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April 30, 2024

President Biden and President Obama -

We reach out to you as former Obama-Biden administration and campaign alumni to express our
concerns about your continued support for Israel’s war on Gaza and the upcoming elections. We
are writing to you together because we see you both as our leaders with tremendous influence
over the fate of Palestinians and our democratic society here in America. We implore you both to
lead now before our democracy and the world backslide further into war and authoritarianism.

President Biden, you, not uncommitted voters or third-party candidates, are risking a Trump
presidency and our democracy by defending the war crimes and agenda of a foreign far-right
government. You are ignoring the growing majority of Democratic voters who recognize Israel’s
war in Gaza as a genocide and demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire. You are
abandoning your duty to represent us—the majority. You are responsible for the consequences of
your own actions and inactions.

Your actions and decisions have enabled the following in the last seven months:
● The annihilation of Gaza. Israel’s disproportionate military campaign has destroyed
schools, hospitals, churches, mosques, and killed more than 35,000 Palestinians
(15,000 children). Over 13,000 people remain missing under the rubble.
● The continued risk to Israeli hostage lives. 36 hostages have already been killed.
● The murder of over 130 journalists and 700 aid/health workers with impunity,
including the targeted killing of World Central Kitchen staffers.
● The continued starvation of Palestinians, according to the UN’s Office of Humanitarian
Affairs, because of Israel’s delays and restrictions on aid convoys.
● The undermining and repeated violation of international law, including our own laws
such as the Foreign Assistance Act, Arms Export Control Act (AECA), the Leahy Law,
and the National Security Memorandum (NSM-20).
● The escalation of a potential regional war and anti-American sentiments.
Your rhetoric with respect to humanitarian concerns is undermined by your consistent and
deliberate policy of sending unconditional military aid to Israel and shielding them from facing
any consequences for their war crimes. Your words of “concern” over Israel’s largest illegal land
seizures in the West Bank (where Hamas does not operate) were completely invalidated when
you immediately followed them by approving the transfer of 2,000 pound bombs and artillery to
Israel. Your casual dismissal of Netanyahu’s stated ambition to invade Rafah is reckless. Your
failure to condemn Israel's attack on Iran’s embassy in Syria puts U.S. diplomats at risk.

The policies you defend have failed morally, politically, and strategically to achieve the stated
objective of defeating Hamas (whom Netanyahu repeatedly propped up, at the expense of other
Palestinian voices) militarily. The U.S. is a lone pariah standing on the wrong side of history.

Real policy actions, like ending U.S. military assistance, are necessary to be in compliance with
U.S. law and to force Israel to allow full humanitarian aid access into Gaza, desist their Rafah
invasion plans, cease illegal West Bank settlements, and agree to a deal that releases hostages on
both sides and ends the invasion of Palestine once and for all. A ground offensive in Rafah
would be a bloodbath and further provoke a regional war Americans do not want.

President Obama, you said we “can’t just talk and not listen...that’s what the other side does.” We
are listening. We have been listening to this administration in disbelief for nearly seven months–
justifying a failed approach, funding and weaponizing war crimes, undermining international
laws and the UN, and demonstrating a complete lack of “moral clarity.” We have listened to the
UN, the ICJ, world leaders, human rights lawyers, and the millions protesting around the world.

We listened to you, President Obama, when you rightly said (in 2013) that Palestinians deserve
rights, like Israelis, and to be free of occupation—a position most other presidents take only after
leaving office. How can you now justify this administration openly supporting occupation and
working to deny Palestinian statehood? How can you present such an unjust contrast between the
lives of Israelis and Palestinians, saying “We unequivocally support the people of Israel and their
ability to live and raise families and…have our hearts broken— watching innocent people being
killed and trying to manage through.” We presume those “innocent people” whom you did not
name in this statement are Palestinians. We have also noticed President Biden’s reticence to use
the word “Palestinians” when talking about the innocent victims of this war. Palestinians, too,
deserve unequivocal support to live and raise families. Decades of Palestinians getting “killed”
and “trying to manage through” is an inhumane status quo that we and the rest of the world are
no longer willing to tolerate. Their erasure and dehumanization are unacceptable.

