking, the right age, but he didn’t do a thing for her.
Nick must have noticed them looking at him as he came over. “Lovely ladies.
What can I do for you?”
Ellie lifted an arm to pull Kat toward her. “I don’t believe you’ve taken our
photo yet.”
Nick smiled. He did have a very nice smile. His face always appeared open
and friendly. Too friendly and nice, Kat thought. She was attracted to dominant
He raised his camera and took a few shots then melted away with a wink at
Ellie, who didn’t appear to have noticed. Now that was something to think about.
Maybe he would be good for Ellie.
She didn’t have long to consider that thought when Jessie came over. Jessie
was one of a group of six women who met up for Champagne Fridays organized
by their mutual friend, Gina—it was girls-only because they spent much of the
time talking about men. Men and sex.
Kat hugged Jessie. She liked her despite the fact that she was rather shy. She
always felt protective toward her. “How’s you? You look excited about
“That’s because I have news!”
The two women waited.
“Well, for God’s sake, tell us, woman!” barked Ellie. Kat laughed, Ellie had
no patience.
“I’m pregnant!”
“Oh. My. God,” intoned Ellie while Kat yelled. They both reached out to hug
Jessie at the same time and then giggled.
“I am so happy for you, but it’s all happened so quickly, hasn’t it?”
“You’re telling me. A year ago I was spending most of my evenings alone
reading erotic romances with an occasional visit from Sam to discuss sci-fi with
no hope that Mr. Right would come along and father my children, and now I am
not only married to Sam but knocked up.”
Kat chuckled. “And he was right under your nose all this time.” She knew
how much in love Jessie and Sam were.
“And now Rebecca has married her ‘man under her nose.’”
That gave Kat some food for thought. Particularly as Lissa, one of the other
Champagne Friday gang, had not long ago moved in with her love, who was also
someone she had known for a while.
Glancing again at Ben, Kat noticed he had his arm possessively around the
blonde and was stroking her back sensuously. She sighed deeply as she watched,
jealousy and desire making her tense. Okay, who else am I acquainted with that
might do? Unfortunately, she just couldn’t think of anyone else.

It was the end of the evening. Ellie had been dancing for hours and was now
flaked out in a chair. Kat came over and slumped into the chair next to hers. “My
feet are killing me.”
Ellie giggled. “You should have taken your shoes off like me.” She held up a
bare foot to demonstrate and wiggled her toes.
“But surely you run the risk of being stepped on?”
“Ah yes, there is that danger.”
Kat reached into her bag to get a tissue to mop her perspiring face. “What is it
they say, men sweat, but ladies just perspire?”
Laughing along with her, Ellie noticed something had fallen out of Kat’s bag.
It was a folded leaflet. “What’s this?”
Frowning, Kat reached out to grab it back. “Oh nothing.”
Ellie pulled it out of her reach before Kat could retrieve it. “Uh-uh. Tell me!
You’re looking very guilty.” Kat flushed. Very intrigued, Ellie opened it up.
There was a picture of a semi-naked woman kneeling before a leather-clad man
holding a whip, and underneath were the words,


For ladies only (there will be male trainers)
9-15 March
Further details contact…

Sitting up straight, her mouth opened in surprise, eyes wide with shock.
“Holy shit, Kat. What on earth? And why do you have it?” Kat ducked her head
in embarrassment, but Ellie was too fascinated to let this one go. She leaned
closer to avoid anyone else overhearing. “Come on, girl. I want to know more.”
Kat looked up and shook her head. “You would. You are easily excited.”
“Yeah, so?”
She groaned before responding. “Okay. You know Jon got Rebecca into the
Dominant/submissive lifestyle?” Ellie nodded eagerly. She was instrumental in
getting them back together after a misunderstanding. “Well, I found this leaflet
in their home when I was over there for a wedding planning. Rebecca told me
Jon had been invited to attend as a trainer but had turned it down. Partly because
it is in a few weeks and they will only just be back from honeymoon but also
because he didn’t want to be away from Rebecca.”
“Couldn’t she go, too? She’s fairly new to this.”
“I understand that Jon didn’t want her to as it would mean she’d have to be
intimate around other people. He is too possessive.”
“Wow. And she never said a thing to me.”
“Well, she wouldn’t have said anything to me if I hadn’t found the leaflet by
Ellie was silent for a moment biting her lip as she studied the leaflet again.
“You know, just because Jon won’t let Rebecca go there is no reason we
couldn’t. Well, as long as we don’t tell either of them where we are going.”
“Whaaat! What’s with the ‘we’?”
Giving the younger woman her best “I am older than you and I know best”
look, Ellie responded, “You’re the one who kept the leaflet, so there must have
been some part of you that is interested.”
Kat pouted. “I just forgot it was there.”
“Nice try, but it’s not washing with me. I think you are as fascinated by this
as I am. What have we to lose? And we’ll have a clearer understanding of what
drives Jon and Rebecca.”
She still looked uncertain but was weakening. It didn’t take Ellie long before
she got agreement out of Kat to attend this conference with her. Leaning back in
her chair, she saw Kat glance over to Ben again. Maybe it would also help in that
relationship, too.
Chapter One
Day one of the conference

Kat hid in the corridor, waiting until the women had all left the lounge for
their various sessions, and snuck in, breathing a sigh of relief as she sank into an
easy chair.
It wasn’t that she was trying to avoid anyone in particular or that she regretted
Ellie talking her into attending this conference, seminar, camp, whatever it is
called, but she was finding it rather overwhelming, and Ellie’s enthusiasm for
everything was a bit irritating. No, that is mean. She is a good friend, and I
shouldn’t call her irritating, just exasperating.
She chuckled. Ellie was one of life’s happy people who thought everyone else
should be equally excited by life.
After leaving her dog, Merlin, with her friend, Gina, they had arrived at the
hotel a couple of hours ago, been shown to their rooms, and given a program of
events. Ellie, naturally, wanted to go to everything and had rushed off to attend
the first induction session in a whirlwind. Kat stayed back, saying she wanting to
unpack first, check everything out, and read the literature, but actually that was
shorthand for “don’t rush me into anything.” This almost brusque-like attitude
came over to many as self-assured. Few knew it was a façade hiding some
Sitting in her room, she had read the induction material and was rather
surprised as it all appeared rather professional, just like any normal conference,
she noted with an impressed nod to the organizers. There with a program,
information sheets, rules, and regulations.
The only thing unusual was the topic, of course, and rules like,
3. So not to offend the staff, no semi or full nakedness outside of seminar

It was the suggestion that she would be expected to be naked, even if in part,
that had her worried. She had bitten her lip so much she had drawn blood. She
really hadn’t thought much about audience participation when she had said yes
to Ellie’s persuasive pleas.
Groaning at her naivety, she looked around the lounge. It was a very nicely
appointed room with sumptuous furnishings. In normal circumstances she would
be entirely happy staying in this hotel, although that in itself was rather odd, that
any hotel would have an event like this on their premises.
She had voiced this concern to Ellie beforehand, who told Kat that the owner
apparently was very into this lifestyle and was keen to promote any event that
trains people properly in practices that are sometimes dangerous. So he had
agreed to let the whole hotel out solely for the event.
Laughing, she visualized the faces of normal visitors who, in other
circumstances, might tread the corridors of the hotel reading the notices on the
doors they passed, Flogging Room, Cock Sucking Practice, Do Not Disturb
Ménage a Trois in progress.
On the other hand, the owner still had to keep it somewhat quiet as certain
groups could be offended and the business may suffer in consequence. This was
why there was no mention of the venue on the original leaflet and all activities
were to take place behind closed doors to which one had to sign up for in
advance so that the staff did not chance upon anything they would not be happy
viewing. Any changes to the schedule had to be agreed on with the conference
staff before attending sessions.
Having decided to go to the second induction event, she had now got cold
feet, hence why she was avoiding the other delegates and conference staff.
Sighing heavily, she picked up the induction package she had been given.
One of the sheets listed various acronyms including what BDSM actually stood

BDSM was invented to join together several different activities.

B&D stands for Bondage and Discipline
D&S stands for Dominance and Submission
S&M stands for Sadomasochism

The last she found particularly disturbing and winced when she read it. What
the hell had she got herself into? She groaned trying to remember exactly why
she was here, and Ben’s face came unbidden into her thoughts.
She smiled. Yup. That was why she had originally agreed with Ellie’s
harebrained scheme.
Sitting back in her chair, she wondered exactly where she going with this
after the week was up and ruefully acknowledged to herself that she had
absolutely no idea. It’s not as if she could walk up to Ben and say, “Hey I’m a
submissive now. Take me. I’m yours.” She giggled at the image, as if a
submissive would do something like that anyway.

The man standing in the doorway leaning against the doorframe watched Kat
closely. She didn’t seem to have noticed him as she read her paperwork.
When he had seen her at the reception as she arrived, he had done a double
take. Part of him wasn’t sure it was actually her here at this event. The other half
of him knew it had to be, her looks were so distinctive.
He’d seen her previously on a few occasions, the last being Jon’s wedding. In
fact, the first time he saw her he was instantly attracted to her and had to move
away quickly to hide his erection—who wouldn’t be? She was stunning. Her
face was beautiful beyond compare, and she had gorgeous red locks that tumbled
down to her waist, sparkling blue eyes, and legs that went on forever, unlike her
tiny sister’s.
As for her figure, he groaned—she was Venus de Milo reincarnated.
Ben remembered having been a little rude to her, but it was the only way he
could avoid bending her over a table and making love to her in front of
But then his instincts had softened his rampant libido when he saw how
forthright she was as she instructed the wedding party as to their respective
duties. She probably had to be in her profession as an office manager. However,
he liked his women docile, who did what he told them, who were preferably at
home when he arrived in the evening and not working late to finish a project.
Deciding to make his presence known as they would probably bump into each
other this week, he suddenly called out, “What’s the laughter for?”
As she twisted around, he saw Kat nearly fall out of her seat when she saw
him standing there. Her jaw dropped, and his question went unanswered.
He walked slowly forward and perched on the arm of a nearby sofa about ten
feet away. That was as close as he was prepared to get to her. Already he could
feel his cock hardening in response to her presence. “It’s Kat, isn’t it? Rebecca’s
She nodded. That seemed about all she could do as she appeared so
flummoxed. He raised an eyebrow at her lack of articulation.
“So if I ask you another question, am I going to get an answer out of you or
just a nod?” He chuckled as she nodded but still didn’t speak. “What exactly are
you doing here?”
After clearing her throat, she finally answered him, her voice somewhat
husky, “I’m reading a program.”
He grinned. She had clearly misunderstood his question. “No, I meant here in
the hotel.”
“I’m here for a training event.” He watched as the realization hit her that he
was probably at the same training event. Her expression of dismay was a picture,
and a gasp left her, her hand coming up to her mouth as if to take it back. She
then went pale as she became conscious of the implications, and freckles he
hadn’t noticed before stood out on her cheeks. The implication being that they
may be attending the same sessions. Sessions on BDSM.
“Okay then why are you in this room by yourself and not at the induction
event or attending a session with the others?”
“Oh!” He saw her swallow convulsively.
He didn’t remember her being this tongue-tied in the past, and that bemused
him. “Yes, oh. I have to say I’m rather surprised to see you here. I didn’t get the
impression when we met before at Jon and Rebecca’s that you were into this
“I am, I think.” She ducked her head as she spoke, not looking at him. She
appeared embarrassed. “I saw a leaflet advertising this event and thought I’d
come to see what it’s all about and why my sister is into it.”
That got his back up, and he practically shouted at her, “I hate to contradict
you, but Rebecca is not into it. She mildly flirts with it, that’s all.” He grimaced
at himself. He hadn’t meant to be that brusque, but it was something that
annoyed him.
As he said this, she jumped, finally looking up at him, her surprise evident on
her face. She then frowned as she framed her next question, “Is the girl I saw
you with at the wedding here? I’m sorry I’ve forgotten her name.”
It was his turn to frown at the change of topic. “Laurette. No, she’s not here.
This event is intended for beginners, and she is beyond that.” He chuckled
grimly. “Besides which, we’re not a couple anymore.”
Looking curiously astounded at that, she asked, “Oh. I was under the
impression that she was your…uh…submissive?” Her voice rose on the last
word as if she was unsure she had correctly understood his relationship with
Ben narrowed his eyes trying to analyze her tone of voice and where she was
coming from with that question. What does it matter to her if I have a submissive
or not? Then he remembered she was a participant at this event and so must
have some interest in the lifestyle.
Recalling her question, he replied, “No. She was only on trial, and she didn’t
pass.” He said that in a rather depressed tone, as he had had high hopes when he
had taken her on.
Kat looked goggle-eyed at that response. “Um, can I ask why?”
“That’s somewhat forward, isn’t it?” He raised an eyebrow at her and saw her
bite her lip. Ben continued, “Didn’t you know submissives are not supposed to
take the initiative? That is precisely why Laurette failed. I like my subs to be
totally into the lifestyle twenty-four seven.” He grimaced to himself rather than
at Kat. “She had a habit of going off and doing her own thing, not being there
when I needed her. There was a time I used to think Jon liked his women like
that, too.”
Visibly bristling before him, Kat sat up straighter. “You don’t like my sister?”
she asked coolly. Her voice was suddenly very authoritative and icy, the mother
hen protecting her family even if she was the younger sister.
Chuckling, he crossed his arms. He could “do” commanding, too. “Rebecca is
very lovely and she and Jon are very much in love, but I have to admit to being
somewhat disgusted at how easily she has prized him away from a lifestyle he
was fully committed to, or at least, I thought he was.”
He could have sworn her back straightened even more as if she had an iron
rod suddenly thrust up her. Her hands were tightening on her papers.
“Surely their lifestyle is just as valid as anyone else’s. If it works for them,
why dismiss it?” It was her turn to nearly shout back at him.
Getting annoyed with their conversation now, he felt his face tighten in anger
at her response. “You clearly don’t know that arguing with a Dom is
unacceptable. That is if you want to become a submissive, although I seriously
doubt you do.”
She jumped at this.
He frowned pondering her reaction. Was it from my tone of voice, or does she
have her own doubts? “And to refer back to my previous question, why are you
here and not with the other women?”
Flushing at his abrupt return to this question, she admitted, “Um, I’m finding
it a bit overwhelming to be honest.” All the fight seemed to have gone out of her.
Ben uncrossed his arms and stood, shaking his head as he did. “If you are
overwhelmed by the induction, then this is not for you. I suggest you go home
back to your vanilla boyfriends.” He had tempered his tone of voice, but the
wince on her face told him that the words still hit her, hard.
He turned away from her and left the room, wondering if that was the last
time he would see her. Part of him was sad, and that surprised him, but he wasn’t
prepared to consider why he was sad. He just knew she was not right for him. He
just had to tell that to his cock.