Presidents Biden and Obama, we are seven months from a defining election in America’s
democracy. As your former staffers, the choice should be clear. We should be your biggest
advocates. And yet, it is difficult for us to feel inspired by or advocate for a presidential
candidate who responds to the widespread outrage over this war with empty words while
enabling it financially and militarily.

President Biden, as voters, we have a moral imperative to hold you accountable for enabling
Israel’s war crimes with our taxpayer dollars. We do not want to settle for a presidential
candidate who is blurring the lines that once differentiated him from “the other
side”—undermining international law and institutions, allowing Congress to pass laws to
suppress our voices, gaslighting us on the war crimes we are witnessing take place, and peddling
misinformation at the expense of human lives.

This letter serves as a final plea for you to course correct and serve the interests of your
constituencies, address our concerns and be on the right side of history–both for the sake of the
Palestinian people and the future of our democracy. Free speech and historic grassroots-led
movements for humanity and liberation cannot be undermined. And the Democratic coalition
cannot be allowed to unravel further in favor of a foreign government and its lobbyists.

We, the American voters, can help you win. But it will take a shift in policies (see the attached
appendix), not empty rhetoric, to earn our votes back. Stand with us for human rights,
democracy, and humanity.

With hope for a more just and peaceful world,

Appendix: Recommended Policy Actions on Israel & Occupied Palestine
This appendix is an addition, based on feedback and input from signatories. An updated version
of this letter and appendix was shared with all signatories. The previous letter sent in November
2023, for which this current letter is a follow-up, was also shared with all signatories.

1. Suspend military assistance to Israel to prevent them from invading Rafah and to
compel a permanent ceasefire. Even if this does not stop Israel, it is an important step that
should have been taken earlier to not allow them to get this far. Israel has committed
violations of international humanitarian law, and U.S. laws and policies, including FAA,
Leahy Law, AECA and NSM-20.

2. Call for a permanent ceasefire and withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza and the
West Bank. Push for a deal to free Israeli hostages and imprisoned Palestinian civilians,
allow Palestinians to move freely back to their neighborhoods across Gaza and get
unrestricted access to aid, and condemn any potential plans for settlements in Gaza.

3. Increase sanctions and publicly condemn illegal Israeli settlements and settler
violence in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

4. Recognize Palestine as a UN member state, and not be the only country to, again, veto
this basic step that is foundational to future peace talks between Israel and Palestine. The
baseline recognition of Palestinian existence as a people should not be seen or advised as
zero sum—those who do are effectively against recognizing Palestinian statehood. Peace,
for Israelis and Palestinians, is only possible when the occupation ends.

5. Stop coercing international bodies and forums like the ICC, ICJ and UN to provide a
diplomatic shield to Israel, which perpetuates impunity for their war crimes and
undermines America’s standing among the global community.

6. Urge Congress to reinstate funding to UNRWA. Diverting funding through the World
Food Program is detrimental to the long-term sustainability of UNRWA, which supports
almost 6 million Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Syria and Jordan.

7. Condemn and counter the dehumanization of Palestinians. Israeli government

officials have used words like “human animal,” “Amalek” and “children of the dark” to
dehumanize Palestinians. President Biden has yet to condemn such blatant racism, which
condones such hateful rhetoric towards Arabs and Muslims globally. Promote a narrative
that sees Israeli and Palestinian lives as equally worthy of life, safety, peace and freedom.
Signed with names:

1. Jaqueline Wang, Deputy Director, White House Initiative on Educational

Excellence for Hispanics, US Department of Education

2. Marrianne McMullen, Deputy Assistant Secretary for External Affairs,

Administration for Children & Families, Dept. Health and Human Services (HHS)

3. David Johns, OFA (‘12); White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for
African Americans, Department of Education

4. Jenn Watts, National Deputy Political Director, OFA HQ (‘08); National Security
Director, Office of Presidential Personnel, White House

5. CJ Schellack, Regional Field Director, OFA IN (‘08); Acting Policy Director,

Middle East North Africa Office, National Security Council, White House

6. Rumana Ahmed, Senior Advisor to the Deputy National Security Advisor, National
Security Council, White House

7. Mollie Ruskin, Co-founder, US Digital Service, OMB, White House

8. Alyse Conn-Powers, Director of Military Correspondence, OPC, White House

9. Valentina Pereda, Special Advisor, US Small Business Administration; Deputy

Director of Hispanic Media, White House

10. Zaki Barzinji, Senior Associate Director & White House Liaison to
Muslim-Americans and Arab-Americans, Office of Public Engagement

11. Sara El-Amine, Regional Director, National Training Director OFA (’08-‘12);
National Organizing Director (‘12-’14); Executive Director, OFA (‘14-’16)

12. Sana Hussain, Sen. Obama Senate Office Staff, Volunteer (’08, ’12) Assistant
Director, White House, USAID (8 years)

13. Brian Highsmith, Policy Advisor, National Economic Council, White House

14. Sarah Hunter, Field Organizer, OFA MO (‘08); Policy Advisor, Office of the
Secretary, Dept. Housing and Urban Development

15. Taylor Fiscus, Regional Ops Director, SW, HQ (‘08); Deputy White House Liaison,
Environmental Protection Agency; Associate Director of White House Personnel

16. Bonnie Kwon, Deputy Regional Director, White House Initiative on Asian
Americans & Pacific Islanders

17. Parag Mehta, DNC Director of External Communication (‘08); Chief of Staff,
Office of the Surgeon General, Department of Health and Human Services
18. Paige Shevlin, Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, National
Economic Council, White House

19. Zaid Hassan, Deputy Get-Out-The-Vote Director, OFA IA (‘12); Assistant Director,
White House Business Council, Office of Public Engagement, White House

20. Nina Anziska, Regional Field Director, OFA CO (‘12)

21. Mo Maraqa, Data Director, OFA

22. Sarah Austino, OFA NH (‘12)

23. Alison Babula, Volunteer, OFA (‘12)

24. Saranjit Banga, Field Organizer, OFA IA (‘12)

25. Jamil Barton, Field Organizer, OFA OH (‘08)

26. Luca Barton, Field Organizer, OFA MI, OFA OH (‘08)

27. Kathryn Bassier Witherington, Field Organizer, OFA NV (‘08)

28. Marybeth Benton, Intern, White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ)

29. Gillian Bergeron, Deputy Field Director, CO (‘08); Field Director, OFA HQ (‘12)

30. Ariel Boone, Regional Field Director, PA (‘12); Intern, White House Council on
Environmental Quality

31. Romen Borsellino, OFA IA (‘08, ‘12); Special Assistant, Office of the Secretary,
Department of the Interior

32. Rashida Tlaib, Arab American Vote Director, OFA MI (‘08)

33. Hala Bouhafa, Social Media Volunteer, OFA (‘08, ‘12)

34. Helen Boyer, Staff Assistant, DNC (‘12); Assistant, Department of Education

35. Alma Arteaga, Field Organizer, CO (‘12); Domestic Policy Council, White House

36. Irving Burbano, Field Organizer, OFA NM (‘12)

37. Melinda Burrell, Deputy Regional GOTV Director, OFA VA (‘12)

38. Miya Cain, Field Organizer, OFA NV (‘08); Policy Analyst, Administration for
Children and Families, Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS)

39. Brad Caldana, Digital Strategy, OFA HQ (‘12)

40. Roza Calderon, OFA CA (‘08, ‘12)

41. Asha Carter, Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff, Office of the Administrator,
Environmental Protection Agency

42. Jamiah Adams, Volunteer, OFA CA, NV, TX (‘08); Content Manager, DNC

43. Marya Carter, Intern, Office of Presidential Correspondence, White House

44. Sara Cederberg, Digital Director, OFA MI (‘12)

45. Ken Chapman, OFA OH (‘08); OFA AZ (‘12)

46. Arun Chaudhary, New Media Road Director & Videographer, White House

47. Chris Choi, Senior Advertising Strategist, OFA HQ (‘12)

48. Lauren Coffee, Deputy Field Directory, OFA NV (‘12); Texas State Director,
Organizing for America (2013-2014)

49. Maria Cole, OFA FL (‘08); Mega volunteer, OFA (‘12)

50. Tracey Corder, OFA WI (‘12)

51. Elvis Cordova, Regional GOTV Field Director, OFA FL (‘12); Deputy Under
Secretary, Marketing & Regulatory Programs, US Department of Agriculture