She sat stunned. Her jaw dropped again by his sudden exit.
Go home! How dare he suggest that? He didn’t really know anything about
her or why she was here. And in any case, surely this type of event was to try it
out and relieve any doubts?
And another thing—how dare he criticize her sister! It was one thing for her
to have doubts about what her sister was getting into being married to a
Dominant but quite another thing for someone else to do so. She only had her
sister’s best interests at heart.
Then she laughed ruefully. Of course her sister might say the same thing
about her coming to an event like this without telling her. She and Ellie had kept
it secret from their respective sister and brother.
That brought her thoughts back to why exactly she was there in the first place.
She bit her lip. It all led to Ben. Glancing in the direction he had gone, she
sighed deeply and threw her head into her hands. That meeting had not gone
well. In fact, she couldn’t recall any time when she felt good about meeting him,
but that didn’t stop her wanting him—desperately.
She realized he was the reason she had let Ellie persuade her to attend this
conference, contrary to everything her conscience told her. She knew some of
her attraction was lust but another element was the dominance he exuded which
called to parts of her she’d never analyzed before. And now he thought she was
totally unsuitable for him. Shit! Then she realized with a start that, actually, he
might have been kind by trying to put her off. That maybe he didn’t want her to
get hurt.
Sitting forward in her chair, she cupped her jaw and deliberated likely courses
of action. Well, she’d just have to get her own back by attending the classes,
listening hard, and showing him what he was missing. And at the same time
seeing if this was a lifestyle she could handle. Yup! That’s the plan.
And with that she gathered up her papers and scurried out of the room.
Chapter Two
After a brief enquiry at reception, Kat quickly caught up with the induction
class and slid into the back of the room unobtrusively—or so she had thought.
Ben was in the room at the front with the other teachers, and he didn’t hide his
glare at her for interrupting his talk. She felt herself going red, and it wasn’t a
good color with her hair.
Oh shit. She hadn’t considered the idea that Ben might be one of the trainers.
She groaned in dismay. Of course—this event was for women only. He
therefore had to be a trainer or organizer or both. And that meant he would
probably criticize her whenever he got the chance. Damn, damn, damn. Her
well-laid plans were beginning to go up in smoke.
Aware that he was about to start again, she quickly glanced at the handout on
the chair. The session was entitled Induction - The Dom’s responsibilities and
“As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, we expect obedience and
respect from our subs. As will any Dom. Would anyone in the room like to tell
me why obedience is important?”
Ben looked in her direction, but she kept her mouth shut in case she got it
A woman near the front eagerly put her hand up. At Ben’s nod, she answered,
“For our safety. That is, if we are told to do something and we don’t do it, we
may get hurt.”
“Like how, Master?” came a question from a person a few rows in front of
“It’s Paulene, isn’t it? If you are tied up and blindfolded in readiness for some
punishment and told not to move but then shift your body just as your Dom has
swung at you, say with a whip, instead of getting it squarely on your buttocks,
you may get it on a part of your body that is more sensitive.”
“Indeed, oh. But also consider another reason for obedience. If you are told to
be somewhere when your Dom isn’t with you and you don’t do it, or you delay,
there may be people watching knowing you are into this lifestyle and who may
take advantage thinking you are ripe for any sort of play. I can see by your faces
that I have just scared some of you. With good reason—this can be a dangerous
lifestyle, not for the halfhearted.”
He might have said that to expound on the point he was making, but Kat
knew he was also getting at her for trying to duck out of the session and not
being where she was supposed to be.
Another instructor came to the front, clearing her throat as she looked at Ben,
her face showing her slight surprise at the degree of brusqueness in his speech.
“Um, what Master Ben has said is very true, but here’s another reason to obey—
for your enjoyment.” Her voice took on a note of sensuousness. “Your Master
will be experienced and know how far to take you. If you disobey him or her
when they say, ‘Don’t come yet,’ you won’t get the full force of your climax.”
Kat raised her eyebrows at this. How can anyone tell us not to come? It was
impossible, wasn’t it?
The female trainer continued, “There is an expression ‘Topping from the
Bottom.’ The top is the Dom or Master, and the bottom the submissive,
naturally. So by taking control of a scene, the sub may not only compromise
their safety but certainly their enjoyment.”
Good Lord, thought Kat, fascinated. She was starting to think this week might
not be as bad as she had originally thought.
“Okay, to recap. We’ve already said the key motto is to be ‘safe, sane, and
consensual.’ We recommend you have no alcohol so that your and your Dom’s
wits are not impaired in any way. We also don’t advocate taking part in asphyxia
games. We’ve said to trust your Dom. They are the experts and deserve your
respect, so call them Master or Mistress, ask permission to speak or to do
something, and so on.”
A hand went up from the other side. Kat tilted her head but couldn’t see who
it was. “So what will the Dom give us in return, just a good fucking?”
There were a few titters of laughter at that comment.
Someone else from the stage moved forward. “I’d like to answer that.” He
had a deep voice. “Consider your Master in the role of parent-substitute or
guardian with all the responsibilities that goes with that role. They have to
protect you, look out for you, and care for you. The latter may involve making
sure any binding isn’t too restrictive or harming you in any way. It may also
involve making sure you are hydrated as these sessions can take a lot out of a
person. And it may also involve cleaning you afterward.”
“Why would they do that? Surely it is the sub’s role,” a voice piped up. This
came from the same argumentative person who had made the sarcastic comment
a few moments ago.
“There are many different roles the sub can take. I suspect you are thinking
about slave submissives, and we aren’t getting into them at this session as we are
talking about the Dom. But I’ll open it to the rest of you. Why would a Dom
clean their sub after a scene?”
The eager woman at the front raised her hand again. “Oh, please, Master
Gary, can I answer?”
“Very well.”
“You, the sub, might be tied up and unable to clean yourself.”
“Certainly. Any other reasons? No let someone else answer,” Master Gary
stated as the eager women put her hand up again only to dejectedly drop it.
“Is this something to do with sub-space?” asked Paulene.
“Ah, sub-space. I can see from your mixed facial reactions you are unsure
what this is. Sub-space is a place where a sub can be mentally taken if the Dom
is very experienced. I say ‘can be.’ It isn’t always guaranteed. Sub-space is a bit
like being drugged and on a different plane, I’ve been told, and as such, if you
are out of it like that, you won’t consider your own caring. But how about the
simple reason that it is something that the Dom does. We choose to be a Dom
because we want to care and protect.”
“But what happens if the Dom gets carried away?” The unseen woman was
still arguing.
“Then you will use your safe word that we discussed earlier.”
Damn, this must have been raised when I was out of the room and could be
“To reiterate what we said at the start,” the speaker continued. Thank God!
Kat cried to herself, pleased to catch up on what she had missed earlier when she
had been dithering about attending. “You must choose a safe word that you
would not normally say in conversation, like Mickey Mouse, but only use that
safe word when you are truly unhappy, and your Master will know to stop
instantly. If you use it indiscriminately, your Master will not know if you are just
fooling around or truly scared.”
The female trainer from earlier stepped forward again. “Now we are going to
undertake an exercise. Can you all move your chairs back against the wall so we
have some clear space in the front?”
This took a few moments, during which time Kat looked around at those in
the room, bemused as to what might be happening next. So far it was proving to
be intriguing. She was glad Ben had taunted her into staying, even if that hadn’t
been his intention.
Master Gary called their attention back to him. “If you are already interested
in taking this further, you might have given some thought as to what Dom you
will end up with, possibly eyeing up some likely person already. But the short,
old, dumpy Dom might be the person who is interested in you.”
“Oh God, I don’t want someone like that. I couldn’t possibly have them touch
me.” The unseen person started arguing again, and Kat could see her more
clearly now. She didn’t look to Kat like a submissive-type person, but then was
there a generic type?
The trainer clearly had the same thought. “That is not a very submissive
attitude. If that is your view, then maybe this isn’t the best lifestyle for you.” The
woman blanched at this stern reply to her comment.
Kat felt Ben staring in her direction, but she refused to look him in the eye.
Gary continued, “However, before you decide further, I suggest you finish
this exercise. We are going to hand out some blindfolds for you to tie around
your eyes. We then want you to stay where you are. Along with ourselves and
other Doms in the room you haven’t been introduced to yet, we will walk among
you, touching you.”
“What do you mean ‘touch us,’ Sir?” came a comment.
“Well, you’ll just have to see what happens. In real life, you may be touched
in a variety of ways from very intimate to informal. You may have to take
whatever anyone wants to do to you. This exercise will show you that the Doms
are experienced and what they look like may have nothing to do with their
expertise. I am not talking about intercourse. Apart from anything else, it is
illegal to have intercourse in public.”
Some were more eager than others to get their blindfolds on. Kat looked over
at Ben as she toyed with her blindfold, having been too busy watching the
reaction of the others to put hers on.
He raised an eyebrow mockingly.
She hurried to place it over her eyes. It felt strange being in the middle of a
room with lots of other people with nothing to touch to ground herself.
As she began to get used to the disorientation, a strangled gasp left her mouth
as someone touched her shoulder. Whoever it was felt as if they were a similar
height, which would be fairly tall as Kat was the tall one in her family being five
feet ten inches. The hand left her and was replaced by another one, this one
touching her butt. She resisted the urge to shift away from the hand, which
caressed her slowly before leaving.
There were a few moments when nothing happened, during which she
became aware of the heavy breathing of people nearby. It wasn’t something she
had been aware of earlier and wondered if she was doing the same.
“Oh my God—that’s a woman.”
Kat mused at that comment, which had come from the eager woman who
didn’t sound so eager anymore.
“Yes, so?” called the deep voice of Master Gary.
“So I am heterosexual.”
“And this is an alternative lifestyle,” he explained. “You should expect to be
touched by both sexes if you wish to continue.”
Silence was the loud reply from the eager woman. In fact, the silence was
palpable as people took this information in. Kat wasn’t sure herself how she felt
about this.
Then came another gasp, well, an eek actually, from Kat this time as she
suddenly felt two people touching her on either side. At least she thought it was
two people as the hands were moving at different paces, one stroking her thigh,
pushing firmly up under her skirt between her legs, causing her to shift on her
feet to keep her balance. The other hand trailed up her back to clasp her neck
Now that person was taller than her, considerably. She was put in mind of
Ben. He towered over her as few people did.
The hand between her thighs departed, leaving the other hand still at her neck
moving around to encircle her throat. She felt that person move behind her, a
hard body plastering itself against her back, his erection against her upper
buttocks. At least it was a man, she pondered. The one who touched her butt, she
thought, might have been a woman.
Her thoughts were brought back to the present as the other hand of the person
behind her moved sensuously around her body to clasp a breast, his hand
caressing her waist as he went. Her head went back, tilting against his shoulder
as she started to pant. She could feel what a muscled body he had. The hand at
her breast squeezed his finger and thumb, holding her nipple tightly between
them, causing her to cry out before she was left abruptly.
It was so sudden she wanted to rip off her blindfold to regain her grounding
and, of course, see who it was. But she didn’t. Instead, she continued to stand
there, her breathing beginning to calm down as she came to terms with the fact
that she had just had strange people touch her intimately. No wonder Jon didn’t
want Rebecca attending.
The next sensation she felt was something soft coming around her throat.
Master Gary spoke again, “What you are all feeling or about to feel will be a
training collar around your neck. We don’t like the image of a dog collar as
commonly used for collars and instead use velvet ribbons. In a few moments I
am going to tell you all to take your blindfolds off. That will be the end of this
session. You will see people have different color collars. By the end of the week
you will learn why, but suffice to say that a collar distinguishes you as a
submissive, and many Doms give their submissive a special collar akin to a
wedding ring.”
Kat sucked in a breath as her collar was tied around her, instinctively putting
her hand up to her neck.

“You may take off the blindfolds now.”

Ben made sure he was on the other side of the room when Kat took hers off.
He was still surprised, but pleased, that she had actually stayed at the event but
noted that she hadn’t said a word so far.
He could feel her looking around the room for him, but he deliberately turned
his face away toward Paulene, who was standing nearby, reaching out a hand to
steady her as if it was her he had been touching.
Other than a swipe of his hand as he passed them, he had touched no one else
other than Kat. He was drawn to her like a moth to a flame. He had had to resist
the urge to pull her away from Master Maurice, another trainer who hadn’t been
involved in the session until then. He had gotten to Kat a moment before Ben did
and was moving his hand toward Kat’s thighs. However, a stern glare at Maurice
soon made him move on.
As he remembered this, he groaned.
Maurice and the other trainers would take him to task over this later.
Particularly as he was supposed to move on himself after he had touched Kat,
but he had given the cold shoulder to the others who tried to insinuate
themselves and continued touching her. God she was lovely.
Then he frowned. How could he be so attracted to her when he didn’t really
know her? Was it just lust or something more? Yes, he thought her very capable
as shown by her organization of the wedding. But now he found himself
admiring her for having stayed despite his earlier comments and he had watched
her carefully to gauge her reaction during the exercise, pleased with what he
He grimaced at what he had done at the end. Why did he have to go and give
her his personal collar, he grilled himself. All the others had blue for novice,
“needs careful handling,” purple for intermediate, “push boundaries a bit,” and
red for advanced, “push as much as you like.” He looked around the room. There
were only two reds, not surprising as this conference was for beginners, although
some people didn’t know how far they could be pushed at first, and most were
blue. Interestingly, one of the reds was the argumentative woman. He wondered
if the trainers had done that deliberately to force her hand as he didn’t really
think she was that advanced. The green collar he gave Kat, on the other hand,
indicated to his fellow Doms that he was interested and “to keep their hands
off.” Had he done that for her benefit or his?
Master Gary thanked everyone for attending and dismissed the class.
As they started to file out, Ben moved forward to speak to his colleagues. He
was ignoring the woman he really wanted to look at to ascertain how she had
taken his touch and how she looked wearing his collar. Afterward, he couldn’t
have told anyone what the other trainers said.
Chapter Three
Day Two

Ben stood outside a room and took a deep breath. He had tried to keep away
from Kat since yesterday’s induction class. In fact, he had given attention to one
of the other students just to pretend he wasn’t interested in Kat. But he was only
kidding himself. The more he thought about her, the more he wanted to know
her further. What drives her to stay, is she more submissive than she seems, and
what does her naked body look like?
There were a number of workshops today, and he had checked to see which
ones Kat had signed up for. He had told himself it was just to see what sort of
sessions she would be attending. In reality, he found himself walking up to the
room where her first class of the day was taking place, having swapped places
with another one of the scheduled trainers.
He couldn’t put it off anymore and entered.
Looking around quickly, he saw Kat was there already. He could tell by her
surprised look that she didn’t expect him. Hell, he didn’t expect to be there
despite the blatant ownership symbol around her neck. He told himself he
needed to keep a close eye on her. Although as one of the tutors at this event, he
shouldn’t have favorites.
Monica, who had also been in yesterday’s class, was beginning this session,
and she glared at him as he moved to stand at the back. They had had words
about him putting his collar on Kat after the induction class. Thankfully Maurice
wasn’t here.
“Welcome to this workshop, which is about presentation. How you present
yourself to your Master as much as how you present yourself to the public. You
had your first lesson on presentation yesterday afternoon with the training
collars. Yes, Celia?” She frowned as a hand went straight up.
Ben chuckled to himself. It was the argumentative woman from yesterday
who made some sarcastic comments.
“Why do I have a red collar and hardly anyone else?”
He wondered how Monica would take that direct question.
“Were you not listening at the end of the session yesterday?”
Craning his neck, he looked to see how Celia was coping with that comment.
Her face was mottled pink with embarrassment.
“Well, I’ll remind you. You will learn by the end of the week.”
Ben risked a glance over at Kat, who was fingering her collar thoughtfully.
“So to continue, one form of presentation is the collar you are wearing, which
will tell others if you are Dom, sub, or trainee. We also talked about the
importance of respect toward your Master. This can be verbal, but it can also be
how you present yourselves physically. Does anyone know the standard posture
when greeting a Master or at any time he or she commands you to ‘take the
position?’ Yes, you there, Gwen isn’t it? Can you show me?”
Gwen balked for a moment, clearly not expecting to have to show this, but
the purple collar around her throat indicated she had some knowledge. She got
up from her chair and kneeled down. Her arms behind her back thrust her breasts
“Excellent. You will note that this position, with arms behind her back, shows
her breasts off to advantage. Another stance is with hands behind the head, but
that can be tiring, and we recommend you only hold that pose when your Master
requests it. Also note that her knees are shoulder-width apart. This is very
important as it gives the Dom access to her pussy at all times.”
Ben looked over at Kat again and frowned. She seemed to be swallowing
nervously at the thought of her genitals being on view to all and sundry.
“Also note that Gwen is looking down. This is significant, too, as looking
directly at your Master could be seen as a challenge.”
“Mistress, please?” At Monica’s nod, the speaker continued, “Could it also
mean that the sub is not totally submissive? That they are interested to a certain
extent in being submissive but not all the way.”
The speaker squirmed at Monica’s less-than-friendly glare. Ben stifled a grin.
“You could say that, but why get into this lifestyle if you are not prepared to
go all the way?”
“Hang on a moment, aren’t there people called switches or something.”
He groaned at the interruption from Celia.
Monica angrily snapped back, “No, you hang on a moment. I appreciate you
would like to ask questions or have comments to make, but even in a normal
lifestyle, there are good manners.” Celia ducked her head guiltily. Monica
calmed down. “However, I will answer your comment to say yes, a switch is
someone who can be Dom or sub, and you will learn more about them in another
class. This one is about being submissive and presenting yourself as such. Now
time for some work. Master Ben, if you will take over please.”
Startled, having forgotten for the moment the trainer he had swapped with
had a part to play in the session, he moved to the flipchart. Monica told the class
to call out other ways a person might “present” themselves. He wrote down,