52. André Crombie, Field Organizer, OFA FL (‘12)

53. Marion Cunningham, Producer, OFA HQ (‘12)

54. Samantha Dakoulas, Field Organizer, OFA NH (‘12)

55. Susan Davidoff, Volunteer, OFA MA (‘12)

56. Danielle Dean, Intern, OPC, White House

57. Nicole Derse, National Training Director, Organizing for America (2009-2011);
Field Director, OFA WI (‘08); Deputy State Director/Political Desk/Regional Field
Director, OFA NH, SC, DE, VA, MD, RI (‘12)

58. Julio Diaz, Field Organizer, OFA

59. Ryan Dolan, Incoming Phone Call Volunteer, OFA HQ (‘08)

60. Kiah Duggins, Intern, Office of the First Lady, White House

61. Greg Dyer, Modeling Analyst, OFA HQ (‘12)

62. Sara Eckhouse, Field Organizer, OFA OG (‘08); Legislative Assistant and Assistant
to the Senate Liaison, Office of Legislative Affairs, White House; Senior Advisor to
the Secretary, US Dept. of Agriculture

63. Thomas Francis, Speechwriter, Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS)

64. Tanisha Humphrey, Deputy White House Liaison, Advisor to the Secretary,
Department of Labor

65. Georgette Furukawa, Advisor, Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental

Affairs, Department of Energy

66. Elizabeth Kim, AAPI Vote Deputy Director, OFA HQ (‘08); Director, Office of the
Executive Secretariat, Department of Labor

67. Aracely Macias , Associate Director, Department of Health and Human Services

68. Ashwani Jain, Student Director (‘08); Field Director (‘12); Cancer Moonshot
Director of Outreach, White House; Associate Director, HHS; Deputy White House
Liaison, HUD

69. Cheryl Ellis, Staging Location Director, OFA (‘08); Field Organizer, OFA (‘12);
State Coordinator, OFA (2013-2014)

70. Garrett Fardon, Deputy Data Director, OFA IA (‘12)

71. Amna Farooqi, Intern, OPE/IGA, White House

72. Faizan Faruq, Data Project Manager, DNC (2010-’12)

73. Ian Ferguson, National Regional Data Director, OFA HQ (‘12); Field Organizer

74. Erin Fitzgerald, Civil Rights Specialist, Presidential Correspondence, White House

75. Cyndy Flores, Assistant to COO, OFA HQ (‘12)

76. Sumi Folz, Field Organizer, OFA NM (‘08)

77. Anna Franklin, Field Organizer & Regional GOTV Director, OFA PA (‘08, ‘12);
Advisor, Human Capital and Talent Management, USAID & White House PPO

78. Rev. Kate Froehlich, OFA NH (‘12)

79. Sarah Gerstenberger, Staff Accountant, OFA HQ (‘12)

80. Darrol Gibson, Field Organizer, OFA WI (‘12)

81. Matty Greene, Videographer, OFA-HQ (‘12); Videographer, Department of Energy;
Intern, Office of Digital Strategy, The White House

82. Alison Griffin, Regional Field Director, OFA NC (‘08)

83. Kallie Hanley, Finance Marketing Assistant, OFA HQ (‘08); Senior Advisor to the
Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs, The Department of the Interior