Obeying the Master/not taking initiative

Not wearing panties/underwear
Sitting at Master’s feet
Tied up/handcuffed/blindfold
Wearing sexy clothes
Being flogged

He stopped writing. “How can being flogged show you are presenting
yourselves?” he asked the person who had called that out.
“Um, well, isn’t flogging part of what happens?”
“It can be, but we are talking just about presentation.”
Crossing that one out, he glanced at Monica, but she was sitting down,
looking pointedly at him to continue. She was getting her own back. Well, he
had done this session several times before, so he knew what was expected.
“I note none of you have said being naked.” He looked around the room and
saw them glance nervously at each other. “The degree of your nakedness in front
of your Master or in public may determine how far you trust your Dom. It could,
of course, mean you are an exhibitionist.” He stopped, startled when some
people laughed. It wasn’t meant it as a joke. He was deadly serious and really
took this way of life to heart.
Looking directly at Kat, he saw her shiver. Was it in fear or arousal? “So to
continue this exercise, I would like you all to take up the position that Gwen did
earlier … but as naked as you are prepared to go in front of us all.”
Kat’s cry of shock was echoed around the room. Ben continued to look at her.
She guessed he did so to ascertain her reaction. Had he suggested this just to get
back at her?
She wished Ellie had come into this session with her, but she was attending a
different class, so Kat sat still waiting to see what the others would do. After
yesterday’s session, she had been intrigued enough to want to learn more.
Besides which, this was Ben’s life, and she wanted to know more about what
made him tick.
Finally someone took the lead. It was one of the other purple-collared people
who declared she had nothing to hide, took everything off, and kneeled on the
floor, although Kat noticed her knees were close together. Two others followed
by taking everything off, but some only took their outer clothes off, leaving
underwear on.
“Oh God, I can’t do it,” cried the eager woman from the other night who had
got down to her underwear but now, wrestling with her confidence, pulled her
top back on.
“There’s no right or wrong here. It is just a sign of how far you are prepared
to present yourself as submissive.”
As Ben spoke Kat took advantage of the fact that he was looking away to
shuck her dress before kneeling down. She started breathing faster. As she went
to open her knees to the appropriate distance, she became aware of how wet she
was as she had found it all quite arousing. She grimaced to herself and closed her
“You’re not closing them are you…Kat?” She jumped. Ben stood over her,
and then he bent down on one knee. Her heart was pounding in her chest.
She opened her knees slightly.
“More than that,” he requested. When she complied, he slid his hand in. She
sucked in a breath as he felt her wet panties. She dared a quick glance at his face
to see his reaction, but she couldn’t tell if he was delighted by her obvious
arousal. She nearly groaned out loud as his fingers stroked her mound, his thumb
rubbing her silk covered clit. A shot of desire ran through her body and she
Before anything further happened, Monica brusquely, and loudly, interrupted.
“Okay, everyone. That is good. Not only because it gives you the opportunity to
experience nakedness or semi-nakedness in front of others and to practice your
position, but it also gives us, the trainers, a measure of your inhibitions. Kat,
over there, is clearly ashamed to show off her body totally despite the fact that
she is extremely beautiful. Her shoulders are also hunched as if she is hiding her
lovely tits. She appears reluctant to offer her pussy to the Master. These together
tell us she might not be submissive material.”
Kat flushed at being picked out of the group. She then briefly glanced up at
Ben, who was giving her a look of “told you so.” Damn.
Monica continued, “Now please stand but maintain your submissive
positions. In other words, feet apart, hands behind your back, breasts forward.
We are now going to give you a further demonstration of how you could present
yourself physically as a submissive, and I require a volunteer.”
Several hands were raised. Kat wasn’t one of them. After the last put-down,
she was staying out of it.
Ben took up the lesson. “Ladies, I am glad that so many of you wish to
volunteer, but you should at least wait until you know what you are volunteering
for.” A ripple of laughter went around the room. He moved to a table at the side
of the room covered with a thick bath towel. “So who is willing to have their
pussy shaved?”
Kat looked around and gasped. The eager woman had fainted.
“Oh dear,” said Monica, clearly amused rather than worried. Another trainer
in the room who had remained silent so far moved forward to assist. The woman
was recovering but a bit hysterical, so she was led out of the room. “Is anyone
else going to faint?”
They looked around to ascertain the steadiness of the others.
“Um, may I ask a question, Mistress?” This came from Gwen. At the nod, she
continued, “Is Master Ben doing the shaving?” She seemed keen that it be Ben
who would be doing it. Kat bristled. She didn’t want him touching any other
women, and then realized how jealous she felt.

Ben answered, “The volunteer having it done won’t know. We will require
them to have a blindfold on, and they will be loosely tied and unable to touch the
person, so it could be myself, Monica, or any of the other trainers. It is all part of
learning to be submissive.” He emphasized the last word.
Looking disappointed, Gwen still volunteered. He was a little surprised since
she wasn’t one of those who had taken everything off earlier.
Removing her underwear now, she climbed onto the table then was
blindfolded and tied down, her legs strapped wide apart. Another towel was
folded up and placed under her buttocks. The rest of the group was encouraged
to stand around the table to watch. He saw Kat stay toward the back.
As it happened, it was neither Monica nor Ben who were to do the shaving
but the female trainer who had taken the fainting woman out of the room before
returning. He was glad it wasn’t him in this instance, although he did enjoy
shaving a woman’s pussy, but it gave him the chance to watch Kat as she studied
the activity.
The trainer brought over the supplies she had readied earlier, while Monica
brought over a fresh bowl of warm water. He could see the volunteer was
trembling a little. Well, shaving was nothing new to women as well as men, but
he wondered how many of those in the room had actually shaved their pussy—
let alone had someone else do it for them. He had been told it was very arousing
having someone shave that area of the body, particularly if it was their partner.
Stella, who was doing the shaving, started off placing a hot towel over the
pussy area. Removing that, she then selected some small scissors and started to
cut away chunks of hair, avoiding getting too close to the skin.
Noticing Kat tilting her head to one side to get a better view, Ben briefly
mused what it would be like to shave her pussy. He could see her biting her lip
in anticipation and smiled to himself.
Looking back at the activity, he could see that Stella was holding up a bottle
of special shaving cream. It was his turn to speak. “The cream that is going to be
used is especially made for sensitive areas like genitals.” The volunteer groaned
as Stella gently rubbed the cream into her pussy.
He could see several of the women shifting on their feet as they began to get
aroused by this. He grinned and watched as Stella bent her head down to make
sure the cream was coating Gwen’s crease all the way to her anus.
Kat’s expression was one of absolute fascination in what was happening. He
could see her nipples pebbling in her bra and felt his cock harden at the sight. He
wished she had been brave enough earlier to take it off.
An “eek” came from the woman on the table. Ben glanced down. Stella had
shaved off the hair around the mound and was starting on the area either side of
the labia. The woman wasn’t in pain, just startled. “You see now why it is a
good idea to be strapped down if you do decide to have someone else do this for
you or you could end up cut,” he stated, probably unnecessarily.
Moving forward, Ben started caressing Gwen’s breasts. She whimpered in
“It makes a good threesome activity if the third person strokes the woman,
calming her, giving her something else to think about other than what dangerous
things might be happening below.”
He glanced at Kat as he said this. Her eyes were wide open, showing desire
and fear in equal measure. Hm, that’s curious. Would she be interested in a
ménage? Then he shook his head in disbelief that he actually thought that of her.
By now the shaving was coming to an end as Stella wiped off the remaining
cream before inspecting her work.
“You will see that the trainer is making sure all the hair is removed. There are
fiddly bits that get left behind, particularly in difficult-to-see areas like around
the anus.” Monica actually said that. Ben had been too busy thinking about Kat.
Stella moved back, taking all the supplies and bowl with her and Monica
released the volunteer who was panting heavily with arousal.
Ben looked at Kat as he spoke, “If anyone else wishes to remain behind to
have their pussy shaved, feel free to stay. Otherwise this session is finished. You
may dress and leave. Lunch is served in forty-five minutes.”
Unfortunately Kat wasn’t one of those who wanted to be shaved. He didn’t
really expect her to. Now he had to wrack his brains to remember what she was
up to that afternoon. On the other hand, maybe he should stay clear of her for a
while. His feelings for her were confusing him. He didn’t know if he wanted her
to show submissiveness or not.
Chapter Four
As Kat fixed her makeup for dinner, she pondered on the past thirty-six hours
since her arrival, which had been quite an eye-opener. She had to avoid poking
herself in the eye with the mascara as her attention wandered.
After the morning’s session on presentation, she had attended an afternoon
class which detailed various forms of instruments used in punishment. At least
Ben hadn’t been present for that one. His presence got her heart racing—not
only because she was attracted to him, but because she wanted to show herself to
him in the best light possible and always seemed to end up getting it wrong,
much to her chagrin.
Grimacing to herself in the mirror, she raised the mascara again and thought
back to the afternoon session. She still wasn’t entirely convinced by the assertion
that one could have erotic pain.
Ellie had also been in that session and Kat practically had to hold the girl
down to stop her volunteering for everything.
They had asked for someone to try out being flogged. It had looked like a
whip to Kat, but the trainer explained that the difference was that a whip had a
single lash at the end, while the flogger had several. They had also been shown a
crop, which looked something like a whip with a small, thin flyswatter at the
end. A cane, on the other hand, was exactly what she expected. Once again Celia
was also at this session, but despite her usual loud rumblings, she had still been
entranced by the paddle—often used on new subs or by new Doms.
However, Kat was more surprised by the suggestion that ordinary everyday
implements could be used, like a wooden spoon or a ruler.
Amazingly it was Celia who volunteered. Kat suspected that the woman had a
deep need to be dominated, even if she had yelled vociferously throughout the
exercise, which only lasted for five “floggings” and looked fairly gentle to Kat’s
untrained eye. Now with that instrument, she could see the use in erotic play as
the suede ends were trailed over Celia sensuously, causing her to arch her back.
Despite her lack of doubts over the use of pain for erotic purposes, she was
beginning to get hooked into the life, although would she want to continue if it
wasn’t for Ben, she wondered?
Kat’s eyeliner smudged as her attention wavered again. She cursed, wiped it
off, and began again.

Dinner was over and everyone was sitting around talking. Quiet suddenly
came over the room as Ben stood just a few tables from where Kat sat with Ellie.
He knew how easily he commanded everyone’s attention without saying a word.
“We have a demonstration taking place shortly. I am not asking for volunteers
this time. This is a demonstration by an experienced Dom with an experienced
sub to give you a flavor of the lifestyle. For this one, we will be demonstrating
the use of the crop. I think most of you have taken part in the session on the use
of punishment implements by now, so you will be familiar with it, if not how it
is used. For those of you wishing to see the demo, it will be taking place in the
blue room in half an hour.”
“Oh we absolutely have to attend that,” he overheard an enthusiastic Ellie cry
out to Kat, who smiled at her friend’s response.
He smiled, too, as he left the room. Everything was exciting to Ellie.
Actually, she would be a prime candidate for the other form of punishment they
taught, that of being sent to a room by themselves. The lack of attention from the
Master was a punishment in itself. He just wished Kat showed as much
enthusiasm as her friend. Part of him was still sure she was unsuited to this life.
On the other hand, he would love to be the one to teach her and watch her grow
under his tutelage. He shivered with arousal at the thought.
At the ordained time, delegates filed into the room. Ben was pleased to see
Kat enter with Ellie.
Meanwhile he stood to the side of a frame in the middle of which hung a
woman, her hands tied to either top corner of the frame, her feet pulled apart and
tied to the bottom two corners themselves fixed to ground supports to add
stability to the entire structure. She wasn’t off the ground, but her feet weren’t
totally flat to the floor either, just her toes. Erica was a submissive belonging to
Master Gary, and she had taken part in demonstrations on various occasions.
Although this time it wasn’t her Master doing the demonstrating but him.
“Come on. I haven’t got all evening,” he chided the latecomers. It looked like
most of the conference delegates had come to watch and he had to raise his
voice. “Very well, settle down and listen.”
Silence settled quickly as they were clearly eager to find out more.
“There are various ways in which a sub can be restrained for their
punishment. It doesn’t always have to include an apparatus like this. A Dom
could simply take you over his knee for a spanking. You will see, and maybe
experience, other ones during the week. I have chosen this frame which
resembles a hanging frame because it allows me to administer punishment to the
sub’s backside as well as to their front. In this instance, I could have hung her
from a hook in the ceiling, but then she might have moved around, and I need
her to be static for my purposes.”
Stopping to take a pause seemingly, but in reality to glance over at Kat, he
saw her body was rigid. Damn, if she hates what she’s seen so far, she’s going to
loathe the rest of the demonstration.
He continued, trying to concentrate on what he was doing. Any form of B&D
was dangerous, and he needed to give it his full attention. “Not all implements
are suitable for punishment to areas other than the buttocks and thighs. Ladies, if
you have a big butt that gives you more padding.”
That got a laugh, but was a well-rehearsed line, so he could afford to include
it in his lecture without it affecting his concentration.
“At all times it is advisable to avoid the lower back so not to damage vital
organs like the kidneys. So if someone ever tries that, I would suggest you to use
your safe word and get away from them as fast as you can. However, if your
Master is properly trained, they will know which parts of the body are safe for
the implement they are using. You might be interested to know that there are
fewer injuries inflicted in BDSM than a person receives in sports like boxing or
The room was deathly quiet, all of them listening to his every word. It was
moments like this that he enjoyed being a Master, knowing he had the crowd
enthralled. He got a similar kick when lecturing. In the real world he was a
university lecturer who taught history.
Deciding to stir them up, he suddenly flicked the crop in his hand so it cut
across the quiet with a crack. Pretty much everyone jumped and then laughed in
“This, in case you have forgotten, is a crop. The sub restrained here is Erica,
who has been very naughty according to her Dom, Master Gary over there, as
she keeps ‘coming’ without permission. He has therefore authorized twenty
There was a gasp as the crowd took this in. Clearly they thought this was
excessive. He glanced at Kat’s face. She was biting her bottom lip, but her eyes
looked bright and excited.
“Hands up, how many of you think twenty is too many?” He waited patiently
for about half the class to raise their hands. He noted with surprise that Kat
wasn’t one of them. “And what about you, Erica, do you think twenty is too
The restrained woman chuckled. “No, Sir. Not nearly enough.”
“In that case, what do you think, Master Gary? Should we raise the total, say
to twenty-five?”
“I suspect you are playing into her hands,” was the wry answer as Gary
clearly thought she had said that to get more erotic punishment. “But by all
means, give her the extra.”
As everyone was looking toward Master Gary, they were all startled when
Ben suddenly whipped the crop at Erica’s buttocks, forcing a cry from her which
was echoed around the room as the attention of the students was brought back to
him, just as he had intended.