84. Julie Hardiker-Wilkison, OFA MO (‘08)

85. Jeffrey Harry, Regional Field Director, OFA CA

86. Stanley Williams, Field Organizer, MO (‘08); Youth & LGBT Vote Director, NV

87. Derek Hartnett, Intern, Social Office, White House

88. Judith Heilman, State Director, Montana, OFA MT (‘12)

89. Reza Hessabi, Field Organizer, OFA CO (‘12)

90. Colin Hicks, Regional Field Director, OFA WI (‘08) & OFA PA (‘12)

91. Katie Howland, Intern, Office of the Vice President, White House

92. Vanity Jenkins, Volunteer, OFA NJ (‘08)

93. Stephanie Jimenez, Volunteer, OFA TX (‘08)

94. Paul John, Field Organizer, OFA PA (‘12)

95. Rashida Kamal, Special Assistant to the Director, White House Fellows Office

96. Tesoro Kanwit, Call Center Coordinator, OFA HQ (‘12)

97. Amy Keegan Safranek, Statewide Deputy Field Director, OFA FL (‘12)

98. Kari Khoury, Volunteer Coordinator, OFA CA (‘08, ‘12)

99. Patricia King, Field Organizer, OFA IN (‘08)

100. Zoe Kipping, Deputy Regional Field Director, OFA CA (‘12)

101. Victoria Kirby York, Field Organizer, OFA (‘12)

102. Vanessa Knox, Field Organizer, OFA WI (‘12)

103. Sean Knox, Field Organizer, OFA CA (‘08); Data Director, CA & HQ (2009-2010)
104. Jacqueline Kowalik, Regional Field Director, OFA PA (2009-2011)

105. Mercedes Krimme, Field Organizer, OFA NH (‘12)

106. Sara Kunitake, Data Director, OFA NM (‘08)

107. Grace Lesser, Field Organizer, OFA (‘08); Intern, White House

108. Linda Leu, Field Organizer, OFA NM (‘08)

109. Igor Limansky, State Director, OFA (‘12)

110. Katrina Lipinsky, Field organizer, OFA NH (‘12)

111. Joseph Lorwin, Deputy GOTV Director, OFA NH (‘08, ‘12)

112. Aidan Lukomnik, Fellow, OFA NH (‘12)

113. Anna Markowski, Deputy Field Director, OFA MO (‘08)

114. Philip Martin, Field Organizer, OFA OH (‘08); Director, Department of Education

115. Gopika Mavalankar, Intern, Domestic Policy Council, White House

116. Scott Melamed, Field Organizer, OFA NV (‘08)

117. Tania Mendes, Volunteer, OFA NH (‘08); Advance Team, White House

118. Danielle Meyer, Volunteer, OFA WI (‘08)

119. Michelle Meza, Scheduler, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

120. Andy Michaels, Deputy Director of Scheduling, Environmental Protection Agency

121. Jenny Miller, Field Organizer, OFA IN (‘08)

122. Jamila Mitchell, Field Organizer, OFA (‘12)

123. Steven Montoya, Field Organizer, NM (‘08); Regional Field Director, FL (‘12)

124. Kenneth Myers, Field Organizer, OFA (‘12)

125. Dorie Nolt, Press Secretary, US Department of Education

126. Lauren North, Field Organizer, OFA NM, ND, WI (‘08); Regional Field Director,
CO (‘12); Public Affairs Specialist, Department of Labor

127. Nikki Norton, Field Organizer, OFA (‘08); State Director, OFA (2010)

128. Katherine Nowak, Regional Field Director, OFA ND, OFA WI ('08)
129. Morgan O'Neill, Volunteer, President of UNH Students for Obama, NH (‘08)

130. Laura Olin, Outbound Director, OFA HQ (‘12)

131. Lizette Olmos Godfrey, OFA (‘08); Political Appointee (‘12)

132. Felicity Pereyra, Deputy Data Director, OFA CO (‘12)

133. Sharon Ponton, Volunteer, OFA VA (‘08, ‘12)

134. Rob Quan, Field Organizer, OFA NV (‘08)

135. Leslie Ramirez, Intern, OPEIGA, White House

136. Matthew Riemer, Regional Field Director, OFA NH (‘08)

137. Billy Rinehart, OFA NC (‘08, ‘12)

138. Michael Rivero, Field Organizer, OFA FL (‘12)

139. Mika Rothman, Field Organizer, OFA WA (‘08); Project Manager, OFA HQ (‘12);

140. Raul Sanchez, Analyst, OPC, White House

141. Matthew Saniie, Battleground States Election Analyst, OFA

142. Suzanne Sapp-Snurpus, Regional Field Director, OFA TN, OFA FL (‘12)

143. April Saylor, Digital Outreach Strategist, Public Affairs, Department of Energy

144. Jordan Scruggs, Digital Lead, OFA TN (‘12)

145. Kate Scully Field, OFA VA

146. Amber Seira, Special Advisor, Office of Government Contracting and Business
Development, U.S. Small Business Administration

147. Kara Severson, Volunteer, OFA CA, OFA NV (‘08); Volunteer, OFA HQ (‘12)

148. Andrew Shuford, Videographer, OFA HQ (‘12)

149. Morgan Smith Lit Dropper, OFA MI (‘08, ‘12)

150. Kelly Snyder, Finance Assistant, OFA CA (‘12)

151. Frank So, Advance, White House

152. Areesa Somani, Intern, Office of Presidential Correspondence, White House

153. Evan Sutton, Regional Field Director, OFA NV (‘08)

154. Mike Sweeney, Field Organizer, OFA PA (‘12)

155. Megan Tackney, Special Advisor to Acting Assistant Secretary, Administration for
Children and Families, US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

156. Yasmine Taeb, Field Organizer, OFA VA (‘12)

157. Jonathan Teeters, Rural Director, OFA AK (‘08)

158. Noma Thayer, DNC/HQ Data (‘12); Data Director, OFA CO (‘08)

159. Melissa Topacio Long, AAPI & Youth Outreach WA (‘08)

160. Marla Trinidad, Intern, White House

161. Jennifer Warner, Deputy Field Director, OFA OH (‘12)

162. Emma West Rasmus, Volunteer, OFA NH (‘08)

163. Mary Wood; Regional Field Director, OFA CO (‘12)

164. Alvina Yeh, Deputy Regional Field Director, OFA CO (‘12)

165. Nicole Young, Regional Field Director, OFA MI (‘08); Staff Assistant, Presidential
Personnel Office, White House

166. Alexandra Zeitz-Moskin, Regional Field Director, OFA NH (‘12)

167. Salim Shariff, Deputy Digital Director, OFA OH (‘12); Digital Advisor to the
Secretary, Dept of. Health and Human Services

168. Xanthe Hilton, Fellow, OFA NH, OFA OH (‘08); Field Organizer, OFA MI (‘12)

169. Alex Hoekstra, Lead Field, OFA OR (‘08)

170. Bill Wanjohi, Database Administrator, OFA (‘12)

171. Vanessa Olson, OFA OH (‘12)

172. Matthew Geske , Fellow, OFA VA (‘08)

173. Chelsea Zhang, Special Projects Analyst, OFA (‘12)

174. Gita Ram, Special Assistant, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs,
Department of Labor

175. M Roberts, Special Assistant and Briefing Book Coordinator, U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development
176. Nicole Grigg, Special Assistant, Office of the Undersecretary for Management and
Performance, Department of Energy

177. Samir Doshi, Senior Scientist, USAID

178. Kass Bessert, Data/Tech Director, ‘12 (IA), OFA (NV), ‘08 (CA, OR, WA, SD, FL)

179. KyNam Miller, OFA 2008 Field Organizer

180. Taneisha Roby, Associate Director, Public Engagement, Department of


Signed anonymously:

181. Special Assistant to the President, Domestic Policy Council, White House

182. National Co-Chair; Deputy Director, White House

183. Assistant Director, White House Business Council, White House

184. Regional Field Director, OFA WI (‘08); Deputy Director of Policy, Office of the
First Lady, White House

185. Deputy Policy Director for Immigration, White House

186. Director of Labor Policy, National Economic Council, White House

187. State Policy Director, OFA GA (‘08); Speechwriter, Department of Defense

188. Political Director, OFA NV (‘08); Regional Political Director, White House

189. Advisor, National Economic Council, White House

190. Field Organizer & Jewish Vote Director, IN (‘08); Deputy Field Director, MN (‘10)

191. Director of Operations, Advance Representative, Dept. of Homeland Security

192. Deputy Field Director, OFA WI (‘08); Deputy White House Liaison, Office of the
Secretary, Department of Education

193. Associate Director of Legislative & Intergovernmental Affairs, Department of


194. Regional Field Director, OFA OH (‘08, ‘12); Director of Scheduling and Advance,
Office of the Attorney General, US Department of Justice
195. State Director, Organizing for America CA (‘08-’12); State Director, CA (‘12)