Kat had jumped when he hit Erica but stifled an exclamation, unlike Ellie
next to her who had also grabbed Kat’s arm, startling her as she did.
As Ben continued with four more hits to Erica’s buttocks, followed by five to
the backs of her thighs, Kat was hard-pressed not to flinch with every hit. She
looked closely at Erica’s face. She might be crying out with every hit—which
were a hell of a lot harder than the flogging given to Celia earlier, much to Kat’s
surprise—but her face seemed to show pleasure not pain.
Ben came around to the front of the frame. He took a moment to remove his
jacket and roll up his sleeves.
“It isn’t advisable to give a sub all their strokes in one go. A good Dom will
take his time giving the sub a moment to recover from the first lot before
continuing. That is the real reason I have taken this opportunity to remove my
jacket and roll up my sleeves. Another way might be to turn away to talk to
someone, take a sip of water, check on bindings, and so on. At the same time as
letting the sub recover, it also gives time for their arousal to build, their tension
to increase.”
At that moment he raised the crop and hit her on the front of her thighs this
time, another five. He stopped again.
Wondering which parts of her body Erica preferred being hit, Kat watched
“Tell me, Erica,” asked Ben. “Which area hurts the most so far?”
Kat started. It was almost as if he had read her mind.
“Back of the thigh. That stings the most.” As she said that, Gary moved
around to rub her thighs soothingly.
“Pain tolerance from one person to another varies enormously. A Dom will
learn those tolerances. As they continue with the punishment, they might take
time out to rub the worst hit area like Gary has just finished doing. Another
method might be just to have a lighter touch in some areas.”
As he finished, he raised his hand high. Kat flinched thinking he was going to
hit Erica in the face, but he brought the crop down on her left breast, hitting the
nipple squarely, if less fiercely than before. Erica cried out loudly—the loudest
“Too hard?” Ben asked the restrained submissive.
“No, just right.”
Kat could have hit him herself for the satisfied smirk he now gave the crowd.
He continued with another four hits to the breasts. She noticed Erica was shaking
violently by the time he had finished.
“Oh God. Master, please let me come?”
“No.” Both Ben and Gary spoke at the same time. Then Gary continued,
“You know better than that. You cannot come until your chastisement is
complete, particularly as you requested the extra punishment. I count five more
to go.”
Ben turned back to the crowd. “As you know from earlier sessions, a sub may
be punished in public or in private. If the sub is not into exhibitionism and the
reason for the punishment is to admonish and not for erotic pain, then public
humiliation is ideal. If, like Erica here, they are into exhibitionism and love
erotic pain, it might be necessary to spread out their penance to make them
suffer or wait for their climax. You might also like to gag them in some way
because they are then unable to show their excitement vocally or call out to their
Master for permission to come. They have to wait until their Master decides it is
Kat nearly giggled at the look of undiluted hatred Erica just gave Ben behind
his back as he spoke. He was clearly oblivious to what had happened. That was
interesting, she considered, as it meant the submissive didn’t have to be totally
without emotion. Although if he had seen, would it have earned her more
punishment? The thought of Ben giving herself such punishment for her own
misdemeanors got Kat’s heart racing.
“And now for the final set of strikes. You may be wondering where I am
going to place these ones, and you may be surprised at where I do put them… ”
He paused, clearly for emphasis. “It is going to be her pussy.”
Loud gasps followed this announcement, not least from Kat. Holy shit, she
thought to herself, resisting the urge to cover her own pussy in instinctive
reaction. Instead, she clenched her hands tightly around her arms.
Ben held up the crop. “This instrument is ideal, unlike a whip whose lash
might damage the sensitive pussy area. You may also note I have left this area of
her body to the last. That is because I know Erica will be very aroused at this
point, and her clit is going to be engorged, so when I strike it, it will cause an
extreme reaction. She may very well climax as I do. On the other hand, Erica is
very experienced, and she will hold back until I am finished.” He turned to her.
“Only on the last strike you may come, do you hear me?”
“Yes, Master.” Erica’s shaking, which had subsided in the interim, had
increased again in anticipation.
Kat jumped as Ben gave Erica the first hit, and she raised a hand to her mouth
to muffle any sounds she made in sympathy.
Erica cried, “Oh God.” And then thrust her body forward as much as she
could as if to get to the crop herself. The second hit, Kat noticed, was lighter but
had no less a reaction from Erica. The third and fourth were given quickly. Kat
saw Erica squirming desperately, trying unsuccessfully to close her legs.
“Pleeeease, Master.”
As he gave her the final hit, the cry of release that came from Erica resounded
around the room. Kat looked around her, wondering if anyone had similarly
come. Her own clit was pulsing so madly it wouldn’t take more than a brush of a
hand to come herself, and that stunned her as she hadn’t been aware when erotic
pain like this had become arousing to her instead of a mystery.
So entranced by what had happened and her own reaction, Kat was surprised
when Maurice took center stage. She hadn’t even noticed the trainer coming into
the room. She shuddered. He gave her the creeps the way he leered at her
“Right, everyone. That is the end of the demonstration. Tomorrow you will be
paired off with a Master to have individual sessions. Because we have more
students than Masters, these individual tutorials will be staggered and those not
having them will be attending the usual lessons.”
Ellie looked over at Kat, the excitement evident in her face.
“At breakfast tomorrow morning, you will be given a sealed envelope with
your name on it. Inside will be a room for you to go to and the time scheduled.
There will also be the name of the activity you will be undertaking. All these
activities follow on from this demonstration. In other words, you will be
experiencing different forms of bondage furniture and a punishment.”
Kat groaned as Ellie jumped up and down with eagerness.
“You won’t have a choice, so don’t think you can swap your envelope with
someone else. You are a submissive remember, you will do as you are told.
Similarly, you will not know the person who will be training you in this session.
You will obey whoever turns up. Your instructions on arrival in the room will be
to strip and take up the presentation position you were shown previously. If you
are still uncomfortable being naked, you may keep your underwear on. That is
all. Good night.”
Chapter Five
Day Three

Kat arrived at breakfast the next morning with trepidation. She hadn’t slept
much the night before. The events of the day had raced through her head, and the
anxiety of what was to come lay heavily on her. It was one thing to attend
workshops with others around, but quite another to be alone with a Master. And
would she get Ben?
Ellie raced ahead to get to her envelope lying on her plate and tore it open.
“Oh wow. I’ve got the St. Andrew’s Cross. Holy Mary!”
She smiled at Ellie’s expression and laughed as Ellie jumped up and down.
“Come on. Open yours.”
Kat’s smile faltered and she forced herself the last few steps to the table and
gingerly reached out to the envelope. Taking a deep breath, she opened it.

Spanking bench. Room 512.

Echoing Ellie’s curse in her head, she re-read the note. Spanking. Oh. My.
God. Apart from being spanked as a child when she had done something
naughty, at no time in her adult life had any lover even suggested doing anything
like spanking. She knew her sister, Rebecca, had done it with Jon, as it had come
out at one of the Champagne Friday evenings with her gang of girlfriends. They
had read about a couple who indulged in spanking fetishes. At the time she had
grimaced, feeling it was too much information to know about her sister’s sex
life, but part of her had been intrigued.
Okay, she could do it. Although it did depend on who the trainer was going to
be—if it was Maurice, she would use her safe word. Ben, on the other hand…

Ben took a deep breath before entering room 512. He had made sure that he
got this individual session with Kat. In fact, he had to call in several favors with
Maurice. He wondered what Kat’s reaction would be when she saw it was him.
Part of him was stunned she was still there, part of him pleased, extremely
pleased. Well, time to find out. He opened the door.
First impressions were not good. Not only was she not naked, she wasn’t even
down to her underwear. And she wasn’t in the presentation position either but
was examining the bench. And she didn’t even seem to have heard him enter.
“So I take it you are not interested in taking this training any further?” His
voice sounded abrupt even to him.
As she whirled around, her face went pale when she saw him, her mouth
open. “Oh, hell.” She looked down at herself. “Oh shit. I’m sorry. I was
intrigued by the apparatus. I do want to continue.”
She looked chagrinned. He relented slightly. “In that case strip now.”
Relieved that she was continuing, he watched as she hurriedly complied and
he leaned against the door negligently, his arms folded, resisting the urge to
catch his breath as she revealed her beautiful body. She was even more drop-
dead gorgeous than he remembered from yesterday.
When she dropped her dress and took off her shoes, she seemed to hesitate.
“Is that it? Aren’t you going to take off your underwear?” He knew he sounded
fiercer than he had intended, but it had shocked him to arrive to see her fully
clothed. He had envisaged beforehand what he would do to her, and this threw
Kat shook her head. “We have the option to keep underwear on, don’t we?”
Ben ignored her question and moved forward into the room. “And what about
your positioning?”
“Oh.” She kneeled quickly, her arms behind her back, which thrust her
breasts out. Ben felt himself getting very hard the more he looked at her. He
cursed silently as he tried to maintain a professional attitude. I’m supposed to be
training her, for Christ’s sake!
Bringing his thoughts back to the task at hand he noticed something. “Why do
I always have to tell you to open your knees?” She flushed and hurriedly opened
them. At least her head was bent, but that was probably from shame or
embarrassment, he thought.
“Hm. Not a good start to your session so far. You obviously know this is a
spanking bench. What experience have you had of spanking?”
“Um, other than spankings as a child, I have no experience whatsoever.”
“Does that mean you were a particularly unruly child?”
He could just see her smiling beneath her bent head. “Probably.”
Resisting the urge to chuckle and rather liking the idea of her being resistant,
he requested, “Please stand with legs apart and arms back.”
He waited until she did this as he pondered why he might like her resisting,
since he normally preferred very submissive women, and found he couldn’t
answer his own question.
Shaking his head at this, he directed, “Now move over to the bench, and I will
point out some features.” He followed her and saw her glancing at him. Part of
her appeared fascinated, part worried. He found himself wanting to allay her
Moving around to the other side of the bench, which was actually a fairly
elaborate apparatus, he tapped the knee pads halfway up the front and smiled,
unusual for him, as he instructed. “This is where you will put your knees. You
then lean forward resting your body along the middle padded bench. Your
forehead goes here.” He had moved to the top of the bench and indicated a
padded bar at the top. “Your hands are placed on these bars, and you will be
She gasped. “I hadn’t realized you would do that. May I ask why?”
“It is necessary to stop you moving about during the procedure and the spank
—or any other implement being used—hitting the wrong part of your body.
Similarly, if you jerk suddenly during the activity, you may fall off if not
“Oh, I can see that. Okay.”
“If you have no other questions, please lay as I have said.”
He waited until she tentatively lay down before tying her hands and then
moving to the other end to wrap a tie around each knee, firmly affixing her to the
apparatus. Seeing she was getting a little anxious, he laid a soothing hand on her
back, brushing her long hair off to fall to the side so it didn’t get in the way.
“Don’t worry. I will remain here. An important rule for the Master is not to leave
a bound person alone in case something happens and they can’t get free.
“Now, as we have stated previously, one of the reasons for being spanked—
or any other punishment—is because you deserve to be chastised. The fact that
you neglected your instructions and were not ready for my arrival is the first
penalty. I can think of many others, but I want you to tell me what these may
As soon as he finished, without waiting for her to speak, he gave her the first
of the spankings, knowing she was too busy thinking to consider the impending
“Ow. Shit. I wasn’t expecting it so quickly.”
“Come on, Kat. That was for the reason I just indicated. I am waiting for the
“Oh, um, being reluctant to join in classes at the start of the week.” He hit her
other buttock, and this time followed it up with a soothing caress. He could feel
her tightening her butt. He wondered if it was more for the caress than for the
hit. He hoped it was.
“Keep going.”
“Er—not opening my legs wide enou—Ahhh, what are you doing?” Ben had
pulled her panties down. Then he hit her bare butt.
“That was a satisfactory reason, but one you could have given was your
constant questioning.” He gave her another spank for that. “As for why I have
pulled your panties down when you requested to keep your underwear on, well,
the reasons are varied. Firstly, so I can ascertain how pink you are getting and
better determine when you have had enough. Secondly, I get a better hit without
anything in the way. Thirdly, and the most important reason, because I am the
Master and I want to see your naked butt. That alone should be reason enough.
Now continue with your list of appalling mistakes.” As he finished, he ran his
hand over her hot butt and down her thigh, coming up her other leg, his fingers
brushing her pussy and up her cleft.
He could see she was panting and felt her body quiver. “Kat!”
“Um, oh God. I can’t think when you do that. I’m not sure I’ve done anything
else wrong. Have I?”
Giving her two hard spanks to either buttock, he then moved in between her
legs to fondle both of the globes, caressing softly. He shifted forward until his
erect cock tenting his trousers was wedged between her buttocks and nearly
moaned loudly at the pleasure this gave him. His voice was huskier than normal.
“How about the fact that you have failed to call me Master or Sir? Probably all
“Oh, hell. Sorry, Sir.” She finished with a whimper as he rocked back and
forth, moving his hands to unclasp her bra. The sight of Kat bound to the bench,
her naked buttocks against his hard cock, her panties around her thighs, bra
dangling from its straps, made him groan. He desperately wanted to see her
luscious breasts, but for that he would have to untie her, and she might think her
session had ended. Instead, he ran a hand up her back, caressing, moving around
her body to clasp the breast which fell to the side of the padded board. She
jerked in response but didn’t say anything. Emboldened, he did the same with
the other one, easing it from where it was pressed against the board, plucking the
nipples between finger and thumb before flicking them with his thumbs.
“Shit, Ben… Master Ben. Oh God.” She shook under his ministrations. But
they only echoed his own shakes.
Jesus, her breasts felt wonderful, the nipples hard between his fingers. Swiftly
he undid his trousers and let his throbbing cock out and rubbed himself in her
cleft, groaning as he did. His voice was gruff. “A follow-on activity after a
spanking might well have the Master making love to his submissive. After all,
she is in a perfect position and, if he has done his job properly, thoroughly
However, it wasn’t part of the deal to have sex with the delegates, whether he
knew them or not, so hardening his emotions he regretfully forced himself to
move away. “So that ends this session.”
He stopped unsure why she had cried out. Was she hurt?
“Please don’t go.” Her plea was plaintive.
Ben froze. He was tempted. Oh so tempted.
Bolstered by his presence still there, she wiggled her butt in the air. “Please. I
want you. I need you so much.”
Against his better judgment, he pushed himself tightly against her again and
felt a deep sigh come from her. This shattered his resolve and he pulled a
condom from his pocket to sheathe himself. Feeling her jerk back against the
restraints, indicating her need to have him inside her, he swatted her butt, though
somewhat gently.
“Stop it. You’re trying to top from the bottom.” As she stilled, he rewarded
her by grasping his very hard cock and positioning it at the entrance to her pussy,
which was incredibly wet, and held it there.
“Ahh. Pleeeease.”
Holding her hips tightly to stop her pushing back on him, he asked in a voice
husky with arousal, “What is it you want, Kat?”
“Don’t tease.”
“I’m not teasing. Tell me exactly what you need.” It was agony to wait. He
wanted her as much as she seemed to want him, but his Dom persona took
charge needing to prove he was in control.
“I want you.”
He chuckled. “We’ve established that, but where do you want me?”
“Inside me.”
“In your pussy?”
“Then ask for it. For what part of me you want in you, my tongue, my fingers,
or another part of me.” He lingered over each word drawing them out
She cried piteously, “I want your cock inside my pussy. Now!”
He pulled back, determined not to let her top him. His cock pointed out from
his body in her direction. It knew what it wanted.
In return she got four swift spanks to show he was still in charge before he
eased in slowly, very slowly, into her hot clenching pussy. However, his
intention to enter her slowly didn’t last long as he was taken aback when she
suddenly thrust her butt back to take him fully inside her with a lingering moan.
He was amazed she had so much leverage, being tied down as she was.
“Ahh. Oh God, that’s it.” She was panting heavily.
As she sounded so relieved to get him inside her, he forgave her and started to
thrust, twisting his body as he did, forcing her to accept him from different
angles. Her moans turned to keening whimpers as he reached forward, pulling on
a nipple, and clenched the fingers of his other hand, biting into her hip. He could
feel her orgasm rising quickly, her body quivering.
“Don’t come yet. A sub never comes without permission.” He released her
nipple and held her tightly around the waist.
“Then give it to me.”
“My God, you’re the most undisciplined, demanding sub I’ve ever had. It
would serve you right if I withdrew without giving you your climax.” He started
to pull out teasingly even though there was no way he was going to finish
without coming himself.
“No, no, no. I’m sorry. Please, Master. May I come?” Her request was said so
plaintively and her body shook so much that he gave in.
“Come for me, Kat. Now.” He plunged back in forcefully, harder than he
intended and harder than usual, but it did the trick.
Kat came with a screeching yell, which reverberated around the room, swiftly
followed by Ben with a groaning, “Yesss.” Both of them took deep breaths to
gain back much-needed oxygen as they weathered the aftershocks.
As soon as he calmed down, Ben bitterly regretted what he had done. He had
had no intention of making love to Kat, and at the first opportunity he had done
just that. He pulled out quickly, righting his clothes and untying her. As she
started to sit up, somewhat shakily, he ran an equally shaky hand through his
hair. “I’m sorry. That shouldn’t have happened. You have every right to
complain to the conference organizers.”
She looked at him, and he saw a variety of emotions cross her face, ecstasy
being replaced with dismay and disappointment. “It’s all right. I pushed you into
doing this. I have no intention of complaining,” she said magnanimously.
“Thank you.” He left hurriedly.

Kat was left wondering what the hell had just happened. Not only had she
demanded he make love to her—and that went against type for her, at least in
bedroom matters—but she had just had the best sex of her life, with the man she
wanted more than anything, and then he had run out as if she was a disease he
didn’t want to touch.
Still kneeling against the bench as she ruminated, she didn’t hear the door
open quietly. It wasn’t until a hand touched her still-naked buttocks, fondling
them, that she realized she wasn’t alone. But it wasn’t Ben’s hand. She squealed
in fright.
“I can see you have had a good spanking, my dear,” stated Maurice.
As Kat tried to get up, he held her down.
“The way he just left the room, he clearly doesn’t want you. I can give you
exactly what you need.”
She felt Maurice’s lips on her butt, and wrenching herself out of his grip, Kat
cried, “No!” Pulling her panties up, she quickly grabbed her dress and wrenched
open the door sharply, thankful there was no one in the corridor to see her
Chapter Six
After quickly donning her dress as soon as she was outside the room, Kat then
rushed back to her bedroom.
Leaning back against the door, she shook violently in reaction to the events
that had just transpired, not only with Ben, but the unexpected arrival of
Maurice. She wasn’t sure how to take Maurice but didn’t really like the idea of
being touched intimately by him. Not to mention that his comments about Ben
Breathing slowing and her heart beating less violently, Kat moved to lie on
her bed and pulled the cover over her, curling in fetus position, trying to calm
Tears gathered in her eyes as she remembered Ben’s comments. It was those
that upset her so badly. She came to the conclusion that it hurt so much because
part of her was in love with him already.
She pondered if it was just lust as the sex had been incredible and that coming
after the amazing spanking. She never thought in a million years she would like
something so sinful so much. Unable to resist, she reached back to touch her
buttocks, remembering how it had felt when his hand had hit her.
If it was just lust, then why did she have the need to prove herself to him, to
make him proud of her, to want to be the only submissive in his life?
Her ruminations as she calmed down meant she missed lunch and the
afternoon session she had signed up for on enforced chastity. The latter was a
shame because it had sounded so intriguing, but it couldn’t be helped.
The rest of the day was spent debating whether to stay or not, and finally she
came to a decision after much soul-searching. Her fascination with the lifestyle
notwithstanding, she just had to persuade Ben she could be his submissive.
She’d do whatever it took. Well, she thought she could.
She had hoped she would see him at dinner, but there was no sign of him.
Instead, she got together with Ellie and a group of fellow students, and they
wandered into the lounge she had hidden in her first day there, relaxing
comfortably in the chairs talking about the activities they had individually
attended during the week. Some of them had been in the same sessions as Kat,
but some had experienced different workshops.
“You didn’t want to go to tonight’s expert demo then?” asked Paulene. Kat
frowned. She had forgotten there was a demo tonight.
Ellie answered for both of them. “Remind us what the topic is? We’ve seen so
much this week my mind is chockablock with images.”
Kat was a little surprised that Ellie hadn’t attended the demo as she usually
went to everything she could, but when she had arrived at Kat’s room later in the
afternoon to find out how things had gone Kat had been naturally rather cagey
about what had happened. Ellie must have guessed something was up as she
hadn’t left her side all evening.
She was brought back to the present when they all chuckled in agreement
with Ellie’s description of the state of their minds.
“The demo is on the uses of various types of harness. Apparently it is a very
advanced technique as you could seriously damage the sub’s arms or even legs if
not careful, so we beginners aren’t actually getting to try it out this week,” said
someone who had been in several of Kat’s classes, but she hadn’t got her name
Narrowing her eyes in thought at that comment, Kat asked, “Is there a follow-
on course for advanced students then?”
Everyone looked at her in surprise.
“Well, it makes sense if this week is for beginners that they would have other
At that moment, Master Gary passed through the room, and they called him
He leaned over the back of an easy chair, listening as Kat reiterated her
question. “Kat is perfectly correct. We do run advanced courses. In fact, some of
those who have shown an aptitude for advanced work this week may be invited
to attend the next series of workshops we are hoping to run in the summer.”
They looked around at each other, trying to ascertain if any of them had the
aptitude. All of them present had blue collars, indicating beginners, Kat recalled.
All except her. She frowned, wondering, not for the first time, why she had a
different color one to everyone else.
Master Gary chuckled in response to the question on their faces and raised a
hand. “No, don’t ask. If you have the aptitude, you will be invited.” Kat realized
with a start he was referring to the advanced workshops, not her collar.
“Well, can you at least give us an idea of what type of things an advanced
student would learn?” asked Ellie.
Considering the question carefully as he stood up, Gary cupped his jaw. “Hm,
not sure how far I should answer that, as none of you is advanced enough…
Naturally you would all be expected to spend the whole time naked in your
respective workshops. There is no shilly-shallying around with partial
nakedness. We’ve been very lenient with you this week bearing in mind most of
you have never even been involved in these things before.”
Kat swallowed and ducked her head. She knew she was one of those shilly-
shallying around and wondered if Ben thought so too. Could she go naked in
public? She might have to in her quest to prove her worthiness to him.
“Also, all the topics of the expert demos you have had on offer this week
would be available for practical study by the students, not just as demonstrations.
And that’s all I am going to tell you. Just make the most of what you are being
taught this week, and above all, enjoy it.” With that, he left.
That got them thinking. Excitedly, they tried to remember what all the expert
demos were. There was the harness demo taking place at that moment which
clearly none of them had wanted to attend. Or maybe they were just tired from
all the learning so far.
“There was the one yesterday evening when Master Gary let his submissive
be cropped by Master Ben. That was fascinating,” said one of the group.
Kat wasn’t so sure. It wasn’t the cropping she disliked as the fact that Ben
had been the one to administer it to someone else. Every time he had hit Erica,
the submissive part of Kat wished it had been her there. Maybe it was just the
jealous part of her. She shook her head inwardly. As if she could do that in front
of everyone else. She then brought her thoughts back to what the others were
“And what happened the first evening? Oh, I remember, being the first night,
it was rather tame. At least now it appears tame, but at the time I was quite
shocked,” said Paulene as they all laughed at how easily stunned they had been
at the start of the week.
Frowning, Kat realized she couldn’t remember for the life of her what had
happened at that one. Ellie noticed and laughed. “It was inspection. Master
Maurice showed how he would inspect a sub.”
They all giggled as they remembered the sub’s discontented reaction to being
prodded and probed, checked for stray pubic hairs, the sensitivity of her breasts
assessed, and so on. The sub wasn’t a regular of the Master, they learned, but
one that had been brought in for the event.
“But I thought a sub had to let the Dom do whatever they wanted?” asked
“Hm, but surely they don’t have to do it excitedly if they aren’t particularly
happy with the person doing it, even if they had agreed in advance,” Ellie
That gave Kat something to think about. “Okay, but what are the other demos
coming up?” They looked at each other blankly. Clearly she wasn’t the only
person to forget.
After racking their brains without success, Ellie ran off to her bedroom to
retrieve her induction pack.
Meanwhile the others continued having their discussion.
“Did I hear you say over dinner that your individual session was the flogger?”
asked Paulene to the girl on her right. “What was that like? I’ve always wanted
to try out flogging.”
They all looked at her amazed.
“Well, I have!”
The person who had experienced that activity replied, “It was interesting but
scary. Not sure I want to try it again. I’m a bit of a pain coward. I’m not really
into the S&M or discipline stuff. Although I did enjoy being tied up.”
“Go on,” asked Kat, remembering back to her time on the spanking bench,
which would have been a very different experience to what the others had gone
through. Ellie had told her earlier that evening about her time on the St.
Andrew’s Cross, and she had enthused about it. But then she would.
“Oh, I was hung from a hook in the ceiling where a chandelier used to hang, I
think, while my legs where cuffed spread-eagled to hooks attached to heavy
blocks on the floor. I can tell you by the time the flogging started I was dripping.
Thank God I still had my panties on, or it would have gone all over the floor.”
That got laughs from them all, and then Ellie arrived back and they poured
over the pack. The remaining demos were Shibari, Use of a Queening Stool, and
How to Best Use a Feather.
“A feather? In sexual play? How? What? Why?” They chuckled at Paulene’s
astonished reaction.
Smiling to himself, Ben listened to the discussion going on behind him. He
was amazed they hadn’t noticed him, but he was sitting in a high-backed chair
facing away from them on the other side of the room. In fact, it was only when
he heard Kat’s voice that he peered around the chair to ascertain it was actually
He had deliberately stayed away from her after this morning’s debacle. No,
he couldn’t call it a debacle. It had been wonderful. He had to stop himself
groaning out loud as he recalled how amazing she felt beneath him as he thrust
into her, Kat’s hot, wet pussy clutching tightly at his cock.
Grimacing, he felt his cock harden in memory and widened his legs as if to
make it go down.
It wasn’t the sex he hated as it was something he had wanted to do from the
first time he saw her months ago, just the fact that she had maneuvered him into
making love to her in the first place. He frowned. On the other hand, it wasn’t as
if he had objected too highly. And I call myself a Dominant. He shook his head
in annoyance. He had debated long and hard about why he gave in so easily,
knowing it was more than the sex, but resisted admitting anything further to
His attention was brought back to the group talking when he heard Kat asking
about advanced courses. Now that was mightily interesting, he thought and
listened harder, intrigued by the conversation, particularly perking up every time
he heard Kat talk. He was keen to know what her thoughts were about her
experiences so far this week, whether she could contemplate this lifestyle after
the conference was over.
Gary’s presence caused him some anxiety, and Ben hoped he wasn’t aware of
him hiding, sort of, in the corner of the room.
He grinned when Gary raised the issue of nakedness. Ben knew Kat clearly
had problems in that area. He relaxed back in his seat when he heard Gary leave,
and continued to unashamedly listen in on their talk.
When they got to the demo on using a feather, he nearly chuckled out loud.
How he would love to show Kat what uses a feather could have. He visualized
running it up and down her body as she lay spread-eagled on a bed, tickling her
open thighs, teasing her breasts as she lay quivering.
As for the other demos, Shibari was a Japanese style of sexual bondage.
Although he loved tying up his subs, he had never got around to attending any
classes on the art of Shibari. And it really was an art form, even if an erotic one.
He considered what Kat’s face might be like when he bound a rope around her
breasts forcing them upward or drew it up tight between her legs, her long, long
He groaned silently. God how he wanted to ease it up her cleft, between her
pussy lips, and hear her moan.
Stopping his imaginings, he concentrated on their conversation. They were
talking further about queening stools. Now that was something he had never
used. Not that he avoided cunnilingus. A queening stool allowed one person to
sit over the other’s face without suffocating them. But he always did it from the
top. It went against the grain for him to be on the bottom. He daydreamed again,
thinking of Kat lying back on the bed while he pulled her knees over his
shoulders and leaned his head forward to lick her folds, pushing his tongue
deeply into her moist pussy, his teeth closing over her pulsing clit. There were so
many things he wanted to introduce her to, watching her as she discovered her
He had problems stifling the groan that that image gave him. He glanced
around the chair. None of them seemed interested in leaving.
Dammit. He needed to go back to his room and jerk off badly, very badly.
Well, there was no one else around and no cameras he ascertained that could
see him as he sat facing the corner of the room, so he quietly opened his jeans
and lifted his throbbing cock out, covering it with a handkerchief he thankfully
had in his pocket.
Stroking it gently at first, he continued to look furtively around him, hoping
no one would notice. He could still hear their discussion in the background, and
they were some distance away. Taking a harder grip he jerked his cock up,
squeezing it firmly, his other hand gripping the arm of his chair as the sensation
of pleasure washed over him. Ah God. That feels good. His head went back, and
his eyes closed tightly as the image of Kat naked hit the front of his vision, her
legs wide open, her pussy bare of curls that he expected would be red.
The newspaper he had been reading earlier which he had laid down on the
arm of the chair rustled as he moved.
He stopped. It was murder as he waited anxiously to see if there was any
cessation in their conversation. His blood was pounding so heavily he could
hardly hear.
“So what do you envisage doing when you finish the course, Kat?” asked one
of the group, clearly not having heard him.
Hell. He really wanted to listen to her response, but he equally really needed
to finish what he was doing. The throbbing in his cock was excruciating so
taking a very tight grip he jerked up and then it was all over, and he spurted into
his handkerchief, stifling the yell he so badly needed to let out.
The door opened, covering any noise he made. “Ah, here you all are. I’m
surprised you didn’t go into the demo. You really should take every opportunity
to attend all the activities.”
Shit, shit, shit. It was Monica. He quickly stuffed his wilting cock back into
his jeans and quietly did the zip up, stuffing the now wet handkerchief into the
side of the chair.
Clearly unsettled by Monica’s presence, the group left quickly. He continued
to sit there silently, hoping she hadn’t seen him. He didn’t dislike her but didn’t
want her to notice anything untoward, and she certainly would smell his semen.
Thankfully she left, too. Breathing a sigh of relief that he was finally alone, he
was absolutely amazed that they hadn’t heard him.
He may be sated momentarily, but the images he had of Kat were etched on
his brain. He didn’t want her there, yet neither did he want to replace those
images with anyone else. If only she had shown herself to be more submissive,
but when it came to it, she had shown him her assertive side instead.
Wearily forcing himself to his feet, he retrieved the soiled handkerchief and
went back to his room.
Chapter Seven
Day Four