196. Youth Vote Director, OFA IA (‘12)

197. Field Organizer, OFA PA, OFA MI, OFA OH (‘08); Staffer, OMB, US Department
of Homeland Security (DHS); Council on Environmental Quality, White House

198. Senior Advisor, International Affairs, Dept of Treasury

199. Senior Advisor, US Department of State

200. Director of Digital Content, Department of Education

201. Field Organizer, OFA CO (‘08); Research Associate, OFA HQ (‘12); Director of
Operations and Photo Editor, White House

202. Campus Organizer, OFA IA (‘08)

203. Regional Field Director, OFA WI (‘08); Confidential Assistant, US Department of

Education Office of the Secretary

204. Chief of Staff, Elementary & Secondary Education, Department of Education

205. Member of the DNC National Finance Committee

206. Field Organizer, OFA IN (‘08)

207. Deputy Field Organizer, OFA IA (‘12)

208. Confidential Assistant, OPEPD, U.S. Department of Education

209. Analytics Engineer, OFA HQ(‘12)

210. Deputy Regional Field Director, OFA CO (‘12)

211. Staff Assistant, Office of the Chief of Staff, US Department of State

212. Special Assistant, Counselor’s Office, USAID

213. Intern, OPE/IGA, White House

214. Staffer, IGA, White House

215. Field Organizer, OFA VA (‘12)

216. Confidential Assistant, Office of Management and Budget, White House

217. Field Organizer, OFA NV (‘08)

218. Advance Associate, White House

219. Digital Rapid Response, OFA HQ

220. National Social Media Account Manager, OFA HQ (‘12)

221. VFM, OFA MT (‘08); Analyst, OFA HQ (‘12)

222. Director, OFA HQ (‘12); OFA IN (‘08)

223. Organizer, OFA MO (‘08); Intern, Office of Public Engagement, White House

224. Field Organizer, PA (‘08); GOTV Director, PA (‘12); Senior Advisor, USAID

225. Staffer, OFA VA (‘12)

226. Speechwriting Intern, OVP, White House

227. Field Organizer, OFA VA (‘12)

228. Deputy Field Organizer, OFA NC (‘12)

229. Special Assistant, Office of General Counsel, NASA

230. Volunteer, OFA (‘08)

231. Intergovernmental Affairs Coordinator, Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS)

232. Volunteer, OFA WI (‘08)

233. Deputy Data Director, OFA PA (‘12)

234. Regional Field Director, OFA IL (‘12)

235. Volunteer, OFA

236. State Field Director, OFA AZ (‘12)

237. Deputy Digital Director, OFA (2013-2015); Digital Program Manager OFA
(2011-12); Deputy Field Director, OFA (2010-2011); Field Organizer, OFA ‘08’

238. Field Organizer, OFA MI (‘08)

239. Field Organizer, OFA NM (‘08); Intern, White House

240. Border State Director, OFA CO (‘08)

241. Volunteer, OFA

242. Data Director, OFA NC (‘12)

243. Field Organizer, OFA

244. State Director, OFA (‘12)

245. Senior Counselor

246. Field Organizer, OFA (‘08)

247. Operations Director, OFA FL (‘08); Legislative Liaison, NASA

248. Field Director, OFA NC

249. Organizer, OFA NM (‘08)

250. Field Organizer, OFA FL (‘08); Youth Advisor, USAID

251. Field Organizer, OFA CO (‘12)

252. Regional GOTV Director, OFA NC (‘08, ‘12)

253. Outbound Campaigner, OFA HQ (‘12)

254. Field Organizer, OFA VA

255. New Media, OFA (‘08)

256. Field Director, OFA MI (‘12)

257. Senior Policy Advisor, Department of State

258. Office of the Vice President (Biden)

259. Congressional Staff Assistant, White House of Presidential Personnel

260. Regional Field Director, WI (‘08); Senior Advisor, US Department of Agriculture

261. Field Organizer, OFA NH (‘12)

262. Intern, Office of Presidential Correspondence, White House

263. Intern, White House Personnel, White House

264. Regional Field Director, OFA Colorado 2012

265. Senior Advisor, Department of Health and Human Services

266. Intern, OFA MI (‘08)

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