Kat reluctantly walked into the room for today’s session, fearing Maurice
might be there. The room was pretty full already. The class was standing around
several tables that had been pushed together and had various items on them.
Thankfully it wasn’t an individual class. After what happened yesterday, she
very nearly chickened out. She couldn’t go through that again just yet, despite
her desire to show Ben she could be submissive.
She moved further into the room and took an inquisitive look at the table. It
was covered with various forms of restraints from what she could tell. Her
excitement rose. Although Ellie had been the one to persuade her to come to the
conference and Kat had initially been reluctant, all the things she had learned so
far were fascinating, far more than she expected, and last night’s harness demo
that they had snuck into late had been mind-boggling.
“Okay, everyone. Quiet now.”
Kat jumped. She hadn’t noted that the trainer was in the room ready to start.
She glanced around warily. The speaker was Gary, and there was no sign of Ben
or Maurice. She breathed a sigh of relief and then felt slightly guilty for feeling
that way.
“You all got a chance yesterday to experience a form of bondage furniture,
and most likely you were restrained in some fashion. This session is to show you
more variety of restraints that may be used. There are thousands more available
than are on the table. This is just to give you a flavor of what’s out there. I think
most of them are self-explanatory, the obvious cuffs, ropes, chains. But what I
want you to do is wander around the table examining the items. Don’t feel
worried about touching them. We want you to do that, to feel the weight, how
they lock, and so on.”
Ellie, who had arrived with her, immediately got stuck into the activity. With
glee she piped up, “Master Gary, may we ask questions?”
“By all means. Fire away.”
She held up some complicated looking chains with several clamps on the
ends turning it this way and that. “What on earth is this, Sir, and how does it
He laughed. “Ah. I am not making this lesson too easy. For now just examine
the items. In a little while you will pair up and try them out, and I will come
around and advise you. At that time, you can see how that particular chain
configuration will work.”
“I have a question, too. Surely not all of these are to tie you to something like
a hook or frame or bed.”
“Thank you for that question, Celia, even if you forgot the courtesy to use my
title.” The class laughed softly as Celia flushed. “And you are perfectly correct.
The blindfold you are holding, for instance doesn’t tie you down to anything, but
it does restrain you, it restrains one of your senses and impairs movement, which
is what these items are all about. What I will say though is that your Master will
take care to try to use things they can release quickly in an emergency and to
avoid tying you in any one position for too long as this could cause circulation
They all clustered around the table. Ellie raised her wrist, which she had
encircled with a cuff. “Look, you can undo it with one hand!” She pulled on a
bolt with the same finger and thumb of that hand. “See, you can pull this, and it
undoes easily.”
“So it does.” Kat had a go.
One of the others then lifted a clothes peg and asked why it was on the table.
Gary answered. “I thought that would be rather obvious. Think of the action.
What do you do with it?”
“Attach clothes to a line.” The girl was still confused.
“Would anyone like to enlighten her?” Her jaw dropped when she was told it
was used to clamp things, not necessarily clothes.
Kat shuddered. She didn’t want to think about putting a peg on her own
After wandering around the table just looking for a bit, she was then drawn to
a metal bar about two foot long with leather cuffs attached to each end. She
lifted it up and studied it, guessing you could tie your hands to either end and it
could then be attached to a hook in a wall or something.
“Okay, you’ve had a good investigation. Keep whatever you are holding and
pair up and try it out.”
Ellie appeared at her side excitedly. “Is that a spreader bar?”
“A what?”
“For spreading the legs.”
“The legs!”
“Yeah. Let’s go over to that chair so you can sit down, and I’ll attach it.” Kat
followed her over to the chair and sat as directed. Ellie then pulled her legs apart.
She resisted an impulse to squeal. It was one thing to spread your legs for the
person you are attracted to but quite another thing to do it for someone else.
Master Gary came over to assist. “There are a variety of bars of varying
lengths. You have to be careful not to stretch a person so much that there is
pressure on their muscles. Some might have ropes or others with pre-molded
shackles to go around the leg. But be careful of her ankles.”
As he was speaking, he and Ellie had attached the bar to her legs. It was
actually quite erotic.
“Now tell me, Kat,” asked Gary, “what would be the purpose of using this?
No, Ellie, you cannot answer.”
Kat held back a grin at Ellie’s downcast expression. “Um, I guess you could
attach it to a bed or cross and use it to spread-eagle the sub.”
“Yes, but that wasn’t what I was getting at. Why spread-eagle them in the
first place? Go on, Ellie, you may answer.”
“It stops the sub from closing their legs and gives the Master unrestricted
access to their pussy.”
“Exactly.” Kat could feel herself going very red as Master Gary looked
toward her groin. She hoped he wouldn’t demonstrate. “But I can also give you
another reason, and that is spread open like this, there is no way the sub can rub
her legs together to give herself a climax.” If she wasn’t already red, she would
certainly have exploded in color at that point. Thankfully, Gary left to move onto
the next pair, and Ellie was undoing the bar.
They tried it out on Ellie next, who provided a laugh when she tried to walk
in it and couldn’t. “Well, it certainly stops the submissive from escaping. Take it
off me. I want to try out those chains I saw earlier.”
Kat groaned at Ellie’s enthusiasm. As Ellie raced back to the table, Kat
looked around her and smothered a smile at the sight of Celia with a leather
collar on and a leash attached. She was trying to pull it out of the hand of her
partner. Another girl had stripped off her bra and top, and Gary was showing
them how to bind ropes around her breasts without causing pain. A yell came
from the far end of the room and she turned to look. They were trying out some
metal shackles. Kat winced. She guessed they had hit an ankle bone or
Ellie returned with the funny-looking restraints and a bemused look on her
face. “Okay. I am still no clearer understanding how these work than I was
Reaching out her hands to touch them, Kat responded, “Sorry. You’re on your
own with this one.”
A voice rang out across the room. “Since Ellie seems to be so interested in the
item she is holding, we clearly have a volunteer.” The room erupted in laughter.
Ellie blushed and bit her lip. “Actually, Ellie, I do need someone to try them out,
but you need to be totally undressed. Are you up for it?” asked Gary.
“Oh shit!” Ellie turned to Kat who shrugged. “O–okay. I think. Oh God.” She
handed the chains to Kat and turned away to remove her clothing.
Kat was a little stunned. She never expected this degree of exhibitionism from
Ellie despite her usual enthusiasm. She whispered to her, “Are you sure about
this? You don’t have to volunteer, you know.”
“No, I want to.”
Gary then came over, and taking the item in question, he beckoned the class
into a semicircle. “Please stand in presentation,” he requested of Ellie. She
complied quickly and easily. Kat was astonished at her and slightly jealous of
the ease with which she did it.
“There are all sorts of chain configurations that clip onto collar, cuffs, and
other areas including piercings. No, don’t worry,” he started to say to Ellie, who
looked about ready to run out of the room. “I’m not going to pierce you, only
clamp you.”
He asked her to hold her arms out from her body. He then slipped two lengths
up her arms to rest over her shoulders so that two ends hung down her front,
those had clamps attached which rested at breast height. As Ellie was turned
around, Kat could see there were two ends hanging vertically down her back.
“We can now join the chains at the back so that it hangs like a blouse, if you
will.” Taking separate fastenings, which Gary had taken off as he started, he
clipped them to the two chains at the back, joining one side to the other
horizontally across her body one at shoulder height and another across her
“A jolly brief blouse,” came a comment from Celia.
Gary glared at her briefly before turning Ellie back. “You will see that the
clamps attached now fall in the front. I can see some of you are starting to get
the picture.” He took hold of one clamp by Ellie’s right breast, which was
hanging from the chain over her shoulder. “If we open up the pincers, we can
attach it to this nipple.”
Kat quickly looked at Ellie’s face to see what her reaction was. Apart from
her mouth open in an expression of “Oh cripes,” she didn’t balk, just winced as
the fastening closed. Gary then did the same to the other nipple. As he did this,
she could see there was another chain that now linked the two pincers. This
looped down beneath Ellie’s breasts. He tugged on it.
“Oh my God.” Ellie’s comment was echoed by others in the room.
“Are you all right, Ellie?” asked Kat, somewhat concerned.
“Yeah it feels strange, but God am I aroused!” Laughter followed this
“That’s great because you are supposed to feel aroused.” Gary continued,
“Now you will see there is a final chain hanging down from the one between her
breasts, which I have just tugged on, that has another clamp lower down.”
Ellie looked down. “Oh shit, you’re not going to do what I think you are, are
you, Sir?” She was biting her lip again.
“I certainly am. Are you okay for me to continue? If so, please widen your
legs further.”
She swallowed nervously and widened her legs in response, closing her eyes
in what appeared to be embarrassment as Gary knelt down on one knee and held
out the fastening he was referring to.
“This is a clit clamp.” A gasp resounded around the room, and then silence
followed as everyone waited to see if he would actually attach it. Another intake
of breath came when he did.
Kat looked at Ellie’s face. She was grimacing and shaking slightly. “Ellie,”
she asked softly. “Are you okay?”
Ellie was biting her lip but nodded, her eyes still closed.
“Good girl. And that’s how it attaches.” Standing, he turned her slowly,
showing all sides to the class. “The fastening across the back holds it in place so
it doesn’t slip off her shoulders, and it gives a structure on which the clamps can
hang. Now you could have an even more complicated set. I’ve used one before
with a chain which goes snugly between the legs and is attached to the one
across the buttocks. But I’m not going to demonstrate that one this time.”
Kat smiled and said softly, “You do look stunning in that.” When Ellie
grinned as she finally looked down at herself, Kat wondered if she would ever be
that brave.
However, Gary wasn’t finished. “Someone hand me the leash.” Ellie looked
startled. “A final thing your Dom can do while you are wearing this is attach a
lead to anywhere on the configuration but be very careful as a sudden movement
might cause pain.” With that, he attached the leash he had been handed to the
chain that was hanging down to Ellie’s clit from her breasts in a Y formation.
“Surely you should be telling prospective Doms this, not us,” came the
sarcastic comment from Celia.
“We do, but you need to know what the consequences are so you can indicate
if you don’t want to wear such a chain beforehand. But before we finish, Ellie,
tell everyone what it is like when I pull the leash.” He pulled her slightly toward
“Oh my God. It pulls on my nipples and my clit. If I wasn’t aroused before, I
would be now.”
“And so ends this morning’s lesson. These bindings are used not only for
restraint but to enhance arousal.”

Ben caught up with Kat in the restaurant at lunchtime. He had deliberately

stayed out of the morning session. Not that he was scheduled to be in that one,
but he still felt guilty over yesterday’s lovemaking, which had been amazing,
incredible, in fact. However, he still didn’t regard her as the submissive type, or
at least not his submissive type, despite his strong attraction to her and a desire
to spend time, a very long time, teaching her the ways of his life. He also knew
she was attracted to him, so he had to do something to turn her away from him
before she got too hurt.
That consideration gave him food for thought as he had never worried about
his subs’ feelings in the past. Or was it his feelings he was worried about if she
rejected him and his lifestyle like he thought she would probably end up doing?
He put that thought aside and hardened his resolve.
“I hear you took part in the bondage implement session this morning?”
Kat whirled around, startled by his presence, her face going pale at his sudden
appearance. “Um, yes.”
“And I hear that Ellie was the person to volunteer for the demonstration.”
She seemed stung by his words. “Well, I tried out the spreader bar.”
“While fully clothed, I imagine?” He tried to put as much sarcasm into his
voice as he could. It was hard. She looked at him so wistfully, with much need in
her eyes, and he just wanted to see her smile, hear her laugh. He missed her
laugh he realized as she seemed to have spent much of the week in a state of
amazement or shock.
“Yess.” She frowned, clearly wondering where he was going with this.
“Consider this, during the few things you have volunteered for in public so
far, you have kept your clothes on while others have stripped off totally. I still
declare that you aren’t submissive material.”
As he left her standing stunned in the middle of the room, he felt glad about
having said it. He was pleased to get some control back in their relationship even
if he felt a right heel for having said it. He argued to himself it was in her best
interests, ignoring the pain he felt.
Now, how to explain that the green collar she was wearing indicated she was
his submissive? And how was he going to get out of it?
Chapter Eight
Kat paced up and down outside a room. There was a sign on the door which
gave her some qualms.

Advanced students only

She had decided to change her afternoon class after what Ben had said. She
would show him she could show off her body. But, she winced, was attending a
nipple piercing session really the right way?
Straightening her back and taking a deep shuddering breath, she entered.
The female trainer turned to her. Kat had only seen her at a couple of
sessions. She seemed to recall her name was Mistress Stella. “You’re aware this
class is for advanced students only—usually for those with purple or red
She nodded and, after a brief hesitation, was allowed in. There weren’t many
there, just eight. Unfortunately Maurice was also in attendance, which startled
her. He smirked as he studied Kat. Determinedly ignoring him, Kat moved into
the room. In the middle there was a seat like a dentist’s chair, only this one had
restraints. She swallowed nervously.
“As I started to say, not every Dom expects his submissive to be pierced, and
not every sub is prepared to have it done. But if they do, it can be a further sign
of submission, more than just wearing a collar. There are naturally various
places you could be pierced—nipples, naval, and genitals are the most obvious.
As for the latter, it could be the clit hood—very rarely the actual clit—or it could
be the labia, and some people have several piercings there. If you are a male
submissive, the tip of the cock is the usual place. Any questions so far?”
One hand was raised. “But, Mistress, where can you go to get this done?”
“There are various establishments that will do it, but often a Dom will buy a
kit from the internet. That way you are sure of the cleanliness of the needles and
can sterilize them yourself. Also your Dom may not wish anyone else handling
you.” Kat trembled at the thought of Ben piercing her, but this was about her
showing him she should do this.
“Now I am going to hand out a tray for you to look at various different types.
Pretty much like with earrings, you can get all sorts.” The tray did indeed show a
variety of rings. Kat was attracted to the pearl drops, surprised because they
looked so elegant.
“We stated in the blurb for this session that those attending would be
expected to have their nipples pierced. This isn’t about standing around gawking
at one person brave enough to try. And we mean business. You will have it done
properly. So if anyone wishes to leave, now is the time.” Everyone shuffled
anxiously, but no one left, although Kat felt Maurice staring intently at her.
“Right, who’s first?”
“I think Kat should go first as she is the most inexperienced and may find the
process frightening if she has to watch the others.” Kat could have killed
Maurice for saying that, even if it was true.
Lifting her head high, she stepped forward. “Okay, what do you want me to
“Take your blouse and bra off please and sit in the chair.”
Kat took a deep breath, only slightly more shaky than when she had arrived,
and did as requested, trying to ignore Maurice’s salacious leer as her breasts
were revealed. In fact, Maurice wasn’t the only person staring at her chest.
Disregarding all the stares, she moved to sit in the chair and watched as her arms
were bound by wrist cuffs and at the elbow. She guessed it was so she didn’t jerk
as it was happening. When another restraint went tightly around her waist, she
was sure.
“It isn’t a slow process, but it can be momentarily painful despite the
numbing agent.” Stella went to spray her nipple.
“Wait.” Startled, Kat looked at the person interrupting. It was Maurice.
“Those nipples don’t look very erect to me. In some cases, it is necessary to
suck them beforehand. This makes the target area easier.” He started to move
Before Kat got a chance to protest, there was another urgent interruption.
“No!” This was from Ben. Kat hadn’t realized he had come into the room. “If
anyone sucks the breasts of my submissive, it will be me.”
Breathing a trembling sigh of relief, Kat then looked guiltily toward Maurice,
who was moving away, his lips thinning in annoyance.
Ben came into her vision. He bent over her and quietly asked, “What are you
doing, Kat?”
She cleared her throat. “I thought that was obvious. I am volunteering to have
my nipples pierced.”
“You don’t have to do this.”
Kat looked Ben in the eye. “Yes, I do.”
He took a deep breath, and after a moment, during which he clearly debated
his next course of action, he moved closer to her breasts. Collywobbles assaulted
her stomach as she watched him suck the right one first. Shit, that feels good.
Her head went back, and she shook with desire. He lifted his head and then
sucked the other one. As he did this, she remembered what he said about being
“his submissive.” Did he mean that?
By the time he was finished, she had forgotten there was anyone else in the
room. Unfortunately, she was brought back to the real world abruptly when
Stella sprayed her breasts with cold, numbing agent as soon as Ben’s head lifted.
She took in a gasp at the suddenness, let alone the cold.
Ben lifted her chin to make her look at him instead of the impending piercing,
his intense gaze holding her attention. Then she felt the first pin prick, and
closing her eyes, she grimaced as the pain worsened.
“There, that’s the first,” stated Stella. “It didn’t take long, did it? You will see
I have put in a simple ring. These are better for starting out. You can buy other
rings when your breasts have settled in about eight weeks, I’d say.”
The other breast felt more painful despite the fact that it had had the numbing
spray on longer, probably because she was expecting the pain. She couldn’t help
the tear that went down her cheek, although she managed to avoid any yelps by
sheer force of gritting her teeth.
“You’re done. Who’s next?”
Ben undid the restraints and helped her out of the chair. It was too painful to
put her blouse back on, so he put it around her shoulders and led her away.

By the time they reached his room, Ben could feel Kat shaking. He reached
an arm around her shoulders and gently pulled her close. As he did, she reached
her hands up to cup her breasts protectively and laid her forehead on his chest.
“Are you all right?” he asked, softly kissing the top of her head as his hands
caressed her shoulders. He was still stunned that she had done this, and proud of
her at the same time.
“They hurt. No, that’s not it. They throb and feel hot. It’s like …”
After a moment he tilted his head to look at her, asking, “Like what?”
She shook her head, refusing to continue what she was saying.
Lifting a hand, he raised her head so he could look her in the eye. Now she
was remembering to look down just when he didn’t want her to! “Look at me.”
He waited until she did. “Now tell me.”
He saw her swallowing. “It’s like a marathon night of sex when your lover
has spent the whole night worshipping your breasts.”
Ben chuckled. “I can see how that would happen. Yours are truly divine and
made to be worshipped. But they need soothing, and I have just the thing. Come
over here. Sit on the bed.”
Leading her over to the bed, he left her there to go to the mini-fridge in the
corner of the room and came back with some ice in a bowl and a towel that had
been sitting on a nearby chair.
Kat frowned. “Okay, now I’m bemused. What are you intending doing with
Sitting next to her, he eased her blouse off her shoulders, running a soothing
hand over her when she shivered. He then laid the towel over her lap. “Ice is
nature’s numbing agent. Drop your hands.” He laughed when she gave him a
look of ‘you have to be kidding.’ He was getting to know her expressions and
found it amusing. He’d never had a sub who resisted him so much while trying
to prove herself. “Come on, sweetheart. This will help. I promise.”
As she reluctantly dropped her hands, he raised an ice cube, wrapped it into a
fresh handkerchief he took out of his pocket, and gently laid it against one of her
throbbing breasts.
Ben removed the cube, worried.
“Don’t do that. It was good.”
He chuckled and returned it to her breast, running it gently over the bruised
areola before moving it to the other breast. Kat sighed in relief and, leaning over,
rested her head on his shoulder in gratitude.
Continuing his ministrations for a few minutes as the ice began to melt, he
noted with a smile that her nipples continued to be hard. “Did you know that ice
is used during sensation play?”
Kat lifted her head and frowned. “What exactly is sensation play?”
“It’s using anything that gives extreme sensations like hard and soft such as
the flick of a whip or the caress of silk. Hot and cold, wax is often used for the
“I don’t understand, wax?”
“It is especially made so not to be as hot as normal wax, but the heat when
dripped onto erogenous areas is extremely arousing.”
She gave him a look of uncertainty.
He laughed loudly. He couldn’t remember the last time he laughed or smiled
as much with a sub. “Tell me that this ice is not stimulating as well as soothing.”
Her face took on a coy look. “I have no intention of telling you anything of
the sort.”
Chuckling, but dropping the now-wet hankie on the towel, he very gently ran
his thumbs over her nipples and was rewarded by a shudder of her body and her
hands gripping his arms tightly. “Really?”
“Oh God, Ben. Stop it. It hurts too much to be so aroused.” She smiled at her
own joke.
Chagrinned, he removed his hands and ran them soothingly over her back.
Lifting a hand to cup the back of her head he bent his head to kiss her briefly.
Her lips trembled beneath his. “God, you are so beautiful and courageous and
determined and foolhardy. But for Heaven’s sake, why did you do it? Not many
experienced subs go this far.”
“For you. I wanted to show you I could be your submissive.” She looked at
him so endearingly.
Groaning, he dropped his head to her forehead. His voice was thick with
emotion when he stated, “I wouldn’t have asked you to do this.” He raised his
head. She looked anxious. There were tears in her eyes that had nothing to do
with her painful breasts. “But, having said that, they do look stunning.”
Her grin was his undoing, and he bent his head again, pulling her tight against
him as he plunged his tongue into her waiting mouth, taking her cry of pain into
his mouth as her breasts rubbed against his shirt. He could feel her nipple rings
as he tangled with her tongue, angling her head for a deeper kiss, her arms
snaking around his neck, fingers tightening on his shoulders.
Lifting his head after a few moments, his heart beating quickly, he cried,
“God, Kat. I want you so much.”
“I’m all yours.”
He stared at her intently. Part of him was saying don’t go down that route. He
knew he had been pushing her away all week. The other half desperately wanted
to experience making love to her again and relish in giving her an orgasm.
Suddenly making up his mind, he tipped her onto the bed, pushing her legs up as
she cried out in surprise. He then pushed her skirt up to her waist.
She wasn’t wearing any panties.
Groaning in response to the sight of her pussy, the dark red curls inviting him,
he leaned down to unzip his trousers hurriedly and pulled out his hard, throbbing
cock. He seemed to have spent the week in pretty much permanent erection, and
it was all her doing.
Quickly retrieving a condom from his pocket, he donned it and pulled her
legs around his waist, groaning as she linked her ankles behind his back.
Kneeling on the edge of the bed, he leaned in until the tip of his cock pressed
against her labia. “Raise your hands over your head. Don’t move them from that
After she did this, he leaned down and rested his hands beside her shoulders.
“If we do it this way I won’t put any pressure on your breasts—as much as I
would like to at any other time.” He then pushed into her hot vagina. The head of
his cock felt resistance momentarily until he changed his angle, and then he
surged into her.
Kat cried out. He knew he had pushed in hard, but she was so wet he knew
she was ready for him. He withdrew slightly and pushed in again. He could feel
her body trembling beneath him, her shaking legs tightening around his waist.
Her hands were clutching the bed cover as her body arched beneath him, and she
started moaning.
“Christ, Ben. That’s wonderful.”
He grinned as he withdrew almost to the tip and held it there wanting to
punish her for getting her nipples pierced without asking him first.
“Ahhh. Oh God. Don’t stop.” Her hands reached out to his arms then
remembering dropped back, her fists digging into the bedclothes.
“Are you trying to control me, Kat?” he asked dangerously. He saw her bite
her bottom lip.
“I’m sorry, but I need you so much. Please will you continue, Master?” He
couldn’t resist her plaintive entreaty, not to mention the fact that she finally
called him Master without being told, and plunged in, quickly retreating only to
thrust in again and again, his own body trembling as much as hers as he held his
chest off her breasts. He felt both their orgasms climbing inexorably to
completion as he drove harder, his balls pulling up and tightening. Her legs
clenched around his waist as she came.
“Yes, yes, yes, yessss.” Kat thumped back down to the bed, her body
shuddering with aftershocks.
Ben took in the beautiful sight of the woman he was falling in love with
trembling in climax and exploded into her like a cannon ball. He dropped down
to his elbows, unable to hold himself up, trying to avoid touching her breasts as
his thrusts gradually slowed. He felt her arms close around him, holding him to
her regardless.
They stayed like that a few minutes as he came to his senses, groaning at
what he had done yet again, knowing it was his fault this time. Then he jerked
up, pulling out of her as her legs fell to the floor.
“I told you not to move your arms. Once again you disobeyed me. Try as hard
as you like, but you are too full of doing things your own way.”
Her shocked face was one of confusion and dismay. She sat up quickly,
pulled her skirt down, and grabbing hold of her blouse, she struggled painfully
into it before rushing out of the room.
He sat down on the bed. Why the hell did I say that? He groaned to himself
and dropped his head in his hands. Actually, he knew exactly why he had said
that. He had in his head the ideal woman and no one fitted the bill—least of all,
Kat. But it was getting harder to push her away, so damn hard.
Chapter Nine
Day Five

Ben watched Kat’s face when she came into the room and saw him standing
there. He also saw her wrestle with the idea of leaving the room.
Raising his eyebrow at her, taunting her to leave, he watched as her shoulders
went back in bravado and she sat down on the front row very determinedly. He
bit back a smile not wanting her to see but he loved that strength in her.
He knew she didn’t expect to see him there as he had been told that she had
asked which session he was involved with this morning, and consequently
signed herself up to the class he wasn’t in. Following that, he had changed places
to be in the session she was attending.
Despite grappling with his negative thoughts last night, he couldn’t stay away
from her. A huge part of him wanted to push her to prove to him she could be his
submissive and possibly even more, but the other part of him didn’t think she
was suitable. Although, that was diminishing the more he thought about the
actions she had exhibited since the start of the conference. Her strength,
determination, and a desire to learn were all attributes needed in a submissive.
Well, this class might be the making of her.
“Okay, everyone, settle down. This session, as you know, is about learning
about the roles within the Dominance/submissive life, what might be expected of
you, and what a contract might mean.”
Looking around at those listening, he noted Kat had a little frown on her face
as she concentrated on what he was saying. Every word he said was going to be
directed at her—the rest of the class just happened to be present.
“So starting with roles, what would you think would be the difference
between a submissive and a slave? Yes, Rita,” he said wearily. She was the
eager one who had answered all the questions first in every class she attended.
There was always one! He had hoped it might be Kat, but then he pondered,
Actually she’s more of a listener, taking on board everything you said. In truth,
she was the sort of person he preferred. Not someone who would half-heartedly
ask questions and then go off and do their own thing.
“Um, isn’t a slave someone who is submissive all the time, who does exactly
what you tell them to do without question, sexually or otherwise, Master?”
Ben glanced at Kat to see how she was taking this information. She was
biting her lip.
“That is essentially correct. It is about the degree of submission and in
addition the slave may spend a large amount of their time naked. A submissive
on the other hand is likely to be someone who is submissive in the bedroom
only, or while attending sex clubs or sex parties but has a job and has full say in
how the rest of her life is run.” He saw Kat scrunch her skirt as if unhappy with
what he was saying. His mouth tightened as he watched her.
Turning back to the class, he asked, “I’m sure you’ve all heard the term ‘a
switch.’ What is that? Can anyone tell me?”
A hand went up. “Yes, Celia.” He laughed to himself. Even more so than
Rita, she had dominated all the sessions. In fact, he would call her the perfect
example of a switch.
“If I understand correctly, a switch can be a Dominant or a submissive.” She
paused, frowning fiercely. “But I can’t see how that would work.”
He held back a grin. “What, you don’t like riding a man from time to time
and being in control? I’m surprised.”
Laughter went around the room as Celia pouted.
“The world is made up of very different people. Even some Dominants can be
more dominant than others. So consider a switch as someone who can swing
both ways as the mood takes them.”
Another person put their hand up. “We’ve heard various terms banded about
all week, Sir, but what is the difference between Dom and Master?”
“That’s a very good question, and the terms are often interchangeable. The
proper definition is that a Master is a Master at being Dominant, well-trained and
well-experienced—it is also used as a title, an honorific like Sir. However, if
your Dom is new to being a dominant, he won’t be a Master yet, while a Master
is always a Dom.”
He paused to look at his notes.
“This leads me onto what you might expect of your Dom, and this is where
contracts are drawn up or at least rules made clear at the outset. If you remember
back to the induction session, we stated that the Dom is responsible for your
well-being. This will involve knowing what your boundaries are. If you clearly
state them in a contract, there won’t be any misunderstandings. This is incredibly
important as we don’t want charges of abuse to fly around the community.
BDSM gets enough bad press. That doesn’t mean your Dom won’t try to push
your boundaries, but that is when you can use your safe word if they are pushing
too hard. I can see some of you have burning questions. Yes, Kat?” He was
surprised to see her actually asking a question.
“What sorts of things might cause you to consider a boundary?”
“I’ll open that question out. What do you all think?” He leaned forward on the
lectern and watched her face as the suggestions came in, intrigued that she had
asked that question. Did it mean she was taking this seriously, or would the
answers put her off?
The responses were fascinating, sex in public, anus penetration, control over
your life outside the bedroom, limits in the use of punishment implements, using
bondage, leaving you to yourself during the “time of the month.”
He was amused by the last as he had never considered that a boundary before.
“All of those answers are perfectly acceptable. I would say there is no wrong
or right answer, what one person considers a boundary, another person might
not. Here’s one you haven’t thought of, and it is going to be the subject of the
following exercise, and that is whether you would be happy for your Dom to
share you with others.”
An audible gasp vibrated around the room.
He looked at Kat to see what her reaction was, but he couldn’t read her face
this time. She seemed to be keeping her thoughts to herself for a change, most of
the time her face was an open book. Dammit. This was something he really
needed to know. He had shared his submissives with others in the past, and if
she wanted to be part of his life now, this was something she had to do.
“We don’t have enough Doms here to do this exercise as we would really
like, but I am going to put you into groups of three or more, and you will take
turns with one of you being submissive. Each group will be joined by a trainer,
male or female, who will naturally take the lead, but the others of you not being
the submissive will need to take on the role of the switch.”
Nearly everyone in the room looked around at each other, clearly worried, or
excited, about who they would be placed with.
“The point of the exercise is for the submissive to see what it is like to be
touched intimately by more than one person. I’ve often heard it said how
wonderful it is. Not that I have been the piggy in the middle.”
That even got a laugh from Kat.
“If you are unhappy with this exercise, do step to the back of the room.”
He looked over at Kat as he said this, but she did nothing, although two
people did move to the back.
“You may need to accept that your Dom might wish to share you with other
people, bearing in mind you have no say in it, unless you have agreed something
different in your contract. And that is something else to consider, you and your
Dom might have differing needs which will be highlighted when you draw up a
contract. The Dom you are attracted to may thoroughly enjoy sharing his sub
with others while this is anathema to you.”

Kat took this all in. She guessed that part of the reason he was saying these
things was to make his needs clear to her, to prove to her why she might not be
the submissive for him. The question was whether this was “make or break”
time, and could she go through with it.
She viewed Maurice sidling over to her with some distaste after they moved
the chairs out of the way. Shit, shit. She felt sure she could cope with any of the
other trainers, even Monica who was something of a cold fish but not him.
Her worst fears were realized when Ben took a long look at her and then
deliberately put Maurice in a foursome with her and two others. One was Celia,
and the other she hadn’t got to know. This was a “baptism of fire.”
Maurice smirked and moved close. “Kat can be the submissive first,” he
firmly declared to the others who looked somewhat relieved. He then moved in
behind Kat, reaching around her body to clasp both of her pierced breasts,
bending his head to nip at her neck.
Shuddering, Kat didn’t pull away. It wasn’t as bad as she thought. Maurice
held her fairly lightly.
Celia moved in next, a fascinated look on her face as she took hold of Kat’s
wrists, tightly holding them in hers, her eyes drawn to Maurice’s hands on Kat’s
breasts before one of his hands moved down to cup her mound. Swallowing with
anxiousness, Kat’s fears started to gain ground. All the while, Maurice continued
to fondle a breast, flicking a somewhat gentle thumb over the ring in her nipple,
causing Kat to grit her teeth with a mixture of pain and desire.
“Widen your legs,” demanded Maurice, tapping Kat’s ankle firmly with his
shoe. After she nervously complied, Maurice continued. “You,” he said, talking
to the fourth member of this group who had stood quietly clearly not knowing
what to do. “I want you to get on your knees in front of Kat and run your hands
up her legs.”
Kat’s mouth was now very dry as she started to pant—partly in anxiety,
partly in arousal. Her heart was beating rapidly. There were so many different
sensations it was getting harder to remain distant.
Despite being startled at this request the girl did as she was told, her hands
apprehensively caressing Kat’s legs, reaching under the dress when directed by
Maurice. Kat had deliberately stopped wearing panties earlier in the week but
hadn’t expected this to happen. She had done that for Ben.
As the girl below tentatively reached upward, Kat felt her skin-tight dress
suddenly pulled up over her hips to lie around her waist, dislodging Celia’s
grasp. Celia stepped back a pace, frowning. Ignoring her, Maurice moved his
finger and thumb to very lightly tug a nipple ring through the bodice of her
dress. When Kat started to whimper, in arousal, not pain, Maurice tugged harder.
“Excellent, girls. Now, my lovely, how experienced are you at anus play?”
Kat started, her arousal diminishing slightly, and nearly pulled away until she
saw Ben watching her closely, his eyes narrowed. Instead, she stayed where she
was, keeping her mouth closed so not to cry out her safe word. She then felt
Maurice reach down her bare buttocks, and slowly parting the globes, he pressed
the tip of a finger inside of her.
An “eek” escaped Kat before she could stop it. Not that she wanted to stop it,
she suddenly realized. At some stage, her fears had diminished, and the
sensations coming from various directions were incredible—arousal, heat,
burning, tingling, stroking. It didn’t matter who was providing them. She wanted

“Okay, that’s it. That’s enough.” His voice was harsh as he cried out. Ben
couldn’t stand it anymore. Kat seemed to be enjoying it too much, and he had
intended this as a way to finally turn her away from his lifestyle. Or had he not
arranged this exercise to do exactly the opposite, to see if she could cope?
Everyone was looking at him in astonishment.
Startled by the sudden stillness, he moved abruptly forward and wrenched
Kat from the arms of her exercise partners. Maurice tried to hold onto her, but
Ben was determined. Kat, on the other hand, seemed thoroughly confused as he
dragged her half dressed from the classroom, partly carrying her back to his
bedroom. It didn’t take long to traverse the quiet corridors.
Thankfully, she waited until they had reached his room before she said
anything as he thrust her inside and then proceeded to pace up and down, almost
ignoring her.
She smoothed down her dress and went to sit down calmly in a chair. “Um,
Ben. What exactly is going on?”
He turned to stare at her, unable to voice the reason why he had done that and
irritated with how calm she was.
“Well? Are you going to tell me?”
Directing his fiercest voice at her, he stated, “May I remind you who the Dom
is here.” As if that would stop her, he thought ruefully.
She ducked her head. “I’m sorry, but I have to know what I did wrong.” He
could see her previous confidence draining away.
“You didn’t do anything wrong.” That came out without him meaning to say
anything. He closed his eyes briefly in disbelief and then opened them, hoping
she wasn’t going to follow up on that.
Raising her head quickly, she did pursue it. “Well, if I didn’t do anything
wrong…” A smile came over her face. He groaned. He knew he was in big
trouble with that look. “Actually, one could argue that you pulled me out of the
room in a fit of jealousy.”
Running a nervous hand through his short hair, he replied, “One could do.
But surely you are not arguing with me?”
Her grin got bigger. “No, Master.” Her smile then faltered as she continued,
“But I was trying to do what you wanted, and I thought you wanted me to show
you that I could be shared with other Doms as you might wish at some time in
the future?” She finished this with a half hopeful look on her face.
He stared at her for a few moments. She was totally right. He had dragged her
out because he was jealous. And part of him did desperately want her to prove
she could accept the touch of others. Hell. He snorted. He was indeed in hell,
one of his own making for sure. If he had let her continue with the exercise, he
was sure she would have enjoyed it. He was right when he said many
submissives did relish having sex with more than one person. And yet wasn’t
this what he had wanted her to prove all week?
Suddenly making a decision, he said, “Okay. I think you have advanced
through your training so well I am bringing your exam closer.”
Seeing her start, he smiled down at her wickedly. She had no idea what was
in store, but if she passed, there was no way he was letting her go. She had
pushed him to this, and by God, he swore, he’d keep her if she proved him right.
“Your exam starts tonight. I’ll let you know which room. I am going to give
you no instructions for your arrival, but how you conduct yourself is vital to
passing this exam. You may, at any time, tender your safe word, which is
‘vanilla,’ indicating this life really isn’t for you and you want to go back to how
you were.”
“What happens if I pass?”
He didn’t answer—just smiled.
Chapter Ten
Examination Room. No unauthorized entry.

Kat stood outside the room, looking at the sign. She had been told to arrive
here at 8:00 p.m. There were five minutes to go. She took a deep breath. She had
spent the last few hours contemplating if she could really go through with it and
decided this is what she really wanted. But she also knew Ben was a hard
taskmaster and she had to draw on everything she had learned this week.
She looked at the clock in the hall, 7:57 p.m.
Okay, he had given her no instructions, so she decided the submissive thing
was to remove all her clothing here in the hall, despite one of the conference
rules being no form of nakedness in public areas outside of the conference
rooms. She had broken that one several times this week. She snorted to herself as
she divested herself of everything, folding it neatly to one side.
The clock struck eight. Knocking on the door, she immediately kneeled down
in the presentation pose, her knees shoulder-width apart, hands behind her back,
breasts with ringed nipples thrust forward, head down.
Counting the seconds as she knelt there, she smiled inwardly. He was
deliberately testing her to see how long she could remain there before losing her
nerve. Well, she’d stay here as long as necessary.

Ben sat in a chair. As he looked at his watch again, a chuckle came from his
companion in the room, Alex, the owner of the hotel. “What?” Ben asked,
“You’ve checked your watch every ten seconds. She’s only been out there a
minute, and you know I gave instructions no one was to enter this area.”
“I know that, but I worry she’s going to give up and leave.”
“Then the test is over, and she isn’t the one for you.”
Groaning he looked at his watch again and then stood abruptly, walking
quickly to the door. He leaned his hands against it, partly to stop himself from
jerking it open to see if she was still waiting.
The chuckling behind him got louder. “Go on then. Open it.”
He turned to give Alex an irritated look then opened the door and forced
himself not to breathe a sigh of relief. She was there! And she was naked and in
position as he hoped. And her pussy was bare. Oh God, I love this girl. Slightly
surprised by his intense feelings, he stood still, deliberately not saying anything
for several moments, waiting to see if she would either say something first or
look up.
Neither happened. He smiled. She was really trying hard.
“You may stand.”
She did but still in the same pose.
“I’ll give you full marks for presentation.”
“Thank you, Master.”
Hm, he thought, she got an extra mark for the title, but would she continue to
remember when she had mostly forgotten all week? “Enter and stand in the
middle of the room.”
Doing as he requested, she didn’t appear to be startled by the presence of
another person. He closed the door and stood next to her. She was still in
presentation, so he reached a hand down to her pussy to see how she would
react, not only to him touching her there, but in front of someone else. Her pussy
felt smooth and gorgeous. Other than a slight tension, he could see no other
reaction. Then he moved his fingers upward, penetrating her. God, she was wet
Removing his fingers, he wiped them on a tissue and raised her chin to see
her better. “You know you need to be punished for your misdemeanors all
She bit her lip but nodded.
It was time for the next test. He turned her and gestured to a piece of
equipment. “What is that apparatus?” Would she remember? He wasn’t sure
himself if she had been shown one yet.
Kat looked at the equipment he referred to. “It’s a St. Andrew’s Cross,
Master.” She had indeed been revising. After she got back to her room earlier,
Ellie had been waiting and had spent the next few hours testing her like mad.
“Very good. Before you stand at it, can you tell me what type of implement
this is?” He moved to a table and picked something up.
“A cane, Sir.” Well, that was fairly easy, she thought, glad he hadn’t chosen
something difficult as her only experience of punishment had been spanking so
“Go and stand facing the cross.” After she did as requested, he attached cuffs
to her ankles and wrists. Beginning to get a little anxious, she then felt his hand
parting her hair flowing down her back, gently stroking her, calming her.
It was a brief respite because he then moved back and quickly hit her across
one buttock. She tensed in pain but didn’t exclaim aloud.
The next hit to the other side did cause her to cry, “Ow.” Cripes! Did that
mean she failed in any way?
She then felt the length of the cane between her legs pushing up, pressing on
her clit. She gasped as he rubbed it back and forth in her wetness before he
stepped back again.
“Ahh.” The hit this time was to a thigh. She started shaking. Shit. That really
hurt. He certainly wasn’t holding back. Or was this normal and he would expect
her to take this all the time?
He reached down and rubbed the punished area, soothing it as if aware of the
degree of pain. It was okay. If he did this afterward she could cope.
Then the hit to the other thigh was either slightly lessened in force or she was
getting used to it. She could feel him moving closer.
“That suffices your punishment, but to conclude this part of your testing tell
me where else could I have struck you?”
“The breasts.” Oh God. She hoped he wasn’t going to hit her there so soon
after the piercings. Putting that thought aside, she continued, “And front of the
thighs, Master.” Her mind went blank. Were there any other areas? “I—I think it
depends on the implement being used. You could hit one’s pussy like with the
“Very good.”
She sighed in relief that he was pleased.
“And which areas should be avoided?”
Thank God for the grilling from Ellie. “The back, particularly the lower

Ben turned back to Alex who gave a thumbs-up at Kat’s responses. He

frowned at him. She was doing too well. He needed to test her more. He dropped
the cane on the floor and un-cuffed her.
As he stepped back, she surprised him by kneeling in presentation
immediately. “Thank you for my punishment, Master.”
He was startled. She was certainly passing with flying colors, but did he
really want someone this submissive? He always thought he did, but part of him
wanted the Kat that resisted. He reached down to caress her hair. “The
gentleman in front of you is Master Alex. Tell us something you learned this
She didn’t hesitate. Well, it had only been that morning. He grunted. “That
your Dom might wish to share you with others.”
“Very good, and?”
Looking up at him, she appeared unsure for the first time. “And… and…” He
could see she was floundering. Then her eyes lit up. “The submissive is expected
to do this without hesitation unless they have stated in the contract that it is
something they are not prepared to do.”
“Precisely. But consider this. We haven’t drawn up a contract.” He left the
word “yet” hanging in the air. “What would you say if I now said that, despite
my earlier jealousy, I wish to share you with Master Alex so you get the full
sensation of being taken by two people?”
He saw her glance anxiously over to Alex before looking up at him. “I’ll do
whatever you advise, Master. I am new to this life and only want to do what
pleases you. Besides which, you are the expert.”
Lifting her to her feet, he cupped his hands around her face, chuckling. “That
is a very good answer, but I am not going to force you to do this. If you say you
are not ready, Alex will leave the room. It won’t make you fail the exam. But
once we start, you can’t change your mind.”
“I know, Master. I’m ready.”
He dropped his hands. She might be ready, but am I? He looked over at Alex,
who shrugged. They had briefly discussed a threesome, but it had only been an
idea. Well, he had worked with Alex before. It could work now.
Alex came forward, putting a gentle hand on Kat’s quivering back, and asked
gently, “Have you ever had anal sex?” She shook her head. “What about other
forms of anal penetration, plug or fingers?”
Ben looked at her intently. He was interested, too. If she has no experience,
this isn’t the time to start.
She cleared her throat. “A previous boyfriend used his fingers before
graduating to plugs. I think he wanted to work up to sex, but the relationship
fizzled out before we got that far, Sir.”
“And how long ago was that?” Ben held his breath, awaiting her answer to
Alex’s question. It was as important as no penetration at all.
“About eight months.”
He breathed out. It was okay. It wasn’t so long ago that it wasn’t possible.
“Would you like Alex or me to take you in the ass?”
Her answer came quickly. “You please.” She then looked over at Alex. “It’s
just that I don’t know you, Master Alex.”
Alex chuckled. “It’s quite all right.”
Ben reached an arm around her to lead her to the bed. As he did, he saw Alex
start to undress behind them and reached up to cup her face in his hands again
looking at her intently to make sure she really was okay with this. She looked
nervous but excited so he said, “The best way to do this is for Alex to lay on the
bed first. You will then straddle him, and he will work his cock into your pussy.
I will be behind you. As he rocks you on his cock, I will start to lube you and
only enter you when I think you are fully ready. Is that clear? Do you have any
She shook her head.
At least he thought she was shaking her head, but her body trembled so much
he wasn’t sure. “Sweetheart, I need you to clearly state you are willing to
Her voice was rather weak as she said, “I’m willing to continue, Masters.”
God, even now while she was scared, she was remembering the correct
honorific to both of them. He briefly bent his forehead to hers as Alex moved to
lie on the bed, and then took her lips in a gentle kiss. She tasted so sweet he
nearly called it off. Instead, raising his head, he softly slapped her butt. “Up you
As she climbed on to the bed and got on top of Alex, who was already
sporting a condom, Ben quickly shucked his clothes, grabbed hold of some lube
and another condom for himself. Turning back to the bed, he could see Alex was
tightly holding Kat’s hips and was helping her down on to him. Ben had a
moment of panic that she might not be wet enough until he remembered how
moist she had been earlier.
Watching, entranced, as Alex reached down to grab his cock to guide himself
into her more easily, he then heard her catch her breath. “Kat, is everything
okay?” Ben asked worried. She nodded. He groaned. He was going to have to
get her out of the habit of not responding verbally. “Tell me.”
“Yes, Master, I’m fine. Alex is just bigger than you.” She looked over at him
smiling wickedly. “But you’re longer.”
As he raised an eyebrow at her unusually sassy response, Alex swatted her on
the butt fairly hard, eliciting a cry, and Ben stated laughingly, “Serves you
She then cried out in arousal as Alex lifted his butt up to move within her.
Ben knelt on the bed behind her. “Whatever you do, don’t come without
permission,” he warned. “That fails the exam for once and for all.” This was
despite his earlier comment that not doing the ménage would not cause her to
fail the exam.
Looking around at him, frowning, she appeared to be trying to work out if he
was serious or just teasing. Actually, he was a bit of both. A tiny part of him still
wondered if she was the right submissive or not. He hoped she would pass this
final test, he so hoped. Then putting a hand on her back to push her forward onto
Alex’s chest, he leaned his head in to run his tongue around her puckered hole.
“Oh my God. What…”
He could tell she had been about to query what he was doing but had realized
she needed to ask permission first. He didn’t wait. “It’s called rimming.” He then
ran his tongue over her again, pushing in slightly.
“You like?”
Chuckling, he lubed his fingers and inserted two of them. She was relaxed
enough that he entered her easily. Holding a hand on her back, he let Alex move
them up and down, and as he did, Ben’s fingers rocked inside her. After a
moment, he removed them to get some more lube, inserting three fingers and
widening them inside to stretch her. Kat moaned. He couldn’t tell if it was from
what he was doing, what Alex was doing, or both.
Removing his fingers for the final time, he moved closer, aligning his cock
with her anus. “It’s time, my love.” Taking hold of her waist, he pushed slowly
into her tight hole. He felt her tense up. “Shh, try to relax.”
“Permission to speak, Master.”
Ben agreed, worried she was now going to say her safe word.
“How can I relax when my insides are stuffed with both of you moving back
and forth so sensuously?”
He and Alex both chuckled. “I’ll forgive you that indiscretion since I allowed
it, but remember the Dom knows what he is doing. So when I say relax, it’s
because you will enjoy it more. By relaxing, the pain will ease, trust me.” With
that, he reached around to softly flick a nipple ring.
She cried out, “Oh Jeez.”
As his balls hit her buttocks as he finally sheathed himself fully inside her,
Ben felt a jolt of desire travel through her body. Or it could have been his. Either
way he was in all the way and it was incredible. He then pulled out slightly
while Alex pushed in and vice versa, buffeting her body back and forth, always
one of them fully inside her. Ben was holding her around the waist, another hand
on her breast, softly fondling her nipple. Alex held her hip with one hand and
reached down to stroke her clit. She trembled in response.
“Oh dear God in Heaven. Please let me come.”
“A little longer, sweetheart.”
“Pleeease…” Her entreaties didn’t work. He gave no permission. Both men
just chuckled as they continued their rocking movement. Alex nodded to Ben,
and they both thrust harder, quicker, their bodies moving in tandem.
She was holding her climax back by sheer will, her body shaking violently,
fingers digging into Alex’s chest. Her keening whimpers resounded around the
room. Finally Ben relented.
“Come for me, kitten,” he whispered.
Ben felt Kat’s body shoot off into the stratosphere as she cried out, “I love
She was having her usual dream of seeing Ben across the room, the crowds
parting before him and the noise drifting away as he walked slowly toward her,
their eyes seeing no one but each other. However, this time she was naked and
kneeling, eagerly awaiting his arrival, her pussy bare, nipples pierced with pearl
“Kat? Come on, my love. Come back to me.”
Her head was fuzzy as if she had been sleeping, but her eyes were open. Ben
was behind her, holding her tight to his body, nuzzling her shoulder, one hand
idly fingering an aching nipple. Her body thrummed in response, and she looked
around as she suddenly remembered what had just happened. Alex was nowhere
to be seen. “What?” She turned. “Where is Master Alex?”
“You’ve been in sub-space, my love. Alex left a few minutes ago.”
Reaching a hand up to his cheek, she said softly, “That was amazing,
incredible.” She then bit her lip. “May I ask if I have passed the exam, Master?”
She felt tears gather in her eyes in case he said no.
Instead, he bent his head and kissed her lightly on the lips. “My darling, you
have so passed the exam you have set the bar very high for any future subs. Not
that I am going to take any other subs,” he finished quickly as she frowned. He
reached a hand to cup her head. “I want no one else apart from you. I love you so
much. You have crawled into my life and my heart and clung on like a tenacious
kitten refusing to let go.”
She chuckled at this description.
“If I have any formative criticism to give…”
Her heart beat rapidly.
“It would be to say don’t be too good at everything I show you, or I’ll have
no reason to demonstrate how the other types of punishment work.” They both
laughed, and Ben continued more seriously, “I like your determined attitude.
And I admit the reason I always got bored with the other subs I had was because
they didn’t have attitude, didn’t make me work for it.” He took a deep breath.
“So, my darling, I’m never letting you go now. This green collar tells everyone
you are my submissive and hopefully one day my wife.”
And so Kat’s daydream came true without anyone moving across a crowded
room to muted noise!


Jennifer is English and lives in a lovely historical city in the UK. Other than
writing, her interests include reading (Naturally! She always has at least one
book on the go, if not one by her bed, one by the bath, and one in the lounge.) all
things historical including genealogy, which she has done for many, many years,
watching films (particularly sci-fi), gardening, jigsaw puzzles, and walking. She
lives with her pet rabbit, who is thoroughly spoilt. Jennifer says she wants to
come back as her own rabbit in the next life—unfortunately that would mean she
still needs to be alive herself. Maybe there is a time-travel story there…
This is her fourth book, the second in the Doms and Acquaintances series
with cross-over characters to the Friends and Acquaintances series.
Jennifer would love to hear from her readers. E-mail her
at or visit her blog: http://jennifer-

Also by Jennifer Denys

Siren Classic: Friends and Acquaintances 1: Just Good Friends
Siren Classic: Friends and Acquaintances 2: Friendly Seduction
Siren Classic: Doms and Acquaintances 1: The Submission Challenge

Available at
Siren Publishing, Inc.

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